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Pronunciation and spelling
Br.E. /hm/ Am.E. /hom/
Homophones: /
Homographs: (Home n., Home adv., Home adj., Home v.)

Word Class

n. (countable/
uncountable)- I stayed at home all evening.
Jamaica is home to over two million people.
Chicago is known as the home of the blues.
He is 43 and still living at home.
n. (countable)- She came from a violent home.
She has lived in a home since she was six.
Homes for sale and rent across the UK.
n.(uncountable)- The tiger's home is in the jungle.

Mike got home at five oclock.
She leaned on the floor and pushed the bolt home.
Their home life isnt very good.
I like traditional home cooking.
The home team won.
Most of their sales are in the home market.

Geese homing to their summer nesting grounds.

(Phrasal Verb)
The missile homed in on the target.
The investigators were homing in on the truth.

Home (v.)
Homes in- Each issue homes in on a single topic.
Homed in- The car homed in on me.
Homing in- Homing in on excellence.
Have homed in- They should have homed in on a different target.

Word formation
Affixation homeless

- Compounding: homecoming
home economics

home run
Home Secretary
home town
homeward (s)

- Conversion: home (n.)

home (adj.)

home (adv.)

Word frequency
- Home (n.): 257374

- Home (n.): W1-S1

- Home (adv.): W1-S1

1. The house, apartment or place where you live
2. The country or town where you live
3. The place where something was first discovered, made or invented
4. The place where you came from, the place where your parents live and where you grew up
5. Used to refer to a family living together, and the way it behaves
6. A building where people who need special care can live and be looked after, for example an old-peoples home or
a childrens home

7. A house, apartment etc. considered as property which you can buy or sell
8. The place where a particular group of people or type of plant or animal lives

1. To or at the place where you live
2. Into the correct position


1. Relating to or belonging to your home or family

2. Done at home or intended for use in a home
3. Connected with a team's own sports ground
4. Connected with your own country rather than foreign countries


1. Provide with, or send to, a home

2. (of an animal) Used to describe how animals can find their own way home by instinct

(Phrasal Verb)
1. To aim at something and move straight towards it
2. To direct your thoughts or attention towards something

Sense relations

Home (n.) = house, abode, birthplace, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, family, fireside,
habitat, almshouse, asylum, base, habitation, home base, home plate, homestead, hospital,
house, household, institution, menage, nursing home, place, residence, rest home, family,
household, homeland
Home (adj.)= domestic, interior, internal, national
Home (adv.)= at home, in, indoors, within doors, en famille
Home (v.)= domiciliate, house, put up, return

Home (adj.)= industrial, commercial, foreign
Superordinate hyponym
Home- rest home, nursing home, asylum, residence, flat, apartment, villa, vacation

Bedchamber, bedroom, sleeping accommodation, sleeping room, chamber,
dining room, dining-room, dressing room, family room (a recreation room in a
private house), front room, living room, living-room, sitting room, parlor,
Kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, hall
Polisemy see different meanings

The meanings of house in a visual thesaurus:


Come/ Go/ Arrive/ Return/ Get/ bring/ take home
Home and abroad= in ones own country and in other countries
Leave home
Stay at home
Fell at home
Residential/ Family/ Holiday/ Nursing/ Care home
Home affair= A thing that concerns
Home office= A room with a telephone, computer etc where someone works inside their own home
Home town
Home game=
Home secretary=
At home


1. Make oneself at home Comfortable and relaxed
Sit down and make yourself at home.
2. Close to home -(Fig.) Affecting one personally and intimately.
Her remarks were a bit too close to home. I took her
review as a personal insult.
- Having a direct personal effect on you
Her novel about a teenager's drug addiction hit a little
too close to home for my taste.
3. A home from home (British English)
(North American English a home away from home)
A place where you feel relaxed and comfortable as if you were in your own home.
The guests are made to feel that the hotel is a home from home.
4. Home is where the heart is
A home is where the people you love are

5. Home sweet home (often ironic)

Used to say how pleasant your home is (especially when you really mean that it is not pleasant at all)
6. Set up home (British English)
(used especially about a couple) to start living in a new place
They got married and set up home together in Hull.
7. When he's, it's, etc. at home (British English, humorous)
This phrase is an intensifier used to communicate the fact that one knows nothing about a particular person or
Who's she when she's at home?
8. Nothing to write home about
Not very good.
The concert was nothing to write home about.
9. Be home and dry (British English, informal)
Definitely safe or successful.
We will not be home and dry until the votes have been counted
10. Be home free (American & Australian)
To be certain to succeed at something because you have finished the most difficult part of it.

Once you leave the expressway and cross the bridge, you're home free - we're the third house after the bridge.
11. A home truth
If you tell someone a home truth, you tell them an unpleasant fact, usually something bad about themselves
(usually plural).
It's time someone told that boy a few home truths about his behaviour.
12. Hit/ Strike home
if a remark, etc. hits/strikes home, it has a strong effect on somebody, in a way that makes them realize what the
true facts of a situation are.
"I hope this message hits home!"
13. Bring something home to somebody
To make somebody realize how important, difficult or serious something is.
The sight of his pale face brought home to me how ill he really was.

Phrasal verbs
Home in on look form and meaning
to move towards (a target etc)


Example of collocation - home (n.)


Examples of use of the word home in online newspapers:


The Advantages Of Home Sharing

The March 29 article on home sharing ("Growing
Number of People Share Homes for Fun and
Profit") performed a valuable service, informing the
public about the advantages of home sharing.
Our matching program, Shared Housing for OneParent Families, operates out of the Women's
Rights Information Center in Englewood in Bergen
County. For over six years we have been matching
single parents with other single parents or with
singles or with seniors. We assist them in
arranging living together agreements that are
mutually beneficial, taking into consideration their
needs, preferences, habits, etc.

Navigation of Single Homing Pigeons: Airplane Observations

by Radio Tracking
Navigation of homing pigeons was investigated by tracking
their homeward flights from a light airplane. Released on
successive days from a single training point 35 miles (56
kilometers) from home, individual pigeons, each carrying a
transmitter, were repeatedly tracked back to their loft. No
two tracks covered the same ground for even short
distances, yet all tracks were within 10 miles of a straight
line. Results from further releases north and south of the
training point suggest that pigeons often use three methods
in sequence to find home: compass orientation, bicoordinate navigation, and orientation by familiar landmarks.
(From Science, http://www.sciencemag.org, 21 October

The advantages for single parents, who are

stressed with their jobs and the sole responsibility
for the children, are many: reduction of financial
burdens, sharing household tasks, exchange of
child care (or baby sitting by a single) and a good
support system.

The service is open to any Bergen County resident, and there are no income guidelines -- only a willingness to share
the costs and responsibilities of maintaining the home.
(From The New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/, April 26, 1992)





Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, www.macmillandictionary.com
Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, http://www.oxfordadvancedlearnersdictionary.com/
The Free Dictionary, http://www.thefreedictionary.com
Visual Thesaurus, http://www.visualthesaurus.com/
For Better English, http://forbetterenglish.com/


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