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Mycology is the study of fungi.

The number of serious fungal infections is increasing.
Fungi are aerobic or facultatively anaerobic chemoheterotrophs.
Most fungi are decomposers, and a few are parasites of plants and animals.

Characteristics of Fungi

1. Molds and fleshy fungi consist of long filaments of cells joined together (hyphae).
a. A fungal thallus (body) consists of hyphae; a mass of hyphae is called a
2. Yeasts are unicellular fungi. To reproduce, fission yeasts divide symmetrically,
whereas budding yeasts divide asymmetrically.
a. Buds that do not separate from the mother cell form pseudohyphae.
3. Pathogenic dimorphic fungi are yeast like at 37 degrees Celsius and moldlike at 25
degrees Celsius.
4. Fungi reproduce asexually by fragmentation or production of asexual spores.
a. These spores can be produced asexually:
b. Conidium (conidia) a unicellular or multicellular spore that is not enclosed in
a sac.
i. Produced in a chain at the end of aerial hyphae called conidiophores.
ii. Arthrospores Formed by fragmentation of septate hyphae into single
5. Fungi are taxonomically classified according to the type of sexual spore that they
form, but clinically, since most only exhibit asexual spores in the lab, are classified by
asexual spore type.
6. Sexual spores are usually produced in response to special circumstances, often
changes in the environment.

Medically Important Phyla of Fungi

1. The Zygomycota have coenocytic hyphae.

a. Sexual spores are zygospores.
b. Asexual spores are sporangiospores.
c. Examples:
i. Rhizopus
ii. Mucor
2. The Ascomycota have septate hyphae.
a. Sexual spores are ascospores produced in a sac-like structure called an

b. Asexual spores are usually conidiospores.

3. Microsporidia lack mitochondria and microtubes; they cause diarrhea in AIDs
4. Basidiomycota (club fungi) have septate hyphae and includes fungi that produce
fruiting structures called mushrooms.
a. Sexual spores are basidiospores formed externally on a base pedestal called
a basidium.
b. Asexual spores in some are conidiospores.
c. Examples:
i. Cryptococcus neoformans
ii. Amanita phalloides (Death Angel)
iii. Psilocybe mexicana
5. Deuteromycota formerly used as a holding category for fungi without a known
sexual spore type.
a. Ribosomal RNA sequencing identifies most as anamorphic phases of
Ascomycota, a few are basidiomycetes.
b. Examples:
i. Pneumocystis carinii (tentative placement)
ii. Epidermophyton
iii. Sporothrix schenckii
iv. Coccidioides immitis
v. Candida albicans
6. Telemorphic fungi produce sexual and asexual spores; anamorphic fungi produce
asexual spores only.
Fungal Diseases

1. Systemic mycoses are fungal infections deep within the body that affect many tissues
and organs.
a. Coccidiodomycosis Coccidioides immitis
b. Histoplasmosis Histoplasma capsulatum
c. Blastomycosis Blastomyces dermatitidis
2. Subcutaneous mycoses are fungal infections beneath the skin.
a. Sporotrichosis Sporothrix schenckii
b. Chromomycosis Fonsecaea, Phialophora, Cladosporium
3. Cutaneous mycoses affect keratin-containing tissues such as hair, nails, and skin.
a. Dermatophytoses (ringworm)
i. Tinea capitis ringworm of the scalp
ii. Tinea cruris ringworm of the groin (jock itch)
iii. Tinea pedis ringworm of the feet (athletes foot)
1. Epidermophyton affects only skin and nails
2. Trichophyton can affect hair, skin, or nails
3. Microsporum usually affects only hair or skin
b. Dermatomycoses caused by other fungi, most often Candida
4. Superficial mycoses are localized on hair shafts and superficial skin cells.
a. Tinea versicolor Malassezia furfur
b. Tinea nigra Cladosporium werneckii
5. Opportunistic mycoses are caused by normal microbiota or fungi that are not usually
a. Opportunistic mycosis can infect any tissues. However, they are usually

b. AIDS patients susceptible to Cryptococcus, Pneumocystis, and Penicillium
c. Mucormycosis - caused by some Rhizopus and Mucor.
d. Aspergillosis, caused by Aspergillus.
e. Candidiasis, caused by C. albicans, can be dermal, oral (thrush) or vaginal.
Economical Effects of Fungi

1. Food production
a. Aspergillus niger citric acid for foods and beverages
b. Saccharomyces bread, wine, beer, and used as a protein supplement and
vitamin B source
c. Torulposis protein supplement
d. Trichoderma produces cellulase, removes cell walls to produce clear fruit
2. Biological control of pests
a. Candida oleophilia can grow on harvested fruit and prevent the growth of
spoilage fungi.
3. Mold spoilage of fruits, grains, and vegetables is more common than bacterial
spoilage of theses products.
4. Many fungi cause diseases in plants.
a. Phytophthora infestans Irish potato famine, infects soybeans and cocoa
b. Cryphonectria parasitica killed off most of the chestnut trees
c. Ceratocystis ulmi Dutch elm disease
5. Medical
a. Taxomyces produces taxol
1. A lichen is a mutualistic combination of an alga (or a Cyanobacteria) and a fungus.
2. The alga photosynthesizes, providing carbohydrates for the lichen; the fungus
provides a holdfast.
3. Lichens colonize habitats that are unsuitable for either the alga or the fungus alone.
4. Lichens may be classified on the basis of morphology as crustose, foliose, or
5. Lichens are used for their pigments and as air quality indicators.
1. Algae are unicellular, filamentous, or multicellular (thallic).
2. Most algae live in aquatic environments.
Characteristics of Algae

1. All algae are eukaryotic photoautotrophs that produce oxygen.

2. The thallus (body) of multicellular algae usually consists of a stipe, a holdfast, and
3. Algae reproduce asexually by cell division and fragmentation.
4. Many algae reproduce sexually.
5. Algae are classified according to their structures and pigments.
Selected Divisions of Algae

1. Brown algae (kelp) may be harvested for algin.

2. Red algae grow deeper in the ocean than other algae because their red pigments
can absorb the blue light that penetrates to deeper levels.
3. Green algae have cellulose and chlorophyll a and b and store starch.
4. Diatoms are unicellular and have pectin and silica cell walls: some produce a
neurotoxin (domoic acid, concentrates in mussels).
5. Dinoflagellates produce a neurotoxin that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning and
a. Alexandrium produces the saxitoxins responsible for PSP. Large
concentrations cause red tides
b. Gambierdiscus toxicus concentrates in reef fish that arent normally toxic,
causes ciguatera (symptoms include tingling around the lips, nausea,
vomiting, weakness, and numbness).
6. Oomycotes are heterophic; they include decomposers and pathogens.
Roles of Algae in Nature


Algae are the primary producers in aquatic food chains.

Planktonic algae produce most of the molecular oxygen in the earths atmosphere.
Most petroleum is the fossilized remains of planktonic algae.
Unicellular algae are symbionts in such animals as Tridacna (giant clam).

General Characteristics of Viruses (pp. 368369)
1. Depending on ones viewpoint, viruses may be regarded as exceptionally complex aggregations
of nonliving chemicals or as exceptionally simple living microbes.
2. Viruses contain a single type of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and a protein coat, sometimes
enclosed by an envelope composed of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.
3. Viruses are obligatory intracellular parasites. They multiply by using the host cells synthesizing
machinery to cause the synthesis of specialized elements that can transfer the viral nucleic acid
to other cells.
Host Range (pp. 368369)
4. Host range refers to the spectrum of host cells in which a virus can multiply.

5. Most viruses infect only specific types of cells in one host species.
6. Host range is determined by the specific attachment site on the host cells surface and the
availability of host cellular factors.
Viral Size (p. 369)
7. Viral size is ascertained by electron microscopy.
8. Viruses range from 20 to 1000 nm in length.
Viral Structure (pp. 370373)
1. A virion is a complete, fully developed viral particle composed of nucleic acid surrounded by a

Nucleic Acid (pp. 371372)

2. Viruses contain either DNA or RNA, never both, and the nucleic acid may be single- or doublestranded, linear or circular, or divided into several separate molecules.
3. The proportion of nucleic acid in relation to protein in viruses ranges from about 1% to about
Capsid and Envelope (pp. 372373)
4. The protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid of a virus is called the capsid.
5. The capsid is composed of subunits, capsomeres, which can be a single type of protein or several
6. The capsid of some viruses is enclosed by an envelope consisting of lipids, proteins, and
7. Some envelopes are covered with carbohydrate-protein complexes called spikes.
General Morphology (p. 373)
8. Helical viruses (for example, Ebola virus) resemble long rods, and their capsids are hollow
cylinders surrounding the nucleic acid.
9. Polyhedral viruses (for example, adenovirus) are many-sided. Usually the capsid is an
10. Enveloped viruses are covered by an envelope and are roughly spherical but highly pleomorphic.
There are also enveloped helical viruses (for example, influenza virus) and enveloped polyhedral
viruses (for example, Simplexvirus).
11. Complex viruses have complex structures. For example, many bacteriophages have a polyhedral
capsid with a helical tail attached.
Taxonomy of Viruses (pp. 373374)

1. Classification of viruses is based on type of nucleic acid, strategy for replication, and
2. Virus family names end in -viridae; genus names end in -virus.
3. A viral species is a group of viruses sharing the same genetic information and ecological niche.
Isolation, Cultivation, and Identification of Viruses (pp. 374379)
1. Viruses must be grown in living cells.
2. The easiest viruses to grow are bacteriophages.
Growing Bacteriophages in the Laboratory (pp. 374, 377)
3. The plaque method mixes bacteriophages with host bacteria and nutrient agar.
4. After several viral multiplication cycles, the bacteria in the area surrounding the original virus are
destroyed; the area of lysis is called a plaque.
5. Each plaque originates with a single viral particle; the concentration of viruses is given as plaqueforming units.
Growing Animal Viruses in the Laboratory (pp. 377379)
6. Cultivation of some animal viruses requires whole animals.
7. Simian AIDS and feline AIDS provide models for studying human AIDS.
8. Some animal viruses can be cultivated in embryonated eggs.
9. Cell cultures are cells growing in culture media in the laboratory.
10. Primary cell lines and embryonic diploid cell lines grow for a short time in vitro.
11. Continuous cell lines can be maintained in vitro indefinitely.
12. Viral growth can cause cytopathic effects in the cell culture.
Viral Identification (p. 379)
13. Serological tests are used most often to identify viruses.
14. Viruses may be identified by RFLPs and PCR.
Viral Multiplication (pp. 379389)
1. Viruses do not contain enzymes for energy production or protein synthesis.
2. For a virus to multiply, it must invade a host cell and direct the hosts metabolic machinery to
produce viral enzymes and components.
Multiplication of Bacteriophages (pp. 379382)
3. During the lytic cycle, a phage causes the lysis and death of a host cell.
4. Some viruses can either cause lysis or have their DNA incorporated as a prophage into the DNA
of the host cell. The latter situation is called lysogeny.
5. During the attachment phase of the lytic cycle, sites on the phages tail fibers attach to
complementary receptor sites on the bacterial cell.

6. In penetration, phage lysozyme opens a portion of the bacterial cell wall, the tail sheath
contracts to force the tail core through the cell wall, and phage DNA enters the bacterial cell.
The capsid remains outside.
7. In biosynthesis, transcription of phage DNA produces mRNA coding for proteins necessary for
phage multiplication. Phage DNA is replicated, and capsid proteins are produced. During the
eclipse period, separate phage DNA and protein can be found.
8. During maturation, phage DNA and capsids are assembled into complete viruses.
9. During release, phage lysozyme breaks down the bacterial cell wall, and the new phages are
10. During the lysogenic cycle, prophage genes are regulated by a repressor coded for by the
prophage. The prophage is replicated each time the cell divides.
11. Exposure to certain mutagens can lead to excision of the prophage and initiation of the lytic
12. Because of lysogeny, lysogenic cells become immune to reinfection with the same phage and
may undergo phage conversion.
13. A lysogenic phage can transfer bacterial genes from one cell to another through transduction.
Any genes can be transferred in generalized transduction, and specific genes can be transferred
in specialized transduction.

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