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Agriculture Science Developments, 3(1) January 2014, Pages: 147-148

TI Journals

Agriculture Science Developments


Effects of Drought and Salinity on Maize Varieties in Vitro

Lida Eisazadeh 1, Amir Gharib Eshghi 2, Bahram Mirzamasoumzadeh *3, Reza Serajamani 4

Department of Soil Science, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Agriculture & Natural Resources Research Center of Zanjan Province, Iran.
Department of Agriculture, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
Soil Science MSc, Teacher of University, Young Researcher Club, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.




With regard to salinity and drought are the most important environmental stresses In the
present study the physiologic effects of drought and salinity levels, -3, -6 ,-9 load
induced by salt (NaCl) and metanol on germination and seedling growth of Zea Maize
(Grass sc704 and Sc308) were studied. Germination percentage, germination rate, root
to shoot ratio (R / S) and the fresh weight of the seedlings was measured in this
experiment. Investigate the genetic differences between Zea Maize varieties and drought
and salt stress on seed germination and seedling growth to determine the sensitivity of
its components. The results showed that different Zea Maize genotypes showed
different sensitivities to salinity and drought. Zea Maize seed germination was not
affected by drought But Dsd salinity on seed germination compared to 69 and 33
percent, respectively Sc308 Sabalab and grasses decreased. The maximum stress on the
germination of Zea Maize seeds were Sc308. Drought had a significant effect on the
ratio R / S, but there was no significant effect of salinity on the character. The greatest
increase in the proportion of drought conditions and Grass assigned sc704. Salinity and
drought in seedling fresh weight were found to have the highest number Sc308.

Sodium chloride
Germination of Zea Maize

2014 Agric. sci. dev. All rights reserved for TI Journals.



A pivotal role in the establishment of plant germination and final performance is good [2]. To start seeds for germination metabolic
activities require a certain amount of water to be absorbed first Seeds vary depending on the chemical composition and permeability of the
membrane [6]. There is significant potential for any water that germination can occur [5]. Moreover, the sensitivity to water stresses at
different stages of germination and root out [4]. Drought stress decreased germination percentage and seedling growth rate is low. In arid
and semi-arid saline seedbed has been identified as the most important factor Which can affect plant establishment; In these areas,
sufficient rainfall leaching salts from the root zone does not exist Mostly due to the high evaporation rate of the salt concentration in the
soil is increased [2, 9]. In addition to reducing the potential for salt water free of toxic ions such as Na and Cl-may also affect seed
germination [1]. Since the species and even between different varieties of salt and drought stress susceptibility differences exist the aim of
this study was to investigate the effects of drought and salinity on germination of zea Maize genotypes.


Materials and Methods

The study on seed cultivars "sc704 Grass" and "Sc308" was zea Maize. Before starting the experiment, the seeds of a solution of 3%
sodium hypochlorite for 2 min were disinfected. The germination rate of 30 seeds per Petri dish of 9 cm and 4 levels of osmotic potential
induced by NaCl (salt stress) or PEG (osmotic stress) with zero potential, -3, -6, -9 Time took place.
Germinated seeds were counted daily, and at the end of the last day of root length, shoot length, root to shoot ratio (R / S) and seedling
fresh weight of each sample was measured using 5 was. Following formula to calculate the percentage and rate of germination were used:
100S / T = % germination
N1/D1 N2/D2 ... Ni / Di = germination rate
Where the number of seeds germinated S, T the total number of seeds germinated seeds and Ni Di is the day. After studying the data
collected from each plant the tension of 4 * 2 factorial experiments separately with three replications in a completely randomized design
were analyzed using MSTAT-C statistical software.

* Corresponding author.
Email address: bm_masoumzadeh@yahoo.com

Lida Eisazadeh et al.


Agricult ure Sci ence Developments , 3(1) January 2014


Results and Discussion

ANOVA results showed that the effects of drought and salinity on germination of zea Maize were significant (Table1). Drought and
salinity significantly reduced seed germination However; the decrease in salinity was observed (data not shown). Seed germination of zea
Maize under drought stress conditions, but not significant decrease of salinity on seed germination was significantly reduced (data not
shown). The greatest decrease in salinity on seed germination percentage figure of "Grosse sc704" On the surface increases from zero to 9 68.8 percent germination time decreased. According to the above results, it is It appears that the effect of salinity on seed germination of
cultivars is greater. These results Ashraf and Abu-Shakra [3] and Okcu and et al [8] are inconsistent. These researchers found that the
greater inhibitory effects of PEG-induced water stress salinity on seed germination were compared. Effect of salinity on seed germination
of zea Maize was significant (Table 1).
Effects of water stress on seed germination rate of salinity reduction in Rayleigh & the same has been reported in previous studies [3, 8].
Reaction Different varieties of salt and drought stress during germination have been demonstrated by other researchers [8, 10]. Reduce
germ components Germination can be slow down the rate of absorption of water and the potential negative effects Low osmotic and toxic
ions Na + And Cl - Biochemical processes and anabolic processes attributed germination [1, 4, 6 and 7]. Both salinity and drought on zea
Maize root How to shoot Increased either by increasing the osmotic potential (data Data not shown). Greatest increase R / S Seeds of the
cultivar 'Gros sc704 Drought conditions were observed. Increasing R / S Showed reduced shoot growth What is the root In other words,
how to shoot What Stress sensitization of the camel. These results are similar to those reported in other cultivars of zea Maize is Turk et al
[10]. Drought and salinity significantly Decrease fresh weight of seedlings of zea Maize (Tables 1 and 2), but the greatest decrease was
observed in the above figures in drought conditions (data Data not shown), these results were Are consistent with previous studies [8].
Growth reduction of seedlings (roots And shoot Both) in drought Drought and salt stress on zea Maize in other studies [10], green gram
[4] and pea [8] In the experiments reported in this figure varies depending on the reduction. Anyway plant tolerance to salinity during
germination the seedlings' ability to the ion storage Toxic Na + and Cl - The vacuoles so it is not itself affect cell metabolism, depends
TABLE 1. Results of analysis of drought and salinity stress on germination and early growth of zea Maize
Final Germination Percent

Germination rate


Seedling fresh weight

















Figure ( A )
Osmotic potential ( B )

* And * Five and one percent significance level, respectively. Ns No significant effect
Table2. Interactions varieties (Zea Maize) in the osmotic potential of the traits tested

Potential Osmotic









1.7 cd

1.7 ns

1.9 bcd

1.9 ns

1.5 cd

1.1 ns

1.7 cd

1.5 ns

94.4 ns

94.4 a

88.9 ns

88.9 ab


94.4 ns

91.1 ab

86.7 ns

68.9 c


2.5 abc

1.4 ns

3.1 ab

1.1 d

1.3 ns

3.3 a

1.9 ns

95.6 ns

76.7 bc

83.3 ns

42.2 d


1.7 ns

95.6 ns

63.3 c

84.4 ns

27.8 d



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