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January 2015

Jib sheet
From The Commodore

2015 PCYC Commodore

Don Rodwancy


I hope everyone had a great
Holiday Season with
friends and family. As I
start my year as Commodore of this great club my
thoughts go towards the
Commodores and who
have come before me. I
have had the pleasure of
getting to know many of
you and unfortunately
some I have not. I want to
thank those who have
given me advice and counsel over the past several
years and let you know I
greatly appreciate it. And
to our most recent Past
Commodore, Dr. Mike
Hablitzel, many thanks to
Mike for successfully guiding our club last year. It is
an honor to be your Commodore for 2015!
PC Todd Bickley has accepted the PCYC Club
Secretary role. Todd has
the duties of keeping the
records, documenting all of
our meetings and various
other thankless tasks!
Thank you Todd, I look
forward to working with
you this year. Dave Bringman the previous PCYC
Secretary is moving on to
the Board as a three year
Trustee. Congratulations
Dave, welcome to the
Board. Dave did an awesome job for the three
years as PCYC Secretary.
Dave will remain the
Clubs parliamentarian for

Every year a new member

is asked to serve on the
Social Committee. For
2015, Andy and Melissa
Schlotterer have agreed to
join Steve and Mary Lou
Nellett along with Dave
and Kathy Mehl. Andy
and Melissa have taken a
very active role in many
club activities and projects
over the past couple of
years. We are glad to see
them take the next step in
serving our club.
Thank you to all that offered me support and encouragement at the Change
of Watch. I, along with
your Board, will strive to
serve the members of
PCYC to the best of our
ability and always keep the
clubs interest first in mind.
This is shaping up to be a
very important year for our
club and I want to assure
all of you, the Board members are up for the task!
The biggest issue facing
the membership is the pool
and finalizing plans to
renovate or replace. This
will be the primary focus
for the coming month as
the path forward is decided. Please read the
Rear Commodores report
for more details.
I am hearing there are
some concerns as to why
the dues and dockage
where raised. PCYC has
many projects on the list to
be considered. Most of

these projects will require

outside contractors as they
are larger in scope. These
projects are derived from
the needs of the club, needs
of the marina and items
(remaining on the list) from
the Members Planning
session held on May 25,
2013. Some of these projects have been on the list
for quite some time because there arent sufficient
funds to complete them.
The additional dues/
dockage fees that are collected will be put toward
some of these projects.
As your PCYC Commodore for 2015 I am accessible to the membership via
email or phone to discuss
PCYC issues or ideas at;
don@autogate.com or 419541-0724.
January brings four social
events including the Recognition Dinner on January
10th. The Recognition Dinner is a wonderful event
where your fellow members are recognized for the
hard work and dedication
they put into the club. The
menu is Prime Rib with all
the trimmings and this
event is open to all members so please plan on joining us! Please call the bar
to make your reservations.
Of course, dont forget the
monthly membership meeting on January 8th.

Page 2

J i b

The Rear Perspective, Dave Obergefell

I want to thank the
membership of our fine club
for the honor of serving you
as Rear Commodore. I have
been blessed with so many
opportunities in life and I
consider this opportunity one
of the most significant. As
hopefully you are aware, the
Rear Commodore is responsible for the PCYC house and
grounds by working closely
with Chuck and Eric, and
most important, working with
all the members. We are
fortunate to have such a well
maintained facility thanks to
the flag officers, board members, and the many volunteer
members through the years
who have dedicated so much
time. Thanks to VC Doug
Shealy who is turning over
the club in such great
shape. I hope all of you will
make suggestions to me as
the year progresses about
how we can make our club
even better.
Going forward I
would like to see even more
of our members become involved in serving our

club. People sometimes feel

they must be a member for a
long time before getting involved and this is not true. I
remember in 1988 being
asked by PC Lock Zeis to
take over as bar chairman
after only being a member
one year. Little did I know
how raising drink prices
could get you well known
very early!
The pool is our major issue for the
year. Thankfully we can
operate the pool during 2015
even with the shortcomings
of our filtration system under
the condition we have a plan
to repair or replace the pool,
and we maintain water quality. Rest assured both of
these conditions will be
met. We are now getting
additional quotes to repair the
pool as well as totally replace
the pool. There are many
options to consider including
diving boards, slides, fountains, sloped entry, deep end,
handicap access, pool location, etc. One member even
suggested a swim up

bar. (Guess who?) Once we

get some preliminary numbers we plan to seek your
opinion as to simply repairing
the existing pool or building
a new pool, with a all the
potential options. In the end,
the membership will decide
which course of action we
take just as we have done any
major project. My thanks for
your patience on the special
membership meeting which
was cancelled. The purpose
of the meeting was to
promptly seek your approval
to proceed with repairs immediately so the pool could
open this summer. Soon after
sending the meeting notice
we were given temporary
approval to operate for another year. Most important
your input to this major project is appreciated. I also
want to thank PC John Bolte
for all his hours assisting
with this project.
The Building Committee has slowed their activities simply due to the activities around the pool. The
glass house issues have not

Dancing at the Club

New years Resolution: Get
up and Move Try ballroom
dancing. Learn to Foxtrot,
Waltz, Rumba, Cha-Cha and
Registration preferred but
not required. Walk ins welWHEN: Jan. 6th Feb 27th come. Partners not required.
COST: $80 SINGLE, $120
Call Ann Duez 419-734COUPLE
5611 for additional informaTIME: 7 pm 8 pm
tion and registration

s h e e t

been forgotten as well as a

host of other needs of our
facility. Your patience is appreciated, more to come on
that subject.
The recent wind
blew over the electric pole
near the pool and we are
holding off repairs until we
decide on a pool direction as
well as evaluating underground wiring.
I want to thank the
Christmas decorating committee and the volunteers
for beautiful Christmas decorations including Commodore
Don and Terry Rodwancy,
PC Todd and Bobbie Bickley, John and Jessica Ohm,
Billy and Sarah Withers, Jon
Obergefell, PC Mike and
Carolyn Nitz, Dave and
Cindy Bringman, Kevin
Eden, Andrew Walton, Janet
Garber, and Kayley Nitz. I
especially want to thank my
wife Cindy who spent a huge
number of hours planning
and getting the best
prices. The tear down of the
decorations will occur Saturday 1/10/15 at 0800
not on 1/4/15as shown in the
book. Please stop by and
volunteer to help, even if you
are a new member.
In closing I have
only one regret about becoming Rear Commodore of our
fine club, and that is my parents were not at Change of
Watch. My parents loved
PCYC and my father taught
me early about the role of a
flag officer during his term
on the flag of Maumee River
Yacht Club many years
ago. I hope I can live up to
his standards as well as all
Please keep your suggestions
coming. Together let's make
PCYC even better during
2015 than it is today!

p c y c

Page 3

Fleet Captain of Sail

Greetings to all PCYC
Members. By the time you
read this the Holidays will
be over and we all will be
recovering from New
Years! As the newly
elected Fleet Captain of
Sail I would first like to
thank Ramon Eickert for
establishing our wellearned reputation in ILYA both for our big boat
program, including Green
Island and Snow Flurries
and for our Junior Program
at Junior Bay Week.
Thank you Ramon!
the I-LYA Fall Meeting
Room in Westlake where
the new I-LYA Commo-

dore was elected and the

new Chairman of the Junior Program was introduced. After many years
Jane Obrien handed over
the Chairmanship to Brett
Freeman. Some good progress was made on next
years sailing programs.
PCYC will host the Junior
Regatta which precedes
Junior Bay Week.
We are busy at
work confirming our Committees for our two (2)
main events; Green Island
Chaired by the ViceCommodore and Snow
Flurries Chaired by the
preparations for these historic events are well under

way. At the Junior Level

we are working to confirm our coaches which
are set and looking over
the teams who will represent us next near.
The focus of our
Junior Sailing Program
has always been sailing
education. While that program is well established
for our Juniors who live
or summer in the area
there has been a void for
the weekend Juniors. We
will fill that void this
summer with a Junior
Learn to Sail Program on
Saturdays. We will also
be offering an Adult
Learn to Sail Program
which will help participa-

Fleet Captain of Power

Happy New Year! It is officially 2015, cannot believe how quickly time goes by. I am currently working on this years cruise schedule. Emails have been sent out to marinas and I am
currently waiting to hear back on available
dates. Hopefully the schedule will be completed by
the first part of February. Lets try to think positively, we are only a few months away from the PIB
Think Spring,
RJ Basil

New Years
Eve at the
Club, Make
your reservation at the bar.
Bar Hours
Closed New
Years Day

tion in our big boat program.

For the past several years I have been
actively involved in the
Junior Program in ILYA and in Florida.
Many of our I-LYA Junior will be participating
in the Orange Bowl Regatta in Miami. This is a
growing program and is
the largest Junior Regatta in the U.S. We
look forward to seeing
many of the juniors
from our I-LYA Member Clubs.
We will be offering a Safety At Sea
Seminar in February.
This is a must attend
seminar for offshore
sailors attending major
off shore events such as
Port Huron to Mackinaw. We look forward to
a great seminar.
come too soon!
Jim Miller

January 2015

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri






January 10, 2015

Doors open 6:PM

PRICE $22.00 per person
RSVP by 1/6/15 at the bar




$5pp $5:30
Pulled Pork Sliders
Homemade Knefla

Board Meeting




Colonial Club

Past Commodores

Club Closed















Save the Date


Board Meeting

Details to Follow


Homemade Mexican
Enjoy for $4pp
Serving at 5:30

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