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JL.Tawes 21 Polos Yosodadi Metro Timur,Telp (0725) 43721
Tahun ajaran:2014 /2015

The lack of safeguards against stupas in Borobudur


Honestly it's like breathing . No need to learn first how to begin . Very simple , all can do it .
Unfortunately , because it is very simple that everyone is easy to forget .



Praise belongs to Allah Almighty , the One who made the reason for everything , which contains
all the wisdom and boldness to His servants. Who sent Muhammad as His messenger to bring
religion and the truth .
The authors realize that writing and report generation industrial visits is not separated from the
role of awesome people who helped in the drafting process , the author thanks goes to:
1. Drs . Sugono , M.Pd.I. As the head of school has Gives Opportunity to Visit Us To Implement
Industry .
2. The person in charge of this activity Industrial Visits .
3. Mother Arnita Orba As Chief Administrative Department .
4. Mother Renita As Wali Class Office Administration
5. The parties can not mention , thanks for your help and prayers of blessing related activities
Industrial Visits .
The authors are aware that this report is far from "Perfection " , so feedback and suggestions are
authors expect . Once again I would like to thank all parties who may not be listed who have
helped in the process of finalizing this report .
Up here , I hope this report will be useful and used to best advantage .
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Metro, 13 january 2015


Ayu trisna


Table of contents
Title Page .........................................................................................................................
Title ..................................................................................................................................
Preface ..............................................................................................................................
Motto ...............................................................................................................................
Lable of contents ..............................................................................................................


Introduction ...................................... ...............................................................................

Theoritical background ....................................................................................................

Conclusion .......................................................................................................................


Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple of Borobudur is located in the district of Magelang
district located south + 15 km south of the town of Magelang kedu hilly plains almost entirely
surrounded by mountains , the mountains surrounding the Borobudur temple in between the east
there Merbabu and Mount Merapi west Sea and Mount Sindoro Sumbing .
The very thing I regret when visiting Borobudur temple is in terms of security stupa of
Borobudur temple is still very minimal because in Borobudur temple itself was a small number
of security that keeps visitors not to touch the statue inside the stupa which was the myth of its
own in the Indonesian society is the one who can touch it then wish would come true . However,
it has been banned for the time being due to a stupa can damage the touch . And now there are
several temples that were lost due to lack of security such as loss of a small part of the body
stupa .

The Purpose

There are few destinations in the selection of the title of this proposal , among others :
a. Prevent damage to the stupa of Borobudur temple .
b . Keeping state stupa temple in order to avoid damage .
c . Prevent the loss of the stupa temple of the hands of the ignorant .
d . Improve security safeguards against stupa temple .

Theorical Background
A. Borobudur
Borobudur temple is located in the village of Borobudur , District of Borobudur , Magelang ,
Central Java Province . Borobudur temple is surrounded by Mount Merapi and Merbabu in
the East , Sindoro Mountain in the north , and Menoreh mountains in the south , and is
located between Progo and the Elo . Borobudur was built on a hill that has been modified ,
with a height of 265 asl .

Building shape
- Plan Borobudur length of 121.66 meters and 121.38 meters wide .
- The height of 35.40 meters .
- The composition of the building in the form of 9 terraces and a stupa at its peak . Consists
of 6 square berdenah dan3 patio terrace berdenah circle .
- Vertical division philosophically include Kamadhatu level , Rupadhatu , and Arupadhatu .
- Vertical division technically covers the bottom , middle , and upper .
- There is a ladder up in the four corners of the main entrance to the main east with aircircumambulation .
- Borobudur temple stones from the river around Borobudur the whole volume of
approximately 55,000 square meters ( approximately 2,000,000 pieces of stone )

History findings
Borobudur resurfaced in 1814 when Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles , the British Governor
General who became the guardian of Indonesia held an event in Semarang , then Raffles
obtain information that has been discovered in the area Kedu pictorial stone structure , then he
sent Cornelius a Dutchman to clean . This work was continued by Kedu resident named
Hartman in 1835. In addition to cleaning activities , he also conducted research in particular to
the summit stupa of Borobudur , but unfortunately on This research report was never
published . Documentation in the form of pictures of buildings and reliefs made by Wilsen for

4 years since 1849 , while the photo document created in 1873 by Van Kinsbergen .
According to legend was founded by architect Borobudur Gunadharma , but historically it is
not certain . Casparis opinion based on the interpretation of stone inscription dated 824 AD
and 842 AD inscription Sri Kahulunan , founder of Borobudur is Smaratungga who ruled in
782-812 AD during the Sailendra dynasty . Borobudur was built to glorify Mahayana
Buddhism .
Opinion Dumarcay Borobudur temple established in the 5 stages of development , namely :
- Phase I + 780 AD
- Phase II and III + 792 AD
- Stage IV + 824 AD
- Phase V + 833 AD
The name Borobudur
Regarding naming also contained some opinions include:
Raffles : ancient Budur ( Boro = archaic , budur = name of the place ) the great Buddha ( Boro
= majestic , budur = Buddha ) Buddha that many ( Boro = many , budur = Buddha )
Moens : City of the high penjunjung Buddha
Casparis : Derived from the word kamulan ibhumisambharabudara , based on excerpts from
the inscriptions of Sri Kahulunan 842 AD which means sacred building which symbolizes
goodness collection of ten levels of Bodhisattva .
Poerbatjaraka : Monastery in Budur ( Budur = name of the place / village )
Soekmono and Stutertheim : Bara and budur means monastery on the hill According
Soekmono Borobudur function as a place of pilgrimage to glorify Mahayana Buddhism and
ancestor worship .
Borobudur restoration efforts conducted twice: first by the Dutch government under the
leadership of Van Erp and the second conducted by the Indonesian government headed by
Soekmono ( late) .
The restoration of the first years of 1907 - 1911 , restoration of the first fully financed by the
Dutch government . Restoration targets aimed more at the top of the temple are three circular
terraces and stupas center. However, because some of the stones are not found again , the top (
Catra ) stupa , can not be reassembled . The restoration of the lower part is more like a

patchwork of repairs / equalization hallway , repair walls and ledges without dismantling so it
still looks wonky . Conservation efforts have been made since the first restoration by the
Dutch government to continuously conduct the observation and study of Borobudur , while
the process of decay and weathering of rocks Borobudur caused by various factors continues .
And the results of research conducted by a committee formed in 1924 known that causes
damage to the existing three kinds , namely corrosion , mechanical work and power of
pressure and tension in the rocks themselves ( OV 1930: 120-132 ) .
The restoration of II year 1973 - 1983 , Van Erp After restoration effort was completed in
1911 , the maintenance of Borobudur temple continues. Based on the comparison between the
current state of the photographs that made Van Erp 10 years earlier , unknown turns out the
damage to Borobudur keeps going and getting worse , especially on the wall reliefs stones
damaged by climatic influences . Besides building the temple is also threatened by destruction
. With the inclusion of Indonesia became a member of the UN , it will automatically become a
member of UNESCO Indonesia . Through institutions such UNECO , Indonesia began to
appeal to the international community to save the historic building highly . The attempt is
successful , the funds of funds Pelita and UNESCO , in 1975 began the restoration in total .
Therefore, the situation is still good Arupadhatu level , then only the lower level are
dismantled . In the demolition of three kinds of work , which consists of techno archaeological
dismantling all parts Rupadhatu , four levels above rectangular foot of the temple , civil
engineering work that is installation of reinforced concrete foundation to support Borobudur
for any given level with water channels and layers watertight in its construction , and the work
kemiko cleaning and preservation of archaeological ie rocks , and finally the preparation of
the stones that have been clean of microorganisms ( algae , fungi , and other microorganisms )
into shape .

Besides its significance as a symbol of the universe with the vertical division philosophically
include Kamadhatu , Rupadhatu , and Arupadhatu , Borobudur contains a very noble intent ,
the intent is mandated through reliefs story. Borobudur has 1,460 narrative relief panels are
arranged in 11 rows around the temple building and decorative relief in the form of decorative
reliefs some 1,212 panels . Relief story on Kamadhatu level ( ft temple ) represents the human

world depict human behaviors that are still bound by lust . This can be seen on the walls of the
original temple foot terpahatkan 160 relief panels depicting Karmawibhangga law of cause
and effect. Rupadhatu level ( of the temple ) represent the world between , describe human
behavior that has begun to abandon worldly desires , but still bound by a sense of the real
world . At this level of 1,300 carved relief panels consisting of Lalitavistara , Jataka , Avadana
, and Gandawyuha . Here's a brief description of the relief.

1. Level I
- Upper wall reliefs Lalitavistara : 120 panilRelief biography depicts the Buddha Gautama
begins when the gods in heaven Tushita grant ermohonan Bodhisattva to come down to earth
incarnate named Buddha . Queen Maya before pregnancy dream accept the presence of a
white elephant dirahimnya . In Lumbini Queen Maya gave birth to her son and named Prince
Sidhartha . At the time of birth Sidhartha was able to walk , and the seven first step lotus
flower grows . After the birth of Queen Maya died , and was raised by his aunt Gautami
Sidhartha . After mating with Sidhartha adult Yasodhara called goddess Gopa . In a journey
through four encounter Sidhartha is met with an old beggar blind , the sick , the dead make
Sidhartha become restless , because people can be old , suffering , pain and death . Sidhartha
finally met with the pastor , the pastor 's face was peaceful , old age , sickness , and death does
not become a threat to the pastor . Therefore, according to the forecast Sidhartha will become
pastor , his father set up a magnificent palace for Sidaharta . After experiencing the four
encounter Sidhartha not peaceful stay in the palace , eventually quietly left the palace .
Sidhartha decided enjadi pastor with his hair cut . Clothing and wearing apparel abandoned
palace slaves who had died , and united with the poor . Before doing contemplation Sidhartha
Nairanjana purify themselves in the river . Sidhartha happy when a driver offered a seat on the
grass lawn obsolete . Under the Bodhi tree at the time of the full moon in the month of Vesak ,
Sidhartha receive true enlightenment , since it Siddhartha became the Buddha in the city of
Benares .
- Bottom wall reliefs Manohara and Avadana : 120 panilCerita Manohara describe
udanakumaravada story is the story of the marriage of the prince nymph Manohara Sudana .
Because meritorious save a dragon , a hunter named Halaka awarded a lasso of parents dragon
. On a day Halaka see nymphs bathing in the pool , with lasonya were able to capture one of


the most beautiful nymph named Manohara . Therefore Halaka not commensurate with
Manohara , then presented to the prince Manohara Sudana , although father Sudana disagree .
The number of obstacles can not hinder marriage prince Sudana with Manohara . Awadana
story tells of reincarnation saints , including the story of loyalty to the king Sipi weak creature
. A little bird Sipi king for help in order not to prey eagle . Instead eagle 'm king Sipi small
bird swap with meat king Sipi . Having weighed heavy turns a small bird with equal weight
Sipi king , the king Sipi willing to sacrifice themselves prey to a hawk . A leader must have
the courage to sacrifice himself for the people and all living things .
- Lower ledge ( animal stories ) relief Jatakamala : 372 panels ledge above ( animal stories )
Jataka relief : Relief panel 128 has a sense strand Jataka story which tells the reincarnation of
the Buddha before it was born as a man named Prince Siddhartha Gautama . This story tends
to the incarnation of the Buddha as a noble animal to sacrifice. Jataka stories including apes
and bull story . Naughty ape like disturbing bull , but the bull silent. Wood nymph advised
bull to fight apes , but the bull refused for fear ape ape expel going from forests and disturbing
the peace of other animals . Finally, the forest goddess prostrate bull because bull attitude in
maintaining harmony and peace in the forest . Other Jataka tale is the sacrifice of an elephant
who dedicate themselves to be eaten by the starving refugees .

2. Level II
- Wall reliefs Gandawyuha : 128 panels
- Relief ledge J / Avadana : 100 panels Relief is possible to continue the life of the Buddha in
the past . Some scenes are known back among others present in the northwest corner , the
Bodhisattva incarnated as a peacock and was caught , finally give teachings.

3. Level III
wall reliefs Gandawyuha : 88 panels
This relief depicts a history of Buddhist Bodhisattva Maitreya as a candidate to come , is a
continuation of the story in the second level .


- People who diarcakan : Dhyani Buddha , Manusi Buddha and bodhisattvas .
- The number of statues : 504 pieces
Details of the location of the statue :
- At the level Rupadhatu are 432 statues , the size of getting to the top is getting smaller and
placed in niches , with details : Terrace I: 104 statues Terrace II : 104 statues Terrace III : 88
statues Terrace IV : 72 statues Terrace V : 64 statues
- At the level Arupadhatu are 72 statues of the same size and placed in a stupa , with details :
Terrace VI : 32 statues Terrace VII : 24 statues Terrace VIII : 16 statues
- At this level there are 432 Rupadhatu Dyani Buddha statues placed in niches in all directions of
the compass ie : Aksobya Dhyani Buddhas statue lies on the east side with a hand gesture
Bhumisparsamudra , Dhyani Buddhas statue Ratnasambhawa layout South side with attitude
Waramudra hand , Arca Dhyani Buddhas Amoghasidha lies on the North side with a hand
gesture Abhayamudra , Dhyani Buddhas statue balustrade Wairocana at level V with attitude
- In the stupa terrace I, II , and III are statues of Dhyani Buddha Vajrasattva with hand gesture
- Statue of a lion : 32 buahMenurut Buddhist lion is the vehicle at the time of the Buddha
ascended to heaven , a symbol of strength repellent evil influence to maintain the sanctity of
Borobudur .
Total stupa 73 1 piece of fruit with details of the main stupa , 32 stupas on the first circular
terraces , 24 stupas on the circular terrace II , and 16 stupas on the circular terraces III .
Stupa shape :
- Stupa hollow stem , without holes overlay
- Stupa in hollow circular terraces overlay : Hole stupa Rhomb on the first and second circular
terraces rectangular hole on the circular terraces stupa III
- The symbolic meaning overlay hole rhombus : In connection with the philosophy leading to the
degree of perfection - a symbolic meaning overlay rectangular hole : In connection with the
philosophy is simple or ? Perfect ? rather than the form of a rhombus are still relatively highway


Efforts made to create a zone of protection ( zoning ) in Borobudur temple site :
- Zone I area sacred , for the protection of monuments and archaeological environment ( radius
200 m )
- Zone II Zone archaeological tourist park , park facilities and to provide environmental
protection history ( radius 500 m )
- Zone III Zone land use with specific rules , to control the development of the area around the
garden tour ( 2 km radius )
- Zone IV Zone Protection historic area , for the treatment and prevention of damage to the
historical area ( radius of 5 km )
- Zone V Zone national archaeological park , for archaeological surveys on large areas and the
prevention of damage to monuments that are still hidden ( radius 10 km )
Zone I and Zone II is owned by the government . Zone I is managed by the Center for the Study
and Conservation of Borobudur , zone II is managed by PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur ,
Prambanan and Ratu Boko . In zone II is also available tourist facilities : Car parking , ticket
booth , information centers , museums , kiosks , and others . Zone III , IV , and V is owned by
the community , but their use is controlled by the local government .


Borobudur is one of the famous Indonesian assets even beauty in the eyes of the world to be one
of the wonders of the world. Since 1991 , Borobudur late listed as World Cultural Heritage by
UNESCO's 592 number. It is fitting we are keeping grandeur can still be seen by future
generations . Given that, it was imperative for the Government , management institutions , as
well as all aspects of the community council to take steps in the preservation, protection ,
utilization , management , and development of Borobudur. It is below we can do to keep the
Borobudur temple including :
1. Learn the history that we know it.
2. Perform restoration or realignment of historic buildings that have been damaged.
3. Disseminate information on the existing heritage.


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