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Vim-Plugin Statements Regular Expressions

perl-support.vim \sd do { } while (n, v, i) \xr pick up Regex (n, v)

Version 4.6 \sf for { } (n, v, i) \xs pick up string (n, v)
\sfe foreach { } (n, v, i) \xf pick up flag(s) (n, v)
Hot keys \si
if { }
if { } else { }
(n, v, i)
(n, v, i)
match multiple (Regex/target)
\se else { } (n, v, i) \xe explain Regex (n, v)
Key mappings for Vim and gVim.
Plugin: http://vim.sourceforge.net \sei elsif { } (n, v, i) POSIX Character Classes
Fritz Mehner (mehner@fh-swf.de) \su unless { } (n, v, i)
\pa [:alnum:] (n, i)
\sue unless { } else { } (n, v, i)
(i) insert mode, (n) normal mode, (v) visual mode \ph [:alpha:] (n, i)
\st until { } (n, v, i)
\pi [:ascii:] (n, i)
\sw while { } (n, v, i)
Load / Unload Perl Support \pb [:blank:] (n, i)
\s{ \sb { } (n, v, i)
\lps load menues (n) \pc [:cntrl:] (n, i)
Idioms \pd [:digit:] (n, i)
\ups unload menues (n)
\$ my $; (n, i) \pg [:graph:] (n, i)
\$= my $ = ; (n, i) \pl [:lower:] (n, i)
\hp help (plugin) (n,i) \$$ my ( $, $ ); (n, i) \pp [:print:] (n, i)
Comments \@ my @; (n, i) \pn [:punct:] (n, i)
\cl end-of-line comment (n, v, i) \@= my @ = (,,); (n, i) \ps [:space:] (n, i)
\cj adjust end-of-line comments (n, v, i) \% my %; (n, i) \pu [:upper:] (n, i)
\cs set end-of-line comment col. (n) \%= my % = (=>,=>,); (n, i) \pw [:word:] (n, i)
\cfr frame comment (n, i) \ir my $rgx_ = q//; (n, i) \px [:xdigit:] (n, i)
\cfu function description (n, i) \im $ =~ m//xm (n, i) POD
\cm method description (n, i) \is $ =~ s///xm (n, i)
\pod run podchecker (n)
\chpl file header (.pl) (n) \it $ =~ tr///xm (n, i)
\podh convert POD data to .html file (n)
\chpm file header (.pm) (n) \isu subroutine (n, v, i)
\podm Convert POD data to *roff input (n)
\cht file header (.t) (n) \ifu (n, v, i)
\podt Convert POD data to ASCII text (n)
\chpo file header (.pod) (n) \ip print "...\n"; (n ,i)
\ii open input file (n, v, i) Profiling
\ckb keyword comm. BUG (n, i)
\ckt keyword comm. TODO (n, i) \io open output file (n, v, i) \rps run SmallProf (n)
\ckr keyword comm. TRICKY (n, i) \ipi open pipe (n, v, i) \rpf run FastProf (n)
\ckw keyword comm. WARNING (n, i) Snippet \rpn run NYTProf (n)
\cko keyword comm. WORKAROUND (n, i) \rpnc open CSV file (NYTProf) (n)
\nr read code snippet (n)
\ckn keyword comm. new keyword (n, i) \nw write code snippet (n, v)
\cc code ↔ comment (n, v) \ne edit code snippet (n)
\cb code block → comment (n, v) \ntl edit local templates (n)
\cn uncomment code block (n) \ntg edit global templates (n)
\cd date (n, i) \ntr reread the templates (n)
\ct date & time (n, i)
\cv vim modeline (n, i)

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\rr update file, run script (n) perlcritic
\rs update file, check syntax (n)
Ex commands for perlcritic (version 1.01+)
\ra set command line arguments (n)
Use tab expansion to choose the severity or the verbosity.
\rw set Perl cmd. line switches (n)
\rd start debugger (n) :CriticSeverity 1 2 3 4 5
\re make script executable (n) brutal cruel harsh stern gentle
\rp \h read perldoc for word under cursor (n)
:CriticVerbosity1 . . . 11
\ri show installed Perl modules (n)
\rg generate Perl module list (n) :CriticOptions option(s), see perlcritic(1)
\ry run perltidy (n, v)
\rc run perlcritic (n)
\rt save buffer with timestamp (n) Profiling
\rh hardcopy buffer (n, v) The following ex commands can be used to sort a profiler report
\rk settings and hotkeys (n) in the quickfix window.
\rx set xterm size (n, GUI only) Use tab expansion to choose the sort criterion or the file name.
\ro change output destination (n)
For Devel::SmallProf
:SmallProfSort file-name|line-number|line-count|time|ctime

For Devel::FastProf
:FastProfSort file-name|line-number|time|line-count

For Devel::NYTProf
:NYTProfCSV Read a CSV-file.
:NYTProfHTML Read the HTML-reports with an external viewer (GUI only).
:NYTProfSort file-name|line-number|time|calls|time-call

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