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Children must learn that there is punishment for breaking rules.

Would you rather have your children learn about punishment in
I went to Catholic school at a time when they used corporal punishment. I was a better student and more
focused on my studies. I left this system in 4th grade and it was as if I was unleashed to do
whatever I wanted. My grades suffered. I would say the saying, 'Spare the rod, spoil the child' has some

This should be a no brainer

Corporal punishment has nothing to do with violence. The lack of it however, is part of the reason why there
is a lot of violence. We've now grown into a society where it is okay to be rude and disrespectful. Where do
we draw the line? Some kids grow up not needing to be flogged but some absolutely need it. If it isn't done
at home and isn't allowed in school, then what is the purpose of the school if not glorified baby sitting?

the use of corporal punishment does not require violence.

the teacheronly disciplines children if their behavior is out of hand and the purpose would be to humiliate
them in front of their peers not to harm them. most kids see spankings as a childish form of punishment so it
will make them embarrased because no kid these days wants to be called a little kid or look like a fool in
front of his friends.
Also the lack of corporal punishment in the fourties led to the rebelion of the sixties. during the eras that
spankings were in school, there were records of any rebellion among the youth.

If the law needs it, the student needs it

If criminals are punished for crimes then students must also understand that there are penalties for their
actions. Its the fear that strikes in the mind and makes them aware of their wrong. A good scolding can bring
shivers and shake off bad nature, better than a moral lecture on what's right.

Im a seventeen year old girl who supports spanking

I believe spanking should come back to ALL schools, I would rather have my bum on fire and continue to
learn. THis is the only effective way because you can feel it. I think a good over the knee bare bottom
spanking is the only way. This should be done by teacher and the principal with a paddle, slipper or
hairbrush. Bare bum it the only way.
I feel students these days get in trouble on purpose so they can be in detention or suspended at home doing
nothing. Spanking lasts a lot longer because it hurts. I feel that I behave best after a spanking.
I also understand that parents should give the school permission with a signed letter to spank. I think I
would tell my mum and dad to sign this.

Every action should have a reaction

According to the severity of the situation and the bad action the student has taken the principal should take
the right action accordingly, be it just scolding or even paddling as long as the child is not physically injured
badly, a broken arm for example would be an exaggeration for a punishment! But something as serious as
bullying other students and thus rendering them from gaining knowledge with an open mind and a confident
personality should be faced with corporal punishment. The consideration for one person without the others
he has harmed would be INJUSTICE.

Thanking all my teachers !!

I have seen children becoming spoiled, arrogant, drug abusers because they were never spanked.
From Bible... Thou shall beat him with the rod, shall deliver his soul from hell.
Children are like soft clay, a teacher by his/her harsh words and spanking makes them beautiful pieces of
Punish em or let em get spoiled.

It's called biofeedback

One of the ways that we learn is through pain. If you stick your hand in a fire, it hurts. Unless youre really
stupid, youre not going to intentionally put your hand back in the fire. Corporal punishment works in the
same way - if you do something bad, and something comes out of it that hurts, youre not going to do it
again. This sort of reaction is called biofeedback - and it works.

I fully support corporal punishment

I was a bad kid in my early school years. I did not have a turn around, until one coach actually cared enough
to punish my bad behavior. He called my mom and dad and they both gave consent for him to paddle me. I
had been hitting other kids in class and no other teacher would dare stand up to me except for him. He gave
me 5 good licks with a paddle called "Mable" . At first I was angry at my mom and dad and of course the
coach for paddling me, but I stopped hitting the other kids and as a result, started having friends and
learning how to interact with my peers and authority figures. I have successfully completed a military
career, gotten a college degree and have been a pretty good dad. I SAY THE HE_ _ with the one sided
statistics that want to destroy our youth by letting their rebellion go unchecked. Thanks Coach Fairfield!

It's called biofeedback

If you stick your hand in a fire, it hurts. Unless youre really stupid, youre not going to intentionally put
your hand back in the fire. Corporal punishment works in the same way - if you do something bad, and
something comes out of it that hurts, youre not going to do it again. This sort of reaction is called
biofeedback. It works

Don't bring back.
If they bring it back. I will not be attending school again. I think that it sets the wrong idea for young people
and they will become influential and they may use it outside and inside of school to other people. Do not
bring it back, I get beat at home and this will just add to the pain.

No because many teachers are not in control of their temper.

I have a very bad temper teacher if corporal punishment was never legalized, within the few weeks, a huge
headline will appear on the newspaper as in "TEACHER KILLS STUDENT" or "TEACHER
Things can go out of hand and sometimes, it cost a life/disability and can traumatized the student.

Corporal punishment should not be allowed in any schools due to

low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, bullying, loneliness and
Students already get bullied enough at school because of the way they are; in other words, some students
already have low self - esteem. In the news and on the Internet, there have been true stories of students
being bullied and committing suicide. If corporal punishment was allowed in schools all over the universe,
then there would be a massive increase of child abuse. To explain, a fact is that when students/children are
being abused at young ages, approximately 6-18, (corporal punishment) it is most likely that they will abuse
their child and be thinking it's okay. Even though the parents that had been abused and abuse their child
have felt the pain, they think it is okay because that is what they had learned in their past and childhood.
This is unacceptable. It's unacceptable because kids start to get an idea that it's okay to hit/beat other people
in their lives. For instance, an 8-year-old kid who was acting irresponsibly got corporal punishment, and
then when school ends, they start to beat up an innocent kid to bring the anger out of what had happened at
school. Just for clarification, the whole point of corporal punishment is that students do not misbehave and
act mature/responsible, right? However, the students are taking out their anger out on someone else because
they just had a corporal punishment, what's the point of the corporal punishment then? To explain, the
student/child has not learned a thing about responsibility even after they had a corporal punishment.
Corporal punishment can lead to loneliness, for instance, when students get the punishment in class and
they're surrounded by their classmates. Their classmates might be embarrassed to even come near them
because they are getting punishments a lot. Even though the students might have a kind heart and seem nice
it won't matter because of those punishments they are getting. They will start to seem like the bad girl/boy
type who always gets into trouble. To continue on, from corporal punishment and loneliness, there is
depression. Its a known fact that many people from around the world are lonely due to having no one near
them. This can lead to depression, which can lead to suicidal thoughts. I believe that in school, corporal
punishments do not promote well-disciplined students.

No, because corporal punishment would only increase violence.

Corporal punishment in school would not promote well-disciplined students, but only promote a culture
where violence is accepted and encouraged. Students educated in this manner would grow up to be adults
who used violence as a normal day-to-day technique. The family unit would suffer, and the population as a
whole would become more dangerous.

People don't know what the expression Spare the Rod, Spoil the
Child means.

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child is not a cause and effect...... But a command. The Bible, in my interpretation
and many others, is commanding you not to hit your child but to spoil them with love, understanding, and
compassion like God does to all his children. Hitting students would disobey the Bible, thus offending the
Christian family.

Corporal punishment should be banned.

A child is misbehaving in class. The teacher comes and gives a spanking or two. There are two ways of how
the child could react. If he/she is sensible enough they would not want to lose respect and behave well. If
he/she is adamant he/she can also think the teacher does not like him/her. So the child will want to get a bad
name for the teacher will be quite unbearable.

Physical Punishment leads to physical violence

Fear or love, these are the 2 ways to discipline children, according to society. YOU! You were talking, I
dont care, come here.. Wheres my cane? This one way, to strike fear in to the heart and soul of a child.
The other is to be loving and kind to a child and make them understand what is right and wrong. Now
corporal punishment is, and has been, the legalization of beating a child to your hearts content.

It provokes violence, and cowardness.Since children are more

likely to focus on miserable experiences because they expected
fairness, they could even attempt suicide.
Treating others the way you would like to be treated is the golden rule. A spanked child will likely lose
respect to the abuser by no longer giving hugs, nor saying good morning or good night. To teach, they must
be talked to. The anger comes from satan, since he is already miserable, he wants us to be like him by
getting us mad and pursuing us to think it's okay to hit and therefore spread misery to the child. If the child
doesn't want to listen, it takes some steps of certain friendly actions to pursuing them to listen, and then they
can be talked to clearly and learn from their mistake.

Employees should not have a right to hit kids other than their
If it is not your child you do not have the authority to hit the child. Think, how would you take it if a worker
(just a random person) hit your child and you had no say in the choice. Would you be okay with this action
of the worker?

Well disciplined students do not have to be punished in schools.

A lot of it depends on the parents. If they discipline their children well and bring them up as respectful
young children, it will make a huge difference in respecting teachers at schools. A lot of your personality
comes from how you were treated and how you were brought up as a child. So if parents bring their children
up as respectful kids it will stick with them their whole life and they will be respectful to almost anyone they
come in contact with.

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