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1) Exercise, stretch and sweat for 1 hour every day.

Sweating is the key to heal

thy exercising. When you sweat you are removing dietary and metabolic acids from
the tissues that causes a cancerous condition.
2) Watch your acidic weight with an alkaline lifestyle and diet as outlined in o
ur new book The pH Miracle Revised and Updated.
3) Don't smoke cigarettes, cigars or chew tobacco. It is laced with sugar and ot
her chemicals that are cancerous causing!
4) Eliminate all animal protein, dairy, sweet fruit, processed sugar and all aci
dic grains, especially rice.
5) Eat or juice green fruit and vegetables such as brocolli, spinach, cucumber,
peppers, kale. collard greens, celery. parsley, etc.
6) Drink 5 to 6 liters of alkaline green water with a pH of at least 9.5 and an
ORP or electrical potential of -150 mV.
7) Drink chlorophyll rich green drinks every day. You can add the green pH Mirac
le powder or liquid chlorophyll to your alkaline electron rich water.
8) Drink 3 to 4 ounces or 100 ml of cold-pressed poly-unsaturated oil daily like
avocado oil, olive oil, hemp oil and flax oil.
9) Ingest 10 to 12 grams of sea salt every day.
10) Take antioxidant nutritional supplements every day, including Glutathione, N
-acetyl-cystein, R-dehyro-lipoic, CO-Q-10, magnesium and Zinc.
11) Take the four alkaline salts of sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium car
bonate and bicarbonate called pHour salts whenever you urine and/or saliva pH is
below 7.2.
12) Get 30 minutes of sunshine and take 50,000 IU's of Vitamin D every day.
13) Cleanse the bowels daily with magnesium oxide, magnesium carbonate, and fibe
14) Take 1 scoop twice a day of L-arginine Plus to improve circulation and heart
15) Take 4 capsules of Lung Support 3 to 4 times a day.
16) Take 1 capsule 3 times a day of Vitamin K.
17) Eat 1 to 2 avocados daily, hemp protien and organic sprouted soy for increas
ed healthy oils and pHytonutrients to buffer the acids that cause cancer.
18) Eat fresh sprouts every day including brocolli sprouts, soy sprouts, mung be
an sprouts, etc.
19) Eliminate ALL forms of sugar out of the diet, including honey, maple syrup a
nd stevia.
20) Eliminate ALL soda, coffee, tea (including green tea), sport drinks, exotic
fruit drinks, and energy drinks.
21) Eliminate All alcohol.

22) Eliminate ALL corn products out of the diet.

23) Eliminate ALL peanut oil or peanuts from the diet.
24) Eliminate ALL fermented foods including soy sauce and Braggs Amino Acids.
25) Eliminate ALL mushrooms or yeast from the diet, even so-called nutritional y
26) Eliminate ALL foods that contain vinegar.
27) Eliminate ALL forms of chocolate.
28) Eliminate ALL mercury fillings.
29) Do daily stretching, breathing and isotonic exercising with Kundalini Yoga.
30) Daily deep breathing exercise, such as the "Breath of Fire" is very good for
31) Make love, smile and give lots of hugs. Remember, if you don't use it you lo
se it. :))
32) Have a lymphatic drainage massage every day .
33) Do whole body vibrational exercising every day for 10 minutes twice a day or
jump on a mini trompoline for 15 minutes twice a day.
34) Live in the present and eliminate all emotional stress in your life.
35) Read good alkalizing books, watch alkalizing videos and listen to alkalizing
36) Listen to alkalizing melodic music daily.
37) Laugh every day for no reason.
38) Pray and meditate daily.
39) Listen to the pH Miracle for Cancer CD's.
40) Do daily alkalizing colonics containing chlorophyll, mineral salts, magnesiu
m oxide, magnesium chloride, l-arginine, and pHour salts like sodium and potassi
um bicarbonate.

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