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How to Prevent Shin Splints: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

How to Prevent Shin Splints

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Two Methods:

Edited 10 w eeks ago

Preventing Shin Splints with General Strategies

Preventing Shin Splints Before You Exercise

Shin splints are a common problem for many athletes, including runners,
basketball players, and even freestyle skiers. If you already have shin splints,
you should put ice on them, but definitely take a break from your activity until you
recover. Of course, the best thing to do is prevent them in the first place.

Method 1 of 2: Preventing Shin Splints with General Strategies

Know that shin splints can be caused by several different factors. Shin splints
aren't a single medical condition, often. Shin splints can be caused by:
Stress fractures, or small hairline fractures in your shin bone (tibia)
Swollen or tired muscles in the lower legs
Flat feet, or when the impact of running or walking causes the muscles in the lower
foot to stretch out.

Check the condition of your shoes. If they look worn out, or don't give you the
support they once did, get a new pair. If and when you go shoe shopping, be sure to:
Go later in the day. Your feet get swollen as the day progresses.
Bring the socks with you that you usually exercise, play, or compete in. Bringing in
socks that you'll be running or performing in will help you evaluate the effectiveness
of the shoe.
Be sure to measure the size of both feet. One foot is often bigger than the other
and needs to be fitted accordingly.

Get orthotics. Orthotics or arch supports can help stabilize the feet or people with flat
feet, minimizing the stretching caused by poor support. Orthotics can be specially

made or bought OTC.

Try out a neoprene sleeve. Neoprene sleeves, which can be purchased at your
local drugstore or online, provide warmth and support to cold muscles around the shin


Strengthen muscles in that area of your leg. You can do this by walking around on
your tip toes once in a while and walking around on your heels. Take opportunities

around the house to walk around on your heels or toes.




How to Prevent Shin Splints: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Walk backwards whenever you can. This "reverses" the effect of shin splints or
"contrasts" how you get them.

Method 2 of 2: Preventing Shin Splints Before You Exercise

Stretch before and after strenuous activity. You can do this by practicing these
targeted exercises:
With your heels together, your toes pointed out, and your arms outstretched in the
air, slowly raise yourself up onto your toes before going back down again. Repeat
ten times.
With your heels apart, your toes together, and your arms outstretched in the air,
slowly raise yourself up onto your toes before going back down again. Repeat ten

Warm up before and cool down after a hard workout. This will also help you feel

Do not run if you suspect you have shin splints. If it hurts, stop. If you keep

Do not run or play on very hard surfaces such as concrete. Run on a track with

less sore the next day.

going, it could make the shin splints worse.

artificial padding, or on a treadmill with a little bit of give. Running on hard surfaces

like concrete can exacerbate stress fractures in the bone.

If you do get shin splints, give your injury time to heal. Treat as just that: an
injury, not an inconvenience or something you'll have to start settling with from now on.

Give your joints a break every so often and swim or bike instead of running as an exercise.
It could take a period of 3 to 6 months before your shin splints are fully healed.[1]
Give your joints a rest during that period of time and don't rush back into the sport
or exercise that caused the injury.

Try not to "stomp" your feet when you run. This will put less stress on
your shins.
Run on softer ground. Avoid concrete surfaces and run on dirt or grass.



How to Prevent Shin Splints: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Don't do too much training too quickly. You shouldn't increase the
distance you run too quickly, especially if you are a new runner or have
not run in a while. A good rule of thumb is to never increase your mileage
by more than 10% a week.
Find out what type of arch your foot has. If you are flat-footed or have an
over-prorate arch, you are more at risk for shin splints.
Take it easy when you go down a hill. If possible, coast down a hill on a
grassy surface. This will also decrease your chances of slipping and

Don't walk around on your heels and toes too much. A few minutes a day
should be sufficient.

Sources and Citations

1. http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/shin-splints?page=2

Article Info

Categories: Feet Knees and Legs

Recent edits by: Lovetocreatequestons, Mikegman, Brendan
In other languages:
Espaol: Cmo prevenir la inflamacin de los msculos de las
espinillas, Portugus: Como Prevenir Canelite (Inflamao Tibial), Deutsch: Wie man
Schienbeinkantensyndrom vermeidet, Franais: Comment prvenir la priostite
tibiale, Italiano: Come Prevenire la Periostite, :
, :

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 119,809 times.



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