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Now you need to install flash using the following command

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
Now you need to copy libflashplayer.so file into /usr/lib/chromium-browser/
plugins directory
sudo cp /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so


Now you can run the chromium browser using the following command from
chromium-browser --enable-plugins
Go to Applications->Internet->Chromium Browser and right click it, add to
panel.Right click the new chromium icon and add the following command where it
says command
chromium-browser --enable-plugins


source files contain the programs and hence before the installation you need to
compile them... so you need to install the build-essentials from the synaptic
package manager.... else this build-essentials is already present in the cd.. and so
you can install it.....else you can install it typing it in the terminal by

sudo aptitude install build-essential

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSTALL tar.gz files

Navigate to the folder where the source file is extracted using the cd
commands........ the type the following.....
. /configure
sudo make install
clean install or install
. /configure ...... checks whether the required dependencies are available on
your system if not an error is reported...

make compiles the source code and make install is used to install the program
in to the location
if it asks for an installation location it is recommended to install all the source
to /usr/src
clean install removes any temporary files created in the installation process on
the source and thats it your source file is installed in your system.



In order to make your application appear in the Add/Remove tool (gnome-appinstall), there are two steps to make:
add a X-AppInstall-Package line to your .desktop
and run update-app-install to update the database
Setting up the .desktop

The application presents to the user a list of applications which can be

installed or removed. These applications are either end-user applications (such as
OpenOffice, GIMP, Pidgin) or server-side roles (HTTP server, FTP server).These
can be added and removed by toggling a check box. The applications will be
shown in a tree identical to the Applications menu on the panel, and system roles in
a seperate list.
The package information based on Freedesktop .desktop files. This is
due to all end-user applications already having a .desktop file which can be
extended with a small amount of metadata for use by the application install tool.
These .desktop files will be extracted from the Hoary archive automatically and a
package solely containing .desktop files and the relevant icons created.
For a package to be available the .desktop file must have a XAppInstall-Package key under the [Desktop Entry] group, which is the name
of the package the desktop file relates too. The Name, Comment and Icon keys
will be used in the interface.

Example 1: Sound Juicer

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Sound Juicer CD Ripper
Comment=Extract music from your CDs

The only change her from the upstream .desktop file is the XAppInstall-Package key, which marks this application as to be displayed in the
interface. The existing Name, Comment and Icon fields are displayed to the user in
the interface.

Example 2: OpenOffice.org
OpenOffice.org installs a number of .desktop files, none of which are suitable
for displaying in an Application Install tool as they are for particular aspects of the
suite (i.e. Writer or Impress). In this case a new .desktop file is added to the
package, which contains the required information alongside a Hidden=true key.
The Hidden key ensures that it won't be displayed in any application menus, but
can be picked up by the Application Install Tool.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Powerful office suite

The menu layout is based upon the Freedesktop menu specification. Currently
GNOME does not support this standard, but hopefully GNOMEE 2.10 will. At the
moment the Application Install Tool includes a copy of the Applications menu
structure in the Freedesktop menu format, which can be removed if GNOME 2.10
does move to it. [note: this depends on API additions to PyXDG]
you simply add the X-AppInstall-Package=<package name> line to
your .desktop. Add/Remove will automatically use the description, name, and icon
in it's display.
Updating the database
To update Add/Remove's database, you need to run "sudo update-appinstall". After that, your .desktop will appear in it's index as a regular program!

However, by default update-app-install will scan all .desktop files in your

system, which on low-end systems can take a while. To help speed that up, you can
use the "sudo update-app-install -d <directory of the .desktop>" syntax -- point
it to the directory where your .desktop is and things will be considerably faster.



Files )
The script assumes that you are using the text-based Aptitude
application, rather than apt-get and dpkg. If you are not using Aptitude, you should
also replace the reference to aptitude clean with apt-get clean and the reference to
aptitude purge to dpkg --purge.This can be done done by editing the following
Download the shell script of the needed application (filename.sh)
Navigate to the download location using cd commands
Give Execute permission using the following command
sudo chmod +x filename.sh
Run the script using the following command
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISABLE GUEST ACCOUNT
Open cd /usr/lib/lightdm/ file from your terminal using the following
set lightdm allow-guest false
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSTALL APPLICATIONS
sudo apt-get install appname

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNINSTALL APPLICATIONS
sudo apt-get purge appname
sudo apt-get remove appname



(Default location of the installation)


(Default installation location of some apps)

/usr/share/applications/ (Custom installation location)

Navigate to the installation directory of an application using cd. command

Execute ./uninstall command

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