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What is a Learning Style?

Refers to the way you receive, store and
retrieve information.
Many different learning styles
Not everyone learns the same way
When you know your preferred Learning Style,
you can adapt yourself better to the classroom
and learn more effectively outside of class

Learning Styles
Six Learning Styles
Listening (Auditory)
Manipulating (hands-on)

Learning Styles
Often the six are categorized into three styles



Assessing Your Preferred Learning Style

Complete assessment in book on pages 126128
Complete Learning Styles Inventory
introduced in class.

Teaching Modes
There are four direct teaching modes
Group Collaboration
Visual Presentation
Indirect Teaching Modes include:
Writing and Reading

Making the Most of Your Preferred

Learning Style
Visual Learners: to include reading, writing,
Keep text with you during lectures so you can
refer to the written word
Read assignments keep up on reading and take
notes while reading
Take notes during class-revise them as soon as
possible after class
Create study aids such as notecards, draw
diagrams, make charts, etc.

Making The Most of Your Preferred

Learning Style
Auditory Learning: includes speaking and
Compatible with lecture classes
May benefit from participating in a study group so
you can hear others discuss the concepts
Tape lectures and listen to them again
Read aloud

Making The Most of Your Preferred

Learning Style
Tactile Learners: hands-on, manipulation
Build models or replicas, create charts, diagrams
and graphs
Take notes
Make flash cards and utilize them in your studies
Transcribe hand written classroom notes on the
For Math, make sure you do the practice problems
and homework

Making the Most Out of Your Instructors

Teaching Mode
The Teaching Mode will not always match
your preferred learning style.
Students will adapt and strengthen their less
preferred or used learning styles
You will want to master as many learning
styles as possible
Every learning style you strengthen will boost
your self-esteem as well as your performance

Adapting to Your Instructors Teaching

Lecture: students who are visual and tactile learners will need
to take detailed notes during lectures. Auditory learners will
be careful listeners and strengthen visual and tactile skill by
taking notes.
Soon after lecture class review notes and make corrections.
Add diagrams, charts graphs that correspond to material. Can
re-write notes on the computer for increased tactile learning.
Make note cards for visual and tactile use.
Strong auditory learners can join study groups to further
discuss classroom topics. Information is heard a second time.

Adapting to Your Instructors Teaching

Visual Presentations: Students who are tactile and auditory
learners will benefit by sitting at the front of the class so they
do not miss anything.
Take notes during the presentation and soon after class, make
additions to your classroom notes.
A study group will help auditory learners in a situation where
the material was delivered through visual presentations a
study group could discuss what was viewed and give
interpretation of the material
Tactile learners could re-create visuals as a way to connect
with new material.

Adapting to Your Instructors Teaching

Group Collaborations good for auditory
learners. Need to come to class prepared so
you can actively participate in the group.
Tactile and visual learners can benefit by
taking notes during group work gives you a
record of what went on during group work.

Adapting to Your Instructors Teaching

Manipulation works well for tactile learners
lots of hands-on activities in class
Visual and auditory learners can strengthen
their tactile style by taking notes on
procedures you might perform in class,
utilizing open lab time to practice more.

Learning Beyond the Classroom

Talk with professional who are in the field you are
preparing to enter
Join clubs, societies or other campus organizations
Read journals in the occupational field you plan to
Visit instructors outside the classroom
Enroll in elective courses that will strengthen some of
your weaker skills
Participate in field experiences, internships or
cooperative education programs

Making a Comeback
Evaluate your efforts
Discuss progress (or lack of) with your
instructors own up to your faults
Seek help get a tutor
When grades begin to slip, get help
Dont let personal problems stand in your way

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