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Essay Map: Should We Agree with Purchasing Luxurious Cars for ministries?
Thesis statement: Purchasing luxurious cars for ministries at the beginning of
new governing should be reconsidered because it takes and spends the countrys
general revenue and expenditure budget which can be used for improving the youths
Background Paragraph: This controversy pits the passion of people who agree
purchasing new cars for better facility against the people who think that it is not a
primary important issue to be agreed and done by now.
Counterargument 1 Paragraph: The rate of poverty has been increased over the
past 10 years, first because of the lack of life-skill and underemployment society, but
more recently because of the countrys general revenue and expenditure budget is
spent for unnecessary issues by the functionaries.
Counterargument 2 Paragraph: The populace of Indonesia does not deserve the
suffering because of reallocating budget for purchasing unnecessary things.
Counterargument 3 Paragraph: Improving infrastructures and public facilities is
more important, and the education must be paid attention well because the future of
Indonesia depends on the youth generation.
Pro Argument Paragraph: The ministries complain that it is their right to have
new facility, such as a car in the new governing era, and it is an obligation for SBY to
prepare the operational vehicle for the new governing. The operational vehicle is
intended for functionaries facility which the existence is primary important. Perhaps
that is true. However, purchasing new cars will spend much from the countrys budget
which allocate for the prosperity and advancement of citizenries.
Concluding Paragraph: For all these reason, the issue of purchasing new
luxurious cars for ministries must be abandoned.

Results of a Survey
A recent survey conducted to know how the societys opinions relate to the issue of
purchasing luxurious car for ministries. The questioners have distributed to take some
samples of citizen based on their sex, age, and occupation. Fifteen elders and five
students of university were surveyed to get a valid data for this essay. Table 1 shows
the results of the survey.
Table 1 Results of Survey
Have known and agreed with the issue
Have known and strongly disagreed with

2 0f 20


13 of 20


the issue
5 0f 20

25 %

Do not know yet and disagreed with the

As shown in Table 1, the biggest percentage shows that there is 65% of samples
have known and strongly disagreed with the issue. It is 10% of them have known, but
agreed with the issue. The result of this survey also shows that there is 25% of them
did not know about the issue, and disagreed with the issue. Thus, this survey
concludes that most of citizenries strongly disagreed with the issue of purchasing
luxurious car for ministries.
Societies were asked to show their inner thought about the issue, which is getting
popular lately. The best instrument to get the valid data was by distributing papers
(questionnaire). The result was a kind of quantitative data which showed percentages
in a table. The questionnaire was created as simple as possible, where people only
need to write checklist mark and circle yes/no questions. The object of this survey was
entrepreneurs, teachers, merchantman, and universitys students who live in Bengkulu
city. It took 2 days, 27-28 September to get the data.
Results from the survey showed that even though the house of representative
agreed to purchase luxurious car for ministries, most of our citizenries disagreed. The
research also indicated that societies need our countrys prosperity and advancement.

Note-taking Chart: Purchasing Luxurious Car for Ministries?

Basic question to ask

Relevant information to note and

further questions to research

1. What controversial issue is being Looking at the poverty, the purchasing


luxurious car for ministries should be

reconsidered well.

2. Who is directly involved or affected

The citizenries of Indonesia.

by the controversy?
3. Where is this controversy taking

Indonesia, especially in Bengkulu.

4. When and how did the controversy

At the beginning of this year. House of

representatives proposal to allocate our







Pro: some of ministries and functionaries.
5. What people are on each side of
Contra: citizenries of Indonesia

the issue?

Pro: The APBN which going to be spent is

6. How does their point of view differ?

not that much and the cars help the

ministries to accomplish their job.
Con: Billions rupiah from APBN can be
allocated against poverty, increase the






infrastructure and public facilities.

7. What specific solution has been Spend the APBN for important things.
8. How





be The house of representative reconsiders

and abandons the proposal, the ministries
and functionaries must do their job for
citizenries appropriately.


Should We Agree with Purchasing Luxurious Cars for Ministries?

In August 2014, the Ministry of States Secretary of Indonesia released the amount
of budget which going to be spent for purchasing ministries cars was about 104.4
billions Rupiah. It was intended for branded cars, Mercedes Benz from German.
The Ministry of States Secretary proposed to allocate the budget for purchasing
ministries operational vehicles. However, to protect our citizenries from suffering, this
main issue at the beginning of new governing should be reconsidered because it takes
and spends the countrys general revenue and expenditure budget.
It is absolutely a need to have operational vehicles for ministries. It is particularly
important. But, the question is should we agree with the issue of purchasing luxurious
cars for ministries? Having operational car is important, but for luxurious one must be
reconsidered well. According the dictionary, operational vehicle was vehicle which is
intended for facilitating the functionaries. At the agenda report of evaluation, at
August 26th 2014, Sudi Silalahi, the States Secretary said that President SBY had
obligation to prepare the operational vehicle for the next governing. Purchasing new
cars must be done by the time of transition. From the estimation budget, it assured
that there would be 51 units of Mercedes Benz S300L for the ministries (Republika
23/8, Rakhmawaty Lalang).
The rate of poverty has been increased over the past 10 years, first because of the
lack of life-skill and underemployment society, but more recently because of the
countrys general revenue and expenditure budget is spent for unnecessary issues by
the functionaries. Based on BPS data, in 2011, there are 30.02 % societies who live in
poverty, which is in 2014 must be increased as well. The question is, does purchasing
luxurious and expensive cars inevitably?

The APBN must be allocated to open new

job fields in order to minimize the underemployment rate. If this problem were solved,
the poverty issue would be solved as well.
As written in the fundamental laws of Indonesia, every single person has the right
to live prosperously. The populace of Indonesia does not deserve the suffering because
of reallocating budget for purchasing unnecessary things. The functionaries were exist
because of the societies picked them, that is why they must priority the needs of
society itself. Buying operational vehicles is important, but it will be better if the
country pick them wisely and economically. Joko Widodo, the chosen president for

Indonesia also against this proposal. He said that APBN must be spent for society and
the functionaries (ministries) could work without luxurious operational vehicle.
As written in the fundamental laws of Indonesia, every single person has the right
to be educated well. The society has the right to use the infrastructure and public
facilities. Improving them is primary important, and the education must be paid
attention well because the future of Indonesia depends on the youth generation. The
ministries claimed that most of APBN has been allocated for education, but how is the
fact? How many children at the school age wandering around the streets? It is because
the lack of attention from government. Therefore, purchasing luxurious cars is
incompatible with the condition of our country now. DPR must think the best and the
right way to deplete the APBN. It comes from society, which is why it would be best if
it were used for society.
The ministries complain that it is their right to have new facility, such as a car, in
the new governing era. They argue that it can enable them to accomplish their job.
Perhaps that is true. Society also admits that the functionaries need the operational
vehicle. However, purchasing new and luxurious cars will spend much from the
countrys budget which allocate for the prosperity and advancement of citizenries. It is
unforgivable. The decision will hurt the populace of Indonesia.
For all these reason, the issue of purchasing new luxurious cars for ministries must
be abandoned.

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