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Umbrakinesis Techniques:

Lesson 1
In this lesson we are going to learn how to connect our body with the shadow.
Find a dark place and then sit like you are going to meditate and then close your eyes.
Now you must visualize the darkness around you are trying to take over your body.
Feel its coldness, visualize the darkness latching itself on you.
After that you can open your eyes and do it again without your eyes closed and see what
happens when you're using a umbrakinetic technique.
Lesson 2
In this lesson we are going to learn my own made technique that I call "Zero Photon"
This technique is used to make all the photon around you disappear so you're in complete
First find a place like your room that is illuminated by the light bulbs.
Then sit like you're going to meditate and close your eyes. Now visualize that you're
summoning the darkness to block the photon from the light bulbs.
Visualize the darkness like an army that is ready to fight the photon until there are no
more photons lighting your surroundings.
Lesson 3
In this lesson we are going to learn how to create a shadow doppelganger.
We are going to use shadow to make a copy of an item or someone.
First find an small item like a toothpick and now visualize the shadow is mimicking the
toothpick shape. Move the shadow in front of the toothpick in the shape of the toothpick,
and then visualize the shaped shadow becoming a real black toothpick.
Lesson 4:
In this lesson we are going to learn how to make a shadow ball.
First make a psi ball and then visualize the shadow and darkness merging itself with your
psi ball.
After you have created your psi ball, program it with your intent and release it.
okay today i gonna teach you guy's how to do a good advanced umbrakinesis

What will you need:

*actived third eyes or just a good visualization.
*good expeirence with shadow/darkness manipulating.
*good mental power because you might seen a shadow people when doing this
Lesson 1: The Shadow Road
okay shadow road are a walking road for people who can do a shadow walking
or shadow portal so they can do it faster, when you're in the shadow road you
don't need to use shadow connection to make your umbrakinesis tech more
powerfull or effective
to create a shadow road you first you just think there was a black shadowy road
from where you standing and to where ever place you like this need a lot of
energy to use and after you make it you need to charge it so it won't disappear
after you make it,and after that you can try to walk on your newly made shadow
road and feel the difference.
there are two kind of shadow road like: the made out shadow road like i mention
above and the natural shadow road, well this kind of shadow road are already
been maded naturally and i don't even know who or what make it.
Lesson 2: The Shadow Portal
okay shadow portal are a portal that used to reach any destination quicky,
okay then first to make a shadow portal first walk at the shadow road or just at
normal road
and then while you're walking visualize there was a darkness/shadow swirling in
front of you and then the swirling darkness opened a portal, then visualize a
place like your house or anything you like, after that see the picture of your
destination clearly seen in the portal and then just walk to the portal, after that
you will be arrived at your destination,and remember after you're arrived on your
destination close the portal,to do this just think the portal are closing and
becoming a swirling darkness again and then disappear,
Note:if you're using a shadow portal please find a good spot where there are no
one there,because you don't wanna people to think that you're a ghost that come
from nowhere
okay that is the last tech on this thread,feel free to comment,don't use any harsh
word kay

Cosmokinesis is a kinesis relating to just that, the cosmos.
Celestial meditation
First sit or lay in a meditative position that is comfortable to you. Next imagine

your sitting in deep space floating about freely. Visualize the planets, stars, and
anything else space related as visually as possible doing what they normally do
while you drift past them. As your drifting imagine a white orb representing the
center of the galaxy see it pulling you in until it engulfs you whole connecting you
to the whole galaxy and everything resonating in it.
Cosmic gather
Perform the meditation above but this time when you reach the ball instead of
engulfing you it starts pouring its vast cosmic energys into you, I recomend you
create a focal point for this energy.
Star ball
Make a energy ball using the cosmic energy and shape it into a small star. Give it
all the qualities of a star you can think of, the first should obviously be heat.
When your done you should feel a gravity feeling and heat.I usually use this in
simular ways to a fireball.
Passive Cosmoskinesis: Becoming a Desiny's child through
1st step: Connecting to the Power of one or more Planet(s) and Star(s) and
Zodiac Sign(s)
Be in your mind/head. Visualize a channel or simple line that expands to the
celestial object. I am currently, connected with four major objects. I was checking
it at this moment. I have tested my Power and found out by a RADIX that I am
right to be connected to four planets in the moment. I was expanding mind to the
midheaven/ ascending houses and saw four channels in all 6 hauses above me.
Then I went to an astro page and saw that Mercury (in conjuction with Saturn)
and Sun are rising, Jupiter and Mars are descending above the Earth. This is fair
2nd step: Opening the channel to you by absorbing the Powers of the celestial
Travel to the planets above you, drag they power down back to your mind/head.
When I am doing it right now, I eyperience a halo/a mixed sphere of all four
powers upon my mind.
3rd step: Become a destiny's child
Now you have the power to fulfil your will by the means of actions because the
rising planets supervene over you. But to gain power over terrestrian events and
people on earth, you have to travel with your mind along the Earthian Globe.
Relax and stay in your mind and feel the power of the current celestial objects
above you and make your mind fall top-down and travel from you as starting
point along the whole globe. Now your will is destiny: your will is the final
institution on earth and everything you want comes true.
This is the beginner's tutorial. You should start with the rising and
descending objects above the Earth. You should connect to

planets/moon/sun first. Later, I will teach you to connect to stars and

groups of stars etc. Later, you should also be able to use the downdragging and negative power of major objects "under" (in the shadow) of
earth which is the evil, negative and repressive power, compared to the
good, postive and freeing power of objects in the sky (=visible heaven). You
should practize my tutorial before you practize the advanced meditation of
Crimson Lance (Thread Moderator).
Active Chromokinese: Your first actions in the universe
Becoming forged by the Universe
So did you do Lance Crimson's Meditation? If not I' ll give you some hints and
you can follow my instructions. Follow L C's instructions until you meet the center
of the Milky Way Galaxy. All others start again with ascending to the planets until
the moment when you let "them do what they normally do".
If you have reached a point from where you can start to see the planets move (it
can be even the center of the Galaxy), you immediately look back: And let them
move by your will and see the planets process forward or back wards. If you use
your Divine power to ascend to the point where the universe obey's your power
over nature, you can make already here wishes come true. All others decide
whether they travel backwards in time or to the very future. Send information to
the Sun (Like: I want you to move forwards),
1) send the energy to Mars: He will move forwards or backwards (maybe even
make a loop).#
2) send open heart energy to Venus that conects alls planets.
Concentrate on Earth while you see all planets move relatively to your Home
3) Think of your destination: Where to you want to travel to? Send the energy
straight away into infinity.
Then you either are distracted from the light of the Sun and your gaze enters the
Block hole and you see imediately move the stars of the Mily Way. In another
possible world, you see the sun move along the Milky until a point where you will
see the destination of Earth in Time. Zoom Earth and you will project your soul
energy to Earth. In all thinkable cases you will travel to a world where you are
already dead.
Relax I. Are there distubing energies? Higher Powers? If so: fight. Move stars
with the use of Telekinetic cosmic gravo-magentism and magically to the places
in the universe until you feel confomtable with the universe. Now you can give
your soul to this world and make it the best place you can imagine. Move
celestial objects again until the future will have become true.
Relax II. Are there dark energies that you already know? Think of the light you
also know and give hope to the past! Fine all positive Energy and ansorb them!

Keep the light until you are back in present or release it and make others
descend with your will! Finally Freeze the dark energies. When you are back you
will have made the inner worlds.
Come back! At the end, meet infinity by catching your soul at the destiny what
you thought would be infinity. Or simply pick it up if you have already met infinity!
Descend to Earth. And release infinity. Imeddiately. This is the only way to keep
infinity. Relax and spread your mind. Know you see the energies that you
brought to the present Earth; matter will move according to your mind and/or you
will know about things that you did know before (future/past combined).

I have noticed that this particular skill is as not been mentioned so I thought I'd
give it a try and introduce it. I Thought it would be easiest to introduce cloud
vanishing. Its pretty strait forward clouds that vanish. Go outside for this and
choose a day with stratus clouds. ( light and puffy and spacious like cotton balls
drifting along.)
I find it hard to do try and do this with out any form of meditation prior so it is
suggested that you meditate before hand. There is no set amount of time to
meditate for. Just enough that you are ready for large amount of em. Its also
important that we open are third eye while we do so.
meditate to the degree you feel you need and open your third eye if you do not
do so while meditating.
Step two is becoming one with the outdoors. At this point we will embrace what is
around us the grass, the wind, the clouds ect. Now when you are one you should
feel the energy flow through you. You should be able to identify what is your
energy and what isn't.
become one with your natural surroundings and the sky.
The third step is actual applied atmokinesis. I will show you my techniques that I
have found that work. All these techs required a decent amount of time and
consistant focus.
Third eye technique: focus on the cloud you wish to have disappear with your
third eye. The area where you third eye is should feel heavy and you do so. Now
stair at it and basically will it to vanish. This can take consistent pushing.
Representation method: locate the cloud you want to disappear and find its
energy in you both you and the cloud should be one your energy in the cloud and
the cloud energy in you. Imagine your a cloud. Next You want to dispell your
energy out from you in all directions of your body. Imagine your a cloud breaking

up into pieces as your energy dissipates.

Energy ball method: make an energy ball using the cloud's energy. Now imagine
the ball is the cloud and it is evaporating in your hand. The energy of the ball is
flowing into the air and is loosening.
Thank you all for your time in reading these feed back is appreciated very much.
Important side notes
Underlined frases are important.
I don't give visual detail because I find it best for your imaginations to draw
together what it wants to imagine.
You may not need your own psi energy for some of these methods listed
Read all of this before actually attempting to seed. Some methods may be
more difficult then others.
Before we start its best to go outside to practice these exercise. I find the most
ideal day is ones that have a variety of clouds; big, small, stratus, nimbus
because you may prefers different kinds to make or tamper with. Now, To start
this process you should begin meditating for some time before starting to
practice. There is no set amount just enough for you to feel confident that you
have built enough psi energy for you to use.
Growth and Expantion
The first step in this tech is like meditation only slightly different. You have to be
connected to nature and your natural surroundings. In other words feel for the
energy if the trees, grass, the sky, the wind, basically anything natural. After
doing so chose a small cloud and connect with that cloud, be come one. Once
you have that connection made start to flow the natural energy from around you
to the cloud.
Best way to do this is to keep one hand connected to the cloud and and another
being the catalyst that takes in the energy and makes it flow to the cloud. The
point of the connected hand is to feel the growth of the cloud and making sure it
doesn't break apart
This technique is more movement of clouds then creating. To start you most
connect to two or more clouds. Now imagine you're taking parts both clouds and
making another cloud all together. To give detail to this method in one hand one
cloud is represented and connected in the other the same. Flow the energy to the
hands. Then start pretending make a snowball using parts of the cloud to make a
"snowball" (cloud) as you do this you should feel energy density build up
between your hands.

This is is a very similar method to snowballing but instead of making the snow
ball put your hands together like you're making a psi ball and as the energy flows
down your arm into your hand push the cloud energy into the ball to make the
new cloud. When your done there should be cloud between the two you
connected with. Its very important to continue to vizualize this process in the sky
and hands
The willing method is farely simple compared to the others. Willing is using your
third eye to force clouds to get bigger. Start by opening your third eye if its not.
Then connect with the cloud. Vizualize a connection made between your eye and
the cloud. Begin the process by sending your energy to your eye and then flow it
to the cloud. Picture the cloud getting denser and larger as the pressure in your
eye grows.
Other info
First off thank you for reading this it means a lot. Second sorry about how late
this thread was written the next one will come closer to mid July and its on
storms. Also if you noticed that this wasn't actual seed that's because making
and creating a cloud from scratch is more advanced then the others followed
which will be posted in conjunction with the storm section.

Electrokinesis lesson #1
Through request I am uploading an Electrokinesis unit and an Aerokinesis unit, if
you wish to learn anything please let me know.
Electrokinesis is the manipulation of electricity through the harnessing of psychic
Today I will be teaching you how to control electricity at basic level.
The steps are meditation and channeling.
Step 1, meditation.
Meditation is usually used to calm the mind and gather energy of the sorts.
Whether you're an electrokinesis master or novice, meditation will definitely help.
I want you to get into a comfortable position, standing or sitting it doesn't matter,
and close your eyes. Slowly take deep long breaths into the abdomen. Do this
until you feel calmed and ready. Slowly extend your hands out so they aren't
touching anything, but not so much that you are straining. Focus on your hands.

Image little sparks or lightning bolts hitting your fingertips. Or you can image
lightning striking your shoulders and travelling down to your hand or fingertips.
Warning: Keep the lightning away from your head and heart. Not doing this can
result in brain damage and an irregular heart beat!
Once you have done this for a while you should start to feel 'something'. I say
'something' because everyone feels something different. For me it is tingling
which quickly changes into a high vibration, then to heat and the occasional static
shock. (Post below what you feel, I would love to know).
That is the end of the meditation section. Now onto the channeling section.
Step 2, channeling.
You should only really move onto this section if you can feel 'something'. For this,
I will need you to feel 'something' again. Once you have this feeling, in preferably
your hands, I want you to expand it. Slowly but surely expand inch by inch until
'something' has spread all over your arm. When this happens to me it feels as if
thousands of pins are poking all up my arm. Not like the pins and needles feeling,
much more intense. This is when you're most likely you feel the odd static shot.
Also, please acknowledge that in not saying you should feel what I do, but you
should feel 'something'. As I say in most of my lessons, everyone is unique and
will feel something different. Even if it's slightly. Everyone learns in a cirtain way
and this is my method. Please, if you need, change this and experiment with this
Next lesson we will learn how to concentrate, project and absorb this energy.
Please let me know you want more.
Electrokinesis lesson #2
Please only move onto this lesson if you have completed the previous one.
Today we will be learning concentrating and absorbing electronic energy.
Step 1, concentration.
Concentrating your electronic energy is an important step up in Electrokinesis.
First, begin with building up the electronic energy like in lesson 1. Once you have
an intense amount of energy built up in your hand move every single strand to
your index finger. You may experience an intense burning sensation, this is
perfectly normal.
All of the energy should be in your index finger. Now, I want to to image all of the
energy moving into your middle finger. It should jump over the space between
your fingers.
Continue to do this between each finger in each hand. This is a great way to
concentrate energy into one point, and then transfer it.

We will expand on this in lesson #3.

Step 2, absorption.
Absorption is an essential way to gain energy with out draining your self. In
lesson #1 we learned absorption from the aHaveNow we will learn to absorb from
any thing electrical. Please find an electrical device and lay your hand or fingers
on it. You now must visualize the electrical energy traveling through the device
into your fingers. Take your time with this. When it happens it should feel similar
to when you build up your energy.
Now everyone has a unique learning style. This is just mine. Please experiment
with this technique. Find what fits you.
Please post below what you feel and what experiences you have, I would love to
Please tell me if you have any questions. I would love to help.
And just remember you are unique and beautiful. You are just as important as
the president of the u.s.a or the queen of the UK. Don't let anyone tell you
Electrokinesis lesson #3
Hey guys, sorry for the delay on the lessons I've been busy with private lessons
and developing the new ability.
Please read it all the way through before you attempt this lesson please.
So, to day we're going to work on the concentration and projection of your
electrical energy. Also it will help if you can get an old TV or radio. If you can't
use any TV or radio just follow the steps anyway, it will still help.
Step 1, concentration.
Firstly, I want you to build up the electronic energy like in the previous lessons.
Do this until you feel a burning sensation or until you feel slight shocks. Build it
up in your hand. You can choose either hand, or both together. Just try to
balance out what hand you do it with.
Once you have either one of these feelings, expand it. Start by slowly expanding
it into your fingers, then slowly up your arm. Take it inch by inch. This is quite
difficult for some people. Just take your time, relax and visualize.
If you don't have much chi stamina this may be difficult for you. Just try everyday.
Getting further and further each time you do it.
Keep this energy for the next part. Time to get that old TV or radio ready.
Step 2, projection.
There are many levels of projection, this one is quite advanced.
So, first you'll need to turn the radio on or TV, tune it to any station or music

channel and listen to those tunes.

Build up that burning or shocking sensation from earlier, fill up your entire arm
with this energy.
Once you're ready I'll need you to point your whole arm in the direction on the
radio or TV.
Release all of the energy and strike the radio or TV. You're hoping for it to go
static or loose the channel. This may take a while since its quite advanced. You'll
get there. Trust me.
But if you do break it, that's pretty damn awesome!
It may be a good idea to record yourself doing this. I'd love to watch it.
Also, please let me know if any of you still want aerokinesis lessons. Even if its
one person I'll still post them.
Please post below what you feel and what experiences you have, I would love to
Please tell me if you have any questions. I would love to help.
And just remember you are unique and beautiful.
"A life is not worth living, if not living for others."
~Albert Einstein
This will be a quick lesson as I don't like to do so much typing.
This lesson is on how to trigger a lightning strike. There are few steps, however
you must be quite advanced to accomplish it. I suggest you start this lesson
Step 1 - meditation
Meditation will help all in any kinesis.
Sit down, get a natural rhythm of breathing going and focus on the point between
the eyebrows.
Let the stress flow out of you. Remember, a river doesn't try to flow and a tree
doesn't try to grow.
After you feel calm and ready to move on, do so.
Step 2 - energy build up
Stay in this relaxed state and start to build up energy in both of your arms (see
previous lessons). You should build up the energy so much that your whole arms
are buzzing with electricity. Take it bit by bit and be patient. You can build up
energy by visuasing sparks or lightning bolts striking your fingers/hands. You can
also visualise lightning bolts hitting your shoulders and travelling down your

Step 3 - releasing the energy
Now, you must go outside if your not already. Point your hands up to the sky and
release. If you need visualisation, you can see lightning being shot out of your
hands like the emperor from star wars or like sasuke
It also helps to know what you want. Visualise the lightning bolt happening. Also,
try to hear the crackling of the lightning in your ears.
Step 4 - lightning!
Yes, that was you. Enjoy the lightning/storm you triggered! Try again and
comment on any experiences.
If you didn't manage this, no problem. Try again and have a little look at my
previous lessons. Also, this isn't "the" way to do it, it's "a" way of doing it.
I start off by meditating for a few minutes to calm and prepare my mind for the
When I'm calm and ready, I move to my room's window (which I've already shut),
then I draw energy from around the environment and release my energy into the
environment, allowing both energies to mingle and be as one.
When I've done that, I move the energy through the earth to the object I want the
lightning to strike, at the same time I move energy to the clouds (kinda like the
'be a tree' grounding method where you use your energy to form roots and
branches that draw energy from the earth and the sun, respectively).
This is when I do the electrokinesis meditation, visualize myself as being made of
electricity, see my nerves and arteries as wires and my heart as an eclectic core
that sends electricity through the wires and around around my body (this
normally causes me to feel the electrokinetic tingle all over my body, and some
times my clothes will stick to my skin in a static cling). I visualize a few bolts of
lightning striking me and charging me up.
Now I see my entire essence as being purely electric, my energy and the energy
i drew from the environment changes to an electric blue and feels like there are
little lightning bolts jumping around in it. I then charge up the object I want the
lightning to hit and the part of the sky I want the lightning to come from.
I visualize my energy in the clouds being drawn to my energy in the ground (I do
this with open eyes so I can see the lightning if/when it strikes) as visible
lightning, and after about 50 seconds or a little more than a minute, the lightning
manifests, following the exact path/pattern I visualized my energy striking in.

So far, I've gotten a result thrice, out of about 50 tries or more. It's a work in
The downside I've experienced in this technique is a migraine flash that comes
almost simultaneously with the lightning, and a big drop in energy levels that
makes me feel faint. It only lasts 3-4 seconds.
Hey guys,
Remember that burning sensation from lesson 3? Now's the time to use it, I've
given you long enough .
Firstly, create the burning sensation in your hands only. Put this burning feeling
into a psi ball. Stay calm and loving. You want this electroball to be so dense you
can't push your hands together. Fill it with so much electricity the burning
sensation comes from the space between your hands. This may take a while.
Next, get a friend to put their hand near the ball, ask if they feel anything. Only if
they know how to redirect electricity they can go closer or put their hand in
between your hands.
Also try to fill your arms with this burning sensation and get your friend to put
their hand close. Ask if they can feel anything again. If they can't relax and try
again. If they can expand this burning sensation out side of your arms. If you
succeed keep going.
Remember keep your electricity away from everyones head and heart
including yours!
That's it for today's lesson, I'll give you a while to do this, its difficult. I'll be
posting lessons on other subjects soon to. Check them out.
Namaste my friends.
Electrokinesis is the psychic power to manipulate energies, electrical currents,
and generate electricity with the mind. Users are able to absorb, conduct,
generate and manipulate a form of energy resulting from the existence of
charged particles (such as electrons or protons) which give the user control over
electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and
The user can diverse various electrical-based attacks, ranging from simple to
complex attacks. Simple effects may include the ability to generate electricity,
shoot lightning, or overload a circuit. More complex ones may include
manipulating energy in a person, convert ones own body into an entity of
electrons, directing current in a more complex route than the one of least
resistance, firing sparks, turning off electrical devices, or electrical constructs.
With applications ranging from direct electrocution and high energy output, to
more complex abilities such as hacking, and electromagnetism generation and

constructs, the user is able to control electrons in a variety of the effects that
often yield positive results, making Electrokinesis one of the most powerful and
versatile element. The other side of this possible power is to create and
manipulate energies into solid waves or blasts, and thus travel through electrical
appliances or outlets. This power can even be used to take control of the
electrons in objects, allowing motion control. If you were advanced in this, then
you'd be able to generate force-fields and develop technopathy, as well as
manipulate any energy. The advanced version of this is called Quintekinesis.
Being that Quintekinesis is simply a stronger version of Electrokinesis, which can
manipulate other energies as well, it is also closely related to Ergokinesis.

Make An Electrical Psi Wheel
Electrical Absorption
Electric Organ
Training 1
Training 2
Beginning ability 1- Electro-ball
Beginning move 2- Electro-blast
Intermediate move 1- Electricity Strike
Intermediate move 2- Electricity Arms
Intermediate move 3- Force Field Generation
Intermediate move 4- Re-Directing Electrical Blasts
Training - Useful Manipulation
Training 1 - Electrical Absorption
Training 2 - Electric Transfer
Training 3 - Electric Generation
Training 4 - Electric Sense
Other Lightning Ball
Electric Finger Zap
Word Of Warning:
Make An Electrical Psi Wheel
This version of a psi wheel will help you test your electrokinetic power, even if it
is very weak.
Take any magnet and place it underneath any metal base on which your psi
wheel will sit.
Place the psi wheel on your base as if you had made any other psi wheel and
that's it!!! Now test it. Take a battery and put it close to the the wheel. What
happens? The wheel spins! The electric field reacts with the foil to make it spin!!
Now use your own ability and force electric energy into your fingers. Move it
toward the wheel. Even if you are a weak electrokinetic, the wheel will more than

likely move and attract to your fingers!!!!

Electrical Absorption
Electrical Absorption is the power to conduct and store electrical energy within
the body. One with this power gains power by draining electrical devices and
machines, can absorb ambient electrical energy like static in the air, and can
withstand being struck by lightning (although the amount of electricity varies
person to person). After enough has been absorbed, the electricity may or may
not be released at will to charge small machines, attack foes and the like (if not
released at will, it usually has negative effects on the user, like disorienting the
thought process, speeding up the user's speech and generating static cling in the
hair, etc.but never absorb too much electricity if you do you will have pain in your
hands,shocks in your body until the the extra amount of electricity goes out of
your body.
P.S: If you try to get rid of the extra amount (for example: by your hand), your
hand may have some burns.
Electric Organ
The Electric Organ is a myogenic (muscle-like) organ which has evolved in
weakly and strongly electric fish. It is used for electroreception (sense electrical
fields) and electrogenesis (create electric shocks at will which do not harm the
predator but do harm the prey). Electrokinesis is also used as a method of
communication among other members of the species, and may be even used to
attract a mate. The Electric Organ has large numbers of electroplaques (organic
or inorganic plates which generate electricity), which can be used to create an
offensive electrical shock (Electric Organ Discharge, or EOD)
Training 1
Alright, this takes a couple of weeks to learn, so don't get frustrated if you can't
do it in the first couple of days. To learn electrokinesis, start out by just closing
your eyes and visualizing electricity flowing inside and outside of your body, like
sparks of energy. See them shocking, actually hear them crackling and popping.
Do this for 10-15 minutes a day. If you can project it out of your hands, you can
try to shoot it at your TV or radio, and see if it makes the reception a little messed
up, or you could try to shock someone. Do this for a while, then if you want, try to
make an Electro-ball.

Training 2
The easiest time to do it is when you're lying in bed before you go to sleep. Close
your eyes and visualize the electricity running through the body part of choice.
Try to do all these things one after another or mix them. Visualize it running up
say, your hand, in waves of electricity like the kind of waves old TV's get
sometimes that go up the screen. Then after that, visualize it sparking and even
arcing out of your finger tips and hands. Try to feel the sparks the best you can,

sometimes your fingers will just go sort of numb and they will feel weird if you try
to move them. Then open your eyes and do the same thing for a
while...Eventually you should start seeing very faint pencil thin lines of electricity
or round dot size sparks or both. Another way you can achieve your goal is on a
dry warm to hot day, go out into the sun and take a deep breath. Close your eyes
and hold your hand towards the sun. This will cause you to use sun-charged
electrons and be able to pull them out of the atmosphere. I've had a month of
practice and this works for me especially. All you need to do is watch your aura,
see the electrons running through it and concentrate on them moving towards the
desired area.
Beginning ability 1- Electro-ball
This is basically a psi ball with electricity from electrokinesis added into it. To
start, visualize the electricity flowing through your body. Then, make a normal psi
ball, then picture the electricity bolts coming out of your hands and your
fingertips, and merging with the psi ball, making little sparks and shocks around
and inside the psi ball. Do this for about 5 minutes a day, along with just picturing
the electricity flowing inside of you. Just keep practicing, and when you get the
electro-ball, you will be able to shock people with it. But be warned, don't use a
lot of power with this exercise on someone if you know that their power is less
than yours and they won't be able to handle it, this ability can really injure
someone when used with enough power.
Beginning move 2- Electro-blast
First, make a Ball of Electricity. Then add some Energy into it. Just practice that
for a few days or at least a week until you get good at it. Then after you get good
at that, start to compact Electricity and Energy into your arm. After you feel that
your arm is compacted with enough Electricity and Energy, blast it out of your
hand. Now the objective is to try and control the blast if you can. Remember to
only use a little bit of Energy and Electricity if your opponent is too weak to
handle your level of power.

Intermediate move 1- Electricity Strike

Close your eyes and visualize you standing in a field and all of a sudden
electricity strikes your arm and electricity is running through your arm and it all of
a sudden shoots out of your hand.

Intermediate move 2- Electricity Arms

Make an electro ball and visualize it shaping itself into desired weapon. Never
get too attached to your weapon.
Melee- Usually easier than a ranged weapons. You just have to shape it and
start whacking things/people.

Ranged- Program your electricity ball into being able shooting something or
someone. It is better to start with less advanced weapons. From my personal
experience, the max I shot was 7 times because every shot converts a part of the
actual into ammunition. There might be a way to continuously add "psi electricity"
to your gun.

Intermediate move 3- Force Field Generation

First create an electric ball. then add 3x the pressure and power into the ball.
then try to shape it around you or the place you wish to field by visualizing energy
being from your mind to the place. then compact energy into your entire body,
then try to imagine the energy circling or shaping (use whatever shape you want ,
duck, cat, ball, square eg) around it, then add electricity to the target and release
it but quickly after releasing add a blast to make it twice as powerful. try to
experiment with this.
Intermediate move 4- Re-Directing Electrical Blasts
To re-direct a psychic electrical blast, one must create a channel of energy
through the body down the non-dominate arm (the receptive arm), into the
stomach area and up the dominate arm (the protective arm). one must absorb
the psychic electrical attack and channel it through this path and possibly return
to sender. one must also be careful that the electrical current does not pass
through the heart or the charge could cause death, which is why the electricity is
channeled in to the stomach area. while it may seem that this is stolen from a
television show (yeah the avatar), this method is actually tried and true.
Another method of re-directing psychic electrical blasts is to create a energy ball,
create a current of energy through the air that will direct the charge away from
you, catch the blast in the energy ball and direct it down the energy current and
away from you. this method is more difficult, takes more energy and is harder to
perform. however it is the safer method of re-directing psychic electricity blasts.
These methods can also be used with any psychic energy blasts/attacks with the
same warnings.
Training 1 - Electrical Absorption
Absorbing Electric Energy- get a battery or something that holds electricity and
have your hand over the for example battery. Then visualize the electricity
coming inside your hand, like two magnets. Too much can harm you. Stay
positive and continue to try, you may be closer than you think.
Training 2 - Electric Transfer
Once you absorb the electricity touch something and visualize the vibrations
traveling into the object you're touching and it should cause a shock or flicker (for
a TV) or touch a battery and transfer the electricity to the battery and you should
be charging it. When you get better you can just wave your hand over said


Training 3 - Electric Generation

Take off your computer battery(make sure its fully charged) then focus and
concentrate on it and it should be vibrating next visualize the vibration traveling
around your whole body keep wasting the electricity in the battery until your
whole body is strongly vibrating and anyone that touch's you should get shock
real easily also your body would be able to resist electric so you won't be shock
real easily plus your shock will be more strong if you try to shock some one. Side
effects are you will be weakened in water or any other liquid and it will be a lot
harder to do Hydrokinesis or any other water/liquid manipulation.
Training 4 - Electric Sense
This is kind of like energy sensing but for emergencies only. That means if you
run out of electrical energy just recharge your self by finding the closest source of
power. First you must scan the area you're in ex: a parking lot. Then visualize
this place by feeling the electricity inside the objects around you. It's like looking.
Then emit an electromagnetic pulse (You might need Magnokinesis). If some of
these objects respond by glowing brighter or by vibrating a lot this means its a
major power source.

Other Lightning Ball

To start out, just make a energy ball and charge it up. Next, start visualizing
lightning striking down all around you. Actually hear the crack and sizzle of the
lightning bolts. Then, visualize all little lightning bolts striking around your hands
and striking into your energy ball and causing electric shocks inside and outside
it. It will make it even better if you know how to perform some electrokinesis. You
will know by the feeling you get in your hands if you have done this correctly.
When it's made, blast away. Don't forget to have fun with it too and don't let
having powers rule your life. "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility"
Electric Finger Zap
To do this ability put your physical body's electricity into the tip of one of your
index fingers constantly, and while doing this, use the electricity that is in the tip
of the finger to zap an object. But before using this ability, practice it to see if it
works. One way is to try zapping the tip of one of your fingers. If you succeed in
doing this, then it works.
Static Ball: Just like there is energy coming off of you all the time, there's
electricity coming off of you all the time as well. However, the electricity usually
just goes off into the air and doesn't do much of anything. To make a static ball
concentrate on your aura and feel the electricity tingling through it. Try putting
your hand an inch or two above your arm and feel the tiny currents zipping
between your hand and your arm. Once you're good and familiar with the static

electricity on your body, cup your hands like you're making a energy ball. Try to
suck that energy out of your aura and put it in your hands. You should feel a bit
of numbness in the aura and then in your skin as the electricity pulses through
and goes to your hand. If you hold the ball near delicate electronics it may disrupt
them temporarily.
Finger-to-Finger Plasma Stream: When electricity is visible (like lightning) it's
plasma just like fire. When you have become good at moving electricity around
your body, sit with your index fingers pointing at each other with about an inch
gap between them. Choose a direction and try to make the electricity flow around
your whole body in a circular motion, going through the gap between your
fingers. With enough time and practice you'll get sparks, flashes, and eventually
a solid stream of electricity. In my experience the most common color is pink with
a little orange.
Word Of Warning:
Electrokinesis can be extremely dangerous, be extremely careful when
performing any techniques on this page!
XILIS, Dec 31, 2013
The Theory:
Contrary to popular belief (chronokinesis is the ability to control time)
chronokinesis doesn't actually control time itself, it controls your's and others
perception of time if you so choose(note that this can only happen to others if you
know some telepathy/how to control/manipulate your aura) and tends to be
incredibly dangerous later on. With chronokinesis you manipulate your minds
perception of it only through practice. You can freeze time as you wish but only
for as long as you can handle. However, you CANNOT reverse time. If you even
attempt to it can have drastic measures on your brain and heart.
The Dangers:
Now the dangers of this ability aren't many, but are disastrous if you do not heed
them. If you're able to stop time then you must move very slowly while doing so.
The reason for this is because your mind is actively focusing on just your
perception of time and if you try to move faster than your brain can conceive then
it will result in damaging your motor skills and nerves. If you speed up time you
will look like a statue to others and if you try to move during so, again your motor
skills and nerves will proceed to be damaged. once again, and i stress this
because i don't want anyone to attempt it. YOU CANNOT REVERSE TIME. It
leads to heart and brain failure and sometimes total organ failure if you try to do it

too much because your brain is trying to manipulate something that doesn't exist
but will still try to reverse everything in your body. Including your blood stream,
which will lead to blood clods and a ton of other organic problems.
Now do not ask how i know these dangers, most of them because i have
experienced them and am very thankful for my healing ability, otherwise i would
be dead currently...
Alright now that a multitude of people (hopefully) have read the first lesson on
this ability i will be posting the first exercise now, as evidenced by the title. Before
have been injured because they did not take the first lesson seriously or just
didn't read it entirely. I am NOT responsible for any harm coming to you because
of this, now onto the exercise.
In reality their are 2 first step exercises so i'm going to post both. The first being
The Mind Clock Exercise:
This exercise has been used a lot but usually takes longer for results to show. In
this exercise you must first study a clock for an extensive amount of time, once
you've studied one enough to the point that you can tell when a second has
passed at the exact time you think that thought, the same with minutes and
hours, then you must create a clock inside your mind that will continue working
without you having to focus on it. Remember to check this clock every few hours
or so and adjust it accordingly, you know you have completed this exercise once
you no longer need to check it and will automatically know the times just by
thinking about it. Please remember that Chronokinesis is a very advanced skill so
if you don't know how to do mind constructs, energy constructs, or anything along
those lines then do not try to do Chronokinesis.
Now the second exercise
The Fan Exercise
The fan exercise is fairly simple but hard to do at the same time, it takes the
concept of that when you stare at a fan long enough you will eventual be able to
follow one of it's blades, in turn making you be able to see the rest of the fan in
clear motion and not in a blur so long as you follow the blade. It follows this
concept in that you must concentrate on both the fan and your mind at the same
time. There are 2 parts to this exercise, the first part being you must do the
exercise on a ceiling fan since it is slower than other fans, and then on an electric
fan that can be plugged in. Your objective is to focus on the fans entirely and not
just one blade, once you focus enough and turn that concentration onto your own
brain as well at the same time, then you must convince your brain that the fan is
getting slower and slower, if you are able to do so then you will notice the fan

getting slower and slower. I highly recommend not trying to stop time with this
method because if you try to stop time while using it then once the fan stops so
does your concentration.
Please remember these are exercises, your goal with Chronokinesis is to not
need either of these exercises once you're done with the whole lesson in order to
stop, slow down, or speed up time.
Also remember, Chronokinesis is a very advanced skill so if you can't do either of
these exercises then try to learn other skills or kinesis' before this one.

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