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The Impact of Mobility on the Performance of Zigbee Mobile Network

Norhamizan Bin A.Hamid, Dr.Megat Farez Azril Zuhairi

Malaysian Institute of Information Technology (MIIT)
University of Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract This study is conducted to investigate the

impact of mobility on the performance of ZigBee mobile
network. ZigBee Mobile Network rapidly used in many
industries. It is because the network technologies have
features such as low power operation, sensor capability,
and small form factor mobility. The data collected from
a single sensor node is forwarded from one to the other
until it reaches the location of the data collection center.
This project focuses on a study about ZigBee mobile
network and mobility's pattern which is Random
Waypoint mobility models and to construct a simple
wireless ad hoc network topology to investigate the
performance. The project objective is to set up a simple
wireless network using the current available ZigBee
wireless devices. Subsequently, the devices are evaluated
in network environment, which include mobility
patterns and AODV routing protocol.

mobility pattern, Random Waypoint Model is used in this

project. The mobility pattern can help the investigation of
the network performance, which later can be used to
alleviate the weakness.



Project Comparison
Previously there are some research works that was
conducted similar to with this project. Comparison with
other projects is shown in Table 1.

Keywords- ZigBee,AODV, Mobility Model



Zigbee Mobile Network is typically used in many

industries. It is because the network technologies have
features such as low power operation, sensor capability, and
small form factor mobility. The data collected from a single
sensor node is forwarded from one to the other until it
reaches the location of the data collection center. Typically,
Zigbee allows bi-directional communication to connect and
communicate. Each node has common parts, which include
a radio transceiver with internal antenna or connection to an
external antenna and a microcontroller. Many industries
have employed the technology to automate process with
minimum human intervention. Nevertheless, not all of the
node has mobility capability in their system. Simulation of
mobility pattern is a technique used to evaluate the
performance of Zigbee network. It provides an improvement
in the mobile ad hoc environment and network performance.
The purpose of this project is to employ mobility pattern
into the Zigbee network and then compare the performance.
The mobility pattern behavior of a node movement can be
described using both analytical and simulation models .In
this project, the actual mobility pattern is employed. For the

Table 1: Comparison with other projects

ii. Research Phase



This chapter discusses methodology used in the

project. The method is followed to achieve the objectives of
the project. To run this project, the methodology for this
project is based on project approach.
The methodology involves six phases which are planning,

In research phase, it is very important to further the

research to get better understanding of the project that need
to be done. In this phase, comprehensive studies need to be
done by reviewing previous projects, read research journals
and understand the original concept of the project. Also to
study what MANET hardware is suitable for this project.
The hardware must meet the criteria of the project. After
that, reviewed the methodology to be applied in the project.

Research Methodology
It begins with data and information gathering
process which are related to the project and objectives. The
process of searching data involves finding information from
Internet, journal, article and previous project that have
similarity with the project.
The project model methodology is used as a guideline in the
project. It show in Figure 1

iii. Implementation Phase

In implementation phase, it involves the
development of hardware and software for the project. In
this phase, the development of hardware design was
developed by just plug in the XBee series 2, XBee Shield
and Arduino Uno. By using XBee Shield, it make a lot
easier to integrate the XBee series 2 and Arduino Uno. For
the software design, the source code from the Arduino
playground. Than the source code are edit for suitable need
of the project. After the adjust source code are done.
Upload the source code into Arduino Uno. After that, the
process can be carried out in real life simulation base on
random waypoint pattern.
iv. Analysis Phase

Figure 1: Project methodology

i. Planning Phase
In the planning phase, a problem is identified. To
study the impact of mobility pattern on the performance of
ZigBee mobile network .There are not many of real life
mobility pattern research are being done Then, the solution
is formulated by creating objectives that can achieve the
target. The planning to simulate mobility pattern using
ZigBee mobile network are being done. With the
availability of the objectives, the project can run smoothly
and have direction for the project. In addition, the scopes of
the project need to be develop to make it easy to determine
the scope of the project that need to be reviewed. Then,
propose an appropriate topic related to the scope, objectives
and problems that need to be solved.

In this phase, the mobility pattern and routing

protocol need to be analyzed to get the result. The
parameters for the experiment simulation are following
using the network simulation software. This analysis can
prove which mobility pattern and routing protocol that is
suitable for MANET.
v. Result Phase
In this phase, all project objectives and scope must be
achieved. The data from the test can be collected. All the
raw data than need to be calculate manually. After that, the
data will be comparing than the result will be analysis to
show the result
vi. Documentation Phase

In the documentation phase, data collection and

analysis that has been done will be documented. Besides
that, the result can be use for further study.

Gantt chart
Gantt chart is a graphical illustration of schedule that helps
people to coordinate, plan and track their specific tasks in
the project. Gantt chart is very useful tools for people to
plan and schedule their project. This tool allows people to
estimate the length of the time need to complete the project
and determine the resource that need in the project. When
project is underway, Gantt chart can monitor the project
progress. It shows in Figure2

Hardware and Software Requirement


Hardware Requirement
Laptop(Dell Studio
XPS 16)
Arduino Uno R3
Battery 9 V
Starter kit for Arduino
XBee Series 2
XBee shield (without
Table 2: Hardware requirement

Figure 2: Project Gant chart


Software Requirement

Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure is a deliverable oriented
decomposition of a project into smaller components. WBS
is also a model of work to be performed in a project
organized in a hierarchical structure. WBS is important tool
that can help project manager to overview the project.
Figure 3 shows project WBS

Arduino IDE
Table 3: Software requirement



In this stage, the construction of hardware and

experiment set up is done. Initially, the project requirement
are identified and studied in the pre-development phase.
The development phase is divided into several stages,
which include the implementation of the hardware,
configuration of the hardware, coding the hardware, and
finally conduct experiment of Zigbee Mobile Network by
using mobility model pattern(Random Waypoint) . Figure 2
shows the experiment flow for Zigbee Mobile Network
study by using Zigbee standard. Typically, the Zigbee
device has the default Mobile Ad hoc (MANET) routing
protocol which is Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector
Routing (AODV) protocol. Figure 4 shows flow chart of
ZigBee mobile network
Figure 3: Project Work Break Structure

After commencing routing protocols, the sender node

connects with the receiver node. If the nodes are not
connected, the XBee Series 2 and Arduino Uno R3
configuration reconfigured. Upon connections set up
between nodes, then the experiment for the Mobility pattern
movement is conducted. In Figure 5 shows the ZigBee node
network connection establish with time stamp and in Figure
6 shows the complete ZigBee mobile node

Figure 6: Complete of ZigBee Mobile Node



Figure 4: Flow Chart ZigBee Mobile Network


This chapter discusses about the impact of mobility

on the performance of ZigBee mobile network. After the
software and hardware implementation development, all the
modules are integrated to each other. The system is then
tested to ensure the system meet the requirements and
achieves all the objectives. The Average End-to-End Delay,
Total Packet and packet delivery ratio are the three
measurement used to study the impact of mobility on the
Performance of ZigBee mobile network using random
waypoint mobility pattern.. The behavior of the node is also
discussed to show its functionality and output.
ZigBee range experiment
This section discusses the radio ability of ZigBee
transmitter to connect with ZigBee receiver. The Table 4
shows the result of ZigBee range
Range (Meter)
Meter 1 to meter 20

Figure 5: Establish connection between sender and

receiver with time stamp

ZigBee Analysis
The ZigBee receive the data
from sender accurately
Meter 21 to meter 40
The ZigBee receive the data
from sender accurately
Meter 41 to meter 60
The ZigBee receive the data
from sender accurately
Meter 61 to meter 80
There was a delay between
the sender and receiver data
Meter 81 to 100
After 85 meter there was no
data received at the receiver.
Table 4 ZigBee range

Random Waypoint Pattern

From the ZigBee range experiment, it shows that a suitable
network area size to implement the experiment is by using
the dimension of by 70mX30m. In Figure 5.5, it shows a
random waypoint pattern created randomly. The red line
represents the receiver node path from point A to F and the
blue line represent sender path from point A to F.
It show in Figure 7

route reconnection. For instance, when nodes are moving at

low speed and the sender and receiver separation distance
are high, the route establishment process is severely
affected. As shown in Figure 5.5, the sender and receiver are
located at the two ends of the network area. As such, when
the sender attempt to establish connection, it constantly
fails. On the contrary, when the speeds of node are
increased, the nodes i.e. sender and receiver, may frequently
be in proximity. Therefore, route establishment is more
rapid. However, route breakage may also occur. Based on
the experiment, it shown that at lower speed, route
connection may be affected in Random Waypoint Mobility
Pattern. The ideal speed for routing protocol i.e. AODV, to
operate is within the velocity of 20km/h.

Figure 7: Random Waypoint Pattern

Bases on experiment conducted in, the measurement of
Total Packet, Average End-to-End Delay, Packet Delivery
Ratio and Throughput are collected. Each calculation of the
performance metric can be referred in equation 5.1, 5.2 and

Figure 5.6 Total Packet Graph

In Figure 5.6, packets are substantially lost at 5km/h. On the
other hand, the node speeds of 20km/h incur the lowest
packet lost. The primary reason of packet lost at lower
velocity i.e. 5km/h, is may be due to slow convergence of

Figure 5.7 Packet Delivery Ratio Graph

Figure 5.7 shows that Packet Delivery Ratio it is the ratio of
the number of packet delivered to the number of packet
received by the destination node. In short the greater packet
delivery ratio, the better performance for the network. In the
experiment, the velocities of 10km/h offer the highest
packet delivery ratio for AODV. On the other hand, at
15km/h, the packet delivery ratio is the lowest. In addition,
the packet delivery ratio results show that at 15km/h, the
performance is reduced to nearly haft. This may be due to
the effect of external noise. Note that the experiment is
conducted in an open space; however, external elements
such as weather may affect the result.



A. Conclusion

Figure 5.8 Average End-to-End Delay Graph

Figure 5.8 shows the Average End-to-End Delay. It is the
average time taken by a data packet to arrive at in the
destination. It also includes the delay caused by route
discovery process and the queue in data packet transmission.
Only the packets that successfully delivered to destination
that counts. A lower value of average end to end delay is
ideal for application which requires low latency such as
voice over IP phone

The project shows the capability of ZigBee

technology and the impact of mobility on the network
performance. Although the project is completed it still needs
a lot of improvement. Analysis and observation were
conducted to test the impact of mobility on the performance
of ZigBee mobile network. To develop a reliable system in a
real environment requires significant effort. There are many
elements of the technology which has not been considered.
Each can have influence on the performance of MANET.
Arduino IDE is the software used to interface the entire
component to microcontroller. In general, the system
operated as expected even though there were many
difficulties encountered throughout the project. As such the
objectives of the project are successfully fulfilled.
The same movement models, size of network area and
number of nodes were used and the variable for the real life
simulation parameter is the velocities of the node speed. By
using random waypoint as the mobility model pattern and
ZigBee and Arduino Uno as the network node, it is
observed that the velocities of the node speed can affect the
result of the experiment as can be seen in the result. From
the experiment, it is shown that the packet varies lost if the
velocities of the node speed are changed. One of the factors
that can affect the experiment result is the distance between
sender and the receiver at a certain point.
B. Suggestions
During the implementation of the hardware and software
development, a few obstacles were faced that could not be
dealt with due to lack of knowledge and sufficient time. A
few suggestions and comments were also obtained during
the FYP 2 presentation. The following are a few suggestions
and future recommendations that can be done

Figure 5.9 Throughput Graph

Figure 5.9 shows the throughput. It refers to how much data
can be transferred from one location to another in a given
amount of time. It is typically used to measure the network
connection performance. Based on the experiment, at
10km/h, the throughput is the high set while at 15km/h the
throughput is the lowest. It is observed that the result is
consistent with Figure 5.7. The throughput is closely related
to the packet delivery ratio and the node offers the lowest
performance at 15km/h.

Increase the number of node

By increase the number of node, it maybe can help reduce

the delay and the packet lost.

Intergrades GPS system

It can help to calculate the distance between sender and

receiver while the nodes are mobile.

3. Implement storage system/database

Currently, all the packets are capturing manually. If the
packet can be store into the database, it will help to calculate
packet easier

4. Use different mobility model pattern

This experiment result are base on one mobility model
pattern that in random waypoint.
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