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The Supporters of Traditional Marriage

By Gary Konecky

Originally published at: http://www.examiner.com/x-34822-Newark-Religion--


Many times our leaders in religion and politics go out for their way to be hypocrites.
Most often these leaders pick on the weak and the oppressed. Often their target is a
minority group. And so, I have decided it is time to publicize their hypocrisy, because
their hypocrisy hurts people and because their hypocrisy prevents people (like 120 clergy
from 19 faiths in NJ) from being able to exercise their religious freedom.

My first hypocrite is Doug Manchester. Doug lead the fight to repeal same-sex marriage
in California and was instrumental in having the right of same sex couples to marry
repealed. Doug said he did this because same-sex marriage, not divorce, is the threat to
sanctity of marriage. Doug knows all about this because he is a Roman Catholic. Divorce
is against Roman Catholic Church teachings. Now that Doug has saved the sanctity of
marriage from gay and lesbian couples in committed relationships, he is getting divorced.

Next, I come to the Sanford divorce. Mr. Sanford is the Governor of South Carolina. Mr.
Sanford is known for making the news with his extra-marital affairs. Jenny Sanford is his
soon to be ex-wife. As Dan Savage has observed: "As for the statement Jenny Sanford
'As so many of us know, the dissolution of any marriage is a sad and painful process. It is
also a very personal and private one.'

The dissolution of a marriage is a sad, painful, personal and private process—if you're the
straight first lady of South Carolina. If you're just some nice lesbian couple living in
Maine or California the dissolution of your marriage is a highly public process, complete
with lying campaign ads and anti-gay demagoguery and bigots traipsing to the polls. "

“While 45% of all South Carolina voters want Sanford to resign, only 33% of the 'moral
and family values' crowd wants him to.” Maybe it is not about family values after all.
Maybe it is about plain old womanizing, misogyny and homophobia after all.

Last, I come to Karl Rove. That would be the Karl Rove who has made politics into a win
at any cost game, a game where lying, cheating, breaking the law, and viciously smearing
the reputation of your opponent are all acceptable as long as you “win” the election.

One of Karl’s favorite tactics was to attack innocent gays and lesbians. He masterminded
countless campaigns through the United States to demonize gays and lesbians. He
masterminded countless votes about if this persecuted minority should be allowed equal
protection under the law. He masterminded countless votes to prevent loving same sex
couples from ever being treated equally by their own government. He did all this in the
name of protecting the sanctity of marriage. Well it turns out Karl is getting divorced.

Karl, please explain why a gay male couple in New Jersey, a couple that has been
together 19 years, a couple that has been through the cycles of for richer or poorer, in
sickness and in health, is a threat to the sanctity of marriage, while your divorce is not.

Then there is the Republican homophobic politician running for Ted Kennedy's Senate
seat, that would be the homophobic pillar of morality that posed nude.

Not to be out done, there are the homophobes who attacked, ridiculed and interfered in
the most intimate lives of private citizens. I refer to the hate mongering bigots behind
Prop. 8 in California in 2009. Now that the legality of Prop. 8 is being challenged in
court, these hate mongers are running scared. They have run to their friends on the US
Supreme Court demanding the public not be allowed to see them in court, that the public
be deprived on the right to see what they are, what they said, and what they did. Well
bigots, you claimed to be doing God's work in protecting the sanctity of marriage from
loving same sex couples, so surely God will protect you in your holy mission, so there
should be no problem with this trail being televised; or is it that you are ashamed that
your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family will find out that what hate mongering,
bigoted pigs you really are?

Not be out done by the hypocrites on this side of the Atlantic, we have this juicy bit about
the wife of an Irish homophobic politician, she being homophobic herself. Well it turns
out this good conservative, homophobic woman who likened consenting sex between
adults of the same sex, in the privacy of one's home to being worse than child rape. The
reason we know she is an expert on child rape, is she has been caught with a teenage boy
less then one-third as old as she is.


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