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Vo l u m e V • I s s u e 1 • S p r i n g 2 0 0 6

• Engineering education, to give


engineers and technologists the

skills to create and exploit knowledge

• Engineering profession and practice,

to translate knowledge into innova-
tive, competitive products and services
We need only look at our past for a
reminder of the potential intellectual
and social return on investment such
a strategy can bring. Nuclear Mag-
netic Resonance (NMR), the scientific
foundation for MRI, was pioneered by
Bloembergen, Purcell, and Pound at
Harvard. Purcell won the 1952 Nobel
Prize in Physics for this discovery. As
the ultimate capstone, the 2003 Nobel
The Bigger Picture Prize in Medicine was awarded to Laut-
erbur and Mansfield for work leading to

E Not surprisingly, the Council on Com- the development of modern magnetic

ach week, I gather up intriguing
petitiveness stated in 2005 that “[tech- resonance imaging (MRI).
newspaper, magazine, and Web
clippings, along with a few technical nological] innovation will be the single That’s the power and the promise that
papers, and stuff them into a well-worn most important factor in determining engineering and applied sciences hold.
red folder marked “readings.” America’s success through the 21st That’s why we must make them a natu-
century.” Likewise, I believe a large part ral part of everything we do at Harvard.
Here’s a quick sampling of some of my
of Harvard’s future success depends on
favorite headlines of the past few years:
fostering a culture of innovation. The global university
“The Tinkerer as an Engineer”; “How
To remain a leading and societally rel- What we do outside the lab and off
Blackberry Conquered the World”;
evant university in a globalized world, Harvard’s campus matters as well.
“Googlemania”; “All Science is Com-
we must do two things: Already, we host researchers from all
puter Science”; “Nanotechnology Takes
over the globe and attract an interna-
Aim at Cancer”; “Why Math Will Rock • Continue to enhance our efforts in
tional student body. Harvard is also
Your World.” science and engineering
going global with efforts such as the
Whether the articles come from Nature • Create a global campus and train U.S.-Indo Alliance (page 7), by hosting
or Science, The New York Times or Wired, global citizens alumni events in Mexico and India, and
BusinessWeek or The Economist, or from with in-country academic partnerships
the countless online sources, they all The changing university such as those sponsored by the Medical
tell the same story: During this time of institutional transi- and Business schools.
Engineering and applied sciences are tion, Harvard’s commitment to expand- As engineering has become as much
everywhere and underlie everything, ing its pedagogical and research efforts about bridging information as building
from commerce to quantum physics, in science, engineering, and technol- bridges, the talent pool for creative and
and connect every place, from Boston ogy remains firm. Such emphasis is also innovative individuals has widened
to Bangladesh. supported in a report by the National and will continue to do so. Put simply,
Academy of Engineering, Engineering great ideas can come from anywhere;
Thomas L. Friedman summed up the
Research and America’s Future: Meeting we must be open to hearing them and
consequences of this fact in his fascinat-
the Challenges of a Global Economy, which create more opportunities to harness
ing book, The World Is Flat: “I’m not say-
suggests investment in three key areas: such knowledge and ability.
ing that every politician needs to be an
engineer, but it would be helpful if they • Engineering research, to bridge Likewise, our students need to both
had a basic understanding of the forces scientific discovery and practical master the language of engineering and
that are flattening the world.” applications technology and gain an understand-
Dean’s Message

ing of how it is shaping and is shaped learn how to Google. That’s why the ef- to transform developing countries, like
by the world. The National Academy fects of engineering are as important as my birthplace of India, into lands of
of Engineering’s assessment, The En- the practice of engineering. That’s why technology developers. Most fortunate,
gineer of 2020, asks questions that all studying engineering in this era must I have been part of a great community
our programs need not only be about cre- and of an entire university where engi-
to address: “Do our
engineers understand
Our students need to both ating engineers but
studying the two-way
neering and the applied sciences have
been renewed and have emerged.
enough culturally, for
example, to respond
master the language of relationship between
technology and so-
These days, in my red folder I see more
headlines that pair Harvard with tech-
to the needs of the engineering and technology ciety—essential for nology and innovation: “Transplanted
multiple niches in a developing global Cells Regenerate Muscles”; “Undergrads
global market? Can and gain an understanding citizens and leaders. Develop System to Fight TB”; “Harvard
we continue to ex-
pect everyone else to of how it is shaping and is As an applied sci-
entist, head of a re-
Launches Wireless Classroom”; “New
Light on Modern Optics (Harvard’s Roy
speak English? What
will be our special shaped by the world. search lab, and a man
of two countries, I
Glauber Wins the Nobel Prize).”

value added?” They are my weekly reminder of what

have experienced DEAS and Harvard have always been
Being bilingual in today’s world may the flattening of the world firsthand. I about. It is also why I’m so excited about
mean knowing a foreign language and have watched nanoscience go from an where all of us can go. J
a computer language. Appreciating cul- intriguing idea to an entire field that’s
ture may mean studying abroad in an- changed the way we think about matter,
other country and understanding how and thus to an emerging industry. I have
that culture is evolving as its citizens seen how the IT revolution has begun

“The Tinkerer as an Engineer”

“How Blackberry Conquered the World”
“All Science is Computer Science”
“Nanotechnology Takes Aim at Cancer”
“Why Math Will Rock Your World.”
Whether the articles come from Nature or Science, The New York Times
or Wired, BusinessWeek or The Economist, or from the countless online
sources, they all tell the same story: Engineering and applied sciences
are everywhere and underlie everything, from commerce to quantum
physics, and connect connect every place, from Boston to Bangladesh

 I DEAS – Spring 2006

Future dimensions
“It is a paradoxical but
profoundly true and important
principle of life that the most

likely way to reach a goal is

to be aiming not at that goal
I n Ray Bradbury’s short
story, The Toynbee Convec-
tor, an engineer who claims
itself but at some more
ambitious goal beyond it.”
to have built a time machine
returns from his trip to the —Arnold Toynbee
future with astounding
news. Despite the current
dismal state of the earth
and of society, he assures
his fellow citizens that 100
years hence, human beings
will live in a near utopia. In meters, the size of a nanoparticle
In the decades following, the
traveler’s snapshot of the
future—a clean and healthy
environment, technologi-
I f you want to experience an MP3 player
that actually lives up to the name nano, you
better trim your fingernails. A human nail is
Joint DEAS and Physics appointee Vinothan
Manoharan, Assistant Professor of Physics
and Chemical Engineering, also explores the
cal marvels, and a peaceful
and prosperous society—be- about 10 million nanometers thick. Despite shapes of things to come. Manoharan co-
comes a reality. the liberty taken by Apple’s marketing depart- authored a groundbreaking paper in Science
ment, science and engineering at the smallest about predicting how groups of colloids, tiny
In typical Bradbury fashion, scales will likely mean sweet music for basic suspended particles floating like Ping-Pong
the objects in the mirror end
research and consumer products. balls in glue, might arrange themselves.
up being much closer than
they first appear. Having Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering The researchers discovered that when squeezed
grown up hearing the tale of Ken Crozier recently set up a new lab dedicated by a liquid droplet, the microspheres form an
the time traveler from their to nanophotonics, or optics on the nanometer unusual sequence of structures. Despite some
parents, members of the scale. His particular interests involve develop- of the shapes looking decidedly unfamiliar,
future generation expect to ing greatly improved imaging techniques for they all follow the same mathematical rule:
live long enough to greet the scientists and building new devices based on Particles favor groupings that minimize the
inventor upon his arrival. photonic crystals, materials used to control distribution of particle distances from the
On the appointed day and and manipulate the spread of light. center of mass of a given cluster. More amaz-
time, the machine and its On an everyday level, movie fans already reap ing, Manoharan did not set out to make such
occupant fail to shimmer the benefits of such research in the form of a fundamental discovery; the original research
into view. Instead of bend- flat-panel and plasma displays. Continued involved trying to refine the manufacture of
ing the laws of physics, the advances will likely lead to new fabrication photonic crystals.
engineer bent the truth. methods, such as electron-beam lithography Even the smallest predictions in this smallest
With inspiration rather than and plasma etching, critical for next-genera- of fields will likely continue to surprise us.
real evidence, he succeeded tion optical circuits and electronics.
in encouraging the citizens
to dream big, and in doing
so, they banded together to
build a brighter future.
When we imagine the fu-
ture, by definition we think
travel. Advances in basic and of dollars. Engineering and So, strap yourself in for
in terms of time, fast-for-
applied research will depend biology will begin to un- a tour of some of the fu-
warding through the years,
on events happening at the tangle networks on a human ture dimensions of science
decades, or even centuries.
nanoscale and machines scale (the neurons inside and engineering developing
But to get a sense of what’s
built at the microscale. your head) and make con- at DEAS right now—no
to come in engineering and
Financial scales will rise and nections on a global scale time machine (or tall tale)
applied sciences at Harvard,
fall based on billions of bits (new cures and drugs). required. J
the trick is to see time as just
intersecting with billions
one dimension in which to

DEAS – Spring 2006 I 
1 10

Weight, Dollars,
in grams, of a proposed that intellectual property leakage
autonomous micro air glider costs U.S. companies

I n the near future, you might

want to think twice before you
swat that small buzzing intruder
B its affect, if not determine,
the bottom line. A steel
maker and a software maker
interrupting your picnic lunch. might seem worlds apart, but
Rob Wood is working to develop they both travel along the same
tiny flying vehicles weighing in at highway system to conduct
one gram or less. The Assistant business. As a result, today’s

Professor of Electrical Engineer- roadside bandits have aban-
ing plans to continue and expand doned their six-shooters and
research on micro air vehicles horses in favor of laptops and
(MAVs) begun at the University broadband access.
of California, Berkeley. The loss of sensitive corporate

His goal is to produce au- data has become an increas-
tonomous (no pilot) low-cost ingly important issue for comp-
fliers that can cover a wide area anies. In fact, Pricewaterhouse-
using gliding or active flight. Coopers estimates that intel-

Using insect-inspired optical- lectual property leakage costs
flow motion detection, large U.S. companies more than $50
numbers of fliers could rapidly billion per year. Luckily, there’s a
fan out to scout an area. Rather new sheriff in town: Mike Smith,
than looking for a piece of fruit Gordon McKay Professor of
to perch on, the machines could use sensors to check for potential Computer Science and Associate
forest fires or incorporate on-board audio or visual detection systems Dean for Computer Science and
to enhance search-and-rescue missions in hard-to-reach or danger- Engineering. Liquid Machines,
ous places. a data and enterprise rights management security firm Smith
Wood also plans to focus on ways to enable the small planes to hover, co-founded, aims to protect the travelers of the digital frontier.
taking lessons from the way insects and birds flap and rotate their Thwarting today’s and tomorrow’s sophisticated cyber thieves means
wings. Ultimately, to get his planes ready for takeoff will require more implementing smarter processes, not just investing in stronger locks
than a sheet of sturdy paper, fancy folding, and a steady throwing and additional bodyguards. Smith and his posse of digital law enforcers
hand. Wood anticipates using novel prototyping methods and laser- offer systems that track and control a firm’s documents and emails
micromachined composite materials to craft stiff and lightweight wherever the data ends up going, allowing employees to share informa-
links, articulated joints, and rigid exoskeletons and airframes for his tion easily and securely, within any operating or software environment.
future fleet. Ultimately, the Harvard Micro Air Vehicle group could Corralling sensitive data ultimately helps “insulate companies from the
allow history to repeat itself, but the Kitty Hawk for the tiny fliers enormous costs, damage, and penalties of data leakage and noncom-
might end up being no bigger than his desk. pliance,” Smith says. Such protection in the wildest parts of the digital
domain has become one of the only secure ways to do business.

 I DEAS – Spring 2006

Number of neurons,

of the human brain

50 5
that make up the motor system

hile we stare in awe of the

fluid grace of a gymnast
tumbling or jump out of our seats
when a receiver’s nimble hands
snatch an impossible pass, it’s
the athlete on the inside—the
human brain—that deserves
the ovation. Professional and
armchair athletes alike have
their gray matter to thank for
orchestrating their bodies’ 600
highly interdependent muscles.
However, when something goes
awry, we likely only notice the
astounding role the brain plays
in motor control, allowing us to
Number of deaths,
from AIDS and tuberculosis
in the world per year

F ew relish getting a shot or

taking medicine, but the rou-
tine requires little effort. In the
United States, even individuals
with severe conditions such as
HIV-AIDS and tuberculosis (TB)
can readily rely on traditional
antibiotic therapy. Much of the
world’s population, however,
does not enjoy the simple luxury
of driving to a 24-7 pharmacy or
local hospital to get a shot.
David Edwards, Professor of the
Practice of Bioengineering, says
doctors inevitably face major
obstacles when trying to ef-
do everything from walk to sing. ficiently administer similar treat-
Recent arrival Maurice Smith, ments and vaccines to patients
Assistant Professor of Bio- in the developing world. As a
engineering at DEAS and a result, AIDS and TB have spread
member of the Center for Brain dramatically. The two diseases
Science, studies the motor now account for more than 5
coordination of people with million deaths per year. It is also
Huntington’s disease, an incur- estimated that a third to a half of
able genetic disease in which involuntary erratic movements develop the 30 million AIDS deaths to date have been the direct result of TB.
in middle age. Smith relies on a robotic arm to measure (hundreds An AIDS vaccine or an improved TB vaccine or TB drug therapy
of times a second, in fractions of a millimeter) how a person with might help control and ultimately stop the spread of these mutually
Huntington’s reacts to external forces. exacerbating diseases. Edwards’s team is investigating a new needle-
The precise measurements have been better than brain imaging at less vaccine platform for TB and other infectious diseases and a new
predicting the progression of the disease, making the engineer-based inhaled antibiotic therapy designed to specifically treat TB. Therein
method attractive for testing the effectiveness of new drugs. In also lies one of the most powerful dimensions of technology: A tiny
addition, analyzing the data provides Smith with insights into the way particle developed in a lab could one day circle the globe and in the
the brain’s motor system works, which could lead to the design of process transform the lives of individuals.
new rehabilitation strategies that reduce the motor disability caused
by neurological disease.

Timely Advice
For those still holding out hope for the possibility of time travel, we have a few real-world references. Harvard’s Derek Parfit, Professor of Philosophy,
teaches a course that explores some of the metaphysical implications of time travel. The Physics of Star Trek, by Lawrence Krauss , blends pop culture
with serious science. Finally, a group at MIT held the first-ever Time Traveler Convention in May 2005. The conference site reports, “Unfortunately,
we had no confirmed time travelers visit us, yet many time travelers could have attended incognito to avoid endless questions about the future.” J

DEAS – Spring 2006 I 
Faculty News

New Arrivals
The Division is pleased to welcome three new faculty members this

Debra T. Auguste
Assistant Professor of Bioengineering
Background: S.B. (1999) in Chemical Engineering, Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology; Ph.D. (2005) in Chemical
Engineering, Princeton University
Areas of focus: Biomaterials, tissue engineering, and drug

Shriram Ramanathan
Assistant Professor of Materials Science on the Gordon
McKay Endowment
Background: B. Tech. (1996) in Metallurgical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India; M.S. (1997) in
Materials Engineering, University of Houston; Ph.D. (2002)
in Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University
Areas of focus: Electronic and magnetic systems and devices,
materials science, surface and interface science

Robert J. Wood
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Background: B.S. (1998) in Electrical Engineering,
Syracuse University; M.S. (2001) and Ph.D. (2004)
in Electrical Engineering, University of California
at Berkeley
Areas of focus: Biomechanics, intelligent systems and
computer vision, robotics
http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~rjwood J

Promotions and Appointments

At the end of the 2005-06 superconductivity research for more wrote: “His unfailing good humor
academic year Michael Tinkham, Gordon than half-a-century. In a 2004 issue and constructive remarks, even when
McKay Professor of Applied Physics of the Journal of Superconductivity confronted with minor catastrophes
and Rumford Professor of Physics, celebrating his accomplishments and his in the lab, taught us how to meet the
will be named a Research Professor. 75th birthday, Donald M. Ginsberg, one challenges of a physicist.”
Tinkham has been a defining figure in of Tinkham’s first three Ph.D. students,

 I DEAS – Spring 2006

Faculty News
The Harvard Alumni Association’s most recent Global Series event was held in New Dehli. Previous events have taken place in Mexico City, London, and Beijing.

A Passage to India: Harvard and DEAS collaborate with India

P resident Lawrence Summers and Dean Venkatesh Naray-

anamurti were two of more than a dozen Harvard affiliates
who participated in the Harvard Alumni Association’s Global
Initiative in Higher Education and Research, a partnership
composed of Indian education and government institutions,
U.S. universities, and international corporate sponsors and
Series event held on March 25 and 26 in New Delhi, India. intended to enhance engineering and science education
The conference, opened by India’s Prime Minister, Dr. Manmo- throughout India via distance learning technology.
han Singh, brought alumni together to learn about important The initiative began with a memorandum of understanding
initiatives shaping Harvard’s future in the region. Dean Venky signed on July 20, 2005, and was broadened with a subse-
hosted a panel discussion, “South Asia and Global Science and quent addendum. Taking advantage of the “tremendous
Technology,” featuring Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, Director General synergy between the U.S. and India” and using EDUSAT, a
of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, and satellite launched by the Indian Space Research Organization
Ashok Misra, Director of the Indian Institute of Technology that can transmit educational programs to institutions across
in Bombay. India, the program’s aim is to “uplift a vast majority of India’s
The Hindustan Times reported, “It’s the largest meeting of educational institutions to international standards.”
Harvard alumni and faculty ever to be held in India. Over “This is a terrific opportunity to share knowledge, expertise,
130 delegates, including Nobel laureate Amartya Sen and resources, and, most important, become a more engaged,
Harvard president Lawrence H. Summers are in the Capital to active participant in our increasingly connected and ‘flat’
not just deliberate on the university’s outreach in South Asia, world,” said Dean Venky, who attended a signing and launch
but also to mark the opening of the Harvard Business School’s ceremony held by India’s President, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, on
India Research Center and the first South Asia Initiative office December 7, in New Delhi. J
in Mumbai.”
In an interview prior to his talk President Summers com-
Dean Venky (seated, sixth from the left) and other participants of the Indo-US
mented, “Interactions between India and Harvard will be Collaborative Initiative.
good for both the parties. It will allow us to strengthen our
ties with the 1000–strong alumni in India who come from all
walks of life … India is a growing economy in the region and
improved interactions will improve ties on all levels. It will
allow more Indian students to come to Harvard. The Harvard
Business School research centre, Asia Initiative and the School
of Public Health are already taking up partnerships with their
counterparts in India.”
The event marked Dean Venky’s second trip to the country
in less than a year. In December, Harvard University, through
DEAS, joined the Indo-U.S. Inter-University Collaborative

DEAS – Spring 2006 I 
Faculty News

An initial version of the future mural at 60 Oxford Street. Jessica Sciullo of the Casali Group, the firm which has managed projects related to 60, says, “Trying to
represent science through art is a fascinating endeavor!”

Links and Nodes

Mural in motion: Plants, flying machines, and brains, oh my
Visitors to 60 Oxford Street will likely stop and stare once a out how to build flexible research space in an era where change
planned new mural graces the open entryway. The collage, the happens almost daily.
final design of which is still evolving (see draft above), repre- “We have to be incredibly careful what sort of labs we build,”
sents the work of DEAS members Robert Howe, L. Mahadevan, says Associate Dean for Research and Planning Fawwaz Habbal.
John Myers, Maurice Stanley, Robert Wood, Tai T. Wu, and the “We do not want to get in the way of research, so the ability
Physics Department’s Aravinthan Samuel. All the researchers to rapidly change set-ups is essential as nascent fields take off.”
have or will have labs at 60.
Viewers looking for a common narrative that links the seem-
Finding a link that brings together interests as diverse as ingly disparate parts of the mural might want to consider
robotic surgery, quantum information transfer, neuromuscular locomotion, whether involving bits, muscles, insects, or
disease, plant movements, autonomous flying microvehicles, machines. Of course, even in the case of a mural about science
and even how the c. elegans (a worm dearly loved by neurosci- and technology, the final verdict lies with the viewer. Art should
entists for its easy-to-see neurons) navigates posed an intel- give one pause— even when it captures kinetic energy. J
lectual and an artistic challenge. Moreover, the researchers
worried that a snapshot of their investigations today would
look anachronistic a few years or, given the pace of science and
engineering, months hence. Public art is elsewhere at and around DEAS. Paul Horowitz,
Indirectly, the process of creating the mural reflects many of Professor of Physics and of Electrical Engineering, displays
the challenges administrators and planners face when figuring his own photographs outside his office. Professor of Chem-
istry and Physics Eric Heller’s digital prints now grace the
A computer rendering of the mural as it will appear inside of 60 Oxford Street. Dean’s Office (see: http://www.ericjhellergallery.com).
In addition, applied mathematics graduate Student Erez Li-
eberman has taken his “art” to an even larger audience. Last
fall he wrote part of the text for City of Salt, a book featuring
panoramic photographs of fantastical landscapes by visual
artists. Nicholas Kahn and Richard Selesnick. The artists’
process combines sculptural and photographic media. They
first construct detailed worlds by building three-dimensional
miniatures, digitally photograph the scene, and then popu-
late it with characters in an allegorical, though intriguingly
puzzling, tableaux. You can learn (and see) more by visiting

 I DEAS – Spring 2006

Faculty News
Mahadevan Series # 1, 2005 (oil on canvas) by Boston-based painter and sculpter
Jonathan Nix. Images from the complete Mahadevan series are available on the
artist’s website: http://www.jonnix.net

Puny paddlers … The February 18, 2006, co-organizer Woodward Yang. Together
Science News mentioned Howard Stone’s with Innovo Inc., the consulting firm
microfluidics work as part of a cover that helped work out the organization
article on small-scale swimming, stating, and agenda of the workshop, Yang and

Nota bene
“In science fiction flicks and futurists’ Christensen hope to have a final road
predictions, medical microrobots patrol map for the industry ‘very soon,’ Yang
within the human body. In reality, designs said.” Yang also spoke about the topic at
—such as this pocket-size model of a the Consumer Electronics Show held in
two-hinge microswimmer—must over- January 2006.
come tough challenges. Marking progress
Inspired engineering ... Artist Jonathon
in this effort, scientists recently built the
Nix created the “Mahadevan Series”, a
first swimming micromachine.”
group of paintings inspired by Professor
A welcome disruption … The EE Times L. Mahadevan’s elegant research on
reported on the Semiconductor Industry the science of everyday life. The works
Roadmap for Creating Profitable Growth are on display at the BAAK Gallery, 35
meeting held on February 6, 2006, Brattle Street (Cambridge, MA) through
at DEAS. “Semiconductor companies’ March 21. J
quest to establish a business model for Little swimmers, as explored by
sustainable profitability is taking place Howard Stone’s research group, are
Xiaofeng Li, Donhee Ham, and David Ricketts and their soliton oscillator. on a battlefield … The preliminary road still making waves in microfluidics
map distributed at the workshop … research.
Seeing solitons … “Individual packets of term, students will be able to download [has] among its main points … that the
light energy, known as optical solitons, podcasts of lectures from the course. pursuit of Moore’s Law occupies an ever-
have long been the darlings of communi- The general public will get to listen in shrinking segment of industry activity.
cations engineers. Finally, their electrical (for free) at a later date. According to It also predicts that the most successful
siblings are getting a look in—and could the Times, “Podcast proponents say the companies will be those that concentrate
become the new favourites,” wrote technology helps the flow of information. on performance-defining nonstandard
Thomas H. Lee, a professor at Stanford Harry Lewis, professor of computer integration, and that market expansion
University. Donhee Ham’s group’s dem- science at Harvard University, is teach- in near-commodity products might force
onstration of a robust, self-sustained ing the school’s first podcast class this a migration to simple design tools, letting
electrical soliton oscillator so intrigued semester … ‘My hope is that if I can reach less skilled designers create application-
Lee, a leader in integrated circuit design, a few people inside the college or out who specific ICs that enable market growth.
that he discussed the finding in the March learn something because we are distribut- ‘These preliminary, suggested scenarios
2, 2006, edition of Nature Magazine’s ing information this way instead of the old are talking points so far,’ said workshop
News and Views section. “The short- way, that’s a good thing,’ he says.”
duration, periodic soliton train produced
by the oscillator could be widely deployed Matt Welsh and Todd Zickler are
in good company—both won NSF
in communication and instrumentation
CAREER awards.
technologies,” the article states. Ham
reports that David Ricketts and Xiaofeng Awards
Li deserve the lion’s share of the credit, Sensible healthcare and better vision … Assistant Professor of Computer Science Matt
saying he only posed the problem but Welsh has won an NSF CAREER Award for his work on wireless medical sensors. Welsh’s
they actually went on to solve it. As a side group is exploring applications of wireless sensor network technology to a range of
note, Lee served as Ham’s thesis advisor. medical applications, including pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency care, disaster
A bit more press ... The Financial Times response, and stroke patient rehabilitation. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
featured a piece highlighting Professor Todd Zickler also won a CAREER Award for his work related to building systems that can
Harry Lewis’s course, Bits. Starting this visually understand and interact with their environment. J

DEAS – Spring 2006 I 
In Medias Res

Selected articles about the Division

Bioengineer David Mooney makes a muscle cell
come into focus.

fused, the product is a larger but still

spherical bubble. But when particles
are strongly anchored to the bubble
surface and the bubbles are fused,
a stable sausage shape is produced.
Although the particles are jammed,
they are not bonded to each other, Bala
Subramaniam adds. It is this absence
of permanent bonds that allowed the
Transplanted cells The shapes of things researchers to reshape and remold the
initially sausage-shaped bubbles into
regenerate muscles Anand Bala Subramaniam, Howard
peapod, disk, and donut shapes.
A new approach for transplanting cells Stone, Manouk Abkarian, and Lakshmi-
narayanan Mahadevan have demonstrat- “Bubbles are engineered into many
shows promise for regenerating injured
ed that gas bubbles can exist in stable consumer products. The ability to alter
and diseased tissues and whole organs.
nonspherical shapes without the appli- the shapes of bubbles and liquid drops
“We transplant the cells on a scaffold that
cation of external force. The micron- to in products like ice cream or shaving
keeps them alive, then directs them to
millimeter-scale peapod-, doughnut- and foams or creams may provide a means
leave in a controlled manner and migrate
sausage-shaped bubbles, created by coat- to alter the consistency or texture
into the surrounding tissue,” explains
ing ordinary gas bubbles with a tightly of these products. The nonspherical
David Mooney, Gordon McKay Professor
packed layer of tiny particles and then bubbles could also find use as vessels for
of Bioengineering. “This is the first time
fusing them, are described this week on delivering drugs, vitamins, or flavors,”
that has been done.”
the Web site of the journal Nature. Bala Subramaniam explains.
The strategy successfully heals lacerated Adapted from a December 15, 2006, press release
muscles in mice, but the potential exists Surface tension gives all bubbles and
prepared by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
for applying it to a wide variety of situa- drops their perfectly spherical shape by Office of Communications. Related media stories
tions in humans, including treatment of minimizing the surface area for a given appeared in Nature, The Harvard Gazette, and
muscular dystrophy, heart disease, and volume. Ordinarily, if two bubbles are Science Daily.
some brain disorders as well as regenerat- Bubbles come in all forms, including peapod, disk, and donut shapes.
ing bone.
“We don’t know yet whether the specific
materials and approach we used [will]
work in humans,” Mooney says. “However,
I think the basic concept is a very power-
ful one that will likely have application in
humans, in some form. We demonstrated
the concept with muscle, and this could
be useful to treat wounds and, perhaps
some day, muscular dystrophy.”
By “we,” Mooney means himself, Elliot
Hill, a member of his Michigan team,
and Tanyarut (Joy) Boontheekul, a gradu-
ate student who followed Mooney to
Harvard. The three published their results
in the February 21, 2006, issue of Proceed-
ings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Adapted from an article in the March 2, 2006,
Harvard Gazette.

10 I DEAS – Spring 2006

In Medias Res
Color me crimson featured on Animal Planet’s new reality
TV series, Chasing Nature.

W hile the Crimson has contributed its fair share of breaking news in light of re-
cent events at Harvard, the famed daily has also found several DEAS students
worthy of some major ink. Below are some highlights nice enough to make us blush
“I want to be the person that makes
science cool,” says Martinez, who is
working on a doctorate in engineering
and applied sciences. “Like a basketball
star or a rapper or something—but a
string theorist.”
Martinez and his group faced a formi-
dable task: recreating with manmade
materials a vicious scorpion’s tail on
a grander scale—and affix the giant
hinged metal contraption atop a dune
buggy. The result is something out of
Real World/Road Rules Challenge, with
the scorpion-tail dune buggy chasing
around smaller dune buggies in the “kill
The CUE guide gets a slimmer look once online. zone” in an attempt to pop the large bal-
loons attached to the smaller buggies.
It’s complicated.
CUE Innovation
Dubbed “the brains of the team” by a
Michael W. Reckhow ’06 has created a that makes missing the bus a thing of
Stanford co-star, Martinez says he used
Web site listing all the classes offered the past. Finding continued inspiration
his solid background in mathematical
this semester, then ranking them with- from his days in CS50 (the most com-
physics to help a team more versed in
in departments and overall from easiest mon entry into the CS concentration),
mechanical engineering. “It was my
to hardest and best to worst, using the Malan piggybacked on earlier work to
chance to really use the tools I had
information supplied by the current create Shuttleboybot, a smart script
gathered in the classroom for the real
Committee on Undergraduate Educa- that allows students to instantly view
world,” he says.
tion (CUE) Guide. Over 2,600 unique the Harvard shuttle bus schedules via
users had visited people.fas.harvard. instant messaging. At Harvard, Martinez wears many hats:
edu/~mreckhow within the first few a Quincy House residential tutor, a
Shuttleboybot’s profile reads, “Think of
days of its release, according to the site’s mathematics instructor at the extension
me as a buddy who allows you to check
creator. school, a DJ at local clubs, and a student
quickly the schedules of Harvard Univer-
pursuing his own research.
Reckhow, who has also built Web sites sity’s shuttles. Anytime you want to chat,
just say ‘hi.’ I’ll ask you where you’d like Adapted from a January 22, 2006, article in The
for the student-run companies Let’s Go
Crimson. Related media stories appeared in The
Publications and Redline Textbooks, to catch a shuttle and where you’d like to Boston Globe. The show featuring Martinez will
said that the inspiration for his new deshuttle. I’ll then tell you the next few air sometime this summer. Stay tuned for details. J
course site struck as he noticed how shuttles for that route!”
time-consuming it was to flip through Since its creation late last week, Shuttle-
the CUE Guide and manually compare boybot has been hailed 300 times. The
Graduate student Robbie Martinez “keeps it real”
both inside and outside of class
class ratings this past exam period. “I ShuttleTime Web site has received
realized there was a need to have some- 11,000 hits over the course of the year.
thing to aggregate all this information,” Although it might seem a roundabout
he said. “I’m interested to see how fac- way of getting around, during Boston’s
ulty will react to getting recognition cold winters saving a few seconds trans-
that their course is the sort of ‘best’ in lates to warm relief.
the department or being the teacher of
Adapted from a December 16, 2005, article in
the lowest-rated course.” The Crimson.
Adapted from a February 1, 2006, article in
The Crimson.
Jungle king
Catching the shuttle Roberto E. Martinez, a 26-year-old Ph.D.
candidate in applied physics, refuses to
David Malan ’99, current CS grad stu- conform to the “nerdy scientist” stereo-
dent and the prime mover behind the type, which is why the young Harvard
first podcast of a Harvard course, is also physicist jumped at the chance to be
the man (or the boy) behind software

DEAS – Spring 2006 I 11
Student News

Harvard Extension on headphones

David Malan’s CS E-1 course casts a wide net
It turns out that incorporating the technology not only makes
distance learning more handy and hip, it also enhances what
goes on in the classroom as well. What Malan dubs “computer
science on TiVo” gives students greater freedom to ask ques-
tions without fear of missing a key point.
Moreover, anyone who wishes to take advantage of such flex-
ible learning can tune in. “[After] a Crimson article ran about
the course in December, it was picked up by several online
news outlets and dozens of blogs,” Malan says. After a few
roving Web journalists decided they liked what they saw and
reported on it, news about the course spread—rapidly going
Of course, only those registered and enrolled in the class
receive credit or a grade, but the motivation for most tag-along
pupils has nothing to do with getting an A or, for that mat-
ter, with the novelty of the podcast itself. The most common
e-mails (see sidebar) Malan receives are those that say, “That’s
exactly the sort of course I want to take.”
Podcasts of course lectures aren’t likely to replace the full class-
room experience any time soon. Still, the enthusiastic recep-
tion given CS E-1’s podcasts suggest a bright future for learn-
ing via iPod. With due respect to futurist Marshall McLuhan,
listeners have been as attracted to the engaging content and the
excellence of Malan’s lectures as they have been to the medium.
Even an employee at the very company that produced the iPod
agreed. After experiencing Harvard on headphones, the Apple
staffer sent Malan a one-line e-mail: “This is awesome!” J

CS graduate student David Malan’s lectures make for compelling viewing.

Overheard at the listening post
D uring the fall 2005 term, podcasts of David Malan’s
lectures from his popular Harvard Extension School
course, Computer Science E-1: Understanding Computers and
Reality shows and sitcoms might rule
the airwaves, but cultural cynics take
heart: Avid learners from across the
“Just wanted to say that I love the class.
I’m a Computer Information Systems
junior at Missouri State and I love
the Internet, found their way around the world. Podcasts, an country and around the globe have re-encoding your vidcast to mpeg 2
offshoot of the Apple iPod vogue, provide an easy way for users nestled up to David Malan’s fireside and playing it through my TIVO while
technology chats as a way to make I study :)”
to download and play back stored audio and video segments
the most of their commutes—and —Tech-savvy college student in Missouri
via the iTunes software program or through a portable device. their minds. Thanks in large part to “Many thanks … My International
“As the digital equivalents of books on tape, they’re a wonder- bloggers, the intellectually curious Baccalaureate students here at the
ful way to take advantage of commute time or even jogging from the Midwest to Mexico have Bolitho School … have all subscribed
discovered podcasts from CS E-1,
time,” says Malan, a graduate of Harvard College and now a and considered it an essential tool …”
and they like what they’ve heard (or —IT director and instructor, Penzance, U.K.
PhD candidate in computer science. seen). If you would like to listen in
“I thought you would be glad to know
“We were already making the lectures from CS E-1 available in yourself, visit the course Web page:
that your lectures are listened by
RealVideo format for the Extension School’s distance educa- http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~cscie1
podcasting as far as France.”
tion program. iPods, though, have freed our students from the “I have always loved technology and —Listener living somewhere in France
tether of their computer.” Keeping up with the latest technol- have only really been able to learn on “If you ever wanted someone to walk
ogy trends only makes sense for CS E-1, a course whose aim, as my own, and by listening to just the you through basic computer science
he puts it, is “removing the fear factor from technology.” One first one, so far, I have filled in a lot principles step-by-step, this is the
of the first courses to be offered online through the Extension of blanks.” podcast you have been looking for.”
—High school student in Decatur, Illinois
School’s distance education program, it’s now the first course —Stingy Scholar, a blog dedicated to sharing
information about how to learn for free
to be podcast.

12 I DEAS – Spring 2006

Student News
(Left) Jeff Ma ’07 holds up a soccer bot; (middle) Harvard and MIT students find common ground; (right) Soldering silicon is painstaking work.

Kicking and Scheming

In a suite of newly remodeled offices in the basement of Pierce RoboCup, an international robotic football (American soc-
Hall, a group of undergraduates huddles near a whiteboard cer) competition created to “foster AI and intelligent robotics
besmirched with diagrams. Laptops glow. Uncompleted circuit research,” offers university-based teams the chance to build
boards lay scattered across tables like abandoned blue books. groups of autonomous robots (some near human scale) and
Physics concentrator Jeff Ma ’07 and Kristina Haller, a mechan- compete in head-to-head matches. The Harvard-MIT team
ical engineering major from MIT, monitor the situation with aims to enter the F-180, or small-sized league competitions
perfect ease and understanding. The co-founders of the Robotic held in April and June.
Futbol Club of Cambridge (RFC), although still scrambling for As in real football, the ersatz athletes must follow the tradi-
every free second before, between, and after classes, remain tional rules of hands-free play, but with a slight twist. Once
nearly on schedule. The $30,000 grant the RFC won from the the mechanical athletes roll onto the field, only smart design
MIT-sponsored and Microsoft-funded iCampus initiative in and smart programming may guide them to victory. Getting a
January may also explain their cool composure. As important, single bot to behave, let alone five to pass, kick, and defend in
the students have opted for intellectual collaboration rather coordination, takes a great deal of technical skill.
than competition along their shared stretch of the Charles. For advice and inspiration, students have relied on MIT’s
“I started the Harvard College Engineering Society last year Professor David Trumper, a renowned expert in mechatron-
with the help of Computer Science concentrator Jie Tang ics, and Associate Professor Daniela Rus, a MacArthur Genius
[‘08],” says Ma. “We were looking for an ambitious engineering Award winner and a leader in distributed robotics. At Harvard,
competition in which to compete, and after much searching Assistant Professor of Computer Science Radhika Nagpal, a
we came across RoboCup.” rising start in biomemetic computing, and Professor Howard
Haller, fresh from the frenzy of a Battlebots competition Stone, Associate Dean for Academic Programs at DEAS, have
(a mechanized gladiatorial melee), was also looking for a new been active mentors to the club.
challenge. She says, “Because RoboCup is a more compre- “The competition this year does not mark the end of RFC
hensive project involving more disciplines and resources, I Cambridge,” says Ma. “One of our main goals is to build an
suggested to the MIT Battlebots team that we should work organization that will outlast the current board and, one day,
with Harvard.” be able to dominate the RoboCup league.” J

Undergraduates Elaine Angelino ‘06 to research. Foti, a 2006 candidate for a new fast-lock frequency synthesizer ners were Andrew Howard (advisors Paul
(Applied Math), Shaun Fitzgibbons the A.B. degree in Engineering Sciences architecture. Horowitz and Gu-Yeon Wei) for innovative
‘06 (Physics & Math), Alex Glasser ‘06 (honors biomedical track), is originally Three DEAS graduate students were se- ASIC design for digitizing massive data
(Physics & Math) won the 2006 Consor- from New Windsor, New York. lected in February as the first group of flows in real time; Dionisis Stefanatos
tium for Mathematics and Its Applica- Congrats to David Ricketts and Kyoungho Eliahu I. Jury Travel and Research Award (advisor Navin Khaneja) for groundbreak-
tions (COMAP) Mathematical Modeling Woo in Donhee Ham’s group for winning winners. The award, made possible by ing work on optimal quantum control; and
Competition. the 2006 ADI Outstanding Student De- the generosity of Eliahu I. Jury, SM ’49, Patrick Mitrin (advisors Vahid Tarokh and
Harvard College senior Daniel Foti has signer Awards from Analog Devices. Rick- supports the travel and research of out- Alex Kavcic) for outstanding work in the
been awarded the 2005 Colonel and etts was honored for his development of standing graduate students, primarily in areas of magnetic recording, communica-
Mrs. S. S. Dennis III Scholarship in rec- the first electrical soliton oscillator, and the field of electrical engineering or its tions, and information theory. J
ognition of his hard work and dedication Woo was recognized for his design of successor technologies. The award win-

DEAS – Spring 2006 I 13
In Profile

Changing States
Marie Dahleh, Assistant Dean for Academic Programs, adapts to the academic weather

Assistant Dean of Academic Programs Marie Dahleh (right) and Associate Dean of Academic Programs Howard Stone (left) face future challenges together.

M oving to Lexington, Massachu-

setts, after 13 years of California
sunshine and slowly realizing that the
during a freshman orientation event),
lying inert on her office floor. “I tell stu-
dents to do engineering because they
students with perfect math SAT scores
often balk at the thought of spending
four years immersed in equations, al-
’70s-era snow blower came standard like it — and because it is fun,” she says. gorithms, and code. The math factor,
with her new home, Marie Dahleh still “They should worry about what they says Dahleh, often scares prospective
decided to stay. In fact, her two kids have are going to do for a career when they students away. “Unfortunately, there’s
taken Nor’easters in stride. Taher and are approaching graduation. That is the a perception that if you somehow did
Jumana, ages 11 and 9, effortlessly went best way to do anything and is consis- not have an opportunity to get a strong
from fresh water to frozen, exchanging tent with a liberal arts education.” background in mathematics in high
flippers for hockey skates. Only the Dahleh is a product of her own advice. school, it is all over.”
family dog, a gargantuan clumber span- She studied mathematics while an un- Thus, she has been working hard to get
iel, gave the new climate a vote of no dergraduate at Mount Holyoke, one of students beyond such a binary perspec-
confidence. (He now lives on a farm.) the famed seven sisters. At Princeton tive — not by easing up on requirements,
In her role as Assistant Dean for Aca- she earned a Ph.D. in applied mathemat- but by convincing them to stretch their
demic Programs at DEAS, Dahleh is ics during a time when she was not only minds. She advises undergraduates to
confronting a similar change in the one of the few women in the classroom, treat mathematics or programming,
weather: the continued fluctuation of but in the entire field. Add on her past as in the case of computer science, as
the number of U.S. college students research, faculty, and administration they would a second language. “A lot of
pursuing engineering and computer positions at such places as UCLA and people will major in a language even if
science, the evolving nature of tech- UCSB and you realize she would be able they have never studied it or the region
nology as a discipline, and the shifting to inspire any student to become an en- at all,” she explains. Moreover, Division
global economy. Under such conditions, gineer or applied scientist. concentrators enjoy a level of flexibility
what is the best way to present the Divi- not as common in traditional discipline
sion to prospective concentrators? The math factor based engineering curriculums.
In response to this question, she proud- Yet, however convincing Dahleh may “One of the unique aspects of Harvard’s
ly displays her bent, well-read copy of Is be and however much fun DEAS offers Engineering Sciences programs is that
There an Engineer Inside You? and points (from building robot soccer players to students may enter both the A.B. and
to a water-bottle rocket apparatus (used playing with silly putty), even entering S.B. degrees at a variety of levels and

14 I DEAS – Spring 2006

In Profile
times,” says Dahleh. This more flexible the National Academy of Engineering
approach may become increasingly (NAE) dubbed the “gathering storm” of
important, not just for attracting more technology wed with globalization. In
students to engineering, but to related 2000, the ABET accreditation standards
fields like biology. changed. Today,
While once a safe
haven for those
“I tell students to do engineering all accredited S.B.
degrees must em-
with math pho-
bia, biology has
because they like it—and because phasize interdis-
ciplinary learn-
become increas- it is fun.” ing, team build-
ingly quantitative ing, and courses
in the age of genomics. Dahleh cautions, that cover the global and societal
however, that although the more open impacts of engineering. The NAE’s
structure has benefits, balancing the report, Engineering 2020, also suggests
needs and mandating the proper require- a similar path for creating broadly edu-
ments for an extremely diverse level of cated engineers and, in particular, en-
students are incredibly challenging. courages students to become involved
“You may have one student who plans in community-based projects that Sweet Returns
to become a CTO, another who wants to require engineering skills. Dahleh cites
design jet airplanes, and one more who the highly touted Engineering Projects So much depends
has no idea what she wants to do, all in in Community Service (EPICS) project upon a blue plastic bowl
the same program and often the same at Purdue University as well as the dusted with sugar crystals
class,” she says. In other words, what the design-centric, bottom-up curriculum atop the black counter.
“engineer inside” someone should know at nearby Olin University, located in
Even if you missed or blocked out the reference
and how he or she should be educated Needham, Massachusetts, as two ways to William Carlos Williams’s poem about the red
are evolving. to implement such plans. wheelbarrow, oft-lampooned and lamented by high
“Harvard, in fact, has incorporated school English students everywhere, you still may
Beyond the numbers win a sweet prize the next time you visit DEAS.
elements like interdisciplinary courses,
At a conference held in March at the The famed blue candy bowl in question rests upon a
team-focused projects, and cross-school jut of counter outside the entryway to the Academic
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Dahleh activities (what Venky calls ‘renais- Office.
was asked to speak about engineering sance engineering’) for some time,”
education in the liberal arts setting. M&Ms, SweeTarts, Hershey’s Kisses, or the remain-
she says. The head start will prove ders of a Halloween or Valentine’s candy blow-out
That, she says, is often shorthand for useful as Dahleh, along with Associ- sale at the local CVS appear with uncanny regularity.
how engineering is becoming increas- ate Dean Howard Stone, the Division’s The bottomless pit, however, is not courtesy of
ingly positioned as both a liberal arts faculty, and other administrators, assess self-replicating nanobots. Staff Assistant Tricia
degree and a professional one. “Engi- the Division’s current undergraduate Ryan, Academic Programs Coordinator Sandi God-
neering is not just the Big Dig, but im- programs in light of the University- frey, and Graduate Program Administrator Susan
proving the quality of life in developing Wieczorek ultimately keep the candy bowl filled.
level curricular review. With the likely That welcoming touch mimics their attitude towards
nations,” Dahleh explains. addition of secondary concentrations the students, faculty, and staff who treat the office
That change means future engineers (minors) and introduction of entirely almost like a second home.
must understand the societal implica- new concentrations that blend technol- Not surprisingly, students, especially those on the
tions of technology and develop an ogy with the social sciences, finding the grueling Ph.D. track, inevitably credit the trio with
appreciation of new cultures and that right academic mix will be a challenge. helping them en route to their caps and gowns.
future leaders in any field must ap- Stone and Dahleh give the three equal praise for
Dahleh, however, remains optimistic
preciate how technology continues to their deft ability to make even the most arcane
about this broader, evolving vision of an academic regulations make sense.
shape the world. “Clean water and clean engineering and liberal arts education.
energy sources are huge issues for the She believes that students, will respond
world. People are now putting those as favorably and want to be a part of the
the big problems for the next century,” change. “After all, we all are engineers
she says. when solving certain problems. Who
The latest cover of the American Soci- wouldn’t want to delve into puzzles for
ety for Engineering Education’s Prism four years?” Dahleh says. “We can influ-
magazine features the headline: The ence students in positive ways so they
Incredibles: Engineers Tackle Poverty and think about doing things they didn’t
Disease Around the World. National even think were possible when they
societies have long recognized what arrived here.” J

DEAS – Spring 2006 I 15

“The format for this and other

lectures ... is modeled on a
famous set of talks first given
to children a century ago as
part of the Royal Institution
Christmas lectures in London.”

Physicist Mark Haw, in an article in

PhysicsWeb, sums up this often-forgot-
ten contribution: “Brownian motion
was one of three fundamental advances
that Einstein made in 1905, the others
A “young Einstein” learns the basics from postdoc Dan Blair.
being special relativity and the idea of
light quanta. Of these three great works,
Einstein’s secret life Einstein’s analysis of Brownian motion
remains the least well known. But this
part of Einstein’s scientific legacy was

U ndaunted by the first real snow- lectures in London.” In addition to the key to a revolution that is at least
storm of the season, more than some hands-on exposure to science, one as important as relativity or quantum
300 geniuses-in-the-making trudged of the goals of the talk, she said, was physics. One century later, Brownian
through the muck in mid-December to to emphasize how Einstein’s advances motion continues to be of immeasur-
see “It’s Elementary, My Dear Einstein: went well beyond his famed theory of able importance in modern science,
A Celebration of the 100th Anniversary relativity. For instance, his quantitative from physics through biology to the
of Einstein’s Miraculous Year.” modeling of Brownian motion, a theory latest wonders of nanotechnology.” In
describing how minute particles im- short, there’s even more to Einstein’s
The family-friendly talk—organized genus than most people realize.
by Kathryn Hollar, Director of Educa- mersed in a fluid move about randomly,
tional Programs, and presented by Vicky allowed scientists to prove the physical The talk was so popular, an encore
Joseph Professor of Engineering and reality of molecules and atoms. performance was held in April. J
Applied Mathematics Howard Stone, The audience at the Harvard Science Center discovered that there is more to the world’s great physicist than
postdoctoral student Dan Blair, and the familiar e=mc2.
lecturer Daniel Rosenberg ’84—paid
homage to the world’s most famed wild-
haired physicist, Albert Einstein.
Kids, families, teachers, and the just
plain curious from Boston environs
and beyond did more than simply
listen to explanations of how Einstein
revolutionized the way we think about
physics and chemistry. The audience
left their seats to tackle firsthand some
of the great thinker’s experiments
(slightly simplified, of course).
“The format for this and other lectures
we’ve done for the past few years, on
topics ranging from electronic ink to
microfluidics,” explained Hollar, “is
modeled on a famous set of talks first
given to children a century ago as part
of the Royal Institution Christmas

16 I DEAS – Spring 2006

Opportunity knocks
L aunched in 2001, the TECH-spon-
sored “Mini-M.B.A.” in Entrepre-
neurial Finance offers Harvard students
Cambridge’s most successful practicing
entrepreneurs teach the courses.
concepts I probably should have, but
haven’t, encountered before.” J
The reviews have been glowing. Kwa Over 200 students signed up for TECH’s
a semester-long menu of topics, ranging Liou, a Ph.D. student in Biomedical
“Mini-M.B.A” program.
from how to read an income statement Sciences, said the seminars provided
to how to navigate, and sometimes cir- “helpful, coherent instruction in basic
cumnavigate, the land of venture capi- finance and entrepreneurial concepts.”
tal and start-up finance. Nicole Mammarrella, a third-year Ph.D.
The modular, no-credit structure al- candidate who signed up for the semi-
lows students to customize the content nars to help her weigh career options,
and pace of their learning. In keeping said, “Hearing from a venture capitalist
with the real-world emphasis of the is helpful as I consider entering a career
course, stellar faculty from the Har- in industry.” She also echoed a common
vard Business School as well as some of refrain from most students: “These are

Visit www.deas.harvard.edu/newsandevents for the latest details, dates, and times. Bioengineering,
Here are some highlights from the past months.
materials science,
reaction-diffusion equations describing and nanosystems
The soul of the machine
cellular processes, to project an image On May 5, 2005, with the help of two of
In April, Harvard artist-in-residence
that evolves in response to movements Harvard’s NSF-funded research centers,
Brian Knep visited DEAS to give a talk
of people in the projection field. An- the Materials Science and Engineering
entitled Deep Wounds. Knep’s creations
other recent work consists of dynamic Center (MRSEC) and the Nanoscale Sci-
span the realms of visual imagination,
panels with drifting shapes that shift ence and Engineering Center (NSEC),
technology, and science. He says of his
their movements in reaction to the DEAS hosted a workshop dedicated to
art, “I’ve been trying to find what I think
viewer’s gaze. Knep’s comfort in differ- promoting collaborations with mem-
of as the ‘soul’ in technology by creating
ent media also extends to subject mat- bers of government and industry. Key
works that, though obviously manmade,
ter; he welcomes input from scientists topics included the creation and use
show the complexity, in behavior and
and engineers. In fact, DEAS’s Radhika of novel biomaterials; organ repair
aesthetics, of natural objects. Works that
Nagpal joined Knep and others as part with engineered tissues; novel drug
interact with people and encourage in-
of an earlier lecture on the relationship delivery technologies; and anotechnol-
teraction among people, even strangers.”
among biology, engineering, and art, ogy/bionanotechnology. For more, see
One recent computer-generated work held at the Medical School. www.deas.harvard.edu/partnerships. J
uses an algorithm, based on chemical
Semiconductor meeting The new industry partnerships website went live
this past spring.
Art from Brian Knep is meant to be stared at—and
stepped upon. In September 2005 and February 2006,
DEAS’s industrial partnership program
hosted The Roadmap for Creating Prof-
itable Growth in the Semiconductor
Industry. Leading firms attended an in-
tensive workshop, based on the research
of Clayton Christensen, Robert and Jane
Cizik Professor of Business Administra-
tion at the Harvard Business School, aid-
ed by the technical expertise of Wood-
ward Yang, Gordon McKay Professor of
Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science. EE Times (see page x) covered
the event.

DEAS – Spring 2006 I 17
Alumni Notes

Q&A with Gary Schermerhorn

ever, have ultimately brought them
closer to it. The couple created the
Miriam Esteve and Gary Schermerhorn
Undergraduate Financial Aid Fund in
2005, easing the first steps for future
globe trotters, and most recently have
returned to the campus to share career
advice with students.

What’s your take on professional edu-

cation at the undergraduate level?
While I wrestled with philosophy or
abstract computing theories, I was
concerned that students at other
universities were receiving a more
practical, technical education. But I
gained a much broader perspective on
technology. I am very analytical and
tend to search for root causes in most
problems in my private and profes-
sional life. I can’t say that it’s only the
Harvard approach that has made me
this way, but I would be against diluting
the foundational approach to technical
learning to expand the practical.

But isn’t it important to know what’s

inside the ‘Intel inside’?
Sure. But it’s all based on foundational
computer and engineering sciences.
Implementations change and breath-
less advances are made, but they’re
all somewhat bounded by underlying
laws. It’s easier to navigate decisions if
you understand these laws. And huge
Gary Schermerhorn ’85 may button-up for work, but he also relishes informal discussions with students.
impacts on a place like Goldman Sachs
can be made.

A song from Cabaret claims “money

makes the world go round,” but
Gary Schermerhorn’s success suggests
He currently resides in New Jersey with
his wife Miriam Esteve A.B. ’85 (Applied
Mathematics) and their three sons.
How have innovations in technology
changed in your lifetime?
putting more stock in being (and stay- In the old days, corporate and govern-
Esteve, who also earned an M.B.A. in
ing) well-rounded. Schermerhorn A.B. ment investments resulted in consumer
operations management and marketing
’85 (Computer Science), who serves technologies such as the personal com-
from Columbia University, is execu-
as co-chief operating officer for the puter and the Internet. Today, consumer
tive vice president of Operations and
Goldman Sachs Technology Division, technology companies like Apple and
Technology at U.S. Trust and previously
credits his broad education and global Google are driving innovations we will
served as head of Operations and Tech-
perspective (he and his family lived in see in the workplace. This blurs the line
nology for the Global Wealth Manage-
Japan for four years) as providing the between your identity as an individual
ment at Citigroup.
best route to get from Harvard Square to consumer and as an employee in an
Wall Street and beyond. Their travels away from the Yard, how- enterprise.

18 I DEAS – Spring 2006

Alumni Notes
You’ve also been open to the changes up to the people who harness them and In addition to continued study in the
in the wider world. What was living in what ends they choose to put them to. technology and mathematics fields, I
Japan like? am also a director for several not-for-
Is there any way for us to prepare for or profit boards.
It was the greatest personal adventure in
adapt to this global landscape?
my life. It’s instructive as an American to
As an American, it’s important to have a What kind of view has life outside “The
experience an ancient culture and make
sense of what America means and what Street” given you?
comparisons to your own. For instance,
it’s so pleasant that in Japan there is no contributions this country has made I am a trustee of the Population Refer-
tipping! We also make it a point to see and can make to the world. This can be ence Bureau (PRB), the oldest popula-
more of the U.S. because international easy to forget for someone committed tion nongovernmental organization in
travel has made us equally appreciate to “thinking global.” So adaptability is the country. PRB professionals regularly
the people and places close by. important, but knowing yourself and visit the most undeveloped regions of
what you believe in may be the most the world, getting health, family, and
With technology, doesn’t close by refer key preparation. environmental data to journalists,
to the next county and the next coun- governments, academic institutions,
try? Does knowing yourself mean making and grassroots organizations. It’s about
sure work does not solely define you? as far from what I do day to day as you
You can find a Starbucks in Tokyo and
share Flickr photos with people you’ve I have played drums my whole life, been can imagine. It is a humbling reminder
never met. Distances between places active in sports (admittedly more so now that not all the world’s movers and
and people matter less. Whether tech- as a spectator), and have entertained (or shakers are on Wall Street. J
nology and finance help to magnify or humiliated) my children for years with
celebrate cultural differences is frankly sleight-of-hand I taught myself as a kid.

Challenge renewed
I nspired in part by the success of
DEAS’s own $45 million Challenge
Fund (completed in 2005), Harvard
Challenge Fund to fully endow a named
professorship. Individuals interested
in establishing a faculty development
D. ’76 and Anne T. Young; and an anony-
mous donor.

University has announced the estab- fund with a gift of $1.5 million will re- “The University makes no investment
lishment of a $50 million Professorship ceive a match of $500,000. more important than building and sup-
Challenge Fund. The group of generous porting an outstanding faculty,” said
donors who created the fund hopes The Professorship Challenge Fund has President Lawrence H. Summers. “We
to encourage gifts from alumni and been created through the leadership of are grateful to these donors for estab-
friends to endow named professorships Charles J. Egan Jr. ’54 and Mary Bower- lishing the challenge, which is critical
across the University and provide other sox Egan R’55 and the Stanley H. Dur- to realizing Harvard’s mission.” J
critically needed faculty support. wood Foundation; Alphonse Fletcher
Jr. ’87; J. Christopher Flowers ’79 and
Donors making gifts of $3 million will Mary H. White; James F. ’68, M.B.A. ’70
be matched with $1 million from the and Anne Fitzpatrick Rothenberg; Brian

From lasers to laser pointers, alumni gifts play a critical role in supporting Harvard’s outstanding faculty.

DEAS – Spring 2006 I 19

Back to the Future

F or this edition of the newsletter we decided to take
a step back, both in time and in technology. These
duotones from the Harvard University Archives may
lack the high-definition, surround-sound “oomph” of
today’s digital devices, but their content still conveys
a rich message. Thanks to resident historians Martha
Mooney and Professor Fred Abernathy for helping to
identify many of the photos. We encourage alums to
send us more information, insights, corrections, and
2 any memories the images inspire. J
Image 1: All work and no play makes a dull engineer. Out-
side Pierce Hall, a group of students get up close and
personal for a civil engineering study of compactness
and weight distribution. Photo by E. E. Petee and N.
E. Olds, 1904.
1 3 Image 2: An anechoic (echoless) room, likely used in the
1940s for research related to sonar. The modern
composer John Cage credits his experience sitting in
such a chamber at Harvard, where he could hear noth-
ing but the rhythms of his own body, as the motive
for his controversial “silent” piece, 4’33”. We are not
sure whether Cage sat in the particular room pictured

Image 3: Soldiers on the academic battlefield. The Division

of Engineering and Applied Physics offered training
during World War II. In 1944, the year the photo
was taken, marching drills or “parading” was also a
common sight on the on the back lawn of Pierce Hall
4 and in front of Memorial Hall.

Image 4: A lone operator engulfed in the glow and hum of a

Harvard MARK series computer. Grace Murray Hopper
worked with Howard Aiken ’39 (Ph.D.) to develop the
machine in the early 1940s. Considered one of the first
large-scale automatic digital computers, a version of
this behemoth (the full system weighed about five
5 tons) sits in Harvard’s Science Center today.

Feedback loop Image 5: Inside an expansive, high-ceilinged room dedi-

We welcome and appreciate your cated to gas dynamics and plasma physics, located in
comments, suggestions, and Harvard’s Engineering Sciences Laboratory (ESL). To
corrections. Please send feedback to achieve a completely open space, Minoru Yamasaki,
communications@deas.harvard.edu the architect of the World Trade Center and of the
or call us at 617-496-3815. This William James tower on campus, used his signature
newsletter is published biannually by hull-core structure method—supporting a building
the Division of Engineering and Applied solely with steel and concrete outer walls. The photo
Sciences Communications Office.
was likely taken in the late 1960s. Today ESL houses
Harvard University faculty members in bioengineering and environmental
Pierce Hall sciences as well as the machine shop.
29 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138 Image 6: Radcliffe students hovering around a Teletype ma-
Managing Editor/Writer: chine (connected to a sister machine in Philadelphia)
Michael Patrick Rutter in 1966. As for the odd location, we can only guess—a
Designer, Producer, Photographer: top-secret laundry room where students could wash
Eliza Grinnell clothes and dry their hair while they worked, or a pro-
This publication, including past issues, totype Internet café? Fred Abernathy provided a more
is available on the Web at sober explanation: At Harvard, early “computers”
were routinely placed in the basements of buildings.
Copyright © 2006 by the President 6
and Fellows of Harvard College

20 I DEAS – Spring 2006

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