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Table of Contents

1 Panotour - Installation and registration.............................................................................................................................................................................................................1

1.1 INSTALLATION...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 REGISTRATION..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
2 Panotour - Prerequisites......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
2.1 FLASH CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................................................................................................................2
3 Panotour - Supported file format in input..........................................................................................................................................................................................................3
3.1 SUPPORTED FILE FORMATS.......................................................................................................................................................................................................3
3.2 EXIF DATA......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
4 Panotour - Interface.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
4.1 PRESENTATION OF THE INTERFACE.........................................................................................................................................................................................4
4.2 CUSTOMIZING THE INTERFACE..................................................................................................................................................................................................4
5 Panotour - Interface - Toolbar.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
5.1 Open project...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
6 Panotour - Interface - Main Window...................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
6.1 NAVIGATION...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
6.2 SELECTION.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
6.3 EDITING..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
7 Panotour - Interface - Hotspot Editor.................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
7.1 PRINCIPLE......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
7.2 HOTSPOT EDITOR INTERFACE....................................................................................................................................................................................................9
8 Panotour - Interface - 3D Editor........................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
8.1 PRINCIPLE....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
8.2 3D EDITOR INTERFACE..............................................................................................................................................................................................................11
9 Panotour - Interface - Tour Properties..............................................................................................................................................................................................................13
9.1 Set as default parameters.............................................................................................................................................................................................................13
10 Panotour - Interface - Quick Export................................................................................................................................................................................................................14
11 Panotour - Interface - History..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
12 Panotour - Project Properties..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................16
13 Panotour - Project Properties - Behaviour.....................................................................................................................................................................................................17
14 Panotour - Project Properties - Extra.............................................................................................................................................................................................................18
14.1 THUMBNAILS..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................18
14.2 THUMBNAILS STACK.................................................................................................................................................................................................................18
14.3 LOGO...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................19
14.4 PANORAMA LIST........................................................................................................................................................................................................................20
15 Panotour - Project Properties - Tour Build....................................................................................................................................................................................................21
16 Panotour - Panorama Properties....................................................................................................................................................................................................................22
17 Panotour - Panorama Properties - Pictures...................................................................................................................................................................................................23
17.1 SPHERICAL PANORAMA (360x180).....................................................................................................................................................................................23
17.2 PARTIAL PANORAMA (< 360x180)........................................................................................................................................................................................23
18 Panotour - Panorama Properties - Projection................................................................................................................................................................................................25
19 Panotour - Panorama Properties - View.........................................................................................................................................................................................................26
20 Panotour - Hotspot Properties........................................................................................................................................................................................................................27
21 Panotour - Hotspot Properties - Link..............................................................................................................................................................................................................28
22 Panotour - Hotspot Properties - Display........................................................................................................................................................................................................29
22.1 HOTSPOT POINT........................................................................................................................................................................................................................29
22.2 POLYGON HOTSPOT.................................................................................................................................................................................................................29
22.3 RECTANGLE HOTSPOT.............................................................................................................................................................................................................29
23 Panotour - Preferences....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................31
24 Panotour - Preferences - Performances.........................................................................................................................................................................................................32
25 Panotour - Preferences - Global......................................................................................................................................................................................................................33
26 Panotour - Glossary.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................34
26.1 FLASH ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................34
26.2 .SWF............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................34
26.3 Hotspot.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................34
26.4 .XML.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................34

Table of Contents
27 Panotour - Project Properties - Appearance..................................................................................................................................................................................................35


1 Panotour - Installation and registration

1. If you have already downloaded the software corresponding to your operating system, go directly to step 3.

2. Go to the link below to download the version corresponding to your operating system: Download Panotour

3. Installation:
Installation on Windows
Open the downloaded file (file .exe) and launch the installation.

Installation on Mac
Open the downloaded file (.dmg file), a virtual disk is displayed and shows a .mpkg format file.
Double click this file and follow the steps through the installation wizard.

Installation on Linux
Open the downloaded file (file .deb or .tar.gz) and launch the installation.

At this point, the installed version is the trial version of the software.
This version is not limited in time and all its main features are available.
The virtual tours created will show a "demo version" logo; you will not be able to publish them on internet.

You can only register your license if you have already purchased the software. To buy a Kolor software visit our online store.

After purchasing a Kolor software, you will receive an e-mail confirmation with your invoice in PDF format.
This invoice contains your license (username and registration key). These 2 elements are needed to register your software and to unlock the complete version:

1. Launch your software.

2. A welcome window containing information relating to the trial version appears.

3. Click on Register, a new window opens.

4. Enter your username and registration key in the required fields. You will find this information on your invoice or client account.

5. Click on OK, a message will warn you that your registration was successful.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation

2 Panotour - Prerequisites
2.1.1 Flash Player / Compatibility
Panotour allows users to create virtual tours in Flash format. In order to read the tours generated, your computer needs the Flash player.
Normally, it is already installed on your computer. If this is not the case or if you want to download the latest version for free, you can get it at this page: Download the Flash

Version 9 (minimum) of the Flash reader is needed for viewing the virtual tours. We still recommended that you use version 10 (onwards).
The management of 3D elements has greatly improved between the 2 versions, distortion effects may appear (slightly wavy straight lines) if version 9 is used.

2.1.2 Display locally (from your computer)

The Flash items (file .swf) are primarily intended for use on the internet, you need to configure the secured files to execute them locally, or from your computer and not from
the internet.
Indeed, some elements can be loaded only if you set one (or several) trusted folder, ie, allow to the folder(s) where you export your tours to load content items to completely
visualize the tour, to open URL links... etc.
The secured files can be configured from the web interface Global security settings panel.

Set one or several trusted folders

Select Toujours autoriser.

Then click on Modifier... on the drop-down list and select Ajouter... then Rechercher
un dossier. A file browser window will appear.
In the browser, select the folder to which you grant trust to the flash player (the folder
where you export your tours).
The selected folder is then added to the list of the interface in the white box (you can
renew the process if you want to set other trusted folders).

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation

3 Panotour - Supported file format in input

Panotour supports most image file formats:

The Grayscale color mode is not supported.

JPEG : No particular comment on this file format.

TIFF : 8 or 16bits.
PNG : 8 or 16bits.
PSD : No particular comment on this file format.
KRO : File Format for gigapixel images (which can't be saved in other formats because of their size).

Complete list of supported file formats


An Autopano panorama (Pro or Giga) contains EXIF data in its assembly.
This data especially sets the angular fields and is reinterpreted by Panotour Pro.
So, the angular fields are kept (they are identical to those of the original panorama).

When a panorama does not contain EXIF data, the angular fields are calculated based on one of 2 values (horizontal or vertical, depending on the image's ratio).
This calculation is applied to the following cases:
If the panorama uses an assembly software that is different from Autopano.
If the panorama has been changed between when it was created with Autopano and imported into Panotour.
If the panorama was exported with Autopano in a format that does not issue EXIF data (i.e. .png).
In these cases, a [!] icon (beside the horizontal and vertical fields) indicates that no EXIF data was found, in the Projection tab of the Panorama Properties.
The panorama viewed in the center window also has a
icon showing the same information.
This quickly lets us know what angular fields need to be verified and/or changed.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation

4 Panotour - Interface
The Panotour Pro interface is divided into 5 areas by default:
The Toolbar groups all of the Panotour essential functions.
The Main window lets you quickly visualize the entire project and select the various elements to edit.
The hotspot Editor lets you edit the graphics of the selected panorama. It also lets you add and change the hotspots.
The 3D Editor authorizes the setting of 3D navigation parameters in the final rendering.
The Tour properties, divided in 3 tabs, allow for the manual changing of selected properties or elements.

2 other windows are optional, the Quick export window and the History window. You can see them from the Display menu, which is explained later on this page.


You can organize the workspace as you wish.

To do this, you have to click on the title bar of a window and drag it out of its original location:
If you release your window while a gray box appears in the interface, the window that you have selected will be lodged in place of the grey area. A window fixed to
the main interface is called docked.
If on the contrary, no gray area appears when you release your window, it will be rendered floating, which means that it will no longer be geographically connected
to the rest of the interface. To render a window floating, click on the
icon on the title bar of each window.

You can also choose which windows will be visible / invisible in the View menu.
Checked windows are visible; the unchecked windows are not visible.
Thus, checking or unchecking a window will either make it visible or invisible in the interface.
By default, the following windows are visible in the interface:
Note that the customization of the interface does not affect the proper functioning of tools.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation

5 Panotour - Interface - Toolbar


Open project

Lets you open a file project (.kpt).


Save project

The virtual tour project files have the ".kpt" extension. The following choices can be accessed by clicking on the small arrow on the right of the icon:
Save the project
Save the project in the same place as the last update.
If this is the first time it is saved, Panotour launches "Save the project as...".
Save the project as...
Opens a folder browser so that you can give the project a name and indicate where it will be saved.
Save the project (extended) as...
Same function as "Save the project as...". Panotour also creates a file with the same name as the project and puts all the elements used to create the project here.
This is useful when you want to transfer your completed project on a third party support (USB key, hard disk, CD, etc.) so that you can open it on another


Close project

Lets you close a project (.kpt).



Lets you undo/redo editing actions.


Add panorama

Lets you add one or more panoramas to the current project. Panotour will display this panorama (or these panoramas) in the center window.


Build tour

Lets you export the virtual tour in flash format (.swf). Clicking on the small arrow to the right of the icon gives access to the following choices:
Build tour
Saves the virtual tour at the same location as the last backup.
If this is the first time it is saved, Panotour launches "Build tour as...".
Build tour as...
Opening a folder browser lets you select the location to save the virtual tour.


View last built tour

Lets you see the last imported project (providing you have associated the corresponding application in advance via your file browser).


Contextual help

Click on this icon to activate the tool. Click on the desired icon to view information regarding its use.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation

6 Panotour - Interface - Main Window

The central window lets you see the all elements of a project (panoramas, hotspots, links, etc.) and select them so that they can be edited.
The panoramas are represented as thumbnails, the hotspots as circles, triangles or squares (according to type) and the links between the panoramas as arrows.

The mouse wheel zooms in/out to change the size of items displayed.
Ctrl+0 (Windows) / Cmd+0 (Mac) lets you adjust the view to all the displayed items.
When the scene is not fully visible, it is possible to move in it with:
the scroll boxes.
the arrow keys.
the mouse (left click on the bottom of the scene to move with the mouse).
The name of the picture appears when you hover over it with the mouse.

Each selected item is squared in white (the hotspots are filled with gray to enhance visual contrast).
Select an element by clicking on it.
Hold down the Ctrl key (PC) / Cmd (Mac) key to select multiple items.
Ctrl+A (PC) / Cmd+A (Mac) selects all panoramas and hotspots.

Panoramas can be moved with a simple drag and drop.
The shortcut Shift+R to rearrange the window automatically.
To connect a hotspot to a panorama, select the hotspot and slide it towards the desired panorama:
This link is symbolized by an arrow (the arrow is only visible when the hotspot is selected).
All links exiting a Panorama appear when selected.
A panorama can be deleted via the contextual menu (right click on the panorama in question) or by using the Delete key.
Hotspots can only be deleted through the contextual menu in the center window (right click on the spot).

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation

7 Panotour - Interface - Hotspot Editor

The hotspot editor is the workspace that allows you to add hotspots and to adjust the field of view of the different panoramas.
A panorama is viewed in the hotspot editor when it is selected in the central window.


7.2.1 Toolbar

Click and drag the panorama to move the view of the preview.
This lets you select the hotspots (but they cannot be moved).
You can obtain a full screen by double clicking.

When the "space" key is held, the Select tool is automatically activated no matter what tool is currently being used.


Displays the full screen preview:

If the window is floating, it will use the screen to which it belongs.
If the window is docked, it uses a different screen from where the application is located (if possible).

Add polygon

Traces a hotspot defined by several points (3 minimum). Each click adds a point to the polygon being traced.
When the last point is close to first, the polygon is automatically closed and added as a hotspot to the panorama.
The traced lines automatically adapt to the deformations applied in the panorama. The outlines of objects distorted by the spherical projection will then be easily drawn.

Add rectangle

Same principle as the polygonal hotspot, limited to 4 points. The tracing of the 4th point is automatically oriented so that the polygon drawn is a perfect rectangle in the virtual
It has different properties from other hotspots and lets you display video content.
The points tracing order induces the orientation of the displayed object in the tour.
For a standard display, you must enter the first point at the top left and continue clockwise.

Add point

Each click adds a point type hotspot to the position indicated by the mouse.

Add Lens flare

Each click will add a lens reflection effect to the position indicated by the mouse.


Limits the visible area of the panorama to the final rendering.


Lets you select the previous panorama (according to the order in which the panoramas were added to a project).


Lets you select the next panorama (according to the order in which the panoramas were added to a project).

7.2.2 Display and edition area Display
The panorama selected in the center window displays here.
It is possible to zoom into the window via the mouse wheel and move in the edit box using the arrow keys.
These actions are also available when editing an item. Edition
To edit an element, the corresponding tool must be selected (from the toolbar).
When the elements can be edited they are yellow, when the can not be edited they are black.

When an element is editable, you can:

Adjust the position of a point by dragging and dropping.
Delete it via the contextual menu (right click) or with the "delete" key.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


8 Panotour - Interface - 3D Editor

Any item selected in the main window is displayed in the 3D editor.
The 3D editor displays a preview of the final scene so that you can edit its visual settings.


8.2.1 Toolbar


Lets you use a full screen.

If the window is floating, it will use the screen to which it belongs.
If the window is docked, it will use a screen different from that in which the application is found (if possible).

Set as default view (or Set as hotspot view)

Sets the default view for the selected item (panorama or hotspot):
Panorama default view will be used as a starting point for this panorama when viewing the tour.
Hotspot default view will be used to create dynamic transitions between the panoramas. This option is only available when only one hotpot (connected to an image) is
selected in the main window.
Position the desired point of view in the preview and then click the icon with the mouse to apply the setting.
Right click in the preview to select "Set as default view" (or "Set as hotspot view") in the contextual menu to apply.
The saved setting appears in the View tab of the panorama Properties.

Set as zoom max

Sets the desired maximum zoom level.

Position the desired maximum zoom level with the preview and the mouse wheel and then click on the icon to apply the setting.
A right click in the preview lets you choose "Set as zoom max" in the contextual menu so that you can apply it.
The saved setting can be seen in the View tab of the panorama Properties.
If the icon is dimmed, the "Limit the zoom to the image resolution" option is checked in the Zoom limits tab of the View tab.

Set as zoom min

Sets the desired minimum zoom level.

Position the desired minimum zoom level with the preview and the mouse wheel and then click on the icon to apply the setting.
A right click in the preview lets you choose "Set as zoom min" in the contextual menu so that you can apply it.


The saved setting can be seen in the View Panorama properties tab.


Allows you to select:

The previous panorama (according to the order in which the panoramas were added to the project)
The view of the previous hotspot (if the view is that of a hotspot)


This lets you select:

the previous panorama (according to the order in which the panoramas were added to the project)
the view of the next hotspot (if the view is that of a hotspot)


Lets you adjust the preview resolution quality level. The following choices are available when clicking on the small arrow beside the icon:
Low quality
Medium quality
High quality

8.2.2 Preview
The 3D editor window allows for a preview of each element of the final tour.
However, the hotspots are not visible and their zoom level limitations are not taken into account.
Only the effect of the cropping tool is visible (set in the hotspot editor).

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


9 Panotour - Interface - Tour Properties

The property windows affect all items selected from the central window. Some fields can be directly changed via the graphical tools previously presented.
If nothing is selected, these windows are inactive. When numerous elements are selected, the properties that differ are displayed in gray but can still be edited.

The tour properties are divided into 3 tabs, documented in 3 different parts:
The Project properties
The Panorama properties
The Hotspot properties
All of the tour property tabs contain tools that let you save or reset certain previously defined settings.
Not all of the settings can be saved. This includes the image size or angular fields because these parameters differ for each image.


Set as default parameters

Lets you save certain property settings from the current properties tab so that they can be used again for future projects.


Restore default parameters

Returns to the last saved state. At the first use, the parameters are set at the application's default settings.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


10 Panotour - Interface - Quick Export

The Quick Export window lets you directly export a panorama in flash format (.swf).
This results in a simple tour, without menus, that only lets you navigate a panorama.

Drag one or more images from the file browser into the quick export window.
The number of flash files (.swf) created corresponds to the number of source images provided.
The created file(s) have the same name as the source image without the extension and are saved in the same file.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


11 Panotour - Interface - History

The History lets you revisit any stage of your work regardless of the changes.

Clicking on a step will let you return to the step in which your work was found just after having implemented this step.

buttons let you navigate in the history.
Return to an earlier stage through the history. When you implement an action you will no longer have access to the previously available steps.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


12 Panotour - Project Properties

The Project properties in this window are applied to the whole project and are thus separate from the current selection.

The project properties window consists of the following 4 tabs:

The Appearance tab lets you set the tour's viewing options.
The Behavior tab lets you set everything related to the tour's animation.
The Extra tab lets you set the tour's graphics (thumbnails, logo, etc.).
The Tour Build tab lets you set the tour's export options.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


13 Panotour - Project Properties - Behaviour

First displayed panorama
Lets you define which panorama will be displayed when a tour is launched.

Start with auto rotation

Check or uncheck the box to start or not the tour with auto rotation.
Delay: Defines the waiting time (in seconds) between when the user is detected to be
inactive and the start of auto rotation.
Speed: Defines the rotation speed (in degrees/second).

Splash screen
Lets you choose an image that will be displayed while the tour is loading.
If a control template with a help button is selected in the Appearance tab, you can
choose the help image as the introduction image.
Duration: Defines how long the introduction image will be displayed (in seconds). A
duration of 0 seconds forces the displayed image to the first click of the mouse when

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


14 Panotour - Project Properties - Extra

The Extra tab contains a list of configurable elements that can be added to the tour.
If nothing is set in an item's options, this one will not appear in the tour.

This lets you enable a bar containing thumbnail previews of each of the tour's panoramas.
The bar can be reduced or enlarged with a tab visible in the visit.
Each thumbnail is connected to the corresponding panorama.

Check or uncheck this box to enable or disable the thumbnails.

The small box prompts you to select one of the window's sides. This is where the thumbnail bar will
be placed.
The green dot indicates the position of the bar in the tour's window.
Click on one of the other 3 dots to change the position.

Start open
If this box is checked, the bar will be opened with the tour is launched.
If this box is unchecked, the bar will be closed when the tour is launched. The bar
opens when the tab is clicked.

Close on actions
If this box is checked, the bar will shrink when a hotspot interacts with a thumbnail.
If this box is unchecked, the bar will close when clicking on the tab.

Lets you specify the number of thumbnail rows included on the bar. Keep in mind that each of the
tour's panoramas will have its own thumbnail.
This setting works in combination with the selected position.

This lets you define the width and the height (according to the selected position) of the thumbnail
bar in pixels (fixed size forced) or in percentage (the size of the display area of the virtual tour).

Display panorama name in tooltip

If this option is checked, the name of the panorama will appear on a tooltip on each thumbnail
when on mouseover.

Normal Border
Lets you define the size and the color of the thumbnails borders.

Highlight Border
Lets you define the size and the color of the thumbnails borders on mouseover.

Panorama order
This lets you define the order of the panoramas in the thumbnail bar.
This setting also affects the order of the panoramas on the panorama list.
Click on the name of the panorama and use the "Up" or "Down" buttons to change the order of the


This lets you enable a stack containing thumbnail previews of each of the tour's panoramas.
The stack spreads on click, then the thumbnails are placed on a grid over the tour.
Each thumbnail is linked to the corresponding panorama.


Check or uncheck this box to enable or disable the thumbnails stack.

The small box prompts you to select one of the window's corners. This is where the thumbnail
stack will be placed.
The green dot indicates the position of the stack in the tour's window.
Click on one of the other 3 dots to change the position.

Lets you define the spreading direction of the thumbnails stack.

Start open
If this box is checked, the thumbnail will be unstacked when viewing the tour.
If this box is unchecked, the thumbnail will be stacked when viewing the tour. Click on
the stack to open.

Display panorama name in tooltip

If this option is checked, the name of the panorama will appear on a tooltip on each thumbnail
when on mouseover.

Keep aspect ratio

If this option is checked, the optimal height will be computed to keep an aspect ratio to fit all the

Thumbnail size
Lets you defines thumbnails size when the stack is spread.
The thumbnail size is the half of this size when the stack is closed.
The height setting is disable if you already use to ?Keep aspect ratio?.

Normal Border
Lets you define the size and the color of the thumbnails borders.

Highlight Border
Lets you define the size and the color of the thumbnails borders on mouseover.

Panorama order
This lets you define the order of the panoramas in the thumbnail bar.
This setting also affects the order of the panoramas on the panorama list.
Click on the name of the panorama and use the "Up" or "Down" buttons to change the order of the

14.3 LOGO
This lets you add up to 5 logos that will be seen throughout the virtual tour.
The 5 available positions are the 4 corners of the tour and the nadir.
Note: If a logo is set on the nadir, it will be displayed on full spherical panoramas only.

Dropdown box
Lets you select the logo position.
Selecting a position display the corresponding settings below.

Use the
icon to open a folder browser. Here you can choose the image that you
want to use as your logo.
icon lets you delete the selection if it is not suitable. This does not influence the
source file in any way.

This lets you add an active link to an internet address.
The address has to be complete: http://www.my-website.com/

These boxes are used to resize the image used as a logo.


If the 2 values are null, the image will keep its original resolution.
If one of the 2 values is not null, the fixed value will be used as a base to calculate the
null value in accordance with the image's ratio.
If you add 2 values, Panotour Pro will force the values with the risk of distorting the
You can add these values in pixels (fixed size forced) or in percentages (the size of the
display area of the virtual tour).


This lets you add a list of panoramas that make up the tour. This list will be visible and accessible throughout the tour.

Check or uncheck this box to enable or disable the list of panoramas.

The small box lets you choose on which side of the window you want to place the list of
The green dot indicates the position of the list in the tour's window.
Click on one of the other points to change the position.

Panorama order
This lets you define the order of the panoramas on the panorama list.
This setting also influences the order of the panoramas on the thumbnail bar.
Click on a panorama name and use the "Up" or "Down" buttons to change the order of the

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


15 Panotour - Project Properties - Tour Build

The export parameters lets you set the way the visit will be generated and to also restrict its use to certain areas.

Pictures export
Always: Force the calculation of the images at each export.
Automatic: (default) Calculates the images automatically. At the first export, the
"always" function is used. Following the changes, Pantour may not calculate the
Never: Forces Panotour to never calculate the images.

Embed all data

Lets you choose if the flash file includes different tour elements (graphic elements, images, etc.) or
not. However, videos and sounds can never be included.
Use the
button for more details on how to use this option.
If the option is checked: all the data is embedded in the exported flash file.
The flash file is exported as name_of_project.swf.
The weight of the flash file is consequential to the elements included.
When viewing, all of the elements must be uploaded before you can browse
the tour (the upload is quite slow).
If the option is unchecked: all of the data is dissociated from the exported flash file.
The export is composed of a name_of_project.swf flash file and a
name_of_projectdata data file.
These two elements are closely related and should not be separated.
When viewing, the flash file will upload the elements it needs for the tour
from the data file; the tour will upload quickly.

HTML Template
This lets you export a HTML file including the virtual tour.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


16 Panotour - Panorama Properties

The Panorama properties are accessible when one ore more panoramas are selected. Changed parameters are applied to all selected panoramas.

The panorama properties window is made up of the following 4 tabs:

The Pictures tab lets you adjust the resolution of the exported pictures.
The Projection tab lets you set the Panorama's imported angular information and its output projection.
The View tab lets you set the panorama view in the tour.
The Name field defines the name under which the selected picture will appear in the virtual tour. You can change the name of the panorama here. This will not
influence the source file in any way.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


17 Panotour - Panorama Properties - Pictures

This tab contains settings used to adjust the quality of the pictures used to view the selected panorama in the virtual tour.
Depending on the panorama's fields of view, two scenarios are possible :


Compute optimal size
Automatically calculates a size that will use the input image's resolution best.

Cube face size

Defines the size of the cube faces used to build a 3D cubic panorama.

Max. preview size

The preview is a low quality version of the panorama that is viewed when the virtual tour is
launched. This version is viewed until the image is completely uploaded. You can adjust the quality

Cutting size
When an image exceeds the value specified in one of the sizes, a multi-resolution pyramid is
automatically generated to facilitate the progressive loading of the data.
This lets you specify a cutting size for the multi-resolution pyramid.
The 0 value will deactivate the multi-resolution.

Jpeg quality
Lets you define the Jpeg quality factor applied to the images when the tour is exported.
The bigger it is, the less visible the compression effects are. This will play a role on the weight of
the tour.

Nadir patch
This inserts an image on the nadir to overcome the shortcomings of the panorama (to hide the
tripod for example).
Use the
icon to open a folder browser. Here you can choose the image that you
want to use as the nadir patch.
icon lets you delete the selection if it is not suitable. This does not influence the
source file in any way.
Scale: This lets you define the size of the image inserted on the nadir. This is
proportional to the face of a cube.

17.2 PARTIAL PANORAMA (< 360x180)

Compute optimal size
Automatically calculates a size that will use the input image's resolution the best.

Partial panorama width

Determines the width of the panorama in pixels.

Max. preview size

The preview is a low quality version of the panorama that is viewed when the virtual tour is
launched. This version is viewed until the image is completely uploaded. You can adjust the quality

Cutting size
When an image exceeds the value specified in one of the sizes, a multi-resolution pyramid is
automatically generated to facilitate the progressive loading of the data.
This lets you specify a cutting size for the multi-resolution pyramid.
The 0 value will deactivate the multi-resolution.

Jpeg quality
Lets you define the Jpeg quality factor applied to the images when the tour is exported.
The bigger it is, the less visible the compression effects are. This will play a role on the weight of
the tour.


Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


18 Panotour - Panorama Properties - Projection

Input field of view
Specifies the selected panorama's angular view and to change it if needed. The 3D lets you see
the changes to these values.
Horizontal: Sets the horizontal angular surface surrounded by the panorama. This value
can be changed.
Vertical: Sets the vertical angular surface surrounded by the panorama. This value can
be changed.
Vertical offset: Sets the panorama's horizon. Shifts the panorama up or down the
sphere based on the respective positive and negative values.

An Autopano panorama (Pro or Giga) contains EXIF data in its assembly.

This data sets the angular fields and is reinterpreted by Panotour Pro.
So, the angular fields are kept (they are identical to those of the original panorama).

When a panorama does not contain EXIF data, the angular fields are calculated based on one of 2
values (horizontal or vertical, depending on the image's ratio).
This calculation is applied to the following cases:
If the panorama uses an assembly software that is different from Autopano.
If the panorama has been changed between when it was created with Autopano and
imported into Panotour.
If the panorama was exported with Autopano in a format that does not issue EXIF data
(i.e. .png).
In these cases, a [!] icon (beside the horizontal and vertical fields) indicates that no EXIF data was
The panorama viewed in the center window also has a
icon showing the same information.
This quickly lets us know what angular fields need to be verified and/or changed.
Changes to these fields will erase the indication icons.

Output projection
This lets us choose the type of projection used to display the panorama in the tour.
Display a spherical projection: (default) The panorama is shown in a sphere. This
creates the feeling of 3D immersion.
Display a planar projection: The panorama is projected onto a plan. This type of
projection is particularly suitable for panoramas with small fields of view.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


19 Panotour - Panorama Properties - View

This tab lets you determine the conditions of the user's navigation of the tour for the selected panorama.

Default view
Lets you set the panorama's default view
These values can also be changed with the help of the Set as default view option in the 3D editor.
Fov: Panorama zoom level.
Yaw: Horizontal offset in degrees from the panorama's center point.
Pitch: Vertical offset in degrees from the panorama's center point.

Zoom limits
This lets you limit the accessible zoom level during the viewing of the virtual tour.
These values can also be changed with the help of the Set as zoom max and Set as zoom min
options in the 3D editor.
These settings are not taken into account in the 3D editor.
Max: Maximum zoom level expressed as a percentage relative to a 90 angular field.
This box will be dimmed when you check "Limit the zoom to the image's resolution".
Min: Minimum zoom level expressed as a percentage relative to a 90 angular field.
Limit zoom to image resolution: Limits the zoom level to the panorama's resolution
during the viewing of the tour. If this option is checked, the Set as zoom max option in
the 3D editor will be deactivated.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


20 Panotour - Hotspot Properties

The hotspot properties window lets you give specific features to selected hotspots.

This window is divided into 2 parts:

The Link part, which lets you define what is connected to a hotspot when it is clicked.
The Display part, which lets you define what is displayed at the hotspot in the tour.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


21 Panotour - Hotspot Properties - Link

The "Link" group links the hotspot to an event that is triggered when clicking on it.
Assigning a link to a hotspot will not change its appearance.
Only one type of link can be specified per hotspot.

This lets you connect a hotspot to one of the tour's panoramas. This function has the same affect
as when a hotspot is connected to a panorama in the center window.
This link can be seen in the central window (an arrow links a hotspot to the panorama). If the link
has already been made in the center window, the name of the connected panorama shows here.
Transition: This lets you assign an animated transition to a link. Clicking on the list to
select one of the proposed transitions allows for different combinations according to the
panorama or hotspot default view parameters defined in the 3D editor.
The Yaw, Pitch and Fov define the default view of the connected panorama. These are
the same settings found in the Default view part of the View tab.

This lets you connect a hotspot to an internet address.
The address must be complete: http://www.my-website.com/
A combobox opens after validation (Enter key), the URL link will open accordingly to the
selected behaviour in the combobox.
Open in a new window
Open in a current frame in the current window
Open in the parent of the current frame
Open in the top-level frame in the current window

This lets you connect a hotspot to an object (image, video, sound, etc.).
Use the
icon to open a file browser. Here you can choose the file that you want to
use as the object.
icon lets you delete the selection if it is not suitable. This will not influence the
source file in any way.
The types of supported objects are:
Flash, animations (*.swf)
Position: This lets you place an object in the tour window.
The green dot indicates the position of the object in the tour window.
Click on one of the other 4 points to change the position.
Width/Height: This lets you change the size of the html page.
If the two values are null, the HTML page will take a third of the tour's size
(in width and height).
If one of the 2 values is not null, the fixed value will be used as a base to
calculate the null value in accordance with the image's ratio.
If you complete these 2 values, Panotour Pro will force these values but this
could distort the image.
These values can be added as pixels (fixed size forced) or as a percentage
(the size of the virtual tour's display area).

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


22 Panotour - Hotspot Properties - Display

The Display sub-site lets you replace a hotspot with an object of your choice. The dialogue box changes based on the type of hotspot.


For a hotspot point, the theme defined in the project properties proposes different types of hotspots. These hotspots can be fixed or animated (a sequence of images).
By default, these hotspots are the color of the theme but you can change their color regardless of the theme.

This lets you choose an object to be displayed instead of the hotspot point. By default, the hotspot
displayed is the neutral hotspot of the selected theme.
Map/neutral/info/direction/image: hotspots relative to a theme. By default, the list
contains 9 types of hotspots. These are 4 types available in 2 models: fixed and
animated (sequence).
You can create your own hotspots and integrate them into a software. For more
information see the Template page.
Other files: The type of objects supported are:
Flash, animations (*.swf)

Custom color
Check this option to activate the color option and to change the color of the hotspot. If this box is
unchecked, the hotspot will keep the color defined by the theme.
This option is unavailable if the type of hotspot is not part of a theme (Other files).
This lets you change the color of the hotspot (if the author authorizes it). When you click on the
color thumbnail, a color palette opens so that you can change the color of the hotspot.

This lets you resize the object.
If both values are null, the object will keep its original size.
If one of the 2 values is not null, the fixed value will be used as a base to calculate the
null value in accordance with the image's ratio.
If you add these 2 values, Panotour Pro will force these images. There is a risk that the
image will be distorted.
You can add these two values in pixels (fixed size forced) or as a percentage (the size
of the virtual tour's display area).

Info bubble
Sets a text that will appear in a bubble when hovering the hotspot with the mouse.


Only visible on over
Checking this option will make the hotspot only visible when hovering with the mouse.
If this option is unchecked, the hotspot will always be visible during the viewing of the tour.

Lets you define the contour color of the polygon.
Fill Color
Lets you define the color that fills the polygon.

Info bubble
Lets you define a text that will appear in a bubble when hovering the hotspot with the mouse.


The rectangle hotspot is a special polygon hotspot.
All images or videos associated with this hotspot will automatically be resized and directed so that it can be included in the rectangle.
This is an interesting feature that gives the illusion that the screen is a picture that is horizontally placed on a table.
The rectangle hotspot also lets you create a Flying hotspot: To do this, define an identical image in the Object field of the display and link frame for the same rectangular
When you click on a hotspot, the oject will move from its initial position towards the center of the screen in a fluid animation, instead of directly being shown on the screen.


Use the
icon to open a file browser. Here you can choose the file that you want to
display as an object.
icon lets you delete the selction if it is not suitable. This does not influence the
source file in any way.
The type of supported objects are:
Flash, animations (*.swf)

Only visible on over

Clicking this option will make the hotspot visible only when hovering with the mouse.
If this option is not checked, the hotspot will always be visible during the tour.

Lets you define the contour color of the rectangle.

Fill color
Lets you define the color that fills the rectangle.

Info bubble
Lets you define the text that will appear in the bubble when hovering the hotspot with the mouse.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


23 Panotour - Preferences
The Preferences window is found under the Edit/Preferences/... menu when using Windows and Linux systems. For Mac users, go to the Panotour/Preferences/... menu.

This window is divided into 2 tabs:

The Performances tab contains the settings relative to the use of system resources by Panotour.
The Global tab defines the internal software functioning options.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


24 Panotour - Preferences - Performances

Temporary folders
Determines the folder in which Panotour will save temporary files.
You can designate as many temporary files as you want.
The use of a file or other is dynamically based on the space available on the partitions involved and the
number of temporary files to generate.

Memory used
Defines the quantity of RAM will be available for the application.
The maximum is calculated based on the memory available when the application is launched.
The software must leave enough memory available to the system and other applications so that it can
continue to function properly.
The more memory available, the better the software will work.

Number of CPU
Defined by the computer used (default).
These settings can be changed.

Used to force a different language than the language the software system.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


25 Panotour - Preferences - Global

Viewing settings
Always export the current project before viewing: Checking this option will let you re-export
the project when clicking on the "View" button of the interface's toolbar.

Quick export settings

Automatic launch after export: Checking this option will let you automatically view the tour in
the flash reader by default. This is done after the export.

Used to force a different language than the language the software system.

Allows you to change the appearence of the interface. 2 choices are available:
Dark theme : Default
Light theme : lighter than the default theme

If checked, all the operations of the project are stored in the project file (*.kpt) as logs.
This information is readable by opening the project file in a text editor (Notepad / TextEdit ...).

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


26 Panotour - Glossary
26.1 FLASH
Adobe technology that lets you create and display animated content, such as virtual tours.

26.2 .SWF
Flash file extension. The virtual tours generated with Panotour are also called: my-virtual-tour.swf

26.3 Hotspot
An interaction area or point in the virtual tour that lets you: display another view included in the tour, open a web page, display an image, etc.
The hotspots are very important when creating complete virtual tours because they let you connect different views included in the virtual tour.

26.4 .XML
Configuration file extension that defines the options selected for the virtual tour.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


27 Panotour - Project Properties - Appearance

Lets you select a graphic theme for the virtual tour.
It defines a set of graphical resources (buttons, hotspots, menu elements, etc.), an overall default
colour, a default font and a colour for this font.

Lets you change the theme colour (if the theme's author authorizes this type of change).
Clicking on the color thumbnail will open a color palette so that you can change the theme color.
The theme colour will be used to colour the tour's hotspots and control elements.

The margin is the space (in pixels) that will be inserted between the edge of the tour window and
the elements making up the tour (map, buttons, etc.).

Controls bar
Template: Defines the elements displayed in the tour so that they can be checked
(navigation, zoom, full screen, self-rotation, help).
Lets you choose a control bar template.
Select a template to view a preview of it.
The color of the control elements is the same as the theme color.
Help images are proposed for the "help button"of the control models.
To select a personalized image, click on "Others...".

Contains the settings relative to the texts that may appear in your virtual tour, such as the Info
bubbles texts.

Progress bar
Selects the type of animation seen when loading the tour.

Technical Support / Panotour Documentation


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