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Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14


Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five

eco-labels in the Netherlands
Mariëtte van Amstel*, Peter Driessen, Pieter Glasbergen
Universiteit Utrecht, P.O. Box 80.115, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Received 10 July 2006; accepted 24 July 2006


Eco-labels have become commonplace instruments of self-regulation. This paper analyzes five food labels with respect to the reliability of
their information. A new method to analyze reliability is developed. For each label, four aspects are examined: (1) mention of biodiversity; (2)
reference to rule of law to assure buyers’ confidence; (3) notification of farmers’ compliance; and (4) information on ecological impact. The
analysis reveals that eco-labels fail to communicate adequately; they do not diminish the information gap between seller and buyer. The
main shortcomings of the eco-labels were found in their ambiguity about environmental themes, their failure to assure the buyer about the pro-
duct’s ecological impact, the insufficient information about producers’ compliance, and presence of recommendations.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Eco-label; Information asymmetry; Consumer assurance; Producer compliance; Environmental impact

1. Introduction friendly than it really is? [4]. Eco-labeling is a means to nar-

row the information gap: independent third parties assure the
Imagine someone who wants to buy an environmentally consumer that the producer has complied with published,
friendly product. He or she cannot be sure which environmen- transparent, environmentally friendly standards.
tal problems are addressed by the product or how environmen- Eco-labels are self-regulatory information instruments [5].
tally friendly the production method is [1]. In other words, Since the 1980s, self-regulation has been increasingly adopted
there is information asymmetry between the seller and the as an alternative to governmental command-and-control re-
buyer: the buyer is unable to identify the environmental friend- gimes. A considerable amount of research has been done on
liness of the production method by the look, taste, or smell of the effectiveness of self-regulatory instruments, and this paper
the product. A producer who sells a product can assure con- should be read in the context of that debate. Several advan-
sumers of an environmentally friendly production method by tages of self-regulation are mentioned here. These include
providing information about these ‘credence goods’ [2]. But flexibility and sensitivity to the market, responsiveness, the
can a buyer trust a seller’s word? Credence goods allow a pro- producer’s willingness to comply, standards anticipating the
ducer to engage in opportunistic behavior, especially when the most recent technology, and efficiency [3,5,6e9]. On the other
buyer is willing to pay a higher price [3]. How can a buyer hand, the literature also highlights some disadvantages. For in-
protect himself from a company that is ‘green-washing’dthat stance, self-regulation is said to be deceptive; it serves corpo-
is, selling a product that seems to be more environmentally rate interests instead of the public good. Furthermore, it is an
inadequate means to tackle complex environmental problems.
In most cases, the standards are neither binding nor transpar-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ31 (0)30 253 3398; fax: þ31 (0)30 253 2746.
ent, while both enforcement and punishment are ineffective.
E-mail addresses: m.vanamstel@geo.uu.nl (M. van Amstel), p.driessen@ In addition to this the abundant amount of environmental
geo.uu.nl (P. Driessen), p.glasbergen@geo.uu.nl (P. Glasbergen). friendly labels, logos and brands are perceived by consumers

0959-6526/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

2 M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14

as confusing [5,10e13]. All these pros and cons revolve 3. How and to what extent do eco-labels enforce farmers’
around the issue of assurance: the reliability of voluntary compliance?
agreements [14]. 4. How and to what extent is the environmental impact of an
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the assurance problem eco-label measured and monitored?
of eco-labeling schemes. It examines the extent to which eco-
labels narrow the information gap between sellers and buyers To answer the first subquestion, we need to know the extent
with regard to the environmental friendliness of a product. to which labeling schemes of eco-labels specify measures to
Five Dutch agro-food labels have been selected for an analysis conserve agrobiodiversity and promote its sustainability. An
of their content. They were examined in terms of their infor- eco-label usually has several labeling schemes. A labeling
mation on biodiversity and the assurances they offer buyers scheme is a document with the production standards for
with respect to their trustworthiness. With trustworthiness or a group of products. In this research only the labeling schemes
reliability of an eco-label we mean that the standards of an for arable farming are investigated.
eco-label are clear, that producers comply with these standards Van Amstel et al. [23] have designed an index of arable
during the production process and that there is an ecological farming measures pertinent to biodiversity. Their focus on
impact on the environment. Consumers should be able to arable farming reflects the context of governmental policy.
rely on producers’ information in their purchasing decision Compared to policy on animal husbandry, the arable farming
[15,16]. The findings of this research have a broader signifi- policy is relatively straightforward. Notably, it has fewer con-
cance than The Netherlands: three of the five selected eco- flictual issues to address, animal diseases being the most in-
labels maintain standards on arable farming that have also transigent of these. The index is based on the ecological
been introduced in other countries. literature and the governmental agrobiodiversity policy that
Biodiversity is selected as the environmental theme this pa- aims to ‘stimulate’ farmers to produce more agrobiodiver-
per focuses on. About 81% of the Dutch (compared to 80% of sity-friendly [24e26], but also on the expert opinion of 14
the 15 ‘old’ EU countries) is very or rather worried about bio- scientists. These physical scientists shared, compared, and
diversity loss, besides which 62% of the Dutch people worry complemented their knowledge about agrobiodiversity in
about Genetic Modified Organisms in their food [17]. Biodi- a Group Decision Room. First, they identified ten farming ac-
versity in agricultural areas (called ‘agrobiodiversity’) is a crit- tivities that they considered significant for agrobiodiversity
ical issue for agro-food eco-labeling schemes. We consider management. In addition, the experts allocated about 175
several environmental themes that consumers worry about, management measures to these ten categories.
such as too much fertilizer or crop protection agents on prod- For the first subquestion, a desk study was carried out. This
ucts, relevant for agrobiodiversity loss. Modern large-scale entailed examining of public legislation and the arable farming
farming is often singled out as a major threat to biodiversity labeling schemes represented by the selected eco-labels. The
[18e21]. Therefore, the potential benefit of trustworthy eco- aim was to identify farming measures that had an impact on
labels is great. This type of self-regulation by the food-supply agrobiodiversity beyond public legislation [27e32].
industry may improve the negative reputation of farmers by Besides looking into the measures stipulated by the standards
giving them a more environmentally friendly reputation and underpinning the eco-labels, the study examines the character of
thereby generating more trust in their products. these standards. Standards may be compulsory or optional, or
they may take the form of recommendations. Producers are ob-
liged to comply with compulsory standards. Optional standards
2. Framework of analysis manifest themselves in various ways. For example, they may
take the form of a threshold criterion. This entails an obligation
The research question is: do eco-labels who address biodi- to comply with a certain number of standards. Another example
versity issues, sufficiently diminish the information gap be- is a buffer criterion couched in a credit point system. The posi-
tween seller and buyer to be a trustworthy self-regulative tive points awarded to the producer for implementing the op-
instrument? This research question breaks down into four sub- tional measures compensate for the negative points brought
questions. Coglianese and Lazer [22] distinguish three stages on by engaging in polluting activities. Recommendations entail
of an organization process of regulation: the planning stage, voluntary compliance with standards. The producers can choose
the implementation stage and the output stage. The four sub- to comply with them or not. Non-compliance with the recom-
questions deal with these stages. The first one involves the mendations has no negative consequences for the producer. If
planning stage. The second one pertains to both the planning the eco-label is not explicit about its binding nature, the wording
and implementation stages, while the third focuses on the of the standard is decisive. Phrases in standards like ‘attention
implementation stage. Finally, the fourth concerns the output needs to be paid to’ are considered to constitute recommenda-
stage. The four subquestions are formulated as follows: tions. Standards couched in language such as ‘minimum stan-
dards are set for’ and ‘must either . or’ are perceived as
1. Which agrobiodiversity friendly measures are included in being optional. The verbs ‘must,’ ‘is obliged,’ and ‘is forbidden’
eco-labels? are indicative of compulsory standards.
2. How and to what extent do eco-labels assure buyers to be The second subquestion concerns the procedural guarantees
a trustworthy instrument? of regulation. They give the weakest party in an asymmetric
Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14 3

relationship a stronger position when faced with the use or is limited to eco-labels and a certificate that claims to promote
abuse of power by the strongest party. A discipline that has sustainable agriculture (EurepGAP, further referred to as
provided insight into the rule of law is legal philosophy. Its ‘(eco)-label’. This means that any labels that the producers
practitioners often mention the principles of separation of own themselves and use to guarantee their own environmen-
powers, democracy, and legal equity as means to diminish tally friendly behavior have been excluded from the analysis
asymmetry through regulation [8]. Pursuing the research [48]. International, European, national, and regional labels
question how eco-labels assure buyers to be a trustworthy are part of the selection. The following eco-labels are included
instrument, we consider whether these principles also apply in this study:
to labeling schemes. We evaluate selected eco-labels to deter-
mine if and how the incorporation of these principles of rule of  EurepGAP is the abbreviation for the Euro-Retailer Pro-
law assures consumers that information asymmetry is duce Working Group (Eurep) combined with the acronym
diminished, which gives them the opportunity to judge for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), joining their name
whether the eco-label is trustworthy. with their aim. An initiative of several European retailers
To answer the second and third subquestion, we studied the in 1997, it has evolved into a global partnership for safe
same resources as those used for the first subquestion, but this and sustainable agriculture between agricultural producers
time we supplemented them with manuals, checklists, informa- and their retail consumers. There are three types of stan-
tion leaflets, and the annual reports of the eco-label organizations dards, called ‘control points’ in EurepGAP terminology:
[27,28,30e44]. The findings from desk research were supple- 100% compliance with major ‘musts’, 95% compliance
mented by information derived from 17 in-depth interviews. with minor ‘musts’, and recommendations. Major ‘musts’
The interviews were held with representatives of different are compulsory standards, while minor ‘musts’ are op-
types of organizations involved in eco-labeling, such as tional standards.
farmers, processors, retailers, labeling organizations, certifica-  Demeter. The Dutch biodynamic (BD) association,
tion bodies, standardization bodies, and appeal bodies. For founded in 1937, is a member of Demeter International.
each type of organization, we used a specific list of topics, de- This BD eco-label includes the standards of the European
pending on the organization’s role in the certification process. Regulation on Organic Farming EEG no. 2092/91 [29]. It
Most of the interviewees were familiar with more than one of also sets conditions that go beyond the scope of this EU
the selected eco-labels. They were asked to compare the regulation. Demeter translates the BD principles into
different labels on specific topics. The research results were compulsory standards, optional standards, and guidelines
later presented to the interviewees for their comments. (i.e., recommendations). The farmer is explicitly given
The third subquestion addresses farmers’ compliance. We the responsibility to implement these standards with re-
used the methodology developed by Ruimschotel [45,46] to an- gard to the natural environment of the farm [33]. Besides
alyze the incorporation of institutional guarantees in eco-labels. heeding the conditions of the labeling scheme, farmers
Ruimschotel identifies eleven potential areas at risk of non- have the possibility to show what other environmentally
compliance with regulations. The ‘rules of the game’dsuch as friendly measures they take. They do so when filling in
communication, control, sanctions, knowledge management an evaluation form. For each farmer, the type of mea-
and chain steeringdconstitute the institutional guarantees. sures taken are placed on the Internet website of the
These are included in a labeling scheme to enforce the farmers’ BD foundation.
compliance. The labeling schemes of the eco-labels are exam-  EKO. In 1992, as a result of the EU regulation no. 2092/
ined to discover which institutional guarantees are designed to 91, there was a merger between two foundations: Stichting
assure compliance for each area at risk of non-compliance. Ekokeurmerk Controle [Foundation Eco-label Control]
The fourth subquestion addresses the ecological impact of and Stichting Keur Alternatief voortgebrachte Landbouw-
a labeling scheme on the farmland. The reason that an eco- producten (Skal), [Foundation label alternative production
label has environmental friendly standard beyond government of agricultural products]. These two foundations had orga-
regulation is to matter more for the environment. With the nized organic farming in the Netherlands up to that time.
fourth research question we investigate how a better environ- Since 1992, the Netherlands has had one single organic
mental quality is monitored and how labeling organizations eco-label, EKO, which is owned by Skal, a private founda-
measure this. To answer the fourth subquestion, we consulted tion. Skal is also responsible for inspections. The EU reg-
the annual reports of the eco-label organizations [30,31,33,34] ulation is implemented at the state level by the Dutch
and drew upon the interviews as well. We also studied the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Food
methodology used for monitoring and measuring by the eco- Quality [35]. The EKO standards (compulsory and op-
label organizations [47]. tional standards in combination with recommendations)
have been harmonized with this regulation.
3. Selection of eco-labels  MK is the abbreviation for Milieukeur [Environmental la-
bel]. Since 1995, Stichting Milieukeur (SMK) [Foundation
All major institutionalized Dutch third-party eco-labels for environmental label] has owned and developed the MK la-
arable farming are included in the selection for this study. Al- bel. This labeling scheme is based on a life-cycle analysis.
though there are more labels for arable farming, the selection MK works with a credit system: points are assigned to
Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

4 M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14

reward some actions and penalize others. To be eligible to Fig. 1 shows the legislation that is obliged for conventional
use the MK label, a producer is obliged to have a positive farming or the legislation that regulates subsidies which affect
score at the end of the season, both for the company in agrobiodiversity. Most of these legislations aim to prevent
general and for each crop in particular. MK has compul- pollution of fertilizer and crop protection agents in water
sory standards. By complying with optional measures, it and soil. Fig. 1 also shows which categories of AMY are the
is possible to collect extra credit points. priorities of five labels for standards beyond legislation.
 ESP is the abbreviation for ‘Erkend Streekproduct’, or To measure the degree to which agrobiodiversity manage-
‘recognized regional product’. The foundation Streekeigen ment is included as a criterion in the eco-labels, the number
Producten Nederland (SPN) [Regional products of the of biodiversity-friendly standards is gauged Fig. 2. Of course,
Netherlands] has established several principles and set the number of times this criterion is mentioned does not
framework standards emphasizing regional aspects and capture the level of agrobiodiversity friendliness that these
sustainable production. Regional organizations have standards envision. In that light, it should be noted that the
elaborated the national standards in response to the re- standards of Demeter, EKO, and MK place high value on
gional situation. SPN recognizes MK and EKO as environmental friendliness as is demonstrated by the type of
sustainability labels. In 2005, SPN started to revise the priorities in Fig. 1. The major categories of farming activities
ESP standards, which include both optional standards in the index differ for each of the eco-labels. MK covers eight
and recommendations. of the ten farming activities. EurepGAP addresses seven, while
EKO, Demeter, and ESP cover six each. For Demeter, the
Four of the selected labelsdDemeter, EurepGAP, MK, and analysis excluded the agrobiodiversity-friendly measures that
ESPdare voluntary eco-labels. This means that they are com- go beyond the labeling scheme, extra measures noted on the
pletely developed and executed by the private sector, without annual evaluation form. If they were to be included, though,
government interference. The exception is EKO; it operates Demeter would score on nine out of the ten farming activities.
under a self-regulation regime, which is enforced by the EU. All five labeling schemes seek to comply with standards for
Furthermore, EurepGAP is a trade label, while the other fertilization, crop protection and management of the relation
four labels are consumer labels. between the farm and its surroundings. In addition, MK also reg-
ulates the management of the buffer zone, ‘semi’-nature, and
traditional elements of the cultural landscape. ESP is the only
4. Agrobiodiversity measures in eco-labels label that takes the selection of regional varieties into account
when setting its standards. Hereby ESP is the only label that
The agrobiodiversity management yardstick (AMY) distin- aims to reverse the negative impact of the plant breeder rights
guishes the following farming activities that affect agrobiodi- in conventional agriculture. To obtain this right a variety needs
versity: (1) crop rotation planning; (2) selection of varieties; to be new, distinct, uniform and stable. Especially, the
(3) fertilization; (4) crop protection; (5) soil management; uniformity-criterion is said to be threat for (genetic) diversity
(6) water management; (7) management of field margins; (8) in agricultural systems [50]. EKO and Demeter place strong
management of semi-natural habitat; (9) conservation of tradi- emphasis on the crop rotation plan, fertilization, and crop
tional agrarian landscape elements; and (10) management of protection.
farm-environmental linkages. In the categories with farming The eco-label with the most agrobiodiversity-friendly stan-
activities AMY has 175 biodiversity-friendly management dards is MK (24% of AMY), followed by Demeter (19.4%).
measures beyond the measures in the obligatory public The eco-label with the greatest number of compulsory standards
legislation. is Demeter (12%), followed by MK (6.3%). The eco-labels that
Dutch policy makers frequently emphasize that they aim to explicitly mention biodiversity as an environmental topicd
‘stimulate’ instead of ‘legislate’ agrobiodiversity [49]. This namely, ESP and EurepGAPdmainly employ recommenda-
government policy does not prescribe or give an economic in- tions or optional standards in this regard. For both ESP and
centive, but intents to persuade the farmer to produce more EurepGAP, the standards that explicitly mention the word biodi-
biodiversity-friendly by means of communication and expla- versity are formulated as recommendations.
nation. Basic assumption of this policy is the responsibility In conclusion, the government creates a possibility for la-
of the food supply chain to promote agrobiodiversity. These bels to regulate this subject, but considering their score on
communicative policy documents offer an opportunity for AMY, labels only succeed partly in the implementation of
eco-labelsdas one of the self-regulative instruments of the these stimulating measures. And even when they are covered,
food industrydto include agrobiodiversity-friendly measures labeling schemes only partly have compulsory measures to
beyond legislation. As mentioned earlier, these policy docu- regulate this topic.
ments are resources for the 175 management measures beyond
legislation in AMY [24e26].
Despite the government emphasis on communication, we 5. Rule of law to assure trustworthiness to buyers
found a large body of Dutch lawsdembedded in European
law or international treatiesdthat affect the different aspects This section considers the principles of rule of law provided
of agriculture and biodiversity. by eco-labels. We examine whetherdand if so, howdthese
Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14 5

Fig. 1. Priorities in legislation and priorities of labels beyond legislation, arranged according to the categories of farming activities of AMY [56e72].

guarantees diminish the information asymmetry and increase means that all standards are applied to comparable producers
the level of trust between sellers and buyers. As mentioned in the same way. Transparency of standards and how they
above, the individual autonomy of a weak party in an asym- are enforced are necessary conditions for legal equity. In
metric relationship can be enhanced by three principles en- case these results are made public, the buyer can verify both
shrined in the rule of law: separation of powers, democracy, the standards and the compliance of the producer with them.
and legal equity. Another aspect of verification is traceability. To assure an en-
With respect to an eco-label, the principle of the separation vironmentally friendly product, the actors and actions through-
of powers helps diminish asymmetry by objectifying the infor- out the food supply chain need to be traceable.
mation. A farmer has a monopoly on information about the en-
vironmental friendliness of his production methods. This
information monopoly is unraveled: an independent third party 45

decides on the production method (standardization) and an- 40 Recommendations

Amount of Standards

35 Optional Standards
other third party controls this (certification). The responsibility
Compulsory standards
to carry out the standards lies with the farmer. 30
The principle of democracy can diminish information 25
asymmetry by encouraging participation. The influence that 20
producers, consumers, trade unions, environmental organiza- 15
tions, and other societal organizations exert on the process 10
of setting standards provides these parties with more knowl- 5
edge about the production methods. At the same time, it gives 0
them a deeper understanding and a broader basis of support in Demeter EKO ESP EurepGAP Milieukeur
society at large. Eco-label
Application of the principle of legal equity can diminish in- Fig. 2. Number and character of agrobiodiversity management standards in
formation asymmetry by requiring verification. Legal equity eco-labels.

Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

6 M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14

5.1. Separation of powers standards in the implementation stage. If they pass, the certi-
fication body gives a declaration of conformity. This means
This principle distinguishes third-party labels from other that the producer has acted in conformity with the standards.
forms of self-regulation. In general, the other forms do not dif- There is no independent third party that measures and moni-
ferentiate the function of legislation (standardization) from tors the results in the output stage of an eco-label. Labels do
that of execution (certification) by independent third bodies. not assure the customer that the product conforms to their
The unraveling of the information monopoly of the producers standards; they merely assert that the production method is
by eco-labels is usually routed through two independent third in compliance.
parties: the standardization body (SB) and the certification The organizational structure under which the labels MK,
body (CB). The standardization body has set the standards EKO, and EurepGAP operate is the same as shown in
for environmentally friendly production. The certification Fig. 3. For all labels there is one standardization body and sec-
body is responsible for enforcement of the standards and for retariat for standardization. Some labels (EKO, Demeter) have
assuring the compliance of producers [51]. The task of per- one certification body, while others have several (EurepGAP
forming a ‘check’dto make sure that the certification body and MK). Both Demeter and ESP have less separation of
is really independentdis relegated to the Accreditation powers than shown in the certification triangle. Demeter has
Body (AB). In short, the AB controls and audits the certifica- not been approved by the Dutch Accreditation Council
tion body on procedural matters. The AB assures the sector of (RvA), the only such body in the Netherlands. Although De-
the independence, impartiality, confidentiality, and integrity of meter includes EN 45011 in its certification system, it is
the certification bodies by using Guideline 65 of the Interna- also subject to the internal accreditation system of Demeter In-
tional Standardization Organization (ISO) for product certifi- ternational. Thus, members of a standardization or certifica-
cation. This guideline is the basis on which European Norms tion body in another country accredit the Dutch Demeter
(EN) 45011 [52] were formulated. Fig. 3 depicts these bodies, label. ESP also incorporates the EN 45011 standards, but there
along with their competencies, as a ‘certification triangle’. is no accreditation. Further, the functions of the standardiza-
This diagram shows that the powers of the different bodies tion body and the certification body are combined to some ex-
are designed to assure consumers that the producers’ compli- tent. The regional organizations belonging to ESP have their
ance with the standards is subject to independent control. own inspectors. At the same time, these regional organizations
The separation of powers is the basis to provide assurances can interpret the national ESP standards according to their own
about the planning and implementation stages of eco-labels. regional situation.
An independent third party is in charge of standardization in
the planning stage. And another independent third party 5.2. Democracy
checks whether the producers have complied with those
Consumer confidence in the product may improve if
the customers are involved in the standardization process.
The producer’s involvement in standardization can make
the standards more accurate conform recent technological
developments. But it can also make the producers more
willing to internalize the standards in their production
methods. These advantages do not necessary materialize,
however [6,46].
Participation in the standardization process of an eco-label
can be direct or indirect. One means of direct participation is
through attendance at public hearings; another is through a pro-
cedure to suggest changes in the labeling scheme. Participation
in eco-labels is indirect when representatives of branches of
industry or NGOs are included in the standardization body or
advisory body.
MK and Demeter are the only two labels with direct partic-
ipation, which is also open for consumers. MK organizes hear-
Fig. 3. Certification triangle, based on De Graaff [51]. Continuous arrows in- ings to discuss a proposed labeling scheme before it becomes
dicate a regulatory relation: a contract where the seller/producer (S) agrees to
comply with the standards of the eco-label (as drawn between the SB and the
operational. The remarks made at the hearings are not always
S) or a contract about control of CB to S and AB to CB. The dotted arrows taken up in the labeling scheme, but any refusal to incorporate
show written communication, meetings or participation: the seller (S) commu- them is accompanied by an explanation of the reasons. MK
nicates to the buyer (B) about the product with the eco-label or certificate. also allows independent membersdthat is, members not
Sometimes a seller can be part of the SB or advise the SB. The SB and CB attached to any organization but involved in the labeling
have to make appointments how to implement the standards. This dotted arrow
shows lines of coordination between the SB and (several) CBs for setting the processdto join the standardization body. Demeter has
standards and making arrangements on how to inspect companies for compli- another procedure for improving the labeling schemes. Any-
ance with them. one can put a request for making changes and improvements
Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14 7

in the labeling scheme on the agenda. The suggestions are not of these proceduresdin terms of the annual amount of audits,
always adopted, but any refusal to do so is motivated. re-audits, sanctions and priorities in auditingdis however not
All five labels use indirect participation in their decision- available for four of the five labels. The declaration of confor-
making on standards. None of the five labels choose their mity that an accredited certification body gives to a company
representatives by voting. In the standardization bodies and is considered sufficient for two labels. On that basis, buyers
advisory bodies of EurepGAP and MK, each of these organi- are assumed to have assurance that the standards are being
zations is represented by a delegate. In this way, society at met. The exception to the rule is the eco-label EKO, which
large is more strongly represented in MK than in EurepGAP. does provide information to the public. Their annual report elab-
Concretely, MK includes government authorities and organi- orates on the degree of compliance of producers as expressed in
zations of employers, consumers, environmental groups, and executed controls, enforced sanctions, legal procedures, and
branches of industry. MK has a balanced composition in the policy priorities. When interviewees from other labeling organi-
standardization body; this balance is required by the statutes zations were asked about their communication policy, some said
of SMK. For EurepGAP, participation is limited to branch or- they did not keep records on compliance (1 accredited and 1
ganizations. The final decisions on labeling for Demeter are non-accredited label), while others said that the publication or
made by the Dutch biodynamic (BD) organization, in which sharing of such information would amount to an invasion of
membership is open to the public at large. ESP operates the producers’ privacy (1 accredited label) or that the audits
with indirect participation of the regional organizations: they were just recently started and the phase of re-audits and sanc-
also represent the regional producers and their interests. ESP’s tions had not yet come (1 non-accredited label). These responses
regional organizations are part of the advisory body. The orga- are strange, to say the least, since the main purpose of eco-labels
nizations do not exert a direct influence on the ESP criteria, is to assure the buyer of the producers’ compliance. A declara-
although the regional organization can include suggestion of tion of conformity becomes more convincing when the certifica-
farmers in the labeling schemes of the regional eco-labels. tion bodies give information about how thoroughly and
EKO has the most complicated participation procedure, and frequently they control the activities of the producers.
its standards match up to those set in the EU regulation. Demeterdand, in the future, perhaps ESP toodinterpret
Farmers can introduce changes in the labeling scheme through transparency of compliance in a different way. The Demeter
national consultations. The representative of the Dutch govern- website offers insight into the activities of an individual farmer
ment can then decide to propose these changes to the European that go beyond the Demeter labeling scheme. Some of these
Union authorities in Brussels. Furthermore, they can engage in activities are important for biodiversity: e.g., the management
lobbying to convince the interest groups of the need for change. of buffer zones, treatment of elements of the cultural land-
These groups are also consulted on proposals to change the EU scape, and the use of traditional varieties. The critical con-
regulation. Nevertheless, changing the EU regulation is less sumer can actually visit this farmer and check whether he
feasible than changing a completely private labeling scheme. really lives up to his profile.
The interviewees estimate that it would take two or three years There is one case that is incompatible with the legal equity
to change the regulations, even if all went smoothly. However, principle, which 80% of the involved interviewees told us. Ac-
the big labels are also less flexible than small ones because cording to one of the standards of EurepGAP, national regula-
there are more stakeholders involved. The interviewees from tion is included in the labeling scheme. However, there are
EurepGAP also considered the decision-making process for differences among EU countries. This means that farmers
change of standards to be difficult. who produce the same product are subject to different regimes.
The Netherlands’ crop protection regulation is one of the most
5.3. Legal equity stringent in Europe. As a result, it is illegal to certify Dutch
strawberries using a particular pesticide as crop protection.
With respect to legal equity, both the standards and the infor- Yet it is legal to certify Belgian strawberries that are cultivated
mation about producers’ compliance should be accessible, under the same conditions, since the Belgian regulation does
transparent, and understandable. Transparency allows for an as- not prohibit this kind of crop protection.
sessment of whether standards are equally applied. Legal equity Except for ESP, all eco-labels demand traceability of re-
also means legal security. In the long run, the producers will be sources throughout the food supply chain. For EurepGAP
inclined to organize their company in conformity with the eco- traceability is one of the major items.
labeling because they are sure the standards will not suddenly
change [8]. Another aspect of legal equity is traceability. Trace- 5.4. Comparison of the five eco-labels
ability of behavior of links in the production chain is one of the
main reasons that eco-labels emphasize transparency. All five eco-labels make use of the principles of the rule of
The labeling organizations communicate with other parties law to diminish information asymmetry. They nevertheless
about standards but not about implementation. They do not differ in how they go about this. Fig. 4 gives an indication
make information about producers’ compliance public. In the la- of the variety of ways. The eco-labels EurepGAP, MK, and
beling schemes the procedures about the frequency of audits and EKO put more emphasis on objectification by independent
the sanctions for non-compliance are found. A written annual bodies, while the EKO, Demeter (and later perhaps ESP) la-
overview that informs buyers about the actual implementation bels accentuate verification. Of the three principles, the one
Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

8 M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14

Fig. 4. Rule of law in eco-labels.

that is least substantially elaborated in these eco-labels is legal Ruimschotel identifies eleven areas of potential risk of non-
equity. The core assurance of eco-labels is the declaration that compliance with the regulations. These areas are listed in
producers’ behavior conforms to the standards. Yet the labeling Fig. 5. The T11 method was originally designed to evaluate
organizations do not give information about the producers’ com- compliance with government regulations, but it is also perti-
pliance, the frequency of controls, the type of non-compliance, nent to eco-labels [46]. T11 distinguishes three types of com-
the standards that are less often complied with, the amount and pliance behavior: spontaneous compliance, compliance
nature of the sanctions, or the policy of the certification bodies. through control, and compliance through sanctions.
Compliance is said to be spontaneous when the farmer
knows the standards, perceives them as being reasonable,
6. Farmers’ compliance with the labeling schemes and sees some advantages (including financial ones) in com-
plying with them. A farmer is susceptible to compliance as
This section examines the institutional guarantees of a consequence of control when he calculates the risk of being
farmers’ compliance with the standards of a certification reported, audited, detected, and selected for extra monitoring.
scheme of the eco-label. They are evaluated on the basis Compliance through sanctions comes into play when a farmer
of the ‘table of eleven’ (T11) methodology developed by calculates his chance of incurring sanctions and places a spe-
Ruimschotel [45]. Because the enforcement of producer com- cific value on the harm that a sanction may cause.
pliance is not very transparent, the actual implementation of For each proposition of T11, the institutional guarantees
the institutional guarantees by auditors cannot be studied, per eco-label are presented in Fig. 6. The number of the prop-
other than based on information from the interviewees. osition is shown in the left column, which corresponds with
The information from the interviewees induces us to ques-
tion farmers’ compliance with the labeling schemes. Inter-
viewees told us several anecdotes of non-compliance. An
example is a thorough clean-up of the farm the day before
an announced audit in combination with the borrowing of
‘missing’ gears from neighbors to pass the audit. Others men-
tioned the use of illegal crop protection agents bought in
Belgium or Germany or the use of prohibited fertilizer without
recording in the registration. Even a food processor told us to
know which farmers did not comply with a label, although it
was not a problem for that processor because the farmers
passed the audits. Having a label is considered more important
than complying with the labeling scheme. The interviewees
from certification organizations validated this impression by
mentioning that they have a top priority for enforcement and
emphasizing the improvements to enforce which were made
during the last years. Nevertheless, about 80% of the inter-
viewees from the labeling organizations and certification orga-
nizations confirmed that if the farmers really wanted to cheat,
they could find a way to do it. Fig. 5. Risks identified with the Table of 11 (based on Ruimschotel [45,46]).

Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14 9

Fig. 6. Institutional guarantees for compliance per eco-label.

the left column in Fig. 5. For most propositions, several insti- than conventional production, but it also takes more time
tutional guarantees are mentioned. If an eco-label creates an and trouble. In addition, it entails extra costs for the certifica-
institutional guarantee, it is marked with a plus sign (þ); if tion procedure. Relatively few institutional guarantees have
it does not, a minus sign () is shown. Fig. 6 illustrates the been instituted in response to this risk by voluntary eco-labels.
ambivalent situation (of þ/) for an eco-label. This occurs This relates to the function of an eco-label. In the marketplace,
when different resources contrast with each other. It also oc- eco-labels provide buyers with the information the need to
curs when the institutional guarantee is created indirectly. make their purchase decision. The idea is that the market
puts a value on the qualities of an eco-label. This creates ad-
6.1. Spontaneous compliance vantages (financial and otherwise) for the producer. A weak
point of the eco-label scheme is that, when the buyers do
T11 identifies five areas of risk of spontaneous non-compli- not recognize or value its qualities, producers will have less in-
ance (t1e5). Interviewees perceive the second proposition as centive to comply with the standards [46]. There is a difference
the most problematic risk of non-compliance, while the fifth between the voluntary eco-labels and EKO, though: EKO en-
proposition seems to have little relevance to them. Fig. 6 gages in several activities to influence the market for its prod-
shows 15 institutional guarantees to prevent spontaneous ucts [53,54].
non-compliance. The risks of unawareness (1) and unreasonableness (4) of
The interviewed farmers and processors mentioned that en- standards are obviated by transparency and communication
vironmentally friendly production is often more expensive about the labeling scheme. The farmers who participate by
Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

10 M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14

choice can choose to join an eco-label. Several farmers expe- of one of the interviewees ‘‘farmers interpret labels as creative
rienced this freedom as an advantage and reason for spontane- as public regulation.’’
ous compliance. The exception is the label EurepGAP. Even Nevertheless, the interviewed farmer and processor inter-
the most environmental friendly farmers we interviewed dis- viewees felt that EKO and Demeter were the most stringent
agreed with the obligation of the Dutch retailers to farmers in their audits. Next in the order of strictness were MK and
to supply only EurepGAP certified products. EurepGAP, followed by ESP at some distance. ESP also has
fewer possibilities for control than the other labels. For ESP,
6.2. Compliance through control some of the institutional guarantees are scored as þ/ in
Fig. 6. This means that ESP can conduct unannounced and
T11 contains four propositions for the risk of control due to extra inspections; continuity of inspections is also possible.
non-compliance. The institutional guarantees in eco-labels 66% of the interviewees working with ESP said that none of
deal with all four of these risks. The five labels have many in- these options have been used on a large scale yet.
stitutional guarantees in common to cover the dimensions of
6.3. Compliance through sanctions
Although almost all labels give high priority to the enforce-
ment of labeling schemes, the interviews show a varied picture
T11 identifies two areas of risk of non-compliance as a con-
about auditors’ qualities, the frequency and arrangement of au-
sequence of a sanction regime. There are several institutional
dits. Strengths of the auditor qualities are that they receive
guarantees in the form of sanctions. These vary from giving
a theoretical, practical and label-specific training. In addition
instructions to imposing fines or canceling participation. The
they have a general document with control points, the labeling
sanction regime of the eco-labels is perceived as strict: after
schemes and sometimes an interpretation document as a re-
one offense, sanctions are easily imposed. Unlike other eco-la-
minder. For the accredited labels the accreditation organiza-
bels, Demeter has always considered an infringement of the
tion also supervises auditor qualities. Two times a year there
standard to be an offense of underlying biodynamic principles.
are auditor consultation and harmonization consultation be-
The interviewees perceive some sanctions as harmful, others
tween the different certification organizations. In the inter-
not. The labeling schemes do not standardize the penalties
views nevertheless also some weaknesses appeared. First, it
for particular offensesdnor, in fact, do the certification
is possible to interpret the control documents in different
ways as a consequence of the terminology that is used (e.g.,
a judgment of a ‘good’ quality of water without quality stan-
dards/parameters about what is good, worse or bad quality). 6.4. Comparison of the five labels
Second, the interviewed auditors were not sure about the con-
tent of the control documents and gave incompatible answers For all five eco-labels, the institutional guarantees for spon-
about the audit-guidelines in the control documents. One audi- taneous compliance are subordinate to the institutional guaran-
tor for example mentioned that a digital picture is sufficient tees for control and sanctions. Eco-labels focus more on the
proof that a farmer complies with a label, while another audi- latter type. The institutional guarantees for control and sanc-
tor considered a digital picture insufficient prove of compli- tions are better organized and better attuned to one another
ance. Another inconsistency is the inspection of the crop than the guarantees to facilitate spontaneous compliance. In
protection agents. None of the auditors knew whether they other words, an eco-label without provisions for control and
were authorized to inspect for crop protection agents on other sanctions cannot assure the consumer that a farmer has com-
places than the crop protection storage. plied with the standards of a labeling scheme.
The dimension of control is directly related to the informa- What are the consequences of this priority? As indicated in
tion gap between the producer and the buyer. Auditors can Section 2, an eco-label has various instruments at its disposal:
only do their job if the farmer is willing to keep his books recommendations, optional standards, and compulsory stan-
in accordance with his farming activities. This means that dards. Recommendations cannot be enforced by inspections
there is also an information asymmetry between the farmer or by imposing sanctions. Aside from some degree of persua-
and the auditor. Once or twice a year, the auditor has the op- sion through publications of these recommendations, eco-
portunity to verify the books by carrying out a company in- labels cannot guarantee that the farmers will comply with
spection and taking samples. The information asymmetry the recommendations. Non-compliance has no negative conse-
between the farmer and the auditor is nevertheless substan- quences for the farmer. The exception is Demeter. Under this
tially less than the information asymmetry between the farmer eco-label, farmers have the opportunity to demonstrate their
and the consumer. The auditors nevertheless mention in the compliance to a point even beyond that stipulated in the De-
interviews that the audits are debatable. The samples are not meter standards. They can do so because of Demeter’s system
analyzed for all possible chemicals and auditors only inspect of promoting transparency at the level of the individual farm.
the storage of crop protection agents. In addition the farmer The same argumentation applies to optional standards. Cer-
has to tell and explain how he complied with the standards tification bodies provide a declaration that the farmers have
that are not applicable in that period of the year. In sum, complied with the required percentage of the optional mea-
growers’ compliance with labels is ambiguous. With the words sures. Nevertheless, the certification bodies cannot assure the
Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14 11

consumer that the farmers have complied with the optional about the planning and implementation stage, but not about the
standards beyond the required percentage. output stage. This partly explains why most eco-labels do not
Do the eco-labels offer sufficient institutional guarantees take the output stage into account; MK is the only one to do
for an auditor to enforce farmers’ compliance? From our re- so. Apparently, the assumption is that compliance with stan-
search, we can conclude that eco-labels theoretically offer an dards will generate a better environment. For a relatively sim-
auditor sufficient institutional guarantees that the compulsory ple environmental problem, it is plausible (though never
and (partly) optional standards are being implemented by the assured by the eco-label) that an improved ecological impact
farmer. The extent to which the auditors actually use these automatically follows from compliance by the producer. For
guarantees has is not been systematically investigated. This complex environmental problems, however, it is na€ıve to as-
is due to the lack of transparency of certification bodies about sume that, given sufficient procedural guarantees, the intended
their audits. effects will occur. Kleijn et al. [55], for example, showed that
Agri-Environmental Schemes do not effectively protect biodi-
7. Ecological impact versity in Dutch landscapes. The impact of their publication
was large, both among scientists and policy makers. An expla-
The ecological impact of an eco-label presumes a causal re- nation for the disturbance is the assumption that results in pilot
lationship between the standards in the eco-label and the eco- studies in combination with compliance assurances will pro-
logical situation on the production land. To identify this causal duce comparable results on a larger scale. A research that shows
relationship, information is needed about the content of the the unexpected but opposite results, ‘attacks’ this assumption.
eco-label, about the farmer’s compliance, and about the biodi- If the ecological impact of eco-labels on biodiversity is un-
versity on the farmland. Furthermore, external influences known, the ecological results cannot be taken into account
should be excluded to be certain that it is a causal relationship. during the standardization process.
The identification of a causal relationship is difficult. Mon-
itoring research is expensive and the scientific prove for cau- 8. Conclusions
sality within an agro-ecosystem is complex. Despite these
difficulties, the results cannot be ignored because the claims This paper considered whether eco-labels addressing biodi-
of eco-labelsdor their perception in societydoften directly versity issues sufficiently diminish the information gap be-
refer to results. Over and over again one speaks of ‘environ- tween the seller and the buyer. We developed a new method
mental-friendly’ products and ‘sustainable products’ instead to examine the degree of reliability of self-regulation. This
of ‘environmental-friendly produced products’ or ‘sustainably method combines insights from legal philosophy, policy sci-
produced products’. This communication shows a (consumers) ences and ecological science.
expectation of results and therefore this criterion is measured. Eco-labels are unclear about how they standardize biodiver-
None of the eco-labels has a large-scale monitoring system sity. Some disguise an environmental theme, while others only
to measure the ecological impact of the standards. As men- briefly standardize it. Dutch law prohibits the misleading of
tioned above, auditors take samples on the farm. These sam- consumers, but language such as ‘sustainable’ and ‘environ-
ples are tested for crop protection substances or fertilizers. mentally friendly’ is too vague to specify the meaning of an
The tests vary from year to year. These samples cannot be con- eco-label. Two out of the five eco-labels had the word biodi-
sidered as a large-scale system for monitoring biodiversity, versity in their labeling scheme. These two labels offered
though they could form part of such a system. the least amount of compulsory and optional standards (two
MK is the only eco-label that takes the environmental im- and nine standards) for conservation and sustainable use of
pact into account. It reports on this issue annually. The find- biodiversity. The three eco-labels that did not include the
ings are used for further standardization [31]. It uses word biodiversity in the labeling scheme have between 8.6%
a method that compares the MK results for one or two crops and 24% standards (either compulsory or optional) in six to
with an expert opinion about conventional farming. The envi- eight categories of farming activities of AMY. A consumer
ronmental index designed by CLM [47] is used to measure the who wants to buy the most biodiversity-friendly eco-labeled
environmental impact of farming on water life in surface wa- product will most likely select a label mentioning the word
ter, on terrestrial life, and on infiltration in groundwater. Since biodiversity. But a quick glance at the information on the la-
March 2005, the risk to useful organisms such as biological bels will not help him find the most biodiversity-friendly prod-
controllers and pollinators is also included in this environmen- uct. Indeed, one label that claims biodiversity-friendliness
tal index. This is a positive development for agrobiodiversity. even ignores a negative aspect of agriculture for biodiversity.
The environmental index may measure causality between the The criterion of a uniform variety as required in the Plant
labeling scheme and data from the environment, but it does Breeders’ Rights is said to contribute to the erosion of agro-
not communicate the findings. Therefore, a causal relation biodiversity through the introduction of uniform, high-yielding
between an eco-label and environmental impact is not proven. varieties [50]. Only ESP seems to have the intention to reverse
It is thus difficult to incorporate the results in the standards. this development by including a standard about regional vari-
As mentioned earlier, the declaration of conformity does eties in their labeling scheme.
not include an assessment of ecological impact in its criteria. In addition to this, labels seem more inspired by the envi-
The instrument of eco-labeling is designed to give assurances ronmental themes covered by legislation than by the
Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

12 M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14

communicative policy documents of the government. This is if the information supply were sufficient, specific, and clear,
a challenge for producers to further implement communicative the phenomenon of recommendations in labeling schemes
government policies in labeling schemes and an invitation for would remain a source of potential confusion. Eco-labels offer
governments to further stimulate these producers. insufficient guarantees for spontaneous compliance. Thus,
Our main conclusion is that the efforts to make the labels they cannot assure the consumer that the producer has com-
as reliable as possible partly fail; eco-labels do not provide plied with the recommendations. Communication to the con-
enough information to diminish the information gap. sumers about the recommendations would only confuse
Eco-labeling has some advantages. One is that eco-labels are them. The same applies to that part of the optional standards
a means to start developing standards. In the cases studied here, that go beyond the obligatory threshold.
that process encourages farmers to think about biodiversity In view of the failure of eco-labeling schemes to diminish
issues. Thus, eco-labeling might induce a farmer to change his the information gap, does the eco-label have a future? The an-
behavior and show more concern with biodiversity. This puts swer is ‘yes, but..’
the disadvantage cited in the literaturedthat self-regulation is All of the organizational stages of eco-labeling would have
not able to tackle complex environmental problemsdinto to be adjusted. Besides providing sufficient possibilities for
some perspective. This advantage can become larger if the participation, there is a need for clarity and sufficiently spe-
labels adopt the communicative government policy. cific terminology during standardization in the planning stage.
Second, in principle, eco-labels have sufficient institutional The EU has already started to formulate minimum standards
guarantees to enforce producer compliance through the com- for organic labels. This makes organic farming more readily
pulsory and optional standards. Although there is insufficient distinguishable from other declarations of environmental
information about the implementation in practice, eco-labels friendliness.
are equipped to prevent non-compliance. A disadvantage of Moreover, a consumer must be able to evaluate the well-
these inspections is the dependence and information asymme- defined environmental themes in eco-labels. This would be
try between the producer and the certification body. However, possible with a system of merit ratings, with different levels
this information gap is substantially smaller than the informa- of environmental friendliness. Furthermore, transparency and
tion asymmetry between the producer and the buyer. communication about producers’ compliance is required in
Despite these advantages, the following shortcomings may the implementation stage. In addition, inclusion of and com-
be distinguished. munication about the output stage would strengthen the envi-
One would assume that environmentally friendly labeling ronmental claims of an eco-label and diminish information
means that the quality of the environment actually improves asymmetry. However, the expenses of these changes would
through the production process. This is not necessarily so, raise the price of eco-labeled products. As the goal of eco-
however. Eco-labels only cover the planning and implementa- labels is to inform the consumer, it is questionable whether eco-
tion stage and exclude the output stage. The ecological impact labeled products would be able to compete in the market with
of an eco-label is not measured and monitored; thus, it cannot products that are not eco-labeled. In the present situation, con-
be communicated to the consumer. A buyer hardly ever sees sumers are not only insufficiently informed, but they will also
the results or hears the success stories of what eco-labels be easily confused by so many labels that are somehow related.
have accomplished, though he may expect to receive informa- This leads to the third point: the role of governments in this
tion on this. almost entirely private-sector branch. In the planning stage of
A second disadvantage is that there is insufficient commu- eco-labeling, the government can require clear, explicit, and
nication about producers’ compliance. The core of the assur- specific terminology for themes of eco-labels in combination
ance provided by eco-labels is that producers comply with with information on how these themes are standardized. Fur-
environmentally friendly standards. The disadvantage of ob- thermore, the government can require the inclusion of the output
jectification is that trust in a producer is replaced by trust in stage in the eco-labeling as a means to enhance the reliability of
an accredited certification body. There is still an information eco-labels. An accompanying advantage of government regula-
gap between the producer and the buyer. But there is also an tion would be a decrease in the number of eco-labels in the mar-
information gap between the certification body and the buyer. ket. As several eco-labels will not be able to comply with these
The only communication that certification bodies are prepared government requirements, the number of labels will diminish.
to offer the buyer is a declaration of conformity. It is unclear This would be an advantage to the consumer: fewer eco-labels
how certification bodies execute their audits, how often, and but more reliable ones would make the market more transparent.
how thoroughly. Nor is it clear what kind of offenses they ob- It would give buyers an opportunity to evaluate and reward the
serve among the producers. Furthermore, there is no informa- eco-labeled products. In turn, the market would eventually dem-
tion available about penalties, about which sanctions are used onstrate the viability of eco-labels.
for what kind of offenses, or about which policies and execu-
tive priorities are pursued by the secretariats of eco-labels and Acknowledgments
certification bodies.
Thirdly, recommendations in labeling schemes cannot be This research was carried out within the framework of the
enforced by inspections and sanctions. Therefore, recommen- ‘Stimulating Programme Biodiversity,’ which was set up by
dations hamper efforts to diminish the information gap. Even the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO).
Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

M. van Amstel et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xx (2006) 1e14 13

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Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

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Please cite this article as: Mariëtte van Amstel et al., Eco-labeling and information asymmetry: a comparison of five eco-labels in the Netherlands, Journal of
Cleaner Production (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.07.039

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