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Nobody is equal.

Peoples and societies make progress

in living, arts, culture, philosophy, interpretation on righteousness all by 'inequality'.
The will to succeed,
the will to power,
the will to stand above all.
To subject others to your perspective.
'Equality' keeps strong people behind,
because the people who think they have the ''right''
on everything that others have in name of 'equality',
never were useful.
Why should I 'invest' in you, if you would only 'take' with the thought:
''we are equal, I have the same right on your prosperity for which you have worked''.
A retard can take a part of my money, my books, my house, my belongings..,
through governmental ''rights'' - it won't make him equal to me,
I know the value for which I have worked;
and for the retard (thus already inequal in intellect and understanding),
it has merely economic value and the only thing that he would understand is
that it were his State given ''rights''.
Take it all away from me,
Honour is what you cannot grasp,
Dignity is what you lack,
You recognize these traits in the few;
Hence you try to steal, but you cannot reach,
It is Inborn, nothing to teach, just to an extent.
As a bird flying as if it can go through,
Clashing against a window Mistaking transparency for openness,
Reality strikes merciless, not so much as a hunter;
Rather as 'Being', like a solid rock rising above the openess,
Upon which a Fool stumbled in his ignorance.
To stubbornly ''assume'' as a unmoving rock,
Is not being equal to..
At least the rock can be sculpted into shape,
But what is a retard shaped like a rock, pretending to overcome;
More like a glaze pudding reverting to its essence.
''The dissatisfied,'' as Nietzsche wrote; ''are the last brave ones who detest ''civilization'' and its
tolerance for weaklings.''
The civilization which gives ''rights'' to all, including those cowards, to have access to the most
beautiful women, the riches and power. Acces to all the resources, the most qualitative, for which
the Brave one would fight and sacrifice, to take and claim it for his own and will not share but with
those like minded and physical persons.
Like minded and physical..
The body is the manifestation of the quality of the mind,

and the body imposes itself upon the spirit - a correlation.

The mind is expressed through the body; and the body forces itself upon the mind.
As Nietzsche wrote; ''take away the hunchback his hump, and you take away his soul''.
The hunchback's whole existence revolves around his misshapen body: His interaction with other
people, his emotional shield and life perspective all relate to his specific malformation.
Often you can read the stupidity, infantility, degree of intelligence, life experience, the dominant
emotion etc., on the faces of the many people; the face is physical and an expression of the
mind's endurance and quality.
What has your ''civilization'' to offer for me,
But to be included within the most Low;
''We are all human'', is what I too often hear,
Am I too? I ask.
''No, you are the elite of the bottom of the trash can''.
I get it, to be a ''human'' is to subject yourSelf,
To the current perspective, the Common of Men.
Not the intellect co-existing with understanding,
Nor empathy as of a hunter, but rather;
As a sexual reproductive specie, even if infertile.
I detest your Human standards,
I am more than a dick unattached to the body,
More than this sexual organ which penetrates indiscriminately;
It is a part of my being, yes,
and my being is always Becoming:
Hear that inner-rock inside of us Noble ones,
Always whispering for constant hew and cuts,
Detesting the thought of ''what I am now is completed'' My body is my past and the manifestation of my soul,
A body and intellect shaping is a mind's discipline.
I refuse to be lowered to an organ detached from its body,
or to Moral Conduct of having pity and tolerance for all and mySelf as well.
I will not allow to be lowered to genetic feces and their current ''morals'',
I have no pity, no sympathy, no tolerance, no in-discriminate taste.
And I won't give away my love as a whore to anybody, equally, indiscriminate Just Because you were born. I might not like your existence at all and feel no sympathy.
Let like attract like, as is Natural.
''Medelijden is Meelijden!'' ~Nietzsche
To have pity is to suffer together with the one for whom you will feel pity.
Mede = co / together,
Lijden = suffering / to suffer
Medelijden = Pity

Mee = together / come with

Lijden = suffering / to suffer
Meelijden = a non-existing word meaning, 'suffering together'.
Leiden = leading / directing
Lijden = suffering / to suffer.

~Sjoerd Heeger

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