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DESI. The Correlation between Smoking Behavior toward VO2 max value and Peak Expiratory
Flow Rate (PEFR) value of Soldires in Batalyon Infanteri Mekanis 201/Jaya Yudha Kompi
Mekanis 2014. Supervised by dr. Bagus Tjahjono, MPH. And Sri Rahayu, Ssi, Msi, Apt.
In order to fulfill their duties, every soldier of the army must have superfine physical
condition. The physical condition influenced by internal factor that is body systems, one of them
is respiratory system. The stability of respiratory system can be affected by external factor that is
smoking, when smoking a variety of chemicals such as tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide
absorbed in respiratory tract. The aim of the research was to analyze the correlation between
smoking behavior toward VO2 max value and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) value of
soldiers in Batalyon Infanteri Mekanis 201/Jaya Yudha Kompi Mekanis 2014. The dependent
variable from this research was smoking behavior, meanwhile the independent variable were
VO2 max value and (PEFR) value. This research using analytic comparative study design with
cross sectional approach. The population of this research were soldiers of Kompi Mekanis
amounted to 100 people. The sampling technique is simple random sampling, after determined
by using sampling formula, its obtained 40 respondents who fulfill inclusion criteria, those are
20 smoker respondents and 20 non smoker respondents. This research using primary data, based
on the results of tests which conducted by respondents, the tests are 3200 meters run tes, Peak
Flow Meter test and height measurement. Based on the test results Kolmogorov-Smirnov, its
obtained p value = 0,000 < 0,05, there are correaltion between smoking behavior toward VO2
max value. Based on the test results Chi-Square, its obtained p value = 0,000 < 0,05 there are
correlation between smoking behavior toward (PEFR).
Key words

: Smoking behavior, VO2 max, PEFR

: 40 (1993 2014)


DESI. Hubungan antara Perilaku Merokok dengan Kadar VO2 max dan Kadar Arus Puncak
Ekspirasi (APE) pada Prajurit Batalyon Infanteri Mekanis 201/Jaya Yudha Kompi Mekanis
Januari 2014. Dibimbing oleh dr. Bagus Tjahjono, MPH dan Sri Rahayu, Ssi, Msi, Apt.
Guna melaksanakan tugasnya, anggota TNI dituntut mempunyai kondisi jasmani yang
prima. Kondisi jasmani dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal yaitu sistem tubuh, salah satunya sistem
pernapasan. Kestabilan fungsi dari sistem pernafasan ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal yaitu
rokok. Saat merokok berbagai bahan kimia seperti tar, nikotin dan karbon monoksida terserap
masuk saluran pernapasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku
merokok dengan kadar VO2 max dan kadar Arus Puncak Ekspirasi (APE) pada prajurit
Batalyon Infanteri 201/Jaya Yudha Kompi Mekanis 2014. Variabel bebas penelitian ini yaitu
perilaku merokok sedangkan variabel terikat yaitu kadar VO2 max dan kadar (APE). Penelitian
ini merupakan penelitan analitik komparatif dengan rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah
Cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah prajurit Kompi Mekanis berjumlah 100 orang.
Sampel diambil secara simple random sampling. Setelah ditentukan dengan rumus pengambilan
sampel, didapatkan 40 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, yaitu 20 responden perokok
dan 20 responden bukan perokok. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer berdasarkan hasil tes
yang dilakukan oleh responden yaitu tes lari 3200 meter, pengukuran tinggi badan dan tes Peak
Flow Meter. Berdasarkan hasil uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov diperoleh nilai P value = 0,000 < 0,05,
berarti terdapat hubungan antara perilaku merokok dengan kadar VO2 max. Berdasarkan hasil uji
Chi-Square diperoleh nilai P value = 0,000 < 0,05, berarti terdapat hubungan antara perilaku
merokok dengan kadar (APE).
Kata kunci: Merokok, VO2 max, APE
Kepustakaan: 40 (1993 2014)


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