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Eat selenium rich foods.

Selenium is a trace mineral that has an essential role in ensuring good brain
health, particularly as an anti-oxidant. Studies have found that depleted levels of selenium result in poor
memory, bad moods, and decreased cognitive function, while increasing selenium improves mood, clarity
of thinking, and energy levels.[8]Eat selenium rich foods to get at least 55 micrograms (mcg) daily, as good
for the brain:[9]

Eat whole-grain bread it has 10 mcg of selenium per slice.

Tuna has 63 micrograms of selenium per 3-ounces.

Brazil nuts have 270 micrograms of selenium per half ounce.

Try making your own easy wheat and rye bread.

Eat fish and take fish oil. Fish contains selenium, vitamins A and D, phosphorous, magnesium and
iodine (if marine fish).[10]Fish oil is the richest source of fat vital to brain development in unborn babies and
infants.[11] Eat about 14 ounces (396g) of fish a week, three servings (each about the size of your fist).
Fish oil is available in food supplements fortified with DHA supplements. You can get a separate DHA

Try one 320g can of fish with 1tsp. of wasabi this week.

Eat vitamin B packed foods. B vitamins help to maintain the protective coating on nerves and are also
responsible for helping the production of chemicals the nerves use to communicate.
Vitamins B6, B12,
and folic acid help your neurotransmitters work efficiently, but it's not proven that B supplements directly
benefits thinking (folic acid, 400 mcg; B12, 800 mcg, and B6, 40 mg). However, it has been noticed that
mental performance can decline with lower levels of vitamin B and research continues into the usefulness
of the B vitamins for fighting Alzheimer's.[14] Good food sources of vitamin B include: pork, sunflower
seeds, enriched grain products, meats (turkey, lamb, etc.), seafood (steamed clams, bluefin
tuna, sardines, etc.), enriched flour, chickpeas, potatoes, chicken, and bananas.[15]

Try New England clam chowder

Eat foods with luteolin (LOOT-ee-oh-lin). Luteolin calms overactive immune cells (microglial), which can
damage the brain and helps to lower plaque-forming proteins in the brain.
Eat celery stalks,
especially celery hearts, as a top source of luteolin. You can also get mind-pampering luteolin from
spinach, carrots, and olive oil.

Try celery and apple salad.

Eat foods containing carotenoids and flavonoids, which can slow mental decline due to
aging.[18] Eat dark, leafy greens, spinach, kale, collard or mustard greens; have three or more servings
per day.

Try a spinach potato grilled sandwich.

Enjoy blueberries. These remarkable little fruits can do wonders for your brain and are reputed to protect
against inflammation and oxidation, two processes that age your brain cells and that are associated
with Alzheimer's disease.[19] These berries are thought to be so good that they've even been termed "brain
berries".[20]They are thought to improve short term memory, so fill up on them![21]

Try blueberries raw or thawed.

Eat foods rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E is another antioxidant that is considered able to lessen the
chances of getting dementia or Alzheimer's. Eating just 1 ounce (30 mg) of nuts or seeds a day, or taking
a supplement of 200 to 400 IU daily along with vitamin C, can help improve your vitamin E levels; note that
it works most effectively when taken with with vitamin C.[22] Vitamin E is found in such foods as sunflower
seeds, sweet potato, kale, wheatgerm, and vegetable cooking oils.[23]

Try making sunflower seed muesli bars.

Try adding more turmeric (curcumin a root of the ginger family) into your diet. Turmeric helps to
activate genes that keep your brain clear of waste build-up that causes inflammation that weakens or
destroys brain cells.[24] Population studies have revealed a lower incidence of Alzheimer's in the Indian
population where turmeric is much used.[25] Use turmeric (17 milligrams daily of the spice) found in "yellow
mustard" (about a teaspoon of mustard). The yellow colored mustard has turmeric added. Mustard without
turmeric is light brown or gray.

Learn how to include more turmeric in your diet.

Improve your omega-3 intake. Omega 3 is excellent brain food, providing the high DHA fatty acid that is
needed to improve mental clarity and halt memory loss and dementia. Get an extra DHA
supplement.[26] Oily fish (salmon, whitefish, tilapia, catfish, flounder, mahi mahi, trout), fish oil, walnuts, and
flax seeds (linseed) are all good sources of omega-3.[27] Look for wild-caught saltwater fish.
Try Chia seeds, which are loaded with ALA and EHA omega-3, added to cereal, a smoothie and ice cream
or sprinkle onto foods. Stir them them into crunchy (or smooth) peanut butter. Try a flax-seed-mill
Nuts containing monounsaturated fats keep your arteries clear, and as precursors of serotonin boosts
mood, one ounce of nuts a day is just right (more is calorie overload.) An ounce is about 12 walnuts or 24
Unsweetened cherry fruit, blueberries, raspberries, and other produce with red, blue, or purple hues
for phenolics, anthocyanins, which appear to protect brain cells from neuro damaging oxidation and the
risk of cardiovascular disease
Caution: some seeds and pits, such as cherry, apple and plum (seeds/pits) are poisonous.
Soybeans contain heart- and artery-healthy protein, fiber, and fats, 1 cup of soybeans a day.
Caution: Do not eat raw or undercooked "kidney and lima beans" (soak and discard the water and you
must boil and simmer at a boil -- Caution: oddly low-heat cooking may increase the poison), as they
contain cyanides.[30]
Tomato juice and spaghetti sauce contain folate, lycopene, and other nutrients to keep arteries young, 8
ounces of juice or 2 tablespoons of spaghetti sauce a day.[31]
Raw-green tomatoes are also, poisonous (avoid the green fruit).
Olive oil, canola oil, nut oils, fish oils, flax seed, avocados contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
Twenty-five percent of daily calories should be healthy fats. Plant oils are far healthier for the brain than
saturated fats, so prefer peanut, sunflower, peanut butter, and other polyunsaturated oil sources too. [32]
Real chocolate (at least 70 percent cocoa) increases the release of dopamine and provides flavonoids,
which keep arteries young, 1/4 to one ounce a day (to replace milk chocolate).
Grapes and tea contain resveratrol which has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can
ward off dementia and protect brain cells.[33] Thecatechins in tea may also work in tandem with resveratrol
for boosted protection.[34]
Pomegranate juice has been shown in laboratory studies to improve mental functioning.[35] The fruit is just
as good too.
Garlic and ginger work as antioxidants and are easy to slip into lots of your favorite dishes.[36]
Avoid processed foods. Just as there are "brain foods", there are "brain drain foods" that are best
avoided except as special treats. These foods include fatty and processed meats; cakes, cookies, and
pastries; trans-saturated fats (cookies, baked goods, etc.); and saturated fats such as butter.[37][38] High
sugar diets are not good for brain health research has shown that a lot of sugar decreases the brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) that develops new brain tissue, and very low BDNF levels have been
linked with depression and schizophrenia.[39]
Alcohol can impact cognitive health and cause dementia, so keep your consumption of alcohol

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