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Developed by Alan Ahlfeldt


First Name

Please identify which characteristics are indicative of your personality/temperament.

Please note that this is how you see yourself, not how others view you. It is possible
that you might struggle in identifying whether a characteristic is indeed indicative or
your temperament or not. We all possess these characteristics in some way or
another, but for the purposes of this exercise, your answer should relate to your
temperament "most" of the time and usually in this case, your first response is the
correct response. However, please take a minute to think about your answer and try
to be as truthful as possible.

Please type in an X if
applicable or leave

Characteristic Description





1 of 13


Self sufficient






2 of 13


First Name


Your dominant colour is the colour with the highest score

Your colour specrum is



The aim of this exercise is so that you can understand a little more about who you are and why you do
the things that you do in the ways that you do them. It is not about being figured out nor is it about
placing you in a box. As you will see, the colour types identify some of your values and the way in which
you prefer to behave most of the time. Please understand too that this information is not intended to
highlight negative characteristics, but rather to identify strengths. The detail available for you in this
document is not comprehensive and will be dealt with in detailed discussion during the creativity
workshop. Please understand too that this information is confidential and should not be shared
indiscriminately. Please print out the reports of your dominant colours (top two) as a

reference for the workshop and bring them along with you.

The Blue Temperament

As a Blue you might say:
I truly believe every single person is on this planet for a purpose and that everyone has a unique role to fill. It might
be nurturing a child, rescuing someone in distress, easing someones pain, correcting an injustice, protecting the
innocent, or even saving an endangered species. My job is to find a mission then I can put my heart and soul into
My searching has made it easy for me to see subtleties and nuances others sometimes miss. As a result I often
communicate on several levels at once, regardless of whether Im writing, speaking, or listening. I also express my
uniqueness through my music, my art, my pet projects, my social causes, even my clothing styles.
Those with whom I connect get a tremendous amount of my time and energy, because I am always searching for
really good friendships. I should probably use my head more and my heart less in relationships, but I always see the
good in everybody as I try to help them realise their potential. I seek to be as genuine and as honest with them as
Above all I want us to be happy and comfortable with each other. Consequently Im often a peacemaker or a
consensus builder. Id much rather see people work harmoniously toward a common goal than seek out their own
superficial self interests. What a wonderful world it would be if we all joined hands and worked together!
If you are like most Blues, you are perceptive, warm, humane, spiritual, patient, agreeable, poetic, genuine, devoted,
compassionate, personal, sensitive, artistic, romantic, accepting, idealistic, insightful, peaceful, caring and emotional.
As a Blue you :
Need to feel unique
Look for symbolism
Value close relationships
Encourage expression
Compromise and co-operate
Look beyond the surface
Share emotions
Get involved in causes
Bring unity to society
Need harmony
Make decisions based on feelings
Are drawn to nurturing careers
Desire quality time with loved ones
Need opportunities to be creative
Nurture people, plants, and animals

Blue workers:
Are authentic and caring
Blues care for people, even in their work, so they gravitate towards service-oriented jobs, and seek out activities
within those jobs that will allow them to make the most difference in the lives of others. This allows the Blue to stay
true to his or her internal charter. Even if Blue's work includes chores that are not pleasant say conducting annual
reviews or dismissing workers the corporation has determined to be surplus a Blue can be counted on to do this
task, as far as possible, with the concerns of the workers clearly in mind.
See the good and visualize the possibilities
Given their need to nurture, the Blue worker sees the positive in co-workers, departments, and organizations. This
means they always see the possibilities in the institutions they serve in and the people they serve with. This provides
them with a source of inspiration when times are tough or friction enters the ranks. They are likely to promote the
organization and cheer co-workers onward when things look bleak. After all, even if the organization seems to have

Use uplifting, enthusiastic communications

If at all possible, Blues will accentuate the positive. This leads to infectious enthusiasm in their communications, with
the good news switching between company results, new sales, exciting new prospects, new buildings or offices, or
the company golf or bowling team as required essentially reporting on wherever the bad news isn't. Blues motivate
by love and gentle persuasion, certainly not by fear or force, so they will build up and promote whatever positives
they can find, in the hope that difficulties can be weathered more easily. This often puts Blues in the position of being
patron saints of sinking ships. It does, however, keep them out of a lot of trouble, so when things do turn around,
Add value by keeping you (and others) close
Blues sense innately that people are the ultimate resource. They keep them close, maintaining connections in many
departments and companies. Interestingly, this significantly increases the Blue's value. When a Green boss has
need to contact a modular human a role rather than a soul it is likely the Blue assistants that will track that
person down. Even more surprising, it is possible that the person that can get the boss's request done may not be
the obvious choice based on the organization chart. Blues also keep links active by following up now and then, even
if people move to a different department. Knowing people at this level allows Blues to form and nourish relationships
Create highly individualized workspaces
A Blue simply will not get lost in a crowd, and this extends to their workspace. Look for Blues to bring in personal
photos of their children, spouse, significant other, or pets. We have even seen strong Blues bring in a small
houseplant, and take it home with them at shift's end, just to have a bit of themselves near them as they labour. The
first cubicle or office to sprout macram, plants, photos, samplers, needlework, or their kid's crayon drawings is likely
Need a pat on the back
Blues require constant reassurance that they are doing a good job at a significant task. They need their work to
matter, and if it matters, then people are likely to comment about it. In order to stimulate the flow of comments and
compliments, Blues are willing to give out the same freely. Blues thus pass out and receive strokes at the slightest
Size up situations by what has gone before
A Blue remembers. Their life is the sum of their interactions, and although they are infinitely forgiving, they also know
when they are being walked on, sort of like a doormat with a flight recorder. This means that when a Blue enters a
new situation the yardstick by which they assess it is likely to be buried deep within. If a situation is completely
foreign, then they are likely to judge it by the personnel they are with "John is here, he'll figure things out," or
environmental considerations "Oh, look! Here is a windowsill that I can put some plants on."
Adjust to accommodate individual differences and needs
Blues are the very definition of "reasonable accommodation." They are often the first to see that the group can often
easily accommodate the needs of individuals if certain simple changes are put into place. As a result, much stress is
alleviated, and increasingly, anti-discrimination laws remain obeyed.
Make decisions using empathy and personal values
A Blue must live with his or herself, and they can only assured by being true to the highest values they have within
them. In a perfect world, no one would be laid-off or fired, but when these choices are dictated, Blue is likely only to
be able to go forward by finding some way to reconcile the situation with an internal value, such as "the good of the
many comes before the good of the one." When the decision could have a devastating effect on others, Blues are
likely to consider ways in which it could be made better by sacrificing themselves. This can lead the Blue into forming
strange entanglements with problematic individuals, which relationships they will then defend by seeking out the best
Are sensitive and idealistic
Dealing with a Blue can be frustrating, because they sometimes engage in a clear communication with you, and then
fail to take action. Even though they can tell you exactly what was expected and why, it is as if there is a hidden set
of chocks sometimes firmly holding the Blue's tires. What is the nature of this mysterious force? Likely it is the Blue's
sensitivity and idealism getting in the way of their capacity. Like a physician whose hands are tied by an oath to "First
do no harm," the Blue may balk if an assignment may hurt another. In an ideal world, most people would live closer
to Blue's native ideals, and no one would ever have to hurt or make afraid another. A Blue may be loath to leave this
idealistic mind-set, because to do so would set the stage for further perceived abuses of power. One way to work
around this is to ask the Blue up front if he or she can see how proposed changes would be harmful to the affected
parties in the long run. Chances are, once a Blue thinks it through, there may be a way to execute your changes

The Green Temperament

As a Green you might say:
More than anything, I want knowledge how things work, how to do things, what is going to happen next, how to make it happen,
and so on. It has always been this way. From the moment I took apart my alarm clock as a youth or built my own ham radio and
stereo set-up, Ive craved accumulating information and technical proficiency.
So there are no unpleasant surprises, I do my own fact-finding. I dont inadvertently take in information, think about it, and work out
a solution only to have an overlooked fact change everything. I suppose this means I appear slow to make decisions, but as I see it,
a slow, good decision is always better than a quick, bad decision.
I really enjoy an intriguing discussion, but please dont bore me by stating the obvious or becoming emotional. Spit out your facts, let
me verify them, and then lets move on. If you ask me a question, give me a chance to think about it for a second and then youre
likely to get a concise and accurate answer. If you really want to know the nitty-gritty details, I can give those too.
I am rarely satisfied with the status quo. There is always something else I can learn. If I can read faster or master another language,
I can soak up information more quickly. At work, I get carried away when its interesting, even lose track of time. When I am
learning, investigating, or reasoning, work becomes play.
If you are like most Greens you are curious, abstract, independent, complex, inventive, versatile, ingenious, bookish, composed,
rational, logical, theoretical, intellectual, technical, objective, competent, scientific, factual.
As a Green you :
Are innovative
Seek to understand the world
Need to be competent
Require intellectual freedom
Push themselves to improve
Are slow to make decisions
Value concise communication
Look for intellectual stimulation
Are sometimes oblivious to emotions
Are detached
Believe work is play
Are drawn to technical occupations
Analyse and rearrange systems
Focus on the future
Bring innovation to society

Green workers:
Crave competency; thirst for knowledge
To be unprepared for an intellectual task is an unacceptable exposure for a Green. Their image of themselves depends in large
measure on being skilled and competent. If there are instruction manuals, help systems, technical assistance desks, or willing
mentors, a Green will try to absorb as much information as possible. Failing this, he or she will at least scan the available materials
by title so as to know where to locate the information when it is needed.
Are "Idea People"
Greens enjoy working with clean sheets of paper. Where others may desire, even insist on firmly established methods to follow,
Greens would just as soon make their own procedures, or where possible, not have procedures at all, and be left free to develop
methods that fit the program. This naturally implies a certain amount of conceptual work, but that is fine by Greens who quickly tire
of the physical world because it is so obvious.

Lust for mental challenges and things to learn

Greens are intrigued by challenges and riddles, and most puzzles that seem easy but end up hard. Life is a system to be decoded,
redesigned, and improved; a great puzzle, one with a special plus you can enter the puzzle yourself and interact with its pieces.
This makes the world a great laboratory for Greens. Most workers may be content to work at their jobs, perhaps never seeing the
bigger picture, or the global effects. These opportunities are not missed by Greens, however, who often cannot wait to jot down lists
of individuals in each department, their functions, and their triggers. Once mapped, the organization can be tweaked, and the results
noted and incorporated into the next round of adjustments. That people with feelings, fears, and desires fill the positions on the
organization chart may be lost on Greens. The term "Modular Man" may have been invented to describe the work world as seen by
Green. It is not that Greens intend to be non-personal, or to offend or harm, it is just that to a Green, most organizations exist now in
just one of several possible combinations and permutations. Some other arrangement may work better. How will we know unless we
Seek mental stimulation in their work
A lot of what goes on in the world is pretty boring. Greens do not handle boredom well. Given the chance to either see a long term
project to conclusion or to start something new that needs some extra thought before beginning is a no-brainer decision for a Green.
The obvious thing can be undertaken by anybody. The risky, new deal is a challenge as irresistible to a Green as is writing in fresh
concrete to some other colours. Both are ways to make a mark on the world.
Start starting, but may finish weakly, or not at all
As a project progresses and the results become clear, a Green may grow restless for the next challenge. In fact, for most Greens
the ideal job involves consulting on the scope and structure of a project, and then leaving details of the actual execution to other
more trivial beings. This seldom happens in practice, however. The world is designed for finishing what you start. The pervading
attitude is "Work not finished is worse than a botch." Pity the poor Greens. Not only are they hopelessly process-centred, finding
their reward is in the doing (especially if it was cleverly done), but they absolutely hate boredom. No wonder most Greens secretly
salivate when TV surgeons get their foreheads wiped by awe-struck attendants, and then get to throw their scalpels into a pan with a
triumphant clunk, and leave the busy word to others, saying "Close this! I'll be in the doctor's lounge!"
Are often unaware of others' feelings
Sensitivity in interpersonal relations may not be the Green's strong suit. Greens struggle with carrying a bulk of information in
situations where what can be written on the back of a 3x5 card would suffice. Having so much knowledge on hand, they are not
inclined to look for more, especially if it is presented subtly, as happens in office politics and relationships. As a result, Greens can
often end up buffaloed by subtle hints others around them can pick up on, such as body language or nuances of language, missing
clues entirely. If they just know who is with whom and what mustn't be spoken where, a Green can cope with almost any amount of
this information. As long as it remains unvoiced, however, count on Green to tromp all over it in complete navet.
Attracted and responsive to new ideas
Ideas are the Greens' stock in trade, and they recognize the advantage of rotating their inventory. Almost too much, in fact. The
urge to follow the state of the art as a lifestyle rather than as a business choice can lead to constant re-engineering. Constant
tweaking on a project may prevent finishing and moving on. The cure is for individuals of other colours to step in, pulling projects
from the lab onto the factory floor as required.
Are objective to a fault
When it is time to change, Greens have a strong advantage. They are not compelled to cling to existing ideas and methods. If
something clearly better is at hand, they switch. The facts of the situation, not the traditions of the organization, compel a Green.
There is little virtue about not switching horses in the middle of the stream for a Green. Oddly, this can work to their own
disadvantage. If a Green senses that his or her own department is a weak link or redundant, the resulting recommendation may be
against them.
Ask a million questions
There is no such thing as a statement of fact to a Green. A "fact" is merely a starting place for inquiry. With a fact comes a need to
know the source of that fact, the reliability of that source, a rundown of similar facts, their sources and the reliability of those
sources. To obtain all of this information requires questions, lots of them, and Greens are the inquiring minds that need to know. Be
prepared for a question bombardment when you present information to a Green. Then watch as the facts are arranged, classified,
validated, and rearranged logically to pull all possible information out of them. The answer, if available, will be often be presented
accompanied by its underlying logic, much like a mathematical proof. But getting to that point may require you guessed it
more questions.
Need you to be precise
A Green wants to appear competent above all else. This requires them to hold themselves to a high level of precision. This can be
greatly confusing in many social contexts, where such precision is unwarranted or even unwelcome. Conversation with a strong
Green can be particularly challenging, because where the Green sees a need to include adequate details to reduce ambiguity,
others are likely to see this as a need to insert unnecessary details and a failure to keep things simple. Remember that for a Green,
nothing is simple, because they tend to track not just what is happening, but also likely scenarios, along with those potential results.
Thus what would be a thin file folder to most others to Green can end up being a whole file cabinet. On the other hand, when this
level of analysis is warranted, it is indispensable. For this reason most employers and co-workers of Greens adapt and accept long
answers and analysis

The Gold Temperament

As a Gold you might say:
I strive to pull my own weight and lend a hand in everything I do. I believe everyone should do the same. Call it
service or call it duty, I can be counted on to finish my tasks on time and under budget. In fact, I cant rest
comfortably until I fulfil all my responsibilities and do whatever needs to be done.
Things run the way they do for good reasons. I believe that doing away with established systems, procedures, rules,
or standards will cause things to fall apart. My motto is If it isnt broken, dont fix it! Someone in authority decided
thats the way things should be and its my job to do it, even if I dont agree with it. I usually have a plan in place
I am careful, cautious, and accurate in all I do. Structure, order, and discipline arent strangers in my life. My
cupboards are organised and neat. I arrive at my appointments on time and prepared. I make lists and check off
items as I finish them. I figure out what I want in life, set my goals, and take the necessary steps to reach my
Im also prudent and want to be prepared for the future. I believe in getting a traditional education, securing a
respectable job, saving as much money as possible, taking care of my possessions, and maintaining an adequate
supply of food, water, and fuel. Its important to always keep something laid aside for a rainy day because, like it or
If youre like most Golds, you are reliable, responsible, consistent, organised, concerned, procedural, dependable,
thorough, punctual, conservative, structured, sensible, traditional, practical, cooperative, parental, stable, and orderly.

As a Gold you :
Are dutiful
Need to be useful
Want to be self-sufficient
Value order and organisation
Desire punctuality
Schedule their lives
Make and keep commitments
Measure worth by completion
Prepare for the future
Believe work comes before play
Safeguard tradition
Are responsible and dedicated
Are drawn to respected occupations
Enjoy positions of authority
Bring stability to society

Gold workers:
Work to serve; serve to work
The Gold wants to earn his or her position through performance. A step up the ladder, even a short one, such as
being named employee of the month, is reassurance that the job is well done, and carries the seeds of future
promotion. This twin drive, to belong and to contribute, is the source of much of the Gold's work ethic. Much of the
rest of Gold's attributes on the job centre around preserving resources by preventing waste, and enforcing fairness,
by making sure everybody puts in a day's work for their day's pay. Gold thus at the same time set up and sustain
Fastidious, protective, dependable
A place for everything, and everything in its place. To the Gold, work is a joy if it is productive and on schedule. Few
things can more easily mar productivity more than clutter, or unreliability of equipment, tools, or vendors. A Gold likes
to recognize at a glance if something is out of place. As this applies to co-workers, it often means they notice who is
at their desks and who is not. Recognizing this tendency in others, a Gold will often prominently place a note saying
"Out inspecting the yard", or "In a conference" when they leave their own workstation. At the very least, expect a note
saying "back at 2:00". It is all part of Gold's way of appearing dependable, even if what called him or her away was

Stabilize, re-enforce, improve by increments

There is sometimes a value to doing things the same way every time. Once you get it right, why waste time reinventing the wheel? There is always room to improve the little pieces, but the grander picture is usually best enjoyed
just the way the authors framed it. In this way, effectiveness can be monitored, and efficiency increased.
Honour performance and service in team-building ways
The Gold personality approves of tradition, and will depend upon "the tradition " as a means of increasing
organizational stability. In fact, Golds will often create some traditions, rather than let anniversaries and milestone
pass un-rewarded. By so doing, Golds not only add uniformity and continuity in the organization, they also increase
the value of the organization by making it tangible on different levels. Because a job well done is expected, however,
Golds rarely equate performance with tangible or monetary rewards (such as sales bonuses, which are motivational
to Oranges). Instead, Gold rewards are likely to be institutional and team building in nature, offering the accolades of
the group in forms such as letters of appreciation, certificates of accomplishment, and trophies in a case. A statuette
on one's desk, or one's name on a plaque, are of value to Gold because they help to cement one's position in the
Find it easier to criticize than reward
Giving a pat on the back may have to be a learned behaviour for strong Golds, who are likely to be so naturally dutybound that the idea of rewarding normal and appropriate behaviour may seem a bit wasteful. Extravagant
approbation and sugary praise for a job well done may motivate others, but is likely to embarrass a conservative
Gold. After all, what was the other choice? Perform less than their best unheard of! Golds tend to do what they do
exceedingly well, and expect others to be as diligent as they are. Incorrect actions, however, are a waste of
resources and may even threaten the performance of the outfit. On these a Gold may come down hard. Good thing
for the worker that most of this apparent anger is likely aimed at the waste, not the person, and most of it can be
Organize contagiously
Golds are the masters of logistics and organization. They need to know where things belong, where they fit, and how
they are arranged. Consequently, not only do Golds organize themselves, but they also organize the world around
them, including those closest to them. More than one team mate of a strong Gold has learned to just "do it his/her
way." The result is domestic tranquillity, and as an added bonus, things run better. In fact, wise partnerships usually
work out who is best at what, and leave each to their strong suit. Gold's bright spot includes planning, using
checklists and day planners to make sure everyone gets to where they need to be, and that they will have on hand
Have as their Credo: "In Plans we trust"
Things go wrong, so Golds plan hard so they don't get derailed. A Golds plan is like a multi-dimensional blueprint.
There is the objective, stated clearly as requirements, and there are the schedules of materials, which insure that
needed materials and personnel are where they need to be. There are also the milestones, which state what portion
of the job should be accomplished when. It is in this last idea that Golds shine, because it associates plans to time,
something that can be ethereal to Greens and Blues, and immaterial to Oranges. Knowing where things should be at
several points along the project allows Golds to know whether or not it is time to call in extra resources. Golds may
know that things may fall apart once the action starts, but they also know what they have in place, and what they
have in reserve. This forms, however, a two-edge sword. Gold's desire to be dependable leads them to take
tremendous pride in doing the job well, not just in results, but in execution. Thus, having to depend on back-ups and
Need timelines, deadlines, measurements
Because Golds are skilful at manipulating plans over their occurrence, or projected occurrence, in time, one thing
that Golds require is knowledge of "when".
"When is it due?"
"When do you need this?"
"What part do you think you need to have ready first?"
Providing answers to these questions help Golds to forecast, which in turn leads to successful execution of the all
phases of the project. Besides, Golds hate to be late. Turning in something after the appointed hour can mar an

Hate last-minute hurries

"On-time" and "under-budget" are Golden mantras. They take pride not only in the results, but also in the quality of
the execution. One way to assure they hold true to this ideal is to keep track of interim deadlines, and hit them. If
there is a problem, fix them fast. That way they don't compound. Nothing could be more vexing for a Gold than to
have a project go long, especially if people are sitting around waiting on some key element that is dragging. A Gold
would greatly prefer to work long hours a few times during the project's formative stages than have to push during the
final steps. It takes a special kind of planner to set up and hold to all the interim mini-deadlines, and then to use that
information to advance or delay the pieces of the project that depend on it. This extra dimension of visualizing
Give attention to the little stuff
Golds tie up loose ends. They are attentive to details. You should probably never let an order ship without having a
Gold look it over first. Gold's capacity to get it right is unflagging. Any task that has multiple parts, where any one
dropped ball is going to endanger the whole, is a job for Gold. To accomplish this, they call in whole armadas of
planning equipment, charts, checklists, calendars all to help them get jobs done in an orderly, predictable,
established way. Part of the Gold drive for detail is a desire to preserve health and sanity a Gold can get terribly
flustered when details aren't right. Part of it is also a desire to achieve closure, to accomplish something, to finish off
this task and move on to the next. Not only is this proof of productivity, a thing very important to Golds, it also

The Orange Temperament

As an Orange you might say:
I bring excitement, energy, and adventure to most gatherings. Im kind of a natural performer and have that start
quality that attracts people. I am often right in the thick of things, since its extremely hard for me to sit still and watch
things happen. I rarely worry about getting hurt or embarrassed.
I take risks all the time at work, play, in my relationships I just dont seem to worry about consequences. Ive had a
few really bad scrapes, but my optimism allows me to get through setbacks that might shut down others. I like using
tools that roar, chop, or cause things to tremble, and operating vehicles that speed, climb or soar.
I like doing things that keep me on the go building, painting, creating, planting, hammering, bull-dozing, climbing,
performing, running, wrangling, negotiating, dancing, partying. Even if I dont enjoy a task, I usually turn it into some
kind of a game so I can have fun doing it. And if m having fun, I can just go on and on doing it after everyone else
I like challenges, contests, and competition, especially if they require talent, skill and adrenaline. I stretch the limits
and set new records. But if there is anything I truly need, its freedom to be me which is being spontaneous, free,
and alive. I focus on the here and now. I want to experience all that life has to offer, and I do it with gusto.
If you are like most orange's you are active, adventurous, enthusiastic, courageous, flamboyant, bold, optimistic,
open-minded, effective, charismatic, skilful, spontaneous, competitive, persuasive, charming, generous, mechanical,
flexible, exciting, and daring.

As an Orange you :
Are free and spontaneous
Are impulsive risk-takers
Are active and competitive
Are optimistic
Commit fully or not at all
Thrive on crises
Need variety
Are drawn to tools
Have great endurance
Are drawn to action jobs
Like to be the centre of attention
Are dynamic, animated communicators
Are generous
Like to live in a casual atmosphere
Bring excitement to society

Orange workers:
Need speed, action, freedom
If the urge for physical action and risk cannot be satisfied directly by employment, the Orange will be happiest with
the next best thing a highly autonomous environment in which he or she can chose mostly what to do. It is of great
importance that supervisors understand this, and keep their urge to micro-manage to themselves. If there is a need
to focus on one activity because its results must dovetail with another, it might be best to emphasize the difficulty or
danger of the task rather than its importance to the team or the terrible things that will happen if work is not
completed in a certain order. The idea is to introduce freedom, perhaps risk, into the equation. All is lost unless a
superhuman springs into action and saves the day. And then the supervisor should go away.

Never borrow trouble

Neat, the dam could break, flood the valley, wash silt into the sewage treatment plant and back up wastewater,
overflow a toilet somewhere, make someone get a stomach cramp so they miss work, cause a cheque to not get
made out, cause a bill to not get paid, cause an order to not get made, preventing a delivery, meaning a part could
not be obtained, so the truck wouldn't start, so the papers will be late. All that could be enough to make a Green grab
a flashlight and check the levy, but don't expect it to motivate an Orange. Oranges like their problems tangible, such
as "Oh My Heck! It's a bomb!" or "If something isn't done, that culverts going to wash out how are we going to get
down there to patch it?" Oranges do not borrow trouble; they seek it out, or maybe even cause it themselves.
Can switch between options easily
George Orwell's "1984" portrayed a society held under siege by its own government. Periodically, when their valiant
troops had piled up enough victories to make it hard to sustain both the fervour and the ruse, the need arose to
switch enemies. A days-long melee ensued, in which everybody frantically tore down the posters mocking the old
enemy, and pasted up new ones deriding the new one. All the efforts involved in learning the ways of and fighting the
previous foe had to be discarded, and in a tremendous burst of energy, attention and public artefacts shifted to the
new one. Strangely, Orange has not much problem with that. As long as things keep moving. Boredom, or sitting
around waiting for someone to figure things out, are way more painful to an Orange than frantic activity for its own
Find nothing is too strange if it works
Oranges are not tied to the conventional, rather the practical. Show an Orange that a given course of action produces
the desired result, and they are off and at it. This is one reason they shine in high-tension environments. If they
discover that some misstep or unplanned event makes things happen, they will repeat it as required, no matter how
unorthodox. This is a great thing when it speeds projects along, or gets things done when resources do not appear to
be available. It may result in extra risk, but that is a small price to pay as long as things go well.
I was fighting a forest fire one evening a chance for welcome overtime after a day spent planting trees. A planned burn was
crossing its lines. I felt as if I had happened into a scene from Apocalypse Now. At one point, we stood watching for sparks. I
just disappeared into the woods with my shovel and looked around for trouble. But the forest was so dense that manoeuvring
was difficult, and I couldn't have seen sparks even if there had been any. I felt what I was doing was absolutely pointless. At first
I tried to find a vantage spot, then I just walked up to a stump and used the bathroom. Finally I crept back close to the road so I
could hear the crew when they pulled out, so they didn't drive off without me.
Next they had us walk down around the perimeter of the fire to make sure it didn't cross the fire line. We started off by jumping
off a small ledge, say four feet. Only thing was, there were no handholds, and you had to land clean because on either side of
you it was all glowing embers!
We finally got to use the hose when a "snag," a large, standing, dead tree, caught fire outside of the fire lines. Only once filled
with water, the hose became stiff like a pipe, making it next to impossible to carry through the brush. Fortunately we were near
its end, so we just left it, walked a bit more, then came out the other side of the line. It was a steep hillside. They told us to grab
hold of the hose that a different team had hauled down there, and carry it up with us as we walked out, while they pulled at the
top. Only as more guys made it to the top, they turned around and started pulling too. Soon the hose was flying up the hill. With
the mud grabbing at my boots, it was all I could do to hang on! It had been a long, hot day before they called us to work that
fire, and I was doubly tired now. I'm sure there is a regulation written somewhere about how fire hoses aren't to be used for
climbing, or used like a towrope on the bunny slope, but no one showed it to me that night and I wasn't going looking for it. I was
too grateful for the lift.

Ralph, forest ranger

Are risk seeking

If the risk-seeking nature of Orange was not combined with an uncanny ability to land on their feet, they would be
among the most tragic of cases. In truth, they seem to be like the ceiling lizards in the tropics. True, they may fall
from the sky and splat onto your head or the dinner table, but then they wriggle away. This very risk-tolerance which
makes them so valuable in a clinch does not make them immune, however, and it is usually necessary to think things
over for them, at least a little. Truth is, they are not immune from pain and injury, they just don't dwell on it, hence
choose their possible course out of a broader panel of possibilities than most. Most laws regarding occupational
safety and health and employee compensation are instituted because a few unscrupulous employers recognize that
Oranges need the stimulation of risk, so they provide it to them, without covering the responsibility for that risk when

Call plays from the field

Oranges tend to be tactical operators rather than strategic ones. They call the plays from the field, where they can
see the action "10-Right-Six, You cover the big guy! Let's go!" This means that short-term obstacles present them
few challenges, as long as the goal is in site. Greens on the other hand, are the voices in the headset suggesting,
viewing the game from up high, and calling down to suggest options. Golds call in to quote the rulebook, keeping
Have verbal meetings
Oranges would be happiest if meetings were held informally, preferable standing, maybe in the hallway. The huddle
may be an acceptable planning format for this colour style. If you really have to get the words to the troops fast, send
an Orange. Blessed as they are with the ability to read people, they can adjust the message to the recipient and
make sure that what you sent was what was received. Don't burden the Orange with charts, graphs, and white
papers. They probably won't be used. Better, make all of these available, but require none of them to be used.
Emphasize the message over the medium, and Orange can be your carrier.
There is an old story about a group of telegram delivery boys, one of each colour style. One holiday season, they each had to
take turns trying to deliver a very sad message to a businessman regarding the untimely passing of his mother. For some
reason, the businessman, who didn't get many telegrams, was enamoured with the idea of getting a singing telegram. He
requested each of the delivery boys to sing whatever it was the message was about.
The first delivery boy was a Blue. He considered how he could possibly break the news to the poor guy, and at length just
excused himself and returned to his office. The second boy assigned was a Gold. "I cannot give this message its proper tone if I
sing it," he said, then he excused himself and returned to his office. The third boy assigned was a Green. He told the man,
"Your firm insistence that I sing this message suggests to me that you are not in a state of mind to receive it," and left without
further comment. Finally the Orange got his turn. Realizing he probably was not going to get a good tip, and suspecting that the
customer was a bit barmy anyway, he quickly and cheerfully took voice: "Fa-la-la-la-laa, your mother's dead!"

Do the work, allow the structure to emerge from the process

The maxims about beginning with the end in mind, looking before leaping, measuring twice then cutting once, and so
on, were probably coined by others to help Oranges. Oranges can profit from such words of wisdom, but are more
likely to view planning as a chance to count resources and generate options. The actual execution will be heavily
influenced by situations on the field anyway, so an Orange is not likely to be disturbed if "the best plans of mice and
men go oft astray." Those who assign Oranges would do well to remember that Oranges are best measured by
results, not by conformance to plans. It is said that the best sculptors let their wood or stone present itself to them.
The artist merely carves away what is not needed, revealing the structure within. So it is with some business
problems. More than most, Oranges are likely to want to size things up by working organically with the situation,
literally diving in and trying things to get a feel for things as they are, as opposed to how they appear to be based on
Make it look easy
Oranges have panache. They love to do things, and love to be seen doing things well. Entertainment is part of the
effort for Orange, and a victory can best be savoured if it was won with style. This requires a sense of inner timing, a
grace in terms of what to do when, that makes Oranges at once charming and cunning. In matters of finesse, those
ticklish situations where anything going wrong can lose the bid, blow the contract, or start the battle, Oranges will pull
it off. They have cat-like can do, although it is certainly true they sometimes end up stuck in a tree. By and large,
however, they thrive where angels fear to tread.
Set things up for the big finish
Oranges like a big finish, and aren't averse to getting there by relying on a last minute push, whether or not others
can see it all coming together. They tend to work in such a way that closure comes in the last few moments, not by
increments along the project timeline. This requires special patience on the part of supervisors who like to tick things
off checklists. In a perfect world, an Orange's project would appear to be a horrible mess, with fragmented bits of
work occurring at seemingly odd intervals, and then one evening they sweep the sawdust away and the project is
finished. In most endeavours, the discrepancy between that finished state and the apparent chaos that leads up to it
is enough to break employee relationships, especially if deadlines have been stretched. If the project can't fail, or if
the company psyche requires the ticking off of periodic milestones, consider not putting an Orange in charge. Better
to let them run isolated subprojects, and then bring together all the disparate pieces at the end. Of course, if a project

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