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Thoha Purnama, 20110210018




Banana (musa sp.) Is a commodity that is very popular tropical fruit in the world.
This is due to its delicious taste, high nutritional and relatively cheap price. Development
prospects and potential banana market in the future is quite high due to the whole world
almost everyone grmar eating bananas (BIOTROP, 2007)
Many types of commercial bananas that have been cultivated in Indonesia, one of
which is the Cavendish banana is a banana (musa paradisiaca L). Cavendish banana is one
of the horticultural crops of high economic value. Cavendish bananas contribute up to 50%
of the total fruit consumption in Indonesian country (ernawati et al, 1992)
PT. Nusantara Tropical Fruit (NTF) is an agricultural sector cavendish banana
cultivation as its main commodity. cultivated bananas from banana cavendish bananas are
clones derived from DM2 and CJ 20. PT. Tropical Archipelago is a company located in
Lampung, located in Way Kambas national park roads, villages bases long I king, queen
harbor districts, east Lampung district that was built in 1992 on an area of 3757.28 ha. The
company was originally the result of forest clearance and then planted banana with an area
of 500 hectares and established buildings, roads and factories covering an area of 30 ha.
land planted with bananas from 1992 to 2007 changes in the dilation and constriction of the
land area planted due to pests and diseases and other land use activities expert. The
production of this company is oada premiere in March 1993 with a total production of 350
tons. The highest production occurred in 1996 with a total production of 48,000 tons. Banana
production declined in 1997 to 13,000 tons, due to Panama disease Diseases, an average of
196.46 plants / ha and Banana Bunchy Top average of 161.11 plants / ha.
Marketing of products produced at the company's outlets are exported and marketed
locally under license entirely the responsibility of PT. NTF with Sunpride trademarks and

Thoha Purnama, 20110210018

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta develop job training
activities in order to establish the readiness of students to enter the workforce in agriculture.
Holding of this apprenticeship students are expected to / able to socialize directly in the
world of work and apply skills gained in the lecture bench.
Cavendish banana cultivation in PT. NTF through several stages, consist of:
1. nursery
Seeding is done by tissue culture method (Meristem Tissue Cultur) which is the making of
seedlings through tissue culture / in vitro seedlings which aims to obtain a uniform and
resistant to disease and the subsequent attack, namely maintenance of seedlings (nursery)
includes, growing media preparation, seeding media planting seeds in the seed tray using the
media (pot) and medium seedlings in polybag, polybags and tray filling, planting, thinning,
seed treatment, seed hardening and transporting seedlings
2. Land preparation and planting
This activity is an activity performed at the time of land preparation and planting is to
determine the population and spacing, mounting stake (sticking), the manufacture of the
planting hole (digging holes), seed selection (grading & Holling), and planting (planting).
3. Treatment plant (plant care)
this stage, the maintenance stage, which consists of banana plants manually clearing
weeds, weed control with herbicides, fertilizing, watering, leaf removal activities, sapling
removal, inspection and eradication, spraying the leaves, and the pest attack.
4. treatment of fruit
Fruit maintenance activities conducted at PT. This included injecting NTF banana
aimed at preventing the occurrence of water-soaked and corky, fruit obstacle, removal, fruit
stand, spraying banana bunches (bunch of spray), wrapping bunches of bananas (blagging),
and harvest activities include measurement of fruit (skimming) , cutting bunches of bananas
(cutting), carrier bunches of bananas (bagger), binding / pnggantungan bunches of bananas
(hanger), pullers bunches of bananas (carero) and cut the banana plant stem (stem cutting)
5. post-harvest

Thoha Purnama, 20110210018

Post-harvest activities is the end of the harvesting is done packing house (house
pacing). This stage includes the handling on the Patio has particularly bagiankerja namely:
bunches receiver, plastic removal, deflowering, carero, handing, stalk disfosal, reject
conveyor, roll checks, and recordkeeping or inspection. Subsequent treatment stages, namely
the selection or screening that includes the selection of classification for the purpose of

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