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Creating a Power Copy

This task shows how to create Power Copy elements, to be reused later.
A Power Copy is a set of features (geometric elements, formulas, constraints and so
forth) that are grouped to be used in a different context, and presenting the ability to
be completely redefined when pasted.
Before performing the scenario, make sure that the Parameters and Relations options
are checked (Tools>Options>Infrastructure>Part Infrastructure>Display).
1. Open the PktCreatePowerCopy.CATPart document.
2. From the Start>Knowledgeware menu, access the Product Knowledge
Template workbench.
3. Click the Create a PowerCopy icon (
is displayed.

). The Power Copy Definition dialog box

4. Select the elements making up the Power Copy from the specification tree. For
the purposes of our scenario, select the following items:

The Parameters

The Relations

Line.1 (under Geometrical set)

The Geometry

The components of a Power Copy must be consecutive elements if they are located in an o
Ordered Geometrical Set. To know more, see Frequently Asked Questions: PowerCopies.
The dialog box is automatically filled with information about the selected elements.

5. Define the Power Copy as you want to create it:

The Definition tab lets you assign a name to the Power Copy and presents
its components in the 3D viewer. For example, enter "Driver" in
the Name:

The Inputs tab shows you the inputs (elements to select at instantiation) of
the Power Copy. You can rename these elements for a clearer definition by
selecting them in the viewer and entering a new name in the Name: field.
In parentheses you still can read the elements' default name based on its
type. For example, select xy plane and rename it as "Plane1".

The Parameters tab lets you define which of the parameter values used in
the Power Copy you will be able to modify at instantiation time. This can be
a value, or a formula for example.
Select the parameters and check Published. For a formula, you can set it
to false or true. For example, select Driver_X_Position.
Use the Name field to give another name to this element. For example,
enter X_Position and publish it.

The Documents tab shows the complete path and role of Design tables
referenced by an element included in the Power Copy.

The Properties tab lets you modify the icon identifying the Power Copy in
the specifications tree. A subset of icons is available from Icon choice. If
you click ... the Icon Browser opens, showing all icons loaded on your
CATIA session. Click the envelope icon .

screen lets
capture an
image of
the screen.
If you want
to display
the Power
, display
them and
click Grab
You can
zoom in or
out the
image to
adjust it.
Click Remo
you do not
need this image.
6. Click OK to create the Power Copy. Save your file. Click here to open the created
See the Quick Reference topic for a comprehensive list of the interactions that can be
carried out on Power Copies.

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