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Jul 16, serving

2014 the
Pastor Peter Kolb and Family,
LORD in Asia.

July 2014

The Kolb Family Newsletter

The Walking Dead

Thank You! Thank You!

Your continued prayers and
monetary support is greatly
appreciated. It is a privilege
to work together with you in
serving the Lord in Sri
Lanka. Your gifts and
pledges aid us in sharing the
Good News of Jesus Christ.
Thank you! The LORD bless
you and bless these gifts for
service in His harvest field.

While traveling through Chicago on the way to preach and speak in

Channahan, Illinois, we stopped by the now famous Chicago
Bean (a very shinny bus sized stainless steel bean). While among the
hundreds of people walking around, one group of people stood out
among the rest- THE ZOMBIES. Their blood stained attire, pale faces,
and injured body parts made them hard to miss.
Tourists surrounded these dressed up zombies
waiting for an opportunity to snap their picture
with the walking dead. As it turned out, these
zombies were gathering together for a Zombie
March later in the day. These folks chose to
dress like the living dead as evident in their
elaborate costumes. Zombie fascination is a
huge fad that television has produced, as well as,
movies, books, and even zombie themed
weddings. These zombie fans gravitate toward
Zombies at the Chicago Bean
the walking dead. I wondered if they realize they
are living out what the Bible teaches in
Ephesians 2:1-2? And you were dead in the
trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of
this world. In Adam all have inherited our sinfulness and are the
walking dead. Dead in our sin and in need of a Savior. The world
around us has many who are indeed the walking dead. The challenge
is the dead do not look dead
on the outside, as these
zombies. The walking dead
surround everyone. In
neighborhoods, schools, and
the work place. These
walking dead need to meet
the ONE Who was once dead
but now is risen -Jesus Christ
the Savior. Jesus is the ONE
promised in the garden of
Eden. Jesus is the only One
who can give life. He was
sacrificed for all those dead

The Kolb boys visiting the Bean

What Can You Do?

Pray for the Kolb


To support the Kolb

family, please use the
information provided

If you are interested in

serving on a shortterm team, or if your
church is interested in
forming one, you can
ms.org who places
volunteers for the
Office of International

Jul 16, 2014

in sin. Jesus came into our world

of death to bring eternal life. This
life is splashed on our foreheads in
Baptism, spoken into our ears
through the absolution, and served
to Gods children in HIS Son Jesus
Christs body and blood of The
Lords Supper. St. Paul writes
Christs Word brings life. Romans
1:16 For I am not ashamed of the
gospel, for it is the power of God
for salvation to everyone who
believes. The Gospel of Jesus Christ
brings the dead in sin, back to life.
As we gather for worship in the
United States or overseas, it is the
Giver of Life, Jesus, with Whom
we worship. Around His Word and
around His gifts
Jesus comes to bring life through the forgiveness of

Speaking Opportunities Needed

Our Savior Lutheran Church, Chicago, Illinois, Bible

study and presentation. Pastor Christopher Brown.

To support the Kolbs

financially, you may send a
tax-deductible gift to:
The Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 790089
St. Louis, MO 63179-0089
Make checks payable to The
Lutheran ChurchMissouri
Synod. Mark checks Support
of the Kolb Family. Gifts can
also be given securely online
through the LCMS website, on
my online giving page at
www.lcms.org/kolb or call
888-930-4438 to speak with
one of our Donor Care

I continue to seek week-day opportunities to share

Gods Word and His work being done in Sri Lanka.
From now through October all the Sundays will be
occupied visiting other churches; however, there are
plenty of openings during the weekdays for me to
visit Bible study groups, LWML groups, mens
groups, schools, mid-week classes, VBS children,
Winkles, etc. It would be my pleasure to visit the
church and share how the LORD will use this
ministry in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please
contact me. Pastor Peter Kolb 618-704-8148,
Peter.Kolb@lcmsintl.org Thank you for your help.

Update on Kristie
It has been a little over two months since Kristie suffered the
spontaneous dissection of her heart and subsequent heart attack. She
continues to gain back her strength and endurance. All the prayers,
cards, and loving concern expressed has been a great encouragement
to her. Thank you.

Sunday worship at St. John Lutheran Church, Luverne, Minnesota

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