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General Theory strat

1. Threshold for reasonability: as long as he has link-turn and counter

K/counter methodology ground.
1.Competing interp causes race to the top- Under competing interps, there will
always be an interp thats slightly better, meaning we would always run theory
because its a gateway issue. This would distract us from substance, which is the
educational part of debate that we can apply to other parts of life; theory can not
be applied to anything but high-school debate.
2. Destroys creativity- Competing interpretations forces debaters to think out
side the box, forcing them to conform to only arguments that are perfectly fair
otherwise, they would always face theory about a slightly more fair practice. This
causes stasis in debate because everyone would run the same fair issues over
and over again. Reasonability checks back this problem because debaters can be
creative when choosing positions as long as they are reasonably fair.
3. Contradicts our notions of punishment- We should only reject
debaters/arguments if they are bad, not because they are less good. For instance,
we punish people for breaking the law, but not for failing to donate to charity, and
not for donating some, but not all, of their money to charity. This makes
punishments under competing interps unproportional to the abuse.
Proportionality is key to fairness as what is fair is determined by what we are due.
4. Makes theory infinitely regressive. They prep out reasons why both sides of a
theory issue would be preferable in order to win on theory no matter what I do- causing
endless theory debates. Reasonability solves for theoretical issues that can not be
resolved. For instance, there are interps and counter-interps for plans good and plans bad
no matter what I do, I lose. Reasonability stops these no-way-out situations from
5. (Only if topicality) People dont have access to resources that provide the
best definition so reasonability doesnt screw over small schools without the ability to get
the best definition.
6. Reasonability prevents a race to the bottom because a significant impact is
needed to win the theory debate. A marginal impact is sufficient under competing
interpretations, so debaters have an incentive to make their interpretations and counterinterpretations as similar as possible, minimizing points of clash. This makes it
impossible for the person responding to theory to win the debate because she has to
generate offense off a tiny part of the original interpretation. Further, it harms education
because both debaters agree on 90% of the theoretical issues, so they have few
opportunities to defend their positions.
Fairness isnt a voter
1. No brightline we dont know when were being fair enough to debate.
2. No way to evaluate the fairness of things when theory itself is being unfair.
Metatheory doesnt solve because metatheory still appeals to fairness.

3. He couldve been unfair back.

4. Theory is ex-post facto.

1. Education is the ultimate aim of debate: The point of debate is to educate

debaters on global issues, how to research, critical thinking not how to be fair.
Otherwise, topics would be about issues like multple a prioris or time skew rather
than real-world political issues.
2. Fairness is subjective, different people have different ideas as to what
arguments and practices are fair so we can never know when fairness is being
achieved. Further, people have different conceptions of what it means to be fair.
For instance, we don't know if fairness is procedural or if it is substantive, ie if
fairness means correcting the neg win skew or not.
3. Unfairness is non-unique because theres always some aspect of an
interpretation that isnt as a good as another.
4. Education is something we take away from debate: It is impossible to take
fairness away from debate because we never know what it truly is and how to
apply it; whereas, education is something that can be applied in any situation.
Fairness has no impacts outside of round compared to education that shapes how
we understand and operate in the world. Real world impacts come first because
were humans before were debaters and thus should prioritize helping society
over winning debate rounds. Strait and Wallace1 write,
The ability to make decisions deriving from discussions, argumentation or debate,
is the key skill. It is the one thing every single one of us will do every day of our
lives besides breathing. Decision-making transcends boundaries between categories [of]
learning like "policy education"' and "kririk education," it makes irrelevant considerations of
whether we will eventually be policymakers, and it transcends questions of what
substantive content a debate round should contain. The implication for this analysis is that the
critical thinking and argumentative skills offered by real-world decision-making
arc conductively greater than any educational disadvantage weighed them. It is
the skills we learn, not the content of our arguments, that can best improve all of
our lives.)

L. Paul Strait (George Mason University) and Brett Wallace (George

Washington University). The Scope of Negative Fiat and the Logic of Decision
Making. WFU Debaters Research Guide. 2007.

5. Schools fund debate for its educational value, not because its competitive,
meaning that if debate is no longer educational it dies as an activity. Debate is
often regarded as an educational club, like Science Olympiad, rather than a sport,
like tennis, and is funded as such.
6. Debate was created as an educational activity, therefore it should reward the
skills it values. If it was solely based on fairness, participants would have no
reason for joining debate over a coin flipping contest. The reason debate was
created and the reason people join it is because it emphasizes critical thinking and
argumentative skills. Debate should reward educational benefits because of its
function, otherwise the activity becomes pointless.
7. As we become more educated, we better understand how things interact, and
thus can come to better conclusions about what is fair, making education a
necessary internal link to fairness.

Framers intent bad

1. Because there is no requirement that articles on proposed topics be written in LD,
it is often unclear as to what topic authors actually mean because there is no written
point of reference for framers intent. Thus, framer's intent is subjective and
unverifiable, so instead of clarifying the debate, it only muddles it further.
2. Since the wording committee alters the wording of the resolution, resolutions
cannot always be debated in a way indicative of what the framer intended. The
changes in the wording of the topic preclude framers intent from being a viable
standard for T.
3. Framers intent is not static; people who write topics change their mind
about issues as they see them progress in a certain direction they did not
anticipate. Further, the way the topic relates to the real world changes as
current events develop, and the framer's intent can not forsee these changes.
So, using framers intent as a T standard is nonsensical as T interpretations
have to be applicable to all debates on the topic, and to the real world.

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