Вы находитесь на странице: 1из 182


"WelcomeToSteamTitle" "BIENVENIDO A STEAM"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamTitle" "WELCOME TO STEAM"
" Disfruta de los juegos ms recientes
Encuentra a tus Amigos
Encuentra los mejores servidores
Obtn actualizaciones automticas
Chatea con Amigos, incluso dentro de una partida
Recibe ofertas especiales exclusivas para Steam"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamInfo" " Play the latest games
Find your Friends
Find the best servers
Get automatic updates
Chat with Friends, even when in-game
Receive Steam-only special offers
"Como medida de seguridad adicional, sel
ecciona una pregunta
secreta e introduce la respuesta. Se utilizar si
olvidas la contrasea."
"As an additional security measu
re, please select a secret
question and provide the answer below. This will be used
if you ever forget your password."
"Pregunta secreta"
"Secret question"
"Tu respuesta"
"[english]SteamUI_YourAnswer" "Your Answer"
"Cul es el apellido de tu madre?"
"What is your mother's maiden name?"
"Cmo se llama tu mascota?"
"What is the name of your pet?"
"Quin era el dolo de tu infancia?"
"Who was your childhood hero?"
"Dnde naciste?"
"What city were you born in?"
"Cmo se llama tu escuela?"
"What is the name of your school?"
"Cul es tu equipo preferido?"
"What is your favorite team?"
"WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "Crear una nueva cuenta"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "Create new account"
"WelcomeToSteamLogin" "Conectarse a una cuenta"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamLogin" "Login to an existing account"
"Introduce tu direccin de email. Si no recuerdas\
nla contrasea, esta direccin tambin se usar \npara comprobar tu identidad."
"Please enter your email address. If yo
u forget your\npassword, you will be contacted via this address to\nverify your
"Introduce un nombre de perfil, que ser el nombre
que vern tus Amigos \ncuando ests conectado. Tambin puedes introducir tu verdadero
\nnombre para ayudar a tus Amigos a encontrarte."
"Please enter a profile name. This is th
e name your Friends \nwill see when you're online. You can also enter your real
\nname to help your Friends find you."

"SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(optativo)"
"[english]SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(optional)"
"SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "Convirtiendo la instalacin existente del juego.
Puede tardar unos minutos."
"[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "Converting existing game installation.
This may take several minutes."
"Se ha completado la precarga de Steam."
"Steam pre-loading complete."
"SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" " "
"[english]SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" " "
"Precargando archivos de %s1 desde el di
"Pre-loading %s1 files from disk
"Precargando archivos de %s1 desde el di
"Pre-loading %s1 files from disk
"Precargando archivos de %s1 desde el di
"Pre-loading %s1 files from disk
"Direccin de email"
"Email address"
"(tiene que ser una cuenta vlida)"
"(must be a valid account)"
"Introduce de nuevo tu direccin de email"
"Re-enter your email address"
"Consulta la poltica de privacidad"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo1" "See Valve's"
"de Valve"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo2" "Privacy Policy"
"para ms informacin."
"[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo3" "for more information."
"[english]Underline2" "
"Por favor, introduce una contrasea. Asegrate de e
legir algo difcil de averiguar y usa al menos 8 caracteres."
"[english]WelcomeToSteamPasswordInfo" "Please provide a password. Be sure to c
hoose something
hard to guess - use at least 8 characters."
"WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "Vuelve a escribir la contrasea"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "Retype password"
"WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "Ya est todo listo! Gracias por usar Steam. El pro
grama funciona en la bandeja de notificacin (normalmente en la parte inferior der
echa de la pantalla). Para acceder a Steam, haz clic con el botn derecho del ratn
en el icono."
"[english]WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "You're all set! Thanks for using Steam.
The program
runs in the Notification Tray -- usually at the lower right
of your screen. To access Steam, right-click on its icon."

"Play games"
"SteamRootNews" "Noticias"
"Elige un juego y empieza una partida!"
"Choose a game and start playing!"
"Encuentra Amigos, chatea y juega con ellos"
"Find Friends, chat, play together"
"Busca partidas multijugador en curso"
"Browse multiplayer games-in-progress"
"Monitorea la actividad de la red Steam"
"Watch Steam network activity"
"Cambia las opciones de Steam"
"Change Steam options"
"Mantente al da de las ltimas noticias Steam"
"Keep up with the latest Steam news"
"Buscar partidas"
"Browse games"
"Encontrar partidas"
"Find new games to play"
"Steam funciona en la bandeja de notificacin. Para accede
r a Steam o para salir, haz clic con el botn derecho del ratn en su icono."
"Steam runs in the Notification Tray. To access
Steam or to quit, right-click on its icon."
"Introduce tu nombre y apellidos, tal y como apa
recen en tu tarjeta de crdito."
"Please enter your first and last names,
exactly as they appear on your credit card."
"Direccin de email"
"[english]Steam_EmailAddress" "Email address"
"(para confirmacin de compra y recepcin)"
"(for purchase confirmation and
"First name"
"Last name"
"Introduce el nmero de la tarjeta y la fecha de c
aducidad, tal y como aparecen en la tarjeta de crdito."
"Please enter the card number and expira
tion date as they appear on your credit card."
"Steam_CreditCardType" "Tipo de tarjeta"
"[english]Steam_CreditCardType" "Credit card type"
"Nmero de tarjeta de crdito %cardtype%"
"%cardtype% credit card number"
"Caducidad de la tarjeta"
"[english]Steam_CreditCardExpiration" "Card expiration"
"Introduce tu direccin, tal y como aparece en los
datos de facturacin de tu tarjeta de crdito."

"[english]Steam_SubscribeBillingInfo" "Please enter your address as it appears

on your credit card billing statement."
"[english]Steam_City" "City"
"Steam_StateOrProvince" "Estado o provincia"
"State or Province"
"Steam_Country" "Pas"
"Cdigo postal"
"Postal (or Zip) code"
"Vivo en el pas seleccionado ms arriba"
"I currently live in the country selecte
d above"
"Revisa tu pedido. Si hay algn error a continuacin
, haz clic en \"Atrs\" para corregirlo. Si no lo hay, haz clic en \"Comprar\" par
a completar la operacin."
"Please review your order. If there are
any errors below, click 'Back' to fix them. Otherwise, click 'Purchase' to compl
ete your transaction."
"Impuestos estimados"
"Estimated tax"
"Procesando tu suscripcin. Esto llevar men
os de un minuto."
"Processing your subscription.
This should take less than a minute."
"Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Gracias! Se ha completado tu compra de %s1. \n\n
Ahora, en tu biblioteca de juegos, puedes hacer doble clic en el juego para juga
r (o hacer clic con el botn derecho del ratn en el ttulo del juego y seleccionar 'J
ugar' en el men)."
"[english]Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your purchase of %s1 is comp
lete. \n\nIn your Games Library, you can now double click the game to play (or r
ight-click on the game's title and select 'Play' in the menu.)"
"Gracias! Se ha completado la reserva de %s1. \n\
nPodrs empezar a jugar en cuanto el juego se ponga oficialmente a la venta."
"[english]Steam_PreorderCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your pre-order for %s1 is co
mplete. \n\nYou'll be able to play the game the minute it's officially released!
"La compra no se ha completado. La informacin de
\nla tarjeta de crdito que has introducido ha sido rechazada.\n\nTe hemos enviado
un email con ms \ninformacin. Intenta realizar la compra de nuevo,\n utilizando o
tra tarjeta de crdito."
"Your purchase has not been completed. T
he credit \ncard information you provided has been rejected.\n\nAn email has bee
n sent to you with more detailed \ninformation. If you would like to provide dif
ferent \ncredit card information, try your purchase again."
"No se ha enviado correctamente tu contrasea.\nO
has contestado mal a la pregunta secreta o la cuenta especificada no existe."
"Your password was not successfully set.
\nYou either answered the secret question wrong, or the specified account does n
ot exist."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "Tu nueva contrasea debe contener al menos 8 cara
"[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "Your new password must be at least 8 ch
aracters long."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch" "Las contraseas introducidas no coinciden.\nIntro
duce la misma contrasea en cada campo."

"The passwords you entered do no
t match.\nPlease enter the same password in each field."
"Este juego no est disponible en este momento.\nV
uelve a intentarlo ms tarde."
"This game is currently unavailable.\nPl
ease try again at another time."
"Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "Debes introducir un nombre de 3 caracteres como
"[english]Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "You must enter a name at least 3 charac
ters long."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "Tu contrasea debe contener al menos 8 caracteres
"[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "Your password must be at least 8 charac
ters long."
"La respuesta a la pregunta secreta\ndebe tener
3 caracteres como mnimo."
"The answer to the secret question\nmust
be at least 3 characters long."
"Tu nombre de cuenta debe contener al menos 3 ca
"Your account name must be at least 3 ch
aracters long."
"Steam_UserNameInvalid" "Tu nombre de cuenta contiene caracteres no vlidos.\nSlo s
e permiten letras, nmeros y el carcter de subrayado (_)."
"Your account name contains invalid char
acters.\nOnly letters, numbers and _ are allowed."
"Steam_UserNameInvalidSpaces" "El nombre de la cuenta no puede contener espaci
"[english]Steam_UserNameInvalidSpaces" "Your account name may not contain any s
"Steam_UserNameTooLong" "Tu nombre de cuenta debe tener menos de 64 caracteres."
"Your account name must be less than 64
characters long."
"Tu nueva contrasea debe tener menos de 64 caract
"[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong" "Your new password must be less than 64
characters long."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong2" "Tu contrasea debe tener menos de 64 caracteres."
"[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong2" "Your password must be less than 64 char
acters long."
"Introduce una nueva contrasea.\nDebe tener al me
nos 8 caracteres."
"Please enter a new password.\nIt must b
e at least 8 characters in length."
"Nueva contrasea"
"New password"
"Confirmar contrasea"
"Confirm password"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_Title" "Recuperar informacin de cuenta - Steam"
"Retrieve Account Info - Steam"
"Antes de poder cambiar tu contr
asea, debemos comprobar tu identidad. Introduce el nombre de la cuenta."
"Before we can change yo
ur password, we first need to verify your identity. Please enter your account na
"Cuando creaste tu cuenta Steam,
\nte pedimos que contestases a una pregunta 'secreta', que slo \nt sabes. Introdu
ce tu respuesta aqu abajo:"
"When you created your S
team account, we asked\nyou for an answer to a 'secret' question, which only\nyo

u would know. Please enter your answer below:"

"No se ha podido cambiar tu contrasea.\nO
bien has introducido mal el cdigo de validacin,\no tu nueva contrasea no es vlida.\
n\nPulsa 'Atrs' y vuelve a intentarlo. \n"
"Your password was not changed.\
nEither you entered the validation code incorrectly,\nor your new password is in
valid.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and try again. \n"
"Tu contrasea ha cambiado.\n\nHaz clic en
'Finalizar' para volver a la pantalla de conexin."
"Your password has been changed.
\n\nPlease click 'finish' below to return to the login screen."
"Inicio de sesin en Steam"
"Steam Login"
"Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "Crear una cuenta nueva..."
"[english]Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "Create a new account..."
"Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "Recuperar una cuenta..."
"[english]Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "Retrieve a lost account..."
"Steam_Login_NoAccount" "No tienes una cuenta de Steam?"
"Don't have a Steam account?"
"Olvidaste los datos de conexin?"
"[english]Steam_Login_ForgotPassword" "Forgot your login info?"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "Crear una cuenta de Steam"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "Create a Steam Account"
"Nombre del perfil"
"Profile name"
"First name"
"Last name"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "Steam - Error al crear cuenta"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "Steam - Create account error"
"Escoge dnde quieres que guarde Steam los
juegos.\nSe recomienda disponer al menos de 1 GB de espacio libre\nen la unidad
"Please choose where you want St
eam to store your games.\nIt is recommended to have at least 1GB of disk space f
ree\non the drive that you select."
"Direccin de email de contacto"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_ContactEmail" "Contact email address"
"Confirmacin de direccin de email"
"Confirm email address"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_ValidationCode" "Cdigo de validacin"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_ValidationCode" "Validation code"
"Copia y pega este cdigo en el cuadro que
aparece a continuacin."
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_CopyAndPaste" "Please copy and paste this code
into the field below."
"En unos minutos, recibirs un email \nde
respuesta de Steam con el cdigo de validacin."
"Within a few minutes, you will
receive a response\nemail from Steam, containing a validation code."
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_SentTo" "Hemos enviado un email de confirmacin a:"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_SentTo" "A confirmation email has been sent to:"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_EnterCodeAgain" "Haz clic en 'Atrs' para introducir el cdi
go de \nnuevo o para escribir una direccin de email distinta."
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_EnterCodeAgain" "Click 'Back' to enter the code
again, or to provide\na different email address."
"Este cdigo no concuerda con el que nosot
ros tenemos en nuestro registro.\nComprueba el email y asegrate\nde que has escri
to el cdigo correctamente.\nRecibiste el cdigo en un mensaje con el asunto\n\"Stea

m account - Please verify your email address\".\nEl cdigo contiene 8 caracteres."

"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_DoesNotMatch" "This code does not match the on
e in our records.\nPlease check the email message again and make\nsure that you
have type the code correctly.\nWe sent you this code in an email titled\n\"Steam
account - Please verify your email address\".\nThe code is 8 characters long."
"SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "Steam - Procesando"
"[english]SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "Steam - Working"
"Creando cuenta..."
"Creating account..."
"SteamUI_InstallServiceTitle" "Instalacin de Steam Service"
"[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceTitle" "Installing Steam Service"
"Para que Steam funcione correctamente bajo esta
versin de Windows, es necesario instalar el componente del servicio de Steam.\nE
l proceso de instalacin del servicio necesita privilegios de administrador."
"[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceText" "In order to run Steam properly on this
version of Windows, the Steam service component must be installed.\nThe service
installation process requires administrator privileges."
"Instalar servicio"
"Install Service"
"SteamUI_InstallServiceCancel" "Cancelar"
"[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceCancel" "Cancel"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "MIS JUEGOS"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "MY GAMES"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "MULTIMEDIA"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "MEDIA"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_AvailableGames" "AVAILABLE GAMES"
"Jugar al juego..."
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchGames" "Play Game... "
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaApp" "Reproducir contenido multimedia
"Play Media..."
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Crear acceso directo en
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create Desktop
"Propiedades "
"Properties "
"Instalar juego..."
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallGame" "Install Game..."
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseGame" "Comprar Juego..."
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseGame" "Purchase Game..."
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewStorePage" "Ver pgina de la tienda"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewStorePage" "View Store Page"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewForumPage" "Ver foro"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewForumPage" "View Forum"
"Ver contenido descargable"
"View Downloadable Conte
"Ver gua"
"View Guide"
"No ests suscrito a este juego.\nDeseas ir
ahora a la pgina de suscripciones?"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription" "You are not subscribed to this

game.\nDo you want to go to the subscriptions page now?"

"SteamUI_JoinDialog_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=game" "Jugar"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=game" "Play game"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=tool" "Iniciar herramienta"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=tool" "Launch tool"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=media" "Reproducir"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_Cancel_Btn" "Cancelar"
"Iniciar juego en cuanto
est listo"
"Launch game as
soon as it's ready"
"Iniciar herramienta en
cuanto est lista"
"Launch tool as
soon as it's ready"
"Reproducir archivo mult
imedia en cuanto est listo"
"Play media as s
oon as it's ready"
"Listo para iniciar en aproximadamente:"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlayTime" "Ready to launch in approximatel
"Anfitrin de contenido:"
"Content hosting provided by:"
"Listo para iniciar"
"Ready to launch"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"No se ha podido contactar con e
l servidor de claves"
"Failed to contact key s
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequest_Text" "Completando instalacin... %progress%%%"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequest_Text" "Completing installation ... %pr
"Steam - Error"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Los servidores de Steam estn dem
asiado ocupados para atender tu peticin de %game%. Cdigo de error (%error%)"
"The Steam servers are t
oo busy to handle your request for %game%. Error Code (%error%)"
"Steam - Advertencia"
"Steam - Warning"
"Steam no ha podido sincronizar
los archivos de %game% con Steam Cloud"
"Steam was unable to syn
c your files for %game% with the Steam Cloud"
"Si has iniciado esta aplicacin d
esde otro equipo, tu configuracin y/o avances podran no estar en sincrona con lo al
macenado en Steam Cloud. Si inicias ahora la aplicacin, podras perder esos cambios
o avances."
"If you have launched th
is application from another computer, your application settings and/or progress
may not be in sync with what is stored in the Cloud. If you launch the applicati
on now, you may lose those changes or progress."
"Steam - Conflicto de sincronizacin con Cloud"

"Steam - Cloud Sync Conflict"
"Tus archivos locales de %game% difieren de los
almacenados en Steam Cloud."
"Your local %game% files conflict with t
he ones stored in the Steam Cloud."
"Archivos Cloud"
"Cloud Files"
"Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles_Time" "ltima modificacin: %remotetime%"
"[english]Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles_Time" "Last modified: %remotetime%"
"Archivos Locales"
"Local Files"
"Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles_Time" "ltima modificacin: %localtime%"
"[english]Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles_Time" "Last Modified: %localtime%"
"Descargar en este equipo"
"Download to this machine"
"Subir a Steam Cloud"
"Upload to the Steam Cloud"
"Cancelar - no copiar nada ahora"
"[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Cancel" "Cancel - don't copy anything now"
"NOTA: Debers elegir una de las dos opciones de a
rriba para poder iniciar la aplicacin."
"NOTE: You'll have to choose one of the
other two options above in order to launch the application."
"SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_DontShow" "No volver a mostrar este dilogo"
"Don't show this dialog
"[english]SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_Close" "Close"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "Opciones de lanzamiento"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "Launch options"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_AcquiredLabel" "Cantidad adquirida:"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_AcquiredLabel" "Amount acquired:"
"Anfitrin de contenido:"
"Content hosting provide
d by:"
"Actualizando, %s1"
"Updating, %s1"
"Listo para jugar"
"Ready to play"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_CacheAcquired" "%cache_usage%%%"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_CacheAcquired" "%cache_usage%%%"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "Uso del disco:"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "Disk usage:"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "Desarrollador:"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "Developer:"
"Informacin de versin de j
"Game version in
"Steam - Suscripcin"
"Steam - Subscribe"
"SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "Cancelar"
"[english]SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "Cancel"
"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "Steam - Crear Cuenta"

"[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "Steam - Create Account"

"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "Steam - Error al crear cuenta"
"[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "Steam - Create Account
"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failed" "Error al crear la cuenta.\nPulsa Atrs pa
ra intentarlo de nuevo o Cancelar para abandonar."
"Create account failed.\
nHit Back to try again or Cancel to quit."
"Nombre de cuenta"
"Account Name"
"Introduce un nombre de cuenta y
una contrasea.\nAsegrate de elegir una contrasea difcil de\naveriguar; usa al menos
8 caracteres."
"Please provide an accou
nt name and password.\nBe sure to make your password something hard\nto guess, a
nd use at least 8 characters."
"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountRetypePassword" "Vuelve a escribir la contrasea"
"[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountRetypePassword" "Retype password"
"Error al solicitar emai
l de verificacin."
"Failed to reque
st verification email."
"SteamUI_SubscribeWizard_Title" "Suscribirse"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "Cuenta"
"[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "Account"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "Suscribirse"
"[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "Subscribe"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Unsubscribe_Btn" "Anular suscripcin"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_MySubscribe_Hdr" "MIS SUSCRIPCIONES"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "Steam - Suscripcin a %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "Steam - Subscription to %s1"
"Te has suscrito con xito a %s1."
"You have been successfully subs
cribed to %s1."
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnsubscribeFrom" "Steam - Anulando suscripcin a %s1"
"Steam - Unsubscribing f
rom %s1"
"Se ha anulado con xito tu suscri
pcin a %s1."
"You have been successfu
lly unsubscribed from %s1."
"Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "Steam"
"[english]SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "Steam"
"SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "Suscripciones"
"[english]SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "Subscriptions"
"SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "Cuenta"
"[english]SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "Account"
"Cerrar sesin"

"Steam_LogoutDialogMsg" "Se cerrar tu sesin de Steam. Tendrs que volver a introduci
r\ntu nombre de cuenta y tu contrasea para volver a usar Steam.\n\nQuieres continu
"This will log you out of Steam. You wil
l need to re-enter\nyour account name and password to use Steam again.\n\nDo you
wish to continue?"
"Cerrar sesin"
"[english]Steam_LogoutDialogOKButton" "Logout"
"Nombre de cuenta:"
"Account Name:"
"Cerrar sesin..."
"[english]Steam_AccountDialog_Logout" "Logout..."
"Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "No se puede ejecutar el juego. Ests ejec
utando otro juego; espera a que\neste proceso se complete."
"[english]Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "Cannot run game. You currently
have another game launch in progress,\nplease wait until that is complete."
"Steam - comprar %subscription%"
"Steam - purchase %subscription%
"Tu clave de producto vlida te da derecho
a\nsuscribirte a los siguientes juegos."
"Your valid product code entitle
s you to a\nsubscription to the following games."
"Se ha encontrado una versin previa de \n
%s1 instalada en el equipo. Tu clave de producto te da derecho a \nsuscribirte a
los siguientes juegos."
"[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_RetailProductFound" "An existing installation of %s1
has been \nfound on your computer. Your product code entitles you to a \nsubscr
iption to the following games."
"Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceRequired" "Espacio requerido en disco:"
"Disk space required:"
"Espacio en disco disponible:"
"Disk space Available:"
"Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "Selecciona los juegos que quieres aadir a la bib
"[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "Select which games to add to your libra
"Quita los juegos que no quieres convert
"Uncheck any games you don't wan
t converted."
"Se han detectado mapas personalizados en tu car
peta de \nCounter-Strike. Los mapas que elijas se copiarn en tu \nnueva instalacin
Steam de Counter-Strike."
"Custom maps have been detected in your
Counter-Strike \nfolder. Selected maps will be copied into your new \nSteam inst
allation of Counter-Strike."
"Se han detectado MODs personalizados en tu carp
eta de \nHalf-Life. Los mods que selecciones se copiarn \nen tu nueva instalacin S
team de Half-Life."
"Custom game MODs have been detected in
your Half-Life \nfolder. Selected MODs will be copied into your new \nSteam inst
allation of Half-Life."
"Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "Steam est convirtiendo los archivos de juego de
tu carpeta de \nHalf-Life a carpetas de cach de Steam. Para disponer de \nespacio
en disco, elimina los archivos antiguos de tu ordenador. \n\nNota: se conserva
rn tus partidas grabadas \ny tus calcos personalizados (si los hubiese)."

"[english]Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "Steam is converting game files from you

r existing \nHalf-Life folder to the Steam cache folders. To save disk \nspace,
you can delete the old files from your computer. \n\nNote: your saved games and
custom decals (if any) \nwill be preserved."
"Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "Eliminar archivos antiguos (recomendado)"
"[english]Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "Clean up old files (recommended)"
"Steam_ConvertLeaveFilesIntact" "Dejar intactos archivos antiguos (se requiere ms
espacio en disco)"
"Leave old files intact (more di
sk space required)"
"Steam_Working_Title" "Steam - Procesando"
"[english]Steam_Working_Title" "Steam - working"
"Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "Comunicando con Steam..."
"[english]Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "Communicating with Steam..."
"La conversin de tu instalacin de Half-Lif
e en Steam \nse ha realizado con xito."
"Your Half-Life installation has
been successfully \nconverted to run under Steam."
"Ahora puedes acceder a los juegos selec
cionados en la \nbiblioteca de Steam."
"Your selected games are now acc
essible in the Steam \n'library."
"Selecciona un mtodo de pago."
"Please select a payment method."
"Steam_PaymentMethod" "Mtodo de pago"
"[english]Steam_PaymentMethod" "Payment method"
"Tarjeta de crdito"
"Credit card"
"Steam_PayWithPayPal" "PayPal"
"[english]Steam_PayWithPayPal" "PayPal"
"Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "Ya tienes este producto."
"[english]Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "I already own this product"
"Steam_Working_InitTxn" "Iniciando compra..."
"Initializing purchase..."
"Steam_Working_GetFinalPrice" "Obteniendo precio final..."
"[english]Steam_Working_GetFinalPrice" "Getting final price..."
"Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "No se ha podido completar la compra porque se h
a producido un error\n al procesar la transaccin. Intntalo ms tarde."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "Purchase could not be completed due to
an error while processing\n your transaction. Please try again later."
"Introduce el nmero de seguridad de tu tarjeta de crdito."
"Please enter your credit card's security number
"Steam_CardSecurityInstruction" "Este nmero aparece en el reverso de la tarjeta,
en la zona de la firma. Son los tres ltimos dgitos (despus del nmero de cuenta)."
"This number is located on the b
ack of the card in the signature area. It's the last three digits (after the acc
ount number)."
"Steam_Working_ContactingSvr" "Contactando con el servidor..."
"[english]Steam_Working_ContactingSvr" "Contacting server..."
"Las transacciones de %provider% se autorizan a
travs del sitio Web de %provider%. Haz clic en el botn que aparece ms abajo para ab
rir el explorador Web e iniciar la transaccin."
"[english]Steam_PayPalIntroToBrowser" "%provider% transactions are authorized

through the %provider% web site. Click the button below to open your web browser
and initiate the transaction."
"Steam_PayPalOpenBrowserButton" "Comenzar compra con %provider%"
"Begin %provider% purchase"
"Steam_PayPalWaiting" "Tu explorador Web se ha redirigido al sitio de %provide
r%. Inicia sesin o crea una cuenta en ese sitio Web para revisar los detalles de
la compra y autorizar la transaccin."
"[english]Steam_PayPalWaiting" "Your web browser has been directed to the %prov
ider% web site. Please login or create an account there to review your purchase
details and authorize the transaction."
"PayPal no se acepta actualmente en Alem
ania. Selecciona otro mtodo de pago."
"PayPal is not currently accepte
d in Germany. Please choose another payment method."
"Compra: %subscription%"
"[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_Title" "Purchase - %subscription%"
"La compra no se ha completado. Si cancelas la c
ompra ahora, no tendrs acceso a %subscription% y no recibirs cargo alguno.\n\nEsts s
eguro de que deseas cancelar tu compra?"
"Your purchase has not been completed. I
f you cancel now, you will not have access to %subscription% and you will not be
charged.\n\nAre you sure you wish to cancel your purchase?"
"Steam_CancelPurchase_ContinueButton" "Reanudar compra"
"[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_ContinueButton" "Resume purchase"
"Cancelar compra"
"Cancel purchase"
"En las tarjetas American Express este nm
ero se encuentra en la parte delantera encima del nmero principal. Tiene cuatro dg
"[english]Steam_CardSecurityInstruction_Amex" "On American Express cards, this
number is located on the front of the card, above the primary card number. It's
four digits long."
"Nmero de seguridad"
"Security Number"
"Monitor Steam"
"[english]Steam_MonitorTitle" "Steam Monitor"
"[english]Steam_Game" "Game"
"Steam_Status" "Estado"
"[english]Steam_Status" "Status"
"Modo desconectado"
"Offline Mode"
"Sin Conexin"
"No Connection"
"Descargando "
"Downloading "
"1 artculo en cola"
"[english]Steam_Status_OneItemPaused" "1 Item Queued "
"Steam_Status_OneItemComplete" "1 artculo completado "
"[english]Steam_Status_OneItemComplete" "1 Item Complete "
"Steam_Status_ItemsDownloading" "%numdown% artculos descargndose "
"%numdown% Items Downloading "
"%numpause% artculos en cola"
"%numpause% Items Queued "
"%numcompl% de %numtotal% artculos completados"
"[english]Steam_Status_ItemsComplete" "%numcompl% of %numtotal% Items Complete
"Mostrar lo ms reciente"
"Show most recent"
"Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5 minutos"

"[english]Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5 minutes"

"1 hora"
"1 hour"
"1 da"
"1 day"
"Steam_PauseAllUpdates" "Detener momentneamente las actualizaciones"
"Pause all updates"
"Limitar el uso de red a"
"Limit network usage to"
"Uso de red de Steam: %s1"
"Steam network usage: %s1"
"Steam_NoGamesUpdating" "Steam no est actualizando ningn juego."
"Steam is not currently updating any gam
"Steam_SteamErrorTitle" "Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_UpdatingTitle" "Steam"
"[english]Steam_UpdatingTitle" "Steam"
"Actualizando archivos de la plataforma
"Updating Steam platform files..
"Buscando actualizaciones..."
"Checking for updates..."
"Steam_LaunchingSteam" "Conectando a la cuenta de Steam: %AccountName%..."
"[english]Steam_LaunchingSteam" "Connecting Steam account: %AccountName%..."
"[english]Steam_ExitingSteam" "Exiting ..."
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "Requiere actualizacin"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "Requires update"
"No se ha puesto a la venta"
"Not Released"
"Puede necesitar actuali
"May require upd
"Steam_ErrorCacheMissing_Title" "Steam - Advertencia"
"Steam - Warning"
"Steam ha detectado que se ha borrado el archivo
\ncache para este juego de tu disco duro. \n\nSteam deber adquirir de nuevo todo
s los datos necesarios para \nel juego del servidor de contenido. Vuelve a inten
tarlo en unos segundos.\n"
"Steam has detected that the cache file
for this game \nhas been deleted from your hard drive. \n\nSteam must now re-acq
uire all necessary game data from \nthe content server. Please try again in a fe
w seconds.\n"
"Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "Steam"
"[english]Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "Steam"
"Steam_PurchaseUserInfoInvalid" "Tienes que completar todos los campos para cont
"All fields must be filled out t
o continue."
"Se necesita una direccin de email vlida."
"A valid email address is requir
"Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "El nmero de tarjeta de crdito introducido no es vl
"[english]Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "The credit card number you have entered

is invalid."
"La tarjeta de crdito introducida ha caducado."
"The credit card you have entered has ex
"Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "El nmero de seguridad de la tarjeta de crdito deb
e tener 3 dgitos."
"[english]Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "Credit card security number must be 3 n
umbers long."
"Tienes que completar todos los campos d
e direccin."
"All the address fields need to
be filled out."
"Introduce un nmero de telfono de 10 dgitos
"Please enter a valid 10-digit p
hone number."
"Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoEmpty" "Tienes que completar el campo de nmero de telfono
para continuar."
"[english]Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoEmpty" "The phone number field needs to be fill
ed out to continue."
"Para poder efectuar la compra,
debes residir en el mismo pas de facturacin."
"In order to complete th
is purchase, you must live in the same country as your billing address."
"Steam - Procesando"
"Steam - working"
"Cargar Steam cuando se inicie el equipo
"Run Steam when my computer star
"Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Error"
"[english]Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "No tienes suficiente espacio disponible en disc
o para ejecutar este juego.\nLibera espacio en disco y vuelve a intentarlo."
"You do not have enough disk spa
ce available to run this game.\nPlease free up some disk space and then try agai
"Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Eliminar archivos del juego?"
"[english]Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Delete Game Files?"
"Esto eliminar todo el contenido del jueg
o %s1 de este ordenador.\n\nEl juego permanecer en tu biblioteca, pero para volve
r a jugar en un futuro, tendrs que descargar de nuevo su contenido."
"[english]Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s1 game c
ontent\nfrom this computer.\n\nThe game will remain in your Games Library, but\n
to play it in the future you'll have to first\nre-download its content."
"Se eliminar todo el contenido de
l juego %s1\nde este ordenador."
"This will delete all %s
1 game content\nfrom this computer."
"Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam - Imposible eliminar %s1"
"[english]Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam - Cannot delete %s1"
"Imposible eliminar %s1, ya que hay datos en uso
en los siguientes juegos: %s2"
"[english]Steam_CantDeleteCache_Info" "Cannot delete %s1, since its data is us
ed by the following games: %s2"
"Imposible eliminar %s1, ya que se est ej
ecutando en estos momentos. Por favor, cierra %s1 antes de intentar eliminarlo."
"[english]Steam_CantDeleteAppItsRunning_Info" "Cannot delete %s1, since it's c

urrently running. Please close %s1 before attempting to delete it."

"Steam_DiskUsageNone" "Uso del disco: sin uso"
"[english]Steam_DiskUsageNone" "Disk usage: none"
"Steam_Games_Purchase" "Comprar"
"[english]Steam_Games_Purchase" "Purchase"
"Steam_Games_PreOrder" "Reservar"
"[english]Steam_Games_PreOrder" "Pre-order"
"Steam_Games_MoreInfo" "Ms informacin"
"[english]Steam_Games_MoreInfo" "More Info"
"Iniciar la precarga"
"Start pre-loading"
"Estado de la precarga"
"Pre-loading status"
"Estado de la precarga"
"[english]Steam_Games_DonePreLoading" "Pre-loading status"
"Steam - Instalar aplicacin"
"[english]Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Title" "Steam - Install Application"
"%s1 necesitar %s2 MB en disco.\nSteam descargar a
hora el contenido o\nconvertir una instalacin existente del juego."
"%s1 will use %s2 MB on disk.\nSteam wil
l now download the content or\nconvert an existing installation of the game."
"Steam - No hay suficiente espac
io en disco"
"Steam - Not enough disk
"No cuentas con espacio en disco
suficiente para instalar los juegos seleccionados.\nLibera espacio en disco, o
pulsa 'Volver' y borra algunos elementos de la seleccin."
"You do not have enough
disk space to install the selected games.\nPlease free up some disk space, or pr
ess 'Back' and de-select some items."
"Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "No hay suficiente espac
io disponible en disco para convertir los juegos seleccionadas en Steam.\nLibera
%s1 de espacio en el disco y vuelve a intentarlo."
"[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "There is not en
ough disk space available to convert the selected games to Steam.\nPlease free u
p %s1 Mb of disk space and try again."
"Preferencias de barra de tareas"
"Set Taskbar Preferences"
"Steam_ShowOnlineStatusOptions" "Seleccionar opciones de estado a mostrar"
"Select online options to displa
"Steam_ShowDestinationOptions" "Seleccionar destinos a mostrar"
"[english]Steam_ShowDestinationOptions" "Select destinations to display"
"Steam_MustRestartToTakeEffect" "Esta configuracin no ser efectiva hasta\nque rein
icies Steam."
"This setting will not take effe
ct until\nyou have restarted Steam."
"Steam_LanguageSelect" "Selecciona el idioma de Steam (es necesario reiniciar S
"[english]Steam_LanguageSelect" "Select the language you wish Steam to use (requ
ires Steam to restart)"
"Steam_SelectSkinToUse" "Selecciona la apariencia de Steam (es necesario reinici
ar Steam)"

"Select the skin you wish Steam to use (
requires Steam to restart)"
"Steam - Crear acceso directo"
"[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_Title" "Steam - Create Shortcut"
"Se ha creado un acceso directo en tu escritorio
"A shortcut has been created and placed
on your desktop."
"No se pudo crear un acceso directo.\nPr
obablemente ya existe uno para este juego en tu escritorio."
"Could not create shortcut.\nA s
hortcut to this game is probably already on the desktop."
"Clave de producto"
"Product Code"
"Steam - Clave de producto no vlida"
"Steam - Invalid product code"
"La clave de producto que has introducido no es
vlida.\n\nComprueba que no has escrito mal la clave. I, L y 1 pueden parecerse. L
o mismo sucede con V e Y y con 0 y O.\nVisita http://www.steampowered.com para o
btener ayuda."
"The product code you've entered is not
valid. \n\nPlease double check to see if you've mistyped your key. I, L, and 1 c
an look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O. \nSee http://www.steampowered.com fo
r help."
"Steam - Introduce tu contrasea"
"Steam - Please enter pa
"Necesitas tu contrasea Steam para contin
"Your Steam password is required
to continue."
"Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "Steam - Error"
"[english]Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "Steam - Error"
"La contrasea que has introducido no es vlida."
"[english]Steam_InvalidPassword_Info" "The password you have entered is invali
"Steam_MonitorScanning" "Escaneando..."
"Steam - Error"
"[english]Steam_NoCacheDetails_Title" "Steam - Error"
"La cach no puede recuperar el estado con la conf
iguracin actual\n.\nActiva la actualizacin automtica de contenido e intntalo de nuev
"The cache is not currently in a state w
here status can be retrieved
.\nPlease enable automatic content updates and try again."
"Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "Una o ms aplicaciones de Steam estn ahora
en uso.\nPara salir de Steam, debes cerrar primero todas esas aplicaciones."
"[english]Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "One or more Steam applications
are currently running.\nTo exit Steam, you must first shut down all Steam applic
"Cierra %game% antes de salir de Steam."
"Please close %game% before exit
ing Steam."
"Steam_ExitLogoutSteam" "Salir y cerrar sesin"
"Exit and logout"

"Steam_ChangePassword" "Cambiar la contrasea o la pregunta secreta..."

"[english]Steam_ChangePassword" "Change password or secret question..."
"Steam - Asistente de cambio de contrasea
"Steam - Change Password Wizard"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "Qu elemento quieres cambiar?"
"[english]Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "Which item would you like to change?"
"Introduce tu contrasea antigua"
"Enter your old password"
"Introduce una nueva contrasea"
"Enter a new password"
"Vuelve a introducir tu contrasea
"Enter your new password
"Las dos contraseas introducidas
no coinciden. Vuelve a introducir la contrasea que quieras."
"[english]Steam_ChangePasswordMismatchedNewPasswords" "Sorry, your two passwor
d entries don't match. Please re-enter your desired password."
"La contrasea actual es la misma que la n
ueva que acabas de introducir.\nVuelve a introducir la contrasea que quieras."
"[english]Steam_ChangePasswordPasswordNotNew" "The current password is the sam
e as the new password you have entered.\nPlease re-enter desired password."
"No se ha podido cambiar la contrasea.\nPor favor
, comprueba que has introducido tu contrasea original correctamente."
"[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailed" "Failed to change password.\nPlease chec
k that you have entered your original password correctly."
"No se ha podido cambiar la pregunta sec
reta.\nPor favor, comprueba que has introducido tu contrasea original correctamen
"Failed to change secret questio
n.\nPlease check that you have entered your original password correctly."
"Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "Quiero cambiar mi contrasea."
"[english]Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "I want to change my password."
"Quiero cambiar mi pregunta secreta."
"I want to change my secret ques
"Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "Has cambiado con xito la pregunta\ny la
respuesta secretas."
"[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "Secret question and secret answ
er\nhave been successfully changed."
"Has cambiado con xito la contrasea.\nUsa
la nueva cada vez que inicies sesin en Steam."
"Your password has been successf
ully changed.\nPlease use this new password each time you log into Steam."
"Introduce tu contrasea"
"[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionPassword" "Please enter your password"
"Selecciona una pregunta secreta"
"Select a secret question"
"Contesta tu pregunta secreta"
"Answer your secret question"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "Los archivos cache de Steam no pueden alojarse
en el \ndirectorio de ninguna unidad.Escoge otro emplazamiento."
"[english]Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "Steam cache files cannot be put in the
root directory of any drive.\nPlease choose another location."
"Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "Los archivos cache de Steam no pueden a

lojarse en el mismo directorio que otra aplicacin.\nEscoge otra ubicacin."

"[english]Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "Steam cache files cannot be put
in same directory as another application.\nPlease choose another location."
"Tamao del cache en disco:"
"Cache size on disk:"
"Steam_CacheReserved" "Porcin de cache reservada para actualizaciones:"
"[english]Steam_CacheReserved" "Portion of cache reserved for updates:"
"Steam_CacheFileSize" "Tamao total de aplicacin:"
"[english]Steam_CacheFileSize" "Total application size:"
"Cantidad de aplicacin adquirida:"
"Amount of application acquired:"
"Steam_CacheReadySize" "Tamao listo-para-jugar:"
"[english]Steam_CacheReadySize" "Ready-to-play size:"
"Listo-para-jugar adquirido:"
"Ready-to-play acquired:"
"Steam - Reinicio necesario"
"Steam - Restart required"
"Hay que reiniciar Steam para recibir la ltima ac
tualizacin.\nNo podrs seguir utilizando Steam hasta que se haya reiniciado."
"Steam must now be restarted in order to
receive the latest update.\nYou won't be able to continue using Steam until it
has restarted."
"Reiniciar Steam"
"Restart Steam"
"Debes reiniciar Steam ahora para cambiar la con
figuracin de idioma."
"[english]Steam_MustRestart_Language" "You must restart Steam now to change yo
ur language settings."
"Steam_CSConnectionLost_Title" "Steam - Se ha perdido la conexin"
"[english]Steam_CSConnectionLost_Title" "Steam - Connection Lost"
"Steam_CSConnectionLost_Info" "Se ha perdido la conexin con los servidores de c
ontenido de Steam,\nno es posible continuar con la ejecucin de Steam.\nPodra ser d
ebido a un problema con tu conexin a Internet o con los servidores de \nSteam. Vi
sita www.steampowered.com para obtener ms informacin."
"[english]Steam_CSConnectionLost_Info" "The connection to the Steam content ser
vers has been lost,\nmaking it impossible to continue running Steam.\nThis could
be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the \nSteam servers.
Please check www.steampowered.com for more info."
"Steam_CSConnectionLost_Button" "Salir de Steam"
"Exit Steam"
"No se ha podido conectar a la red de Steam.\nPu
ede ser debido a un problema con tu conexin a Internet o con la red de Steam. Vis
ita www.steampowered.com para obtener ms informacin."
"[english]Steam_ErrorCouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to Steam network.\nTh
is could be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the Steam ne
twork. Please visit www.steampowered.com for more info."
"steam_preload_title" "Precargar %game%"
"[english]steam_preload_title" "Pre-Load %game%"
"Precargando %game% (%preload_amount%%% completa
"Pre-Loading %game% (%preload_amount%%%
"steam_sellpage_title" "%subscription%"
"[english]steam_sellpage_title" "%subscription%"
"Steam_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "PRXIMAMENTE"
"[english]Steam_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "COMING SOON"
"Las direcciones de email no coinciden.\
nAsegrate de que la direccin de email y la direccin de email de confirmacin coincide
"The email addresses did not mat

ch.\nPlease ensure the email address and confirmation email address match exactl
"Confirmacin de direccin de email"
"Confirm email address"
"Steam_PurchaseProgress_Title" "Steam - Procesando"
"[english]Steam_PurchaseProgress_Title" "Steam - Working"
"Steam_PurchaseProgress_Info" "Activando clave en Steam..."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseProgress_Info" "Activating key with Steam..."
"Steam_PurchaseFailedBadCDKey" "Steam no ha podido registrar la clave de produc
to.\n\nEs posible que la clave del producto ya est en nuestra base de datos o que
no sea correcta. Comprueba que no has escrito mal la clave. I, L y 1 pueden par
ecer similares. Lo mismo sucede con V e Y o 0 y O."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedBadCDKey" "Steam was unable to register your CD-Ke
y.\n\nEither your product's CD-Key matches one already used in our database, or
is invalid. Please double check to see if you've mistyped your key. I, L, and 1
can look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O."
"Steam_PleaseVisitSupportPage" "Para obtener soporte tcnico o ayuda, visita:"
"[english]Steam_PleaseVisitSupportPage" "For further help or product support, pl
ease visit:"
"Steam_SteamPoweredURL" "http://www.steampowered.com"
"Enhorabuena. Tu copia de %subscription% se ha
activado con xito en la cuenta %account%.\n\nPara poder jugar a %game%, tendrs que
iniciar sesin en Steam con esta misma cuenta."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseCDKeySuccess" "Congratulations! Your copy of %subscri
ption% has been successfully activated with the account %account%.\n\nIn order t
o play %game%, you will have to login to Steam with this account."
"Steam_PurchaseAccount" "%account%"
"Steam_PurchaseCDKeyIncomplete" "Tu suscripcin no se ha podido activar completame
nte debido al alto nmero de solicitudes de %subscription% existentes. Podrs jugar
a %game% mientras completamos la operacin."
"Due to high demand for %subscri
ption% your subscription could not be fully activated at this time. You will be
allowed to play %game% while your transaction is being finalized."
"Steam_PreLoadingDescription" "Has elegido presolicitar %game%. Steam gestiona
las reservas a travs de tres sencillos pasos:"
"[english]Steam_PreLoadingDescription" "You have chosen to pre-order %game%. St
eam handles pre-orders in three easy steps:"
"1. Precarga el contenido de juego."
"1. Pre-load the game content"
"Descarga el juego sin ningn compromiso."
"Download the game, with no obligation."
"2. Completa el pedido con la tarjeta de crdito."
"2. Complete your order with a credit card"
"Una vez que el contenido de juego est en tu orde
nador, puedes completar el pedido."
"After the game content is on your compu
ter, you can complete your order."
"3. Disfruta del juego el mismo da de su lanzamiento!"
"3. Play the game on release day!"
"Cuando %game% se ponga a la venta oficialmente,
tu copia se desbloquear y podrs empezar a jugar."
"When %game% is officially released, you
r copy will be unlocked and ready to play."
"Steam_StartPreloading" "Iniciar la precarga"
"Start Pre-loading Now"
"Steam_PreloadGameName" "%game%"
"En proceso de precarga"

"Pre-loading in progress"
"[english]Steam_PreloadPause" "Pause"
"Steam_PreloadContinue" "Continuar"
"Steam_PreloadCancel" "Has elegido cancelar la precarga. Se eliminarn todos los
datos que ya hayas descargado.\nPulsa \"Aceptar\" para continuar o \"Cancelar\"
para conservar los datos."
"[english]Steam_PreloadCancel" "You have chosen to cancel preloading. This will
cause any data you have already downloaded to be deleted.\n\nSelect \"OK\" to c
ontinue or \"Cancel\" to keep the data."
"Cancelar precarga"
"Cancel Pre-Loading"
"%game% se ha precargado en tu ordenador.\n\nSi
presolicitas el juego ahora, se desbloquear y podrs empezar a jugar el mismo da de
su lanzamiento."
"[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotes" "%game% is being pre-loaded onto your co
mputer.\n\nIf you pre-order the game now, it will be unlocked and ready for play
on the official release day."
"%game% se ha precargado en tu ordenador
.\n\nTen paciencia porque la precarga puede tardar bastante. Puedes cerrar esta
ventana, dejar Steam funcionando y volver a comprobar ms adelante cmo va el proces
"%game% is being pre-loaded onto
your computer.\n\nPlease be patient, pre-loading may take a long time. You can
close this window, but leave Steam running and check back later."
"%game% est preparado para precargarse en
tu ordenador.\n\nSi presolicitas el juego ahora, se desbloquear y podrs empezar a
jugar el mismo da de su lanzamiento."
"%game% is ready to be pre-loade
d onto your computer.\n\nIf you pre-order the game now, it will be unlocked and
ready for play on the official release day."
"Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStartPayed" "%game% est preparado para precargarse en
tu ordenador."
"[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStartPayed" "%game% is ready to be pre-loade
d onto your computer."
"Nota: Acabas de presolicitar %subscription%. Se
desbloquear y podrs empezar a jugar el mismo da de su lanzamiento."
"Note: You are pre-ordering %subscriptio
n%. It will be unlocked and ready for play on its official release day."
"Steam_PreloadComplete_Title" "Precarga de %game% completada"
"[english]Steam_PreloadComplete_Title" "%game% preloading complete"
"Steam_PreloadComplete" "Precarga completada"
"Pre-loading is complete"
"Steam_PreloadCompletePreOrder" "La copia bloqueada de %game% ya est en tu ordena
dor. Presolicita el juego ahora y empieza a jugar el mismo da de su lanzamiento o
"A locked copy of %game% is now
on your computer. Pre-order the game now and play it immediately after it's offi
cially released!"
"Completar la reserva ahora..."
"Complete my pre-order now..."
"Reservar ahora..."
"Pre-order now..."
"Steam_PreloadCompletePurchase" "Ya se ha instalado en tu ordenador una copia bl
oqueada de %game%. Cmpralo ahora y empieza a jugar!"
"A locked copy of %game% has alr
eady been installed on your computer. Purchase it now and start playing immediat
"Steam_PreloadBuyNow" "Comprar este juego ahora..."

"[english]Steam_PreloadBuyNow" "Purchase this game now..."

"Reserva de %game% completada"
"%game% Pre-Order Comple
"Se ha completado la reserva de %subscription%.
En el mismo momento que el juego se ponga a la venta oficialmente, podrs empezar
a jugar.\n\nGracias por el pedido!"
"Your pre-order for %subscription% is co
mplete! When the game is officially released, you'll be able to play it immediat
ely.\n\nThank you for your order!"
"En el mismo momento que el juego se ponga a la
venta oficialmente, podrs empezar a jugar."
"When the game is officially released, y
ou'll be able to play it immediately."
"Steam_Monitor_AppAcquiredPercentage" "Cantidad adquirida"
"[english]Steam_Monitor_AppAcquiredPercentage" "Amount acquired"
"Steam_ChangeContactEmailLabel" "Email de contacto:"
"Contact Email:"
"Cambiar direccin de email de contacto..."
"Change contact email address..."
"Verificar direccin de email..."
"Verify email address..."
"Steam_EmailAddressUnverified" "Sin especificar"
"[english]Steam_EmailAddressUnverified" "Not specified"
"Enviando email de verificacin..."
"Sending verification email..."
"Tu direccin de email"
"Your email address"
"Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Title" "Cambiar direccin de email de contacto"
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Title" "Change Contact Email Address"
"Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAbout" "La direccin de email se usa para confirm
ar las compras y ayudarte a gestionar el acceso a tu cuenta de Steam."
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAbout" "Your email address is used to c
onfirm purchases and help you manage access to your Steam account."
"Introduce una nueva direccin de
email de contacto"
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAddressEntry" "Enter a new contact ema
il address"
"Vuelve a introducir tu
direccin nueva"
"Enter your new
address again"
"Has modificado la direccin de em
ail de contacto."
"Your contact email addr
ess has been changed."
"Esta nueva direccin se utilizar p
ara confirmar futuras compras y ayudarte a gestionar el acceso a tu cuenta de St
"This new address will b
e used to confirm future purchases and help you manage access to your Steam acco
"Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForPassword" "Haz clic en 'Siguiente' para comenzar e
l proceso de actualizacin de la contrasea. Se enviar un email con un cdigo de confir
macin a: %s1."
"Click 'Next' to begin t
he process of updating your password. An email message containing a confirmation
code will be sent to: %s1."
"Haz clic en 'Siguiente' para comenzar e
l proceso de actualizacin de la direccin de email de contacto. Se enviar un mensaje

por email con un cdigo de confirmacin a: %s1."

"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForEmail" "Click 'Next' to begin the proce
ss of updating your contact email address. An email message containing a confirm
ation code will be sent to: %s1."
"Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForSecretQA" "Haz clic en 'Siguiente' para comenzar e
l proceso de actualizacin de la pregunta secreta. Se enviar un email con un cdigo d
e confirmacin a: %s1."
"Click 'Next' to begin t
he process of updating your secret question. An email message containing a confi
rmation code will be sent to: %s1."
"Contactando con los servidores de Steam
para enviar un mensaje de confirmacin a %s1."
"Contacting Steam servers to sen
d a confirmation message to %s1."
"Introduce tu contrasea actual"
"Enter your current password"
"Introduce el cdigo de confirmacin enviado a: %s1"
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EnterCode" "Enter the confirmation code sent to: %s
"Steam_ChangeCredEnterPassword" "Introduce tu contrasea actual"
"Enter your current password"
"La contrasea era incorrecta. Por favor,
introduce tu contrasea."
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_IncorrectPassword" "Password was incorrect. Please
enter your password."
"Error al cambiar la con
trasea.\nComprueba que el cdigo de verificacin introducido es el correcto."
"Failed to chang
e password.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code correctly.
"Steam_ChangeSecretQuestion_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Error al cambiar la pre
gunta secreta.\nComprueba que el cdigo de verificacin introducido es el correcto."
"[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestion_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to chang
e secret question.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code cor
"Steam_ChangeEmail_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Error al cambiar el email de co
ntacto.\nComprueba que el cdigo de verificacin introducido es el correcto."
"[english]Steam_ChangeEmail_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to change contac
t email.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code correctly."
"Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_Title" "Error de validacin de direccin de email"
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_Title" "Email Validation Error"
"Lo sentimos, las dos di
recciones introducidas no coinciden.\nVuelve a introducir la direccin de email de
contacto que prefieras."
"Sorry, your two
address entries don't match.\nPlease re-enter your desired contact email addres
"La direccin de email que has int
roducido \nno tiene el formato de una direccin vlida. Vuelve a intentarlo."
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_InvalidEmail" "The email address you e
ntered is not in the \nformat of a valid address. Please try again."
"Steam no puede procesar
tu solicitud en este momento. Vuelve a intentarlo ms tarde."
"Steam cannot cu
rrently process your request. Please try again later."
"Steam no puede procesar
tu solicitud en este momento.\nVuelve a intentarlo ms tarde."
"Steam cannot cu
rrently process your request.\nPlease try again later."
"Steam_ProductUnavailableForPurchase" "La descarga o compra de este producto n

o est disponible en este momento."

"[english]Steam_ProductUnavailableForPurchase" "This product is currently not a
vailable for download or purchase."
"La direccin que has introducido
es la misma \nque tu direccin de email de contacto actual. Para cambiarla, \nintr
oduce una nueva."
"The address you entered
is the same as your \ncurrent contact email address. To change it, \nplease ent
er a new address."
"Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes
no se puede comprar por separado.\nCompra Condition Zero para tenerlo."
"Condition Zero: Deleted
Scenes cannot be bought seperately.\nPurchase Condition Zero to get it."
"Error en la verificacin de la di
reccin de email. Vuelve a intentarlo ms tarde."
"Failed to request email
verification. Please try again later."
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_TheName" "El nombre"
"The name"
"ya ha sido registrado por otro usuario
de Steam."
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_AlreadyTaken" "has already been registered by
another Steam user."
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_DifferentNames" "Haz clic en 'Atrs' para probar con otro
nombre\no selecciona uno de los que te sugerimos y haz clic en 'Siguiente'."
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_DifferentNames" "Click 'Back' to try a different
name, or select one\nof the suggested names, below, and click 'next'."
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_SuggestedNames" "Nombres de cuenta sugeridos:"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_SuggestedNames" "Suggested account names:"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_Names" "Nombres"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Names" "Names"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_Authorization" "Se acaba de enviar un email a la direcc
in que nos proporcionaste con el cdigo de verificacin y una pregunta secreta. \n\nC
omprueba tu direccin de email e introduce los datos solicitados."
"An email message contai
ning a verification code and a secret question has just been sent to the address
you provided. \n\nPlease check your email, then enter the requested information
"Cdigo de verificacin"
"Verification code"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_SecretAnswer" "Respuesta secreta"
"[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_SecretAnswer" "Secret answer"
"Has decidido aadir"
"You have chosen to add"
"Steam_PurchaseEmail_MyGames" "a tu biblioteca de juegos. Haz clic en 'Siguien
te' para continuar."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_MyGames" "to your Games Library. Click 'Next' to
"Steam an no tiene tu direccin\nde
email. Introduce una direccin de email vlida a continuacin."
"Steam does not yet have
an email address\nfor you. Please enter a current email address below."
"Direccin de email de contacto"
"Contact email address"
"Cdigo de validacin"
"[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_ValidationCode" "Validation Code"
"Hemos enviado un email de confirmacin a:
"A confirmation email has been s
ent to:"

"Steam_PurchaseEmail_Response" "En unos minutos recibirs un email\nde respuesta

de Steam con un cdigo de validacin.\n\nCpialo y pgalo en el campo que aparece a cont
"[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_Response" "Within a few minutes, you will receive
a response\nemail from Steam, containing a validation code.\n\nPlease copy and p
aste this code into the field below."
"Steam_PurchaseEmail_BadCode" "Este cdigo no concuerda con el que nosotros tene
mos en nuestro registro.\nAsegrate de que has escrito el cdigo\ncorrectamente. Rec
ibiste el cdigo en un email con el asunto\n\"Steam account - Please verify your e
mail address\".\nEl cdigo contiene 8 caracteres.\n\nHaz clic en 'Atrs' para introd
ucir el cdigo de nuevo o\npara introducir una direccin de email diferente."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_BadCode" "This code does not match the one in our
records.\nPlease make sure that you have typed the code\ncorrectly. We sent you
this code in an email titled\n\"Steam account - Please verify your email addres
s\".\nThe code is 8 characters long.\n\nClick 'Back' to enter the code again, or
\nto provide a different email address."
"El cdigo de validacin que has introducido es:"
"The validation code you entered is:"
"Salir y cerrar sesin"
"Exit and logout"
"No volver a mostrarlo"
"[english]Steam_Logout_DontShowAgain" "Don't show me this again"
"Steam_Logout_ExitOff" "Al salir de Steam de esta manera, podrs utilizar el\n'Mo
do desconectado' la prxima vez que inicies Steam."
"[english]Steam_Logout_ExitOff" "Exiting Steam this way will allow you to use\n'
Offline Mode' the next time you start Steam."
"Parte de tu informacin personal se guardar\nen es
te ordenador. Si ests utilizando un\nordenador pblico, es posible que prefieras ut
iliza la opcin\nms segura, 'Salir y cerrar sesin'."
"Some of your personal information will
be saved\non this computer. If you're using a public\ncomputer, you may want to
use the more secure\n'Exit and Logout' option instead."
"Steam_Logout_Secure" "'Salir y cerrar sesin' es el mtodo ms seguro de abandonar\
nSteam (recomendado en ordenadores de uso pblico).\nNo podrs volver a utilizar el\
n'Modo desconectado' hasta que vuelvas a iniciar sesin en Steam."
"[english]Steam_Logout_Secure" "'Exit and logout' is the most secure way to qui
t\nSteam (recommended for use on public\ncomputers). But you won't be able to us
e\n'Offline Mode' until you login to Steam again."
"Para usar el 'Modo desconectado' la prxima vez q
ue\ninicies Steam, haz clic en 'Cancelar' y selecciona\n'Salir' en el men de Stea
"To allow 'Offline Mode' the next time y
ou start\nSteam, click 'Cancel' and choose 'Exit' from\nthe Steam menu."
"[english]Steam_Logout_Title" "Exit"
"Salir y cerrar sesin"
"Exit and Logout"
"Opciones slo para usuarios avanzados."
"These options are for advanced
users only."
"Pgina principal:"
"Enhorabuena. Ya puedes acceder a todos
los productos de VALVe."
"Congratulations! You now have
access to all of VALVe's content."
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_CouldNotConnect" "No ha sido posible conectar a Steam."
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_CouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to the Steam
"Parece que en este momento no ests conec

tado a Internet o que tu conexin no est configurada correctamente para Steam."

"It appears that you are not cur
rently connected to the Internet, or that your Internet connection is not config
ured correctly for Steam."
"Steam est configurado actualmente en Mod
o Desconectado. Muchas funciones, como Amigos y el Explorador de Servidores, no
estarn disponibles en el Modo Desconectado."
"Steam is currently set to be in
Offline Mode. Many features, such as Friends and the Server Browser, will not b
e available while offline."
"Comprueba tu conexin y haz clic en 'Volver a int
entarlo' o inicia Steam en el 'Modo desconectado'."
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_Choose" "Either check your connection and click
'Retry', or start Steam in 'Offline Mode'."
"Pasar a modo conectado"
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnlineButton" "Go Online"
"Volver a intentarlo"
"Retry connection"
"Modo desconectado"
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_StartInOffline" "Start in Offline Mode"
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline_Title" "Steam - Pasar a modo desconectado"
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline_Title" "Steam - Go Offline"
"Steam - Pasar a modo conectado"
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline_Title" "Steam - Go Online"
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline" "Pasar a modo desconectado..."
"Go Offline..."
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline" "Pasar a modo conectado..."
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline" "Go Online..."
"Error de conexin"
"Connection Error"
"Reiniciar y pasar a modo conectado"
"Restart and go online"
"Reiniciar en modo desconectado"
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_RestartOffline" "Restart in Offline Mode"
"Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Title" "Steam - Modo desconectado"
"[english]Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Title" "Steam - Offline Mode"
"Para acceder al Modo Desconecta
do, Steam necesita que tengas las credenciales de tu cuenta almacenadas en la ca
ch local.\nAl tener activada la opcin 'No guardar credenciales de la cuenta en est
e equipo',\nactualmente no tienes informacin almacenada en la memoria cach.\n\nDese
as reactivar el almacenamiento de las credenciales en la memoria cach local para
poder utilizar el Modo Desconectado?\n\n"
"[english]Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Info" "Steam requires you to h
ave your account credentials cached locally to enter Offline Mode.\n\nSince you
have the 'Don't save account credentials on this computer' option enabled,\nyou
currently have no cached information.\n\nDo you wish to re-enable caching accoun
t credentials locally, so you can go Offline?\n\n"
"Activar el almacenamien
to de las credenciales de la cuenta"
"Enable saving a
ccount credentials"
"Steam - Descargas desactivadas"
"Steam - Downloads Disabled"
"El modo desconectado se utiliza cuando
vas a desenchufar el porttil\no no esperas tener conexin a Internet.\nMuchas carac
tersticas, como amigos y el explorador de servidores, no estarn\ndisponibles en el
modo desconectado. Slo estarn disponibles los juegos que estn\ntotalmente actualiz
"Offline Mode is used when you'r
e about to unplug your laptop,\nor are otherwise expecting to not be connected t

o the Internet.\n\nMany features, such as Friends and the Server Browser, will n
ot\nbe available while offline. Only games that are fully up-to-date\nwill be av
"Deseas volver a conectarte?\n\nSer necesa
rio reiniciar Steam.\n"
"Do you want to go back online?\
n\nThis will require Steam to restart.\n"
"SteamUI_GameProperties_Status" "Estado"
"Noticias de actualizaciones"
"Update news"
"Modo desconectado:"
"Offline Mode:"
"Men de Steam"
"[english]SteamUI_Steam_Menu" "Steam menu"
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_CannotLoadNewGame" "No puedes descargar un juego nuevo desd
e el modo desconectado."
"You cannot download a n
ew game when offline."
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyForOffline" "Listo"
"No listo"
"Not Ready"
"Esta operacin no se puede completar cuando Steam est en m
odo desconectado."
"[english]Steam_ErrorOffline" "This operation cannot be completed when Steam i
s in Offline Mode."
"Monitor - Desconectado"
"[english]Steam_MonitorTitle_Offline" "Monitor - Offline"
"Juegos - Desconectado "
"Games - Offline "
"Steam_MonitorScanning_Offline" "Steam est en modo desconectado, por lo que no se
pueden descargar actualizaciones."
"Steam is in Offline Mode so no
updates can be downloaded."
"Este juego no esta preparado para funci
onar en Modo Desconectado."
"This game is not ready to be pl
ayed in Offline Mode."
"Juego no disponible"
"Game unavailable"
"SteamUI_5_kb" "5 kb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_5_kb" "5 kb/s"
"SteamUI_50_kb" "50 kb/s"
"50 kb/s"
"100 kb/s"
"100 kb/s"
"250 kb/s"
"250 kb/s"
"SteamUI_1_Mb" "1 Mb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_1_Mb" "1 Mb/s"
"SteamUI_10_Mb" "10 Mb/s"
"10 Mb/s"
"SteamUI_b_s" "b/s"
"[english]SteamUI_b_s" "b/s"
"SteamUI_kb_s" "kb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_kb_s" "kb/s"
"SteamUI_Mb_s" "Mb/s"

"[english]SteamUI_Mb_s" "Mb/s"
"< apariencia predeterminada >"
"< default skin >"
"Chino simplificado"
"[english]SteamUI_Simplified_Chinese" "Simplified Chinese"
"SteamUI_Traditional_Chinese" "Chino tradicional"
"[english]SteamUI_Traditional_Chinese" "Traditional Chinese"
"SteamUI_Thai" "Tailands"
"[english]SteamUI_Thai" "Thai"
"[english]SteamUI_Portuguese" "Portuguese"
"SteamUI_Dutch" "Neerlands"
"SteamUI_Czech" "Checo"
"English (ingls)"
"Espaol (Spanish)"
"Franais (francs)"
"Franais (French)"
"Italiano (Italian)"
"Deutsch (alemn)"
"Deutsch (German)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Simplified_Chinese" " (chino simplificado)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Simplified_Chinese" " (Simplified Chinese)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Traditional_Chinese" " (chino tradicional)"

" (Traditional Chinese)"
" (ruso)"
" (Russian)"
" (tailands)"
" (Thai)"
" (japons)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Japanese" " (Japanese)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Portuguese" "Portugus (portugus)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Portuguese" "Portugus (Portuguese)"
"Polski (polaco)"
"Polski (Polish)"
"Dansk (dans)"
"Dansk (Danish)"
"Nederlands (holands)"
"Nederlands (Dutch)"
"Suomi (fins)"
"Suomi (Finnish)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Norwegian" "Norsk (noruego)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Norwegian" "Norsk (Norwegian)"
"Svenska (sueco)"
"Svenska (Swedish)"
"etina (checo)"
"etina (Czech)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Hungarian" "Magyar (hngaro)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Hungarian" "Magyar (Hungarian)"
"Romn (rumano)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Romanian" "Romn (Romanian)"
"SteamUI_Modem_33_6k" "Mdem - 33.6 kbps"
"[english]SteamUI_Modem_33_6k" "Modem - 33.6kbps"
"RDSI - 112 kbps"
"ISDN - 112kbps"
"T1 superior a 1 Mbps"
"[english]SteamUI_T1" "T1 > 1Mbps"
"SteamUI_LAN" "LAN superior a 10 Mbps"
"[english]SteamUI_LAN" "LAN > 10Mbps"
"SteamUI_PrivacyButton" "Ver la poltica de privacidad de Valve"
"View Valve Privacy Policy"
"Cambiando direccin de email de contacto.
"Changing contact email address.
"Todava no est disponible."
"[english]SteamUI_Preload_GameNotReady_Title" "Not Yet Available"
"SteamUI_PreLoad_GameNotReady" "Este juego no se ha puesto a la venta todava. Se
desbloquear y \npodrs empezar a jugar el mismo da de su lanzamiento."
"[english]SteamUI_PreLoad_GameNotReady" "This game is not yet released. It will
be unlocked\nand available for play on its official release day."
"Encuesta de Valve sobre hardware y software"
"Valve Hardware and Software Survey"
"Por favor, dedica un momento a responde
r a esta pequea encuesta. Cada mes, Steam rene informacin sobre qu clase de hardware
y software usan nuestros clientes. Los datos de esta encuesta son increblemente
valiosos para nosotros ya que nos ayudan a estar seguros en nuestras decisiones
sobre en qu tipos de tecnologa debemos invertir y qu productos debemos ofrecer.\nLa
informacin que recabamos es annima y no ser asociada a tu cuenta."
"Please take a moment to complet
e the following short survey. Each month, Steam collects data about what kinds o
f computer hardware and software our customers are using. The survey data is in
credibly helpful to us in that it ensures that we're making good decisions about
what kinds of technology investments to make and products to offer.\nThe data w

e collect is anonymous and wont be associated with your account."

"S, deseo participar en la encuesta."
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_YesParticipate" "Yes, I would like to participat
e in the survey."
"No, gracias."
"No, thanks."
"Ver la Poltica de Privacidad de Valve"
"View Valve Privacy Policy"
"Gracias por responder a esta encuesta.\
n\nLo primero que nos gustara conocer es la velocidad de tu conexin a Internet. Se
lecciona el valor apropiado de los que aparecen a continuacin.\n\nVelocidad de co
nexin a Internet:"
"Thank you for participating in
this survey.\n\nThe first piece of information we would like to know is the spee
d of your Internet connection. Please select yours from the choices below.\n\nIn
ternet Connection Speed:"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetDontKnow" "No lo s."
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetDontKnow" "Don t Know"
"Esta encuesta ha recopilado la siguient
e informacin de diagnstico de tu ordenador.\n\n(Cuando hagas clic en el botn Sigui
ente , sta se trasmitir a Valve.)"
"This survey has gathered some d
iagnostic information about your computer, which you can see below.\n\n(When you
click the Next button, this information will be transmitted to Valve.)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Processor" "Informacin sobre el procesador:"
"Processor Information:"
"Informacin sobre la red:"
"Network Information:"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersion" "Versin del sistema operativo:"
"Operating System Versio
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoCard" "Tarjeta de vdeo:"
"Video Card:"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Memory" "Memory:"
"Tarjeta de sonido:"
"Sound card:"
"La encuesta ha terminado. Gracias de nu
evo por tu participacin.\n\nSi haces clic en el enlace de ms abajo, podrs ver los r
esultados generales del estudio y comparar tu equipo con el de otros suscriptore
s de Steam.\n\n(Para cerrar esta ventana, slo tienes que hacer clic en Finalizar
"This survey is complete. Thank
you again for participating.\n\nIf you d like to see how your computer compares
to those of other Steam subscribers, you can view the compiled results of the su
rvey by clicking on the link below.\n\n (Otherwise, you can just click Finish
to close this window.)"
"Visitar la pgina de resultados de la enc
"Visit survey results page."
"Modelo: %s1"
"Model: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUVendor" "Fabricante: %s1"
"Vendor: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUSpeed" "Velocidad: %s1 MHz"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUSpeed" "Speed: %s1 Mhz"
"RAM: %s1 Mb"
"RAM: %s1 Mb"

"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName" "Controlador: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName" "Driver: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName" "Nombre de controlador de Direct
X: %s1"
"DirectX Driver
Name: %s1"
"Versin de controlador: %
"Driver Version:
"Versin de controlador de
DirectX: %s1"
"DirectX Driver
Version: %s1"
"Fecha de controlador: %day_numb
er% de %month_name% de %year_number%"
"Driver Date: %day_numbe
r% %month_name% %year_number%"
"Densidad de color del escritori
o: %s1 bits por pxel"
"Desktop Color Depth: %s
1 bits per pixel"
"Frecuencia de actualizacin del m
onitor: %s1 Hz"
"Monitor Refresh Rate: %
s1 Hz"
"Tarjeta DirectX: %s1"
"DirectX Card: %s1"
"Identificador del fabricante: 0
"VendorID: 0x%s1"
"Identificador del dispositivo:
"DeviceID: 0x%s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors" "Nmero de monitores: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors" "Number of Monitors: %s
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters" "Nmero de tarjetas de vdeo
lgicas: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters" "Number of Logic
al Video Cards: %s1"
"Interfaz SLI detectada (%s1 GPU
"SLI Detected (%s1 GPUs)
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CrossfireEnabled" "Crossfire detectado (%s1 GPU)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CrossfireEnabled" "Crossfire Detected (%s1
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution" "Resolucin de pantalla pr
incipal: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution" "Primary Display
Resolution: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution" "Resolucin de escritorio: %s1"
"Desktop Resolut

ion: %s1"
"Tamao de pantall
a principal: %width_inches%\" x %height_inches%\" (%diagonal_inches%\" diag)\n
%width_cm%cm x %height_cm%cm (%diago
nal_cm%cm diag)"
Display Size: %width_inches%\" x %height_inches%\" (%diagonal_inches%\" diag)\
%width_cm%cm x %height_cm%cm (%dia
gonal_cm%cm diag)"
"Tipo de pantalla principal: %s1
"Primary Display Type: %
"Bus principal: %s1"
"Primary Bus: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART" "Bus AGP GART principal: %s1 MB"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART" "Primary AGP GART: %s1 MB"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize" "Memoria VRAM principal: %s1 MB"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize" "Primary VRAM: %s1 MB"
"Fabricante del monitor principa
l: %s1"
"Primary Monitor Vendor:
"Modelo del monitor principal: %
"Primary Monitor Model:
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes" "Modos MSAA compatibles: %s1"
"Supported MSAA Modes:
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName_Unknown" "No se ha detectado el c
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName_Unknown" "Driver Not Dete
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName_Unknown" "No se ha detectado el n
ombre de controlador de DirectX"
Driver Name Not Detected"
"No se ha detect
ado la versin de controlador"
Version Not Detected"
"No se ha detect
ado la versin de controlador de DirectX"
Driver Version Not Detected"
"No se ha detectado la f
echa de controlador"
"Driver Date Not
"No se ha detectado la d
ensidad de color del escritorio"
"Desktop Color D
epth Not Detected"
"No se ha detectado la f
recuencia de actualizacin del monitor"
"Monitor Refresh
Rate Not Detected"
"No se ha detectado la t
arjeta DirectX"

"DirectX Card No
t Detected"
"No se ha detectado el i
dentificador del fabricante"
"VendorID Not De
"No se ha detectado el i
dentificador del dispositivo"
"DeviceID Not De
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors_Unknown" "No se ha detectado el nm
ero de monitores"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors_Unknown" "Number of Monit
ors Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters_Unknown" "No se ha detect
ado el nmero de tarjetas de vdeo"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters_Unknown" "Number
of Video Cards Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution_Unknown" "No se ha detect
ado la resolucin de pantalla principal"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution_Unknown" "Primary
Display Resolution Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution_Unknown" "No se ha detectado la r
esolucin del escritorio"
Resolution Not Detected"
"No se h
a detectado el tamao de pantalla principal"
"Primary Display Size Not Detected"
"No se ha detectado el t
ipo de pantalla principal"
"Primary Display
Type Not Detected"
"No se ha detectado el tipo de b
us principal"
"Primary Bus Type Not De
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART_Unknown" "No se ha detectado el bus AGP G
ART principal"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART_Unknown" "Primary AGP GART Not De
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize_Unknown" "No se ha detectado la memoria V
RAM principal"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize_Unknown" "Primary VRAM Not Detect
"No se ha detectado el f
abricante del monitor principal"
"Primary Monitor
Vendor Not Detected"
"No se ha detectado el m
odelo del monitor principal"
"Primary Monitor
Model Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes_Unknown" "No se han detectado modos MSAA
"Supported MSAA
Modes Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLICrossfireNotDetected" "No se ha detectado ning
una interfaz SLI o Crossfire"

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLICrossfireNotDetected" "No SLI or Cross

fire Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_1" "enero"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_1" "Jan"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_2" "febrero"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_2" "Feb"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_3" "marzo"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_3" "Mar"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_4" "abril"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_4" "Apr"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_5" "mayo"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_5" "May"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_6" "junio"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_6" "June"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_7" "julio"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_7" "July"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_8" "agosto"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_8" "Aug"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_9" "septiembre"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_9" "Sept"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_10" "octubre"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_10" "Oct"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_11" "noviembre"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_11" "Nov"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_12" "diciembre"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_12" "Dec"
"Configuracin de presenta
cin del juego"
"Game Display Se
"Goldsource. Res
olucin del juego: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla parcial)"
Game Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"Goldsource. Res
olucin del juego: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla completa)"
Game Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_Renderer" "Goldsource. Modo render del jue
go: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_Renderer" "GoldSrc Game Render Mod
e: %s1"
"Goldsource. Intensidad de bits
del juego: %s1"
"GoldSrc Game Bit Depth:
"Resolucin de Hal
f-Life: Source: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla parcial)"
fe: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resolucin de Hal
f-Life: Source: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla completa)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Half-Li
fe: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo render de Half-Lif
e: Source: %s1"
"Half-Life: Sour
ce Render Mode: %s1"
"Nivel de MSAA de Half-Life: Sou
rce: %s1x"

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA" "Half-Life: Source MSAA

Level: %s1x"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Disabled" "Se ha desactivado MSAA
en Half-Life: Source"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Disabled" "Half-Life: Sour
ce MSAA Disabled"
"No se ha detectado la c
onfiguracin de MSAA de Half-Life: Source"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Unknown" "Half-Life: Sour
ce MSAA Setting Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resolucin de Half-Life 2
: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla parcial)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Half-Life 2 Res
olution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resolucin de Half-Life 2
: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla completa)"
fe 2 Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo render de Half-Life 2: %s1
"Half-Life 2 Render Mode
: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA" "Nivel de MSAA de Half-Life 2: %s1x"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA" "Half-Life 2 MSAA Level: %s1x"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Disabled" "Se ha desactivado MSAA en HalfLife 2"
"Half-Life 2 MSA
A Disabled"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Unknown" "No se ha detectado la configura
cin de MSAA de Half-Life 2"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Unknown" "Half-Life 2 MSAA Settin
g Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resolucin de HL2 Deathma
tch: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla parcial)"
esolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"Resolucin de HL2
Deathmatch: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla completa)"
esolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo render de HL2 Deathmatch:
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_Renderer" "HL2DM Render Mode: %s1
"Nivel de MSAA de HL2 Deathmatch
: %s1x"
"HL2DM MSAA Level: %s1x
"Se ha desactivado MSAA
en HL2 Deathmatch"
"No se ha detectado la c
onfiguracin de MSAA de HL2 Deathmatch"
ing Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resolucin de Counter-Str
ike: Source: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla parcial)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Counter-Strike:
Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"

"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resolucin de Counter-Str

ike: Source: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla completa)"
-Strike: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo render de Counter-Strike:
Source: %s1"
"Counter-Strike: Source
Render Mode: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA" "Nivel de MSAA de Counter-Strike: Source
: %s1x"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA" "Counter-Strike: Source MSAA Lev
el: %s1x"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Disabled" "Se ha desactivado MSAA en Count
er-Strike: Source"
Source MSAA Disabled"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Unknown" "No se ha detectado la configura
cin de MSAA de Counter-Strike: Source"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Unknown" "Counter-Strike: Source
MSAA Setting Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resolucin de Day of Defe
at: Source: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla parcial)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Day of Defeat:
Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resolucin de Day of Defe
at: Source: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla completa)"
"Day of
Defeat: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo render de Day of Defeat: S
ource: %s1"
"Day of Defeat: Source R
ender Mode: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA" "Nivel MSAA de Day of Defeat: Source: %s
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA" "Day of Defeat: Source MSAA Leve
l: %s1x"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Disabled" "Se ha desactivado MSAA en Day o
f Defeat: Source"
"Day of Defeat:
Source MSAA Disabled"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Unknown" "No se ha detectado la configura
cin de MSAA de Day of Defeat: Source"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Unknown" "Day of Defeat: Source M
SAA Setting Not Detected"
"Resolucin de Los
t Coast: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla parcial)"
"Lost Co
ast Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resolucin de Los
t Coast: %s1 x %s2 (a pantalla completa)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Lost Co
ast Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo render de Lost Coa
st: %s1"
"Lost Coast Rend
er Mode: %s1"
"Nivel MSAA de Lost Coast: %s1x"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA" "Lost Coast MSAA Level:
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Disabled" "Se ha desactivado MSAA

en Lost Coast"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Disabled" "Lost Coast MSAA
"No se ha detectado la c
onfiguracin MSAA en Lost Coast"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Unknown" "Lost Coast MSAA
Setting Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersionString" "%s1 (%s2 bits)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersionString" "%s1 (%s2 bit)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SoundCard" "Dispositivo de sonido: %s1"
"Audio device: %s1"
"Controlador de Juego: %s1 detec
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GameController" "Game Controller: %s1 de
"Controlador de Juego: N
o detectado"
"Game Controller
: None detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Supported" "Compatible"
"No compatible"
"RDTSC: %s1"
"RDTSC: %s1"
"CMOV: %s1"
"CMOV: %s1"
"FCMOV: %s1"
"FCMOV: %s1"
"SSE: %s1"
"SSE: %s1"
"SSE2: %s1"
"SSE2: %s1"
"SSE3: %s1"
"SSE3: %s1"
"SSSE3: %s1"
"SSSE3: %s1"
"SSE4a: %s1"
"SSE4a: %s1"
"SSE41: %s1"
"SSE41: %s1"
"SSE42: %s1"
"SSE42: %s1"
"3DNOW: %s1"
"3DNOW: %s1"
"NTFS: %s1"
"NTFS: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalSingular" "Procesador lgico %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalSingular" "%s1 logical processor"
"Procesadores lgicos %s1"
"%s1 logical processors"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalSingular" "Procesador fsico %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalSingular" "%s1 physical processor"
"Procesadores fsicos %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalPlural" "%s1 physical processors
"HyperThreading: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HyperThreading" "HyperThreading: %s1"
"Configuracin de bus AGP: %s1"
"AGP Bus Setting: %s1"

"Velocidad del bus: %s1"
"Bus Speed: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_IPAddress" "Direccin IP: %s1"
"IP Address: %s1"
"Sin direccin IP"
"No IP Address"
"Velocidad de la red: %s1"
"Network Speed: %s1"
"Carga fallida"
"Upload Failed"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailedText" "No hemos podido recibir tus dat
os. Vuelve a intentarlo ms tarde."
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailedText" "We weren t able to succ
essfully receive your data. Please try again later."
"Progreso de la carga:"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadProgress" "Upload Progress:"
"No se ha podido encontrar el se
rvidor de informe de estadsticas en este momento. Vuelve a intentarlo ms tarde."
"Unable to find a statis
tics reporting server at this time. Please try again later."
"Steam_UnableToPreload_NotSubscribed" "No se puede precargar esta aplicacin por
que no ests suscrito a ella."
"[english]Steam_UnableToPreload_NotSubscribed" "Unable to preload this applicat
ion because you are not subscribed to it"
"Idioma de la IU: %s1"
"UI Language: %s1"
"Tipo de soporte: %s1"
"Media Type: %s1"
"No determinado"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HDAvail" "Espacio total en disco disponible: %s1
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HDAvail" "Total Hard Disk Space Available
: %s1 Mb"
"Bloque libre ms grande en el dis
co: %s1 MB"
"Largest Free Hard Disk
Block: %s1 Mb"
"Fecha de instalacin del SO: %s1"
"OS Install Date: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InvalidLanguage" "Idioma no vlido"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InvalidLanguage" "Invalid Language"
"SteamUI_CZ_SellPage" "http://www.steampowered.com/platform/game_info/czero/in
"[english]SteamUI_CZ_SellPage" "http://www.steampowered.com/platform/game_info/

"Steam_PackageChoice" "%game% puede adquirirse como parte de dos paquetes dife
rentes. Elige el que quieras pedir."
"[english]Steam_PackageChoice" "%game% is available for purchase as part of two
different packages. Choose the one you would like to order."
"Steam_PackageIncludes" "Incluye:"
"La informacin de tu tarjeta de crdito se cifrar pa
ra la transmisin y el procesamiento."
"Your credit card information will be en
crypted during transmission and processing."
"No se ha podido crear una cuenta.\nEl nombre de
cuenta ya est en uso.\nVuelve a intentarlo con un nombre diferente."
"Failed to create account.\nThat account
name is already in use.\nPlease try again using a different account name."
"Steam_ErrorValidEmailRequired" "Se necesita una direccin de email vlida."
"A valid email address is requir
"No se ha encontrado la cuenta.\
nIntroduce el nombre de cuenta que utilizas para conectarte a Steam."
"That account was not fo
und.\nPlease enter the account name you use to log into Steam."
"Tu cuenta de Steam es important
"Your Steam account is i
"No olvides el nombre de usuario y la co
ntrasea, porque necesitars conectarte para acceder a los juegos. Steam descargar lo
s juegos en cualquier equipo que utilices."
"Be sure to remember your userna
me and password - you will need to log in to access your games. Steam will downl
oad your games to any computer you use."
"Para obtener ms informacin, visita:"
"[english]SteamUI_ForMoreInformation" "For more information visit:"
"SteamUI_ChosenCreateMultipleHeadline" "Informacin importante sobre cuentas de S
"[english]SteamUI_ChosenCreateMultipleHeadline" "Important information about Ste
am accounts"
"SteamUI_ChosenCreateDuplicate" "Crea una cuenta nueva de Steam nicamente si toda
va no tienes una. Si ya has creado una cuenta de Steam, solamente podrs acceder a
los juegos a los que ests suscrito a travs de dicha cuenta.\n\nSi an no tienes una
cuenta de Steam, pulsa \"Siguiente\" para continuar."
"Please only create a new Steam
account if you don t already have one. If you have already created a Steam accou
nt, then any games to which you ve subscribed will only be accessible when you l
og in to the existing account.\n\nIf you don t already have a Steam account, pre
ss \"Next\" to continue."
"SteamUI_CCWarning_Duplicate" "Antes de que enves esta solicitud de compra:\n\n
Parece que esta solicitud de compra contiene la misma informacin (o prcticamente l
a misma) que una solicitud enviada anteriormente. Solamente debes repetir la sol
icitud si ests absolutamente seguro de que el hecho de que no se aceptara la info
rmacin de tu tarjeta de crdito ha sido un error.\n\nIMPORTANTE: Si la compaa de tu t
arjeta de crdito no acepta la compra, es posible que los fondos de tu cuenta qued
en bloqueados temporalmente."
"[english]SteamUI_CCWarning_Duplicate" "Before you submit this purchase request
:\n\nIt appears that this purchase attempt contains identical (or nearly identic
al) information to one you already submitted. You should only repeat this purcha

se attempt if you re sure that your credit card information was improperly denie
d.\n\nIMPORTANT NOTE: If your purchase attempt is denied by your credit card com
pany, they may temporarily \"lock\" funds in your account for some period of tim
"Steam - Advertencia"
"Steam - Warning"
"Para recuperar los datos de conexin corr
espondiente a tu cuenta de Steam, necesitamos primero el nombre de la misma."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetType" "To retrieve the login informati
on for your Steam account, we need to start with your account name."
"No s el nombre de la cuenta."
"I don t know my account
"S el nombre de la cuenta."
"I know my account name.
"SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEmailAddress" "Recuerdo la direccin de email de contact
o que utilic."
"I remember the contact
email address I used."
"Recuerdo la clave de producto que utili
"I remember the product code I u
"No recuerdo ninguna de las dos cosas."
"I don t have either of these."
"SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordAccountName" "Para recuperar el nombre de la cuenta n
ecesitas la direccin de email de contacto que utilizaste durante el proceso de cr
eacin de la cuenta o la clave de producto que registraste con ella."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordAccountName" "To retrieve your account name y
ou need either the contact email address you used when creating your account or
the product code you registered to the account."
"Introduce la direccin de email d
e contacto que utilizaste durante el proceso de creacin de la cuenta de Steam."
"Please enter the contac
t email address you used when you created your Steam account."
"Steam_CDKey" "Clave de producto"
"[english]Steam_CDKey" "Product code"
"SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterCDKey" "Para recuperar el nombre de la cuenta,
introduce la clave de producto que activaste en la cuenta de Steam."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterCDKey" "To retrieve your account name p
lease enter the product code you activated to your Steam account."
"Para recuperar la informacin de la cuent
a necesitas saber la direccin de email de contacto o la clave de producto que uti
lizaste durante el proceso de activacin de la misma."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordOtherText" "To retrieve your account inform
ation you need to either know the contact email address or the product code you
used when activating the account."
"Te hemos enviado un email que i
ncluye el nombre de tu cuenta de Steam.\n\nCuando lo recibas, puedes hacer clic
en el botn \"Recuperar cuenta perdida\" nuevamente para restablecer tu contrasea."
"An email containing you
r Steam account name has been sent to you.\n\nOnce you receive the email, you ca
n click the \"Retrieve lost account\" button again to reset your password."
"Se ha enviado un email al propi
etario de la clave de producto que se introdujo. Cuando recibas el nombre de la
cuenta, puedes hacer clic en el botn \"Recuperar cuenta perdida\" nuevamente para
restablecer tu contrasea."
"An email has been sent
to the owner of the product code you entered. Once you get this account name you

can use the \"Retrieve lost account\" button again to reset your password."
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_RequestFailed" "La operacin ha fallado. Intntalo de nuevo
"The operation failed. P
lease try again."
"Steam_CreateNewAccount_EmailAddrAlreadyInUse" "Ya existe una cuenta de Steam c
on esa direccin de email de contacto. Si has creado una cuenta de Steam con anter
ioridad, debes utilizar dicha cuenta en lugar de crear una nueva."
"[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_EmailAddrAlreadyInUse" "A Steam account already
exists with that contact email address. If you have previously created a Steam
account, you should use the existing account rather than creating a new one."
"Preguntas frecuentes sobre cuentas de S
"[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_AccountsFAQ" "The Steam Accounts FAQ"
"Steam_CreateNewAccount_CDFAQ" "Preguntas frecuentes sobre las claves de produc
to de Steam"
"[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_CDFAQ" "The Steam CD Key FAQ"
"Steam_CreateNewAccount_CreateAccount" "Crear una nueva cuenta"
"[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_CreateAccount" "Create new account"
"Steam_CreateNewAccount_FindOldAccount" "Buscar mi cuenta"
"Find my old account"
"Pgina principal"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Manual" "Ver manual del jugador"
"View player manual"
"Steam - Error de compra"
"Steam - Purchase Error"
"Consulta el sitio de soporte de Steam para ms in
"See the Steam support site for more inf
"Steam_SubscriptionPrintConfirmation" "Imprimir reserva "
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionPrintConfirmation" "Print Preorder "
"Imprimir recibo"
"Print Receipt"
"Steam_SubscriptionCardHolder" "Titular de tarjeta"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardHolder" "Card holder"
"Tipo de tarjeta"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardType" "Card type"
"Steam_SubscriptionCardLast4" "ltimos 4 dgitos"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardLast4" "Last 4 digits"
"Steam_SubscriptionPriceTotal" "Total"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionPriceTotal" "Total"
"Cdigo de confirmacin"
"Confirmation code"
"Steam_TroubleshooterURL_CDKey" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin/steampo
"Has activado el cdigo"
"Activation Successful!"
"Tu clave de producto ha sido activada c
on xito. Los siguientes productos estn ahora asociados permanentemente con tu cuen
ta de Steam. Debers iniciar sesin en esta cuenta para acceder a los artculos que ac
abas de activar en Steam.\nImprime un recibo de esta transaccin para que puedas r
ecordar los datos de tu cuenta en el futuro."
"Your product activation code ha
s successfully been activated. This product or products listed below are now per

manently associated with your Steam account. You must login to this account to h
ave access to the items you ve just activated on Steam.\n\nPrint a receipt of th
is transaction in order to remember your account for future use."
"Clave de producto duplicada"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Rejected_Cdkey_Headline" "Duplicate Product Code"
"La clave de producto que has introducid
o ya est activada en otra cuenta de Steam y, por lo tanto, no es vlida. No se ha c
ompletado la activacin de %subscription%."
"The product code you ve entered
has already been activated by an existing Steam account, and is therefore inval
id. Your activation of %subscription% has not been completed."
"Clave de producto no vli
"Invalid Product
"La clave de producto que has in
troducido no es vlida.\n\nComprueba que no has escrito mal la clave. I, L y 1 pue
den parecerse. Lo mismo sucede con V e Y y con 0 y O."
"The product code you ve
entered is not valid. \n\nPlease double check to see if you ve mistyped your ke
y. I, L, and 1 can look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O."
"Activa primero
el juego original"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustOwnOtherApp_Headline" "Please
first activate the original game"
"La clave de producto qu
e has introducido requiere que tengas otro producto antes de activarla.\n\nSi es
ts intentando activar una expansin o un contenido descargable, activa primero el j
uego original para poder activar el contenido adicional."
"The product cod
e you ve entered requires ownership of another product before activation.\n\nIf
you are trying to activate an expansion pack or downloadable content, please fir
st activate the original game, then activate this additional content."
"Gracias, tu transaccin se ha completado.
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Headline" "Thank you - Your transaction is
"Se ha completado correc
tamente tu suscripcin a %subscription%. Tu suscripcin est registrada en esta cuenta
de Steam: %accountName%. A partir de ahora, debers conectarte a esta cuenta para
poder acceder a tus juegos. Gracias por el pedido!"
"Your subscripti
on to %subscription% has been completed successfully. Your subscription is regis
tered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login to thi
s account to have access to your games. Thank you for your order!"
"Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=gift" "Tu regalo de %subscription% se
ha enviado a %giftee%. Gracias por el pedido!"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=gift" "Your gift of %subscript
ion% has been sent to %giftee%. Thank you for your order!"
"La compra de %subscript
ion% se ha completado con xito. Gracias por el pedido!"
"Your purchase o
f %subscription% has been completed successfully. Thank you for your order!"
"Tarjeta de crdit
o rechazada"
card declined"
"No se ha completado la
suscripcin a %subscription%. La compaa de crdito ha rechazado la informacin de tu tar
jeta de crdito.\n\nTen en cuenta que, en algunos casos, la compaa de crdito puede bl

oquear fondos en tu cuenta, pero esto no significa que recibirs cargo alguno. Tra
s revisar la informacin que aparece a continuacin, si crees que ha habido algn erro
r, intenta realizar la compra de nuevo."
"Your subscripti
on to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card information has be
en declined by your credit card company.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit
card company may put a hold on funds in your account, but you will not be cha
rged. After reviewing the information below, if you believe your card has been d
eclined in error please try your purchase again."
"Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder_Headline" "Solicitud completada; an no se h
a cargado el importe en la tarjeta."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder_Headline" "Order complete - card n
ot yet charged"
"La reserva de %subscription% se ha comp
letado con xito.\nNo se cargar el importe hasta el lanzamiento oficial del juego.
Recibirs el recibo por el importe total cuando se procese la tarjeta. Gracias por
el pedido!"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder" "Your preorder of %subscription%
has been completed successfully.\nYour payment will not be processed until the
game is officially released. You will receive a full receipt when your card is p
rocessed. Thank you for your order!"
"Se ha procesado tu rese
"Your preorder h
as been processed"
"Recientemente realizaste una re
serva de %subscription%. El juego ya est oficialmente a la venta, de modo que se
ha procesado la transaccin y se ha cargado el importe en tu tarjeta de crdito. Grac
ias por el pedido!"
"Recently you preordered
%subscription%. The game has been officially released, so your credit card has
been processed and charged. Thank you for your order!"
"Reserva; se ha rechazad
o la tarjeta de crdito."
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardDeclined_Headline" "Preorder - cred
it card declined"
"Recientemente realizaste una re
serva de %subscription%. El juego ya est oficialmente a la venta, de modo que Ste
am ha procesado la transaccin con tu tarjeta de crdito.\n\nSe ha rechazado tu tarj
eta y, por consiguiente, no se ha llevado a cabo la transaccin. Tras revisar la i
nformacin que aparece a continuacin, si crees que ha habido algn error, intenta rea
lizar la suscripcin de nuevo."
"Recently you attempted
to pre-order %subscription%. The game has now been officially released, so Steam
has processed your credit card information.\n\nYour card has been declined, and
your card has not been charged. After reviewing the information below, if you b
elieve your card has been declined in error please attempt your subscription aga
"Se ha procesado tu rese
"Your pre-order
has been processed"
"La reserva de %subscription% se
ha completado. El lanzamiento oficial del juego tendr lugar en breve. Se ha proc
esado tu pago.\n\nRecibirs una notificacin tan pronto como el juego est disponible.
Gracias por el pedido!"
"Your pre-order for %sub
scription% has been completed, and the game will be officially released soon. Yo
ur payment has been processed.\n\nWe ll let you know as soon as the game is avai
lable to play. Thank you for your order!"

"Se ha procesado
tu reserva"
"Your pr
e-order has been processed"
"Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_PayPal" "La reserva de %subscription% se
ha completado. El lanzamiento oficial del juego tendr lugar en breve. El importe
del juego se ha cargado en tu cuenta de %provider%.\n\nRecibirs una notificacin t
an pronto como el juego est disponible. Gracias por el pedido!"
"Your pre-order
for %subscription% has been completed, and the game will be officially released
soon. Your %provider% account has been charged.\n\nWe ll let you know as soon as
the game is available to play. Thank you for your order!"
"Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout_Headline" "Reserva pendiente"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout_Headline" "Pre-order pending"
"Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout" "No se ha completado la reserva de %subs
cription% porque Steam est muy ocupado en estos momentos y no puede procesar la t
ransaccin.\n\nNos pondremos en contacto contigo con los resultados de la transacc
in tan pronto como nos sea posible procesarla."
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout" "Your pre-order for %subscriptio
n% has not been completed, because Steam is currently too busy to process the tr
ansaction.\n\nWe will get back to you with the results of your transaction as so
on as we are able to process it."
"Suscripcin cancelada"
"Subscription ca
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Cancelled" "Se ha cancelado tu suscripcin a %subscri
ption%. La cancelacin se ha producido porque el propietario de la cuenta de Steam
la ha solicitado o porque Valve ha detectado un incumplimiento del Acuerdo de S
uscriptor a Steam."
"Your subscription to %s
ubscription% has been cancelled. This cancellation was either at the request of
the Steam account owner, or a cancellation by Valve in accordance with the Steam
Subscriber Agreement."
"El servidor de Steam es
t ocupado."
"The Steam Serve
r is currently too busy."
"No se ha completado la suscripc
in a %subscription%. Los servidores de Steam estn muy ocupados en estos momentos y
no puede procesarse tu solicitud. \n\nTe pedimos disculpas por las molestias.
Vuelve a intentarlo dentro de unas horas."
"Your subscription to %s
ubscription% has not been completed. The Steam servers are currently too busy to
process your request. \n\nWe apologize for the inconvenience. Please try your t
ransaction again in a few hours."
"Error en la compra"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_ContactSupport_Headline" "Purchase error"
"Se ha producido un error inesperado. No
se ha completado la suscripcin a %subscription%.\n\nPor favor, ponte en contacto
con el Soporte de Steam a travs del siguiente enlace."
"An unexpected error has occurre
d. Your subscription to %subscription% has not been completed. \n\nPlease contac
t Steam Support using the link below."
"Suscripcin pendiente"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_Headline" "Subscription pending"
"No se completado la suscripcin a %subscr
iption% porque Steam est muy ocupado en estos momentos y no puede procesar la tra
nsaccin. \n\nSin embargo, puedes jugar a %subscription% mientras esperas. Nos po
ndremos en contacto contigo con los resultados de la transaccin tan pronto como n
os sea posible procesarla."

"Your subscription to %subscript
ion% has not been completed, because Steam is currently too busy to process the
transaction. \n\nHowever, you can play %subscription% in the meantime, and we wi
ll get back to you with the results of your transaction as soon as we are able t
o process it."
"Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry_Headline" "No disponible"
"Not Available"
"Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry" "Lo sentimos, pero no puedes adquirir %s
ubscription% en este pas. Se ha cancelado la compra."
"[english]Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry" "Sorry, but %subscription% is no
t available for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been cancelled."
"Steam_Subscription_Refunded_Headline" "Compra reembolsada"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Refunded_Headline" "Purchase Refunded"
"Steam_Subscription_Refunded" "Se te ha reembolsado lo que pagaste por %subscr
iption%. El crdito debera aparecer en tu cuenta en un par de das hbiles."
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Refunded" "Your purchase of %subscription% has bee
n refunded. The credit should appear in your account within a couple business da
"Registro duplicado"
"Duplicate Regis
"Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_Used" "Esta oferta ya se ha activado usando un
a cuenta de Steam distinta."
"This offer has already
been activated using a different Steam account."
"Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoIneligible" "Este equipo no cumple los requi
sitos del sistema para la oferta de %subscription%."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoIneligible" "Sorry, this computer do
es not meet the system requirements for the %subscription% offer."
"Producto ya adq
"[english]Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "Product
Already Owned"
"Esta cuenta de Steam ya
posee el producto o productos incluidos en\nesta oferta. Para acceder a ellos,
visita tu biblioteca de juegos."
"This Steam acco
unt already owns the product(s) contained in\nthis offer. To access them, visit
your Games Library."
"Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoNeedDirectX" "Perdn! Para verificar que cumples
los requisitos de la oferta de %subscription% es necesario DirectX 9 o superior
"[english]Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoNeedDirectX" "Sorry! We require Direc
tX 9 or above to verify the eligibility requirements for the %subscription% offe
"Pgina de descarga de Microsoft D
"Microsoft DirectX downlo
ad site"
"Steam_HardwarePromoInstallDirextX_URL" "http://www.microsoft.com/windows/direct
"Registro completado"
"Registration su

"Has canjeado la oferta de %subs
cription% con xito. Tu suscripcin est registrada en esta cuenta de Steam: %accountN
ame%. A partir de ahora, debers conectarte a esta cuenta para poder acceder a tus
"Your redemption of the
%subscription% offer has been completed successfully. Your subscription is regis
tered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login to thi
s account to have access to your games."
"Podrs acceder a los juegos inclu
idos en esta oferta desde cualquier ordenador, siempre que te conectes a la cuen
ta de Steam %accountname% ."
"You will be able to acc
ess the games contained in this offer from any computer, as long as you log in t
o the Steam account %accountname% ."
"Reserva cancelada"
"Preorder Cancelled"
"Tal y como has pedido, se ha cancelado tu reser
va a travs de Steam para suscribirte a %subscription%. No recibirs cargo alguno."
"As you requested, your pre-order throug
h Steam for %subscription% has been cancelled. Your account will not be charged.
"Please wait"
"Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked_Title" "Steam - Error"
"[english]Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked" "Esta funcin est bloqueada actualmente.\nPara acce
der, conctate de nuevo a Steam con tu cuenta de cibercaf\ny asegrate de que est marc
ada la opcin Recordar mi contrasea ."
"This feature is currently locke
d.\nTo access, log in again into Steam using your cybercafe account,\nmaking sur
e that remember my password is checked."
"Escribe la clave de producto que quieras activa
"Please enter the product code you wish
to activate."
"Steam_RegisterCDKey_Example" "Las claves tienen el siguiente formato:\n AAAAA
"[english]Steam_RegisterCDKey_Example" "Keys look like the following:\n
"Steam_InstallAppWizard_Title" "Instalar %game%"
"[english]Steam_InstallAppWizard_Title" "Install - %game%"
"Preparando archivos de %s1 para la instalacin."
"Preparing %s1 files for install."
"Preparando archivos de %s1 para la instalacin.."
"Preparing %s1 files for install.."
"Preparando archivos de %s1 para la instalacin...
"Preparing %s1 files for install..."
"Steam - advertencia de clave de product
"[english]Steam_CDKeyAlreadyRegistered_Title" "Steam - product code warning"
"No puedes registrar claves de productos en esta cuenta.
"You are unable to register product keys on this
"Buscar partidas..."
"Browse games..."

"Steam - Buscar partidas"
"Steam - Browse Games"
"Activar un producto en Steam..."
"Activate a Product on Steam..."
"Steam_PurchaseError_SubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "Ya tienes una %subscription%."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseError_SubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "You already own %subscr
"Steam - Noticias"
"Steam - Update News"
"Quiero que se me notifiquen (mediante m
ensajera instantnea de Steam) las adiciones o cambios sobre:"
"Notify me (with Steam instant m
essages) about additions or changes to:"
"Mis partidas"
"[english]Steam_SettingsNotification_MyGames" "My Games"
"Steam_SettingsNotification_UpcomingReleases" "Lanzamientos futuros y reciente
"[english]Steam_SettingsNotification_UpcomingReleases" "Upcoming and new releas
"Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoAlreadyOwned" "Ya has canjeado la oferta de %s
ubscription% con esta cuenta de Steam."
"You have alread
y redeemed the %subscription% offer using this Steam account."
"Ver noticias"
"View News"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_ContentServersBusy_Info" "Los servidores de Steam estn muy ocupados en est
os momentos y no se puede procesar tu solicitud.\nVuelve a intentarlo dentro de
unos minutos."
"The Steam servers are currently
too busy to handle your request.\nPlease try again in a few minutes."
"Steam_NoContentServers_Info" "No hay ningn servidor de Steam configurado actua
lmente para jugar a este ttulo.\nIntentaremos subsanar la anomala en breve. Vuelve
a intentarlo dentro de unos minutos."
"[english]Steam_NoContentServers_Info" "No Steam content servers are currently
configured to deliver content for this game.\nThis will be corrected soon. Pleas
e try again in a few minutes."
"Ver actualizaciones"
"View Updates"
"El Soporte de Steam ha suspendido esta cuenta.\
n\nUna cuenta se suele suspender cuando otra persona ha accedido\na la misma o c
uando hay una disputa por un pago en curso."
"[english]Steam_ErrorAccountDisabled" "Steam Support has suspended this accoun
t.\n\nAccounts typically become suspended when an account has been accessed\nby
someone else, or a payment dispute is in progress."
"Esta oferta contiene lo siguiente."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseInfo" "This offer contains the items listed below."
"Steam_PurchaseInfo_Preorder" "Has presolicitado este paquete. No se procesar e
l pago hasta que se pueda jugar con el paquete el da de su lanzamiento oficial."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseInfo_Preorder" "You are pre-ordering this package; Your
payment will not be processed until the package becomes playable on its officia
l release day."
"Steam_InstallGameInfo" "Ests a punto de instalar %game%.\n"
"You are about to install %game%.\n"
"Los archivos de instalacin local
(incluido cualquier juego almacenado y los archivos de configuracin) se copiarn p
ara su uso en Steam. Cualquier archivo que te falte en el ordenador se descargar

desde los servidores de Steam."

"Files from your local i
nstallation (including any saved games and config files) will be copied for use
in Steam. Any files not present locally will be downloaded from the Steam server
"La copia bloqueada de %game% ya
est en tu ordenador."
"A locked copy of %game%
is now on your computer."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Headline" "Has sobrepasado
el lmite permitido de tu tarjeta de crdito"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Headline" "Credit
Card Use Limit Exceeded"
"Esta transaccin
no se pudo procesar porque la tarjeta de crdito se ha usado demasiadas veces en S
team.\n\nEsta poltica se ha puesto en prctica para proteger a nuestros clientes co
ntra el fraude en el uso de las tarjetas de crdito. Actuamos activamente para per
seguir el fraude con todo el peso de la ley."
"This tr
ansaction was not processed because the credit card below has been used too many
times in Steam.\n\nThis policy exists in order to protect our customers from cr
edit card fraud. We will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardAlert_Headline" "Tarjeta de crdito rechaz
"Card De
"Esta transaccin no se pr
oces porque el banco de tu tarjeta de crdito ha indicado que el uso de esta tarjet
a quizs no sea legtimo.\n\nActuaremos contra el delito de fraude en la medida en l
a que nos lo permita la legislacin vigente."
"This transactio
n was not processed because your credit card bank has identified use of this cre
dit card as potentially fraudulent.\n\nPlease note that we will prosecute fraud
to the fullest extent of the law."
"Steam - necesaria ltima versin de DirectX
"Steam - latest DirectX required
"Necesitas instalar la ltima versin de Microsoft D
irectX(r) para jugar a %game%."
"The latest version of Microsoft DirectX
(r) is required to play %game%."
"Sitio Web de descargas de Microsoft DirectX(r)"
"Microsoft DirectX(r) download site"
"Steam_PurchaseError_AllAppsInSubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "Ya tienes todos estos j
uegos.\nPuedes acceder a ellos en tu biblioteca de juegos de Steam."
"You alr
eady have all these games.\nYou can access them in your Steam Games Library."
"Activacin de producto"
"Product Activation"
"Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGame" "Jugar a %game%"
"[english]Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGame" "Play %game% now"
"Ver biblioteca de Steam"
"View Steam Library"
"Steam_UnableToPreload" "Los servidores de Steam estn muy ocupados en estos momen
tos y no pueden procesar ms precargas de %game%.\nVuelve a intentarlo dentro de u
nas horas."
"The Steam servers are currently too bus
y to handle any more preloads of %game%.\nPlease try again in a few hours."
"Error al precargar"

"Preloading - Error"
"Steam_PreloadProgress" "%preload_amount%%% precargado"
"%preload_amount%%% pre-loaded"
"El fraude en el uso de las tarjetas de crdito es
un delito, y Valve coopera con la aplicacin de la ley para actuar contra esta ac
tividad ilegal."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseFraudWarning" "Credit card fraud is a crime, and Valve
cooperates with law enforcement to prosecute illegal activity."
"Steam_CacheValidation_Title" "Validando archivos de Steam - %progress%%% comp
"[english]Steam_CacheValidation_Title" "Validating Steam files - %progress%%% c
"Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches" "Validando archivo %cache_name% (%cache_number%
de %cache_total%)"
"[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches" "Validating %cache_name% file (%cache_nu
mber% of %cache_total%)"
"Steam_CacheDecryption_Title" "Descifrando archivos de Steam - %progress%%% co
"[english]Steam_CacheDecryption_Title" "Decrypting Steam files - %progress%%% c
"Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches" "Descifrando archivos de juego %cache_name%"
"[english]Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches" "Decrypting %cache_name% game files"
"Espera mientras Steam desbloquea los ar
chivos del juego."
"Please wait while Steam unlocks
game files."
"SteamUI_VidDriverDetailsLabel" "Datos de tu controlador"
"Your Driver details"
"SteamUI_VidDriverOS" "Versin del SO:"
"[english]SteamUI_VidDriverOS" "OS Version:"
"SteamUI_VidDriverDescription" "Descripcin:"
"[english]SteamUI_VidDriverDescription" "Description:"
"SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Title" "Controlador de tarjeta de vdeo obsoleto"
"[english]SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Title" "Video Driver Outdated"
"SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Info" "El controlador de la tarjeta de vdeo no est actua
lizado, por lo que podran surgir problemas si decides continuar y ejecutar el jue
go. Te recomendamos que hagas clic en el vnculo siguiente para actualizar los co
ntroladores de la tarjeta de vdeo a la ltima versin que haya sacado el fabricante."
"[english]SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Info" "Your video drivers appear to be out of
date and could cause problems if you choose to continue and run the game. We st
rongly recommend that you follow the link below and update your video drivers to
the latest version available from your driver vendor."
"Ir a la pgina de actualizacin de controladores...
"Go to driver update page..."
"Seguir de todos modos"
"Continue Anyway"
"No volver a mostrar esta advertencia"
"Don t show this warning again"
"Tarjeta de vdeo no compatible"
"Unsupported Video Card"
"Tu tarjeta de vdeo no cumple los requisi
tos mnimos para ejecutar el juego. Si decides continuar y ejecutar el juego de t
odas formas, podran surgir problemas de estabilidad o rendimiento del juego. Te
recomendamos que hagas clic en el vnculo siguiente para actualizar los controlado
res de la tarjeta de vdeo a la ltima versin que haya sacado el fabricante."
"Your video hardware does not me
et the minimum requirements that we have set for the game. If you choose to con

tinue and run the game anyway, you could have problems with stability or perform
ance in the game. We strongly recommend that you follow the link below and upda
te your video drivers to the latest version available from your driver vendor."
"SteamUI_UnsupportedUrlLabel" "Mostrar los requisitos mnimos..."
"[english]SteamUI_UnsupportedUrlLabel" "Show minimum requirements..."
"SteamUI_ContinueUnsupported" "Seguir de todos modos"
"[english]SteamUI_ContinueUnsupported" "Continue Anyway"
"SteamUI_SuppressUnsupported" "No volver a mostrar esta advertencia"
"[english]SteamUI_SuppressUnsupported" "Don t show this warning again"
"SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Title" "Tarjeta de vdeo desconocida"
"[english]SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Title" "Unknown Video Card"
"Tu tarjeta de vdeo no aparece en nuestra base de
datos. Por tanto, quiz no puedas ejecutar el juego con la estabilidad o el rend
imiento suficientes. Te agradeceramos que nos facilitaras toda la informacin refe
rente a tu tarjeta y controlador de vdeo para que podamos incluirlos en nuestra b
ase de datos. Haz clic en el botn \"Cargar informacin\" y as sabremos qu tarjetas d
e vdeo nos falta incluir."
"[english]SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Info" "Your video card does not appear in our
database. Consequently, you may or may not be able to the play game with suffic
ient stability or performance. We would appreciate your help in ensuring that w
e have sufficient information to address your video card and driver in the futur
e. By clicking the Upload Details button you will help us track which video car
ds are currently missing from our database."
"Ver la poltica de privacidad de Valve..."
"View Valve Privacy Policy..."
"SteamUI_UnknownUpload" "Cargar informacin"
"Upload Details"
"Seguir de todos modos"
"Continue Anyway"
"No volver a mostrar esta advertencia"
"Don t show this warning again"
"Versin de Windows desconocida"
"Unknown Windows Version"
"Windows 98/98 SE/ME"
"Windows 98/98 SE/ME"
"SteamUI_OSVersion2000" "Windows 2000"
"Windows 2000"
"SteamUI_OSVersionXP" "Windows XP"
"[english]SteamUI_OSVersionXP" "Windows XP"
"SteamUI_DriverUnsupportedURL" "http://www.steampowered.com/Steam/Messages/mini
"[english]SteamUI_DriverUnsupportedURL" "http://www.steampowered.com/Steam/Messa
"Comprobacin de requisitos del sistema su
"System Requirements Check Passe
"Este equipo cumple los requisitos mnimos del sis
tema para %game%."
"This computer meets the minimum system
requirements for %game%."
"SteamUI_MBPGPUWarning_Title" "Steam - Varias GPUs detectadas"
"[english]SteamUI_MBPGPUWarning_Title" "Steam - Multiple GPUs detected"

"Tu MacBook Pro tiene dos tarjetas grficas y actu
almente est configurado para eficiencia energtica, no para un mayor rendimiento.
Para obtener la mejor experiencia, te sugerimos que cambies a la tarjeta con mej
or rendimiento, abriendo el panel de preferencias del sistema Ahorro de Energa, y
escogiendo la opcin Mayor Rendimiento .
Necesitars cerrar la sesin en OSX para que los cambios surtan efecto."
"Your MacBook Pro has two Graphics cards
and is currently configured for power efficiency, not speed.
For the best experience, we suggest you switch to the card with better performan
ce, by opening the
Energy Saver system preferences pane, and choosing Higher Performance graphics
You ll need to log out of OSX for the change to take effect."
"SteamUI_MBPEnegySaverLinkText" "Haz clic aqu para abrir el panel del Economizado
r de Energa."
"Click here to open the Energy S
aver preference pane."
"SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Title" "Se necesita CD / DVD"
"CD / DVD required"
"SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Info" "Introduce el CD o DVD de la %suscripcin%
en la unidad."
"[english]SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Info" "Please insert your %subscriptio
n% CD or DVD into your drive."
"Steam - Pendiente de tramitacin"
"Steam - Purchase pending"
"Todava se est tramitando tu pedido. Steam
te avisar cuando se haya llevado a cabo la transaccin.\nHasta entonces, no se pue
de utilizar este juego."
"Your purchase is still being pr
ocessed - Steam will notify you when the transaction has been completed.\nUntil
then, this game is not available to play."
"Steam slo est disponible en el modo desco
"Steam available in Offline Mode
"La red de Steam slo permite su utilizacin en el m
odo desconectado. Por tanto, podrs jugar partidas, pero muchos de los servicios e
n red de Steam no estarn disponibles."
"[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation" "The Steam network currently allows Stea
m to be used in Offline Mode only. This means you ll have access to your games,
but many Steam network services will be unavailable."
"SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation2" "El equipo de Steam trabaja para restablecer los
servicios de red lo antes posible. Te agradecemos la paciencia que demuestras d
urante estos instantes."
"[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation2" "The Steam team is working on restoring
full network services as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience during th
is time."
"SteamUI_FSMode_StartInOffline" "Iniciar Steam en modo desconectado"
"Start Steam in Offline Mode"
"SteamUI_FSMode_Title" "Iniciar en modo desconectado?"
"[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Title" "Start in Offline Mode?"
"La direccin de envo es la
misma que la de facturacin."
"My shipping add
ress is the same as my billing address."

"[english]Steam_ShippingName" "Name"
"Steam_SubscribeShippingInfo" "Introduce tu direccin de envo actual."
"[english]Steam_SubscribeShippingInfo" "Please provide your current shipping ad
"Conectarse con un nombre de usuario distinto..."
"Login as a different user..."
"Steam_NoSavePersonalInfoCheck" "No guardar credenciales de la cuenta en este eq
"Don t save account credentials
on this computer"
"Esta opcin se recomienda para eq
uipos pblicos.\nTen en cuenta que se desactivar el Modo desconectado ."
"This option is recommen
ded for public computers.\nNote that this will disable Offline Mode."
"Introduce un cdigo postal vlido."
"Please enter a valid 5-digit zi
p code"
"Introduce un cdigo de estado vlido."
"Please enter a valid 2-letter s
"Velocidad aproximada de tu conexin"
"Approximate speed of your conne
"Servidor dedicado - Error del sistema d
e archivos"
"Dedicated Server - Filesystem E
"Error al montar el sistema de archivos de Steam
"[english]Start_Server_FSMount_Error" "Failed to mount Steam filesystem."
"Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=regular" "Se ha completad
o correctamente tu suscripcin a %subscription%.\n\nPuedes jugar a cualquiera de l
os juegos que ya estn disponibles con slo hacer clic en ellos en tu biblioteca de
juegos de Steam. Recibirs tambin una confirmacin por email tan pronto se hayan envi
ado los artculos de tu pedido. Gracias por tu pedido!"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=regular" "Your su
bscription to %subscription% has been completed successfully.\n\nYou can play an
y of the currently released games by clicking on them in your Steam Games Librar
y. Also, you ll receive an email confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion
of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!"
"Tu regalo de %s
ubscription% se ha enviado a %giftee%. Recibirs una confirmacin por email tan pron
to se hayan enviado los artculos de tu pedido. Gracias por el pedido!"
"Your gi
ft of %subscription% has been sent to %giftee%. You ll receive an email confirma
tion as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for
your order!"
"Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=unknown" "La compra de %s
ubscription% se ha completado con xito. Recibirs una confirmacin por email tan pron
to se hayan enviado los artculos de tu pedido. Gracias por el pedido!"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=unknown" "Your pu
rchase of %subscription% has been completed. You ll receive an email confirmatio
n as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for yo
ur order!"
"Gracias, tu transaccin s
e ha completado."
"Thank you - You
r transaction is complete."
"Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay_Headline" "Suscripcin pendiente"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay_Headline" "Subscription pe

"No se completado la suscripcin a
%subscription% porque los servidores de Steam no pueden procesar la transaccin e
n este momento.\n\nNo podrs jugar a %subscription% mientras no se complete el pro
ceso de suscripcin. Te pedimos disculpas por este inconveniente. El equipo de Ste
am est trabajando para corregir el problema y te avisar tan pronto se haya complet
ado la transaccin."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay" "Your subscription to %s
ubscription% has not been completed, because Steam servers are currently unable
to process the transaction.\n\nYou won t be able to play %subscription% until th
e subscription process is complete. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may
cause. The Steam team is working to rectify this situation, and will notify you
as soon as the transaction is complete."
"Hay una compra en curso, por lo que en
estos momentos no puedes iniciar otra. Completa o cancela la compra en curso."
"There is already a purchase in
progress, so you can t initiate another one right now. Please either complete or
cancel the purchase already in progress."
"Instala %subscription% antes de
"Please install %subscri
ption% before continuing."
"SteamUI_PleaseInstallRetailFiles_Info" "Es necesario instalar %subscription% an
tes de continuar.\nIntroduce el CD o DVD de %suscripcin% en la unidad y seleccion
a instalar en el men de instalacin automtica."
"Installation of %subscr
iption% is required before continuing.\nPlease insert your %subscription% CD/DVD
into the drive and select install from the autorun menu."
"Nmero de telfono"
"Phone number"
" *"
"[english]Steam_GamePurchaseableWhenReleased" " *"
"Steam_ShippingGoods" "Artculos de Half-Life 2"
"[english]Steam_ShippingGoods" "Half-Life 2 Merchandise"
"Gastos de envo"
"Shipping & Handling"
"Los artculos se envan desde Estados Unidos. Los gastos en
concepto de impuestos corrern de tu cuenta."
"Merchandise will be shipped from the United Sta
tes. You are responsible for any applicable duty charges."
"Steam_AgreeToTheTerms" "Acepto las condiciones del"
"I agree to the terms of the"
"Acuerdo de Suscriptor a Steam"
"Steam Subscriber Agreement"
"Steam - Advertencia"
"Steam - Warning"
"Steam_ComplianceRequired_Info" "Para continuar, es necesario que se acepten las
condiciones del Acuerdo de Suscriptor a Steam."
"Agreement to the terms of the S
team subscriber agreement is required to continue."
"Steam_Legal_UnreleasedProduct" "* El producto no se ha puesto a la venta; se po
ndr a disposicin de los compradores en la fecha de lanzamiento. La fecha de lanza
miento del producto no se ha determinado todava y, por tanto, los compradores no
deben dar por sentado que las fechas aproximadas del lanzamiento sean correctas.
"* This is an unreleased product
and will be made available to purchasers upon its release. The release date fo
r this product is uncertain and purchasers should not rely on any estimated rele
ase date."
"Steam_Legal_TimeToShipGoods" "** Los artculos del paquete Half-Life 2 Gold se

entregarn en un plazo de 6 a 8 semanas."

"[english]Steam_Legal_TimeToShipGoods" "** Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of mer
chandise included in the Half-Life 2 gold package."
"Acepto que el Acuerdo de Suscriptor a Steam y l
as condiciones de adquisicin de la oferta aqu descritas se apliquen a esta compra.
"I agree that the Steam Subscriber Agree
ment and the terms of the offer described here will apply to this purchase."
"Steam_Legal_SSANext" "Acepto"
"[english]Steam_Legal_SSANext" "I Agree"
"Registro de oferta especial"
"Register Promotional Offer"
"Enhorabuena. Tu equipo cumple los requisitos de
esta oferta. Puedes canjear la oferta registrndola en una cuenta de Steam, pero
recuerda, slo en una. Podrs acceder a los juegos incluidos en esta oferta desde cu
alquier ordenador, siempre que te conectes a sta cuenta de Steam."
"Congratulations! Your computer qualifie
s for this offer. You may redeem the offer by registering it to one, and only on
e, Steam account. You ll be able to play the games contained in the offer from a
ny computer, as long as you login to this Steam account."
"Steam_Legal_HardwarePromo_Unreleased" "Algunos de los productos incluidos en e
ste paquete no se han puesto a la venta, por lo que an no estn disponibles. En la
fecha del lanzamiento de estos productos, se pondrn automticamente a tu disposicin
por medio de Steam. La fecha de lanzamiento de estos productos no se ha determin
ado todava y, por tanto, los compradores no deben dar por sentado que las fechas
aproximadas del lanzamiento sean correctas. Podrs consultar el resto de trminos y
condiciones haciendo clic en Siguiente ."
"[english]Steam_Legal_HardwarePromo_Unreleased" "Some of the products in this pa
ckage have not yet been released and are not currently available. These products
will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon their release. The r
elease date for these products is uncertain and purchasers should not rely on an
y estimated release date. Additional terms and conditions will be shown by click
ing Next ."
"Steam_Working_HardwarePromo" "Registrando oferta..."
"[english]Steam_Working_HardwarePromo" "Registering offer..."
"SteamUI_OEMTicketWizard_Title" "Registrar licencia OEM"
"Register OEM License"
"Realizar copia de seguridad del
"Backup Game Files..."
"Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Title" "Steam - Copia de seguridad"
"[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Title" "Steam - Backup"
"No se puede realizar una copia de segur
idad de %game% si no ha finalizado la actualizacin."
"[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Info" "%game% cannot be backed up unti
l it has finished updating."
"Steam_BackupSelectGames_Info" "Selecciona los programas que deseas incluir en
esta copia de seguridad.\nSolo es posible realizar una copia de seguridad de los
programas que se hayan descargado completamente y que estn actualizados."
"[english]Steam_BackupSelectGames_Info" "Select the programs you wish to include
in this backup.\nOnly programs which are fully downloaded and up-to-date are av
ailable to be backed up."
"Steam_BackupStartText" "Qu quieres hacer?"
"What would you like to do?"
"Restaurar una copia de seguridad anterior"
"Restore a previous backup"
"Hacer una copia de seguridad de los programas i
"Backup currently installed programs"
"Copia de seguridad y restauracin de programas"

"Backup and Restore Programs"
"Steam_BackingUpFile" "Realizando copia de seguridad de %file%"
"[english]Steam_BackingUpFile" "Backing up %file%"
"Tiempo restante:"
"Time remaining:"
"Busca el directorio que contiene los ar
chivos de copia de seguridad a partir de los cuales quieres realizar la restaura
cin. Si has guardado la copia de seguridad en la ubicacin predeterminada de Steam,
encontrars una carpeta dentro del directorio denominada Backups. "
"Locate the directory containing
the backup files from which you wish to restore. If you ve saved your backup to
Steam s default location, this will be a folder inside the directory called Ba
ckups. "
"Restaurar programa desde la carpeta:"
"Restore program from folder:"
"Copias de seg. encontradas:"
"Program backups found:"
"Buscar archivos de copia de seguridad"
"[english]Steam_SelectRestoreDirectory_Title" "Locate your Backup Files"
"Selecciona el directorio en el que dese
es crear los archivos de copia de seguridad."
"Choose a directory where you wi
sh to create the backup files."
"Steam_BackupDirectory" "Destino de la copia de seguridad"
"Backup destination"
"Steam_ChangeDirectory" "Buscar..."
"Espera mientras se comprimen y se guardan los a
rchivos de copia de seguridad..."
"Please wait while the backup archives a
re being compressed and saved..."
"Steam - Copia de seguridad"
"Steam - Backup"
"No es posible realizar copias de seguri
dad en directorios del sistema."
"Cannot backup files to system d
"Steam_CannotBackupNoEnoughDiskSpace" "Esta unidad no cuenta con suficiente es
pacio en disco."
"[english]Steam_CannotBackupNoEnoughDiskSpace" "Not enough disk space free on t
his drive."
"Steam_BackupNameAndSize_Info" "Si fuera necesario, el archivo de copia de segu
ridad se dividir en varios archivos para que su almacenamiento en discos CD-R o D
VD-R resulte ms sencillo."
"[english]Steam_BackupNameAndSize_Info" "If necessary, your backup will be split
into multiple files for easy storage on CD-R or DVD-R."
"Steam_BackupFileSize" "Tamao de archivo"
"[english]Steam_BackupFileSize" "File size"
"Steam_BackupSize_CD" "CD [640MB]"
"[english]Steam_BackupSize_CD" "CD [640 MB]"
"Steam_BackupSize_DVD" "DVD [4,7GB]"
"[english]Steam_BackupSize_DVD" "DVD [4.7 GB]"
"Steam_BackupFileName" "Nombre de archivo de la copia de seguridad"
"[english]Steam_BackupFileName" "Backup file name"
"Seleccionar carpeta de copia de segurid

"Select backup folder"
"Nmero aproximado de archivos\ncomprimidos que se
"Approximate number of compressed\nfiles
which will be written:"
"Steam_BackupWizard_OpenFolder" "Abrir Carpeta de Copia de Seguridad"
"Open Backup Folder"
"La Copia de Seguridad ha finalizado. Si tienes
una unidad de CD-R o DVD-R, puedes utilizarla para guardar los archivos de Copia
de Seguridad.\n\nUsa el Asistente de Copia de Seguridad y Restauracin de Steam p
ara restaurar los juegos de los que has creado una copia."
"Backup is now complete. If you have a C
D-R or DVD-R drive, you can use it to save your backup file(s).\n\nUse Steam s B
ackup and Restore wizard to restore your backed-up games."
"Descargar e instalar"
"Download and Install"
"Steam - Herramientas"
"Steam - Tools"
"Steam_CreditCardAmexInvalid" "El nmero de seguridad de la tarjeta de crdito deb
e tener 4 dgitos."
"[english]Steam_CreditCardAmexInvalid" "Credit card security number must be 4 n
umbers long."
"Steam_CreditCardDinersInvalid" "[temp]"
"Descifrando %s1 archivos de juego."
"Decrypting %s1 game files."
"Descifrando %s1 archivos de juego.."
"Decrypting %s1 game files.."
"Descifrando %s1 archivos de juego..."
"Decrypting %s1 game files..."
"Steam_ConnectionIssues_Title" "Steam - Advertencia"
"[english]Steam_ConnectionIssues_Title" "Steam - Warning"
"Steam_ConnectionIssues_Info" "Steam tiene problemas para conectarse a los ser
vidores de Steam."
"[english]Steam_ConnectionIssues_Info" "Steam is having trouble connecting to t
he Steam servers."
"Consejos para la solucin de problemas"
"Troubleshooting tips"
"Steam_RetryConnection" "Volver a intentarlo"
"Retry connection"
"Steam_GamePropertiesContent_Scanning" "Escaneando..."
"[english]Steam_GamePropertiesContent_Scanning" "Scanning..."
"Steam_Install_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Crear acceso directo a %game% en el esc
"[english]Steam_Install_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut to %gam
"Steam_Install_CreateMultipleDesktopShortcut" "Crear acceso directo a cada jue
go en el escritorio"
"[english]Steam_Install_CreateMultipleDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut
for each game"
"Aadir al Explorador de juegos"
"Add to Games Explorer"
"Steam_Install_ViewGameManual" "Ver el manual de %game_manual%"
"[english]Steam_Install_ViewGameManual" "View %game_manual% manual"
"Ver detalles de la cuenta"
"[english]Steam_Account_Link" "View Account Details"
"Cuenta de Steam"
"[english]Steam_SteamAccount" "Steam account"

"[english]Steam_Cost" "Cost"
"Impuestos estimados"
"[english]Steam_EstimatedTax" "Estimated tax"
"Los artculos se envan desde Estados Unidos. Los g
astos en concepto de impuestos corrern de tu cuenta."
"Merchandise will be shipped from the Un
ited States. You are responsible for any applicable duty charges."
"Steam_CardHolderName" "Titular de tarjeta"
"[english]Steam_CardHolderName" "Card holder name"
"Tipo de tarjeta"
"Card type"
"Nmero de tarjeta"
"Card number"
"Steam_CardExpiration" "Caducidad de la tarjeta"
"[english]Steam_CardExpiration" "Card expiration"
"Steam_BillingAddress" "Direccin de facturacin"
"[english]Steam_BillingAddress" "Billing address"
"Direccin de facturacin (segunda lnea)"
"Billing address line 2"
"Steam_BillingPostCode" "Cdigo postal"
"Postal code"
"Estado o provincia"
"[english]Steam_BillingState" "State"
"Steam_BillingCountry" "Pas"
"[english]Steam_BillingCountry" "Country"
"Steam_ShippingAddress" "Direccin de envo"
"Shipping address"
"Direccin de envo (segunda lnea)"
"[english]Steam_ShippingAddressLine2" "Shipping address line 2"
"[english]Steam_ShippingCity" "City"
"Cdigo postal"
"Postal code"
"Steam_ShippingState" "Estado o provincia"
"[english]Steam_ShippingState" "State"
"Steam_ShippingCountry" "Pas"
"Steam_ShippingPhone" "Nmero de telfono"
"[english]Steam_ShippingPhone" "Phone number"
"Es necesario disponer de los datos de conexin vli
dos de Steam"
"Valid Steam Login Required"
"Steam no reconoce los datos de conexin como vlido
s.\n\nConctate para continuar utilizando Steam."
"Steam cannot detect a valid login.\n\nP
lease log in to continue using Steam."
"[english]Steam_LoginElipsis" "Login..."
"Steam_ConnectionFailureTitle" "Error de conexin"
"[english]Steam_ConnectionFailureTitle" "Connection Failure"
"Steam_ConnectionFailureDetail" "Steam no puede conectarse a la red. Puede deber
se a un problema con la conexin de Internet."
"Steam cannot connect to the net

work. This may be due to a problem with your Internet connection."

"Steam_ConnectionSupportLink" "Solucionar error de conexin"
"[english]Steam_ConnectionSupportLink" "Troubleshoot my connection"
"[english]Steam_ConnectionSupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin
"Consejos para la solucin de problemas de
"[english]SteamUI_NetworkTroubleshootingTips" "Network troubleshooting tips"
"Aviso de rendimiento"
"Performance Warning"
"SteamUI_PerfWarning" "Tu sistema no cumple uno o ms de los requisitos del sist
ema relacionados con la CPU, la memoria o la tarjeta de vdeo recomendados para ju
gar a %game%."
"[english]SteamUI_PerfWarning" "Your system does not meet one or more of %game%
s system recommendations for CPU, Memory or Video Card."
"SteamUI_PerfWarningLostCoast" "Lost Coast es una actualizacin gratuita para los
propietarios de Half-Life 2 que se ha creado para presentar los ltimos avances e
n grficos en tiempo real, incluida la iluminacin de alto rango dinmico (HDR). Por e
llo, los requisitos del sistema son ms exigentes de lo normal."
"[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningLostCoast" "Lost Coast is a free update for owners
of Half-Life 2 which has been built to showcase the latest in real-time graphics
, including HighDynamic Range lighting. As such, it has unusually high system re
"SteamUI_PerfWarningYourSystem" "TU SISTEMA:"
"SteamUI_PerfWarningBuyStuff" "A continuacin, aparece un vnculo para obtener inf
ormacin sobre tarjetas de vdeo de alto rendimiento. Para el resto de elementos, co
nsulta con tu establecimiento de informtica habitual."
"[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningBuyStuff" "A link to high-performance video cards
is below. For the other items, please consult your favorite computer store."
"Haz clic aqu si deseas adquirir una tarjeta de vd
eo compatible con HDR en Amazon.com."
"Click here to shop for an HDR-capable v
ideo card at Amazon.com"
"Instalar %game%"
"Install %game%"
"Steam_RunGameAnyway" "Iniciar %game%"
"[english]Steam_RunGameAnyway" "Launch %game%"
"Steam_PurchaseAnyway" "Comprar %game%"
"[english]Steam_PurchaseAnyway" "Purchase %game%"
"Ver el vdeo de Lost Coast"
"Watch the Lost Coast video"
"No se cumplen los requisitos del sistema"
"System Requirements failed"
"Necesitas %os% o una versin posterior para iniciar el ju
"You must be running %os% or later to run this g
"Seguir de todos modos"
"Continue Anyway"
"SteamUI_OSWarningOkay" "Aceptar"
"Por favor, lee este acuerdo en su totalidad. Debes acep
tar las condiciones del Acuerdo de Suscriptor a Steam para continuar."
"Please read this agreement in its entirety. You
must agree with the terms of the Steam Subscriber Agreement to continue."

"Dispongo de la licencia correspondiente de oper
ador de cibercaf y acepto los trminos especificados"
"[english]SteamUI_SSA_CybercafeAgree" "I am a Licensed Cybercafe Operator and
agree to these terms"
"SteamUI_SSA_ActivateProduct" "Para registrar el producto en Steam, introduce
el cdigo que encontrars en el CD o DVD u otra clave de producto de Steam aqu. Haz c
lic en Siguiente para continuar."
"[english]SteamUI_SSA_ActivateProduct" "To register your product with Steam, en
ter the product code distributed with a retail CD/DVD or other Steam product key
here. Click Next to continue."
"[english]Steam_StatusColumn" "Status"
"[english]Steam_UpdateColumn" "Update"
"Steam_DeveloperColumn" "Desarrollador"
"Steam Cloud"
"Steam Cloud"
"Mis juegos"
"My games"
"Steam_Store_TabTitle" "Tienda"
"[english]Steam_Store_TabTitle" "Store"
"Steam_Tools_TabTitle" "Herramientas"
"[english]Steam_Tools_TabTitle" "Tools"
"[english]Steam_Account_Name" "%account%"
"[english]Steam_News" "News"
"Steam_Friends" "Amigos"
"Steam_Servers" "Servidores"
"Steam_Support" "Soporte"
"Steam_Friends_Upper" "AMIGOS"
"[english]Steam_Friends_Upper" "FRIENDS"
"Steam_Servers_Upper" "SERVIDORES"
"[english]Steam_Servers_Upper" "SERVERS"
"Steam_Settings_Upper" "PARMETROS"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Upper" "SETTINGS"
"Steam_Support_Upper" "SOPORTE"
"[english]Steam_Support_Upper" "SUPPORT"
"Steam_Launch" "Jugar"
"[english]Steam_Launch" "Play"

"Steam_Install" "Instalar"
"Steam_Preload" "Precargar"
"Steam_Details" "Detalles"
"steam_menu_view_games" "Ver biblioteca de juegos"
"View Games Library"
"[english]steam_menu_account" "Steam"
"Detalles de juegos"
"Games Details"
"steam_menu_games_list" "Lista de juegos"
"Games List"
"steam_menu_games_grid" "Cuadrcula de juegos"
"Games Grid"
"steam_store" "Tienda"
"[english]steam_store" "Store"
"steam_mygames" "Juegos"
"steam_tools" "Herramientas"
"[english]steam_tools" "Tools"
"steam_about" "Acerca de Steam"
"[english]steam_about" "About Steam"
"Cambiar a Minilista de Juegos"
"Switch to Mini Games List"
"Cambiar a Vista Completa"
"Switch to Full View"
"Hacer copia de seguridad y restaurar juegos..."
"Backup and Restore Games..."
"steam_menu_changeuser" "Cambiar usuario..."
"Change User..."
"Soporte de Steam"
"[english]steam_menu_support" "Steam Support"
"steam_menu_community" "Comunidad"
"[english]steam_menu_community" "Community"
"Steam_NotYetReleased" "Todava no se estren"
"[english]Steam_NotYetReleased" "Not yet released"
"No instalado"
"[english]Steam_NotInstalled" "Not installed"
"No disponible"
"[english]Steam_NotAvailable" "Not available"
"Actualizacin en pausa"
"[english]Steam_UpdatePaused" "Update paused"
"Steam_PreloadPaused" "Precarga en pausa"
"[english]Steam_PreloadPaused" "Pre-load paused"
"Steam_PreloadStarting" "Precarga en cola..."
"Pre-load queued"

"Steam_PreloadStopping" "Deteniendo precarga..."

"Pre-load stopping..."
"Listo para jugar"
"Ready to play"
"Precarga completa; todava no se estren"
"Pre-load complete; unreleased"
"Precarga completa; todava no se estren"
"Pre-load complete; unreleased"
"Precarga completa"
"Pre-load complete"
"Mod listo para jugar"
"Mod ready to play"
"Steam_GamePreloading" "Precargando"
"[english]Steam_GamePreloading" "Pre-loading"
"[english]Steam_GameUpdating" "Updating"
"Steam_GameDownloading" "Descargando"
"En cola"
"[english]Steam_GameDownloadStarting" "Queued"
"Deteniendo descarga..."
"[english]Steam_GameDownloadStopping" "Download stopping..."
"steam_gamecalculating" "Calculando..."
"steam_gamepreloaded" "Precarga completa"
"[english]steam_gamepreloaded" "Pre-load complete"
"Conflicto de sincronizacin"
"Sync conflict"
"Steam - Copia de seguri
"Steam - Backup"
"Steam_BackupRequiresFullyDownloadedGames_Info" "Actualmente no tienes ningn jueg
o listo para realizar una copia de seguridad."
"You don t curre
ntly have any games ready to backup."
"Steam_WebBrowser_Back" "< Atrs"
"< Back"
"Steam_WebBrowser_Home" "^ Inicio"
"^ Home"
"~ Recargar"
"~ Reload"
"Tamao del texto"
"Text size"
"[english]Steam_MiniGamesColumn_NotInstalled" "NOT INSTALLED"
"Steam_minigamescolumn_tools" "HERRAMIENTAS"
"[english]Steam_minigamescolumn_tools" "TOOLS"
"(Actualizacin en pausa)"
"(update paused)"
"Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStarting" "iniciando descarga..."
"[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStarting" "download starting..."
"Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStopping" "deteniendo descarga..."
"[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStopping" "download stopping..."
"(Precarga en pausa)"

"(pre-load paused)"
"Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadStarting" "Iniciando precarga..."
"[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadStarting" "pre-load starting..."
"(No a la venta)"
"Steam_MiniGamesList_Preloaded" "(Precargado)"
"Pausar actualizacin"
"Pause Updating"
"Continuar actualizacin"
"Resume Updating"
"Steam_RightClick_DeleteLocalContent" "Eliminar contenido local..."
"[english]Steam_RightClick_DeleteLocalContent" "Delete Local Content..."
"Detener precarga"
"Pause Pre-loading"
"Continuar precarga"
"Resume Pre-loading"
"Ver informacin de precarga..."
"View Pre-load Info..."
"Acerca de Steam"
"About Steam"
"Cliente de Steam"
"Steam client application"
"Compilado: %build_date% a las %build_time%"
"Built: %build_date%, at %build_time%"
"API de Steam: v%build_interface%"
"Steam API: v%build_interface%"
"Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Acuerdo de Suscriptor a Steam"
"[english]Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Steam Subscriber Agreement"
"Steam - Crear cuenta de ciberca
"Steam - Create Cybercaf
e Account"
"Opciones de lanzamiento - %game%"
"Launch Options - %game%"
"%game% - Propiedades"
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_Title" "%game% - Properties"
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_Close" "Close"
"Archivos locales"
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_LocalFilesTab" "Local files"
"Steam_GameProperties_DLCTab" "DLC"
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_DLCTab" "DLC"
"Steam_Game_Homepage" "Pgina principal"
"[english]Steam_Game_Homepage" "Homepage"
"Steam_Game_Developer" "Desarrollador"
"[english]Steam_Game_Developer" "Developer"
"Steam_Game_NoManual" "[No disponible]"
"[english]Steam_Game_NoManual" "[ none available ]"
"Manual de %game%"

"%game% manual"
"Steam_Game_SetLaunchOptions" "Establecer opciones de lanzamiento..."
"[english]Steam_Game_SetLaunchOptions" "Set launch options..."
"Crear acceso directo en escritorio"
"Create desktop shortcut"
"Steam_Game_DLC_Title" "Tienes disponible el siguiente contenido descargable pa
ra %game%.\n\nTodo el contenido descargable se instala o desinstala automticament
e junto con el producto y puedes acceder a l inicindolo."
"[english]Steam_Game_DLC_Title" "You have the following downloadable content for
%game%.\n\nAll downloadable content is automatically installed and uninstalled
along with this product, and can be accessed by launching it."
"Ver el contenido descargable disponible para es
te producto"
"View available downloadable content for
this product"
"Mtodo de adquisicin"
"Acquisition Method"
"Actualmente no dispones de contenido descargabl
e para este producto."
"You currently have no downloadable cont
ent for this product."
"Fin de semana gratis"
"Free Weekend"
"Clave de producto"
"Promocin de hardware"
"Hardware Promo"
"Steam_Game_SteamStore" "Tienda de Steam"
"Steam Store"
"Pgina de la tienda"
"Store Page"
"Actualizaciones automticas"
"Automatic updates"
"Ver historial de actualizaciones de %game%"
"View %game% update history"
"Steam_Game_DiskUsage" "Uso del disco"
"[english]Steam_Game_DiskUsage" "Disk usage"
"Ver historial de actualizaciones de %game%"
"View %game% update history"
"Poltica de privacidad"
"Privacy Policy"
"steam_menu_LegalInformation" "Informacin legal"
"[english]steam_menu_LegalInformation" "Legal Information"
"steam_menu_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Acuerdo de Suscriptor a Steam"
"[english]steam_menu_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Steam Subscriber Agreement"
"steam_menu_bandwidthmonitor" "Monitor de ancho de banda"
"[english]steam_menu_bandwidthmonitor" "Bandwidth monitor"
"Steam_BandwidthMonitor_Title" "Steam - Monitor de ancho de banda"
"[english]Steam_BandwidthMonitor_Title" "Steam - Bandwidth monitor"
"steam_monitor_usage" "Velocidad de descarga actual"
"[english]steam_monitor_usage" "Current download rate"
"Pico de velocidad de descarga"
"Peak download rate"
"steam_monitor_totaldownloaded" "N. total de bytes descargados en esta sesin"
"Total bytes downloaded this ses

"No se h
a completado la suscripcin a %subscription%. La compaa de crdito ha rechazado tu tar
jeta por no contar con suficientes fondos en la cuenta.\n\nTen en cuenta que, en
algunos casos, la compaa de crdito puede bloquear fondos en tu cuenta, pero esto n
o significa que recibirs cargo alguno."
"Your subscription to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card in
formation has been declined by your credit card company due to insufficient fund
s in the account.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a
hold on funds in your account, but you will not be charged."
"No se ha comple
tado la suscripcin a %subscription%. La compaa de crdito ha rechazado tu tarjeta por
no ser correcta la direccin introducida.\n\nTen en cuenta que, en algunos casos,
la compaa de crdito puede bloquear fondos en tu cuenta, pero esto no significa que
recibirs cargo alguno. Tras revisar la informacin que aparece a continuacin, si cr
ees que ha habido algn error, intenta realizar la compra de nuevo."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_AVSFailure" "Your su
bscription to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card informatio
n has been declined by your credit card company due to an incorrect address bein
g entered.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a hold
on funds in your account, but you will not be charged. After reviewing the info
rmation below, if you believe your card has been declined in error please try yo
ur purchase again."
"ServerBrowser_ModNotInstalled" "No tienes instalado el modo de partida de terce
"You do not have this 3rd party
mod installed"
"No ha sido posible conectarse al servidor:\n la
identificacin de la aplicacin especificada por el servidor no es vlida"
"Unable to connect to server,\n app id s
pecified by server is invalid"
"ServerBrowser_NotInitialized" "No se ha iniciado Steam. Intntalo de nuevo"
"[english]ServerBrowser_NotInitialized" "Steam is not initialized. Please try ag
"El Acuerdo de Suscriptor a Steam se ha actualiz
ado el %SSA_date%. El uso de Steam y de los juegos de Steam implica que has ledo
estos cambios y los aceptas."
"The Steam Subscriber Agreement has been
updated as of %SSA_date%. By using Steam and Steam games you are stating that y
ou have read and agree with these changes."
"Steam_SSAUpdated_Link" "Haz clic aqu para ver el acuerdo de suscriptor actualiza
"Click here to view the updated agreemen
"Steam_Settings_Title" "Parmetros"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Title" "Settings"
"Steam_ProducerColumn" "Fabricante"
"[english]Steam_ProducerColumn" "Producer"
"Steam_MediaTypeColumn" "Tipo"
"Mis archivos multimedia"
"My media"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGame" "juego"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGame" "game"

"SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCapsPlural" "Juegos"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCapsPlural" "Games"
"SteamUI_AppTypeTool" "herramienta"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeTool" "tool"
"SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCapsPlural" "Herramientas"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCapsPlural" "Tools"
"archivos multimedia"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCaps" "Archivos multimedia"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCaps" "Media"
"archivos multimedia"
"Archivos multimedia"
"Eliminar archivo multimedia?"
"Delete media file?"
"Se eliminar todo el contenido %s
1\nde este ordenador.\n\nPara reproducir este archivo multimedia posteriormente,
tendrs que\ndescargar su contenido."
"This will delete all %s
1 content\nfrom this computer.\n\nTo play this media in the future you ll have t
o first\nre-download its content."
"Steam_DeleteMediaCache_Button" "Eliminar"
"Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=game" "Mantener este juego actualizado
"Always keep thi
s game up to date"
"Mantener este archivo m
ultimedia actualizado"
"Always keep thi
s media up to date"
"Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=tool" "Mantener esta herramienta actua
"Always keep thi
s tool up to date"
"Actualizar slo este juego al ini
"Only update this game w
hen I launch it"
"Actualizar slo este archivo mult
imedia al iniciarlo"
"Only update this media
when I launch it"
"Actualizar slo esta herramienta
al iniciarla"
"Only update this tool w
hen I launch it"
"Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=game" "Este juego y sus actual
izaciones se adquirirn automticamente en cuanto estn disponibles."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=game" "This game and i
ts updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available."
"Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=media" "Este archivo multimedia
y sus actualizaciones se adquirirn automticamente en cuanto estn disponibles."

"This me
dia and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available
"Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=tool" "Esta herramienta y sus
actualizaciones se adquirirn automticamente en cuanto estn disponibles."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=tool" "This tool and i
ts updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available."
"El contenido actualizad
o slo se adquirir al iniciar este juego."
"Updated content
will be acquired only when launching this game."
"El contenido actualizad
o slo se adquirir al iniciar este archivo multimedia."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=media" "Updated content
will be acquired only when launching this media."
"El contenido actualizad
o slo se adquirir al iniciar esta herramienta."
"Updated content
will be acquired only when launching this tool."
"Verificar integridad de cach del
"Verify integrity of gam
e cache..."
"Verificar integridad de cach"
"Verify integrity of med
ia cache..."
"Verificar integridad de cach"
"Verify integrity of too
l cache..."
"Eliminar contenido local del ju
"Delete local game conte
"Eliminar contenido local..."
"[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=media" "Delete local media cont
"Eliminar contenido local..."
"Delete local tool conte
"Realizar copia de seguridad..."
"[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=game" "Backup game files..."
"Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=media" "Realizar copia de seguridad"
"[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=media" "Backup media files..."
"Realizar copia de seguridad"
"[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=tool" "Backup tool files..."
"Todos los archivos de e
ste juego se descargarn mediante Steam."
"All files for t
his game will now be downloaded through Steam."
"Todos los archivos de e
ste archivo multimedia se descargarn mediante Steam."
"All files for t
his media will now be downloaded through Steam."
"Todos los archivos de e
sta herramienta se descargarn mediante Steam."
"All files for t
his tool will now be downloaded through Steam."
"Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=game" "Creando archivos locales de cac
h del juego..."
"[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=game" "Creating local game cac

he files..."
"Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=media" "Creando archivos locales de cac
h multimedia..."
"Creating local
media cache files..."
"Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=tool" "Creando archivos locales de cac
h de la herramienta..."
"[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=tool" "Creating local tool cac
he files..."
"Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmListMedia" "Ahora puedes acceder a tus archivos mul
timedia en tu \nbiblioteca de juegos de Steam."
"Your selected media fil
es are now available in your Steam \ngames library."
"Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=game" "Preparando lista de juegos de Steam%pro
"Preparing list of Steam
"Preparando lista de medios de S
"Preparing list of Steam
"Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=tool" "Preparando lista de herramientas de Ste
"Preparing list of Steam
"Preparando lista de licencias d
e Steam%progress%"
"Preparing list of Steam
"Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=game" "Buscando actualizaciones de juegos de S
"Scanning for Steam game
s updates%progress%"
"Buscando actualizaciones de med
ios de Steam%progress%"
"Scanning for Steam medi
a updates%progress%"
"Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=tool" "Buscando actualizaciones de herramienta
s de Steam%progress%"
"Scanning for Steam tool
s updates%progress%"
"Buscando actualizaciones de lic
encias de Steam%progress%"
"Scanning for Steam lice
nses updates%progress%"
"No hay juegos de Steam que most
"No Steam games to displ
"No hay archivos multimedia de S
team que mostrar."
"No Steam media to displ
"No hay herramientas de Steam qu
e mostrar."
"No Steam tools to displ
"Espera mientras Steam c
omprueba los archivos del juego."
"Please wait whi

le Steam verifies game files."

"Espera mientras Steam c
omprueba los archivos del archivo multimedia."
"Please wait whi
le Steam verifies media files."
"Espera mientras Steam c
omprueba los archivos de la herramienta."
"Please wait whi
le Steam verifies tool files."
"Todos los archivos se han validado corr
"[english]Steam_ValidationResults_NoFailures" "All files successfully validate
"No se han podido validar %num% archivos
y se volvern a descargar."
"%num% files failed to validate
and will be reacquired."
"steam_mymedia" "Multimedia"
"Steam_minigamescolumn_media" "MULTIMEDIA"
"[english]Steam_minigamescolumn_media" "MEDIA"
"Realizar copia de seguridad"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupMedia" "Backup media files..."
"No se puede iniciar %game% porque el si
stema operativo %osversion% no es compatible."
"[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToOSVersion" "Can t launch %game% because ope
rating system %osversion% is not supported."
"SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerVersion" "No se puede iniciar %game% porq
ue la versin de Windows Media Player es [%detectedVersion%] y, en cambio, se nece
sita la versin [%requiredVersion%] para reproducir los archivos multimedia.\nInst
ala la versin ms reciente de Windows Media Player en:"
"[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerVersion" "Can t launch %game% bec
ause Windows Media Player is version [%detectedVersion%], but version [%required
Version%] is required to play the media.\nPlease install the latest version of W
indows Media Player from:"
"No se puede iniciar %ga
me% porque Windows Media Player no est instalado.\nInstala la versin ms reciente de
Windows Media Player en:"
"Can t launch %g
ame% because Windows Media Player is not installed.\nPlease install the latest v
ersion of Windows Media Player from:"
"SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURL" "http://www.microsoft.com/windows/window
"[english]SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURL" "http://www.microsoft.com/window
"SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalledOSX" "No se puede iniciar %ga
me% porque no est instalado Windows Media Components for QuickTime.\nInstala la v
ersin ms reciente de Windows Media Components for QuickTime desde:"
"[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalledOSX" "Can t launch %g
ame% because Windows Media Components for QuickTime are not installed.\nPlease i
nstall the latest version of Windows Media Components for QuickTime from:"
"Se ha producido un error desconocido al
iniciar el archivo multimedia."
"Unknown error launching media."
"Steam_HiDefPack_Title" "Paquete de alta definicin de Half-Life - Steam"
"Half-Life HiDef Pack - Steam"

"Se ha activado el paquete de alta definicin de H
alf-Life.\nIniciar Half-Life ahora?"
"The Half-Life HiDef Pack has been activ
ated.\nLaunch Half-Life now?"
"Se ha desactivado el paquete de alta definicin d
e Half-Life."
"The Half-Life HiDef Pack has been deact
"El paquete de alta definicin de Half-Lif
e ya est activado."
"The Half-Life HiDef Pack is alr
eady active."
"El paquete de alta definicin de Half-Lif
e no est activado."
"The Half-Life HiDef Pack is not
currently active."
"Iniciar Half-Life"
"Launch Half-Life"
"Introduce nicamente el n
ombre de la calle en la primera lnea del campo de direccin, no el nombre del titul
ar de la tarjeta."
"The first line
of the address field should just be your street address, not the cardholder name
"Steam_Purchase_CardholderName" "Nombre: %name%"
"Name: %name%"
"Steam_Address" "Direccin"
"Street address"
"Direccin (segunda lnea) (optativa)"
"Street address line 2 (optional
"Steam_Countdown_Days" "Das"
"[english]Steam_Countdown_Days" "Days"
"Steam_Countdown_Hours" "Horas"
"%game% se desbloquear dentro de:"
"%game% will be unlocked in:"
"Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "El fin de semana gratis de Day of Defeat comenz
ar dentro de:"
"Day of Defeat Free Weekend will
begin in:"
"Cuando el contador llegue a cero, podrs empezar
a disfrutar de 72 horas de juego gratis."
"When the clock reaches zero, 72 hours o
f free play will begin."
"Ms informacin sobre el fin de semana gratis de Da
y of Defeat."
"Read more info about Day of Defeat Free
"El fin de semana gratis de %game% comenzar dentr
o de:"
"[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "%game% Free Weekend will begin in:"
"Cuando el contador llegue a cero, podrs empezar
a disfrutar de %time% de juego gratis."

"When the clock reaches zero, %time% of
free play will begin."
"Steam_FreeWeekend_URL" "Ms informacin sobre el fin de semana gratis de %game%."
"Read more info about %game% Free Weeken
"Steam_FreeWeekend_48H" "48 horas"
"48 hours"
"Steam_FreeWeekend_72H" "72 horas"
"72 hours"
"Steam_FreeWeekend_1W" "1 semana"
"[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_1W" "1 week"
"Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Title" "Steam - %game%"
"[english]Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Title" "Steam - %game%"
"Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Info" "Este juego ya no se encuentra disponible en ver
sin gratuita."
"[english]Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Info" "This game is no longer available for fr
"steam_menu_systeminfo" "Informacin del sistema"
"System Information"
"Steam - Informacin del sistema"
"Steam - System Information"
"steam_systeminfo_info" "Steam ha detectado el siguiente hardware y software en
tu sistema:"
"Steam has detected the following hardwa
re and software in your system:"
"steam_systeminfo_surveylink" "Compara tu hardware con el de los otros usuario
s de Steam"
"[english]steam_systeminfo_surveylink" "Compare your hardware to that of other
Steam users"
"Steam_P2POptions_FolderLabel" "Carpeta de descargas Peer-to-peer (\"Freloads\"
"[english]Steam_P2POptions_FolderLabel" "Peer-to-peer downloads (\"Freloads\") f
"Limitar velocidad de carga a:"
"Limit upload speed to:"
"Steam_P2POptions_SharingLabel" "Compartir con software Peer-to-peer:"
"Peer-to-peer sharing:"
"(Cuando se haya descarg
ado el 100% de un archivo, se dejar de compartir inmediatamente.)"
"(When you have
100% of a file, uploading will stop immediately.)"
"Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_UntilRatio" "(Cuando se haya descargado el 1
00% de un archivo, se seguir compartiendo hasta que hayas compartido el archivo u
na vez.)"
"[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_UntilRatio" "(When you have 100% of
a file, uploading will continue until you ve shared the file one time.)"
"(Cuando se haya descargado el 1
00% de un archivo, se seguir compartiendo hasta que lo desactives manualmente o t
e unas a una partida)"
"(When you have 100% of
a file, sharing will continue until you manually disable it or join a game.)"
"Dejar de compartir los archivos
en cuanto se descarguen por completo"
"[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_StopImmediately" "Stop sharing each file
as soon as it is downloaded"
"Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_UntilRatio" "Compartir los archivos hasta que la pro
porcin de descarga/carga sea 1:1"
"Share each file until i

ts sharing ratio reaches 1:1"

"Compartir todos los archivos hasta que
desactive la opcin de compartir"
"Share each file until I turn sh
aring off"
"Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolder" "Seleccionar carpeta..."
"Chose folder..."
"Steam_P2POptions_OpenFolder" "Abrir carpeta"
"[english]Steam_P2POptions_OpenFolder" "Open Folder"
"Seleccionar carpeta"
"[english]Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolderTitle" "Choose Folder"
"Estado de P2P"
"[english]Steam_RightClick_P2PStatus" "Peer-to-peer status"
"Steam_P2P_ReadAbout" "Acerca de Steam P2P"
"[english]Steam_P2P_ReadAbout" "Read about Steam P2P"
"[english]Steam_P2P_AboutURL" "http://www.valvesoftware.com"
"Steam_P2P_StatusTitle" "Descargar %game% - Steam P2P"
"%game% download - Steam P2P"
"Descargando: %game%"
"Downloading: %game%"
"Compartiendo: %game%"
"Sharing: %game%"
"Steam_P2P_PausedLabel" "En pausa: %game%"
"Paused: %game%"
"%percentcomplete% completado; quedan %remaining
"%percentcomplete% complete; %remainingt
ime% remaining"
"100% completado"
"100% complete"
"%percentcomplete% completado"
"%percentcomplete% complete"
"Steam_P2P_DownloadRateLabel" "Velocidad de descarga: %dlrate% (mxima: %dlpeak%
"[english]Steam_P2P_DownloadRateLabel" "Download rate: %dlrate% (peak: %dlpeak%
"Velocidad de carga: %ulrate% (mxima: %ulpeak%)"
"Upload rate: %ulrate% (peak: %ulpeak%)"
"Usuarios conectados:"
"Peers connected:"
"Steam_P2P_SharingColumnLabel" "Compartiendo"
"[english]Steam_P2P_SharingColumnLabel" "Sharing"
"%s1 K/s"
"%s1 K/s"
"Descargando: %s1% %s2 K/s"
"Downloading: %s1% %s2 K/s"
"Tamao de archivo:"
"File Size:"
"Steam_P2P_SharingRatioLabel" "Proporcin de descarga/carga:"

"[english]Steam_P2P_SharingRatioLabel" "Sharing ratio:"

"Steam_P2P_SharingRatioValue" "%sharingratio% : 1"
"[english]Steam_P2P_SharingRatioValue" "%sharingratio% : 1"
" Haz clic para cambiar la duracin del grfico"
" Click to change duration of graph"
"1 minuto"
"1 minute"
"2 minutos"
"2 minutes"
"5 minutos"
"5 minutes"
"10 minutos"
"[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration10" "10 minutes"
"15 minutos"
"[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration15" "15 minutes"
"30 minutos"
"[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration30" "30 minutes"
"1 hora"
"[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration60" "1 hour"
"Steam_P2P_OfflineWithoutAllData_Title" "Modo desconectado"
"Offline Mode"
"No se puede jugar a %game% , n
o se descargaron todos los datos antes de la desconexin"
"Can t play %game% , no
t all data was downloaded before going off-line"
"Steam_RightClick_StopSharing" "Dejar de compartir"
"[english]Steam_RightClick_StopSharing" "Stop sharing"
"Volver a compartir"
"Resume sharing"
"Steam_RightClick_StopChecking" "Detener comprobacin"
"Stop checking"
"Steam_AllAppsInstalled_Title" "Steam - Instalacin"
"[english]Steam_AllAppsInstalled_Title" "Steam - Install"
"Selecciona los juegos que quieres instalar."
"Select which games to install."
"Steam - Introduce el siguiente disco"
"[english]Steam_InsertNextDisk_Title" "Steam - Insert next disk"
"Introduce el disco %disk%"
"Please insert disk %disk%"
"Disco %disk%"
"Disk %disk%"
"Instalando: %time% restantes"
"Installing: %time% remaining"
"Tiempo de descarga estimado:"
"Estimated download time:"
"%time% a %rate%"
"%time% at %rate%"
"Instalado: %mb_installed% / %mb_to_install% MB"
"[english]Steam_InstallBytesProgress" "Installed: %mb_installed% / %mb_to_inst
all% MB"
"Steam_Install_CreateStartMenuShortcut" "Crear acceso directo a %game% en el men
de Inicio"
"Create start menu short
cut to %game%"
"Steam_Install_CreateMultipleStartMenuShortcut" "Crear acceso directo para todos
los juegos en el men de Inicio"
"Create start me
nu shortcut for each game"
"Steam va a comenzar la instalacin de con
tenidos de juego."

"Steam will now begin installing
game content."
"Steam_Install_WillVerifyExistingFiles" "Steam va a verificar la instalacin del j
"Steam will now verify y
our game install."
"Ms informacin sobre Steam"
"[english]Steam_MoreInfoLink" "Tell me more about Steam"
"Los cdigos de producto utilizan:\n
"Product codes use :\n
"Escribe la clave de producto que quiera
s activar. La encontrars en la caja del DVD, en la portada del manual, impresa en
el disco o en el interior de la caja bajo el disco."
"Please enter the product code y
ou wish to activate. This can be found on the DVD jewel case, manual cover, disc
insert or inside the case under the disc."
"Steam_DownloadPaused" "Descarga en pausa"
"[english]Steam_DownloadPaused" "Download paused"
"Ya has activado los productos asociados
a este clave.\nNo necesitas volver a introducir la clave de producto, slo tienes
que iniciar sesin en esta cuenta de Steam para acceder a los elementos."
"You have already activated the
product(s) associated with this code.\nYou don t need to re-enter your product c
ode, you simply need to log into this Steam account to access these items."
"Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall" "Ahora puedes acceder a los juegos selec
cionados en la biblioteca de juegos de Steam. Las actualizaciones se estn descarg
ando en segundo plano."
"[english]Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall" "Your selected games are now acc
essible in the Steam Games Library. Any updates have begun downloading in the ba
"Puedes volver a
acceder a estos juegos cuando quieras desde cualquier ordenador iniciando sesin
en tu cuenta de Steam %account% ."
"You can
access these games again at any time, from any computer, by logging into your S
team account %account% ."
"Iniciar ahora"
"Launch now"
"Steam est descargando %game%. Puedes ver
cmo va la descarga en la vista de descargas de Steam.\n\nAhora puedes salir y re
iniciar Steam y la descarga seguir automticamente."
"[english]Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo" "Steam is now downloading %game%
. You can track the progress of this download in the Steam Downloads view.\n\nYo
u can safely exit and restart Steam, and the download will automatically resume.
"Buscar juegos..."
"Browse games..."
"Buscar archivos multimedia..."
"Browse media..."
"Buscar herramientas..."
"Browse tools..."
"Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "No hemos encontrado nada! Intenta borrar
el campo de bsqueda o selecciona otra categora de la lista desplegable de arriba.
"[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "We ve come up empty! Try cleari
ng your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above."

"No hemos encontrado nada! Intenta borrar
el campo de bsqueda o selecciona otra categora de la lista desplegable de arriba.
"We ve come up empty! Try cleari
ng your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above."
"Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=media" "No hemos encontrado nada! Intenta cambia
r los filtros de seleccin de arriba o <a href=steam://browsemedia>echa un vistazo
a los vdeos disponibles</a> en la tienda de Steam."
"We ve come up empty! Tr
y changing your view filters above, or <a href=steam://browsemedia>browse availa
ble videos</a> in the Steam store."
"Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "No hemos encontrado nada! Intenta cambia
r los filtros de seleccin de arriba."
"[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "We ve come up empty! Try changi
ng your view filters above."
"Steam_MetascoreColumn" "Metascore"
"Steam - Cancelar instalacin"
"Steam - Cancel install"
"Deseas cancelar la instalacin de %game%?"
"Do you wish to cancel installation of %
"Continuar instalacin"
"[english]Steam_CancelInstall_ContinueButton" "Continue installing"
"Cancelar instalacin"
"Cancel installation"
"%media% - Steam"
"%media% - Steam"
"Steam_MediaAdded_Info" "%media% ha sido aadido a tu biblioteca de archivos multi
media de Steam."
"%media% has been added to your Steam me
dia library."
"Abrir biblioteca multimedia"
"View media library"
"Steam_ContinueBrowsingMedia" "Seguir explorando"
"[english]Steam_ContinueBrowsingMedia" "Continue browsing"
"Steam_Uninstall_Title" "Steam - Eliminar cachs de juego?"
"Steam - Delete game caches?"
"Steam_Uninstall_Info" "Se eliminarn los siguientes juegos del equipo:\n\n%games
%\nLos juegos seguirn en tu biblioteca de juegos, pero para volver a jugar en un
futuro\nprimero tendrs que reinstalarlos o volver a descargarlos."
"[english]Steam_Uninstall_Info" "This will delete the following game content fro
m this computer:\n\n%games%\nThe games will remain in your Games Library, but to
play it in the future\nyou ll have to first re-install or re-download their con
"Eliminar cachs de juego"
"[english]Steam_Uninstall_ButtonText" "Delete game caches"
"Steam - Error de desinstalacin"
"[english]SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Title" "Steam - Uninstall failed"
"Para desinstalar esta aplicacin es neces
aria una conexin a Internet."
"Uninstalling this application r
equires an internet connection."
"Descifrando: "
"Decrypting: "
"Validando: "
"Validating: "

"Iniciando: "
"Launching: "
"Mdem - 56 kbps"
"Modem - 56kbps"
"ADSL superior a 256 kbps"
"DSL > 256kbps"
"ADSL superior a 768 kbps"
"DSL > 768kbps"
"SteamUI_CABLEDSL_2M" "ADSL/Cable superior a 2Mbps"
"[english]SteamUI_CABLEDSL_2M" "DSL/Cable > 2Mbps"
"Cable/Fibra superior a 10Mbps"
"Cable/Fiber > 10Mbps"
"Steam_RetailAccountActivating" "Activando %product% en Steam"
"Activating %product% on Steam"
"Cuando actives los juegos podrs jugar a ellos cu
ando quieras, desde cualquier equipo, con slo iniciar sesin en tu cuenta Steam."
"[english]Steam_RetailAccountChoices" "Once activated, you will be able to acc
ess your games at any time, from any computer just by logging into your Steam ac
"Steam - Juego bloqueado"
"Steam - Game locked"
"An no se ha puesto a la venta oficialmen
te %product% y no puede desbloquearse en este momento. Consulta las noticias de
Steam para conocer la fecha de lanzamiento.\nSteam te enviar una notificacin cuand
o se desbloquee el juego."
"%product% has not been official
ly released, and cannot be unlocked at this time. Please check the Steam news to
find out the release time.\nSteam will notify you when the game becomes unlocke
"Ms informacin sobre %product%"
"[english]Steam_RetailInstallLocked_LinkText" "See more about %product%"
"Steam - Es necesario reiniciar"
"Steam - Reboot required"
"Debido a los cambios en la ltima actuali
zacin, es necesario reiniciar el sistema antes de que puedas iniciar este juego."
"Due to changes in the recent up
date, your system needs to be restarted in order to launch this game."
"Reiniciar ahora"
"Restart now"
"[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=media" "Producer"
"Steam_Forums" "Foros"
"[english]Steam_Forums" "Forums"
cir archivos multimedia con reproductor asociado..."
"Play media with associated viewer..."
"Steam_CCDeclined_SupportLink" "Visita el sitio Web de soporte de Steam para ms
"[english]Steam_CCDeclined_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web site for mo
re information"
"Instalando desde disco..."
"Installing from disk...

"%bytes% / %total% MB"
"%bytes% / %total% MB"
"Fragmentacin de %type%: %frag%"
"%type% Fragmentation: %frag%"
"Steam_FileFragmentationType" "Archivo"
"[english]Steam_FileFragmentationType" "File"
"Steam_DataFragmentationType" "Datos internos"
"[english]Steam_DataFragmentationType" "Internal Data"
"Clsteres: %clusterscompleted% / %cluster
"Clusters: %clusterscompleted% /
"Desfragmentar archivos de la cach"
"Defragment cache files"
"Desfragmentar - %game%"
"Defrag - %game%"
"Desfragmentar - %game%"
"Defrag - %game%"
"Es necesario Windows 2000 o posterior para la d
"Defragmentation requires Windows 2000 o
r newer."
"Desfragmentacin completa. Los archivos del juego
estn optimizados por completo."
"[english]Steam_DefragDebriefSuccess" "Defragmentation is complete. Your game
files are now fully optimized."
"Desfragmentacin completa. Ahora los arch
ivos del juego estn lo bastante desfragmentados y experimentars menos problemas.\n
\nPara reducir an ms la fragmentacin, ejecuta el desfragmentador del sistema operat
"[english]Steam_DefragDebriefModerateSuccess" "Defragmentation is complete. Yo
ur game files are now defragmented enough to provide a good experience.\n\nIn or
der to reduce fragmentation further, run the system defragmentation tool."
"Desfragmentacin completa. Steam no ha podido des
fragmentar por completo los archivos del juego porque el disco est demasiado frag
mentado.\n\nTe recomendamos que ejecutes el desfragmentador del sistema operativ
"[english]Steam_DefragDebriefFailure" "Defragmentation is complete. Steam coul
d not fully defragment your game files because your hard disk has too much fragm
entation.\n\nIt is recommended that your run the system defragmentation tool."
"Steam_DefragDebriefForLaunch" "Desfragmentacin completa. Ya puedes disfrutar de
tu juego."
"[english]Steam_DefragDebriefForLaunch" "Defragmentation is complete. Your game
is now ready to play."
"Restaurar Copia de Seguridad %game%"
"[english]Steam_InstallAppWizard_RestoreBackup_Title" "Restore Backup - %game%
"Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Title" "Steam - Copia de seguridad"
"[english]Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Title" "Steam - Backup"
"No se pueden crear archivos de copia de
seguridad de Steam en:\n\n%path%\n\nYa existe un directorio con el mismo nombre

"[english]Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Info" "Cannot create Steam backup file

s in:\n\n%path%\n\nA directory already exists with that name."
"Steam_Games" "Juegos"
"[english]Steam_Games" "Games"
"Steam_RegionRestricted_Title" "Steam - Juego no disponible"
"[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_Title" "Steam - Game unavailable"
"Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_Info" "Este juego fue activado con una clave d
e producto que slo es vlida en una zona geogrfica especfica. Puesto que no te encuen
tras en esa zona, no podrs jugar a %game%."
"[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_Info" "This game was activated with a
product code that is valid only in a specific geographic region. Since you are n
ot currently in that region, %game% is not available to play."
"Visita el sitio Web de soporte de Steam
para ms informacin"
"[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web sit
e for more information"
"Steam_RegionRestricted_Info" "%game% no est disponible en tu territorio."
"[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_Info" "%game% is not available in your territo
"Steam_CountryRestricted_Info" "Esta suscripcin no est disponible para su adquisi
cin en tu pas."
"[english]Steam_CountryRestricted_Info" "This subscription is not available for
purchase in your country."
"[english]Steam_CountryRestricted_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com
"Steam - Producto no disponible"
"Steam - Product unavailable"
"No puedes activar esta clave de product
o en tu regin."
"This product code cannot be act
ivated in your region."
"Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin
"Steam_FragmentationBad_Title" "Steam - Aviso de fragmentacin de disco"
"[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_Title" "Steam - Disk fragmentation warning"
"Steam_FragmentationBad_Info" "Los archivos del juego estn muy fragmentados. Pu
ede que los tiempos de carga se prolonguen o experimentes un mal rendimiento. \
n\nSteam puede optimizar tus archivos de juego ahora.\n"
"[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_Info" "Your game files have a high level of on
-disk fragmentation. This can cause slow load times and poor performance in the
game. \n\nSteam can optimize your game files for you now.\n"
"Ejecutar desfragmentacin"
"Run defrag"
"Play game"
"Accesos directos del usuario"
"User Shortcuts"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchShortcut" "Iniciar..."

"Acceso directo"
"Explorador de juegos de Windows"
"[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_Title" "Windows Games Explorer"
"SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Success" "Juego aadido al Explorador de juegos"
"[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Success" "Game has been added to Games Ex
"SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Failure" "Error al aadir juego al Explorador de ju
"[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Failure" "Failed adding game to Games Exp
"SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame" "Aadir al Explorador de juegos"
"[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame" "Add to Games Explorer"
"Eliminar del Explorador de juegos"
"Remove from Games Explorer"
"SteamUI_ParentalControl_Title" "Control parental de Windows"
"Windows Parental Control"
"El control parental de Windows ha bloqu
eado el juego para el usuario actual."
"Game blocked for current user b
y Windows Parental Control."
"SteamUI_ShortcutName" "Nombre:"
"[english]SteamUI_ShortcutName" "Name:"
"Iniciar en:"
"Start In:"
"Elegir icono..."
"Choose Icon..."
"Aadir un juego"
"Add a Game"
"SteamUI_StatusShortcutReady" "Acceso directo"
"[english]SteamUI_StatusShortcutReady" "Shortcut"
"Crear acceso directo"
"Create shortcut"
"Eliminar acceso directo"
"Delete shortcut"
"Aadir un juego que no es de Steam a mi bibliotec
"Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library..."
"steam_desktop" "Escritorio"
"Men de Inicio"
"Start Menu"
"Aadir seleccionados"
"Add selected programs"
"steam_addshortcuts_searching" "Buscando..."
"[english]steam_addshortcuts_searching" "Searching..."
"SteamUI_AddGameLabel" "Selecciona un programa para aadirlo a tu biblioteca de j

"[english]SteamUI_AddGameLabel" "Select a program to add it to your Games Librar
"Steam - Error al ejecutar acceso direct
"Steam - Shortcut launch failed"
"Error al iniciar %game%."
"Failed to launch %game%."
"Accesos directos"
"(Sin accesos directos)"
"(No Shortcuts)"
"Estados Unidos"
"United States"
"Islas land"
"Aland Islands"
"Samoa Americana"
"American Samoa"
"Antigua y Barbuda"
"Antigua and Barbuda"

"Bosnia y Herzegovina"
"Bosnia and Herzegovina"
"Isla Bouvet"
"Bouvet Island"
"Territorio Britnico del Ocano ndico"
"British Indian Ocean Territory"
"Brunei Darussalam"
"Burkina Faso"
"Burkina Faso"
"Cabo Verde"
"Cape Verde"
"Islas Caimn"
"Cayman Islands"
"Repblica Centroafricana"
"Central African Republic"
"Isla de Navidad"
"Christmas Island"
"Islas Cocos"
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
"Repblica Democrtica del Congo"
"Congo, the Democratic Republic of the"
"Islas Cook"
"Cook Islands"
"Costa Rica"
"Costa Rica"

"Costa de marfil"
"Cote d Ivoire"
"Repblica Checa"
"Czech Republic"
"Repblica Dominicana"
"Dominican Republic"
"El Salvador"
"El Salvador"
"Guinea Ecuatorial"
"Equatorial Guinea"
"Islas Malvinas"
"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
"Islas Feroe"
"Faroe Islands"
"Guayana Francesa"
"French Guiana"
"Polinesia Francesa"
"French Polynesia"
"Territorios Australes Franceses"
"French Southern Territories"

"Islas Heard y Mc Donald"
"Heard and Mc Donald Islands"
"Santa Sede"
"Holy See(Vatican City State)"
"Hong Kong"
"Hong Kong"
"Isla de Man"
"Isle of Man"
"Repblica de Corea"
"Korea, Republic of"

"Lao People s Democratic Republic"
"Antigua Repblica Yugoslava de Macedonia"
"Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of"
"Islas Marshall"
"Marshall Islands"
"Micronesia, Federated States of"
"Moldova, Republic of"

"Pases Bajos"
"Antillas Neerlandesas"
"Netherlands Antilles"
"Nueva Caledonia"
"New Caledonia"
"Nueva Zelanda"
"New Zealand"
"Isla Norfolk"
"Norfolk Island"
"Islas Marianas del Norte"
"Northern Mariana Islands"
"Cisjordania y Franja de Gaza"
"Palestinian Territory, Occupied"
"Papa Nueva Guinea"
"Papua New Guinea"
"Islas Pitcairn"
"Puerto Rico"
"Puerto Rico"

"Russian Federation"
"Santa Elena"
"Saint Helena"
"San Cristbal y Nieves"
"Saint Kitts and Nevis"
"Santa Luca"
"Saint Lucia"
"San Pedro y Miqueln"
"Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
"San Vicente y las Granadinas"
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
"San Marino"
"San Marino"
"Santo Tom y Prncipe"
"Sao Tome and Principe"
"Arabia Saud"
"Saudi Arabia"
"Serbia y Montenegro"
"Serbia and Montenegro"
"Sierra Leona"
"Sierra Leone"
"Islas Salomn"
"Solomon Islands"
"South Africa"
"Georgia del Sur e Islas Sandwich del Sur"
"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
"Sri Lanka"
"Sri Lanka"
"Svalbard y Jan Mayen"
"Svalbard and Jan Mayen"

"Tanzania, United Republic of"
"Timor Oriental"
"Trinidad y Tobago"
"Trinidad and Tobago"
"Islas Turcas y Caicos"
"Turks and Caicos Islands"
"Emiratos rabes Unidos"
"United Arab Emirates"
"Reino Unido"
"United Kingdom"
"Islas Ultramarinas Menores de Estados Unidos"
"United States Minor Outlying Islands"
"Viet Nam"
"Islas Vrgenes Britnicas"
"Virgin Islands, British"
"Islas Vrgenes de los Estados Unidos"
"Virgin Islands, U.S."
"Wallis y Futuna"
"Wallis and Futuna"
"Shara Occidental"
"Western Sahara"

"Half-Life 2 Russian Pack - Steam"
"Half-Life 2 Russian Pack - Steam"
"Se ha activado Half-Life 2 Russian Pack.\nInicia
r Half-Life 2 ahora?"
"[english]Steam_HL2Russian_Installed" "The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack has been a
ctivated.\nLaunch Half-Life 2 now?"
"Se ha desactivado Half-Life 2 Russian Pack."
"The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack has been d
"Half-Life 2 Russian Pack ya est activo."
"The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack is
already active."
"Half-Life 2 Russian Pack no est inactivo
en este momento."
"The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack is
not currently active."
"Iniciar Half-Life 2"
"[english]Steam_HL2Russian_LaunchHalfLifeNow" "Launch Half-Life 2"
"Steam_GameLaunchOptions_Title" "%game% - Steam"
"%game% - Steam"
"Jugar a %game%"
"Play %game%"
"Iniciar editor de configuracin"
"Launch Configuration Editor"
"Error al aadir archivos multimedia a la lista."
"[english]Steam_Media_GenericFailure" "Failed to add media to list."
"Steam_Media_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "No tienes suficiente espacio disponible
en disco para reproducir este archivo.\nLibera espacio en disco y vuelve a inte
"[english]Steam_Media_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "You do not have enough disk spa
ce available to play this media.\nPlease free up some disk space and then try ag
"Tu nombre de cuenta no debe incluir Valve o
Steam ."
"Your account name may not contain Valv
e or Steam ."
"Direccin de email (opcional)"
"Email address (optional)"
"%subscription% requiere que ten
gas %app%,\n haz clic en Aceptar para ver las opciones de compra de %app%."
"%subscription% requires
that you own %app%,\n click OK to view purchase options for %app%."
"A Ubisoft, editores de %subscription%, les gust
ara seguir en contacto contigo. Al proporcionarnos la siguiente informacin te envi
aremos de vez en cuando informacin sobre los prximos juegos."
"Ubisoft, publisher of %subscription%, w
ould like to stay in touch with you. By providing your information below you wil
l occasionally be sent information about upcoming games."
"A Telltale, editores de %subscription%, les gus
tara seguir en contacto contigo. Introduce tu direccin de email a continuacin para
suscribirte al boletn de Telltale, que incluye anuncios de nuevos juegos, imgenes
\"entre bastidores\" del proceso de desarrollo, cmics, columnas de recetas y cons
ejos, y alguna que otra oferta especial. No te arrepentirs!"
"[english]Steam_TellTale_EmailPrompt" "Telltale, the publisher of %subscriptio
n%, would like to stay in touch with you. Please enter your email address below
to sign up for Telltale s newsletter, which includes new game announcements, beh
ind-the-scenes peeks into the development process, comics, cooking and advice co
lumns, and the occasional special offer. You ll be glad you did!"

"Gestionar regalos y pases de invitado..."
"Manage Gifts and Guest Passes..."
"Regalos y pases de invitado"
"Gifts and Guest Passes"
"Steam_GuestPasses_Description" "Un regalo es la versin completa de un juego para
regalrsela a un amigo.\n\nLos pases de invitado te permiten enviar a tus amigos
promociones de prueba temporal de juegos para que vean cmo son y se unan a ti en
partidas en lnea."
"A gift is a full version of the
game you can give to a friend.\n\nGuest passes can allow you to send temporary
game trials to your friends, so that they can try out the game and join you in o
nline play."
"En este momento no tienes regalos ni pa
ses de invitado."
"You currently have no gifts or
guest passes available."
"Steam_GuestPasses_LoadingList" "Steam est cargando tu lista de regalos. Espera..
"Steam is loading your gifts lis
t. Please wait..."
"Los regalos no estn disponibles en modo desconec
"Gifts are not available in Offline Mode
"Steam_GuestPasses_PackageNameColumn" "Juego"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_PackageNameColumn" "Game"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ExpirationColumn" "Expiration"
"Enviar un pase de invitado"
"Send a Guest Pass"
"Pase de invitado
enviado correctamente!"
"Guest p
ass successfully sent!"
"Has enviado a %search%
una invitacin por email para que active el pase de invitado de %package% que le h
as regalado.\n\nNo pierdas de vista tu lista de Amigos, pues pronto lo vers jugan
do en lnea."
"%search% has be
en sent an email invitation to redeem your %package% guest pass.\n\nWatch your F
riends list -- you ll be able to see your friend playing online."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "El pase de invi
tado no se ha enviado correctamente."
"Guest pass was not successfully sent"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteError$type=guestpass" "Ha habido un problema a
l enviar un pase de invitado a %search%."

there was a problem sending a guest pass to %search%."

"Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "No puedes mandar
te un pase de invitado a ti mismo!"
"You can t give a guest pass to yourself!"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameError$type=guestpass" "Parece que quieres mand
arte un pase de invitado a ti mismo. Los pases de invitado sirven para compartir
tus juegos con tus amigos. Mejor invita a alguien que conozcas para que pruebe
gratis %package%."
"You app
ear to be trying to send a pass to yourself. Guest passes are for sharing your g
ames with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play %package% for free!"
"El pase de invi
tado ya se ha enviado"
"Guest p
ass already sent"
"Ya has enviado un pase
de invitado a %search% en las ltimas 24 horas. No puedes mandar ms a esta direccin
hasta 24 horas despus de la ltima vez.\n\nHaz clic en atrs , ms abajo, para especif
icar un destinatario distinto."
"You have alread
y sent a guest pass to %search% within the past 24 hours. You cannot send any gu
est passes to this address until 24 hours after your most recent attempt.\n\nCli
ck back below to specify a different recipient."
"Enviando pase d
e invitado..."
guest pass..."
"Se est enviando tu pase
de invitado a %search%.\nEspera..."
"Your guest pass
is being sent to %search%.\nPlease wait..."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_NoFriends" "Todava no tienes amigos de la Comunidad Steam.
Crea uno enviando un regalo por email a alguien que conozcas."
"You don t have any Steam Commun
ity Friends yet!
Make one now by emailing a gift to someone you know."
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=guestpass" "Pase de invitado listo"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=guestpass" "Guest Pass Ready"
"Error de recepcin de pas
e de invitado"
"Guest Pass Acce
ptance Failure"
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Pase de invitado no vlid
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Invalid Guest P
"El pase de invitado que
intentabas aceptar ya no es vlido. Puede que ya lo haya usado otra persona, que
haya caducado o que el remitente lo haya anulado."
"The guest pass
you have attempted to accept is no longer valid. This pass maybe have already be
en used by someone else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineAlreadyRedeemed" "Ya has activado este pase de in
"You have alread
y activated this guest pass"
"Si ha caducado el pase y quiere
s seguir jugando a %package%, podras probar a comprarlo."

"If your pass has expire
d and you wish to continue playing %package%, please consider purchasing."
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkTextAlreadyRedeemed" "Haz clic aqu para visitar la tie
nda de Steam."
"Click here to v
isit the Steam store."
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLAlreadyRedeemed" "steam://store"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLAlreadyRedeemed" "steam://store"
"Error d
e recepcin de pase de invitado"
"Guest pass acceptance failed"
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextServiceUnavailable" "Tu equipo no puede conectarse a
los servidores de Steam o puede que el servicio est deshabilitado temporalmente.
Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo ms tarde."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either
currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily
disabled. Please try again later."
"Si deseas ms informacin a
cerca de los regalos, consulta esta pgina de soporte."
"For troubleshoo
ting information about gifts, see this support page."
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "Este pase de invitado e
st anulado"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "This guest pass
has been revoked"
"El amigo que te envi el
pase de invitado lo ha cancelado y ha enviado un nuevo cdigo de activacin. Si este
nuevo cdigo te lo ha enviado a ti, recibirs otro email con el mismo."
"The friend who
sent you this guest pass has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code
. If the new version was sent to you, you ll receive another email with the upda
ted code."
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineExpired" "El pase de invitado ha caducado"
"This guest pass has exp
"No puedes aceptar este pase de invitado
, porque ha caducado."
"You cannot accept this guest pa
ss, because its expiration date has passed."
"No puedes mandar
te un pase de invitado a ti mismo!"
"You can
t give a guest pass to yourself!"
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "Parece que quieres acep
tar un pase que te has enviado a ti mismo. Los pases de invitado sirven para com
partir tus juegos con tus amigos. Mejor invita a alguien que conozcas para que p
ruebe gratis un juego."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "You appear to b
e trying to accept a pass you sent to yourself. Guest passes are for sharing you
r games with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play a new game for free!
"Fallo de activacin del p
ase de invitado"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=guestpass" "Guest Pass Acti
vation Failure"

"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Pase de invitado no vlid

Guest Pass"
"El pase de invitado que
intentabas activar ya no es vlido. Puede que ya lo haya usado otra persona, que
haya caducado o que el remitente lo haya anulado."
"The guest pass
you have attempted to redeem is no longer valid. This pass maybe have already be
en used by someone else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the
"Fallo d
e activacin del pase de invitado"
"Guest pass activation failed"
"Tu equipo no puede cone
ctarse a los servidores de Steam o puede que el servicio est deshabilitado tempor
almente. Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo ms tarde."
"Your computer i
s either currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temp
orarily disabled. Please try again later."
"Si deseas ms informacin a
cerca de los pases de invitado, consulta esta pgina de soporte."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextServiceUnavailable" "For troubleshoo
ting information about guest passes, see this support page."
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineLimitExceeded" "Ya has usado un pase de invitad
o para este producto."
"You have alread
y used a guest pass for this product"
"Como ya has aceptado un pase de
invitado para %package%, no puedes aceptar otro. Si quieres seguir jugando, pod
ras probar a comprarlo."
"Because you have alread
y accepted a guest pass for %package%, you can t accept another one. If you wish
to continue playing the game, please consider purchasing."
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextLimitExceeded" "Haz clic aqu para visitar la tie
nda de Steam."
"Click here to v
isit the Steam store."
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLLimitExceeded" "steam://store"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLLimitExceeded" "steam://store"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "Ya tienes este
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "You alr
eady own this game"
"No puedes acepta
r un pase de invitado para %package%, porque ya tienes la versin completa!. Para
jugar, instlalo e incialo desde tu biblioteca de juegos."
"You can
t accept a guest pass for %package%, because you already own the full game! To
play the full game, install and launch it from your Games Library."
"Este pase de in
vitado est anulado"
"This gu
est pass has been revoked"
"El amigo que te envi el

pase de invitado lo ha cancelado y ha enviado un nuevo cdigo de activacin. Si este

nuevo cdigo te lo ha enviado a ti, recibirs otro email con el mismo."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=guestpass" "The friend who
sent you this guest pass has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code
. If the new version was sent to you, you ll receive another email with the upda
ted code."
"El pase de invitado ha caducado
"This guest pass has exp
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextExpired" "No puedes aceptar este pase de invitado
, porque ha caducado."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextExpired" "You cannot accept this guest pa
ss, because its expiration date has passed."
"minutos restantes"
"minutes left"
"horas restantes"
"hours left"
"das restantes"
"days left"
"Licencia caducada"
"License Expired"
"Copia adicional"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGift" "Extra copy"
"Pase de invitado"
"Guest pass"
"Activar pase de invitad
"Activate Guest
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGift" "Activar regalo"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGift" "Activate Gift"
"Listo para activar"
"Ready to activate"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneLabel" "Tienes un micrfono conectado a tu equipo?
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneLabel" "Do you have a microphone connec
ted to your computer?"
"No lo s."
"Don t know"
"S, lo tengo."
"Yes, I have a microphone."
"No, no lo tengo."
"No, I do not have a microphone.
"Micrfono: %s1"
"Microphone: %s1"
"Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable_Headline" "El servidor de Steam no
est disponible"
"Steam s
erver is unavailable"
"Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable" "Tu equipo no puede conectarse a
los servidores de Steam o puede que el servicio est deshabilitado temporalmente.
Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo ms tarde."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either
currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily

disabled. Please try again later."

"No se h
a completado tu compra de %subscription%.\n\n%provider% ha informado de un probl
ema con la direccin asociada a tu cuenta de %provider%. Puedes corregir este prob
lema a travs de %provider% o hacer clic en \"Atrs\" para seleccionar un mtodo de pa
go diferente."
"Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor
ted a problem with the address associated with your %provider% account. You can
either correct this problem through %provider%, or click back to select a diff
erent payment method."
"No se h
a completado tu compra de %subscription%.\n\n%provider% ha informado de un probl
ema con la fuente de financiacin de tu cuenta de %provider%. Puedes corregir este
problema a travs de %provider% o hacer clic en \"Atrs\" para seleccionar un mtodo
de pago diferente."
"Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor
ted a problem with the funding source associated with your %provider% account. Y
ou can either correct this problem through %provider%, or click back to select
a different payment method."
"No se h
a completado tu compra de %subscription%.\n\n%provider% ha informado de un probl
ema con la autorizacin. Haz clic en \"Atrs\" para elegir otro mtodo de pago."
"Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor
ted an authorization failure. Please click Back to choose an alternate payment
"Visita el sitio Web de soporte de Steam
para ms informacin."
"Visit the Steam support web sit
e for more information."
"No se admite es
te mtodo de pago."
method not supported"
"No se ha completado tu
compra de %subscription%.\n\nEl mtodo de pago que has elegido no est disponible ac
tualmente en tu pas. Haz clic en \"Atrs\" y elige otro mtodo de pago."
"Your purchase o
f %subscription% has not been completed.\n\nYour chosen payment method is curren
tly unavailable in your country. Please click back and choose a different paym
ent method."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_Headline" "Error de autorizacin de
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_Headline" "%provider% auth
orization failed."
"No se ha completado tu compra d
e %subscription%.\n\n%provider% ha informado de un problema con la autorizacin. H
az clic en \"Atrs\" y selecciona otro mtodo de pago."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined" "Your purchase of %subsc
ription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported an authorization fai
lure. Please click back to select a different payment method."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProvider" "No se ha comple
tado tu compra de %subscription%.\n\n%provider% ha informado de un problema con
tu cuenta de %provider%. Ponte en contacto con el servicio de atencin al cliente
de %provider% o haz clic en Atrs para elegir otro mtodo de pago."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProvider" "Your pu
rchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported a pr
oblem with your %provider% account. Please contact %provider% support or click

Back to choose an alternate payment method."

"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerified" "No se ha comple
tado tu compra de %subscription%.\n\n%provider% ha informado de que tu cuenta de
%provider% necesita verificacin o fondos para completar la compra. Ponte en cont
acto con el servicio de atencin al cliente de %provider% o haz clic en Atrs para
elegir otro mtodo de pago."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerified" "Your pu
rchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported that
your %provider% account needs to be verified or funded to complete the purchase
. Please contact %provider% support or click Back to choose an alternate payme
nt method."
"Lo sentimos; por el momento no
aceptamos ese mtodo de pago."
"Sorry, but that payment
method is not available right now."
"Steam_LaunchEULA_Info" "Acuerdo de Licencia para el Usuario Final de %game%"
"%game% End User License Agreement (EULA
"I Agree"
"Steam_LaunchEULA_Text" "Por favor, lee este acuerdo en su totalidad. Debes acep
tar las condiciones del Acuerdo de Licencia para el Usuario Final para poder jug
ar a %game%."
"Please read this agreement in its entir
ety. You must agree with the terms of the EULA to play %game%."
"Ms informacin sobre Regalos y Pases de Invitado"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LinkText" "More info about gifts and guest passes"
"Steam - Imposible iniciar"
"Steam - Unable to launch"
"Ya se est ejecutando Steam en esta mquina
con otra cuenta de usuario. Por favor cierra la sesin de dicha cuenta antes de i
ntentar iniciar Steam de nuevo."
"An instance of Steam is already
running on this computer, under a different user account. Please shutdown Steam
on the other user account before trying to launch again."
"Steam_AlreadyRunningError_SupportLink" "Consulta el sitio de soporte de Steam p
ara ms informacin."
"See the Steam support s
ite for more information"
"Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Steam - Sesin iniciada en otro lugar"
"Steam - Logged In Elsewhere"
"Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Info" "Se ha iniciado sesin en esta cuenta de Steam des
de otro equipo."
"[english]Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Info" "This Steam account has been logged in o
n another computer."
"Volver a conectarse a Steam"
"Reconnect to Steam"
"Steam_GamesSection_Favorites" "FAVORITOS"

"[english]Steam_GamesSection_Favorites" "FAVORITES"
"Steam_GamesSection_Installed" "INSTALADO"
"[english]Steam_GamesSection_Installed" "INSTALLED"
"Steam_FavoritesColumn" "Favoritos"
"Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_AddToFavorites" "Aadir a favoritos"
"[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_AddToFavorites" "Add to Favorites"
"Eliminar de favoritos"
"Remove from Fav
"Comprobar si existen actualizaciones del client
e de Steam..."
"[english]steam_menu_checkforupdates" "Check for Steam Client Updates..."
"steam_checkforupdates_title" "Steam - Actualizador automtico"
"[english]steam_checkforupdates_title" "Steam - Self Updater"
"Se est descargando la ltima actua
lizacin del cliente de Steam."
"A Steam client update i
s available, and is now being downloaded."
"steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloaded" "Se ha descargado la ltima actualizacin de
l cliente de Steam."
"A Steam client update h
as been downloaded."
"Quieres reiniciar Steam ahora pa
ra que la actualizacin surta efecto?"
"Would you like to resta
rt Steam now to apply the update?"
"Steam_NoClientUpdateAvailable" "Tu cliente de Steam est actualizado."
"Your Steam client is already up
"No ha sido posible conectarse a la red
de Steam. El Modo \nDesconectado no est disponible porque no hay informacin\nde
inicio de sesin de Steam almacenada en este ordenador.\n\nNo podrs utilizar Steam
hasta que te\nconectes de nuevo a la red de Steam."
"Unable to connect to the Steam
network. Offline \nMode is unavailable because there is no Steam\nlogin inform
ation stored on this computer.\n\nYou will not be able to use Steam until you ca
n \nconnect to the Steam network again."
"Haz clic aqu para comprobar el e
stado de la red de Steam"
"Click here to check the
status of the Steam network"
"Apariencia para Steam basada en un diseo de random_n"
"Steam skin based on design by random_n"
"Steam_PackageVersion" "Versiones del paquete Steam: %package_version%"
"[english]Steam_PackageVersion" "Steam package versions: %package_version%"
"Steam - Noticias de actualizacin (%item%
de %total%)"
"Steam - Update News (%item% of

"Steam_P2PAvailability" "Disponibilidad:"
"[english]Steam_P2PAvailabilityValue" "%availability%"
"Steam_P2PDownloaded" "Descargado:"
"[english]Steam_P2PDownloaded" "Downloaded:"
"Pares de grupo de intercambio:"
"Swarm Peers:"
"Proveedores de grupo de intercambio:"
"[english]Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersLabel" "Swarm Seeders:"
"[english]Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersValue" "%swarmseeders%"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_Simple" "Info"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_Detail" "Detail"
"SteamUI_P2P_Options" "Opciones"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_Options" "Options"
"SteamUI_P2P_MetaData" "Metadatos"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_MetaData" "MetaData"
"L R "
"L R "
"MB de salida"
"MB Out"
"MB de entrada"
"MB In"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthOut" "Kbps de salida"
"Kbps Out"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthIn" "Kbps de entrada"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthIn" "Kbps In"
"Provincia o equivalente"
"Identificador de par\nIdentificador de
Steam de par remoto"
"Peer Id\nThe remote peer s Stea
m ID"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Choke" "Filtrado de paquetes / Inters\nMuestra si los pa
res remotos o locales filtran los paquetes entre s o si estn interesados en recibi
r datos entre s"
"Choke / Interest\nShows whether
local and remote peers are choking each other or are interested in receiving da
ta from each other"
"Porcentaje de archivo completado que ti
ene el par remoto"

"Percentage of complete file whi
ch the remote peer has"
"Tipo de conexin\nLa conexin (L)ocal ha si
do iniciada por este par, la conexin (R)emota ha sido iniciada por un par remoto"
"Connection Type\n(L)ocal connec
tion was initiated by this peer, (R)emote connection was initiated by remote pee
"MB de salida"
"MB Out"
"MB de entrada"
"MB In"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthOut" "Kbps de salida"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthOut" "Kbps Out"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthIn" "Kbps de entrada"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthIn" "Kbps In"
"Bloques\nEstado visual del conjunto de
datos del par remoto"
"Blocks\nVisual status of remote
peer s data set"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_State" "Estado de conexin"
"Connection state"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Size" "Tamao"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Downloaded" "Descargado"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Downloaded" "Downloaded"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_ToGo" "Faltan"
"To Go"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_StartBlock" "Iniciar"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_StartBlock" "Start"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_NumBlocks" "Blocks"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Remaining" "Remaining"
"Nombre de archivo"
"File Name"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Size" "Tamao de archivo"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Size" "File Size"
"Progreso de este archivo"
"Progress for this file"
"Cantidad de datos descargada"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Downloaded" "Amount of data downloaded"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_ToGo" "Cantidad de datos que queda por descargar"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_ToGo" "Amount of data remaining to be download
"Bloque de inicio del archivo"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_StartBlock" "Starting block for file"
"Bloque final del archivo"
"Ending block for file"
"Bloques totales del archivo"
"Total blocks for file"
"Nmero de bloques que quedan por descarga

"Number of blocks remaining to b
e downloaded"
"Estado de finalizacin"
"Completion status"
"No disponible"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Connecting" "Connecting"
"SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Dead" "Muerto"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Dead" "Dead"
"Steam_P2P_StateActive" "Activo"
"No disponible"
"Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Ready" "Lista."
"[english]Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Ready" "Ready"
"SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Value" "Valor"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Value" "Value"
"Nombre de la configuracin"
"Name of setting"
"Valor de la configuracin"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesListTip_Value" "Value of setting"
"SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsButtonLabel" "Avanzadas..."
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsButtonLabel" "Advanced..."
"Opciones globales"
"Global Options"
"Esperando validacin"
"Waiting to Validate"
"SteamUI_P2P_Update_Checking" "Validando [%s1%]"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_Update_Checking" "Validating [%s1%]"
"Activar conexin"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_Logging_Enable" "Enable Logging"
"Registrar avisos"
"Log Warnings"
"SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolBase" "Registrar mensaje P2P"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolBase" "Log base peer-to-peer message"
"SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolPieces" "Registrar mensajes de transferencia de bloques
"Log peer-to-peer block transfer
"Registrar mensajes de rastreador P2P"
"Log peer-to-peer tracker messag
"Registrar eventos de conexin P2P base"

"Log base peer-to-peer connectio
n events"
"Registrar eventos de mensaje P2P comune
"Log common peer-to-peer message
"Totales de salida:"
"Cumulative Outgoing:"
"Totales de entrada:"
"Cumulative Incoming:"
"SteamUI_P2P_TotalTime" "Tiempo total:"
"Total Time:"
"Tiempo de descarga:"
"Download Time:"
"Steam - Fin de compatibilidad con sistema opera
"Steam - Operating system support ending
"Steam dejar de soportar tu versin de Windows el 3
1 de agosto de 2012.
Para poder seguir utilizando Steam en este equipo tendrs que actualizar tu versin
de Windows a Windows XP Service Pack 2 o superior."
"Support for Steam on your version of Wi
ndows will end on August 31st 2012.
In order to continue running Steam on this computer, you must upgrade your
version of Windows to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher."
"Steam - detectado procesador no compatible"
"Steam - unsupported CPU detected"
"Dentro de pocos meses, ya no podrs ejecutar %gam
e% en este equipo.
La razn es que prximamente %game% ya no ser compatible con procesadores que no incl
uyan el conjunto de instrucciones SSE.
Para seguir ejecutando %game%, necesitars otro equipo o actualizar el que ests usa
ndo ahora."
"Within the next few months, %game% will
no longer be able to run on this computer.
This is because %game% support for CPUs which do not include the SSE instruction
set is ending.
In order to continue running %game%, you will need to use a different computer o
r upgrade your system."
"Steam - Error de configuracin"
"[english]SteamUI_InstallScript_Failed_Title" "Steam - Setup failed"
"No se han podido instalar componentes d
el sistema al configurar el juego. Al ejecutar este juego
por primera vez, es necesario haber iniciado sesin en Windows como administrador.
Si continas, es posible que tengas problemas durante la partida."
"Game setup failed to install sy
stem components. When running this game
for the first time, it is necessary to be logged into Windows as an administrato
If you continue, you might experience problems running the game."
"Seguir de todos modos"
"Continue anyway"
"Steam - detectado procesador no compatible"
"[english]Steam_CPUSSERequired_Title" "Steam - unsupported CPU detected"
"%game% requiere un procesador compatible con el

conjunto de instrucciones SSE.

Para utilizar este juego, necesitars otro equipo o actualizar el que ests usando a
"%game% requires a CPU which supports th
e SSE instruction set.
In order to play this game you must either upgrade your system or use a differen
t computer."
"Steam_AccountPage_BetaParticipation" "Participacin en beta:"
"[english]Steam_AccountPage_BetaParticipation" "Beta participation:"
"Steam_NoBetaAvailable" "(ninguna disponible en este momento)"
"(None currently available)"
"No participas\n(%numbetas% disponibles en este momento)
"[english]Steam_NoBetaChosen" "Not participating\n(%numbetas% currently availa
"Steam_BetaReportBug" "Informar sobre un error"
"[english]Steam_BetaReportBug" "Report a bug"
"Participacin en pruebas beta (Steam)"
"Beta Participation - Steam"
"Steam_ChooseBetaExplanation" "Steam ofrece a menudo la posibilidad de probar
actualizaciones de juegos o de Steam antes de su lanzamiento oficial.
Para unirte a un programa beta, seleccinalo en la lista que aparece a continuacin
y pulsa Aceptar . (Para dejar de participar en todos los programas beta, selecc
iona NINGUNO.)"
"[english]Steam_ChooseBetaExplanation" "Steam often offers the opportunity to t
ry out game updates or Steam updates before they re officially released.
To join one of these beta programs, select it from the list below and click OK
. (To remove yourself from all beta programs, select NONE.)"
"Ms info. sobre cmo funcionan las pruebas beta en
"Read more about how betas on Steam work
"NINGUNA: salir de todos los programas beta"
"[english]Steam_SelectNoBeta" "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs"
"Gracias por participar en la prueba beta de %betaname%
en Steam.
La beta ya ha acabado: reinicia Steam para volver a la versin actual."
"Thank you for participating in the %betaname% b
eta on Steam.
The beta has now ended - please restart Steam to return to the current release."
"Selecciona el idioma que deseas utilizar en el
"Select the language you wish to play th
is game in:"
"Steam_SpokenLanguageTestTitle" "Left 4 Dead: idioma de audio"
"Left 4 Dead - Spoken audio lang
"Steam_SpokenLanguageTestExplanation" "El audio de los dilogos de Left 4 Dead p
uede escucharse en <current language> o en ingls con subttulos en <current languag
e>. Qu prefieres?\n(Siempre puedes cambiar esta opcin ms adelante dentro del juego.)
"[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestExplanation" "The spoken audio in Left 4 Dead

can be played in <current language>, or in English with <current language> subt

itles. Which would you prefer?\n(You can always change these settings later with
in the game.)"
"Reproducir audio en <current la
"[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonCurrent" "Play spoken audio in <c
urrent language>"
"Reproducir audio en el ingls ori
ginal con subttulos optativos en <current language>\n(Requiere una descarga de 1
"[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonEnglish" "Play spoken audio in th
e original English with optional <current language> subtitles\n(Requires a 1GB d
"Notificarme sobre adici
ones o cambios para mis juegos, as como nuevos y futuros lanzamientos."
"Notify me about
additions or changes to my games, new releases, and upcoming releases."
"Steam_Settings_DownloadsTitle" "Descargas"
"Steam_P2PMoreInfoLink" "Qu es esto?"
"What is this?"
"Esta es la clave de activacin para %game%. Tendrs
que introducir esta clave una vez iniciada la aplicacin. Anota la clave o pulsa
ahora el botn \"Copiar clave en el portapapeles\"."
"This is your activation key for %game%.
You will need to enter this key after the application has launched. Write the k
ey down or press the Copy to clipboard button now."
"Esta es la clave de activacin para %game
%. Tendrs que introducir esta clave una vez iniciada la aplicacin. Anota la clave
para poder introducirla posteriormente."
"This is your activation key for
%game%. You will need to enter this key after the application has launched. Wri
te the key down so you can enter it later."
"Solicitando clave..."
"Requesting key..."
"Clave de producto de %game%"
"%game% CD key"
"Copiar clave en el portapapeles"
"Copy key to clipboard"
"Lanzar editor de personalizacin
de construcciones"
"Launch Building Customi
zation Editor"
"Usar esta cuenta"
"Use this account"
"Usar una cuenta diferente de ClickandBuy"
"Use a different ClickandBuy account"
"Seleccionar un mtodo de pago distinto"
"Choose a different payment meth
"Nuestros registros indican que has usado la sig
uiente cuenta de ClickandBuy para compras de Steam anteriores:"
"[english]Steam_LabelPrevClickAndBuy" "Our records indicate you have used the
following ClickandBuy account for previous Steam purchases:"

"Steam_AddNonSteamGame" "Aadir un juego que no es de Steam..."

"Add non-Steam game..."
"Ver la clave de producto"
"View CD key"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=gift" "Enviar un regalo"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=gift" "Send a Gift"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=gift" "El regalo se ha enviado
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=gift" "Gift succesfull
y sent!"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=gift" "Has enviado a %search% una invi
tacin por email para que active el regalo de %package%.\n\nNo pierdas de vista tu
lista de Amigos, pues pronto lo vers jugando en lnea."
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=gift" "%search% has been sent
an email invitation to redeem your %package% gift.\n\nWatch your Friends list -you ll be able to see your friend playing online."
"El regalo no se
ha enviado correctamente."
"Gift wa
s not successfully sent"
"Lo sentimos, se ha prod
ucido un problema al enviar el regalo a %search%."
"Sorry, there wa
s a problem sending a gift to %search%."
"No puedes enviar
te un regalo a ti mismo!"
"You can
t give a gift to yourself!"
"Parece que quieres mand
arte un regalo a ti mismo. Los regalos sirven para compartir tus juegos con tus
amigos. Mejor invita a alguien que conozcas para que pruebe gratis %package%."
"You appear to b
e trying to send a gift to yourself. Gifts are for sharing your games with frien
ds. Try inviting someone you know to play %package% for free!"
"El regalo ya se ha envi
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Gift already se
"Ya has enviado un regalo a %sea
rch% en estas ltimas 24 horas. Podrs enviar ms regalos a esta direccin cuando hayan
pasado 24 horas.\n\nHaz clic en atrs , ms abajo, para especificar un destinatario
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingError$type=gift" "You have already sent a
gift to %search% within the past 24 hours. You cannot send any gifts to this ad
dress until 24 hours after your most recent attempt.\n\nClick back below to sp
ecify a different recipient."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=gift" "Enviando regalo..."
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=gift" "Sending gift...
"Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=gift" "Se est enviando tu regalo a %sea
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=gift" "Your gift is being sent
to %search%.\nPlease wait..."
"Regalo listo"
"Gift Ready"
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Error de recepcin del regalo"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Gift Acceptance Failure
"Regalo no vlido"
"Invalid Gift"

"El regalo que intentabas acepta
r ya no es vlido. Puede que ya lo haya usado otra persona, que haya caducado o qu
e el remitente lo haya anulado."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextFailed$type=gift" "The gift you have attem
pted to accept is no longer valid. This pass may have already been used by someo
ne else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender."
"Error de recepc
in de regalo"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Gift ac
ceptance failed"
"Este regalo est anulado"
"This gift has b
een revoked"
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=gift" "El amigo que te envi el regalo l
o ha cancelado y ha enviado un nuevo cdigo de activacin. Si este nuevo cdigo te lo
ha enviado a ti, recibirs otro email con el mismo."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=gift" "The friend who sent you
this gift has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code. If the new v
ersion was sent to you, you ll receive another email with the updated code."
"No puedes enviarte un re
galo a ti mismo!"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineSelfRedeem$type=gift" "You can t give
a gift to yourself!"
"Parece que quieres acep
tar un pase que te has enviado a ti mismo. Los regalos sirven para compartir tus
juegos con tus amigos. Mejor invita a alguien que conozcas para que pruebe grat
is un juego."
"You appear to b
e trying to accept a pass you sent to yourself. Gifts are for sharing your games
with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play a new game for free!"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Error de activacin del regalo"
"Gift Activation
"Regalo no vlido"
"Invalid Gift"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=gift" "El regalo que intentabas activa
r ya no es vlido. Puede que ya lo haya usado otra persona, que haya caducado o qu
e el remitente lo haya anulado."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=gift" "The gift you have attem
pted to redeem is no longer valid. This gift may have already been used by someo
ne else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender."
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Error de activa
cin del regalo"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Gift ac
tivation failed"
"Ya tienes este
"You alr
eady own this game"
"No puedes aceptar un reg
alo de %package%, porque ya tienes el juego! Para jugar, instlalo e incialo desde
tu biblioteca de juegos."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextAlreadyOwned$type=gift" "You can t accep
t a gift for %package%, because you already own the game! To play the game, inst
all it and launch it from the Games Library."
"Este regalo est anulado"
"This gift has b
een revoked"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=gift" "El amigo que te envi el regalo l
o ha cancelado y ha enviado un nuevo cdigo de activacin. Si este nuevo cdigo te lo

ha enviado a ti, recibirs otro email con el mismo."

"The friend who
sent you this gift has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code. If t
he new version was sent to you, you ll receive another email with the updated co
"Actualizando la lista..."
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_RefreshingList" "Refreshing list..."
"Todos tus amigos de la Comunida
d Steam ya tienen este producto.
Haz nuevos amigos en Steam enviando un regalo por email a alguien que conozcas."
"All of your Steam Commu
nity Friends already own this product.
Make a new Friend on Steam by emailing a gift to someone you know."
"Steam_GuestPass_GiftSection" "REGALOS"
"[english]Steam_GuestPass_GiftSection" "GIFTS"
"Steam_GuestPasses_GuestPassesSection" "PASES DE INVITADO"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_GuestPassesSection" "GUEST PASSES"
"Steam_GuestPasses_ExtraCopiesSection" "COPIAS ADICIONALES"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ExtraCopiesSection" "EXTRA COPIES"
"Steam_Purchase_Total" "TOTAL"
"[english]Steam_Purchase_Total" "TOTAL"
"[english]Steam_Purchase_VAT" "VAT"
"(descuento incluido)"
"(includes discount)"
"[english]Steam_Purchase_GamePackage" "GAME PACKAGE"
"Steam_Purchase_PleaseReviewYourOrder" "Revisa tu pedido."
"[english]Steam_Purchase_PleaseReviewYourOrder" "Please review your order"
"Steam_Purchase_IsGift" "Es un regalo?"
"Is this a gift?"
"S, es un regalo."
"[english]Steam_Purchase_YesItIsGift" "Yes, it s a gift."
"El importe total se calcular durante el proceso
de compra para incluir los impuestos."
"Your total will be calculated to includ
e taxes during the purchase process."
"El importe total se calcular durante el
proceso de compra para incluir los impuestos y los gastos de envo."
"Your total will be calculated t
o include taxes, shipping and handling during the purchase process."
"Algunos de los producto
s incluidos en este paquete no se han puesto a la venta, por lo que an no estn dis
ponibles. En la fecha del lanzamiento de estos productos, se pondrn automticamente
a tu disposicin por medio de Steam. La fecha de lanzamiento de estos productos n
o se ha determinado todava y, por tanto, los compradores no deben dar por sentado
que las fechas aproximadas del lanzamiento sean correctas. Los artculos del paqu
ete %subscription% se entregarn en un plazo de 6 a 8 semanas"
"Some of the pro
ducts in this package have not yet been released and are not currently available
. These products will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon thei
r release. The release date for these products is uncertain and purchasers shoul
d not rely on any estimated release date. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of the me
rchandise included in the %subscription% package."
"Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Unreleased" "Algunos de los productos incluidos en e
ste paquete no se han puesto a la venta, por lo que an no estn disponibles. En la

fecha del lanzamiento de estos productos, se pondrn automticamente a tu disposicin

por medio de Steam. La fecha de lanzamiento de estos productos no se ha determin
ado todava y, por tanto, los compradores no deben dar por sentado que las fechas
aproximadas del lanzamiento sean correctas."
"Some of the products in
this package have not yet been released and are not currently available. These
products will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon their releas
e. The release date for these products is uncertain and purchasers should not re
ly on any estimated release date."
"Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Shipping" "Los artculos del paquete %subscription%
se entregarn en un plazo de 6 a 8 semanas"
"[english]Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Shipping" "Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of
the merchandise included in the %subscription% package."
"Steam_ForcedGiftPurchase_Next" "Para comprar este elemento como regalo, haz cli
c en \"Siguiente\" para continuar."
"To purchase this item as a gift
, click Next to continue."
"Mis mejores deseos"
"Best Wishes"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_BuckleUp" "Abrchate el cinturn"
"Buckle Up"
"Que lo disfrutes"
"[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_Enjoy" "Enjoy"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_GameOn" "A jugar"
"[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_GameOn" "Game On"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_HaveFun" "Que te diviertas"
"[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_HaveFun" "Have Fun"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_KerBlam" "Dale caa"
"[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_KerBlam" "Ker Blam"
"Corto y cambio"
"Over n Out"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YouOweMe" "La prxima te toca a ti"
"You Owe Me"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YourTurn" "Te toca"
"Your Turn"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_XOXOXO" "Besos"
"[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_XOXOXO" "XOXOXO"
"Este elemento ya se encuentra disponibl
e en tu cuenta de Steam. Puedes acceder a tus juegos desde tu biblioteca de jueg
os de Steam."
"This item is already available
with your Steam account. You can access your games from the Steam Games Library.
"A quin te gustara regalar
%package% ?"
"To whom would y
ou like to give %package% ?"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=guestpass" "A quin te gustara regalar
un pase de invitado de %package% ?"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=guestpass" "To whom would y
ou like to give a %package% guest pass?"
"Nombre del destinatario"
"[english]SteamUI_Gift_RecipientName" "Recipient s name"
"SteamUI_Gift_Message" "Mensaje del regalo (mximo 160 caracteres)"
"[english]SteamUI_Gift_Message" "Your gift message (160 character limit)"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftRecipientName" "Nombre del destinatario"
"Recipient s name"
"Mensaje del regalo (mximo 160 caracteres
"Your gift message (160 characte

r limit)"
"Your sentiment"
"Your signature"
"Espero que disfrutes del juego!"
"I hope you enjoy this g
"Espero que disfrutes de los jueg
"I hope you enjoy these
"Steam acepta los siguientes mtodos de pa
go seguro:"
"Steam accepts the following sec
ure payment methods:"
"Steam_PurchaseReview_IsGift" "Regalo para"
"[english]Steam_PurchaseReview_IsGift" "Gift for"
"Escribe un mensaje para enviar
con el regalo."
"Please enter a message
to send with your gift."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_AlreadyOwnsGame" "%s1 ya tiene este juego"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_AlreadyOwnsGame" "%s1 already owns this game"
"Steam - Regalo anulado"
"Steam - Gift Revoked"
"Tu reciente regalo de %package% de parte de %gifter% ha
sido anulado a causa de un problema de procesamiento del pago de este artculo.\n
\nComo resultado, no podrs jugar a los juegos incluidos en este regalo. Si deseas
comprar este artculo, visita la tienda de Steam. De lo contrario, puedes elimina
r los contenidos relacionados con este juego de tu unidad local."
"Your recent gift of %package% from %gifter% has
been revoked due to a problem processing payment for this item.\n\nThe games as
sociated with this gift can no longer be played as a result. If you would like t
o purchase this item, visit the Steam Store. Otherwise, you may choose to delete
the local content associated with this gift."
"Steam_GiftRevoked_SupportLink" "Visita el sitio Web de soporte de Steam para ms
"Visit the Steam support web sit
e for more information"
"Ir al sitio web de %s1"
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupButton" "Go to %s1 web site now"
"Steam_ExternalSignupHeadline" "Tu cuenta de %game%"
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupHeadline" "Your %game% account"
"Tus cuentas externas"
"Your external accounts"
"Para completar la instalacin, debes enlazar tu c
ompra de Steam con tu cuenta de %game%.\n\nVisita su pgina web oficial para inici
ar sesin en tu cuenta actual de %game% o para crear una cuenta nueva."
"To complete your install, you need to l
ink your Steam purchase with your %game% account.\n\nVisit their official web si
te now to login to your existing %game% account or to create a new one."
"Steam_ExternalSignupInfoMulti" "Para completar tus instalaciones, debes enlazar
tus compras de Steam con tu cuenta externa.\n\nVisita sus pginas web oficiales p
ara iniciar sesin en tus cuentas externas o para crear cuentas nuevas."
"To complete your installations,
you need to link your Steam purchases with your external account.\n\nVisit thei
r official web sites now to login to your external accounts or to create a new o
"Cuando termines de crear tu cuenta de %game%, h

az clic en Finalizar y a jugar!"

"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupFinish" "Once you have made your account for %ga
me% click finish and start playing."
"Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesLabel" "Se necesita una cuenta activa de %game%
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesLabel" "An active %game% account is req
"Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesButton" "Visitar el sitio Web de la cuenta de %g
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesButton" "Visit %game% account web site"
"El juego ya est en la cuenta"
"[english]Steam_GameAlreadyInAccount" "Game already in account"
"El juego completo ya est en la cuenta"
"Full game already in account"
"Ya tienes todos estos juegos. Puedes acceder a
tus juegos desde la biblioteca de juegos de Steam."
"[english]Steam_AlreadyInAccountInfo" "You already own all of these games. You
can access your games from the Steam Games Library."
"Steam - Versin obsoleta"
"Steam - Out of date"
"Debes actualizar el cliente para ejecutar este juego."
"Your client needs to be updated to run this gam
"SteamUI_WrongPlatform_Title" "Steam - Juego no disponible"
"[english]SteamUI_WrongPlatform_Title" "Steam - Game Unavailable"
"SteamUI_WrongPlatform" "%game% no est disponible para tu plataforma actual."
"%game% is not available on your current
"S, tengo ms de 17 aos."
"Yes, I am over 17 years of age."
"Steam - Error al iniciar el jue
"Steam - Game Launch Fai
"SteamUI_RootDialog_Start_Problem_Text" "No se pudo iniciar %game% (cdigo de erro
r %error%)."
"%game% failed to start
(error code %error%)."
"Steam_ExternalSignup" "Gestionar cuenta de juego..."
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignup" "Manage game account..."
"Steam_ExternalRegistrationURL" "Registra el juego..."
"Register your game..."
"Steam - Instalar %product%"
"Steam - Install %product%"
"Podrs acceder a tus juegos cuando quieras y desde cualqu
ier equipo con slo iniciar sesin en tu cuenta Steam."
"You ll be able to access your games at any time
, from any computer just by logging in to your Steam account."
"Crear una nueva cuenta de Steam..."
"[english]Steam_RetailChooseCreateNewAccount" "Create a new Steam account"
"Iniciar sesin en una cuenta de S
"Log into an existing St
eam account"
"Steam Cloud - sincronizando"
"Steam Cloud - Syncing"
"Steam est sincronizando tus archivos de
juego con Steam Cloud en estos momentos. Steam se cerrar automticamente cuando hay
a terminado.\n\nPara obligar a Steam a salir sin sincronizar tus archivos, haz c
lic en Salir ahora ."

"Steam is currently syncing your
game files with the Steam Cloud. Steam will automatically exit when this is com
pleted.\n\nTo force Steam to exit without syncing your files, click Exit Now ."
"Salir ahora"
"Exit Now"
"Has activado el cdigo"
"Activation Successful!"
"Tu cdigo de promocin de %subscription% se
ha activado con xito. Este contenido estar disponible una vez que hayas activado
el juego completo en Steam. Este contenido est ahora asociado permanentemente con
tu cuenta de Steam. Debers iniciar sesin en esta cuenta para acceder a los artculo
s que acabas de activar en Steam."
"Your %subscription% promotion c
ode has successfully been activated. This content will become available to you o
nce you ve activated the full game on Steam. This content is now permanently ass
ociated with your Steam account. You must login to this account to have access t
o the items you ve just activated on Steam."
"Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Title" "Steam - No se puede instalar %game%"
"[english]Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Title" "Steam - Cannot install %game%"
"Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Info" "%game% es un mod y es necesario que dispongas d
e una versin del juego base."
"[english]Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Info" "%game% is a mod, and requires you to ow
n a version of the base game."
"Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Button" "Ms informacin"
"Get more info"
"Informacin de la cuenta de Steam"
"Steam Account Information"
"Te recomendamos que imprimas esta informacin y l
a guardes en un lugar seguro. La informacin de tu cuenta de Steam y tus datos de
acceso a la misma son importantes: desde ahora, te ser imprescindible para accede
r a tus juegos y otras funciones de Steam."
"It is recommended that you print this i
nformation and keep it in a safe place. Your Steam account and login information
is important--from now on, you ll need it to access your games and other Steam
"Nombre de cuenta:"
"Account Name:"
"Steam_AccountEmail_Password" "Contrasea:"
"[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Password" "Password:"
"Direccin de email de contacto:"
"Contact email address:"
"Haz clic aqu para imprimir la pgina"
"Click here to print this page now"
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclinedCart" "No se ha completado tu
suscripcin a los siguientes artculos. La compaa de crdito ha rechazado tu tarjeta por
no ser correcta la informacin introducida.\n\nTen en cuenta que, en algunos caso
s, la compaa de crdito puede bloquear fondos en tu cuenta, pero esto no significa q
ue recibirs cargo alguno. Tras revisar la informacin que aparece a continuacin, si
crees que ha habido algn error, intenta realizar la compra de nuevo."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclinedCart" "Your subscripti
on to the following items has not been completed. Your credit card information h
as been declined by your credit card company.\n\nNote that in some cases, your c
redit card company may put a hold on funds in your account, but you will not b
e charged. After reviewing the information below, if you believe your card has b
een declined in error please try your purchase again."
"No se h
a completado tu suscripcin a los siguientes artculos. La compaa de crdito ha rechazad
o tu tarjeta por no ser correcta la direccin introducida.\n\nTen en cuenta que, e
n algunos casos, la compaa de crdito puede bloquear fondos en tu cuenta, pero esto
no significa que recibirs cargo alguno. Tras revisar la informacin que aparece a c

ontinuacin, si crees que ha habido algn error, intenta realizar la compra de nuevo
"Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. Your credit ca
rd information has been declined by your credit card company due to an incorrect
address being entered.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may
put a hold on funds in your account, but you will not be charged. After revie
wing the information below, if you believe your card has been declined in error
please try your purchase again."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_InsufficientFundsCart" "No se h
a completado tu suscripcin a los siguientes artculos. La compaa de crdito ha rechazad
o tu tarjeta por no contar con suficientes fondos en la cuenta.\n\nTen en cuenta
que, en algunos casos, la compaa de crdito puede bloquear fondos en tu cuenta, per
o esto no significa que recibirs cargo alguno."
"Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. Your credit ca
rd information has been declined by your credit card company due to insufficient
funds in the account.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may
put a hold on funds in your account, but you will not be charged."
"Se ha completado tu reserva. El
lanzamiento oficial del juego tendr lugar en breve. Se ha procesado tu pago.\n\n
Recibirs una notificacin tan pronto como el juego est disponible. Gracias por el ped
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcessCart" "Your pre-order has been
completed, and the game will be officially released soon. Your payment has been
processed.\n\nWe ll let you know as soon as the game is available to play. Than
k you for your order!"
"Tu suscripcin a los sigu
ientes artculos se ha completado correctamente. Tu suscripcin est registrada en est
a cuenta de Steam: %accountName%. A partir de ahora, debers conectarte a esta cue
nta para poder acceder a tus juegos. Gracias por el pedido!"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=regular" "Your subscripti
on to the following items has been completed successfully. Your subscription is
registered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login t
o this account to have access to your games. Thank you for your order!"
"Tu regalo de los siguie
ntes artculos se ha enviado a %giftee%. Gracias por el pedido!"
"Your gift of th
e following items has been sent to %giftee%. Thank you for your order!"
"Tu compra de los siguie
ntes artculos se ha completado correctamente. Gracias por el pedido!"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=unknown" "Your purchase o
f the following items has been completed successfully. Thank you for your order!
"Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccessCart" "Hace poco, hiciste una reserva
de los siguientes artculos. Estos artculos ya estn oficialmente a la venta, de modo
que se ha procesado la transaccin y se ha cargado el importe en tu tarjeta de crd
ito. Gracias por el pedido!"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccessCart" "Recently you preordered
the following items. These items have been officially released, so your credit
card has been processed and charged. Thank you for your order!"
"Tu susc
ripcin a los siguientes artculos se ha completado correctamente.\n\nPuedes jugar a
cualquiera de los juegos que ya estn disponibles haciendo clic en ellos en tu bi
blioteca de juegos de Steam. Recibirs tambin una confirmacin por email tan pronto s
e hayan enviado los artculos fsicos de tu pedido. Gracias por tu compra!"
"Your subscription to the following items has been completed successfully.\n\nYo
u can play any of the currently released games by clicking on them in your Steam
Games Library. Also, you ll receive an email confirmation as soon as the mercha

ndise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!"
"Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=gift" "Tu regalo de lo
s siguientes artculos se ha enviado a %giftee%. Recibirs una confirmacin por email
tan pronto se hayan enviado los artculos de tu pedido. Gracias por el pedido!"
"Your gift of the following items has been sent to %giftee%. You ll receive an e
mail confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped.
Thank you for your order!"
"Se ha c
ompletado tu compra de los siguientes artculos. Recibirs una confirmacin por email
tan pronto se hayan enviado los artculos de tu pedido. Gracias por el pedido!"
"Your purchase of the following items has been completed. You ll receive an emai
l confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Tha
nk you for your order!"
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_InfoCart" "Esta transaccin
no se pudo procesar porque la tarjeta de crdito se ha usado demasiadas veces en S
team.\n\nEsta poltica se ha puesto en prctica para proteger a nuestros clientes co
ntra el fraude en el uso de las tarjetas de crdito. Actuamos activamente para per
seguir el fraude con todo el peso de la ley."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_InfoCart" "This tr
ansaction was not processed because the credit card below has been used too many
times in Steam.\n\nThis policy exists in order to protect our customers from cr
edit card fraud. We will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law."
"Steam_Subscription_ContactSupportCart" "Se ha producido un error inesperado. No
se ha completado tu suscripcin a los siguientes artculos.\n\nPor favor, ponte en
contacto con el Soporte de Steam a travs del siguiente enlace."
"An unexpected error has
occurred. Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. \n\n
Please contact Steam Support using the link below."
"Tu compra de los siguie
ntes artculos no se ha completado.\n\n%provider% ha informado de un problema con
la autorizacin. Prueba a realizar tu compra de nuevo con un mtodo de pago distinto
"Your purchase o
f the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported an auth
orization failure. Please try your purchase again using a different payment meth
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_InvalidShippingAddressCart" "Tu comp
ra de los siguientes artculos no se ha completado.\n\n%provider% ha informado de
un problema con la direccin asociada a tu cuenta de %provider%. Puedes corregir e
ste problema a travs de %provider% o realizar tu compra de nuevo con un mtodo de p
ago distinto."
"Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has
reported a problem with the address associated with your %provider% account. You
can either correct this problem through %provider%, or try your purchase again
using a different payment method."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherFundingSourceCart" "Tu comp
ra de los siguientes artculos no se ha completado.\n\n%provider% ha informado de
un problema con la fuente de financiacin asociada a tu cuenta de %provider%. Pued
es corregir este problema a travs de %provider% o realizar tu compra de nuevo con
un mtodo de pago distinto."
"Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has
reported a problem with the funding source associated with your %provider% accou
nt. You can either correct this problem through %provider%, or try your purchase
again using a different payment method."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherPaymentMethodCart" "Tu comp
ra de los siguientes artculos no se ha completado.\n\n%provider% ha informado de

un problema con la autorizacin. Prueba a realizar tu compra de nuevo con un mtodo

de pago distinto."
"Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has
reported an authorization failure. Please try your purchase again using a differ
ent payment method."
"Tu comp
ra de los siguientes artculos no se ha completado.\n\n%provider% ha informado de
un problema con tu cuenta de %provider%. Contacta con el servicio de soporte de
%provider% o realiza tu compra de nuevo con un mtodo de pago distinto."
"Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has
reported a problem with your %provider% account. Please contact %provider% suppo
rt or try your purchase again using a different payment method."
"Tu comp
ra de los siguientes artculos no se ha completado.\n\n%provider% ha informado de
que tu cuenta de %provider% necesita verificacin o fondos para completar la compr
a. Contacta con el servicio de soporte de %provider% o realiza tu compra de nuev
o con un mtodo de pago distinto."
"Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has
reported that your %provider% account needs to be verified or funded to complete
the purchase. Please contact %provider% support or try your purchase again usin
g a different payment method."
"Se te han devuelto los fondos de tu com
pra de los siguientes artculos. El crdito debera aparecer en tu cuenta en un par de
das hbiles."
"Your purchase of the following
items has been refunded. The credit should appear in your account within a coupl
e business days."
"Los siguientes artculos no estn d
isponibles para su compra en tu pas. Se ha cancelado la compra."
"Sorry, but the followin
g items are not available for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been c
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailedCart" "No se ha completado tu suscripc
in a los siguientes artculos. Los servidores de Steam estn muy ocupados en estos mo
mentos y no puede procesarse tu solicitud. \n\nTe pedimos disculpas por las mol
estias. Vuelve a intentarlo dentro de unas horas."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailedCart" "Your subscription to th
e following items has not been completed. The Steam servers are currently too bu
sy to process your request. \n\nWe apologize for the inconvenience. Please try y
our transaction again in a few hours."
"Tu compra de los siguie
ntes artculos no se ha completado.\n\nEl mtodo de pago que has elegido no est dispo
nible actualmente en tu pas. Prueba a realizar tu compra de nuevo con un mtodo de
pago distinto."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupportedCart" "Your purchase o
f the following items has not been completed.\n\nYour chosen payment method is c
urrently unavailable in your country. Please try your purchase again using a dif
ferent payment method."
"Tu suscripcin a los sigu
ientes artculos no se ha completado porque los servidores de Steam no pueden proc
esar la transaccin en este momento.\n\nNo podrs jugar a estos juegos hasta que se
complete el proceso de suscripcin. Te pedimos disculpas por este inconveniente. E
l equipo de Steam est trabajando para corregir el problema y te avisar tan pronto
se haya completado la transaccin."
"Your subscripti
on to the following items has not been completed, because Steam servers are curr
ently unable to process the transaction.\n\nYou won t be able to play these game

s until the subscription process is complete. We are sorry for any inconvenience
this may cause. The Steam team is working to rectify this situation, and will n
otify you as soon as the transaction is complete."
"No enviado"
"Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Sent" "Enviado"
"Cmo quieres que se enve tu regalo
de %package%?"
"How would you like your
gift of %package% to be sent?"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=guestpass" "Cmo quieres que se enve tu pase de
invitado de %package%?"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=guestpass" "How would you like your
%package% guest pass to be sent?"
"Anular y reenviar un regalo"
"Revoke and Resend a Gif
"Anular y reenviar un pa
se de invitado"
"Revoke and Rese
nd a Guest Pass"
"Si reenvas este regalo, el anter
ior destinatario no podr aceptarlo. Si quieres continuar, introduce la direccin de
email del nuevo destinatario del regalo de %package%."
"Resending this gift wil
l make the previous recipient unable to accept it. If you wish to continue, plea
se enter a valid email address for the new recipient of your %package% gift."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendInfo$type=guestpass" "Si reenvas este pase de invitado
, el anterior destinatario no podr activarlo. Si quieres continuar, introduce la
direccin de email del nuevo destinatario del pase de invitado de %package%."
"Resending this
guest pass will make its previous recipient unable to redeem the pass. If you wi
sh to continue, please enter a valid email address for the new recipient of your
%package% guest pass."
"Enviar regalo por email"
"Email my gift"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailRadio$type=guestpass" "Enviar pase de invitado por ema
"Email my guest
"Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailAddressLabel" "Direccin de email del destinatario"
"Recipient s email addre
"Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=gift" "Enviar mi regalo directamente p
or Steam"
"Send my gift di
rectly through Steam"
"Enviar mi pase de invit
ado directamente por Steam"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=guestpass" "Send my guest p
ass directly through Steam"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=gift" "Enviar un mensaje de regalo dir
ectamente a la cuenta de Steam de mi Amigo."
"Send my Friend
a gift message directly to their Steam account."
"Enviar un mensaje de pa
se de invitado directamente a la cuenta de Steam de mi Amigo."

"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=guestpass" "Send my Friend

a guest pass message directly to their Steam account."
"Copias adicionales"
"Extra copies"
"Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGuestPassPlural" "Pases de invitado"
"Guest passes"
"Steam - Instalar"
"[english]Steam_InstallAborted_Title" "Steam - Install"
"Este juego no puede instalarse."
"[english]Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoInfo" "This game cannot be installed."
"%game% an no puede instalarse po
rque todava no se estren."
"%game% cannot be instal
led yet, because it is not yet released."
"%game% no puede instalarse porque es un
a demo y dispones de la versin completa. Instala la versin completa de este juego.
"[english]Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoDemo" "%game% cannot be installed, bec
ause it is is a demo, and you own the full version of the product. Please instal
l the full version of the game."
"Sal de cualquier juego o herramienta qu
e se est ejecutando antes de verificar tu cach de juego."
"Please exit any running games o
r tools before attempting to verify your game cache."
"Regin de descarga"
"Download region"
"Steam selecciona automticamente la ubicacin del servidor
de descarga ms cercano, pero esto puede modificarse"
"Steam auto-selects the nearest download server
location, but this can be overridden"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "Preparndose para iniciar %game%."
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "Preparing to launch %game%."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "Preparndose para iniciar %game%.."
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "Preparing to launch %game%.."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "Preparndose para iniciar %game%..."
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "Preparing to launch %game%..."
"%game% - Steam"
"%game% - Steam"
"Actualizando %game%"
"Updating %game%"
"%game% listo"
"Ready - %game%"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_InstallScriptInfo" "Realizando configuracin inicial...\n\nIn
stalando: %stepname% (paso %step% de %steptotal%)"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_InstallScriptInfo" "Performing first time setup...\
n\nInstalling: %stepname% (step %step% of %steptotal%)"
"El juego requiere NTFS"
"[english]SteamUI_Game_Requires_NTFS" "Game requires NTFS"
"El juego que ests instalando requiere un
disco duro con el sistema de archivos NTFS y\nno puede instalarse en uno con el
sistema FAT32. Para ms informacin,\nconsulta el artculo de soporte en el vnculo que
aparece abajo."
"The game you are installing req
uires a drive with the NTFS file system and\ncannot be installed on a FAT32 file
system. For more information see the\nsupport article linked below."
"SteamUI_NTFS_Required_SupportArticle" "Artculo de Soporte sobre el sistema de a
"[english]SteamUI_NTFS_Required_SupportArticle" "Filesystem Support Article"
"SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityTitle" "Steam - Acceso a la interfaz en el juego"
"Steam - Game Overlay Access"

"SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityText" "La interfaz de Steam en el juego necesita la op

cin Activar acceso para dispositivos de ayuda en el panel de preferencias de Ac
ceso Universal."
"[english]SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityText" "The in-game Steam overlay requires acce
ss for assistive devices to be enabled.
To enable access to the in-game overlay, open the Universal Access preference pa
ne and check Enable access for assistive devices "
"Pulsa aqu para abrir el panel de prefere
ncias de Acceso Universal."
"Click here to open the Universa
l Access preference pane."
"Utilizacin del disco duro por St
eam: %s1 Mb"
"Steam Hard Disk Usage:
%s1 Mb"
"Recopilando informacin d
el sistema..."
"Gathering syste
m information..."
"Haz clic en Siguiente para validar tu dir
eccin de email en Steam.\nTodos los cambios de credenciales en tu cuenta de Steam
se confirmarn con una direccin de email, para que slo t puedas cambiar la pregunta
secreta o la contrasea."
"Click Next to verify your email a
ddress with Steam.\nA verified address will be used to confirm any changes to yo
ur Steam account credentials, so you and only you can change your secret questio
n or password."
"Se ha enviado un mensaje a: %s1.\nPor favor, co
mprueba tu email y haz clic en el vnculo del mensaje para completar la verificacin
de la direccin de email en Steam."
"A message has been sent to: %s1.\nPleas
e check your mail and click the link within to complete email address verificati
on with Steam."
"No has recibido nuestro mensaje?"
"Didn t receive our message?"
"Pide ayuda en la pgina de soporte de Steam"
"Visit Steam support for assistance"
"SteamUI_ValidateEmailWorking" "Contactando con los servidores de Steam para en
viar el email."
"[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailWorking" "Contacting Steam Servers to send email.
"Verificar direccin de email"
"Verify Email"
"SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Verified" " | Verificado"
"[english]SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Verified" " | Verified "
" | Sin verificar"
" | Unverified "
"No pueden instalarse juegos cuando Stea
m est en Modo Desconectado.\nSal, reinicia Steam y selecciona Pasar a modo conec
tado ."
"Games cannot be installed when
Steam is in Offline Mode.\nExit and restart Steam, and choose Go Online .\n"
"steam_library" "Biblioteca"
"steam_library_games" "Juegos"
"[english]steam_library_games" "Games"
"steam_library_media" "Multimedia"

"[english]steam_library_media" "Media"
"steam_library_tools" "Herramientas"
"[english]steam_library_tools" "Tools"
"[english]steam_library_zoom" "Zoom"
"[english]steam_library_show" "Show"
"steam_library_views" "Vistas"
"[english]steam_library_views" "View"
"steam_library_filter_allgames" "Juegos"
"steam_library_filter_installedgames" "Instalados"
"[english]steam_library_filter_installedgames" "Installed"
"steam_library_filter_addtag" "Aadir una nueva categora..."
"[english]steam_library_filter_addtag" "Add a New Category..."
"steam_downloads_networkusage" "Uso de la red"
"[english]steam_downloads_networkusage" "Network Usage"
"steam_downloads_downloadrate" "Velocidad actual"
"[english]steam_downloads_downloadrate" "Current"
"steam_downloads_thissession" "Esta sesin"
"[english]steam_downloads_thissession" "This Session"
"Pico de velocidad de carga "
"Peak Upload Rate "
"steam_downloads_pause" "Poner en pausa"
"Poner en pausa todo"
"Pause All"
"Reanudar todo"
"Resume All"
"steam_downloads_downloading" "Descargando"
"[english]steam_downloads_downloading" "Downloading"
"Actualizacin necesaria"
"Update Required"
"En cola"
"In Queue"
"steam_downloads_ready" "Listo para jugar"
"Ready to Play"
"Hora de inicio "
"Time Initiated "
"Descarga completa "
"Download completed "

"Downloaded "
"Descargado "
"Downloaded "
"Proporcin adquirida de la actualizacin "
"Amount of current update acquir
ed "
"steam_downloads_timeremaining" "Tiempo restante "
"Time Remaining "
"steam_downloads_sessiontotal" "Total de sesin "
"[english]steam_downloads_sessiontotal" "Session Total "
"steam_downloads_currentrate" "Velocidad actual: %download_rate%"
"[english]steam_downloads_currentrate" "%download_rate% - Current Rate"
"Jugar a %name%
"Play %name%
"Ver noticias"
"[english]steam_downloads_updatenews" "View News"
"steam_downloads_showinlibrary" "Ver detalles"
"View Details"
"steam_client_add_game" "Aadir un juego..."
"Add a Game..."
"Aadir un juego que no es de Steam..."
"Add a Non-Steam Game..."
"Activar un producto en Steam..."
"Activate a Product on Steam..."
"steam_addgame_browse" "Buscar juegos en la tienda de Steam..."
"[english]steam_addgame_browse" "Browse the Steam Store for Games..."
"Iniciado por ltima vez"
"Last played"
"Jugado por ltima vez:"
"Last played"
evements% logros"
ble_achievements% achievements"
"Tienes %friendsplayingnow% amigos jugando a %ga
mename% en este momento."
"You have %friendsplayingnow% Friends pl
aying %gamename% right now!"
"Tienes %friendsplayingnow% amigo jugando a %gam
ename% en este momento."
"You have %friendsplayingnow% Friend pla
ying %gamename% right now!"
"Tienes %friendswhoplay% amigos ms que juegan a %
"You have %friendswhoplay% more Friends
who play %gamename%"
"Tienes %friendswhoplay% amigo ms que juega a %ga
"You have %friendswhoplay% more Friend w
ho plays %gamename%"
"steam_friendswhoplay" "Tienes %friendswhoplay% amigos que juegan a %gamename%"
"[english]steam_friendswhoplay" "You have %friendswhoplay% Friends who play %gam
"steam_friendwhoplays" "Tienes %friendswhoplay% amigo que juega a %gamename%"
"[english]steam_friendwhoplays" "You have %friendswhoplay% Friend who plays %gam
"No tienes amigos que jueguen a %gamename%"
"You don t have any Friends who play %ga
"steam_openfriendslist" "Abrir lista de amigos"

"Open Friends List"
"steam_viewallfriends" "Ver todos los amigos que juegan a l"
"[english]steam_viewallfriends" "View All Friends Who Play This Game"
"ltimas noticias"
"Recent News"
"[english]steam_Achievements" "Achievements"
"steam_YouHaveAchieved" "Has obtenido %achieved_achievements%/%available_achieve
"You have achieved %achieved_achievement
"Ver todos los logros"
"View All Achievements"
"An te quedan %moreachievements% logros por desblo
"You still have %moreachievements% achie
vments to unlock!"
"Ver todas las noticias"
"View All News"
"steam_newscontinued" "Leer ms"
"[english]steam_newscontinued" "Read More"
"Mod o acceso directo no de Steam"
"Non-Steam Mod or Shortcut"
"steam_NonSteamMessage" "Falta informacin detallada sobre %gamename% porque es un
mod o acceso directo que no es de Steam. Steam puede iniciarlo de todos modos y
, en muchos casos, estar tambin disponible la interfaz dentro del juego."
"Some detailed information on %gamename%
is unavailable because it is a non-Steam mod or shortcut. Steam will still man
age launching the game for you and in most cases the in-game overlay will be ava
"steam_welcome" "Informacin del juego"
"Game Info"
"[english]steam_welcomemessage_basic" "%welcome_action%"
"Para iniciar %gamename%, haz clic en el botn Jug
ar que aparece arriba."
"[english]steam_welcomeaction_launch" "To launch %gamename%, click the Play bu
tton above."
"steam_welcomeaction_install" "Para instalar %gamename%, haz clic en el botn In
stalar que aparece arriba."
"[english]steam_welcomeaction_install" "To install %gamename%, click the Instal
l button above."
"steam_welcomeaction_preload" "Para precargar %gamename% y poder jugarlo en cu
anto se publique, haz clic en el botn Precargar que aparece arriba."
"[english]steam_welcomeaction_preload" "To pre-load %gamename% so you ll be rea
dy to play it the moment it s released, click the Pre-load button above."
"%gamename% estar disponible en breve."
"%gamename% is coming soon."
"%gamename% no est disponible para tu pla
taforma actual."
"%gamename% is not available on
your current platform."
"Para encontrar a otros jugadores de %ga
mename%, nete a un <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>grupo
de la Comunidad Steam</a>. Para ver a qu juegos estn jugando tus amigos, <a href=
steam://friends/add/>aade a un amigo</a> a tu lista de amigos de Steam."

"To find others who play %gamena
me%, join <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>a related Ste
am Community group</a>. To see what games your friends are playing, <a href=stea
m://friends/add/>Add a Friend</a> to your Steam Friends list."
"Si necesitas asistencia tcnica para este juego,
consulta los <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/forums.php?AppId=%appi
d%>foros de %gamename% en Steam</a> o visita el <a href=http://support.steampowe
red.com/>Soporte de Steam</a>."
"If you need technical support with this
game, check out the <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/forums.php?App
Id=%appid%>%gamename% Steam Forums</a> or visit <a href=http://support.steampowe
red.com/>Steam Support</a>."
"Ocultar este mensaje"
"Hide This Message"
"steam_achievement_mostrecent" "Ms reciente"
"[english]steam_achievement_mostrecent" "Most Recent"
"Has desbloqueado %achieved_achievements
%/%available_achievements% (%achieved_percent%%)"
"You have unlocked %achieved_ach
ievements%/%available_achievements% (%achieved_percent%%)"
"Logros bloqueados"
"Locked achievements"
"Has desbloqueado todos los logros. Enhorabuena!"
"You ve unlocked every single achievemen
t. Congratulations!"
"Asignar categoras..."
"Set Categories..."
"steam_edittags_addtag" "Aadir categora"
"Add Category"
"steam_edittags_title" "%game% - Categoras"
"[english]steam_edittags_title" "%game% - Category"
"[english]steam_tags" "Categories"
"[english]steam_details_tags" "Categories"
"Asignar categoras..."
"Set Categories..."
"steam_client_edit_categories" "Asigna una categora a este juego para que te res
ulte ms fcil encontrarlo y organizar tu biblioteca. Los juegos de tu lista se agru
parn segn la categora asignada."
"[english]steam_client_edit_categories" "
Set a category for this game to help you find it quickly and organize your Libra
ry. Categorized games will be grouped together in your games list. "
"steam_topmenu_friends" "Amigos (%friends_online%)"
"Friends (%friends_online%)"
"Cambiar nombre de perfil..."
"Change Profile Name..."
"steam_menu_set_avatar" "Cambiar avatar..."
"Change Avatar..."
"steam_menu_friends_sortbyname" "Ordenar por nombre"
"Sort by Name"
"Mostrar avatares"
"Show Avatars"
"Mostrar slo amigos conectados"

"Show Online Friends Only"
"Aadir a un amigo..."
"Add a Friend..."
"steam_menu_friends_settings" "Ver parmetros"
"[english]steam_menu_friends_settings" "View Settings"
"[english]steam_menu_friends_players" "Players"
"friends_searchOnline" "Buscar miembros de la Comunidad Steam"
"[english]friends_searchOnline" "Search members of the Steam Community"
"steam_send_guestpass" "Enviar pase de invitado"
"[english]steam_send_guestpass" "Send Guest Pass"
"steam_links" "Enlaces"
"[english]steam_links" "Links"
"Grupos relacionados"
"Related Groups"
"steam_stats" "Estadsticas"
"[english]steam_stats" "Stats"
"Contenido descargable"
"Clave de producto"
"CD Key"
"steam_guide" "Gua"
"[english]steam_guide" "Guide"
"steam_menu_downloads" "Descargas"
"[english]steam_menu_downloads" "Downloads"
"[english]steam_menu_friends" "Friends"
"[english]steam_menu_servers" "Servers"
"steam_menu_settings" "Parmetros"
"[english]steam_menu_settings" "Settings"
"Ver lista de amigos (%friends_online% conectado
"View Friends List (%friends_online% Onl
"steam_menu_add_friend" "Aadir a un amigo..."
"Add a Friend..."
"Configurar estado de amigos"
"Set Friends Status"
"steam_onlinefriends" "%friends_online% conectados"
"[english]steam_onlinefriends" "%friends_online% Online"
"Steam_Tooltip_Steam" "Steam"
"[english]Steam_Tooltip_Steam" "Steam"
"Steam_Tooltip_Working" "Steam - procesando"
"Steam - working"
"Steam_Tooltip_Offline" "Steam - desconectado"
"Steam - offline"
"Steam_Tooltip_Syncing" "Steam - sincronizando"
"Steam - synchronizing"
"Steam - descargando a %s1/s"
"Steam - downloading at %s1/s"

"Friends_away" "Ausente"
"[english]Friends_away" "Away"
"Friends_busy" "Ocupado"
"[english]Friends_busy" "Busy"
"tooltip_view_details" "Vista Detallada"
"[english]tooltip_view_details" "Detail View "
"Ver Lista"
"List View "
"Ver Cuadrcula"
"Grid View "
"Asignar categora"
"Set Category"
"Crear nueva..."
"Create new..."
"Cambiar categoras..."
"Change categories..."
"[english]steam_recentlyplayed_today" "Today"
"steam_recentlyplayed_lastweek" "Esta Semana"
"This Week"
"Este Mes"
"This Month"
"steam_menu_minimode" "Modo pequeo"
"[english]steam_menu_minimode" "Small mode"
"steam_menu_largemode" "Modo ampliado"
"[english]steam_menu_largemode" "Large mode"
"Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Title" "Error"
"[english]Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Title" "Error"
"Has desactivado la Comunidad Steam En e
l Juego en tus opciones generales de Steam.\n\n Si deseas modificar la opcin jueg
o a juego, tendrs que reactivarla primero en las opciones generales."
"[english]Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Body" "You have disabled Steam Communi
ty In-Game in your Steam wide settings.\n\nPlease re-enable it there first if yo
u wish to modify the setting on a per-game basis."
"Steam_UseDirectWrite_Option" "Activar DirectWrite para mejorar el suavizado y
presentacin de fuentes"
"[english]Steam_UseDirectWrite_Option" "Enable DirectWrite for improved font sm
oothing and kerning"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SignatureSupport" "Cdigos Criptogrficos del Proveedo
r: %s1 %s2 %s3 %s4 %s5"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SignatureSupport" "Crypto Provider Codes:
%s1 %s2 %s3 %s4 %s5"
"Tu hardware de video no cumple con los requisit
os mnimos que hemos establecido para jugar. Este juego no puede funcionar en este
"Your video hardware does not meet the m
inimum requirements that we have set for the game. This game cannot be run on t
his hardware."
"Crear un acceso directo a %game
"Create an application s

hortcut for %game%"

"Crear accesos directos
para cada juego"
"Create an appli
cation shortcut for each game"
"Conexin de Internet"
"Internet Connection"
"Steam Cloud"
"Steam Cloud"
"Steam Cloud almacena informacin para que tu experiencia
con el producto sea consistente en todos tus ordenadores."
"The Steam Cloud stores information so your prod
uct experience is consistent across computers."
"Activar sincronizacin de Steam Cloud para las aplicacion
es que lo soporten"
"Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for applicat
ions which support it"
"Activar sincronizacin de Steam Cloud para %game%
"Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for
"%used% almacenados / %available% disponibles"
"%used% stored / %available% available"
"Steam_CloudEnableLink" "Ver Configuraciones / Descargas + Cloud"
"Visit Settings / Downloads + Cloud"
"para restablecer Steam Cloud en tu cuen
"to re-enable the Steam Cloud fo
r your account."
"El directorio seleccionado no existe y
Steam no pudo crearlo."
"The chosen directory does not e
xist and Steam was unable to create the directory."
"%numbetas% disponibles actualmente\n(Slo el usua
rio que instal Steam puede cambiar una participacin Beta)"
"[english]Steam_NoBetaChosenNonAdmin" "%numbetas% currently available\n(Only t
he user who installed Steam can change Beta participation.)"
"Steam_UserCantSetBeta" "%electedbeta%\n(Slo el usuario que instal Steam puede cam
biar una participacin Beta)"
"%electedbeta%\n(Only the user who insta
lled Steam can change Beta participation.)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Software" "Software Instalado:"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Software" "Installed software:"
"Versin de Wine: %s1"
"Wine Version: %s1"
"Steam - Desinstalar"
"[english]Steam_Uninstall_Games_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Uninstall"
"Desinstalando %game% ..."
"Uninstalling %game% ..."
"steam_menu_updatevendorgraphicscard" "Actualizar el controlador de vdeo de %gr
"[english]steam_menu_updatevendorgraphicscard" "Update %graphics_vendor% Video
"steam_menu_checkforvideodriverupdates" "Comprobar si existen actualizaciones de
l controlador de vdeo..."
"Check for Video Driver

"Steam - Actualizaciones del con
trolador de vdeo"
"Steam - Video Driver Up
"Los controladores de tu tarjeta de vdeo
ya estn al da."
"[english]Steam_NoVideoDriverUpdateAvailable" "Your video drivers are already
"Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloading" "Se est descargando una nueva actualizacin
disponible del controlador de vdeo."
"A video driver update i
s available, and is now being downloaded."
"Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloaded" "Se ha descargado una actualizacin del co
ntrolador de vdeo."
"[english]Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloaded" "A video driver update has been
"Steam_InstallVideoDriverNow" "Instalar Ahora"
"[english]Steam_InstallVideoDriverNow" "Install Now"
"Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Title" "Steam - Advertencia"
"Steam - Warning"
"Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Text" "Tu ordenador no puede acceder a los Ser
vidores de Steam o bien estos se encuentran temporalmente desactivados.\n\nPor f
avor, intntalo de nuevo ms tarde."
"[english]Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Text" "Your computer is either current
ly unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled
.\n\nPlease try again later."
"Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Title" "Steam - Error"
"[english]Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Ha habido un problema al ejecutar la he
rramienta de actualizacin del controlador de vdeo."
"[english]Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Text" "There was a problem launching t
he video driver updater."
"Escribir un anlisis"
"Write Review"
"Escribir un anlisis"
"Write Review"
"Ver todas las capturas de pantalla"
"View screenshot library"
"Steam_MoreScreenshots" "+%morescreenshots_notshown%"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_SamePassword" "La nueva contrasea coincide con la contr
asea actual. Pulsa Retroceder para escoger otra contrasea o Cancelar para inic
iar sesin con la contrasea actual\n"
"[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_SamePassword" "The new password matches the cu
rrent password. Hit back to choose a new password or cancel and log in with that
"Ver capturas"
"View Screenshot
"Mostrar la barra de direcciones de Steam cuando
sea posible"
"Display Steam URL address bar when avai
"Tu cuenta requiere que se establezca una nueva
contrasea. Esto puede deberse a que tu contrasea ya no cumple los requisitos de se
guridad o porque el Soporte de Steam ha recuperado tu cuenta perdida o en peligr
o y ha establecido una contrasea temporal.\n\nAhora te ayudaremos a que puedas es

tablecer una nueva contrasea."

"Your account requires that a new passwo
rd is set. This can either be because your password no longer meets Steam s comp
lexity requirements, or because Steam Support recovered your lost or compromised
account and had set a temporary password.\n\nWe ll walk you through setting a n
ew password now."
"Debes cambiar tu pregunta y tu respuest
a secreta ahora."
"You must change your secret que
stion and answer now."
"Error al cambiar la contrasea.\nLa contr
asea no cumple los requisitos de seguridad adicionales. Por favor, intntalo de nue
"Failed to change password.\nTha
t password did not satisfy additional complexity requirements. Please choose aga
"Error al cambiar la contrasea.\nNo puede
s volver a usar una contrasea antigua. Por favor, elige otra."
"Failed to change password.\nYou
may not reuse an old password. Please choose again."
"Esa pregunta y esa respuesta son las mi
smas que las actuales.\nPor favor, elige otra pregunta y otra respuesta diferent
"That question and answer is the
same as the current setting.\nPlease choose a different question and answer."
"Password strength:"
"Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_NotChangedYet" "Contactando con los servidores
de Steam para enviar un cdigo de confirmacin a la nueva direccin de email que has p
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_NotChangedYet" "Contacting Steam Server
s to send a confirmation code to your proposed new email address."
"El cambio se completar u
na vez nos confirmes la recepcin de ese email haciendo clic en el enlace incluido
"This change wil
l be complete once you have acknowledged the receipt of that email by clicking t
he link within."
"Trke (turco)"
"Trke (Turkish)"
"Error al crear la cuenta.\nEsa
contrasea no cumple con los requisitos de complejidad adicionales. Por favor, esc
oge otra."
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccountFailedPasswordIllegal" "Failed to create accoun
t.\nThat password did not satisfy additional complexity requirements. Please cho
ose again."
"Steam_EnableCloudScreenshots" "Abrir el cargador de capturas al cerrar un jueg
o si se han realizado capturas"
"[english]Steam_EnableCloudScreenshots" "Open the screenshot uploader after a cl
osing game if screenshots were taken"
"SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescriptionAlt" "Tu cuenta de email no est verificada.\nP
ulsa Siguiente para verificar tu cuenta de correo electrnico con Steam.\nLa cue
nta de email verificada se usar para confirmar cualquier cambio en las credencial
es de tu cuenta de Steam, por lo que t y slo t podrs cambiar tu pregunta secreta o t
u contrasea."
"[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescriptionAlt" "Your email address is not verif
ied.\nClick Next to verify your email address with Steam.\nA verified address will
be used to confirm any changes to your Steam account credentials, so you and on
ly you can change your secret question or password."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurityButton" "Administrar la proteccin Steam Guard de la cuent

"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurityButton" "Manage Steam Guard Account Security..."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Title" "Administrar Steam Guard"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Title" "Manage Steam Guard"
"Buena eleccin! Puede que necesites accede
r a tu email para iniciar sesin en Steam desde otro equipo, pero tu cuenta estar ms
segura con Steam Guard activado."
"Good choice! While you will nee
d access to your email to login to Steam on another computer, your account will
be more secure with Steam Guard enabled."
"Por tu seguridad, por favor, asegrate de
que las contraseas de tu cuenta de email y de Steam son diferentes."
"For your security, please be su
re your Steam account and email address passwords differ."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockAccount_Success" "Cualquier ordenador o navegador
puede acceder a tu cuenta de Steam, siempre y cuando proporciones tu nombre de
usuario y tu contrasea."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockAccount_Success" "Any computer or browser
may now have access to your Steam account, provided your account name and passw
ord are provided."
"Para reactivar Steam Guard, pulsa sobre
Administrar la proteccin Steam Guard de la cuenta en los parmetros de Steam."
"To re-enable Steam Guard, click
Manage Steam Guard Account Security in Steam Settings."
"Hemos enviado un cdigo a tu direccin de e
mail.\nUsa este cdigo cuando inicies sesin desde un nuevo equipo."
"An email with a code has been s
ent to your email address.\nUse this code when you login on a new computer."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied" "Todos los dems equipos ya no estn
autorizados a acceder a esta cuenta de Steam sin tu consentimiento previo va ema
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied" "All other computers are
no longer authorized to access this Steam account without your prior consent vi
a email."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied2" "Para iniciar sesin en Steam desd
e otro equipo, necesitars introducir un cdigo de acceso nico que te enviaremos a tu
direccin de email cuando intentes conectarte."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied2" "To login to Steam on an
other computer, you ll be required to enter a unique access code which we ll sen
d to your email address when you attempt to login."
"Contactando con los Servidores de Steam
para realizar la peticin..."
"Contacting Steam Servers to per
form request..."
"Ahora tu cuenta de Steam est protegida p
or Steam Guard, para evitar que caiga en las manos equivocadas."
"Your Steam account is now prote
cted by Steam Guard, to protect your account from falling into the wrong hands."
"Esto significa que tendrs que acceder a
tu cuenta de email de contacto para poder acceder a tu cuenta de Steam desde un
equipo o un navegador desconocido."
"This means you will need access
to your contact email account in order to access your Steam account from an unr
ecognized computer or browser."
"Steam te enviar un mensaje a tu direccin
de email de contacto la primera vez que intentes acceder a tu cuenta de Steam de
sde un equipo o un navegador desconocido. Este mensaje incluir un cdigo de acceso
especial que necesitars para acceder a tu cuenta de Steam."
"Steam will send a message to yo
ur contact email address the first time you attempt to access your Steam account

from an unrecognized computer or browser. This message will include a special a

ccess code, which will be required in order to access your Steam account."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NothingRadio" "Mantn mi cuenta protegida por Steam Guar
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NothingRadio" "Keep my account protected by St
eam Guard"
"Desactivar Steam Guard (No recomendado)
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockRadio" "Disable Steam Guard (Not Recomm
"Desautorizar todos los
dems ordenadores ahora"
"Deauthorize all
other computers now"
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo" "Steam Guard puede evitar que tu cuenta
de Steam caiga en las manos equivocadas."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo" "Your Steam account can be prote
cted by Steam Guard, to protect your account from falling into the wrong hands."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo2" "Con Steam Guard, Steam enviar un mensaje
a tu direccin de email de contacto la primera vez que intentes acceder a tu cuen
ta de Steam desde un equipo o un navegador desconocido. Este mensaje incluir un cd
igo de acceso especial que necesitars para poder acceder a tu cuenta de Steam."
"With Steam Guard, Steam
will send a message to your contact email address the first time you attempt to
access your Steam account from an unrecognized computer or browser. This messag
e will include a special access code, which will be required in order to access
your Steam account."
"Proteger mi cuenta con Steam Guard (Recomendado
"Protect my account with Steam Guard (Re
"Esta cuenta tiene Prote
ccin de Identidad de Intel y slo se puede acceder a ella desde este ordenador."
"This account ha
s Intel Identity Protection and may only be accessed from this computer."
"Aadir un nuevo ordenador a la li
sta de equipos autorizados"
"Add a new computer to a
uthorized list"
"Activar la Proteccin de Identidad de Int
"Enable Intel Identity Protectio
"Eliminar la Proteccin de Identidad de In
"Remove Intel Identity Protectio
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeActivated" "Proteccin de Identidad de Intel
verificada.\nContactando con el servidor para registrar este ordenador."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeActivated" "Intel Identity Protecti
on verified.\nNow contacting server to register this computer."
"Error al iniciar la Proteccin de
Identidad de Intel.\nPor favor, verifica la instalacin del software."
"Intel Identity Protecti
on failed to initialize.\nPlease verify software installation."
"La Proteccin de Identida
d de Intel est ahora activa.\nSlo este ordenador puede acceder a esta cuenta de St
"Intel Identity
Protection is now active.\nOnly this computer may access this steam account."

"Steam Guard - Autorizacin de equipo requ
"Steam Guard - Computer Authoriz
ation Required"
"Hola! Vemos que ests iniciando sesin desde un orde
nador nuevo."
"Hello! We see you re logging in from a
new computer."
"Steam_RecoverLocked_Details" "Como medida de seguridad adicional, tendrs que a
utorizar el acceso de este equipo introduciendo el cdigo especial que acabamos de
enviar a tu direccin de email de %s1."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_Details" "As an additional security measure, you
ll need to grant access to this computer by entering the special code we ve just
sent to your email address at %s1."
"Steam_RecoverLocked_UseCode" "He recibido el mensaje del Soporte de Steam y e
stoy listo para introducir mi cdigo de acceso especial."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_UseCode" "I ve received the message from Steam Su
pport and am ready to enter my special access code."
"Qu email? No lo tengo..."
"What email message? I don t hav
e it..."
"Por qu est pasando esto?"
"Why is this happening?"
"Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCode" "Mi cdigo de acceso especial es:"
"My special access code is:"
"Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCodeDetails" "Una vez que tu cdigo sea verificado, Ste
am aadir este ordenador a la lista de equipos que pueden acceder a tu cuenta de St
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCodeDetails" "Once your code has been verifie
d, Steam Guard will add this computer to the list of machines that are allowed t
o access your Steam account."
"Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCode" "Lo sentimos, eso no es correcto."
"Sorry, that isn t quite right."
"Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCodeDetails" "Vuelve atrs para intentarlo de nuevo o h
az clic en Siguiente para recibir la asistencia que necesitas para acceder a t
u cuenta de Steam desde este ordenador."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCodeDetails" "Go back to try again, or click
Next to get the help you ll need to access your Steam account from this computer
"Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmail" "Has comprobado la carpeta de correo no deseado?"
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmail" "Did you check your spam folder?"
"Si no ves un mensaje reciente del Sopor
te de Steam en tu bandeja de entrada, prueba a mirar la carpeta de correo no des
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails" "If you don t see a recent messa
ge from Steam Support in your inbox, try looking in your email account s spam fo
"Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails2" "Vuelve al paso anterior para introducir
tu cdigo si lo has encontrado o haz clic en Siguiente para recibir la asistenc
ia que necesitas para acceder a tu cuenta de Steam desde este ordenador."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails2" "Go back to enter your code if y
ou ve found it, or click Next to get the help you ll need to access your Steam a
ccount from this computer."
"Lamentamos que ests teniendo problemas, dj
anos ayudarte!"
"Sorry you re having trouble - l
et us help!"
"Sabemos que tu cuenta de Steam es muy v
aliosa para ti y estamos comprometidos a ayudarte a que no caiga en malas manos.

"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery2" "We know your Steam account is v

aluable to you, and we re committed to helping you keep access to it in the righ
t hands."
"Por favor, contacta con el Soporte de S
team para que un miembro de nuestro equipo te ayude. Las peticiones legtimas de a
yuda para acceder a la cuenta son nuestra prioridad nmero uno."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery3" "Please contact Steam Support to
have a member of our staff assist you. Legitimate claims for help with account
access are our number one priority."
"Contactar con el Soporte de Ste
"Contact Steam Support"
"Steam_RecoverLocked_LearnMore" "Conoce ms acerca de la Tecnologa de Proteccin de I
dentidad de Intel"
"Learn more about Intel Identity
Protection Technology"
"Lo siento, no se puede acceder a esta c
uenta desde este ordenador sin autorizacin adicional."
"Sorry, this account can t be ac
cessed from this computer without additional authorization."
"Steam_RecoverLocked_Success" "Hecho!"
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_Success" "Success!"
"Ahora puedes acceder a tu cuenta de Ste
am desde este ordenador. Steam lo ha aadido a la lista de ordenadores que pueden
acceder a tu cuenta de Steam en el futuro."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_SuccessDetails" "You now have access to your Ste
am account from this computer. Steam Guard has added this computer to the list o
f machines that are allowed to access your Steam account in the future."
"Steam - Procesando..."
"Steam - working..."
"Error al contactar con los servidores d
e Steam"
"Failed to contact Steam servers
"No se ha podido contactar con l
os servidores de Steam en este momento. Por favor, intntalo de nuevo ms tarde."
"The Steam servers could
not be contacted at this time. Please try again later."
"steam_library_search" "Buscar"
"[english]steam_library_search" "Search"
"Friends_game_on_PS3" "%s1 en PlayStation3"
"[english]Friends_game_on_PS3" "%s1 on PlayStation3"
"Cdec de voz desconocido utilizado en el otro ext
remo - colgando. Deben de estar usando una versin ms nueva del cliente de Steam."
"Unknown voice codec used by remote end
- hanging up. They must be running a newer version of the Steam client."
"Datos de voz no vlidos recibidos desde el interl
ocutor remoto - colgando."
"Bad voice data received by remote end hanging up."
"La conexin de voz con el interlocutor remoto se
desconect inesperadamente."
"Voice connection to remote end disconne
cted unexpectedly."
"steam_screenshotsupload_title" "Subida de capturas"
"Screenshot Upload"

"Subir la captura?"
"Upload a screenshot?"
"Subir %upload_screenshot_count% capturas?"
"Upload %upload_screenshot_count% screen
"Tamao de la subida:"
"Upload size:"
"Tamao total:"
"Total size:"
"steam_selected_screenshot_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%"
"[english]steam_selected_screenshot_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%"
"Espacio restante:"
"Remaining storage:"
"steam_remaining_storage_info" "%screenshot_remaining_storage%"
"[english]steam_remaining_storage_info" "%screenshot_remaining_storage%"
"steam_upload" "Subir"
"[english]steam_upload" "Upload"
"steam_private" "Privada"
"steam_public" "Pblica"
"[english]steam_public" "Public"
"Slo amigos"
"Friends only"
"steam_screenshot_upload_info" "Subiendo captura a Steam Cloud"
"[english]steam_screenshot_upload_info" "Uploading screenshot to Steam Cloud"
"steam_screenshots_upload_info" "Subiendo %upload_screenshot_count% capturas a S
team Cloud"
"Uploading %upload_screenshot_co
unt% screenshots to Steam Cloud"
"steam_also_delete_from_cloud" "Eliminar de Steam Cloud tambin"
"[english]steam_also_delete_from_cloud" "Delete from Steam Cloud as well"
"steam_screenshots_error_info" "Se ha producido un error al subir %ScreenshotsE
rrors% capturas. Es posible que Steam Cloud no est disponible temporalmente."
"[english]steam_screenshots_error_info" "There was an error uploading %Screensho
tsErrors% screenshots. Steam Cloud may be temporarily unavailable."
"steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshot" "Ests seguro de que quieres eliminar perma
nentemente esta captura de tu disco duro?"
"[english]steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshot" "Are you sure you want to perman
ently delete this screenshot from your hard disk?"
"steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshots" "Ests seguro de que quieres eliminar perma
nentemente estas %delete_screenshot_count% capturas de tu disco duro?"
"Are you sure you want t
o permanently delete these %delete_screenshot_count% screenshots from your hard
"steam_screenshotdelete_title" "Eliminar capturas"
"[english]steam_screenshotdelete_title" "Screenshot Delete"
"steam_delete" "Borrar"
"[english]steam_delete" "Delete"
"Has seleccionado %selected_screenshot_count% ca
"[english]steam_screenshots_selected" "You ve selected %selected_screenshot_co
unt% screenshots."
"steam_screenshots_select_all" "Seleccionar todas"
"[english]steam_screenshots_select_all" "Select all"

"Deseleccionar todas"
"Deselect all"
"Ver mis capturas..."
"View my screenshots..."
"steam_screenshot_not_loaded" "No se pudo cargar la captura: %file_not_loaded_
"[english]steam_screenshot_not_loaded" "Screenshot could not be loaded: %file_n
"steam_screenshots_no_selection_title" "Comparte capturas de tus juegos favorit
os en la web"
"[english]steam_screenshots_no_selection_title" "Share screenshots of your favor
ite games on the web"
"steam_screenshots_no_selection_instructions" "Pulsa %screenshot_hotkey% duran
te la partida para realizar una captura\n\nSelecciona las imgenes que quieres sub
ir a tu biblioteca online\n\nSelecciona varias capturas a la vez pulsando y mant
eniendo la tecla Shift o la tecla Control\n\nConfigura la visibilidad de tus cap
turas a Pblica para compartirlas en la web"
"[english]steam_screenshots_no_selection_instructions" "Press %screenshot_hotke
y% while in-game to take a screenshot\n\nSelect the screenshots you want to uplo
ad to your library online\n\nSelect multiple screenshots by holding the Shift or
Control key\n\nSet your screenshots visibility to Public to share them on the we
"No has jugado a
%gamename% con tu cuenta en la PlayStation3"
"Your ac
count has not played %gamename% on the PlayStation3 system"
"Debes jugar a %gamename
% en la PlayStation3 antes de poder registrar la clave de producto que has introd
ucido.\n\nPor favor:\n\n- Inicia %gamename% en tu PlayStation3\n\n- Vincula tu cu
enta de Steam a tu cuenta de PlayStation3 Network\n\n- Conctate a Steam mientras j
uegas a %gamename% en la PlayStation3\n\n- Registra esta clave de producto median
te Steam"
"The product cod
e you have entered requires that you first play %gamename% on the PlayStation3 sy
stem before it can be registered.\n\nPlease:\n\n- Start %gamename% on your PlayS
tation3 system\n\n- Link your Steam account to your PlayStation3 Network account\n
\n- Connect to Steam while playing %gamename% on the PlayStation3 system\n\n- Reg
ister this product code through Steam"
"Steam_Game_DLC_Title2" "Tienes el siguiente contenido descargable para %game%"
"You have the following downloadable con
tent for %game%"
"Steam_Game_DLC_InstallState" "Estado"
"[english]Steam_Game_DLC_InstallState" "State"
"Steam_Game_DLC_NotInstalled" "No instalado"
"[english]Steam_Game_DLC_NotInstalled" "Not installed"
"Por favor, contacta con el Sopo
rte de Steam lo antes posible"
"Please contact Steam Su
pport as soon as possible"
"Estado de seguridad:"
"Security Status:"
"Email no verificado an"
"Email address not yet v
"Protegido por Steam Guard"
"Protected by Steam Guar
"Steam Guard desactivado"

"Steam Guard disabled"
"Desconocido, desconectado"
"Unknown, offline"
"Eliminar de %category%
"Remove from %c
ategory% "
"Problema de Soporte de la Aplicacin"
"Application Support Issue"
"steam_AppSupport_Info" "Esta aplicacin tiene requisitos especiales para tu entor
no de instalacin; haz clic en la URL de abajo para ver los detalles."
"This application has special requiremen
ts for your installation environment, click the URL below to see details."
"No autorizado"
"Esta versin de Steam est actualmente en beta cerr
ada.\nInicia sesin con una cuenta inscrita para continuar."
"This version of Steam is currently in c
losed beta.\nLogin with an enrolled account to continue."
"steam_tryoutvoicechat" "Pssst, prueba nuestro nuevo y mejorado chat de voz!"
"Psst, try our new & improved voice chat
"WelcomeToSteamPSNAccountSetup" "Jugadores de PS3: Primera vez en Steam?"
"PS3 Players: First time signing
into Steam?"
"Jugadores de PlayStationNetwork"
"PlayStationNetwork Players"
"Steam_Login_PSNAccountSetup" "PS3 - Primer inicio de sesin?"
"[english]Steam_Login_PSNAccountSetup" "PS3 - First time signing in?"
"No hemos encontrado nada! Prueba a vaciar el cam
po de bsqueda o elige otra categora en el desplegable de arriba."
"We ve come up empty! Try clearing your
search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above."
"Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam - Contacta con nosotros"
"Steam - Contact us"
"Por favor, contacta con el Soporte de Steam par
a resolver este problema."
"[english]Steam_Login_ContactSupport" "Please contact Steam Support to resolve
this issue."
"Steam_PSNAccountSetup_Title" "Iniciar sesin mediante PlayStationNetwork"
"[english]Steam_PSNAccountSetup_Title" "Sign in through the PlayStationNetwork"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ShowGift" "Show"
"Ignorar este regalo"
"Ignore this gift"
"Pregntame ms tarde"
"Ask me again later"
"Por aceptar"
"Not yet accepted"
"Portugus de Brasil"
"SteamUI_Selection_Brazilian" "Portugus-Brasil (portugus de Brasil)"

"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Brazilian" "Portugus-Brasil (Portuguese-Brazil)"

"SteamUI_Selection_Bulgarian" " (blgaro)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Bulgarian" " (Bulgarian)"
"Validando archivos de cach de Steam (%ca
che_number% de %cache_total%)"
"Validating Steam cache files (%
cache_number% of %cache_total%)"
"Ese cdigo est obsoleto y ha caducado."
"That code is too old and has ex
"Busca un email ms reciente en tu
correo electrnico y pulsa atrs para intentarlo de nuevo, o pulsa el botn siguiente
para recibir un nuevo email con otro cdigo."
"Check your email folder
for a more recent email and click back to try again, or click the next button t
o request a new email with a new code."
"Steam_RunGame_Title_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "Sistema de contenido de Steam"
"Steam Content S
"Este juego est siendo convertido
al nuevo sistema de contenido de Steam"
"This game is being conv
erted to Steam's new content system"
"Asignando espacio en el disco para %s1 ..."
"[english]Steam_PreallocateAppStatus" "Allocating disk space for %s1 ..."
"Descubriendo archivos existentes para %s1 ..."
"Discovering existing files for %s1 ..."
"Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_App_Install_Failed_Text" "Se ha producido un error durante la instalacin d
e %game% (%reason%)"
"An error occurred while install
ing %game% (%reason%)"
"Steam_UpdateSuspended" "Actualizacin en cola"
"Update queued"
"Steam_UpdateRequired" "Actualizacin necesaria"
"[english]Steam_UpdateRequired" "Update required"
"Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Salir"
"[english]Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Shutdown"
"Saliendo de Steam ..."
"[english]Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Text" "Shutting down Steam ..."
"Esperando a que %game% se cierre ..."
"Waiting for %game% to shut down
"Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Download" "Deteniendo la descarga de %game%..."
"[english]Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Download" "Stopping download for %game% ..
"Terminando la sincronizacin con Steam Cl
"Finishing Steam cloud sync ..."
"Cerrando sesin ..."
"Logging off ..."
"Salir ahora"
"Exit Now"
"Este pase de in
vitado tiene requisitos adicionales"

"This gu
est pass has additional requirements"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextMustOwnApp$type=guestpass" "Antes de activar un pas
e de invitado para %package%, debes adquirir primero %appname%. Una vez que lo t
engas, por favor, intenta activar este pase de invitado de nuevo."
redeeming a guest pass for %package%, you must own %appname%. Once owned, please
try to redeem this guest pass again."
"Steam_GameProperties_BetasTab" "Betas"
"Steam_ChooseGameBeta" "Selecciona la beta en la que te gustara participar:"
"[english]Steam_ChooseGameBeta" "Select the beta you would like to opt into:"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=gift" "Este pase de regalo tie
ne requisitos adicionales"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=gift" "This gift pass
has additional requirements"
"Antes de aceptar un reg
alo de %package%, debes adquirir primero %appname%. Una vez que lo tengas, por f
avor, intenta aceptar este regalo de nuevo."
"Before acceptin
g a gift for %package%, you must own %appname%. Once owned, please try to accept
this gift again."
"[english]steam_downloads_installing" "Installing"
"[english]steam_downloads_validating" "Validating"
"steam_downloads_preallocating" "Preasignando"
"steam_menu_friends_showtagged" "Mostrar todos en la seccin AMIGOS"
"Show All in the FRIENDS Section
"Steam_ErrorAccountIPLoginRestricted" "No se puede acceder a la cuenta desde e
sta ubicacin.\n"
"[english]Steam_ErrorAccountIPLoginRestricted" "This account can not be accesse
d from this location.\n"
"Deseando intercambiar"
"Looking to Trade"
"Friends_lookingtoplay" "Deseando jugar"
"Looking to Play"
"Conversin de contenido del juego"
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Dialog_Title" "Game content conversion"
"Steam necesita convertir el contenido de \"%gam
e%\" a un nuevo formato ms eficiente. Esto requerir conexin a Internet y un par de
minutos de tu tiempo."
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Text" "Steam needs to convert the game content
for \"%game%\" to a new, more efficient format. This will require an Internet c
onnection and a few minutes time."
"Steam_Convert_Content_Start" "Vale"
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Start" "Ok"
"Steam_Convert_Content_Cancel" "Cancelar"
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Comprobando el contenido existente ..."
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Removing_Old" "Checking existing content ..."
"Steam_Convert_Content_Reconfiguration" "Reconfigurando el nuevo contenido ..."
"Reconfiguring new conte
nt ..."

"Convirtiendo el contenido existente ...
"Converting existing content ...
"Steam_Convert_Content_Preallocation" "Preparando el nuevo contenido ... %prog
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Preallocation" "Preparing new content ... %prog
"Conversin completada. Se est descargando el conte
nido perdido..."
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Done" "Conversion complete. Missing content is
being downloaded..."
"Steam_Convert_Content_Error" "Conversin fallida (%error%)"
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Error" "Conversion failed (%error%)"
"CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Title" "Steam Cloud - Eliminar Archivo"
"[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Title" "Steam Cloud - Remove File"
"Ests seguro de que quieres eliminar %filename% de
tu Steam Cloud? Esto tambin eliminar tu copia local del archivo de forma permanen
te.\n\n(Esta accin no puede deshacerse).\n"
"[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Info" "Are you sure you want to remove %filena
me% from your Steam Cloud? This will also permanently delete your local copy of
the file.\n\n(This action cannot be reversed.)\n"
"CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Button" "Eliminar"
"[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Button" "Remove"
"Error de Encuesta"
"Survey Error"
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_InvalidID" "ID de encuesta no vlido"
"Invalid survey ID"
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_TryAgain" "Se ha producido un problema al establec
er la comunicacin con los servidores de Steam. Por favor, intntalo de nuevo ms tard
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_TryAgain" "There was a problem communicati
ng with the Steam servers. Please try again later."
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_NotOnline" "Debes estar conectado para responder a
esta encuesta."
"You must be online to t
ake this survey."
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_SurveyUnavailable" "La encuesta a la que intentas a
cceder no existe o ya no est disponible."
"The survey you
are trying to take does not exist or is no longer available."
"No has sido invitado a responder a esta
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_Denied" "You have not been invited to ta
ke this survey."
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_AlreadyComplete" "Ya has realizado esta encuesta.
Gracias por tu participacin."
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_AlreadyComplete" "You have already taken
this survey. Thank you for your participation."
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome" "%surveyname%\n\nGracias por aceptar participar
en esta encuesta. Esta encuesta consta de dos partes.\n\nPrimero, recopilaremos
informacin sobre tu ordenador. Esta informacin no es annima y ser compartida con el
autor de esta encuesta.\n\nDespus, te remitiremos a una pgina web para recopilar d
atos demogrficos adicionales.\n\nPara comenzar haz clic en \"Siguiente\""
"%surveyname%\n\nThank you for a
greeing to take this survey. This survey has two steps.\n\nFirst we will gather
information about your machine. This data is not anonymous and will be shared wi
th the author of this survey.\n\nFor step 2, we will forward you to a website to
gather additional demographic data.\n\nTo get started click \"Next\""
"%surveyname%\n\nGracias por ace

ptar participar en esta encuesta.\n\nParece que ya has tomado parte en esta encu
esta con anterioridad, as que no necesitamos recopilar informacin sobre tu ordenad
or de nuevo. Haz clic en \"Finalizar\" para abrir una pgina web donde podrs comple
tar el resto de la encuesta."
"%surveyname%\n\nThank y
ou for agreeing to take this survey.\n\nIt looks like you started this survey ea
rlier so we do not have to gather information about your machine again. Press \"
Finish\" to open a web page where you can complete the rest of the survey."
"El paso 1, recopilacin de informacin de h
ardware, ha sido completado.\n\nHaz clic en \"Finalizar\" para abrir una pgina we
b donde podrs empezar el paso 2. La encuesta no finalizar hasta que no hayas compl
etado el paso 2."
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_ForwardToWeb" "Step 1, gathering hardware info
rmation, is complete.\n\nClick \"Finish\" to open a web page to begin step 2. Th
e survey will not be finished until you complete step 2."
"Enviando los datos recopilados..."
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Sending_Data" "Sending gathered data..."
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Cancel" "Cancelar"
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Abrir archivo"
"Open file"
"Publicar %filename% "
"Publish %filename% "
"Compartir archivo con la Comunidad: %filename%"
"Share File With Community: %filename%"
"Steam_PublishFile_Description" "Compartir este archivo con la Comunidad Steam?"
"Share this file with the Steam
"Steam_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Ttulo:"
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Title:"
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_DescriptionLabel" "Description:"
"Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Private" "Privada"
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Private" "Private"
"Slo amigos"
"Friends Only"
"Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Public" "Pblica"
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Public" "Public"
"Publicar para:"
"Publish For:"
"Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPrivate" "Enhorabuena! Has publicado tu ar
chivo en la nube. Puedes compartir el enlace con quien quieras, pero no ser visib
le para el resto de la Comunidad Steam."
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPrivate" "Congratulations! You h
ave posted your file into the cloud. You may now share the link to your file wi
th anyone, but it will not be publically shared with the rest of the Steam commu
"Enhorabuena! Has compart
ido tu archivo con tus amigos y aquellos a los que les has hecho llegar el enlac
! You have shared your file with your friends and anyone who you ve shared the
link to your file with."
"Ehorabuena! Has compartido tu ar

chivo con el resto de la Comunidad Steam."

"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPublic" "Congratulations! You h
ave shared your file with the rest of the Steam Community."
"Por favor, ten en cuenta que tu archivo ha sido
publicado en este preciso instante. Cualquier cambio que realices a partir de a
hora y que quieras compartir deber ser publicado de nuevo. Si usas el mismo ttulo,
cualquiera que acceda a este archivo obtendr automticamente la versin ms reciente p
"Please note that you ve posted this fil
e at this point in time. Any new changes that you wish share must be re-publish
ed again. If you use the same title, anyone following this file will automatica
lly get the newly published version."
"Publicando el archivo en la Comunidad Steam..."
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Progress" "Publishing file to the Steam Community.
"Se ha producido un error al publicar tu archivo
en la Comunidad Steam. Por favor, intntalo de nuevo ms tarde."
"There was a problem publishing your fil
e to the Steam Community. Please try again later."
"Ya hay un archivo con el ttulo q
ue has especificado. Por favor, escoge otro ttulo o marca sobrescribir en las o
pciones de publicacin."
"A file already exists w
ith the title you provided. Please select a different title, or check overwrit
e in the publishing options."
"Steam_PublishFile_Failed_AccessDenied" "Debes poseer este programa para poder p
ublicar archivos para l. Por favor, adquiere este producto antes de intentar publ
icar un archivo."
"You must own this progr
am in order to publish files for it. Please purchase this product before attemp
ting to publish a file."
"Se ha producido un error de sincronizac
in al actualizar tu archivo con Steam Cloud. Puede que tengas que resolver los co
nflictos entre tu copia local y la copia almacenada en Steam Cloud antes de inte
ntar publicar el archivo de nuevo."
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Failed_SyncError" "There was a synchronization err
or updating your file with the Steam Cloud. You may need to resolve conflicts b
etween your local copy and the copy stored in the Steam Cloud before you can att
empt to publish again."
"steam_cloud" "Steam Cloud"
"[english]steam_cloud" "Steam Cloud"
"Tienes %cloud_files% archivo guardado en la nube para e
ste juego"
"You have %cloud_files% file saved in the cloud
for this game"
"Tienes %cloud_files% archivos guardados en la nube para
este juego"
"[english]steam_filesincloud" "You have %cloud_files% files saved in the cloud
for this game"
"Ver todos los archivos en Cloud"
"[english]steam_viewallcloud" "View All Files In Cloud"
"Ver todos los archivos"
"View All Files"
"steam_community_files" "Workshop"
"Crea, descubre y juega con contenido creado por
la Comunidad Steam."
"[english]steam_community_files_info" "Create, discover, and play content crea
ted by the Steam Community."
"Explorar Workshop"

"Browse the Workshop"
"steam_paginationtext" "Mostrando %start%-%end% de %total%"
"[english]steam_paginationtext" "Showing %start%-%end% of %total%"
"Steam_App_Update_Failed_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_App_Update_Failed_Text" "Se ha producido un error al actualizar %game% (
"[english]Steam_App_Update_Failed_Text" "An error occurred while updating %game%
"[english]steam_downloads_preloading" "Preloading"
"Conexin a los servidores de Steam Worksh
op no disponible."
"Unable to connect to the Steam
Workshop servers at this time."
"Tienes una alerta del Soporte de Steam"
"[english]Steam_SupportAlert" "You have an alert from Steam Support"
"Error al realizar la copia de seguridad. Por fa
vor, verifica los archivos de la cach del juego."
"[english]Steam_BackupComplete_Error" "Backup failed. Please verify your game
cache files. "
"Un email que contiene u
n cdigo de verificacin ha sido enviado a la direccin de email facilitada.\n\nPor fa
vor, consulta tu email, despus introduce abajo la informacin requerida."
"An email messag
e containing a verification code has just been sent to the address you provided.
\n\nPlease check your email, then enter the requested information below."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_AccountLockedError$type=guestpass" "Tu cuenta est bloqueada
y no puedes enviar ni recibir pases de invitado."
"Your ac
count is locked, and cannot send or receive guest passes."
"Tu cuenta est bloqueada
y no puedes enviar o recibir regalos."
"Your account is
locked, and cannot send or receive gifts."
"1 nuevo artculo en tu inventario"
"1 new item in your inventory"
"%items% artculos nuevos en tu inventario"
"%items% new items in your inventory"
"1 nueva invitacin"
"[english]steam_inbox_invite" "1 new invite"
"steam_inbox_invites" "%invites% invitaciones nuevas"
"[english]steam_inbox_invites" "%invites% new invites"
"1 nuevo regalo"
"1 new gift"
"%gifts% regalos nuevos"
"%gifts% new gifts"
"Verificar cdigo"
"Check Code"
"Cdigo de acceso correcto, la bet
a privada %betaname% ya est disponible."
"[english]Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordSuccessful" "Access code correct, pr
ivate beta %betaname% is now available."
"Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordUnsuccessful" "Cdigo de acceso a beta no vlido."
"[english]Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordUnsuccessful" "Beta access code invali

"Steam_ContentBetaOK" "Has accedido correctamente al contenido beta %betaname

% ."
"[english]Steam_ContentBetaOK" "Successfully opted into the %betaname% conten
t beta."
"Ha ocurrido un problema al intentar acceder a l
a beta de contenido de %betaname% ."
"There was a problem opting into the %b
etaname% content beta."
"Has abandonado satisfactoriamente todas las bet
as de contenido."
"Successfully opted out of content betas
"Ha ocurrido un error al intentar abando
nar la beta de contenido."
"There was a problem opting out
of the content beta."
"Explorador de servidores de dentro del
juego: mximos pings por minuto"
"In-Game server browser: Max pin
gs / minute"
"Si sufres problemas de conexin mientras
exploras los servidores de juego, prueba a reducir este valor."
"If you experience connection pr
oblems while browsing game servers, try lowering this value."
"Automtico (%PingsPerMin%)"
"[english]Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateDefault" "Automatic (%PingsPerMin%)"
"Steam_HelpUsTranslate" "Dominas el ingls? Aydanos a traducir Steam."
"Fluent in another language? Help us tra
nslate Steam."
"%s1 en un dispositivo mvil"
"[english]Friends_mobile_device_only" "%s1 on Mobile Device"
"Friends_mobile_device_extra" "%s1, mvil"
"[english]Friends_mobile_device_extra" "%s1, Mobile"
"SteamUI_Greek" "Griego"
" (grego)"
" (Gree)"
"s sta tu drecc de ema actua?"
"Is ts st your curret ema addres
"steam_emaaddress_query_yes" "S"
"[egs]steam_emaaddress_query_yes" "Yes"
"steam_emaaddress_query_o" "No, actuazar"
"[egs]steam_emaaddress_query_o" "No, update"
"steam_emaaddress_query_fo" "Tu drecc de ema se utza para cofrmar c
ompras y ayudarte a gestoar e acceso a tu cueta de Steam."
"Your ema address s used to c
ofrm purcases ad ep you maage access to your Steam accout."
"Ms formac"
"[egs]steam_emaaddress_query_fo_" "Lear more"
"SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_yefty" "Tecooga yefty detectada (%s1 mot
"yefty Detected (%s1

"Cete de Steam Mobe"
"Steam Mobe Cet"
"Tedrs que troducr e cdgo otra vez s
 queres car ses co tu cueta de uevo e este ordeador."
"You w eed to eter te code
aga f you wat to og  to your accout o ts computer aga."
"SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe" "Usa a apcac Steam Mobe para proporcoar
tu cdgo de Steam Guard"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe" "Use te Steam Mobe appcato to pro
vde your Steam Guard code"
"SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe2" "Tego m dspostvo mv sto"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe2" "I ave my mobe devce ready"
"SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe3" "La apcac Steam Mobe ya o est staada e
m dspostvo mv."
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe3" "I o oger ave my mobe devce wt
te Steam Mobe appcato.."
"Steam_Rejected_Cdey_Recover_Accout" "S as regstrado prevamete esta cav
e de producto e ua cueta de Steam y o recuerdas su ombre, por favor, az c
c e 'Recuperar cueta' para recbr u ema co e ombre de tu cueta de Ste
"[egs]Steam_Rejected_Cdey_Recover_Accout" "If you ave prevousy regster
ed ts CD Key to a Steam accout ad do ot remember te accout ame, pease c
c 'Retreve Accout' to receve a ema cotag your Steam accout ame."
"Steam_Rejected_Cdey_Recover_Butto" "Recuperar cueta"
"[egs]Steam_Rejected_Cdey_Recover_Butto" "Retreve Accout"
"Steam_Rejected_Cdey_Recover_Feedbac" "Se a evado u ema a propetaro d
e cdgo de producto que as troducdo."
"A ema as bee set
to te ower of te product code you etered."
"sta cueta de Steam ya posee e produc
to o productos asocados a este cdgo de actvac. Haz cc e sguete para pro
ceder a su staac."
"Ts Steam accout aready ows
te product(s) assocated wt ts actvato code. Cc ext to proceed to 
"Producto ya adqurdo"
"Product Aready Owed"
"1 cometaro uevo"
"1 ew commet"
"%commets% cometaros uevos"
"%commets% ew commets"
"Cajear u cdgo de a Cartera de Steam..."
"Redeem a Steam Waet Code..."
"Abrr co"
"[egs]Steam_RgtCc_OpeWtCoudFe" "Ope wt"
"Abrr a ubcac de arcvo"
"Ope fe ocato"
"Lsto para scrozar"
"Ready to Syc"
"Lsto para scrozar"
"Ready to Syc"
"[egs]Steam_CoudFe_SycState_Cofct" "Cofct"
"Modo Bg Pcture"

"Bg Pcture Mode "
"SteamUI_GamesDaog_RgtCc_SetCustomImage" "egr mage persoazada..."
"Set Custom Imag
"mar mage persoa
"Remove Custom I
"SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Tte" "%gameame% - egr mage persoazada"
"[egs]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Tte" "%gameame% - Set Custom Image"
"ge ua mage para represetar a %ga
meame% e a vsta de cuadrcua de Steam."
"[egs]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_CooseImage" "Coose a mage to represet %g
ameame%  Steam's grd vew."
"ste arcvo debe ser ua mage
 JPG, PNG o TGA de aproxmadamete 460x215 pxees."
"Ts fe soud be a J
PG, PNG, or TGA mage approxmatey 460x215 pxes  sze."
"Arcvo de mage persoazada:"
"Custom Image Fe:"
"SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Browse" "Buscar..."
"Por favor, troduce u ombre de arc
vo vdo."
"Pease eter a vad feame."
"Busca tu mage"
"[egs]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_LocateImage" "Locate Your Image"
"stabecer mage"
"Set Image"
"SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Cace" "Cacear"
"%gameame% - mar mage persoaz
"%gameame% - Remove Custom Imag
"mar a mage persoazada que aba
s asgado a %gameame%?"
"Remove te custom mage you av
e apped to %gameame%?"
"[egs]SteamUI_DeeteCustomImage_Cotue" "Cotue"
"SteamUI_SpecaSurvey_Wecome_No_Web" "%surveyame%\\Gracas por aceptar par
tcpar e esta ecuesta. \\sta ecuesta recopa formac sobre tu ordeado
r. sta formac o es ama y ser compartda co e autor de esta ecuesta.\\
Para comezar az cc e \"Sguete\""
"[egs]SteamUI_SpecaSurvey_Wecome_No_Web" "%surveyame%\\Ta you for a
greeg to tae ts survey. \\Ts survey gaters formato about your mac
e. Ts data s ot aoymous ad w be sared wt te autor of ts surve
y.\\To get started cc \"Next\""
"Gracas por partcpar e esta ecuesta
. Tus respuestas a sdo regstradas."
"Ta you for competg ts s
urvey. Your respose as bee recorded."
"Precarga suspedda"
"Pre-oad suspeded"
"No acepto"
"I Dsagree"
"Por favor, ee este acuerdo e su totadad. Debes acep

tar as codcoes de a potca de prvacdad de Vave para cotuar."

"Pease read ts agreemet  ts etrety. You
must agree wt te terms of te Vave Prvacy Pocy to cotue."
"SteamOS + Lux"
"SteamOS + Lux"
"M perf"
"My Profe"
"M perf"
"My Profe"
"Ms grupos"
"My Groups"
"M vetaro"
"My Ivetory"
"steam_meu_vew_screesots" "Ms capturas"
"[egs]steam_meu_vew_screesots" "My Screesots"
"Ms vdeos"
"My Vdeos"
"Ms ass"
"My Revews"
"M Worsop"
"My Worsop"
"Detaes de a cueta"
"[egs]steam_meu_accout_detas" "Accout Detas"
"Ver perf"
"Vew Profe"
"Haz cc aqu para mprmr"
"[egs]Steam_CcToPrt" "Cc ere to prt"
"Ver puto de ecuetro"
"[egs]SteamUI_GamesDaog_RgtCc_VewGameHub" "Vew Commuty Hub"
"Nombre de ere: %s1"
"Kere Name: %s1"
"Vers de ere: %s1"
"Kere Verso: %s1"
"SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_XServerVedorName" "dtor de X Server: %s1"
"X Server Vedor
: %s1"
"Vers de X Server: %s1"
"X Server Reeas
e: %s1"
"Ms sgas"
"My Badges"
"Puto de ecuetro"
"[egs]Steam_Game_GameHub" "Commuty Hub"
"Icar apcac... "
"Lauc App... "
"Istaar apcac..."
"Ista App..."
"Comprar apcac..."
"[egs]SteamUI_GamesDaog_RgtCc_PurcaseAppcato" "Purcase App...
"SteamUI_JoDaog_PayGame_Bt$apptype=appcato" "Icar"
"[egs]SteamUI_JoDaog_PayGame_Bt$apptype=appcato" "Lauc"
"Icar apcac
 e cuato est sta"
appcato as soo as t's ready"
"Reazar copa de segur
"Bacup App Fe

"Lsta para carse"
"Ready to auc"
"Steam_AwaysKeepTsGameUpToDate$appType=appcato" "Mateer esta apcac
"[egs]Steam_AwaysKeepTsGameUpToDate$appType=appcato" "Aways eep t
s appcato up to date"
"Steam_DoNotUpdateTsGame$appType=appcato" "Actuazar so esta apcac a
"Oy update t
s appcato we I auc t"
"Steam_GamePropertes_AwaysUpToDateIfo$appType=appcato" "sta apcac y
sus actuazacoes se adqurr automtcamete e cuato est dspobes."
"[egs]Steam_GamePropertes_AwaysUpToDateIfo$appType=appcato" "Ts ap
pcato ad ts updates w be automatcay acqured as soo as tey are ava
" cotedo ac
tuazado so se adqurr a car esta apcac."
cotet w be acqured oy we aucg ts appcato."
"Verfcar tegrdad de
"Verfy tegrt
y of appcato cace..."
"mar cotedo oca
"Deete oca ap
pcato cotet..."
"Reazar copa de segurdad"
"Bacup appcato fe
"Todos os arc
vos de esta apcac se descargar medate Steam."
"A f
es for ts appcato w ow be dowoaded troug Steam."
"Steam_Ista_StartCaceLoadg$appType=appcato" "Creado arcvos ocae
s de cac de a apcac..."
"[egs]Steam_Ista_StartCaceLoadg$appType=appcato" "Creatg oca
appcato cace fes..."
"Steam_PrepargGamesLst$appType=appcato" "Preparado sta de apcacoe
s de Steam%progress%"
"[egs]Steam_PrepargGamesLst$appType=appcato" "Preparg st of Steam
"Steam_ScagForUpdates$appType=appcato" "Buscado actuazacoes de ap
cacoes de Steam%progress%"
"[egs]Steam_ScagForUpdates$appType=appcato" "Scag for Steam app
cato updates%progress%"
"SteamUI_NoGamesOfTsType$appType=appcato" "No ay apcacoes de Steam qu
e mostrar."
"No Steam appc
atos to dspay."
"Steam_VadatgSteamCaces_Labe$appType=appcato" "spera metras Steam c
omprueba os arcvos de a apcac."
wat we Steam verfes appcato fes."
"Steam_FdCotet$appType=appcato" "Buscar software..."
"Browse software..."

"Steam_NoGamesOfTsType$appType=appcato" "No emos ecotrado ada! Prueba

mpado tu campo de bsqueda o seeccoado otra categora de a sta despegab
e de arrba."
"[egs]Steam_NoGamesOfTsType$appType=appcato" "We've come up empty! Tr
y cearg your searc fed or seectg aoter category from te dropdow abo
"Icar %game%"
"Lauc %game%"
"steam_brary_fter_aappcatos" "Software"
"[egs]steam_brary_fter_aappcatos" "Software"
"Precarga competa"
"Pre-oad compete"
"Lsta para carse"
"Ready to Lauc"
"Icar %app% "
"[egs]steam_dowoads_auc_app" "Lauc %app%
"Icado por tma vez:"
"Last auced"
"Tees %fredspaygow% amgos utz
ado %gameame% e este mometo!"
"[egs]steam_fredspaygowappcato" "You ave %fredspaygow% Fr
eds usg %gameame% rgt ow!"
"Tees %fredspaygow% amgo utza
do %gameame% e este mometo!"
"You ave %fredspaygow% Fr
ed usg %gameame% rgt ow!"
"steam_morefredswopayappcato" "Tees %fredswopay% amgos ms que ut
za %gameame%"
"[egs]steam_morefredswopayappcato" "You ave %fredswopay% more
Freds wo use %gameame%"
"steam_morefredwopaysappcato" "Tees %fredswopay% amgo ms que ut
za %gameame%"
"[egs]steam_morefredwopaysappcato" "You ave %fredswopay% more
Fred wo uses %gameame%"
"Tees %fredswopay% amgos que ut
za %gameame%"
"You ave %fredswopay% Fre
ds wo use %gameame%"
"Tees %fredswopay% amgo que ut
za %gameame%"
"You ave %fredswopay% Fre
d wo uses %gameame%"
"No tees amgos que utce %gameame
"You do't ave ay Freds wo
use %gameame%"
"Ver todos os amgos que utza esta
"Vew A Freds Wo Use Ts A
"steam_fecoudappcato" "Tees %coud_fes% arcvo guardado e a ub
e para esta apcac."
"[egs]steam_fecoudappcato" "You ave %coud_fes% fe saved  t
e coud for ts appcato"
"steam_fescoudappcato" "Tees %coud_fes% arcvos guardados e a 
ube para esta apcac."

"You ave %coud_fes% fes sa
ved  te coud for ts appcato"
"[egs]steam_av_worsop" "Worsop"
"steam_av_greegt" "Greegt"
"[egs]steam_av_greegt" "Greegt"
"steam_av_maretpace" "Mercado"
"Putos de ecuetro"
"[egs]steam_av_gameubs" "Game Hubs"
"steam_gameub" "Puto de ecuetro"
"Commuty Hub"
"steam_av_dscussos" "Dscusoes"
"mar arcvos de a apcac
"Deete Appcato Fe
"sto emar todo e cotedo
de %s1 de este ordeador.\\La apcac permaecer e tu bboteca, pero para p
oder ejecutara e e futuro ecestars vover a descargar su cotedo."
"Ts w deete a %s
1 appcato cotet\from ts computer.\\Te appcato w rema  you
r Software Lbrary, but\to pay t  te future you' ave to frst\re-dow
oad ts cotet."
"Modo Bg Pcture"
"[egs]NoBgPcture_Tte" "Bg Pcture mode"
" modo Bg Pcture de Steam o es compatbe c
o tu pataforma."
"Steam Bg Pcture mode s ot supported
o your patform."
"NoBgPcture_Acor" "Vsta e Soporte de Steam para ms formac."
"[egs]NoBgPcture_Acor" "Vst Steam Support for more formato."
"Modo Bg Pcture"
"Bg Pcture mode"
"Carpetas de bboteca de Steam
"Steam Lbrary Foders"
"Carpetas de bboteca de Steam"
"Steam Lbrary Foders"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_NumApps" "Istaed"
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_DsUsed" "spaco usado"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_DsUsed" "Used Space"
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_DsFree" "spaco bre"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_DsFree" "Free Space"
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_IstaedAppName" "Apcac"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_IstaedAppName" "Appcato"

"SteamUI_CotetMgr_AddIstaFoder" "Aadr carpeta de\bboteca"

"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_AddIstaFoder" "Add Lbrary Foder"
"La carpeta de bboteca de Steam seec
coada o exste"
"Seected Steam brary foder d
oes't exst"
"Las carpetas de bboteca de Steam ue
vas debe estar vacas"
"New Steam brary foder must b
e empty"
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_NotWrtabeFoder" "Las carpetas de bboteca de Steam ue
vas debe teer permsos de escrtura"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_NotWrtabeFoder" "New Steam brary foder must b
e wrteabe"
"No se a poddo aadr a ueva carpeta d
e bboteca de Steam"
"Faed to add ew Steam brary
"Desstaar apcac"
"Usta Appcato"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_Refres" "Refres"
"Las carpetas de bboteca de Steam permte a
staac de cotedo de Steam e mtpes udades."
"Steam brary foders aow stag
Steam cotet o mutpe drves."
"SteamUI_CooseIstaFoder" "ge a ubcac de staac:"
"[egs]SteamUI_CooseIstaFoder" "Coose ocato for sta:"
"Uso de dsco: %dsusagemb% MB e a udad %d
"Ds usage: %dsusagemb% MB o drve %
"Uso de dsco: %dsusagemb% MB"
"Ds usage: %dsusagemb% MB"
"Tamao e dsco"
"Sze o ds"
"Iformac de a apcac"
"Appcato Ifo"
"Modo Bg Pcture"
"Bg Pcture mode"
"NoBgPctureVsta_xpaato" " modo Bg Pcture de Steam requere DrectWr
te. Parece que ests ejecutado Wdows Vsta, e cua admte DrectWrte, pero e
cestas staar e SP2 y a actuazac de pataforma para Wdows Vsta (dspo
bes a travs de Wdows Update)."
"Steam Bg Pcture mode requres
DrectWrte. It oos e you are rug Wdows Vsta wc supports Drect
Wrte, but you eed to sta SP2 ad te Wdows Vsta Patform Update (avaa
be va Wdows Update)."
"Modo Bg Pcture"
"Bg Pcture mode"
"Parece que ests utzado ua vers c
ompatbe de u drver de vdeo AMD e Wdows 8. Se sabe de u probema co esta
vers que ar que Bg Pcture fae tras 30-60 segudos de uso. Prueba a retroced
er a a vers 8.97.10 de os drvers Catayst para Wdows 8 o, s exste, actua
za a ua vers ms recete."
"Sorry, but t oos e you ar
e usg a compatbe AMD Vdeo Drver verso o Wdows 8. Tere s a ow
ssue wt ts verso tat w cras Bg Pcture after 30-60 secods of use.
Try rog bac to te 8.97.10 of te Wdows 8 Catayst drvers, or updatg
to a ewer verso f avaabe."

"mar carpeta de\bboteca
"Remove Lbrary Foder"
"La ueva carpeta de bboteca de Steam
o puede ser a raz de a udad."
"New Steam brary foder ca't
be te drve root"
"La udad seeccoada ya cuet
a co ua carpeta de bboteca de Steam"
"Seected drve aready
as a Steam brary foder"
"Crea o seeccoa a ueva carp
eta de bboteca:"
"Create or seect ew St
eam brary foder:"
"No se a poddo emar a carpeta de
bboteca de Steam seeccoada."
"Removg seected Steam brary
foder faed."
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_RemoveFaedDefautFoder" "La carpeta de staac predete
rmada de Steam o puede ser emada."
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_RemoveFaedDefautFoder" "Te defaut Steam sta
 foder ca't be removed."
"So puede emarse as carpet
as de bboteca de Steam vacas."
"Oy empty Steam brar
y foders ca be removed."
"SteamUI_IstaUder" "Istaar e %s1"
"[egs]SteamUI_IstaUder" "Ista uder %s1"
"Crear ua ueva bboteca de Steam e a uda
d %s1"
"Create ew Steam brary o drve %s1"
"Ver arcvos ocaes..."
"Browse oca fes..."
" - NWR"
" - OLDR"
"Steam_CoudCofct_Uow" "Descoocdo"
"[egs]Steam_CoudCofct_Uow" "Uow"
"%ame% - Cotedo de Worsop"
"%ame% - Worsop Cotet"
"No se a poddo car e juego (%erro
"Faed to start game (%error%).
"g error"
"o error"
"error descoocdo"
"uow error"
"actuazac e pausa"
"update paused"
"actuazac caceada"
"update caceed"
"actuazac suspedda"
"update suspeded"
"o ay cecas"
"o ceses"

"o ay coex a Iteret"
"o teret coecto"
"tempo de espera de a coex agotado"
"coecto tme out"
"cotedo a ecrptado"
"cotet st ecrypted"
"fata cofgurac de apcac"
"mssg app cofgurato"
"error de ectura de dsco"
"ds read error"
"error de escrtura e dsco"
"ds wrte error"
"espaco sufcete e dsco"
"ot eoug ds space"
"arcvos de cotedo daados"
"corrupt cotet fes"
"esperado dsco de staac"
"watg for sta dsc"
"ruta de staac o vda"
"vad sta pat"
"apcac ya ejecutdose"
"app aready rug"
"fata cotedo compartdo"
"mssg sared cotet"
"o staado"
"ot staed"
"actuazac ecesara"
"update requred"
"servdores de cotedo accesbes"
"cotet servers ureacabe"
"cofgurac de apcac o vda"
"vad app cofg"
"cofgurac de repostoro o vda"
"vad depot cofg"
"fata mafesto de cotedo"
"mssg cotet mafest"
"apcac o azada"
"app ot reeased"
"restrcc regoa"
"rego restrcted"
"cac de cotedo daada"
"corrupt cotet cace"
"fata ejecutabe"
"mssg executabe"
"No se a poddo car e juego co co
tedo compartdo. Por favor, actuaza estos juegos prmero:\\ %depedeces
"[egs]Steam_rrorCatStartGameDepedecy" "Faed to start game wt sare
d cotet. Pease update tese games frst:\\ %depedeces%"
"Icar Steam e modo Bg Pcture"
"Start Steam  Bg Pcture Mode"
"Iformes de faos recetes:"
"[egs]SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_FaureReports" "Recet Faure Reports:
"Steam_Covert_Cotet_Upacg_GCF" "Desempaquetado arcvos exstetes..."
"[egs]Steam_Covert_Cotet_Upacg_GCF" "Upacg exstg depots..."
"SteamUI_VdeoDrver_Recommedato_Noe_Tte" "Comprobac de os cotroadores
de vdeo"

"Vdeo Drver C
"SteamUI_VdeoDrver_Recommedato_Noe_Ifo" "Tus cotroadores de vdeo est ac
"[egs]SteamUI_VdeoDrver_Recommedato_Noe_Ifo" "Your vdeo drver paca
ge s up to date."
"SteamUI_No_VdeoDrvers_Detected_Ifo" "Steam o a poddo ecotrar os cotro
adores de vdeo recomedados e tu sstema."
"Steam coud ot fd re
commeded vdeo drver pacages o your system."
"SteamUI_VdeoDrver_Detecto_Dsabed_Ifo" "Steam o puede evar a cabo a
detecc de cotroadores de vdeo e tu sstema."
"[egs]SteamUI_VdeoDrver_Detecto_Dsabed_Ifo" "Steam s uabe to perf
orm vdeo drver detecto o your system."
"Steam_Ista_CreateAppcatoIco" "Crear u coo de apcac de sstema
para %game%"
"[egs]Steam_Ista_CreateAppcatoIco" "Create a system appcato co
 for %game%"
"Steam_Ista_CreateMutpeAppcatoIco" "Crear u coo de apcac de
sstema para cada juego"
"[egs]Steam_Ista_CreateMutpeAppcatoIco" "Create a system appca
to co for eac game"
"SteamApp_Descrpto" "Apcac para admstrar y ejecutar juegos e Steam"
"[egs]SteamApp_Descrpto" "Appcato for maagg ad payg games o S
"Steam_GamesDaog_RgtCc_VewSteamGudes" "Ver guas de a Comudad"
"[egs]Steam_GamesDaog_RgtCc_VewSteamGudes" "Vew Commuty Gudes"
"Steam - rror"
"Steam - rror"
" sstema de arcvos seeccoado o
permte a ejecuc de arcvos.\Por favor, vueve a motaro co a opc exec e
ttao de uevo."
"[egs]Steam_rrorFesystemNotxecutabe" "Te seected fesystem does o
t aow executg fes.\Pease re-mout t wt te exec opto ad te try a
"Steam_Subscrpto_RateLmtedCDKey_Heade" "Demasados tetos de actvac
"[egs]Steam_Subscrpto_RateLmtedCDKey_Heade" "Too May Actvato Att
"Steam_Subscrpto_RateLmtedCDKey" "Recetemete se a producdo demasad
os tetos fados de actvac desde esta cueta. Por favor, espera y prueba t
u cave de producto ms tarde."
"[egs]Steam_Subscrpto_RateLmtedCDKey" "Tere ave bee too may recet
usuccessfu actvato attempts from ts accout. Pease wat ad try your pr
oduct code aga ater."
"steam_gudes" "Guas de a Comudad"
"[egs]steam_gudes" "Commuty Gudes"
"Actuazado cotedo... %progress%"
"Updatg cotet ... %progress%
"1 mesaje de cat s eer"
"[egs]steam_box_offemessage" "1 uread cat message"
"steam_box_offemessages" "%offemessages% mesajes de cat s eer"
"[egs]steam_box_offemessages" "%offemessages% uread cat messages"
"La ueva carpeta de bboteca
de Steam debe estar e u sstema de arcvos motado co permsos de ejecuc"
"New Steam brary fode
r must be o a fesystem mouted wt execute permssos"
"Steam_rrorPasswordTooSort3" "cotrasea demasado corta"
"[egs]Steam_rrorPasswordTooSort3" "password too sort"

"a cotrasea o cocde"
"password do ot matc"
"cotrasea demasado db"
"[egs]Steam_rrorPasswordTooWea" "password too wea"
"Steam_Log_CapsLocWarg" "Boq Mays actvado"
"[egs]Steam_Log_CapsLocWarg" "Caps Loc O"
"Steam Guard o actvado"
"Steam Guard ot eabed
"SteamUI_JoDaog_PayGame_Bt$apptype=demo" "Jugar a a demo"
"[egs]SteamUI_JoDaog_PayGame_Bt$apptype=demo" "Pay demo"
"Icar demo e cuato
est sta"
"Lauc demo as
soo as t's ready"
"Steam_AwaysKeepTsGameUpToDate$appType=demo" "Mateer esta demo actuazada"
"Aways eep t
s demo up to date"
"Actuazar so esta demo a c
"Oy update ts demo w
e I auc t"
"Steam_GamePropertes_AwaysUpToDateIfo$appType=demo" "sta demo y sus actua
zacoes se adqurr automtcamete e cuato est dspobes."
"[egs]Steam_GamePropertes_AwaysUpToDateIfo$appType=demo" "Ts demo ad 
ts updates w be automatcay acqured as soo as tey are avaabe."
" cotedo actuazad
o so se adqurr a car esta demo."
"Updated cotet
w be acqured oy we aucg ts demo."
"Verfcar tegrdad de cac de
a demo..."
"Verfy tegrty of dem
o cace..."
"mar cotedo oca de a
"Deete oca demo cote
"Reazar copa de segurdad..."
"[egs]Steam_BacupGameFes$appType=demo" "Bacup demo fes..."
"Todos os arcvos de e
sta demo se descargar medate Steam."
"A fes for t
s demo w ow be dowoaded troug Steam."
"Steam_Ista_StartCaceLoadg$appType=demo" "Creado arcvos ocaes de cac
 de a demo..."
"[egs]Steam_Ista_StartCaceLoadg$appType=demo" "Creatg oca demo cac
e fes..."
"Steam_PrepargGamesLst$appType=demo" "Preparado sta de demos de Steam%prog
"Preparg st of Steam
"Steam_ScagForUpdates$appType=demo" "Buscado actuazacoes de demos de St
"Scag for Steam demo
s updates%progress%"
"No ay demos de Steam que mostr
"No Steam demos to dsp

"spera metras Steam c
omprueba os arcvos de a demo."
"Pease wat w
e Steam verfes demo fes."
"Buscar demos..."
"Browse demos..."
"Protegdo por Steam Gua
rd desde %s1"
"Protected by St
eam Guard sce %s1"
"Gestor X Wdow: %s1"
"X Wdow Maage
r: %s1"
"Vers de rutme de St
eam: %s1"
"Steam Rutme V
erso: %s1"
"SteamUI_AMD_BgPcture_Probem_Tte" "Probema co e cotroador de vdeo"
"[egs]SteamUI_AMD_BgPcture_Probem_Tte" "Vdeo Drver Probem"
"SteamUI_AMD_BgPcture_Probem_Ifo" "Tu equpo tee staado u cotroado
r de vdeo AMD vers 13.1. Por favor, actuazao a a vers 13.2 o superor ates d
e usar Steam Bg Pcture."
"[egs]SteamUI_AMD_BgPcture_Probem_Ifo" "Your system as AMD Vdeo Drve
r verso 13.1 staed. Pease upgrade to verso 13.2 or above before usg S
team Bg Pcture."
"Descargar cotroador de vdeo AM
"Dowoad AMD Vdeo Drv
"[egs]SteamUI_AMD_BgPcture_Probem_Ur" "ttp://support.amd.com/us/gpudo
"Notfcac de Steam Guard"
"Steam Guard Notfcato
"Desde tu tmo co de ses e
este ordeador, as credecaes de tu cueta se a utzado y Steam Guard a
sdo autorzado desde otra ubcac.\\Por favor, cofrma que as sdo t que
a autorzado estas sesoes:"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMacesDetas" "Sce you ast ogged 
 from ts computer, your accout credetas were used ad Steam Guard was aut
orzed from aoter pace.\\Pease cofrm tese sessos were autorzed by
"S agua de as seso
es que se detaa o fue autorzada por t, seeccoa 'No, o fu yo' para cam
bar tu cotrasea y drecc de ema de Steam y retrar a autorzac a otras ub
"If ay sted s
essos were ot autorzed by you, seect 'No, ts was ot me' to cage your
Steam password ad ema address ad deautorze oter ocatos."
"SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMacesTuredOff" "Desde tu tmo co de ses e
este ordeador, as credecaes de tu cueta se a utzado y Steam Guard a
sdo desactvado desde otra ubcac.\\Por favor, cofrma que as sdo t que
a autorzado estas sesoes:"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMacesTuredOff" "Sce you ast ogged 
 from ts computer, your accout credetas were used ad Steam Guard was ds
abed from aoter pace.\\Pease cofrm tese sessos were autorzed by yo

"S agua de as seso
es que se detaa o fue autorzada por t, seeccoa 'No, o fu yo' para cam
bar tu cotrasea y drecc de ema de Steam, retrar a autorzac a otras ubc
acoes y reactvar Steam Guard."
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMacesxpaButtos2" "If ay sted s
essos were ot autorzed by you, seect 'No, ts was ot me' to cage your
Steam password ad ema address, deautorze oter ocatos ad re-eabe Stea
m Guard."
"IP de avegador"
" web browser IP
"IP de ordeador"
" computer IP "
"S, e sdo yo"
"Yes, ts was m
"No, o fu yo"
"No, ts was o
t me"
"pas descoocdo"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_UowCoutry" "uow coutry
"SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_fo_" "Ms formac"
"Lear more"
"SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_fo_ur" "ttps://support.steampowered.co
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_fo_ur" "ttps://support.steampo
"SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_Tte" "Steam - Segurdad de cueta comprometd
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_Tte" "Steam - Accout Securty Compro
"SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_xpa" "Parece que a segurdad de tu cueta de
Steam y de tu ema se a vsto comprometda.\\Se a revocado a autorzac d
e Steam Guard de todos os dems equpos."
"Your Steam ad ema ac
cout securty appears to ave bee compromsed.\\Steam Guard autorzato a
s bee revoed for a oter computers."
"Parece que a segurdad de tu c
ueta de Steam y de tu ema se a vsto comprometda.\\Steam Guard a sdo re
actvado y se a revocado a autorzac de todos os dems equpos."
"Your Steam ad ema ac
cout securty appears to ave bee compromsed.\\Steam Guard as bee re-eab
ed ad autorzato as bee revoed for a oter computers."
"SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_xpaActos" "Camba de medato a cotrasea
de tu cueta de ema:\%s1\\Nota: Usa ua cotrasea ueva y ca.\\No cote
s asta que o ayas eco esto, tu cueta o estar segura s dco cambo."
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_xpaActos" "Cage te password for
your ema accout mmedatey:\%s1\\Note: Use a ew ad uque password.\\
Do ot proceed ut you ave doe so, your accout w ot be secure wtout
ts cage."
"A cotuac cambars tu
cotrasea de Steam."
"Next you w c
age your Steam password."
"Cambar cotrasea"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_CagePasswordButto" "Cage password
"steam_subav_featured" "Destacados"

"steam_subav_wsst" "Lsta de deseados"
"[egs]steam_subav_games" "Games"
"steam_subav_software" "Software"
"[egs]steam_subav_meda" "Meda"
"[egs]steam_subav_toos" "Toos"
"steam_subav_commuty_ome" "Ico"
"[egs]steam_subav_commuty_ome" "Home"
"steam_subav_worsop" "Worsop"
"steam_subav_maret" "Mercado"
"[egs]steam_subav_maret" "Maret"
"steam_subav_actvty" "Actvdad"
"steam_subav_profe" "Perf"
"[egs]steam_subav_profe" "Profe"
"steam_subav_freds" "Amgos"
"[egs]steam_subav_freds" "Freds"
"steam_subav_groups" "Grupos"
"[egs]steam_subav_groups" "Groups"
"steam_subav_cotet" "Cotedo"
"[egs]steam_subav_cotet" "Cotet"
"steam_subav_badges" "Isgas"
"[egs]steam_subav_badges" "Badges"
"Commuty Home"
"Actvdad de os amgos"
"[egs]steam_meu_fred_actvty" "Fred Actvty"
"Steam_CaotIstaDowoadsDsabed" "No puede staarse juegos cuado as
descargas est desactvadas.\"
"[egs]Steam_CaotIstaDowoadsDsabed" "Games caot be staed we
dowoads are dsabed.\"
"pataforma o vda"
"vad patform"
"sstema de arcvos o compatbe"
"usupported fesystem"
"arcvos de actuazac corruptos"
"corrupt update fes"
"descargas desactvadas"
"dowoads dsabed"
"[egs]steam_subav_stats" "Stats"
"Steam_FusCofgDaogTte" "Steam - Restabecer cofgurac"

"[egs]Steam_FusCofgDaogTte" "Steam - Reset Cofgurato"

"Tu cofgurac oca de Steam ser restabecda y
tedrs que vover a car ses e Steam.\\Queres cotuar?"
"[egs]Steam_FusCofgDaogMsg" "Ts w reset your oca Steam cofg
urato ad you w eed og to Steam aga.\\Do you ws to cotue?"
"SteamUI_GamesDaog_RgtCc_Reew" "Reovar..."
"[egs]SteamUI_GamesDaog_RgtCc_Reew" "Reew..."
"Steam_Reew" "Reovar"
"[egs]Steam_Reew" "Reew"
"a cotrasea cotee e ombre
de a cueta"
"password cotas accou
t ame"
"Steam_CotetDowoadsLabe" "Descargas de cotedo"
"[egs]Steam_CotetDowoadsLabe" "Cotet Dowoads"
"Lmtar aco de bada a"
"Lmt badwdt to"
"SteamUI_No_Trotte" "S mte"
"[egs]SteamUI_No_Trotte" "No mt"
"Itroduce e cdgo de acceso a a beta p
ara desboquear betas prvadas:"
"ter beta access code to uoc
 prvate betas:"
"Admstrar ubcacoes de cot
edo e mtpes udades"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_MaageIstaedAppsIfo" "Maage cotet ocato
s o mutpe drves"
"Recordar este equpo?"
"[egs]Steam_RememberTsComputer" "Remember ts computer?"
"SteamUI_Ivad_Accout_Name" "Nombre de cueta o vdo"
"[egs]SteamUI_Ivad_Accout_Name" "Ivad Accout Name"
"SteamUI_Ivad_ma_Address" "Drecc de ema o vda"
"Ivad ma Address"
"Actuazar ms tarde"
"[egs]SteamUI_JoDaog_UpdateLater_Bt" "Update ater"
"SteamUI_JoDaog_OverrdeTrotte" "Igorar e mte de aco de bada"
"[egs]SteamUI_JoDaog_OverrdeTrotte" "Overrde curret badwdt m
"Igorar a actuazac y jugar aora"
"Sp te update ad pay ow"
"1 oferta de tercambo pedete"
"1 pedg trade offer"
"%cout% ofertas de tercambo pedetes"
"%cout% pedg trade offers"
"Bboteca de juegos compartdo
"Sared game brary"
"Tu bboteca compartd
a est sedo usada actuamete por %borrower%. S juegas a aguo de tus juegos a
ora, %borrower% recbr u avso de que a egado e mometo de dejaro."
"Your sared b
rary s currety  use by %borrower%. Payg ow w sed %borrower% a otc
e tat t's tme to qut."
"SteamUI_JoDaog_SaredLceseLoced_BorrowerText" "ste juego compartdo 

o est dspobe actuamete. Por favor, ttao de uevo ms tarde o compra este j
uego para tu propa bboteca."
"[egs]SteamUI_JoDaog_SaredLceseLoced_BorrowerText" "Ts sared gam
e s currety uavaabe. Pease try aga ater or buy ts game for your ow
"ge u ombre descrptvo para este e
"Coose a fredy ame for ts
"SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_Coutry" "PAS"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_Coutry" "COUNTRY"
"SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_IPAddress" "DIRCCIN IP"
"Steam_RecoverLoced_MaceNameLabe" "ombre descrptvo"
"[egs]Steam_RecoverLoced_MaceNameLabe" "fredy ame"
"Nombre de equpo e Steam Guard"
"[egs]Steam_RecoverLoced_MaceNameBox" "Steam Guard Computer Name"
"Por favor, troduce u ombre
de a meos 6 caracteres de ogtud para este equpo"
"Pease eter a ame at
east 6 caracters og for ts computer"
"Permtr e co de %game% co os sguetes
parmetros opcoaes: \"%argumets%\"?\S o as soctado esto az cc e ca
"[egs]Steam_AowGameLauc_Ifo" "Aow %game% to auc wt optoa co
mmad e \"%argumets%\" ?\If you dd ot request ts auc te cc Cac
"Steam_AowGameLauc_Tte" "Permtr co de juego"
"[egs]Steam_AowGameLauc_Tte" "Aow game auc"
"IDIOMA: %s1"
"LANG: %s1"
"Actvar paquetes de cotroador
es propetaros"
"abe Propretary Drv
er Pacages"
"Steam requere os cotroadore
s propetaros proporcoados por os vededores para cosegur e mejor redm
eto. Por favor, actva os paquetes de cotroadores propetaros e as opco
es de tu sstema."
"Steam requres vedor-s
upped propretary drvers for best performace. Pease eabe propretary drv
er pacages  your system settgs."
"SteamUI_Upgrade_Istaed_VdeoDrver_Pacage" "Tu paquete de cotroadores de
vdeo actua, %staed_pacage_ame%, dspoe de ua ueva vers: %staed_pac
age_verso%.\Te recomedamos actuazar tu sstema a este uevo paquete de co
"Your currety
staed vdeo drver pacage, %staed_pacage_ame%, as a ew verso: %
staed_pacage_verso%.\We recommed upgradg your system to ts ew drver
"[egs]SteamUI_Upgrade_VdeoDrver_Butto" "Upgrade"

"SteamUI_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Pacage_Avaabe_Tte" "Nuevo paquete de cotro

adores dspobe"
"New Dr
ver Pacage Avaabe"
"SteamUI_SwtcTo_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Pacage_Ifo" "Tu paquete de cotroad
ores de vdeo actua es %staed_pacage_ame% (vers %staed_pacage_verso
%).\ paquete de cotroadores de vdeo %caddate_pacage_ame% (vers %cadda
te_pacage_verso%) dspoe de ua vers ms recete de cotroador.\Te recome
damos actuazar a este paquete."
"[egs]SteamUI_SwtcTo_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Pacage_Ifo" "Your currety
staed vdeo drver pacage s %staed_pacage_ame%, verso %staed_p
acage_verso%.\Te vdeo drver pacage %caddate_pacage_ame%, verso %ca
ddate_pacage_verso% as a more recet drver verso.\We recommed upgrad
g to ts pacage."
"Te recomedamos que s
taes e paquete de cotroadores de vdeo %caddate_pacage_ame% para cosegur
u mejor redmeto."
"[egs]SteamUI_Ista_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Pacage_Ifo" "We recommed 
stag vdeo drver pacage %caddate_pacage_ame% for best performace."
"SteamUI_Ista_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Butto" "Istaar"
"[egs]SteamUI_Ista_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Butto" "Ista"
"SteamUI_Add_Pacage_Repostory_Tte" "Aadr repostoro de paquetes"
"[egs]SteamUI_Add_Pacage_Repostory_Tte" "Add Pacage Repostory"
"SteamUI_Add_Pacage_Repostory_Ifo" "Te recomedamos que staes e repost
oro de paquetes %repostory_ame% para obteer e mejor redmeto de os cot
roadores de vdeo."
"[egs]SteamUI_Add_Pacage_Repostory_Ifo" "We recommed stag pacage
repostory %repostory_ame% for best vdeo drver performace."
"SteamUI_Add_Pacage_Repostory_Butto" "Aadr"
"Admstrador de paquetes"
"[egs]SteamUI_Update_Pacage_Idex_Tte" "Pacage Maager"
" dce de paquetes de tu sstema o es
t a da. Recomedamos que o actuaces para a detecc correcta de paquete de co
troadores de vdeo."
"Your system pacage dex s ou
t of date. We recommed updatg t for proper vdeo drver pacage detecto."
"SteamUI_Update_Pacage_Idex_Butto" "Actuazar"
"[egs]SteamUI_Update_Pacage_Idex_Butto" "Update"
"Ms formac"
"[egs]SteamUI_Lear_More" "Lear more"
"SteamUI_Upgrade_Nvda_Drver_Tte" "Probema co os cotroadores de vdeo"
"[egs]SteamUI_Upgrade_Nvda_Drver_Tte" "Vdeo Drver Probem"
"Tu sstema est ejecutado cotroadores
de vdeo propetaros de Vda atguos. Steam requere e cotroador de vers 30
4.22 o superor."
"[egs]SteamUI_Upgrade_Nvda_Drver_Ifo" "Your system s rug oder pr
opretary Vda vdeo drvers. Steam requres drver verso 304.22 or ger."
"[egs]Steam_GamesSecto_MyGames" "MY GAMS"
"Juegos de %ower%"
"[egs]steam_brary_fter_ower" "%ower%'s Games"
"steam_brary_uow_ower" "Otros juegos"
"[egs]steam_brary_uow_ower" "Oter Games"
"Por favor, comprueba tu coex
de red y az cc e 'Vover a tetaro'."

"Pease cec your etwo
r coecto ad cc 'Retry'."
"Steppg de a CPU: %s1"
"CPU Steppg: %s1"
"SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_CPUMode" "Modeo de a CPU: %s1"
"[egs]SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_CPUMode" "CPU Mode: %s1"
"SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_CPUFamy" "Fama de a CPU: %s1"
"CPU Famy: %s1"
"SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_CPUProcessorType" "Tpo de CPU: %s1"
"[egs]SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_CPUProcessorType" "CPU Type: %s1"
"Vers de OpeGL: %s1"
"[egs]SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_OpeGL_Verso" "OpeGL Verso: %s1"
"Jugar a juego..."
"Pay Game..."
"Steam_SaredGameUavaabe" "Juego compartdo o dspobe"
"[egs]Steam_SaredGameUavaabe" "Sared game uavaabe"
"ste juego compartdo perteece a %owe
"Ts sared game beogs to %ow
"Vaya, os juegos compartdos de
%ower% est actuamete e uso."
"[egs]Steam_SaredGameDetaCurretyUavaabe" "Soot, %ower%'s sared
games are currety  use. "
"Steam_SaredGameDetaPermaetyUavaabe" "ste juego o est dspobe e
as bbotecas compartdas"
"[egs]Steam_SaredGameDetaPermaetyUavaabe" "Ts game s ot avaa
be  sared brares"
"SteamUI_PatformParetaCotro_Tte" "Cotro pareta de Wdows"
"Wdows Pareta Cotro
" cotro pareta de Wdows
a boqueado e juego para e usuaro actua."
"Game boced for curre
t user by Wdows Pareta Cotro."
"Aadr a juegos famare
"Add to Famy G
"Steam_GamesDaog_RgtCc_RemoveFromUbocedGames" "mar de juegos fam
from Famy Games"
"La terfaz de Steam e e juego reque
re que se actve e acceso para dspostvos de ayuda. Para acero, abre e Pa
e de preferecas de prvacdad e Segurdad y prvacdad, seeccoa Accesb
dad e a sta de a zquerda y permte e acceso a Steam."
"Te -game Steam overay requ
res access for assstve devces to be eabed.
To eabe access to te -game overay, ope te Securty ad Prvacy > Prvacy
preferece pae, seect Accessbty from te eft st ad aow access for S
"Juegos famares"
"Famy Games"
"S ecestas soporte tcco co este jue
go, cotacta co e <a ref=ttp://support.steampowered.com/>Soporte de Steam</a
"If you eed tecca support w
t ts game, vst <a ref=ttp://support.steampowered.com/>Steam Support</a>.

"tootp_saredbrary" "S juegas a aguo de tus juegos aora, %borrower% rec
br u avso de que a egado e mometo de dejaro."
"Payg ow w sed %borrower% a ot
ce tat t's tme to qut."
"bboteca compartda boqueada"
"sared brary oced"
"Steam_DevceAut_Pay_Butto" "Jugar"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_Pay_Butto" "Pay"
"Steam_DevceAut_CooseDaog_Tte" "Queres jugar a este juego?"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_CooseDaog_Tte" "Wat to pay ts game?"
"ste juego perteece a usuaro de Stea
m amado %ower%. Queres soctar acceso a %ower% para acceder a su bbotec
a e este dspostvo?"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_CooseDaog_Text" "Ts game beogs to Steam user
%ower%. Woud you e to request access to %ower%'s games o ts devce?"
"Prefero compraro..."
"I'd rater buy t..."
"Steam_DevceAut_CooseDaog_Cace" "Cacear"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_CooseDaog_Cace" "Cace"
"Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_Tte" "Soctud de prstamo famar"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_Tte" "Famy Lbrary Sarg Request"
"Hoa, %ower%:"
"H %ower%,"
"Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_Cace" "Cacear"
"Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_Sed" "var soctud"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_Sed" "Sed Request"
"Se a evado tu petc por cor
reo eectrco. speramos que tu deseo se cumpa cuato ates!"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_SedPedg" "Your ema request as
bee set. Heres hoping your wish will be granted soon!"
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Text" "Para permitir que otros accedan a tu biblioteca
de Steam en este dispositivo*, autorzalo aqu. Tambin puedes revocar el acceso a cu
alquier dispositivo previamente autorizado de la lista."
"To grant others access to your
Steam library on this device*, authorize it below. You may also revoke access fr
om any previously authorized devices in this list."
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_TokenOwner" "Autorizado por"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_TokenOwner" "Authorized By"
"ltimo acceso"
"Last accessed"
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Deauthorize" "Desautorizar dispositivo"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Deauthorize" "Deauthorize device"
"Renombrar dispositivo"
"Rename Device"
"No autorizado an"
"Not authorized yet"
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_NotAccessed" "Autorizado, an sin acceder"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_NotAccessed" "Authorized, not used yet"
"Administrar prstamo familiar..."
"[english]Steam_AccountPage_ManageDeviceAuth" "Manage Family Library Sharing..
"Los juegos de %owner% estn ahora
disponibles para que puedas jugarlos en este ordenador."
"%owner% s games are now
available for you to play on this computer."
"Oye, %owner% necesita que le dev

uelvas este juego compartido! Tienes %minutes% minutos para finalizar tu partida
"Hey, %owner% needs this
shared game back! You have %minutes% minutes of playtime remaining..."
"Modo familiar"
"[english]Steam_Parental_UnlockTitle" "Family View"
"(Lo sentimos, nios!)"
"[english]Steam_Parental_UnlockInstructions2" "(Sorry, kids!)"
"Modo familiar"
"Family View"
"Steam_Parental_UnlockFailure" "Buen intento. Por favor, introduce el PIN corre
"[english]Steam_Parental_UnlockFailure" "Nice try. Please enter the correct PIN.
"Modo familiar"
"Family View"
"Este juego slo est disponible en modo familiar"
"[english]Steam_Parental_GameBlocked" "This game is unavailable in Family View
"Intenta jugar ms tarde, o compra este juego para
tu propia biblioteca para jugarlo ahora."
"Try playing later, or buy this game for
your own library to play it now."
"Steam_DeviceAuth_ChooseDialog_Request" "Solicitar acceso..."
"Request access..."
"Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_From" "Gracias,\n%user%"
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_From" "Thanks,\n%user%"
"Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_Text" "Quieres compartir el acceso a tu bibliot
eca de Steam en este equipo?"
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_Text" "Would you share access to your
Steam library on this computer?"
"Por favor, elige un nombre para
este equipo:"
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_Description" "Please name this comput
"Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_SendOK" "Hemos descubierto que el propietario ya
ha autorizado a este dispositivo para compartir juegos. Todo est listo."
"Weve discovered the owne
r has already authorized this device for game sharing. Youre all set."
"Error al solicitar la autorizac
in (%reason%)"
"Failed to send authoriz
ation request (%reason%)"
"Dispositivos autorizados"
"Authorized Devices"
"Nombre del dispositivo"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_TokenDesc" "Device Name"
"Por el usuario"
"By Steam user"
"Autorizar dispositivo"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Authorize" "Authorize device"
"No se han encontrado dispositivos autor
"No authorized device found"
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_ThisComputer" "Este equipo *"
"This Computer *"
"%owner% ha desautorizado este o
rdenador, algunos juegos pueden no estar disponibles."
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_Deauthorized_Notification" "%owner% has de-authorzi
ed this computer, some games may be unavailable."

"Steam_DeviceAuth_Shared_Library_Now_Available" "Hurra!, los juegos compartidos d

e %owner% estn ahora disponibles para que t puedas jugarlos..."
"Hooray, %owner%
s shared games are now available for you to play..."
"Steam_DeviceAuth_Shared_Library_Unavailable" "Los juegos de %owner% estn en us
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_Shared_Library_Unavailable" "%owner% s games are in
"Tu biblioteca de juegos est sien
do usada por %borrower%"
"Your game library is in
use by %borrower%"
"steam_details_totalplaytime_minutes" "%minutes% minutos"
"[english]steam_details_totalplaytime_minutes" "%minutes% minutes"
"%hours% horas"
"%hours% hours"
"Has jugado"
"You ve played"
"steam_details_totallaunchtimeheader" "Utilizado durante"
"[english]steam_details_totallaunchtimeheader" "Used for"
"steam_details_sharedbyheader" "Compartido por"
"[english]steam_details_sharedbyheader" "Shared by"
"Biblioteca en uso por"
"Library in use by"
"[english]steam_details_sharedbyname" "%share_user%"
"steam_details_sharedbyinuse" "La biblioteca compartida de %share_user% est en
"[english]steam_details_sharedbyinuse" "%share_user%, whose shared library is i
n use"
"Dispositivo autorizado"
"[english]Steam_Game_AuthorizeDevice" "Authorized Device"
"SteamUI_PlatformParentalControl_Tip" "Selecciona esta opcin para bloquear y de
sbloquear el modo parental"
"[english]SteamUI_PlatformParentalControl_Tip" "Select to lock and unlock Paren
t Mode"
"Steam_LibrariesLabel" "Bibliotecas de contenido"
"[english]Steam_LibrariesLabel" "Content Libraries"
"Restricciones de descarga"
"Download Restrictions"
"Steam_SettingsInGameScreenshotFolder" "Carpeta de capturas de pantalla"
"[english]Steam_SettingsInGameScreenshotFolder" "Screenshot folder"
"Interfaz de Steam"
"The Steam Overlay"
"steam_library_filter_mygames" "Mis juegos"
"[english]steam_library_filter_mygames" "My Games"
"Descargas limitadas a"
"[english]steam_downloads_throttling" "Throttling limited to"
"En cola"
"Actualizacin necesaria (no est en cola)"
"Update Required (not queued)"
"Mover al principio de la cola"
"[english]steam_downloads_topofqueue" "Move to top of queue"
"Advertencia de biblioteca compa

"Shared Library Warning"
"Steam ha detenido \"%game%\" po
rque %owner% est utilizando esta biblioteca actualmente."
"Steam terminated \"%gam
e%\" because %owner% is currently using this game library."
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Name_Device" "Introduce un nombre para este equipo:"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Name_Device" "Enter a name for this computer:
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Get_Devices_Failed" "No se han podido recuperar los
dispositivos autorizados (%reason%)"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Get_Devices_Failed" "Failed to get authorize
d devices (%reason%)"
"steam_inbox_asyncgame" "1 nuevo turno en espera"
"1 new turn waiting"
"%count% nuevos turnos en espera"
"%count% new turns waiting"
"steam_inbox_asyncgameinvite" "1 nueva invitacin de partida"
"[english]steam_inbox_asyncgameinvite" "1 new game invite"
"steam_inbox_asyncgameinvites" "%count% nuevas invitaciones de partida"
"[english]steam_inbox_asyncgameinvites" "%count% new game invites"
"Gestionar descargas..."
"Manage Downloads..."
"Alta prioridad:
actualizar siempre esta aplicacin primero"
"High Pr
iority - Always auto-update this application before others"
"Alta prioridad: actuali
zar siempre este juego primero"
"High Priority Always auto-update this game before others"
"Alta prioridad: actuali
zar siempre esta demo primero"
"High Priority Always auto-update this demo before others"
"Alta prioridad: actuali
zar siempre este archivo multimedia primero"
"[english]Steam_AutoUpdateBehaviorHighPriority$appType=media" "High Priority Always auto-update this media before others"
"Alta prioridad: actuali
zar siempre esta herramienta primero"
"High Priority Always auto-update this tool before others"
"Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=application" "Esta ap
licacin y sus actualizaciones se adquirirn automticamente en cuanto estn disponibles
. Steam dar prioridad a esta aplicacin sobre otras descargas."
"This application and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they
are available. Steam will prioritize this application over other downloads."
"Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=game" "Este juego y su
s actualizaciones se adquirirn automticamente en cuanto estn disponibles. Steam dar
prioridad a este juego sobre otras descargas."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=game" "This ga
me and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available.
Steam will prioritize this game over other downloads."
"Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=demo" "Esta demo y sus
actualizaciones se adquirirn automticamente en cuanto estn disponibles. Steam dar p
rioridad a esta demo sobre otras descargas."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=demo" "This de
mo and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available.
Steam will prioritize this demo over other downloads."

"Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=media" "Este archivo mu

ltimedia y sus actualizaciones se adquirirn automticamente en cuanto estn disponibl
es. Steam dar prioridad a este archivo sobre otras descargas."
"This media and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are a
vailable. Steam will prioritize this media over other downloads."
"Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=tool" "Esta herramient
a y sus actualizaciones se adquirirn automticamente en cuanto estn disponibles. Ste
am dar prioridad a esta herramienta sobre otras descargas."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=tool" "This to
ol and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available.
Steam will prioritize this tool over other downloads."
"steam_downloads_timecompleted" "Finalizada a las"
"Time Completed "
"Alta prioridad"
"High Priority"
"steam_downloads_auto_update_default" "Actualizaciones automticas activadas"
"[english]steam_downloads_auto_update_default" "Auto-Updates Enabled"
"steam_downloads_auto_update_disabled" "Actualizaciones automticas desactivadas"
"[english]steam_downloads_auto_update_disabled" "Auto-Updates Disabled"
"Adultos, introducid vuestro PIN a conti
nuacin para salir del modo familiar."
"Adults, enter your PIN below to
exit Family View"
"Steam_Status_DownloadsPaused" "Descargas en pausa "
"[english]Steam_Status_DownloadsPaused" "Downloads Paused "
"Steam_AutoUpdateTimeRestrictionLabel" "Restringir las actualizaciones automtica
s programadas"
"[english]Steam_AutoUpdateTimeRestrictionLabel" "Limit auto-updating schedule"
"Steam_AutoUpdateTimeRestrictionStart" "De"
"[english]Steam_AutoUpdateTimeRestrictionStart" "From"
"[english]Steam_AutoUpdateTimeRestrictionEnd" "To"
"Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=game" "Permitir que Steam descargue ot
ras actualizaciones mientras se ejecuta este juego"
"[english]Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=game" "Allow Steam to download
other updates while this game is running"
"Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=tool" "Permitir que Steam descargue ot
ras actualizaciones mientras se ejecuta esta herramienta"
"[english]Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=tool" "Allow Steam to download
other updates while this tool is running"
"Permitir que Steam desc
argue otras actualizaciones mientras se ejecuta esta aplicacin"
"[english]Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=application" "Allow Steam to
download other updates while this application is running"
"Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=demo" "Permitir que Steam descargue ot
ras actualizaciones mientras se ejecuta esta demo"
"[english]Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=demo" "Allow Steam to download
other updates while this demo is running"
"Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=media" "Permitir que Steam descargue ot
ras actualizaciones mientras se ejecuta este archivo multimedia"
"[english]Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=media" "Allow Steam to download
other updates while this media is running"
"Descargas automticas restringida
s al periodo"
"Auto-downloads limited
"%autostart% - %autoend%"
"%autostart% - %autoend%

"Modo familiar"
"Family View"
"Por favor, confirma que deseas volver a
l modo familiar."
"Please confirm you d like to re
turn to Family View."
"Steam_Parental_Manage" "Administrar modo familiar..."
"Manage Family View..."
"Steam_ManageAccountSecurity" "Administrar seguridad de la cuenta"
"[english]Steam_ManageAccountSecurity" "Manage Account Security"
"Actualizacin disponible"
"Update Available"
"Hay una actualizacin disponible
para %game%. Quieres iniciarlo ahora\n o descargar la actualizacin primero?"
"An update for %game% is
available. Would you like to launch it now,\n or download the update first?"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_UpdateAvailable_LaunchNow" "Iniciar ahora"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_UpdateAvailable_LaunchNow" "Launch Now"
"Descargar la actualizac
"Download the Up
"Ests en modo familiar. Selecciona para c
"[english]SteamUI_ParentalControl_Tip_Locked" "You are in Family View. Select
to change."
"SteamUI_ParentalControl_Tip_Unlocked" "No ests en modo familiar. Selecciona par
a cambiar."
"[english]SteamUI_ParentalControl_Tip_Unlocked" "You are not in Family View. Sel
ect to change."
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_Title" "Prstamo familiar"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_Title" "Family Library Sharing"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_ManageSharing" "Administrar otros equipos..."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_ManageSharing" "Manage other computers.
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_StateAuthorized" "El prstamo familiar te permite c
ompartir tu biblioteca de Steam con otras personas. Una vez autorizados los equi
pos de dichos usuarios, estos podrn descargar y jugar a los juegos de tu bibliote
ca.\nEste equipo est actualmente autorizado para compartir tus juegos. Las cuenta
s seleccionadas podrn utilizar tu biblioteca disponible mientras tengan sesin inic
iada aqu."
"Family Library
Sharing enables you to share your Steam library with others. Once authorized, St
eam users on shared computers may access, download and play your available libra
ry of Steam games.\n\nThis computer is currently authorized to share your games.
Selected accounts may use your available game library while logged in here."
"El prstamo familiar te p
ermite compartir tu biblioteca de Steam con otras personas. Una vez autorizados
los equipos de dichos usuarios, estos podrn descargar y jugar a los juegos de tu
biblioteca.\nPuedes autorizar hasta diez equipos para permitir a las cuentas sel
eccionadas usar tu biblioteca mientras no ests jugando."
"Family Library
Sharing enables you to share your Steam library with others. Once authorized, St
eam users on shared computers may access, download and play your library of Stea
m games.\n\nYou may authorize up to ten computers to allow selected accounts to
use your Steam library while you are not playing."
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_AuthorizeDevice" "Autorizar este equipo"
"Authorize this
"Desautorizar este equip

"Deauthorize thi
s computer"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_AuthorizeError" "Error al autorizar el equipo (%
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_AuthorizeError" "Failed to authorized co
mputer (%reason%)"
"Error al desautorizar e
l equipo (%reason%)"
"Failed to deaut
horized computer (%reason%)"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_UpdateBorrowers" "Actualizar prestatarios"
"Update borrower
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_BorrowerError" "Error al actualizar el prestata
rio (%reason%)"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_BorrowerError" "Failed to update borrow
er (%reason%)"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_No_SteamGuard" "El prstamo familiar requiere que
Steam Guard est activado"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_No_SteamGuard" "Steam Guard is required
to enable Family Library Sharing"
"Slo puedes autorizar un
mximo de %maxborrowers% cuentas al mismo tiempo."
"You can only au
thorize up to %maxborrowers% accounts at the same time."
"Cuentas autorizadas"
"Authorized acco
"No se han encontrado ms cuentas
"No other local accounts
"Por favor, selecciona hasta %ma
xborrowers% usuarios que puedan acceder y usar tu biblioteca en tus equipos auto
"Please select up to %ma
xborrowers% users who may access and use your library on your authorized compute
"Steam_Settings_Family_Options_Title" "Modo familiar"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Options_Title" "Family View"
"El modo familiar se puede utilizar para
restringir el acceso a contenidos y caractersticas mientras se est en dicho modo
protegido por PIN."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Options_Text" "Family View can be used to rest
rict access to content and features while in a PIN-protected Family View."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_KickSessions_Text" "Has iniciado sesin en otro equipo que es
t jugando a \"%existing_app%\".\nIniciar \"%launching_app%\" aqu desconectar la otr
a sesin de Steam."
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_KickSessions_Text" "You are logged in on another co
mputer already playing \"%existing_app%\".\nLaunching \"%launching_app%\" here w
ill disconnect the other session from Steam."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_KickSessions_Error" "Error al desconectar otra sesin que est j
ugando a %game%"
"Failed to disconnect ot
her session playing %game%"
"Continuar con el inicio"
"Continue launch"
"Solicitud de clave de producto

"Product key request pen
"Steam - Advertencia"
"Steam - Warning"
"El contenido de \"%game%\", o parte de l
, slo est disponible mediante una conexin a un servicio de terceros.\nEl propietari
o debe estar registrado con este servicio para acceder a dicho contenido."
"Some or all content of \"%game%
\" is only avaliable by connecting to a third-party service.\nThe original owner
must have registered with this service to access this content."
"Permitir descargas mientras se juega"
"[english]Steam_AllowDownloadsDuringGameplay" "Allow downloads during gameplay
"Si est activado, Steam podra inic
iar o continuar descargas de actualizaciones mientras ejecutas un juego u otra a
plicacin de Steam. De todas formas, esto puede ser configurado para cada producto
de forma individual a travs de la pgina de propiedades de cada juego."
"If this is checked, Ste
am may initiate or continue downloading updates while you have a game or other S
team application running. You can also override this on a per-game basis in each
game s Properties page"
"Steam_GameProperties_BackgroundDownloadsWhilePlaying" "Descargas en segundo pl
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_BackgroundDownloadsWhilePlaying" "Background down
"Steam_GameProperties_BackgroundDownloadsWhilePlayingInfo$appType=game" "Das perm
iso a Steam para que descargue otros juegos o aplicaciones mientras juegas a %ga
"While playing %game%, should Steam be allowed to download other games or applic
"Das permiso a Steam para que descargue otros juegos o aplicaciones mientras util
izas %game%?"
cation" "While using %game%, should Steam be allowed to download other games or
"Steam_GameProperties_BackgroundDownloadsWhilePlayingInfo$appType=demo" "Das perm
iso a Steam para que descargue otros juegos o aplicaciones mientras juegas a %ga
"While playing %game%, should Steam be allowed to download other games or applic
"Das permiso a Steam para que descargue otros juegos o aplicaciones mientras repr
oduces %game%?"
"While playing %game%, should Steam be allowed to download other games o
r applications?"
"Steam_GameProperties_BackgroundDownloadsWhilePlayingInfo$appType=tool" "Das perm
iso a Steam para que descargue otros juegos o aplicaciones mientras utilizas %ga
"While using %game%, should Steam be allowed to download other games or applicat
"Ajustes globales (permitir desc
argas en segundo plano)"
"Follow my global settin

g (allow background downloads)"

"Steam_BackgroundDownloadsDefault_Deny" "Ajustes globales (detener descargas en
segundo plano)"
"Follow my global settin
g (stop background downloads)"
"Permitir siempre descargas en segundo p
"Always allow background downloa
"Steam_BackgroundDownloadsDeny" "No permitir nunca descargas en segundo plano"
"Never allow background download
as en segundo plano mientras juegas a este juego"
"Background downloads while playing this game"
"[english]Steam_LaunchStream" "Stream"
"[english]Steam_Settings_FamilyTitle" "Family"
"[english]steam_library_filter_installedlocallygames" "Local"
"Retransmisin desde"
"Stream from"
"steam_details_streamfromname" "%stream_from%"
"[english]steam_details_streamfromname" "%stream_from%"
"Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_No_SteamGuard" "El prstamo familiar requiere que
Steam Guard est activado"
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_No_SteamGuard" "Steam Guard needs to be
enabled to access Family Library Sharing"
"Steam_Parental_UnlockFailureExceeded" "Demasiados intentos fallidos. Por favor
, reinicia Steam para intentarlo de nuevo."
"[english]Steam_Parental_UnlockFailureExceeded" "Too many failed attempts. Pleas
e restart Steam to try again."
"SteamUI_StreamingSource_ThisMachine_Installed" "Jugar en este equipo"
"Play on this ma
"Instalar en este equipo
"Install on this
"Retransmisin desde %ClientName%"
"Stream from %ClientName%"
"SteamUI_StreamingSource_NotInstalled" "Instalar en %ClientName%"
"[english]SteamUI_StreamingSource_NotInstalled" "Install on %ClientName%"
"El cliente de retransmisin ha fallado"
"Streaming Client Failed"
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed" "El cliente de retransmisin se ha cerrado inesper
adamente (%error%)"
"[english]SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed" "The streaming client exited unexpectedl
y (%error%)"
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_Connect" "No se ha podido conectar al equipo remo
"[english]SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_Connect" "Couldn t connect to the remote
"Las versiones de Steam instaladas en el
equipo local y el remoto no coinciden."
"The versions of Steam installed
on the local and remote computers do not match."
"La autenticacin ha fallado."

"Authentication failed."
"El inicio de la retransmisin ha fallado"
"Stream Launch Failed"
"El inicio de este juego requiere la int
ervencin del usuario.\n\nIncialo manualmente en el equipo remoto y nete a la retran
smisin desde aqu."
"This game launch requires user
intervention.\n\nLaunch manually on the remote computer and then join the stream
from here."
"Hay un problema con la autenticacin."
"Authentication problem."
"La pantalla est bloqueada en el equipo r
"The screen is locked on the rem
ote computer."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_OtherGameRunning" "Ya hay otro juego ejecutndose en el equi
po remoto."
"There is another game a
lready running on the remote computer."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Timeout" "Se ha alcanzado el tiempo lmite de espera para i
niciar la retransmisin."
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Timeout" "Timed out waiting for stream to launch.
"La instalacin de este juego requ
iere intervencin del usuario.\n\nInstalar manualmente en el equipo remoto."
"Installation of this ga
me requires user intervention.\n\nInstall manually on the remote computer."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Failed" "No se ha podido iniciar la retransmisin."
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Failed" "Unable to launch stream."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_StillDownloading" "Hay una actualizacin en progreso en %Cli
entName%. %game% estar listo para retransmitir cuando la descarga se haya complet
"Update is in progress o
n %ClientName%. %game% will be ready to stream when the download completes."
"Steam - Error"
"Error - Steam"
"Tienes iniciada una sesin en otro equipo
, el cual est ejecutando \"%existing_app%\".\nIniciar \"%launching_app%\" aqu cerr
ar la sesin en el otro equipo."
"You are logged in on another co
mputer already playing \"%existing_app%\".\nLaunching \"%launching_app%\" here w
ill disconnect the other session from Steam."
"Retransmisin en casa"
"In-Home Streaming"
"Conectado a %machine%"
"[english]Notification_RemoteClientConnected" "Connected to %machine%"
"Notification_RemoteClientDisconnected" "Desconectado de %machine%"
"Disconnected from %mach
"Steam_Settings_StreamingTitle" "Retransmisin en casa"
"In-Home Streaming"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Description" "Retransmite juegos desde tu PC con Wind
ows a otros equipos detectados en tu red local. Para conectarte, basta con inici
ar sesin en esta misma cuenta de Steam desde otro dispositivo local."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Description" "Stream gameplay from your Windo
ws PC to other computers detected on your local network. To connect, simply log
into this same Steam account on another local device."
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_DeviceName" "NOMBRE DEL DISPOSITIVO"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_DeviceName" "DEVICE NAME"

"Puedes intentar mejorar el rend
imiento de la retransmisin reduciendo la resolucin de tu juego o ajustando las sig
uientes opciones locales."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Perf_Instructions" "To improve in-home stre
aming performance, try reducing your game s resolution or adjusting the followin
g local settings."
"Limitar ancho de banda a"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Bandwidth" "Limit bandwidth to"
"Automtico (recomendado)"
"Automatic (recommended)
"5 Mbit/s"
"5 MBit/s"
"10 Mbit/s"
"10 MBit/s"
"15 Mbit/s"
"15 MBit/s"
"20 Mbit/s"
"20 MBit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_BandwidthUnlimited" "Ilimitado (aumenta la latencia)
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_BandwidthUnlimited" "Unlimited (increases la
"Limitar velocidad de fotogramas a"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Framerate" "Lock framerate to"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Framerate30" "30 FPS"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Framerate30" "30 FPS"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Framerate60" "60 FPS"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Framerate60" "60 FPS"
"Desactivar decodificacin
por hardware"
"Disable hardwar
e decoding"
"Ver informacin del soporte"
"View support informatio
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Connected" "Connected"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Disconnected" "No conectado"
"Not Connected"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Self" "Sesin iniciada como yo"
"Logged in as me"
"Sesin iniciada como un usuario diferente
"Logged in as different user"
"%game% - Inicio de retransmisin"
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_ProgressTitle" "%game% - Streaming Launch"
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_ServerProgress" "Preparndose para retransmitir %game%..."
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_ServerProgress" "Preparing to stream %game%..."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_RemoteProgress" "El equipo remoto est realizando la prime
ra puesta a punto..."
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_RemoteProgress" "Remote computer is performing f
irst time setup..."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_RemoteProgressDetailed" "El equipo remoto est realizando
la primera puesta a punto...\n\n%detail%"
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_RemoteProgressDetailed" "Remote computer is perf
orming first time setup...\n\n%detail%"

"Preparndose para retransmitir %game%..."
"Preparing to stream %game%..."
"SteamUI_Selection_Ukrainian" " (ucraniano)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Ukrainian" " (Ukrainian)"
"Steam ha aadido %game% en la col
a de descargas. Empezar a descargarse en cuanto las otras descargas que tiene del
ante se hayan completado. Puedes gestionar esta cola en la vista de descargas de
"Steam has queued %game%
for download. It will begin the download when the other downloads in front of i
t in the queue have completed. You can manage the queue in the Steam Downloads v
"Gestionar descargas"
"Manage Downloads"
"Actualmente este juego no es compatible
con retransmisiones."
"This game currently doesn t sup
port streaming."
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Resolution" "Limitar resolucin a"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Resolution" "Limit resolution to"
"Resolucin del escritorio"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_ResolutionDesktop" "Desktop Resolution"
"1920x1080 (1080p)"
"1920x1080 (1080p)"
"1280x720 (720p)"
"1280x720 (720p)"
"Ejecutar en una ventana"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_DisableFullscreen" "Run in a window"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_NotConnected" "No conectado"
"Not connected"
"Versin del cliente diferente"
"Different client versio
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_DirectX" "Por favor, instala DirectX desde el sit
io web de Microsoft."
"[english]SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_DirectX" "Please install the DirectX runt
ime from Microsoft s website."
"Steam_ContentBuildID" "ID de compilacin actual: %buildid%"
"[english]Steam_ContentBuildID" "Current content BuildID: %buildid%"
"Nota: Si restableces tu contras
ea, no podrs intercambiar o utilizar el Mercado de la Comunidad temporalmente."
"Note: If you reset your
password, you will be temporarily restricted from trading and the Community Mar
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_FAQ" "Ver el FAQ de Restricciones de intercambio y me
"[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_FAQ" "View the Trading and Market Restriction
s FAQ"
"Mostrar notificaciones cuando l
as bibliotecas compartidas estn disponibles de nuevo"
"Show notifications when
shared libraries become available again"
"3 Mbit/s"
"3 MBit/s"
"852x480 (480p)"
"852x480 (480p)"
"Actualizando informacin de Steam..."
"Updating Steam Information..."

"Actualizando la configuracin del usuario
"Updating User Configuration..."
"Steam no est disponible en este momento.
\n\n\nPor favor, intntalo de nuevo ms tarde haciendo clic en Volver a intentarlo
o inicia Steam en el Modo desconectado .\n"
"Steam is currently unavailable.
\n\n\nPlease try again later by clicking Retry , or start Steam in Offline Mod
e .\n"
"Para acceder al prstamo
familiar, activa primero la proteccin Steam Guard en los parmetros de la cuenta."
"To access Famil
y Library Sharing, first enable Steam Guard account security in Account settings
"Modo de realidad virtual (BETA)"
"[english]steam_menu_startvr" "Virtual Reality mode (BETA)"
"Activar retransmisin"
"Enable streaming"
"Opciones del host:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_HostLabel" "Host options:"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_ClientLabel" "Opciones del cliente:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_ClientLabel" "Client options:"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_QualityFast" "Rpida"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_QualityFast" "Fast"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedHostOptions" "Opciones avanzadas del host"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedHostOptions" "Advanced Host Options"
"Opciones avanzadas del
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedHostOptions_Title" "Advanced Host O
"Para mejorar el
rendimiento de retransmisin desde este equipo, intenta reducir la resolucin de tu
juego o ajustar los siguientes parmetros."
"To impr
ove performance streaming from this computer, try reducing your game s resolutio
n or adjusting the following settings."
"Opciones avanzadas del
"Advanced Client
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedClientOptions_Title" "Opciones avanzadas del
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedClientOptions_Title" "Advanced Client
"Para mejorar el
rendimiento de retransmisin hacia este equipo, intenta reducir la resolucin de tu
juego o ajustar los siguientes parmetros."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedClientOptions_Description" "To impr
ove performance streaming to this computer, try reducing your game s resolution
or adjusting the following settings."
"Activar codificacin por
"Enable hardware
"Activar decodificacin po
r hardware"

"Enable hardware
"Si tienes un ro
uter de los ms actuales o de gama alta, es posible que tambin quieras activar la p
riorizacin de trfico de red."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_EnableTrafficPriority_Description" "If you
have a newer or high-end router, you might also turn on network traffic prioriti
"Priorizar trfico de red"
"Prioritize netw
ork traffic"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_EnableDebugOverlay" "Mostrar informacin de rendimient
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_EnableDebugOverlay" "Display performance inf
"30 MBit/s"
"30 MBit/s"
"Retransmisin desactivada"
"Streaming disabled"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_UnsupportedPlatform" "Actualmente el alojamiento no e
st soportado en esta plataforma"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_UnsupportedPlatform" "Hosting is not currentl
y supported on this platform"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Unsupported" "Conectado"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Unsupported" "Connected"
"Cuentas elegibles"
"Eligible accounts"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_Checked" "Compartir"
"steam_inbox_moderatormessage" "1 mensaje de moderacin de la comunidad"
"[english]steam_inbox_moderatormessage" "1 community moderation message"
"steam_inbox_moderatormessages" "%count% mensajes de moderacin de la comunidad"
"%count% community moderation me
"steam_menu_view_music" "Msica"
"steam_menu_view_musicplayer" "Reproductor de msica"
"[english]steam_menu_view_musicplayer" "Music Player"
" "
" "
"%currentqueueentry% de %queuecount% - %queuedur
"%currentqueueentry% of %queuecount% - %
"%queuecount% pistas - %queueduration%"
"%queuecount% tracks - %queueduration%"
"%queuecount% pista - %queueduration%"
"%queuecount% track - %queueduration%"
"Music_Status_Playing" "REPRODUCIENDO AHORA"
"[english]Music_Status_Playing" "NOW PLAYING"
"Music_Status_Paused" "EN PAUSA"
"[english]Music_Status_Paused" "PAUSED"
"Vaciar cola"
"Clear Queue"
"Poner en pausa"

"Music_Queue_Remove_Track_From_Queue" "Eliminar pista de la cola"

"[english]Music_Queue_Remove_Track_From_Queue" "Remove Track from Queue"
"Music_Queue_Remove_Tracks_From_Queue" "Eliminar pistas de la cola"
"[english]Music_Queue_Remove_Tracks_From_Queue" "Remove Tracks from Queue"
"Ver pista en el equipo"
"View Track in System"
"SteamUI_StreamingIntro_Title" "Bienvenido a la retransmisin en casa"
"[english]SteamUI_StreamingIntro_Title" "Welcome to In-Home Streaming"
"Ests a punto de ejecutar este juego en otro equi
po y a jugarlo aqu mediante la retransmisin en casa."
"You are about to run this game on anoth
er computer and play it here using In-Home Streaming."
"Tu experiencia puede variar dependiendo de tu h
ardware y de tu red domstica. Para mejorar el rendimiento, dirgete a la configurac
in de la retransmisin en casa."
"Your experience may vary depending on y
our hardware and home network. To improve performance, visit In-Home Streaming s
"Ocupado (escribiendo en el disco)"
"Busy Writing To Disk"
"No se ha podido validar 1 archivo y se
volver a descargar."
"[english]Steam_ValidationResults_OneFailure" "1 file failed to validate and w
ill be reacquired."
"Actualizacin en cola"
"[english]Steam_UpdateQueued" "Update queued"
"Steam_DownloadQueued" "En cola"
"[english]Steam_DownloadQueued" "Queued"
"SteamUI_RemoteControl_AuthorizeDevice_Title" "Permitir control remoto"
"[english]SteamUI_RemoteControl_AuthorizeDevice_Title" "Allow Remote Control"
"%devicename% est intentado contr
olar Steam de forma remota. Quieres permitirlo?"
"[english]SteamUI_RemoteControl_AuthorizeDevice_Text" "%devicename% is trying
to remote control Steam. Do you want to allow it?"
"Una aplicacin de control
remoto desconocida est intentando controlar Steam. Quieres permitirlo?"
"An unknown remo
te control application is trying to control Steam. Do you want to allow it?"
"Steam_InstallAppWizard_Preload_Title" "Precargar - %game%"
"[english]Steam_InstallAppWizard_Preload_Title" "Preload - %game%"
"Steam_InstallGameInfo_Preload" "Ests a punto de precargar %game%.\n"
"You are about to preload %game%
"Descarga en espera"
"[english]Steam_GameDownloadWaitingForComponentInUse" "Download waiting"
"Los archivos multimedia que has
seleccionado se encuentran ahora disponibles en tu biblioteca de \njuegos de St
"Your selected media fil
es are now available in your Steam \ngames library."
"Steam est precargando %game%. Un
a vez que el juego haya sido lanzado, su contenido ser desbloqueado y estar listo
para jugar."
"[english]Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo_Preload" "Steam is now preloading
%game%. Once the game is released, the content will be unlocked and the game is
ready to play."
"steam_library_music" "Msica"
"[english]steam_library_music" "Music"

"steam_menu_view_music_details" "Detalles de la msica"

"Music Details"
"Music_NoLibrary_Text" "No hemos encontrado nada! Es posible que necesites confi
gurar tus bibliotecas de msica <a href=steam://settings/music>en los parmetros de
"[english]Music_NoLibrary_Text" "We ve come up empty! You might need to set up y
our music library <a href=steam://settings/music>in settings</a>."
"Music_Crawling_Text" "Tu biblioteca de msica est siendo escaneada en busca de c
ontenido. Esta accin puede <a href=steam://musiccrawlingcancel>cancelarse</a> en
cualquier momento."
"[english]Music_Crawling_Text" "Your Music Library is being scanned for content
. This can be <a href=steam://musiccrawlingcancel>canceled</a> at any time."
"Music_Nav_Menu_Albums" "lbumes"
"No se ha encontrado msica"
"No music found"
"No se han encontrado lbumes"
"No albums found"
"No se han encontrado artistas"
"No artists found"
"[english]Music_Column_Album" "Album"
"Music_Column_Artist" "Artista"
"[english]Music_Column_Artist" "Artist"
"Reproducir pistas"
"Play Tracks"
"Reproducir a continuacin"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_PlayTracksNext" "Play Next"
"Music_Album_Details_AddTracksToQueue" "Aadir a la cola"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_AddTracksToQueue" "Add to Queue"
"Music_Album_Details_ShowAlbum" "Mostrar lbum"
"Show Album"
"Reproducir lbum"
"Play Album"
"Music_Album_Details_PlayNext" "Reproducir a continuacin"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_PlayNext" "Play Next"
"Aadir a la cola"
"Add to Queue"
"Music_Album_Details_ShowAlbumInSystem" "Mostrar en el equipo"
"Show in System"
"Music_Album_Details_Menu_Play" "Reproducir"
"Reproducir a continuacin"
"Play Next"
"Music_Album_Details_Menu_AddToQueue" "Aadir a la cola"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_Menu_AddToQueue" "Add to Queue"
"Reproducir artista"
"Play Artist"
"Reproducir a continuacin"
"[english]Music_Artist_Details_Menu_PlayNext" "Play Next"
"Music_Artist_Details_Menu_AddToQueue" "Aadir a la cola"
"[english]Music_Artist_Details_Menu_AddToQueue" "Add to Queue"
"Mostrar en el equipo"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_Menu_ShowAlbumInSystem" "Show in System"
"Music_Track_Menu_Play" "Reproducir pista"
"Play Track"
"Reproducir a continuacin"
"Play Next"

"Music_Track_Menu_AddToQueue" "Aadir a la cola"

"[english]Music_Track_Menu_AddToQueue" "Add to Queue"
"Reproducir pistas posteriores"
"Play Subsequent Tracks"
"Music_Track_Menu_PlayNext_Subsequent" "Reproducir pistas posteriores a continu
"[english]Music_Track_Menu_PlayNext_Subsequent" "Play Subsequent Tracks Next"
"Aadir pistas posteriores a la co
"Add Subsequent Tracks t
o Queue"
"Mostrar en el equipo"
"[english]Music_Track_Menu_ShowAlbumInSystem" "Show in System"
"Mostrar lbum"
"Show Album"
"Music_Tooltip_Repeat" "Repetir "
"[english]Music_Tooltip_Repeat" "Repeat "
"Music_Tooltip_Shuffle" "Aleatorio "
"Shuffle "
"Anterior "
"Previous "
"Reproducir / Poner en pausa"
"Play / Pause "
"[english]Music_Tooltip_Next" "Next "
"Music_Tooltip_Volume" "Volumen"
"[english]Music_Tooltip_Volume" "Volume "
"Music_Tooltip_Browse" "Explorar msica "
"[english]Music_Tooltip_Browse" "Browse Music "
"Ver el reproductor"
"View Player "
"Music_Settings_Library_Header" "Biblioteca de msica"
"Music Library"
"[english]Music_Settings_Library_Add" "Add"
"Music_Settings_Library_Remove" "Eliminar"
"Music_Settings_Library_StartCrawling" "Escanear ahora"
"[english]Music_Settings_Library_StartCrawling" "Scan Now"
"Base de datos"
"Escanear al inicio"
"Scan at Startup"
"Music_Settings_Database_ResetDatabase" "Reiniciar base de datos"
"Reset Database"
"Music_Settings_Database_StopCrawling" "Detener escaneado"
"[english]Music_Settings_Database_StopCrawling" "Stop Scanning"
"Music_Settings_Database_BuildingMusicLibrary" "Creando la biblioteca de msica..
"[english]Music_Settings_Database_BuildingMusicLibrary" "Building the Music Libr
"No hay lbumes disponibles."
"No albums available."
"Un lbum, %trackcount% pistas"
"One albums, %trackcount% tracks

"%albumcount% lbumes, %trackcount
% pistas"
"[english]Music_Settings_Database_XAlbumsWithYTracks" "%albumcount% albums, %t
rackcount% tracks"
"Music_Settings_Volume_Header" "Volumen"
"[english]Music_Settings_Volume_Header" "Volume"
"Poner la msica en pausa"
"Pause Music"
"Al iniciar una aplicacin
"When starting a
n application"
"Al usar un chat de voz"
"When voice chatting"
"Music_Settings_Logging_Header" "Registro"
"Music_Settings_NotificationPlaylistNowPlaying" "Cuando comience una nueva pista
"When a new trac
k begins"
"Mostrar una notificacin"
"[english]Music_Settings_Notification_Header" "Display a notification"
"Guardar registro de escaneado"
"Save scanning activity log"
"Music_Settings__SelectDirectory_Title" "Seleccionar biblioteca de msica"
"Select Music Library"
"Activar captura rpida de escrito
"Enable fast desktop cap
"Steam - Fin de compatibilidad con sistema opera
"Steam - Operating system support ending
"Steam_MacOSX105Warning_Info" "Steam dejar de soportar Mac OS X 10.5 en agosto
de 2014
Para poder seguir utilizando Steam en este equipo tendrs que
actualizar tu versin de Mac OS X a la 10.6 o superior."
"[english]Steam_MacOSX105Warning_Info" "Support for Steam on Mac OS X 10.5 ends
in August, 2014
In order to continue running Steam on this computer, you must
upgrade to Mac OS X version 10.6 or higher."
"Por favor, consulta este artculo del Sop
orte de Steam para obtener ms informacin."
"Please visit this Steam support
article for more information."
"[english]Steam_MacOSX105_SupportURL" "https://support.steampowered.com/kb_art
"Protegido por Steam Guard con s
eguridad de doble factor"
"[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_TwoFactor" "Protected by Steam Guar
d with Two Factor Security"
"Administrar Steam Guard
con seguridad de doble factor"
"Manage Steam Gu
ard with Two Factor Security"
"Ests utilizando Steam Guard con
seguridad de doble factor. Para administrar tu configuracin de Steam Guard, por f

avor, abre la aplicacin de Steam en tu smartphone."

"You are using Steam Gua
rd with Two Factor Security. To manage your Steam Guard settings, please open th
e Steam application on your smart phone."
"SteamUI_Settings_Security_ManageTwoFactor_2" "Si tu telfono no est disponible d
e forma permanente, contacta con el Soporte de Steam para recibir asistencia."
"[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_ManageTwoFactor_2" "If your phone is perman
ently unavailable, contact Steam Support for help."
"Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_Title" "Steam Guard - Autorizacin del equipo requerida"
"[english]Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_Title" "Steam Guard - Computer Authorization Re
"Mi cdigo de acceso especial es:"
"My special access code is:"
"Como medida de seguridad adicio
nal, necesitars introducir el cdigo de Steam Guard actual de la aplicacin de Steam
en tu telfono."
"As an additional securi
ty measure, you ll need to enter the current Steam Guard code from the Steam app
on your phone."
"Lo sentimos, eso no es correcto."
"Sorry, that isn t quite right."
"Por favor, introduce un cdigo ac
tualizado de tu aplicacin para mviles."
"Please enter a fresh co
de from your mobile app."
"Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_ResultFailure" "Error al contactar con los servidores d
e Steam."
"[english]Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_ResultFailure" "Failed to contact Steam servers
"Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_ResultFailureDetails" "No se ha podido contactar con l
os servidores de Steam en este momento. Por favor, intntalo de nuevo ms tarde."
"[english]Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_ResultFailureDetails" "The Steam servers could
not be contacted at this time. Please try again later."
"Asigna una categora a estos juegos para
que te resulte ms fcil encontrarlos y organizar tu biblioteca. Los juegos de tu li
sta se agruparn segn la categora asignada."
"[english]steam_client_edit_categories_multi" "
Set a category for these games to help you find them quickly and organize your L
ibrary. Categorized games will be grouped together in your games list. "
"Reiniciar base de datos de msica local"
"[english]Music_Settings_ResetDatabase_Title" "Reset Local Music Database"
"Ests seguro de que quieres reiniciar la b
ase de datos de msica?"
"Are you sure you want to reset
the music database?"
"Ahora no"
"Not Now"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Done" "Aceptar"
"Actualizar firmware del Steam C
"Update Steam Controller
"Hay un nuevo firmware disponibl

e para tu Steam Controller. Ahora te guiaremos por los pasos para actualizarlo."
"There is new firmware a
vailable for your Steam Controller. We ll run you through the update steps now.
"El nuevo firmware est siendo ins
talado en tu controlador.\nPor favor, no lo desconectes."
"New firmware is being i
nstalled on the controller.\nPlease do not disconnect the controller."
"El firmware de tu Steam Control
ler ha sido actualizado."
"Your Steam Controller f
irmware has been updated."
"Steam necesita utilizar el modo
de recuperacin para instalar el firmware en tu controlador:\n\n 1) Desconecta el
cable USB del controlador\n 2) Mantn pulsado el GATILLO DERECHO y vuelve a conec
tar el controlador\n 3) Espera un poco (entre 30 60 segundos) para que el sistem
a operativo detecte y monte el volumen de la actualizacin del firmware de tu cont
rolador.\n\nUna vez hayas completado estas indicaciones, el controlador volver a
conectarse en modo de actualizacin de firmware y pasaremos al siguiente paso."
"Steam needs to use reco
very mode to install firmware on your controller:\n\n 1) Unplug the USB cable co
nnecting the controller\n 2) Hold down the RIGHT TRIGGER and plug the controller
back in\n 3) Wait a while (up to 30-60 seconds) for the OS to detect and mount
the controller s firmware update volume.\n\nOnce you ve completed those steps th
e controller will reconnect in firmware update mode and we ll move on to the nex
t step."
"Tu firmware ha sido act
ualizado. Por favor, haz lo siguiente:\n\n 1) Desconecta el cable USB del contro
lador\n 2) Vuelve a conectar el cable USB sin pulsar ningn botn\n 3) Selecciona Ac
eptar abajo para finalizar este asistente"
"[english]SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Fallback_Finished" "Your firmware h
as now been updated, please do the following:\n\n 1) Unplug the USB cable connec
ting the controller\n 2) Plug the USB cable back in without touching any buttons
\n 3) Choose OK below to complete this wizard"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Disconnect" "El Steam Controller se ha desco
nectado durante el proceso de actualizacin del firmware. Tendrs otra oportunidad d
e actualizarlo cuando vuelvas a conectar el controlador."
"[english]SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Disconnect" "The Steam Controller di
sconnected during the firmware upgrade process. You will have another opportuni
ty to upgrade the firmware when it is reconnected."
"Ver todas las capturas"
"View all screenshots"
"Steam_Screenshots_ViewRecent" "Ver capturas recientes de"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ViewRecent" "View recent screenshots from"
"Steam_Screenshots_All" "Todas las capturas"
"All Screenshots"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_GameName" "%game%"
"Steam_Screenshots_ImageIndex" "%ssindex%/%sscount%"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ImageIndex" "%ssindex%/%sscount%"
"Steam_Screenshots_ImageNext" "Siguiente >"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ImageNext" "Next >"
"Steam_Screenshots_ImagePrev" "< Anterior"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ImagePrev" "< Previous"
"Esto eliminar todo el contenido
de estos juegos\nde este ordenador.\n\nLos juegos permanecern en tu biblioteca, p
ero\npara volver a jugarlos en un futuro, tendrs que descargar de nuevo su conten

"This will delete all co
ntent for these games\nfrom this computer.\n\nThe games will remain in your Game
s Library, but\nto play them in the future you ll have to first\nre-download the
ir content."
"Steam ha aadido tus jueg
os en la cola de descargas. Empezarn a descargarse en cuanto las otras descargas
que tengan delante se hayan completado. Puedes gestionar esta cola en la vista d
e descargas de Steam."
"[english]Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo_Queued_Multiple" "Steam has queue
d your games for download. It will begin the downloads when the other downloads
in front of them in the queue have completed. You can manage the queue in the St
eam Downloads view."
"steam_multiple_games" "Mltiples juegos"
"[english]steam_multiple_games" "Multiple Games"
"Reproductor de msica"
"Music Player"
"steam_library_section_menu_expandall" "Desplegar todo"
"[english]steam_library_section_menu_expandall" "Expand All"
"Contraer todo"
"Collapse All"
"steam_library_section_menu_showicons" "Mostrar iconos"
"[english]steam_library_section_menu_showicons" "Show Icons"
"steam_library_section_menu_hideicons" "Ocultar iconos"
"[english]steam_library_section_menu_hideicons" "Hide Icons"
"steam_subnav_explore" "Explorar"
"[english]steam_subnav_explore" "Explore"
"Sin categora"
"[english]steam_library_filter_uncategorized" "Uncategorized"
"Actualizacin de Workshop"
"Workshop Update"
"compra pendiente"
"purchase pending"
"jugando desde otra sesin"
"other session playing"
"descarga corrupta"
"download corrupt"
"Crear lista de reproduccin"
"Create Playlist"
"Agregar a lista de reproduccin"
"Add to Playlist"
"steam_library_filter_hidden" "Ocultos"
"[english]steam_library_filter_hidden" "Hidden"
"steam_edittags_hide" "Ocultar este juego en mi biblioteca"
"[english]steam_edittags_hide" "Hide this game in my library"
"Ocultar estos juegos en mi biblioteca"
"Hide these games in my library"
"Listas de reproduccin"
"Music_NoMusicOfThisPlaylist" "No se han encontrado listas de reproduccin"
"[english]Music_NoMusicOfThisPlaylist" "No playlists found"
"Music_Column_Playlist" "Lista de reproduccin"
"Music_Album_Details_NoTracks" "No existen pistas"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_NoTracks" "No tracks"
"Music_Album_Details_OneTrack" "1 pista / %tracksduration%"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_OneTrack" "1 track / %tracksduration%"
"%trackscount% pistas / %tracksduration%
"[english]Music_Album_Details_MultipleTracks" "%trackscount% tracks / %tracksd

"Aadir a lista de reproduccin"
"Add to Playlist"
"Aadir a lista de reproduccin"
"Add to Playlist"
"Nueva lista de reproduccin"
"New Playlist"
"Aadir a lista de reproduccin"
"Add to Playlist"
"Crear lista de reproduccin"
"Create Playlist"
"Aadir a lista de reproduccin"
"Add to Playlist"
"Crear lista de reproduc
"Create Playlist
"Aadir a lista de reproduccin"
"Add to Playlist"
"Crear lista de reproduccin"
"Create Playlist"
"Biblioteca de msica"
"Music Library"
"Lista de reproduccin"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Defaultname" "Playlist"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_PlayNext" "Reproducir a continuacin"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_PlayNext" "Play Next"
"Aadir a la cola"
"Add to Queue"
"Cambiar nombre"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_Rename" "Rename"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_Duplicate" "Duplicar lista de reproduccin"
"Duplicate Playlist"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_Delete" "Delete"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_DeleteAll" "Borrar todo lo de mi lista de reproducc
"Delete All from Playlis
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveUp" "Up"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveDown" "Abajo"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveDown" "Down"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveBegin" "Al principio"
"To Top"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveEnd" "Al final"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveEnd" "To Bottom"
"Crear nueva lista de reproduccin"
"Create New Playlist "
"Aadir a lista de reproduccin"
"Add to Playlist"
"Renombrar lista de reproduccin"
"Rename Playlist"
"Renombrar la lista de reproduccin %play
listname% "
"[english]Music_Playlist_RenameDialog_Prompt" "Rename the playlist %playlistn
ame% "

"Crear nueva lista de reproduccin"
"Create New Playlist"
"Borrar lista de reproduccin"
"Delete Playlist"
"Ests de seguro de que quieres eliminar la
lista de reproduccin %playlistname% ?"
"[english]Music_Playlist_DeleteDialog_Prompt" "Are you sure you want to delete
the playlist %playlistname% ?"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Play" "Reproducir lista"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Play" "Play List"
"Reproducir a continuacin"
"Play Next"
"Aadir a la cola"
"Add to Queue"
"Music_Playlist_Details_AddRandomTrack" "Aadir pistas aleatorias"
"Add Random Tracks"
"Borrar todas las pistas de esta
lista de reproduccin"
"[english]Music_Playlist_DeleteAllTracksDialog_Title" "Delete All Tracks from
"Music_Playlist_DeleteAllTracksDialog_Prompt" "Ests seguro de que quieres elimin
ar todas las pistas de la lista de reproduccin?"
"[english]Music_Playlist_DeleteAllTracksDialog_Prompt" "Are you sure you want t
o remove all tracks from the playlist?"
"No existen pistas"
"No tracks"
"1 pista / %playlistduration%"
"1 track / %playlistduration%"
"Music_TracksInfoLabel_MultipleTracks" "%playlisttrackcount% pistas / %playlist
"[english]Music_TracksInfoLabel_MultipleTracks" "%playlisttrackcount% tracks / %
"Music_Queue_Menu_LoadPlaylist" "Reemplazar cola con lista de reproduccin"
"Replace Queue with Playlist"
"Reemplazar lista de reproduccin con cola
"Replace Playlist with Queue"
"Music_Queue_AddPlaylist_Dialog_Title" "Aadir a lista de reproduccin"
"[english]Music_Queue_AddPlaylist_Dialog_Title" "Add Playlist"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_WiredUpdate" "Existe una actualizacin de firmw
are disponible para tu Steam Controller. Tu controlador requiere una actualizacin
mediante cable, la cual se realiza una sola vez.\nCuando ests listo, conecta el
controlador va USB y el proceso de actualizacin comenzar automticamente."
"[english]SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_WiredUpdate" "A firmware update is av
ailable for your Steam Controller. Your controller requires a one-time wired up
date.\nWhen you are ready, connect the controller via USB and the update process
will start automatically."
"Actualizacin del firmwar
e del controlador"
"[english]SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_WiredUpdate_Title" "Controller Firm
ware Update"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_HardFailure" "Aviso: Uno de tus controladores
de Steam ha sido deshabilitado y no va a ser reconfigurado o reprogramado para
juegos porque su firmware no est actualizado y Steam no ha podido obtener informa
cin actualizada del controlador."
"[english]SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_HardFailure" "Warning: One of your St
eam controllers has been disabled and will not be reconfigured or programmed for
games because its firmware is out of date and Steam was unable to fetch updated
firmware information."
"Creada: %imagetime%; tamao: %imagewidth%

x%imageheight%, %imagesize%"
"Created : %imagetime%, Size: %i
magewidth%x%imageheight%, %imagesize%"
"Steam_Screenshots_UploadImage" "Subir"
"Steam_Screenshots_DeleteImage" "Borrar"
"Steam_Screenshots_ShowOnDisk" "Mostrar en el disco"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ShowOnDisk" "Show on Disk"
"Steam_Screenshots_ShowOnline" "Mostrar online"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ShowOnline" "Show Online"
"Steam_Screenshots_IsSpoiler" "Aadir etiqueta de spoiler"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_IsSpoiler" "Add Spoiler Tag"
"Steam_Screenshots_FriendsOnly" "Slo amigos"
"Friends Only"
"Pblica y Facebook"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_Facebook" "Public & Facebook"
"Steam_Screenshots_VisibleTo" "Visible para:"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_VisibleTo" "Visible to:"
"Steam_Screenshots_ViewOnline" "Ver online"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ViewOnline" "View Online"
"Steam_Screenshots_UploadQuota" "Tamao de la subida %imagesize%, espacio restante
"Upload size %imagesize%, remain
ing storage %storagesize%"
"Error al iniciar el modo de realidad virtual"
"Error Starting VR Mode"
"VR_Error_VRSkipParam" "El modo de realidad virtual no se ha iniciado debido al
parmetro de la lnea de comandos -vrskip. Quieres iniciarlo de todos modos?"
"[english]VR_Error_VRSkipParam" "VR Mode not started because of the -vrskip comm
and line parameter. Would you like to start it anyway?"
"El modo de realidad virtual no est dispo
nible debido a que la herramienta SteamVR no est instalada. Quieres instalarla aho
"VR Mode is not available becaus
e the SteamVR tool is not installed. Would you like to install it?"
"El modo de realidad virtual no est disponible mi
entras la herramienta SteamVR est siendo actualizada, desinstalada, validada, etc
"VR Mode is not available while the Stea
mVR tool is being updated, uninstalled, validated, etc."
"El modo de realidad virtual se ha desactivado d
ebido a un fallo en la ltima vez que se ejecut. Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?"
"VR Mode is disabled because it crashed
the last time it ran. Would you like to try again?"
"VR_Error_HmdNotFound" "El modo de realidad virtual no est disponible debido a q
ue no se ha detectado ningn casco de realidad virtual compatible."
"[english]VR_Error_HmdNotFound" "VR Mode is not available because a supported He
ad-Mounted Display was not detected."
"VR_Error_UnknownError" "El modo de realidad virtual no se ha podido iniciar por
motivos desconocidos. (Error: %error%)"
"VR Mode failed to initialized for unkno
wn reasons. (Error: %error%)"
"VR_Error_Query_Cancel" "Cancelar"

"[english]VR_Error_Query_Yes" "Yes"
"Ignorar -vrskip"
"Ignore -vrskip"
"VR_Error_Query_InstallSteamVR" "Instalar SteamVR"
"Install SteamVR"
"He olvidado mi PIN"
"I Forgot My PIN"
"No hay email de recuperacin."
"No Recovery Email Set"
"Steam_Parental_NoRecoveryEmail_Instructions" "No se ha establecido ninguna di
reccin de email de recuperacin para tu cuenta. Para actualizar tu direccin de email
de recuperacin, por favor, sal del modo familiar y vuelve a iniciar su configura
"[english]Steam_Parental_NoRecoveryEmail_Instructions" "No recovery email addre
ss is set for your account. To update your recovery email address, please exit F
amily View and rerun Family View setup."
"Repetir una vez"
"Repeat Once "
"Escanear carpetas de Steam en b
usca\nde bandas sonoras"
"Scan Steam Folders for
"Parece que hay un casco de real
idad virtual Oculus asociado, pero la conexin con el Oculus Runtime ha fallado. Es
t instalado y ejecutndose?"
"There appears to be an
Oculus Head-Mounted Display attached but connecting to the Oculus Runtime failed
. Is it installed and running?"
"Descarga el Oculus Runtime aqu"
"Download the Oculus Runtime her
"steam_subnav_curators" "Mentores"
"Nuevos equipos"
"New machines"
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockWarning" "Nota: el intercambio de Steam y el Merc
ado de la Comunidad Steam permanecern como no disponibles mientras Steam Guard es
t desactivado y seguirn estando de este modo hasta 15 das despus de la reactivacin de
Steam Guard."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockWarning" "Note: Steam Trading and the Ste
am Community Market will be unavailable while Steam Guard is disabled and will c
ontinue to be unavailable for 15 days after reenabling Steam Guard."
"Tu clave de producto ha sido ac
tivada con xito. A partir de ahora, este contenido estar asociado a tu cuenta de f
orma permanente y estar disponible una vez se haya lanzado el juego en Steam. Deb
es iniciar sesin en esta cuenta para poder acceder a los artculos que acabas de ac
tivar en Steam."
"Your product activation
code has successfully been activated. This content will become available to you
once the game has been released on Steam. This content is now permanently assoc
iated with your Steam account. You must login to this account to have access to
the items you ve just activated on Steam."
"Activar teclas multimedia"
"Enable Media Keys"
"Crear nueva lista de re
"Create New Play
list "

"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_AddMusic_Tooltip" "Aadir msica"

"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_AddMusic_Tooltip" "Add Music "
"Steam_ChangeCred_EnterTwoFactorCode" "Introduce tu cdigo de doble factor de St
eam Guard"
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EnterTwoFactorCode" "Enter your current Steam Guard
two factor code"
"No se ha podido cambiar el emai
l de contacto.\nPor favor, comprueba que has introducido correctamente el cdigo d
e doble factor de Steam Guard."
"Failed to change contac
t email.\nPlease check that you have entered the Steam Guard two factor code cod
e correctly."
"steam_voice_version_mismatch" "El cliente del extremo remoto no est actualizado
. Colgando."
"[english]steam_voice_version_mismatch" "Client on remote end is out of date - h
anging up."
"steam_voice_remote_no_answer" "El extremo remoto no ha respondido a la llamada
. Colgando."
"[english]steam_voice_remote_no_answer" "Remote end did not answer call - hangin
g up."
"Antes de que podamos recuperar
tu cuenta, necesitamos verificar primero tu identidad. Por favor, introduce el n
ombre de tu cuenta y la contrasea."
"Before we can recover y
our account, we first need to verify your identity. Please enter your account na
me and password."
"Nombre de la cuenta"
"Account name"
"Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_Password" "Contrasea"
"[english]Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_Password" "Password"
"Se ha enviado un mensaje con un
cdigo de verificacin a tu direccin de email. Por favor, introduce abajo la informa
cin solicitada."
"An email message contai
ning a verification code has been sent to your email address. Please enter the r
equested information below."
"Por favor, introduce el
cdigo del email que acabas de recibir."
"Please enter th
e code from the email that you just received."
"Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_VerificationCode" "Cdigo del email"
"[english]Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_VerificationCode" "Email code"
"Por favor, introduce el
cdigo que se te requiri anotar cuando te registraste para tu autenticador. Empiez
a por R y va seguido de dgitos."
"Please enter th
e code you were asked to write down when you signed up for your authenticator. T
his starts with an R and is followed by some digits."
"Cdigo de registro"
"Signup code"
"Esos cdigos no han funcionado. Por favor
, revsalos e intntalo de nuevo."
"[english]Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_BadCode" "Those codes didn t work. Please
check them and try again."
"Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_SupportURL" ""
"El auntenticador de Steam Guard ha sido
eliminado de tu cuenta.\n\nAhora deberas ser capaz de iniciar sesin en tu cuenta.
"The Steam Guard authenticator h

as been removed from your account.\n\nYou should be able to log in to your accou
nt now."
"He perdido mi autenticador de S
team Guard."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordLostAuthenticator" "I lost my Steam Guard a
"Repetir una vez"
"Repeat Once "
"Subiendo captura a la Comunidad Steam..
"Uploading screenshot to Steam c
"Con el fin de permitir
el prstamo de juegos, el propietario debe iniciar sesin en este equipo y activar e
l prstamo familiar desde aqu."
"In order to all
ow game sharing, the owner must login to this machine and enable Family Library
Sharing here."
"Autorizar dispositivo"
"Authorize Device"
"Por favor, introduce el cdigo de
autorizacin para permitir a un dispositivo controlar de forma remota Steam."
"Please enter the author
ization code to allow a device to control Steam."

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