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a. Sentence should not be too long.
b. Few clause
c. Use scientific and effective sentence
d. Do not use the words: I, we, researchers, writers (except in the foreword)
e. Consider the following punctuation:
As follows :
As in Table 2.1
As in the Figure
4.1 below
Number: 1 - 3
( You )
Building / house

As follows:
As in Table 2.1.

There is no space between "following" and ":"
There is no word or phrase after the "Table 2.1."

As in the Figure
Number: 1-3

There is no word or phrase after "Figure 4.1."

There is no space between "1" and "-" and "3"

There is no space after the "(" and "you" and ")"
There are no spaces between the "building" and
"/" and "house"
Therefore, so
it should be a space between "," and "so"
Remarks: all tables written by one space and the left justification

f. Figures and tables before the show, given an explanation with phrases like the following

The result of the calculation is shown in Table 4.1. (after this sentence, the table is

For more details can be checked in figure 4.1. (after this sentence, the image is

Each formula is in chapter theoretical basis must be referred to in the analysis and

g. Each of the tables and graphs shown here should be referred to the basic theory of
analysis and discussion
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h. Each attachment must have a number of attachments, and referred to in the discussion
i. Research problems, should be written in a question form
j. Each interrogative sentence contains only one problem
k. The purpose of the study: total number of research problems. Basically the goal is
something that is expected from the results of the study, the final outcome of the study.
So it is not an action that was performed.
l. Example sentences are wrong in the destination:

Analyzing ... bla bla bla

Counting ..... bla bla bla

m. Maximum numbering section: 3 (three) digits. eg: 3.2.1 (right), (wrong)


Basically, Background is a basic outlines reasons why you are doing this research,
according to the title that you choose.

Background is the advertising or promotion, so that the title and your proposed research
must be really interesting to readers, especially Advisor and Examiners

Research at the master level, should be an effort to find solutions to real problems in the
field. Or a hypothesis test.

Issues raised an issue that has been disseminated through the mass media has been
disseminated through seminars or in the form of proceedings or research journals.
Research Report in the form of thesis or dissertation may be used as a reference.

The research problem is the State of the Arts: something that is unknown and we want to

In the background, there is a Sub Chapter: Research Problems, Research Objectives,

Limitations of the Study, Research Benefits.

Research Problem and Research Objectives have been described previously. Here is an
explanation of:

Limitations of the Study

What is the limitation of the study is essentially contains assumptions, for example:
o Property soil investigation should be done directly, but because the distance is not
too far from the location of the existing research soil data from the drilling that

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has been done for other purposes, and is based on the assumption that the
distribution of land to the location you are considered the same study, the soil
properties in the your research using the existing results.
o The slope of a cliff slope should be measured directly in the field, but you assume
that the slope of a cliff can be estimated based on topographic maps or maps rbi.
Benefits of research
The results of the study should be conducted to provide benefits:

Theoretical: the form of contibution to expand the knowledge of scientific information,

especially the field that corresponds to your research.

Practical: a false advice for practitioners and stakeholders related to your research.


a. review of Literature
In order description of the literature review is not ambiguous and convoluted, the literature
review is divided into several sub-sections, according to the number of issues raised in the study.
The main material is the preparation of the journal Review of Literature. Lowest reference that
may be used is Thesis and Proceedings of the National Seminar air-ISBN. Literature is your
Proof that the research you do have never been studied. But on the contrary, that kind of research
has been investigated before. Literature also prove that you have a review of previous research as
proof comprehensively.
If the sample Research Issues:

How to form a bridge column in accordance with the conditions of river flow

What is the dimension of the optimal bridge column

Then the sub-chapter examples in the literature review:

The form of bridge columns: in this sub-chapter outlined the form of columns and stream
flow. End your description is a decision that will be used in research.

optimal column dimensions: in this subchapter and column dimensions described optimal
analysis. End your description is a decision that will be used in research

b. Basic Theory
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In order description in Basic Theory is not ambiguous and convoluted, the Basic Theory is
divided into several sub-sections, according to the number of issues raised in the study. Main
material in composing Basic Theory is a textbook. Basic Theory just contain theory used in the
study. No more discussion of the various types of theory, because discussions of diverse types
theory should have been discussed in the literature review.
If the sample Research Issues:
a. how to form a bridge column in accordance with the conditions of river flow
b. how many dimensions the most optimal bridge column
Then the sub-chapter examples in Basic Theory:
a. Form of bridge columns: in this section the theory outlined in accordance with the
form of columns selected river flow conditions in the sub-chapter Review of
b. Optimal column dimensions: in this section described the theory and optimization
theory mendimensi columns selected in the sub-chapter Review of Literature.
Examples of writing formulas:
x = (- b (b ^ 2-4ac)) / 2a
x = variable
a = constant
b = constants
c = constants
statement after the word "to" written by one space

Research methods are the details of everything that is related to the study, include:
a. Location of research:
describe the location of the study. When the location of the research related to the environment
(roads, rivers, cities), show the map so that readers can track it down. View a map containing the
name of the city, street, river

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b. Parameters and Variables:

determination of the parameters and variables can be extracted from the relevant equations used
in the research, you've written in a sub-chapter Basis Theory. determination of parameters and
variables appropriately greatly assist you in the implementation and preparation of research
reports. Should be written in the form of a table as an example:

Parameters Obtained From Linkage Analysis In

Cross section of river discharge measurements directly
Secondary data of slope runoff

Variables Used in Linkage Analysis In

Rain rain rencangan Observations
Debit discharge plan calculation results

c. Data:
include: types of data, how to get the data, the tools used, data validation, data grouping, da so
forth. Please note that research in the laboratory is only one way in getting the data.

d. Analysis:
The analysis is divided into several sub-sections, according to the number of issues raised in the
If the sample Research Issues:

how to form a bridge column in accordance with the conditions of river flow

how the dimensions of the optimal bridge column

Then the sub-chapter examples in the analysis:

The form of bridge columns: in this section described how the analysis of the form of
columns and stream flow, in accordance with the selected theory.

optimal column dimensions: in this section described how to calculate the dimensions of
the column and the optimization process, in accordance with the selected theory.

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All the equations that have been described in sub-chapter Basis Theory have to address in the
sub-chapters and sub-chapters Data Analysis. If there are equations that have been described in
sub-chapter Basis Theory but never referenced, the equation means nothing to do in your
research. Likewise with graphs and tables that have been described in sub-chapter Basis Theory,
must be referred to in sub-section and sub-section Data Analysis.

e. Flow Chart
There are some researchers like Flowchart placed at the beginning of Chapter Research Methods.
But for uniformity, then the Master in Civil Engineering, UNS, Flow Chart is placed at the end
of Chapter Research Methods. Fill in the boxes Flowchart should reflect all stages of the
research, as described in the Methods Section.


Results and Discussion section is divided into sub-chapters corresponding number of issues
raised in this research.
If the sample Research Issues:

how to form a bridge column in accordance with the conditions of river flow

how the dimensions of the optimal bridge column

Then the sub-chapter examples Results and Discussion:

The form of bridge columns: in this section described the results of the analysis forms the
column corresponding to river flow conditions.

optimal column dimensions: in this section the results of the calculation of the
dimensions of the column are described that have been through the process of

Each show tables and figures, should always be followed by a discussion, tables and figures that
show what, why form like that, how it affects other relevant factors. If tables and figures are a
summary of the results of the analysis are long and you place the results of the analysis in the
appendix, then you should show the reader how to check lapiran number and page number.


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The number of conclusions according to the number of research problems and the answers of the
interrogative sentence in Research Issues.
Advice is recommended for subsequent researchers to do the things that you should do in your
study, but you do not because you just use assumptions.

Bibliography writing may vary, but for the sake of uniformity, it is in the Master of Civil
Engineering UNS enforced way of writing as follows:
For journal
Author, year, Title of Paper, Name of Journal (in italics), No. / vol. journal, pages
for Textbooks
Author, year, name of book (in italics), publisher, city
For Proceedings of the National Seminar for air ISBN
Author, year, Title of Paper, Proceedings of the name (in italics), city, No. ISBN.
for Thesis/Dissertation
Author, year, title (in italics), Thesis / Dissertation, University, City

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