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World appl. programming, Vol(4), No (5), May, 2014. pp.


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World Applied Programming



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Aquifer Environmental Vulnerability Assessment of Pashminezar

Plain Of Khuzestan City by Using DRASTIC Method
Masoumeh Mokhtaripour*
M.S. in Environmental Science, Department of Environmental Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Khuzestan, Iran

Seyyed Ali Jozi

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Islamic Azad University, North Branch, Tehran, Iran

Haji Karimi
Associate Professor, Department of Hydrogeology, Ilam University, Iran

Corresponding author, Email address: mokhtarimasume@yahoo.com



Sensitivity Analysis
Pashminezar Plain
Khuzestan city

Pashminezar Plain is located in Northwest of Khuzestan province at a distance of 150 kilometers from
Ahwaz city whose main water source is underground water. Due to the large expansion of agricultural
activities, the quality of groundwater is affected by chemicals, especially nitrates. Therefore, vulnerability
assessment is important in managerial decision making of this plain. In this regard, for potential
contamination of groundwater resources in the Pashminezar Plain, the two methods DRASTIC and GODS
were used. In the DRASTIC method, seven parameters of depth, nutrition, Aquifer environment, soil,
topography, unsaturated environment, and hydraulic conductivity were used. Results of DRASTIC Model
showed that about 1.31 percent is in the range without the risk of vulnerability, 51.6% in the very low
vulnerability range, 45.52% in the range with low vulnerability and 1.5% in the range of low vulnerability to
average. The results of sensitivity analysis of removing the map, as well as single-parameter sensitivity
analysis, showed that the main parameter affecting the vulnerability index is the unsaturated zone.



Groundwater is viewed as the most vital resource in world. It produces abundant supply of water especially drinking water in Iran. Therefore,
groundwater quality assurance is of great significance. In many cases, groundwater pollution is identified after pollution of drinking water wells.
Groundwater pollution abatement goes through an expensive and lengthy process. Additionally, the water pollution is often identified when it is
almost impossible to abate aquifer pollution. One of effective methods for prevention of groundwater pollution is identification of vulnerable
regions and land use management [1].
Scholars and professionals have suggested different methods for evaluation and assessment of vulnerability, which can be divided into 3 groups
[3]: (1) processing method, (2) overlay index method, and (3) statistical method. In processing method, professionals use simulation models for
calculation of pollutants' movement. As regards statistical method, the correlation between spatial variables and the degree of pollutants in
groundwater is considered into account. In overlay index methods, professionals combine control parameters of pollutants' movement from
surface to saturated zones and calculate vulnerability index in different areas of a region. Here, numerical values of parameters are calculated
partly on the basis of subjective viewpoints of experts. As a result, these methods can not be used as an accurate method of prediction.
Nevertheless, it is simple to gather their required information in a regional scale. For zonation of aquifer vulnerability, the DRASTIC method
utilizes seven parameters including depth to water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography or slope, Impact of Vadose Zone,
and Hydraulic Conductivity (C) [4]. Almasry (2008) carried out the assessment and evaluation of Gaza coastal aquifer vulnerability in Palestine,
employing DRASTIC method. His findings highlighted that %10, %13, and %77 of this coastal aquifer demonstrated low vulnerability, high
vulnerability, and moderate vulnerability respectively. Moreover, an aggregate of wells with high concentration of nitrates were located in areas
with high and moderate vulnerability [2]. Also, Rahman (2008) evaluated Aligahr aquifer vulnerability in India by using DRASTIC method. His
findings indicated that %80 of groundwater in this city exposed medium-to-high vulnerability. This level of vulnerability resulted from low
slope in this area [5]. Khodayee et al. (2006) employed methods of DRASTIC and GODS in order to determine zonation of vulnerability in Javin
Aquifer (Iran). They found that low vulnerability and moderate vulnerability were highlighted in both methods. DRASTIC method demonstrated
lower vulnerability as compared with GODS method [1]. Kalantaree et al. (2007) carried out the assessment and evaluation of Baghmalek Plain
pollution, by employing DRASTIC, GODS, and AVI methods. As they pointed out, DRASTIC method could determine different pollutantvulnerable ranges more precisely [6].
The present study aims at providing map of vulnerability in Pashminezar Aquifer (Iran) on the basis of DRASTIC method. As ground water
resources are of great significance for agricultural and drinking water supply in this region, our findings can put forward suggestions for better
management of its groundwater.


Materials And Methods

2.1.The Examined Region


Aquifer Environmental Vulnerability Assessment Of Pashminezar Plain Of Khuzestan City by Using DRASTIC Method

World Applied Programming Vol(4), No (5), May, 2014.

According to WGS84, Pashminezar Aquifer lies in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and 39 th northern zone with latitude of 242000 to
257000 and longitude of 359100 to 360600. It is located in northwest of Khuzestan Province in a 150-killometer distance from Ahvaz. Fig 1
shows satellite image of the examined region. This region relates to headwaters watershed. As concerns drainage, the seasonal river of
headwaters with a length of 100 kilometers crosses over this region. It has semi-arid climate. The climate statistics show an average of 451.4 mm
for annual rainfall. Pashminezar Plain lies geologically at the foot of southern slopes of Zagros Mountains, from which the vast plain of
Khuzestan begins and extends to Persian Gulf with a relatively slight slope. High geological formations in northern area of the region were
provided due to Alpine orogeny and they mainly began from Miocene to Pleistocene era while formations in southern area of the region are
younger and are considered one of last geological series resulting from sea receding in northern part of Khuzestan. Groundwater resource is
located in coarse illuviation containing clay, silt and marl. This illuviation lies adjacent to Bakhtiyari, Aghajari, and Lehberi Conglomerate
Formations. The water of wells is used for drinking water, and agricultural-industrial purposes.

Fig 1. Location of examined Region

2.2. DRASTIC Method
US Environmental Protection Agency and US Wells Community designed this quantitative model in 1987 for assessment and evaluation of US
groundwater vulnerability, in accordance with hydrological setting concept [4]. Hydrological setting is an indication of a combined collection of
all hydrological and geological parameters controlling for groundwater movements in a region. It contains seven measurable, important
hydrological parameters as regards movement of pollutions into groundwater. They are as follows: depth to water table (D), net recharge (R),
aquifer media (A), soil media (s), topography or slope (T), Impact of Vadose Zone (I), and Hydraulic Conductivity (C). The term DRASTIC is an
abbreviation of these parameters. These parameters are shown in seven levels in GIS Software in accordance with which they are analyzed. The
relative importance of each parameter is demonstrated through making comparison between that parameter and other above-mentioned
parameters. In other words, they are compared in terms of their impact on groundwater system pollution and they gain relative weight (from 1 to
5). The weight of 1 highlights the marginal impact and the weight of 5 reflects the greatest impact (See table 1). Additionally, users give rating
(from 1 to 10) to ranges of each parameter in terms of their impact on vulnerability. Rating 1 and rating 10 highlight the lowest threat and the
biggest threat to groundwater respectively. And, this rating provides users with contrast between DRASTIC model and the examined region. The
ratings above 8 indicate basins with more floods such as water bodies and aquifers consisting of coarse sands. Such areas exposes greater
vulnerability and groundwater are polluted very easily [5]. After collection and digitization of hydrological information, users overlay and
incorporate the above-mentioned parameters for drawing vulnerability map. As a result, a new layer is formed on the basis of this equation:
D=DrDw+RrRw+ArAw+SrSw+Tr Tw+Ir Iw+CrCw


Where D, R, S, T, I, & C are effective parameters in DRASTIC model, and indices r & w are respectively indications of rating and weight of
each parameter. Therefore, inherent vulnerability index is measured through multiplying weight of each parameter by its rating.
Table 1. Weights of Parameters in DRASTIC Index
Depth to Water Table
Net Recharge
Aquifer Media
Soil Media
Impact of Vadose Zone
Hydraulic Conductivity
2.3. Parameters of DRASTIC Model

Masoumeh Mokhtaripour *, Seyyed Ali Jozi, Haji Karimi


World Applied Programming Vol(4), No (5), May, 2014.

2.3.1. Depth to Water Table

Groundwater depth is considered as one of significant parameters in order to control for movement of pollutants towards aquifer. This parameter
acts as determinant of depth at which the pollutant moves in order to reach the water table. The greater the water table depth is, the longer it
takes time for the pollutant to enter into groundwater. Therefore, the deeper water table is hardly likely contaminated. Table 2 shows ranking and
weight standard of water table depth. We provided map of water table depth by interpolation of points which are derived from mean of
Piezometers' water table depth in an 8-year period (2004-2012) by using Arc GIS software and Kriging method.
2.3.2. Net Recharge
Net recharge is the amount of water percolating through ground surface and reaches the water table. It causes the pollutant to move in a vertical
line, reach the table water, and move in a horizontal line in aquifer. The greater the net recharge is, the more likely the ground water is often
contaminated. For calculation of net recharge value, we provided map of the region's slope by using Digital Elevation Model (DEM).
Furthermore, we provided the soil map and rainfall map of the studied region. Then, we overlaid these three maps by using computational
functions of GIS software. In order to obtain recharge layer, we utilized Piscopo's equation [7]:
Soil Permeability score + rainfall score + slope percent = Recharge Score
As regards numerical value of recharge, the areas of groundwater recharge were grouped under categories (See Table 3).
2.3.3. Aquifer Media
It contains voids and fractions keeping water and moving it across themselves. Therefore, constituents of aquifer media exert impact on its
internal movement. They specify details of pollutants' movements. In other words, aquifer media and its constituents are determinants of
movements in groundwater. We used log 14 of piezometer. In this step, as Table 4 shows, we gave rating to each point in terms of the proportion
of aquifer's constituents in each well. Next, we obtained raster layer of aquifer media through Kriging interpolation in order to utilize it in other
stages of calculation.
2.3.4. Soil Media
It is the uppermost portion of the vadose zone and it gains significance due to biological activity and organic matter. Also, it has capacity for
reduction and abatement of pollution. Fine-textured matters such as silt and clay, organic matters, and greater thickness of soil reduce soil
permeability. Conversely, coarse matters such as sand cause increase in soil permeability and subsequently the spread of pollutants in
groundwater. In order to form this layer of the map, we took 150000 fairly-detailed studies on Dezfool sands and expertise viewpoints into
consideration. We made this map geo-referenced and then we gave scores to polygons in raster form by using GIS software and employing
DRASTIC method (See Table 5).
2.3.5. Topography
This parameter indicates change in ground slope. Slope exerts impact on the movement of surface water and pollutants as well as on soil spread
and attenuation. As a result, the more slight the slope is, the more surface water and pollutants are in contact with ground surface and the more
likely the pollutants move into aquifer i.e. regions with slight slope are more vulnerable. For obtaining slope map, we used DEM. Then, we gave
score to the map (as shown in Table 6) in order to form topography layer.
2.3.6. Impact of Vadose Zone
Vadose zone lies between water table level and soil media which is unsaturated or discontinuously saturated. Absorption in the unsaturated zone
is one of main mechanisms for prevention of pollutants' movement and controls for their passage into saturated zone and their dilution. It exerts
similar impact on aquifer pollution as that of soil media and relies on permeability of matters and characteristics of unsaturated environment. For
development of this parameter, our method was similar to that of aquifer media. But, the difference lay in grading and characteristics of
sediments between groundwater surface and the concerned ground surface. We provided the layer of vadose zone on the basis of directory of
wells and ranked them as Table 7 shows.
2.3.7. Hydraulic Conductivity
It is defined as the ability of the aquifer materials to transmit water. It depends on the proportion of interrelated voids in aqueous layer (effective
porosity). Hydraulic conductivity controls for movement and spread of pollutants from penetration point to the saturated zone. Thus, the higher
hydraulic conductivity causes increase in movement of pollutant across aquifer media and subsequently its vulnerability increases. We provided
hydraulic conductivity layer through point-to-point hydraulic conductivity degrees. We derived these points from groundwater model map. For
conversion of these points to surface, we employed Kriging interpolation and we obtained raster layer of hydraulic conductivity. We gave score
to the developed map (See Table 8).

Table 2: Ranking the depth of water table[4]

Water depth


Aquifer Environmental Vulnerability Assessment Of Pashminezar Plain Of Khuzestan City by Using DRASTIC Method

World Applied Programming Vol(4), No (5), May, 2014.





Table 3: Ranking of net recharge [4]

Nutrition (Year/mm)

Table 4: Ranking of the aquifer media[4]

Thin layer of soil
Compacted clay
Sandy loam
Silty loam
Clayey loam
Fertilizer (muck)
Non-compacted clay

Table 5: Ranking of the soil environment[4]

Massive Shale
Igneous, Metamorphism
Igneous, Weathered metamorphism
Glacial sediments
Sandstone layers, Limestones and shales sequence
Massive sandstone
Massive limestone
Sand and gravel
Limestone karst

Table 6: Ranking of the topography [4]

Layer of confinement
Silt / clay
Sandstone, limestone and layered shale
A large amount of sand with clay, Silt
Igneous / metamorphism
Sand and gravel
Limestone karst

Masoumeh Mokhtaripour *, Seyyed Ali Jozi, Haji Karimi


World Applied Programming Vol(4), No (5), May, 2014.

Table 7: Ranking of the unsaturated zone

Slope in degrees

Table 8: Ranking of hydraulic conductivity



After formation of DRASTIC parameters' layers in GIS, we used raster calculator in Special Analyst Tool Box in order to incorporate the
provided maps. In this calculator, each layer was multiplied by its coefficient, and then all layers were added with each other on the basis of
Equation (1). When we incorporated parameters, we obtained a network layer and divided them into categories (See Table 9). The cells with
greater numbers in this layer were indications of areas in which groundwater exposed greater internal vulnerability to pollutants and the cells
with smaller numbers demonstrated lower internal vulnerability.


Results And Discussion

3.1. Analysis of DRASTIC Sensitivity

Analysis of sensitivity is a crucial step in this applied method. Here, input parameters are changed and the system's reaction to this change is
evaluated. As a result, sensitivity of each parameter is determined. We examined the impact of each parameter on vulnerability of Pashminezar
Plain Aquifer by using two methods of sensitivity analysis i.e. parameter elimination sensitivity analysis [8] and single-parameter sensitivity
analysis [9]. The former puts emphasis on sensitivity towards elimination of one or more parameters. This sensitivity is calculated by using
equation (3):

S is the level of sensitivity. V and V' show respectively non-turbulent indicator (without elimination of parameters) and turbulent indicator
(vulnerability index in case of parameter's elimination). N and n are number of layers respectively used for V and V' [8].
Single-parameter sensitivity analysis examines impact of each parameter on the ultimate vulnerability index. Here, the effective or real weight of
each parameter is compared with the specified theoretical weight in DRASTIC model and is calculated as follows:

W is the real or effective weight of each parameter, Pr is the related weight of each parameter, Pw is the rating of each parameter, and V is the
total vulnerability index.
3.2. Findings about DRASTIC Method
epth from ground surface to water table varies, ranging from 34.4 to 91.6. Fig 2 shows the layer being obtained after rating. Ground water depth
level in Pashminezar Plain Aquifer fell into category 1. With regard to layer of depth to water table, and given the region's depth, it is clear that
this aquifer is not greatly vulnerable to pollution.


Aquifer Environmental Vulnerability Assessment Of Pashminezar Plain Of Khuzestan City by Using DRASTIC Method

World Applied Programming Vol(4), No (5), May, 2014.

Figure 2. Zonation of Groundwater Depth

Fig 3 shows net recharge of Pashminezar Plain Aquifer. The ranking with the greatest recharge resulting from rainfall relates to southern and
southwestern margins of the region. This ranking resulted from the region's soil which contains coarse matters. We observed the lowest level of
recharge (ranking 3) in northern, southern, and southeast of the region.

Figure 3. Net Recharge Map

As Fig 4 shows, Pashminezar Plain aquifer media achieved the score of 6 (sandy silt) and the score of 7 (sand silt, and clay). The highest ranking
i.e. 8 lay in small part in southwest area containing sand and gravel. In general, Pashminezar Aquifer map indicated coarse sediments in
southwest area of the region and fine-textured sediments in center, eastern and northern areas of the region.

Figure 4. Zonation Map of Aquifer Media

Masoumeh Mokhtaripour *, Seyyed Ali Jozi, Haji Karimi


World Applied Programming Vol(4), No (5), May, 2014.

As Fig 5 shows, a wide area of the region contains silt loam (a score of 4) and clay silt texture (a score of 2). The highest ranking i.e. 8 lies in
south and southwest margin of the region and the lowest ranking relates to southern and eastern areas with fine-grained soil.

Figure 5. Zonation Map of Soil Media

The vast areas of the region have %0-2 of slope (ranking of 10) (see Fig 6), indicating slight slope. As a consequence, their vulnerability

Figure 6. Classified Map of Topography

As seen in Fig 7, the more we move from the west side of the aquifer towards the east side, the more fine-grained the sediments are. Coarse
alluvial sediments exist in some parts of center and southwest areas of the region.


Aquifer Environmental Vulnerability Assessment Of Pashminezar Plain Of Khuzestan City by Using DRASTIC Method

World Applied Programming Vol(4), No (5), May, 2014.

Figure 7. Zonation Map of Vadose Zone

The vast areas of the region have hydraulic conductivity with a value of 28.7 meters per 12.3 day (score of 4) (See Fig. 8). Hydraulic
conductivity is higher in eastern areas and some parts of northeast areas. This level of conductivity increases their vulnerability.

Figure 8. Zonation Map of Hydraulic conductivity

The map of DRASTIC index in Pashminezar Aquifer is shown in Fig 9. In this method, two values of groundwater vulnerability in a range of
76-128 are determined: low vulnerability and moderate vulnerability. The greatest groundwater vulnerability occurs in southwest areas of the
region (a small area of the region) having moderate-to-low vulnerability. Additionally, small northern and eastern areas are regarded as nonthreatened areas. Other areas which cover large parts of the region exposed very low and low vulnerability.

Masoumeh Mokhtaripour *, Seyyed Ali Jozi, Haji Karimi


World Applied Programming Vol(4), No (5), May, 2014.

Figure 9. Map of Vulnerability Zonation on the basis of DRASTIC Method

3.3. Sensitivity analysis of drastic method

Figure 9 shows Sensitivity analysis results of removing the map in drastic method.

Table 9: drastic Range of vulnerability indicator

Range of vulnerability
No risk of contamination
Very low
Low to moderate
Moderate to high
Very high
Completely contaminated

Regarding parameter elimination sensitivity analysis, results of Table 9 demonstrate that Vadose zone parameter exerts the greatest impact on
vulnerability perhaps because of considerable theoretical weight (a value of 5). Topography and soil media occupy respectively the second place
and the third place as concerns vulnerability. Depth to water table, hydraulic conductivity, net recharge, and aquifer media exposes low
vulnerability to the extent that elimination of aquifer media parameter demonstrates the lowest vulnerability.
Single-parameter sensitivity analysis indicates Vadose zone parameter as the most significant parameter in terms of vulnerability. The theoretical
weight of this parameter is %21.7 while its mean effective weight is %26.99. Aquifer media carries the second effective weight. Similarly, soil
media, topography, and hydraulic conductivity carry greater effective weights as compared with the theoretical weights. Conversely, depth to
water table and net recharge carry greater theoretical weights relative to the effective weights.
Table 10: Results of single parametric analysis

Omitted parameter



Variability index (S %)


Initial DRASTIC index in Pashminezar Plain showed that minimum index is 76 and maximum is 128. Classifying the vulnerability, it is located
in the range of without the risk of contamination, very low, low, and low to moderate. In terms of percent cover, about 1.31 percent is in the


Aquifer Environmental Vulnerability Assessment Of Pashminezar Plain Of Khuzestan City by Using DRASTIC Method


World Applied Programming Vol(4), No (5), May, 2014.

range without the risk of vulnerability, 51.6% in the very low vulnerability range, 45.52% in the range with low vulnerability and 1.5% in the
range of low vulnerability to average. Most of the groundwater vulnerability of the study area is within the South West which has low
vulnerability to average and included small part of the range. Increased vulnerability of the listed parts can be due to soil type of these ranges
which is made of peat. The moderate to high permeability zones increas the net supply and the slope is very low in this range which can also be
an effective factor in increasing the potential vulnerability of these regions. In these areas due to more potential for contamination, to prevent
groundwater contamination, more care and control should be taken.
Drastic model determined the precise areas of the vulnerability. The reason is the more parameters and different weighting parameters are based
on their role in the determination of pollution. In this method due to the large number of parameters, the effect of uncertainty of some parameters
is somewhat neutralized. In this way that in the Drastic way, when the uncertainty in one of the parameters is high, its effect is partly covered by
other parameters. In this study, a sensitivity analysis was performed using two methods of removing the layer and single parameter. Drastic
vulnerability index shows the greatest sensitivity on both analysis method parameter effects of unsaturated zone. This is due to the importance of
this parameter and its too much weight in drastic method. Sensitivity of vulnerability of the aquifer by one layer removing method, after
unsaturated zone, respectively are reduced to topography, soil environment, underground water depth, hydraulic conductivity, Net recharge and
aquifer environment. In the single parameter method, the effective weight of each parameter is compared with the theoretical weight assigned to
the Pashminezar aquifer indicating that Effective weight and theory of drastic parameters are not perfectly coincides. The results of the
sensitivity analysis of single parameter shows that Drastic index sensitivity is reduced to the parameters of the unsaturated zone, aquifer media,
soil media, topography, hydraulic conductivity, depth to water table, and net recharge respectively. The results related to single-parameter
indicate that water table depth parameters and net recharge have less impact on vulnerability of groundwater, compared with theoretical model
of Drastic. Instead, parameters of aquifer media, soil media, topography, unsaturated zone, and hydraulic conductivity compared with the
assumptions of drastic model have greater impact on the potential for ground water contamination in the study area.

The author wants to thank Dr. Seyyed Ali Jozi and the Dr. Haji Karimi for their valuable guidance


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