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Merry Christmas!!!

O Come Let us
Adore Him,
Christ the Lord

JESUS is the
In This Issue:
Little Foxes in
the Vineyard


My Prayer

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Page 6

Page 7



Little Foxes in the

What is the condition, posture, or state of your
heart in this season of your life? Are you hungry for
God and His Word or bored with the things of God?
Are you growing spiritually, experiencing greater
intimacy with Jesus or do you feel "stuck?" If this
world were filled with people like you, would it be
filled with people on fire for God or with people that
are discouraged and/or disinterested? Last question,
are you truly living not only what you preach, but the
abundant life that Christ came to give you (John
10:10 AMP), or just "looking the part" and/or going
through the motions?
Earlier this year my heart was very heavy. Anxiety
kept me awake more nights then I would like to
admit. I preached, "Walk by FAITH and not by
sight! Don't be afraid, TRUST GOD", but realized
that although saved and living for the Lord there
were some little things that had gotten into my
heart. Things like worry, stress, discouragement, disappointment, and fear. Then one night,
while spending time with the Lord I began to cry out to Him, "Lord, restore my joy and peace! Help
me!" It was then that He led me to Song of Solomon 2:15 NLT It says,

"Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of
love, for the grapevines are blossoming!"
He then began to minister to my heart. I asked Him what were some of these little foxes. He said.....
























Question: What lie have you believed?

So many times we focus on the things that
everybody can see with the natural eye, but
overlook these "little foxes" that get into our
vineyards. Friend, is your heart filled with
some of these "little foxes" listed above?
If so, hear my heart, these foxes, no
matter how small they may seem or how
well you hide them from others are not
your friend. Their assignment is to kill, steal,
and destroy. They want to kill, steal, and
destroy your joy, peace, identity, faith, and
anointing. They want to shut your mouth and
make you doubt who you are. By all means,
they definitely don't want you to have and
enjoy life, to the full, in abundance, till it
overflows (John 10:10 AMP). Like real
foxes, they are quiet, cunning, nocturnal in a
sense that they keep you up all night, show
up and out behind closed doors, but hide and
"sleep" during the day around other folks.
They major in camouflaging. They know how
to blend in with the environment, looking like
one thing, but are actually another. Just like
real foxes steal food, bury it, cover it with
grass, and mark it with urine. These little
foxes have gotten in the hearts of so many
blood bought believers, stole, and then
marked it with a lie that the blood bought
believer believed!

and that there is no truth in him (John 8:44).

Why do we waste so much time believing
him? Why do we put people on trial, but
overlook the enemy? 2014 is soon to end and
2015 will be here. Let's not wait until the New
Year to get these foxes out of our vineyards.
Let's not wait until the New Year to be free
and live the abundant life. Let's start putting
Satan on trial, and watch him come out guilty
every time! Let's take our joy, peace, and zeal
back. Let's be hungry for God and His Word.
Let's start truly operating in our anointing and
walking in our purpose. Let's stop just
going to church....and actually BE THE
CHURCH! Let's get these foxes out and keep
them out!!!

So, how do we do this:

1. Prayer, Transparency, and Cutting off

First things first, we've got to spend more time
in prayer----more time talking with God. We've
got to stop just talking about prayer and it's
power and actually do it! So many times
when you're dealing with some of these
"little foxes" the enemy will have you
thinking that you need to talk to or hear
from everyone, but God. Don't get me
wrong, I am all for Godly, wise counsel,
but nothing should take the place of
seeking God and hearing His voice. One
thing I did when I was in college was invest in
a prayer journal (it's nothing special, just a
regular journal from Walmart). On days when
I have a hard time verbalizing what's on my
heart, I write and write and write. And earlier
this year when I was in desperate need of
encouragement and someone to talk to I did
as Psalm 62:8 says and I poured out my
heart to Him! I got real and transparent with
Him. Yes, He already knew about the things
that were bothering me and the things that
disappointed me, but He also knew what I
needed. You see friend, yes God hears and
listens intently to our prayers, but it is not a

Question: What lie have you believed?

Who told you that you were not good
enough? Who told you that you were
alone? Who told you that God would not
come through this time? Who told you that
you could not accomplish what God
Himself has anointed and equipped you to
do? One thing about me, if I catch you in a lie
one time, I'll be like, "Maybe she "forgot" the
truth." If I catch you again, I'll give you the
side eye, but I won't give you the "title" of a
liar! Oh, but after that third time, if you tell me
that the sky is blue, although I know it
probably is, I'll have to check for myself. And
if you were to be honest, you are the same
way with people. So, why don't we do Satan
like that? The Word tells us that he is a liar



monologue. No, it's a dialogue. His communication with us doesn't depend on how loudly He
speaks. It depends on how well we listen. God has things that He wants to share with you and say
to your heart, but you've got to yield to Him and pray! He is jealous FOR you and He doesn't want to
share the throne of your heart with mere foxes like discouragement, un-forgiveness, bitterness,
etc.! He definitely doesn't want you trusting in people more than you do Him! He wants His Bride to
be wholly His. Another thing that the Lord led me to do was to get off of Facebook for the month of
May. Listen, I LOVE Facebook. I love ministering and encouraging others via Facebook, and I also
love seeing and celebrating the great things that are happening in the lives of my peers, but the Lord
wanted my full attention. Instead of me pouring so much out, God wanted me to take a break and be
poured into! Usually, I spend time with Jesus twice a day (once in the morning and once at night), but
during this time, I was out of school so I spent a lot of time with Him and found that in His presence
there is fullness of joy! The truth is, it's hard to hear from God with your TV playing in the
background, your computer open to 5 different social media sites, and your phone in your
hand. Sometimes we have to learn to shut it all off so we can Him clearly. I'm not saying that
getting off of social media for a month or longer is for everyone, but I am saying that when you're
dealing with some foxes, you've got to cut off any and everything that is a distraction and get focused.
You've got to stay in the secret place. You've got to keep seeking God's face and keep praying. And
when you do, don't get discouraged if it seems like God is "quiet." Just know that you can't be in
someone's presence and not eventually hear their voice. So, stay in the secret place and you will
hear the Lord's!

2. Intimacy with Jesus (Get in the Word)

Friend, Christian books and blogs are great but they should never replace Gods Word. Before
we go get insight from another person we need to first get in the Word and receive insight
from God himself. Another thing that we must not do is "underline our Bibles till our pens run dry
without a drop of ink splattering our lives. The self-deception slithers in when we mistake
appreciation for application or being touched with being changed." God wants intimacy!!! This is
why the enemy tries his hardest to distract you from getting in the Word and spending time with God
because intimacy releases power, faith, strength, joy, peace, identity, and destiny! It's not a waste of
time to spend time with Christ. God used the study of His Word to not only set me free, but to
restore, encourage and remind me of some things.....like my inheritance as a child of God and my
purpose. He reminded me that no child of His should settle for living in stress, anxiety, hopelessness,
and/or depression! No way! Because when Christ died on the cross every one of those "little foxes"
were nailed on the cross too! And when He rose, every one of those "little foxes" were defeated and
put under our feet!! The Word has the power to not just touch us, but to change us! It also has
the power to get those foxes out and keep them out, but we have to stop just appreciating it,
and actually get in it and apply it!

3. No matter what, PRAISE GOD

Last, but certainly not least, we have to stop being controlled by our feelings and emotions. I don't
care what it looks like, we have to make the decision to trust and praise God....not with a question
mark, but with an exclamation point! I can remember many mornings waking up with the spirit of
heaviness this year, but then I remember reading this quote by Smith Wigglesworth: "I don't ever
ask Smith Wigglesworth how he feels!" I jump out of bed! I dance before the Lord for at least
10 to 12 minutes - high speed dancing. I jump up and down and run around my room telling
God how great he is, how wonderful He is, how glad I am to be associated with Him and to be
His child." It was then that I decided to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. So
each morning, no matter how discouraged or heavy I felt, I would turn on some music and just praise
God. Before I would "preach" to anyone else, I would preach to myself. I would dance before the Lord
and pray the Word over myself. Friend, I learned from experience that you can't praise God and
worry at the same time! Satan can't defeat or stop a praiser! The more I praised Him and set my



affection and attention on Him, the more the cares of this life began to grow strangely dim in the light
of His glory and grace. God is not a respecter of persons, choose to praise God in spite of and watch
Him not only show up, but show out for you too!
I believe that in this last month of 2014 and especially in 2015, God is calling you higher! It is time to
press into Him and seek His face like never before. No longer will you live off of someone else's
revelation or testimony, but I believe that God is getting ready to give you a personal revelation and
testimony of who He is. I believe that God is going to do something so extraordinary IN and FOR
you that others will marvel at all that He accomplishes THROUGH you. Oh yes, I believe that you
were born for such a time as this, not just to be a Christian or just to go to Heaven, but to experience
Jesus on such a deep level that He confides in you and shows you His covenant and reveals to you
it's deep, inner meaning (Psalm 25:14 AMP). That's why the enemy has been trying to distract,
discourage, and hinder you with these "little foxes" because he doesn't want you to have a
personal revelation of who God is. His goal is simply to make you numb to the things of God.
He's not too worried about you following this one on social media or bragging about sister-soand-so's revelation or quoting it on social media, oh but he does fear a deep, intimate, and
powerful relationship with the Father. The devil fears this because once YOU get a revelation
of who God is, you will truly know who YOU ARE, "For as He is, so are WE in this world" (1
John 4:17)! So friend, let this be a call to rise up, go deeper, and soar higher. Let this be a call to
fight the good fight of faith. Let this be a call to get those foxes out and keep them out! God wants
you. He calls out to you today. CHOOSE to draw near to Him. CHOOSE to seek Him. CHOOSE to
cling to Him. CHOOSE to depend on HIm. CHOOSE to trust Him. You won't be disappointed!



What YOU fear the most HIGHLIGHTS
the area you trust God the LEAST.

Knowing who YOU are in CHRIST and

trusting HIM with EVERY aspect of your
life is the KEY to CONTENTMENT at
any stage of life.


You have gifts and talents that the body
of Christ needs! STOP listening to your
fears and insecurities; their goal is to
hinder and delay you! So stand up, step
out, and do what HE has called YOU to
Elevation comes from GOD alone. NO
man can give it or take it away. They
are only conduits of God's plan. Live
"as unto the Lord!"



My Prayer:
Do It Lord by Bryn Waddell
I see Your glory covering the earth, Lord. Just like the waters are covering the sea. I
see the millions coming to salvation. I see revival fire in the land. I see the lost and
nameless ones remembered. I see the widows shouting out Your praise. I see the
friendless loved and celebrated. Orphans fulfilling, Lord, Your calling on their lives. I
see forgiveness overtaking hatred. Pride and prejudice now giving way to love. I see
depression replaced with joy and gladness. And satans lies now bowing to the Truth. I
see the brokenness of families brought to wholeness. I see the prodigals running home
to You. I see the CHURCH rising up in POWER, laying down their lives in unity and
love. I hear the sounds of every tribe and nation, giving glory to JESUS CHRIST the
Son. Do it Lord, do it Lord, do it Lord, we are praying. Do it Lord, do it, that Your glory
may be seen. DO it Lord, do it Lord, do it LORD, we are praying. Do it Lord, do it, that
YOUR glory may be seen!!!!



I pray you and your family

have a very Merry Christmas!!!

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