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A. Background
In everyday life, we always see the growth of living things, such as how plants
grow up. In the process, we see the development of a plant started from seed until it
becomes a big tree. After that, the tree will produce seeds and tree seeds that will
become a never-ending. But in our minds comes a big question mark. Where does this
cycle begins, whether such plants from seed and then experienced growth.
Humans can still provide a clear definition and limits of the theory of the origin
of life. There are so many scientists trying to explain the theory of the origin of life.
Theories about the origin of life appears too much now. There is a theory that states
life began 300 million ago as organic that occur in shallow lakes. This is just a theory
created by humans and never proven true. No one can accurately describe the origin
of life because no one has seen even alive at the time the earth was created.
The theory of evolution is not theory about the origin of life. The theory of how
life first appeared on earth. This theory says that the cells can not be produced even by
using all intelligance, knowledge, and human technology that succes to make it as a
coincidence in time immemorial.
Driven by science and curiosity, there emerged several theories, such as
Generatio Spontanea theory which states that living things are formed by itself.
Generatio Spontanea theory proposed by Aristoteles. But after further investigation, it
turns out the theory of abiogenesis did not make sense because it can not be a matter
of life came from non-living objects. Finally, the theory of Generatio Spontanea is
turned off.
The emergence of the theory of Generatio Spontanea triggered the emergence
of the theory of the origin of life such as the theory of biogenesis proposed by several
researchers, one of which is the theory advanced by Lazarro Spallansani who oppose
the theory of Generatio Spontanea. Theory of biogenesis states that living things come
from living things as well. Theory of biogenesis using broth as a medium to see if

there are living things or not in place or a different tube. Biogenesis theory can be
accepted by the public. apart because of the many researchers who has conducted
experiments about the origin of life and get results that are not much different with
Spallansani Lazarro, as well as the theory of the origin of life makes sense.
So in this experiment, we will practice the theory of biogenesis Lazarro
Spallansani Especially in experiments that use broth as a medium to prove that living
things come from living things themselves.
B. Purpose
This experiment aims to provide opportunities for students to follow the way of
thinking and the steps that have been done by scientists or researchers in solving
biological problems, particularly to answer the questions above.
C. Benefit
Benefit of this practical is university students can know the steps that scientist
ever done and theory have used by scientist that theory about abiogenesis and


There are so much theory that ever said by the expert about the origin of life.
One that is abiogenesis theory that pioner by Aristoteles, Antony Van Leewenhoek,
and Needheam. Biogenesis theory that pioner by Harold Urey, Oparin, and Stanley
Miller said that life creature is from creature life before. Kosmoa theory said that in
begin of earth there are not a live, and next begin come space materials from meteorit
to earth (Sitoru, 2004).
Some experts also argue that life first arose on Earth is the result of chemical
reactions between molecules that are abundant in the lake which is at any given time
the temperature is high enough. The theory of chemical evolution is supported by
several scientists, including A. I. Oparin, J. B. S. Haldane, Harold Urey and Stanley
Miller (General Biology, 2003).
Although it has survived for hundreds of years, not all people understand
abiogenesis justify. Those who doubt the truth of understanding abiogenesis continues
to conduct research to solve problems concerning the origin of life. The people who
are not satisfied with the view that abiogenesis include Francesco Redi (Italian, 16261799) and Lazzaro Spallanzani (Italian, 1729-1799), and Louis Pasteur (French, 18221895). According research results from these figures, finally understand abiogenesis /
fade spontaneous generation because they can not be accounted understand the truth
(Anonym, 2010).
The question of the origin of life have tried to answered with so much theory
and experiment. On of them is Spallansani experiment that have doubt the truth of
abiogenesis theory or generatio spontanea by Aristoteles (Team Teaching, 2010).
According Anonym (2010), to subvert the theory of abiogenesis, some
researchers such as Francesco Redi, Lazarro Spallansani, and Louis Pasteur do the
experiment. These experiments result in the theory of biogenesis.


Experiment Francesco Redi (1626-1697).

To answer his doubts to understand abiogenesis, Francesco Redi. At Redi
experiments using three slices of meat and three jars. Redi experiment more are as
follow :
a. Jars I: filled with a piece of flesh, tightly closed.
b. Jars II: filled with a piece of flesh, and allowed to remain open.
c. Jars III: condition with a piece of flesh, and allowed to remain open (Anonym,
Subsequently the three jars are placed in a safe place. After several days, the
situation in the three jars of meat were observed. And the result is as follows:
a. Jars I: The meat is rotten and the meat was not found in mosquito / larvae or
maggots of flies.
b. Jars II: meat looks rotten and in it found a lot of fly larvae or maggots
(Anonym, 2010).
Based on the results of these experiments, Francesco Redi concluded that
the larvae or maggots in rotting meat found in a jar II and III are not formed
from rotting flesh, but came from fly eggs that are left on the meat when the fly
was perched there. This will be clearer, if the view state in a jar II, which
covered gauze. On the gauze lid found more maggots, but maggots on rotting
flesh relatively little (Anonym, 2010).


Experiment Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-1799)

Just as Francesco Redi, Spallanzani also doubted the truth of understanding
abiogenesis. Therefore, he held that in principle the same experiment with
Francesco Redi experiment, but move more perfect Spallanzani experiment.
For materials experiments, Spallanzani use broth or water stew meat and two
pumpkins. Based on the results of these experiments, Lazzaro Spallanzani
concluded that the microbes that exist in the broth is not derived from broth
(inanimate objects), but comes from life in the air. Thus, the decay due to
microbial contamination has occurred from air into the broth. Supporters of
abiogenesis raised objections against the experimental results Lazzaro

Spallanzani. According to them for the formation of microbes (living things) in

the broth needed air. With the influence of spontaneous generation came to pass
air (Anonym, 2010).

The experiment of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

In answer to his doubts to understand abiogenesis. Pasteur carry out
experiments to refine the experiment Lazzaro Spallanzani. In experiment, Pasteur
use materials with a pumpkin broth. Through heating of the experiment, all the
microorganisms contained in the broth will die. In addition, another result of the
warming is the formation of water vapor in the pipe-shaped glass swan neck. If the
experiment is cooled, then water will condense on the pipe and closed the hole
right at the pipe-shaped neck. This will cause the inhibition of microorganisms
that roaming in the air to get into the pumpkin. This is what causes the water
remains crystal clear broth at the gourd earlier (Anonym, 2010).
At the time prior to heating, air-free stay in touch with the room in a pumpkin.
Microorganisms which entered with the air will die at the time of warming broth.
After the flask is tilted until the broth until kepern \ found the pipe, the water stock
will be in touch with free air. Here there was contamination of microorganisms.
When the gourd is returned original (upright), microorganisms was carried inside.
So, after some time left for some pumpkin broth becomes turbid, due
microorganisme decomposition by them (Anonym, 2010).
Thus proved unrighteousness understand abiogenesis or spontaneous
generation, which states that living things originated from inanimate objects that
occur spontaneously (Anonym, 2010).
According Anonym (2010), based on the results of an experiment Redi,
Spallanzani, and Pasteur, then descended understand abiogenesis, and appeared
familiar / new theory about the origin of living things, known as the theory of
biogenesis. The theory states:


Vivum omne ex ovo = every creature life comes from eggs.


Omne ova ex vivo = each egg comes from living things, and


Vivum Omne ex vivo = every living creature comes from previous life.

Although Louis Pasteur in his experiments had succeeded in overthrowing

understand abiogenesis or spontaneous generation and biogenesis also reinforced
understand, not to mean that the problem of how the formation of the first living
things unanswered (Anonym, 2010).
Besides the theory of abiogenesis and biogenesis, there are again some theories
about the origin of life developed by several scientists, among them are as follows:

Typical creation theory, which states that life was created by a supernatural agent
at the time special.


Kosmozoan theory, which states that life on this planet come from anywhere.


Chemical Evolution, which states that the life of this world arise under the laws of
Chemical Physics.


Steady State theory, argues that life did not originate the proposal (Anonym,


A. Time and Place

The time of practical biology refers to :
Day / Date

: Wednesday, 10th November 2010


: 09.25 11.25 WITA


: Biological Laboratory, second floor. East of the faculty of

mathematics and science or in front of chemistry department.

B. Tools and Materials


a. 4 reaction tubes
b. 1 reaction tube rack
c. 2 rubber plugs
d. 1 methylated spirit
e. 1 wood clamp
f. 1 matches


a. 40 ml of diluted broth
b. 1 piece of candle

C. Work Procedure

Put the water broth into 4 reaction tubes for each one is 10 ml.


At first tube, boiled the water broth on fire of methylated spirit for 10 minutes, and
closed it quickly with rubber plug and dripped the water candle in crack between
the nozzle of tube and its closer.


At second tube, boiled the water broth on fire of methylated spirit for 10 minutes,
permitted it open without close.


At third tube, closed it with rubber plug and dripped the water candle in crack
between the nozzle of tube and its closed without boiled.


At fourth tube, without any treatment, did not boiled teh water broth and did not
closed the reaction tube.


Put the all experiment tubes on the rack and put it on your work table. Avoidi the
from animal interferences, sunlight directly, and another source of heat.


Did to the observation and take a data record for five days.


A. Observation Result
1st day observed
















2nd day observed

3rd day observed

4th day observed

5th day observed




Table of observation









Not Smell

Not Sediment


Not Smell












Not Smell

Not Sediment


Not Smell

Not Sediment


Not Smell

Not Sediment


Not Smell

Not Sediment


Not Smell

Not Sediment


Not Smell

Not Sediment


Not Smell



Not Smell



Not Smell



Not Smell



Not Smell

Not Sediment


Not Smell



Not Smell



Not Smell



Not Smell


B. Discussion
In this experiment, we found some result of observation which we know the
origin of life, such :

The first tube, water added as much as 10 ml broth in tubes that are not covered
and heated first. On the first day, water-colored broth is clear and distinctive smell
(the smell of broth), and has no sediment on the bottom of the tube. But after the
second day, the broth became cloudy and smells a bit unpleasant and have a little
sediment at the bottom of the tube. This occurred during the fifth day of the study.
The day more and more sediment. This is due to open reaction tubes so that the
broth contaminated with outside air to allow microorganisms to enter into the tube
broth or water.


In both tubes, broth included as many as 10 ml in a closed tube and then heated for
10 minutes. On the first day, the broth is actually clear, distinctive smell (the smell
of broth), and has no deposition. On the second day until the fifth day, the broth
did not change the color of water (clear color), smell typical (broth), and has no
deposition. Color, smell and presence of sediment in the broth did not change
because the tube is closed so that outside air is not contaminated directly with
broth so it does not allow microorganisms into the tube which can affect water
broth. Heating the broth is useful to not change the scent and color to the broth.


The third tube, inserted into the broth of 10 ml tube and then heated for 10
minutes. On the first day, the broth is actually clear, distinctive smell, and has no
deposition. After the second day until the fifth day, no change in smell and color
of broth but there are deposits that are increasingly more in the bottom of the tube.
Deposition because there is not a closed tube, allowing the microorganisms into
the broth. Color and smell has not changed because of heating during the first day
of the experiment.


The fourth tube, inserted into 10 ml broth tubes with cork stoppers covered but not
heated. on the first day, the water is actually clear broth, no foul odor (smell
typical), and has no deposition. On the second day till the fifth day, the broth
became turbid water and sediment but has no smell. There is no odor because the
outside air is not contaminated directly with broth, while subject to change colors
and have the deposition because it is not through a heating process first.


A. Conclusion
From the experiment, we can draw the conclusion that the broth of boiled
water experiments and closed meetings will only rot when in an open and there must
be a micro-organism first. As already noted by Lazarro Spallansani about the origin of
life by experimenting broth.
B. Suggestion
1. Researchers must work carefully to facilitate observation and receive data or the
results of accurate observation.
2. Researchers must work with tools and materials and work procedures that have
been determined.
3. Researchers should be careful in using the tools that are easily damaged and
dangerous for the researchers themselves.


Sitoru, Ronald. 2004. Rangkuman Materi Penting Biologi. Bandung : CV. Pionir Jaya.
Anonym. 2010. Teori Biogenesis. Http://id.shvoong.com/exact-sciences/1974419teori-biogenesis. Accessed on November 18, 2010.
Accessed on November 18, 2010.
Team Teaching. 2003. Biologi Umum. Makassar : Jurusan Biologi Fakultas
Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam UNM.
Team Lecturer of Biology. 2010. Basic Biology Practical Guide. Makassar: UNM
Biology Department.


1. Whether that be causing changes in the broth at the trial?

2. Which comes from living things that cause a change in the broth?
3. Stock changes in above experiment occurred in tubes that are treated how? Why
did it happen so?
4. The tube is treated how the stock does not change? Why not change the color and
5. Possible from the broth of a sudden it will come new creatures?
6. The experiment results above can be used as strong evidence to refute the opinion
of Generatio spontaneous? Explain.


1. Causes of changes in the broth at the trial that is due to the opening of the tube
where the water is contaminated broth so the broth directly with outdoor air.
2. Living things that cause changes in broth derived from the free air outside the
tube. but it also comes from living creatures such as flies or mosquitoes that pass
through the broth.
3. The change of diluted broth happened on tube with :
a. The tube which without any treatment, the diluted broth is not boiled and the
reaction tube is not closed because the organism which in the tube are mixed
with the organism which enter from free air.
b. The tube which get trereatment like boiled firstly but permit it open without
closed, because the organism are free to enter it with the free air.

4. Tube that does not change the tube through a heating process and the jar is closed
with cork stoppers. this happens because the broth is not contaminated directly
with air so it does not allow bacteria or other organisms into the tube and the
heating process to make broth has not changed in terms of color and scent.
5. The emergence of new living creatures in broth that is something that is
impossible because the experimental broth was put forward by embracing Lazarro
Spalansani biogenesis theory which states that living things come from living
things as well, while the broth is a dead body so it does not allow the emergence
of creatures hiudp on the broth.
6. Results of these experiments can be used to refute the theory of spontaneous
Generatio which states that living beings are formed by itself. this can be seen in
the first tube that living things are not formed by itself but needs the stages of life
so that creatures can be formed.

Walaupun telah bertahan selama ratusan tahun, tidak semua orang membenarkan
paham abiogenesis. Orang orang yang ragu terhadap kebenaran paham abiogenesis
tersebut terus mengadakan penelitian memecahkan masalah tentang asal usul
kehidupan. Orang-orang yang tidak puas terhadap pandangan Abiogenesis itu antara
lain Francesco Redi (Italia, 1626-1799), dan Lazzaro Spallanzani ( Italia, 1729-1799),
dan Louis Pasteur (Prancis, 1822-1895). Beredasarkan hasil penelitian dari tokohtokoh ini, akhirnya paham Abiogenesis / generation spontanea menjadi pudar karena
paham tersebut tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenarannya.
a) Percobaan Francesco Redi ( 1626-1697)
Untuk menjawab keragu-raguannya terhadap paham abiogenesis, Francesco Redi
mengadakan percobaan. Pada percobaannya Redi menggunakan bahan tiga kerat
daging dan tiga toples. Percobaan Redi selengkapnya adalah sebagai berikut :
Stoples I : diisi dengan sekerat daging, ditutup rapat-rapat.
Stoples II :diisi dengan sekerat daging, dan dibiarkan tetap terbuka.
Stoples III : disi dengan sekerat daging, dibiarkan tetap terbuka.
Selanjutnya ketiga stoples tersebut diletakkan pada tempat yang aman. Setelah
beberapa hari, keadaan daging dalam ketiga stoples tersebut diamati.
Dan hasilnya sebagai berikut:
Stoples I : daging tidak busuk dan pada daging ini tidak ditemukan jentik / larva atau
belatung lalat.
Stoples II : daging tampak membusuk dan didalamnya ditemukan banyak larva atau
belatung lalat.
Berdasarkan hasil percobaan tersebut, Francesco redi menyimpulkan bahwa larva atau
belatung yang terdapat dalam daging busuk di stoples II dan III bukan terbentuk dari
daging yang membusuk, tetapi berasal dari telur lalat yang ditinggal pada daging ini
ketika lalat tersebut hinggap disitu. Hal ini akan lebih jelas lagi, apabila melihat
keadaan pada stoples II, yang tertutup kain kasa. Pada kain kasa penutupnya
ditemukan lebih banyak belatung, tetapi pada dagingnya yang membusuk belatung
relative sedikit.
B) percobaan Lazzaro Spallanzani ( 1729-1799)
Seperti halnya Francesco Redi, Spallanzani juga menyangsikan kebenaran paham
abiogeensis. Oleh karena itu, dia mengadakan percobaan yang pada prinsipnya sama
dengan percobaan Francesco Redi, tetapi langkah percobaan Spallanzani lebih
Sebagai bahan percobaannya, Spallanzani menggunakan air kaldu atau air rebusan
daging dan dua buah labu.
Berdasarkan hasil percobaan tersebut, Lazzaro Spallanzani menyimpulkan bahwa
mikroba yang ada didalam kaldu tersebut bukan berasal dari air kaldu (benda mati),
tetapi berasal dari kehidupan diudara. Jadi, adanya pembusukan karena telah terjadi
kontaminasi mikroba darimudara ke dalam air kaldu tersebut.

Pendukung paham Abiogenesis menyatakan keberatan terhadap hasil eksperimen

Lazzaro Spallanzani tersebut. M,enurut mereka untuk terbentuknya mikroba (makhluk
hidup) dalam air kaldu diperlukan udara. Dengan pengaruh udara tersebut terjadilah
generation spontanea.
c) Percobaan Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
Dalam menjawab keraguannya terhadap paham abiogenesis. Pasteur melaksanakan
percobaan untuk menyempurnakan percobaan Lazzaro Spallanzani. Dalam
percobaanya, Pasteur menggunakan bahan air kaldu dengan alat labu.
Melaui pemanasan terhadap perangkat percobaanya, seluruh mikroorganisme yang
terdapat dalam air kaldu akan mati. Disamping itu, akibat lain dari pemanasan adalah
terbentuknya uap air pada pipa kaca berbentuk leher angsa. Apabila perangkat
percobaan tersebut didinginkan, maka air pada pipa akan mengembun dan menutup
lubang pipa tepat pada bagian yang berbentuk leher. Hal ini akan menyebabkan
terhambatnya mikroorganisme yang bergentayangan diudara untuk masuk kedalam
labu. Inilah yang menyebabkan tetap jernihnya air kaldu pada labu tadi.
Pada saat sebelum pemanasan, udara bebas tetap dapat berhubungan dengan ruangan
dalam labu. Mikroorganisme yang masuk bersama udara akan mati pada saat
pemanasan air kaldu.
Setelah labu dimiringkan hingga air kaldu sampai kepern\mukan pipa, air kaldu itu
akan bersentuhan dengan udara bebas. Disini terjadilah kontaminasi mikroorganisme.
Ketika labu dikembalikan keposisi semula (tegak), mikroorganisme tadi ikut terbawa
masuk. Sehingga, setelah labu dibiarkan beberapa beberapa waktu air kaldu menjadi
keruh, karena adanya pembusukan oleh mikrooranisme tersebut. Dengan demikian
terbuktilah ketidak benaran paham Abiogenesis atau generation spontanea,
yangmenyatakan bahwa makhluk hidup berasal dari benda mati yang terjadi secara
Berdasarkan hasil percobaan Redi, Spallanzani, dan Pasteur tersebut, maka
tumbanglah paham Abiogenesis, dan munculah paham/teori baru tentang asal usul
makhluk hidup yang dikenal dengan teori Biogenesis. Teori itu menyatakan :
1. omne vivum ex ovo = setiap makkhluk hidup berasal dari telur.
2. Omne ovum ex vivo = setiap telur berasal dari makhluk hidup, dan
3. Omne vivum ex vivo = setiap makhluk hidup berasal dari makhluk hidup
Walaupun Louis Pasteur dengan percobaannya telah berhasil menumbangkan paham
Abiogenesis atau generation spontanea dan sekaligus mengukuhkan paham
Biogenesis, belum berarti bahwa masalah bagaimana terbentuknya makhluk hidup
yang pertama kali terjawab.
Disamping teori Abiogenesis dan Biogenesis, masih ada lagi beberapa teori tentang
asal usul kehidupan yang dikembangkan pleh beberapa Ilmuwan, diantaranya adalah
sebagai berikut :
1. Teori kreasi khas, yang menyatakan bahwa kehidupan diciptakan oleh zat
supranatural (Ghaib) pada saat yang istimewa.
2. Teori Kosmozoan, yang menyatakan bahwa kehidupan yang ada di planet ini berasal
dari mana saja.
3. Teori Evolusi Kimia, yang menyatakan bahwa kehidupan didunia ini muncul

berdasarkan hukum Fisika Kimia.

4. Teori Keadaan Mantap, menyatakan bahwa kehidupan tidak berasal usul.


A) Percobaan Lazzaro Spallanzani ( 1729-1799)
Spallanzani menyangsikan kebenaran paham abiogeensis. Oleh karena itu, dia
mengadakan percobaan yang pada prinsipnya sama dengan percobaan Francesco Redi,
tetapi langkah percobaan Spallanzani lebih sempurna. Sebagai bahan percobaannya,
Spallanzani menggunakan air kaldu atau air rebusan daging dan dua buah labu.
Adapun percoban yang yang dilakukan Spallanzani selengkapnya adalah sebagai

Labu I

: diisi air 70 cc air kaldu, kemudian dipanaskan 15oC

selama beberapa menit dan dibiarkan tetap terbuka.

Labu II

: diisi 70 cc air

kaldu, ditutup rapat-rapat dengan sumbat gabus. Pada daerah pertemuan antara gabus
dengan mulut labu diolesi paraffin cair agar rapat benar. Selanjutnya, labu
dipanaskan.selanjutnay, labu I dan II didinginkan. Setelah dingin keduanya diletakkan
pada tempat terbuka yang bebas dari gangguan hewan dan orang. Setelah lebih kurang
satu minggu, diadakan pengamatan terhadap keadaan air kaldu pada kedua labu
Hasil percobaannya adalah sebagai berikut :
Labu I

: air kaldu mengalami perubahan, yaitu airnya menjadi bertambah keruh

dan baunya menjadi tidak enak. Setelah diteliti ternyata air kaldu pada labu I ini
banyak mengandung mikroba.
Labu II

: air kaldu labu ini tidak mengalami perubahan, artinya tetap jernih seperti

semula, baunya juga tetap serta tidak mengandung mikroba. Tetapi, apabila labu ini
dibiarkan terbuka lebih lama lagi, ternyata juga banyak mengandung mikroba, airnya
berubah menjadi lebih keruh serta baunya tidak enak (busuk).

Berdasarkan hasil percobaan tersebut, Lazzaro Spallanzani menyimpulkan bahwa

mikroba yang ada didalam kaldu tersebut bukan berasal dari air kaldu (benda mati),
tetapi berasal dari kehidupan diudara. Jadi, adanya pembusukan karena telah terjadi
kontaminasi mikroba darimudara ke dalam air kaldu tersebut.

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