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Fitzpatrick Continues Push for First Responder Protections from Health Care Law

first-lady-urges-marketing-healthy-food-to kids
Workers who smoke cost the U.S. economy an estimated $278 billion annually in
lost productivity due to absenteeism and incremental healthcare costs.
TARGET Dropping Health Insurance for Part-Time Workers
How Hitler used Universal Healthcare in Holocaust
Fmr Obama Admin Official and MA Gubernatorial Candidate: Broken Promises Don't
Matter, Obama Goal to Make Health Care a Human Right
Rep. Lee Terry: Healthcare.govAre Things Worse than They Seem?
Say, who's up for an update on two state governments, entirely controlled by
Democrats, who have completely fouled up their state health-insurance exchanges?
Who would make potential top seeds in the NCAA-style bracket of worst state
In Maryland, the blue-on-blue blame-shifting and finger-pointing in this year's
Democratic gubernatorial primary is going to be delicious:
Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Heather R. Mizeur on Monday called
the rollout of Maryland's online health insurance exchange a "debacle"
and said the General Assembly needs to "step in and make it right."
"Our current situation has been a twin failure of leadership being
asleep at the wheel when the program was being designed and then
overpromising that everything was fixed when it wasn't," said Mizeur, a
state delegate from Montgomery County.
She became the latest member of her party to pointedly question the
leadership of Gov. Martin O'Malley's administration on the project,
which has been overseen by Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown, a leading
Democratic candidate for governor.
Meanwhile, members of the state's Congressional delegation are asking if it's too
late to scrap the state exchange for now and switch everyone over to the federal
exchange website:
U.S. Rep. John Delaney (D-Dist. 6) of Potomac continued on Monday to
press Maryland officials to switch to the federal health insurance
exchange while the state system is being fixed.
The state exchange, where individuals facing a federal mandate to
have health insurance can find coverage, has been plagued by delays
and inefficiencies since opening in October. The state system had
signed up 18,257 Maryland residents as of Dec. 28, 2013, about 12
percent of its March 31, 2014, goal of 150,000 enrollees.
Apparently this is a real option: "On Friday, Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) told reporters
at a press briefing that he remained open for the state to move to the federal
exchange, even if just in part or on a temporary basis, according to the Associated
Meanwhile, in Minnesota:
Minnesota's legislative auditor said Monday that probes are needed to
detail all the problems at MNsure, and find out why troubles that

blocked people from getting health insurance weren't identified more

The federal government has backed MNsure with about $150 million in
grants including about $70 million spent during the 12-month period
that ended in June, Nobles said. The size of the expenditure last year
automatically triggers an audit, Nobles said, adding that the review is
scheduled to begin Tuesday.
Nobles said he's also planning a review of IT security measures on the
MNsure website, and wants to launch a third probe of the overall health
exchange project. The investigation would look at MNsure's contracts
with software vendors, the effectiveness of the agency's management
as well as its governance structure, Nobles said
About 1,000 applicants were told in late December they'd have to
delete their applications and start over. Another 1,100 applications
were lost in the system and required rescue from computer limbo.
Remember, these are both states with Democratic governors and Democratic
majorities in both houses of their state legislatures. There's no way to blame this on
Republicans -- not that our friends on the left won't keep trying.
fearing insufficient youth-sign-ups.
Congrats to Megan McArdle and Scott Gottlieb for their Obamacare debate victory!
Aetna could be forced out of Obamacare: CEO
administration-fears-part-health-care-system-so-flawed-it-could-bankrupt insurers
MOODY'S downgrades health insurers on Obamacare
Swedes buy insurance to skip long health queues
"TERRORISM" Obamacare confusion reigns as frustrated patients walk out of
hospitals without treatment
Rasmussen: 58% Expect Health Care To Cost More Under Obamacare
The nuns Obamacare contraception lawsuit isnt about religious freedom
The Hill: House GOP to demand regular ObamaCare updates
'They had no idea if my insurance was active or not!': Obamacare confusion reigns
as frustrated patients walk out of hospitals without treatment
oregon-mother said she cant-afford-obamacare-for-herself and 1-year-old-son
obamacare-contractor-blamed for slow-medicare-payments to hospitals

First-time health insurance purchasers may soon slam into the wall of reality when
they learn their new Obamacare plans come with several expensive out-of-pocket
costs, a fact which, reports Politico's David Nather, has Obama administration
officials nervous.
Michael Moore breaks from left to decry Obamacare as awful
Of the three major networks, only NBC ignored a major new study with a dire
warning about ObamaCare: The President's health care law will likely make things
worse in emergency rooms, not better. CBS investigated the story on
Thursday's Evening News and Friday's This Morning. ABC allowed a mere 20
seconds on Good Morning America, but still beat NBC's silence.
dems-calling-for-extended ObamaCare enrollment
Charleston Voice: California doctors revolt against Obamacare; 70 percent say they
will boycott
aca success stories
sotomayor-gives-hope-to-obamacare-foes seeking religious-freedom
alabama-mom-shares-devastating-experience-with obamacare
Obamacare could be stopped immediately if the insurance companies pulled-out of
the exchanges per Ross Schriftman
Obamacare patients socked with huge cash bills flee hospitals - Washington Times
ObamaCare and the Law of Unintended Consequences
The Blue Shield Song; (You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me Blue Shield)
Roadblock to Health Care Reform
CMS Official: We Dont Know How Many People Have Paid for Obamacare
Hearing: Healthcare. gov Still Not Secure - Testimony on Capitol Hill further exposed
security flaws within the Obamacare health insurance exchange on Thursday,
concluding that the website is more vulnerable now than ever.
Obamacare Equal Coverage Rule Delayed Until After Elections
GOP feigns outrage over Obamacare costs - This piecepublished in the Inquirer, of
courseis based on speculation/rationalization and, to the degree to which anyone
in the GOP would subscribe to any accommodation, it would be the RINO-subset.
Feds Release Details of Urgent New Healthcare.gov Contract - Newly released
documents reveal the anxieties of the Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS) about Healthcare. gov, which warn that failure to finish the website puts the
entire health insurance industry at risk.
Magic Johnson Assisted with Obamacare
Another ObamaCare deadline delayed - The administration will extend the PreExisting Conditions Insurance Plan (PCIP), slated to end January 31, until March 15.

S. 1726 [ObamaCare Bailout Prevention Act] introduced by Senator Marco Rubio will
protect taxpayers from the ObamaCare bailout.
Remember some insurance companies lobbied FOR ObamaCare. You shouldnt
have to pay for the disaster they supported.
forget-keep-your-plan-website; obamacare-taxes-are-worse
2014: Obamacare Puts Down Roots for the Long Haul
Rasmussen Poll: Obamacare Opposition Reaches All-Time High
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) plans to file a lawsuit Monday against the Office of
Personnel Management over its policy permitting lawmakers and Hill staff to receive
Obamacare subsidies for their health plans.
Will Insurers Ever Say Enoughs Enough To Obamacare?
Vermont plots course for single-payer health care system
ObamaCare like every other left-wing program was a fraud, peddled on a
mountain of lies
roberts-protected-obamacare-again by failing to honor an emergency stay request
from the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons, Inc. and the Alliance for
Natural Health USA. They asked the chief justice Friday to temporarily block the law,
saying Congress had passed it incorrectly by starting it in the Senate instead of the
House. Revenue-raising bills are supposed to originate in the lower chamber. They
also wanted blocked doctor registration requirements they say will make it harder
for independent non-Medicare physicians to treat Medicare-eligible patients.
Congresswoman: No plan to fight Obamacare subsidies fraud, security breaches
79% of Obamacare Enrollees Qualify for Subsidies
Disabled family dumped from insurance plan
79% of Enrollees Draw Subsidies
Leno: 'American Hustle - a Film About the Marketing of ObamaCare'
Youth Participation LOW
uninsured may be unreachable

'Basic Economic Principle' Debunks ObamaCare Claim - CNN reported in October,
Obamacare is expected to increase patient demand for medical services. Combine
that with a worsening shortage of doctors, and next year you may have to wait a
little longer to get a doctors appointment.
byron-york feels democrats-will-pay-political-price-for-obamacare
Obamacare Medicaid Split Creates Two Americas for Poor
Young People Pummel Obamacare Ads on The Daily Show
Street Journal and Washington Post all front stories this morning on fresh concerns
about who's signing up for health insurance under ObamaCare. Michael D Shear and
Robert Pear write in the NYT: "People signing up for health insurance through the
Affordable Care Act's federal and state marketplaces tend to be older and
potentially less healthy, officials said Monday, a demographic mix that could
threaten the law's economic underpinnings and cause premiums to rise in the future
if the pattern persists. Questions about the law's financial viability are likely to
become the next line of attack from its critics, as lawmakers gear up for the
midterm elections this fall. Republicans quickly seized on the government's progress
report on Monday as evidence that the health insurance law would not work. But
administration officials expressed optimism that more young people would sign up
in the months ahead, calling the latest enrollment numbers 'solid, solid news' for
the health care law."
REPUBLICANS apparently have no appetite for another fiscal battle over Obamacare
- Hill Republicans are starting to whip up their wish lists for the debt limit battle later
this year. Missing from many of those lists: Obamacare. The debt limit will have to
be hiked sometime between late February and early June, depending on various
government estimates. But congressional Republicans from across the ideological
spectrum are already skeptical of trying to extract concessions from Democrats on
the Affordable Care Act - a dynamic that triggered an unpopular government
shutdown last fall."
South Carolina Seeks to Ban State Money Being Used for Obamacare
Rep. Terry (R-NE) Blasts Obama Admin Opposition to Obamacare Transparency Bill
91% of Congressional Staffers Worried About Obamacare
Democrat: Obamacare Will Bury Democrats in 2014
IRS can't afford to implement Obamacare without sacrificing other priorities

Whether its big government or big insurance companies, both have the wrong
people making decisions for the medical needs of beneficiaries. The cost of
healthcare is so out of the reach of average people today, that the arguments of
libertarian-minded independents that we should let the individual fend for
him/herself if they want to, is unrealistic. No individual making $100,000 or less can
afford to pay for the course of treatment for any number of illnesses that make up
the experience in the U.S. Today. I gladly surrender to the actuaries to work out the
mortality rates for life insurance, which is a shared risk worked out in the private
sector without the help of big government, except for regulatory and oversight
functions. These are not the same folks that I want second-guessing physicians, any
more than I want liberal democrats doing it.
Obamacare Death Debt: States can Seize your Assets to recoup Medicaid Costs
1. Young Adults are Underrepresented
2. Obamacare Plans are too Expensive with Taxpayer Subsidy: In
Pennsylvania, 76 percent of enrollees that selected a plan were eligible for
premium subsidies. Nationwide, 79 percent of exchange enrollees qualified
for taxpayer subsidy. Thats a good indicator that Obamacare exchange plans
are far from "affordable."
3. Despite a December Surge, Enrollment is Behind Expectations
4. Signing Up is Still a Headache: Janet Bernheisel from York purchased a
Highmark plan on December 19th, but Highmark hasnt been able to accept
her payment. Janet isnt alone, Jeanne Patterson from Drexel Hill couldnt use
her new Independence Blue Cross policy when she went to the ER with
stomach pains on New Years day.
5. Insurance Plan Cancellations Overwhelm New Enrollments:
jimmy-kimmel spoofed obamacare
County signs up prison inmates for Obamacare
41k Canadians flee country over healthcare system
Obamacare not selling because it doesnt meet needs of middle class
Sen. Cruz: We Need to Make DC Listen. We Need to Stop the Harms of Obamacare.
leno said american-hustle is a film-about-marketing-obamacare
jimmy-kimmel-savaged-obamacare-and-uninformed-young-people-who-support it
Ads Attacking on Health Law Stagger Outspent Dems...
Dem Rep. Jim Moran expressed his growing fear over the fate of ObamaCare
warning of a death-spiral.
obamacare-victim: nevada-woman-waits-115-days-for-insurance
John Legend Shills for ObamaCare, Admits He Won't Use It
5 Ways Obamacare Is Ruining Lives
Celebrity Chef Moved to Tears by Biden, Obamacare

[5 Takeaways from Rachel Rays Schmoozefest with 2016 Frontrunner Joe Biden]
Obamacare Real Enrollment: Just 1.7% of Uninsured Covered
Obamacare Enrolled Millions in Health Care, but It Is Still Only Loved by Democrats
As the White House continues its victory lap after claiming to enroll more than 6
million Americans in the Affordable Care Acts insurance exchanges, a survey finds
that only one in four Americans supports President Obamas signature domestic
achievementa new low.
Many Happy With Decision To Pay Obamacare 'Penalty'
Covered California Help Closed for Cesar Chavez Day... on O-Care Deadline
Sebelius Rendered Speechless After Hearing Oklahoma's Opposition to ObamaCare
Signing Up for Obamacare Not So Easy-Peasy
L.A. Times Cooks the Books as Obamacare Deadline Hits
Politico Gives Obamacare Enrollment 'A-' Grade
No Mention of Kathleen Sebelius in President's Obamacare Speech
Obama Rips Critics In Deeply Partisan Obamacare Speech
White House Claims 7.1 Million Obamacare Enrollments; How Many Previously
Uninsured Have Paid?
DNC Chair Can't Name What She Would Fix With Obamacare

In recognition of the [faux?] 3/31/2014 deadline, to be provided herein is a set of

hyperlinks exclusively focused on ObamaDontCare; they have been accrued over
the past -year, but havent been viewed as priority-items when compared with
those that were disseminated episodically. Nevertheless, they are perceivable [when
categorized] as carrying an aggregate-impact reflecting the gravity of BHO has
done; the graphics serve to enhance key-facets thereof [as if anyone needs to have
been reminded of them]. Editorialization regarding how the end justifies the
means abounds, for it permeates the Dem-agenda; that is why the 14/ 16
election-cycles are so crucial [notwithstanding other concerns, particularly those
that are increasingly obvious regarding Foreign Policy] if America is to retain its
Exceptionalism beyond.
They have been preserved in myriad formats, to be conveyed in a somewhat raw
fashion; initially, categories that are invoked are as follows: The Big Lie,
Registration, Lack of BHO/Sibelius Meetings, Operational Problems, Security, Cost,
Taxes, Economy, Jobs, and The Empire Strikes Back! Know also that, while
researching this issue last-summer, I was fed myriad documents that have been
coalesced into HR 2300 [Yes, Virginia, there is a Republican plan to replace
ObamaDontCare [c/o Tom Price].
The Big Lie: If you like your health plan and your doctor, you can keep
Kathleen Sebelius Concedes More May Lose Healthcare
Sebelius Asks Americans Frustrated by ObamaDontCare to Come Back
70% of ObamaDontCare Enrollees Are In Medicaid
Only 7000 Enroll in ObamaDontCare in Illinois
Washington Post Falsely Reports 365,000 Have Purchased ObamaDontCare
five things the media arent telling you about todays ObamaDontCare numbers
1. ObamaDontCare Is at Less Than 30% of Its Stated Goal:
2. ObamaDontCare Has Likely Increased the Number of Uninsured:
3. ObamaDontCare Is Only Enrolling People Who Were Already Insured
4. The Real Enrollment Number Is Probably Less Than 150,000
5. ObamaDontCare Is Hurting Millions to Help Thousands

The Lack of BHO/Sebelius Meetings

In many respects, this is a side-show, but it does reflect an overall attitude that
once the bill had been signed and approved by the SCOTUSnothing else truly
mattered; BHO controlled 1/6 of the economy. A Government Accountability Institute
study found only a single meeting between Sebelius/BHO recorded on any White
House calendar or log during the three years after the passage of the bill. As
Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Government Accountability Institute
President Peter Schweizer noted on Fox Newss Hannity, though, the White House
visitor logs showed that Sebelius only went to the White House for social functions
with dozens or hundreds of people. While discussing this Blockbuster Report
on Hannity, he claimed, if BHO met with Sebelius and left the meetings off the
books, Sebelius would be the only cabinet secretary whose meetings with the White
House had been concealed. [The Government Accountability Institute report found
that, since ObamaDontCare was signed on March 23, 2010, Obama met with
various Cabinet secretaries a total of 277 times, but his presidential schedule did
not document a single one-on-one meeting with Sebelius. There was, though,
one instance of Secretary Sebelius meeting jointly with the President and Secretary
of the Treasury Timothy Geithner.] Pat Caddell concluded BHOs Failure to Meet
with Sebelius Showed Inexperience, and Fox & Friends hosts were speechless that
BHO/Sebelius had never met one-on-one.
Presser Jay Carney claimed the two met regularly, albeit Off the Record, but
provided no details regarding scant interactions, claiming that cabinet secretaries
do not get frequently entered into the visitors logs; this enhanced the question as to
whether they had met. Because the White House had dissembled rather than
having been forthcoming, SCHWEIZER and Rush Limbaugh concluded Obama Didnt
Meet with Sebelius Because He Doesnt Care, and he opined that the infrequency of
meetings reflected Obamas lack of compassion toward those hurt by the healthcare
law. In reaction, the HHS released a statement indicating that Sebelius has been to
the White House countless times since becoming Secretary.She is frequently at
the White House for meetings related to the implementation of the Affordable Care
Act, including dozens with the President in the last year alone. In fact, she met with
the President just yesterday, an HHS spokesperson said, scrambling to defend
against this revelation.]. NBCs Peter Alexander and ABCs Jonathan Karl Pressed
Carney for any details but, ultimately, the Most Transparent Administration In
History Shrouded Obama-Sebelius Calendar In Secrecy. As a result, BHO the Admin
was Under Fire for Selective Release of Data and for Secret Sebelius Meetings. [The
media may be tiring of BHO selectively releasing ObamaDontCare data that gets to
the heart of nothing, but makes the program look like it is much more popular than
it likely is. For instance, BHO claimed that, between Sunday and Friday,
Healthcare.gov enjoyed 3.7 million visits.]
Politico Destroyed the White House Claim of Secret Obama-Sebelius Meetings
[When Barry Met Kathy: Almost Never, It Turns Out], publishing an update
dismantling White House claims that BHO-Sebelius had held dozens of unrecorded
one-on-one working meetings over the last three-and-a-half years leading up to
ObamaDontCares unveiling. It found that, Either the president was derelict in his
duty beyond comprehension in not meeting with the cabinet secretary in charge of

remaking one-sixth of the American economy, or he indeed did meet frequently with
Sebelius, which only begs another question.
REP. PHIL GINGREY (R-GA.), whos running for the Senate, questioned Sebelius about
how often she met with Obama leading up to the botched ObamaDontCare rollout.
Gingrey wrote At the heart of these conflicting accounts are-yet again-the issues of
transparency and accountability, or lack thereof. President Obama and Secretary
Sebelius must provide taxpayers more answers about who in the administration
knew what, and when he or she knew it. When officials received warnings of
problems, how high up the chain of command did they go? When questioned,
Sebelius became Flustered. In any case, BHO-Sebelius Metone day after the GAO
Report had emerged; that was the only specific date that either HHS or the White
House mentioned while claiming Sebelius and Obama regularly meet.
Operational Problems Persist
Paper Application Removed From Website
Sebelius: Obama Admin Still Hand-Matching Applicants with Insurance Companies
Hill staffers warned not to rely on info from ObamaDontCare exchange
HealthCare.govs Mysterious New Number: 834 - With the website working better
on the consumer front, attention has turned to whether insurance companies are
actually getting enrollment information what tekkies call 834 data.
As HealthCare.gov Rebounds, New Glitches Hit Medicaid Enrollments Enrollees
who dont qualify for Medicaid are being told they do, and processing delays could
keep some who are eligible for Medicaid out of the program in early 2014.
Test Run No. 2: HealthCare.govs Invisible Health Plans - Performance issues
continue to dog the federal governments updated health care marketplace. Live
chat helper: Yes, others are experiencing the same problem.
eight-ObamaDontCare-exchanges-could-reveal-user-names and passwords
CT Insurance Exchange Spends $75K on Murals
Missouri School District Hit With $150,000 Bill for ObamaDontCare
Oregon spends $300 million, signs up just 44 people

The Vox Challenge: ObamaDontCare v. The CBO - Get used to this ad, America.
The Human Tragedy of ObamaDontCares Job Losses

The Empire [of Dems] Fights Back!

Sebelius pushes back against GOP critics
Dem Rep. Schakowsky Praises Sebelius

HHS Cannot Find Belarus Malware in ObamaDontCare Networks - The Department

of Health and Human Services says it has been unable to locate malicious software
from Belarus inside ObamaDontCare computer networks, according to a
department spokeswoman.
WFB Video: Live By the CBO, Die By the CBO

This week the Congressional Budget Office, which played a major role in the way the
administration sold the Affordable Care Act aka ObamaDontCare, released a report
finding President Obamas signature law will reduce hours worked by the equivalent
of 2.5 million jobs.
The Obama administration announced Monday its delaying part of the
ObamaDontCare employer mandate for a second year, exempting mid-size
businesses until 2016 and giving big businesses more time to ramp up to full

coverage. Its the latest move to counter a torrent of criticism from the business
community about the health laws impact on employers. The Treasury Department
said employers with fewer than 100 workers wont have to provide health care to
their workers in 2015.
Byron York, Washington Examiner: ObamaDontCare will reduce incomes of most
Ryan Ellis, Americans for Tax Reform: How Many Jobs Might ObamaDontCare Cost
Your State?
White House: Its a Good Thing That ObamaDontCare Will Drive 2.5 Million
Americans Out of the Workforce
Chris Cillizza, The Washington Post: The Worst Headline for Democrats This Year
ObamaDontCare enrollees hit snags at doctors offices. A quote from the article
from Danielle Nelson, a cancer patient desperately trying to find an oncologist in her
Covered California plan shows the personal tragedy of the law: Im a complete fan
of the Affordable Care Act, but now I cant sleep at night, Nelson said. I cant
imagine this is how President Obama wanted it to happen.
The AAPS lawsuit challenging ObamaDontCare is now one step below the U.S.
Supreme Court in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
south-carolina-set-block-implementation of ObamaDontCare
12-year-old-girl-denied-weight-loss-surgery for rare-illness
Dr Ben Carson: Doctors Didnt Sign Up To Become Government Employees
Obamas America: More Than One in Three Millennials Live With Parents
Federal Health Market Surpasses 1 Million Signups
Connecticut Requires Health Insurers to Cover Gender Change Surgery
Nearly 16,000 Iowans ObamaDontCare Applications in Limbo
AARP should apologize for ObamaDontCare
Obama ratings fall over health care problems
Errors Continue to Plague Government Health Site - Flaws Include Missing
Customers and Inaccurate Eligibility Determinations
New Yorks Cultural Elite Blindsided By ObamaDontCare
With Affordable Care Act, Canceled Policies for New York Professionals
The price of doing business with the government
Low Latino Enrollment Hurting California ObamaDontCare Exchange
White House and HHS Create New ObamaDontCare Chaos
HealthCare.gov Contractor Rejects Illegal Obama HHS Request to Withhold
Subpoenaed Documents from Congress

Congressman Tom Price Wants to Take Obama to Court

White House Presses the Panic Button on ObamaDontCare
The Terrorists, Socialists, and Con Men Behind ObamaDontCare
Man Claims Harassment From Telemarketers After Signing Up For ObamaDontCare
Expanded Medicaids fine print holds surprise: payback from estate after death - As
thousands of state residents enroll in Washingtons expanded Medicaid program,
many will be surprised at fine print: After youre dead, your estate can be billed for
ordinary health-care expenses. State officials are scrambling to change the rule.
Washington ObamaDontCare Taking Customers Money Earlier than Authorized
judge-jeanine-crushes-kathleen sebelius [ focused on Sebelius astonishing move to
mimic Hillary Clinton by asking her own inspector general to examine the failed
rollout, focusing on those dastardly contractors who let her down. Does anyone
think that investigator will even interview Sebelius let alone find any fault with her
The penalties for uninsured are not very high in 2014 [$95 per person (up to a
family maximum of $285, or 1 percent of family income, whichever is greater)], but
the penalty will increase more than sevenfold in the next two years, with the fine
running as much as $695 per person by 2016. The family maximum would be as
high as $2,085 (or 2.5 percent of family income, whichever is greater).
Obama Administration Knew of Healthcare.gov Security Risks Before Launch
Documents provided to the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform
reveal that the Obama administration knew of security vulnerabilities within
Healthcare.gov prior to Oct. 1, but launched the website anyway.
Poor Minorities Disproportionately Shut Out from ObamaDontCare Options
ObamaDontCare Timeline: What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?
Theres No ObamaDontCare Comeback Yet. - JOHN FUND: Serious questions remain
about ObamaDontCare implementation.
Obamas Iraq. - RAMESH PONNURU: The Affordable Care Act is an administrationdefining failure.
Confidential ObamaDontCare Navigator training manual uploaded online
Issa: ObamaDontCare ineptness puts lives at risk
REPORT: Navigators caught lying, encouraging patients to lie
Fiasco for Senators Wife
Team Sebelius seeks media help
OBAMADONTCARE NAVIGATORS. The House Oversight and Government Reform
Committee is expected to release a report Monday indicating ObamaDontCare
navigators, people responsible for helping consumers enroll for ObamaDontCare,
are not required to undergo background checks. ObamaDontCare navigators have
already given consumers faulty information and have encouraged consumers to
commit tax fraud:
Navigators have been giving enrollees misinformation, the documents indicate,
according to the Breitbart report. The documents also suggest navigators have also

put consumers health, social security numbers, yearly income and other tax
information at risk.
Documents call into question the effectiveness of the Navigator program and the
Obama administrations ability to safeguard consumer information, the committee
report concluded.
Some ObamaDontCare navigators, the report says, encouraged consumers to
commit tax fraud by underreporting income in order to qualify for
ObamaDontCares health insurance subsidies.
UNINSURED. The Heritage Foundation explains the steps necessary to help the
Level the playing field. People who arent offered health insurance through their
workplaces deserve to be treated the same as those who do get coverage at work.

To fix this, Heritage has suggested a tax credit or tax deduction that would be the
same for everyone. This would help offset the cost of insurance, making it more
Get coverage and keep it. Many people become uninsured because they lose a job
or change jobs. Heritage proposes making insurance policies more personalso
that you can keep your policy, even if you change jobs. That way, your policy stays
with you, even in an uncertain economy.
These two ideas would bring vast improvements over the health insurance market
we have known. And they would go a long way toward helping people affordand
keephealth coverage.
Ten HealthCare. gov Commenters Who Will Make Your Jaw Drop
Untrained navigators tell people to lie
Congresswoman: Require Feds to Disclose Security Breaches on Healthcare.gov
Showdown: Darrell Issa to Meet with Sebelius on ObamaDontCare Security
Insurers Say ObamaDontCare Website Problems Remain - Missing files arent the
only problem to plague the data transfer process either. Many of the applications
are being transmitted, but with inaccurate data. Insurance industry sources tell The
New York Times that those problems still remain-and that the administration is
overstating the progress thats been made.
One Week Until ObamaDontCare Enrollment Deadline
SEBELIUS: Yes, you will pay more
45 States Still Havent Hit 10% of Enrollment Goals
Fewer Than 800 in Delaware
Hospital Admissions Weakest in Decade
Last-Minute Health-Site Enrollment Proves a Hard Sell for Insurers
White House lifts mandate for people whose insurance was canceled


14th change to law without Congressional approval...
PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK: New security concerns for Healthcare.gov
DC to push ObamaDontCare on youth waiting to buy Air Jordans
Sexy makeover
ACA changes drive insurance companies crazy
What You Dont Know About ObamaDontCare Could Cost You Your Identity
House Report: Ill-Trained ObamaDontCare Navigators Encouraging
Jeopardizing Private Info


REPUBLICANS RUSH TO THE RIGHT ON OBAMADONTCARE, HEARTENING DEMS Republican Senate candidates are shackling themselves to hardline antiObamaDontCare positions as they fend off challenges from the right, a dynamic
thats made it difficult to lay out nuanced health care plans. Its delighting
Democrats, who say their candidates will be able to talk about fixes and solutions,
while Republicans continue to toe the repeal-at-any-cost line. Republican pollsters
warn that its hard to paint many of the current GOP incumbents as not antiObamaDontCare enough, and that it could backfire on opponents who try. Of
course, the longer ObamaDontCare remains in effect, the harder it will be to repeal
in its entirety anyway. But the question of how to replace the health law is barely
getting lip service in GOP primaries so far:
applications for the ObamaDontCare exchanges have created a virtual mountain of
work for Serco, the contractor hired by CMS to handle them. But so far, theyve all
been processed in real time - about three to five business days - according to the
administration. CMS has processed all paper applications received by the end of
November, and by the end of the week we will have notified those consumers via
mail, email or phone calls about their next steps to complete enrollment, said
spokesman Aaron Albright.
ISSA-HHS CLASH ESCALATES - A high-profile clash between Rep. Darrell Issa (RCalif.) and the Obama administration escalated Friday, with Issa accusing HHS of
pressuring contractors not to cooperate with his investigation into HealthCare.gov.
The companies, CCSI and MITRE have turned over the documents Issa requested,
but not before the Oversight Committee chairman said HHS had been illegally
pressuring them. HHS has argued that it cant trust Issa to protect the secrecy of
sensitive documents. On Friday, Issa said the administrations campaign to gag the
companies broke the law.
--HealthCare.gov was taken down for extended maintenance from midnight until
8:30 a.m. on Sunday. Thats a bit longer than the typical 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. off-peak
period tech officials have been using to make repairs to the much-improved system.
Pros Susan Levine reports: The agency that oversees the website within the
department said in a blog post earlier today that it had nearly resolved major
problems involving the back end of the system and the data files that must be
transmitted from HealthCare.gov to insurers so that coverage can be issued. Nearly
15,000 consumer applications were missing these 834 forms from October through
early December, but an analysis pegged the percentage of missing forms at 0.38

percent between Nov. 24 and Dec. 5, down sharply from 15 percent for a two-week
period in October.
Sebelius took to the pages of the Dallas Morning News on Sunday to defend
ObamaDontCare navigators and decry efforts by Republicans to stifle, intimidate
and impugn the reputation of people helping Texans get covered. With so many
Texans lacking affordable coverage, now is not the time to be putting up roadblocks.
We should be helping navigators and other assisters in their important work, not
demonizing, demoralizing or deterring them, she wrote.
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius swung through Miami Friday to tout the states
enrollment efforts in the federal ObamaDontCare exchange. Floridas enrolled more
people than any other state relying on HealthCare.gov, even Texas which has a
larger population. In a blog post, Sebelius described a trip to the Miami Dade Library
to chat with people who had signed up. If you dont have health insurance, or dont
like what you have, I want to invite you to shop for a new affordable plan in the
Marketplace, like Marcelo, Mick and Nancy, she said, naming residents she met
who had obtained coverage.
got 2,649 enrollees and more than 1,000 of them are in the 55-64 age bracket.
Another 600 are ages 45-54. And in the coveted young invincible category of 18-34?
517 enrollees. Other stats: the vast majority of enrollments were in mid-level
silver plans, and about 80 percent of enrollees are in line to obtain premium tax
HAWAII MAY TURN EXCHANGE INTO STATE AGENCY - Hawaii lawmakers are eyeing a
U-turn on the states ObamaDontCare efforts. After standing up the states
exchange as an independent nonprofit, theyre looking at converting it into a state
agency, a nod to the dismal start to its enrollment efforts, the Honolulu Star
Advertiser reports. Pressed by lawmakers, the Connectors interim executive
director Tom Matsuda revealed that the organization needs to sign up 50,000 people
- 10,000 individuals and 40,000 small business workers - this fiscal year in order to
be sustainable by the end of 2014, when $204.3 millon in federal grants expire,
according to the report. http://bit.ly/1c361nV
the Christmas season with more warnings about the peril of ObamaDontCare. Sen.
Pat Toomey, in the weekly GOP address, ripped the health law as a wholesale
government takeover before offering an outline of familiar GOP alternatives: Giving
individuals the same tax credits that employers receive for offering health
insurance, pooling small businesses to lower costs and making it easier for
insurance to be carried across state lines. We should offer some hope and good
cheer. The truth is there are good reasons for hope, if we can just change direction,
Toomey said.

Doctors: ObamaDontCare Pushing Puerto Rico Further Into Social Welfare State
WSJ: ObamaDontCare Site Still Plagued with Errors
HHS extends more ObamaDontCare deadlines
Democrats Face a Day of ObamaDontCare Reckoning - Their votes for the law in
2010 are going to be very hard to defend in 2014.
Backdating ObamaDontCare - A last-minute HHS rule orders insurers to pay for the
laws blunders.
Trainwreck: White House Issues More Frantic ObamaDontCare Deadline Extensions
Sen. Pat Toomey delivered Weekly GOP Address on how ObamaDontCare is hurting
acs endorsed ObamaDontCare
Sebelius Testifies: The ObamaDontCare Enrollment Hub Has Worked Beautifully
from Start to Finish
Aetna will not reinstate or extend individual health insurance plans that are being
canceled with the advent of the U.S. Affordable Care Act because the time frame is
too short.
AMAC: Doctors Dumped From Rolls of Medicare Advantage Providers Due to
ObamaDontCare Ad Spending Blitz Begins As Website Improves
Thousands of HealthCare.gov sign-ups didnt make it to insurers.: Enrollment
records for close to 15,000 HealthCare.gov shoppers were not initially transmitted
to the insurance plans they selected, according to a preliminary federal estimate ...
[T]he figure is one of the more concrete measures of the data errors that have
plagued the back-end of HealthCare.gov and challenged the Web sites ability to
notify health-insurance providers when a new member enrolls in their products.
Those digital files are known ... as 834 transmissions, and they have become the
focus of much attention since insurers noticed some arriving with flaws or in
Health sign-up slow to attract Latinos: The lack of a Spanish application form and a
shortage of counselors hamper the California exchanges effort,
Wisc. Gov. Walker Pushing Plan to Sidestep ObamaDontCare
ICD 9: International Medical Coding and Legal Execution Brought Under
belgian senate approved measure-allowing-doctors-to-euthanize-children

U.S. government lobotomized roughly 2,000 mentally ill veteransand likely

hundreds moreduring and after World War II, according to a cache of forgotten
memos, letters and government reports unearthed by The Wall Street Journal.
Politifact has performed the flip-flop of the year when this Fact-checking
organization named their Lie of the Year, and its bad news for the White House
and the Affordable Care Act: Obama health care promise was named Lie of the
Congress should repeal the price controls of the automatic Clinton-Gingrich
sustained growth rate (SGR) cut in Medicare physicians fees that was enacted in
1997. Each year, Congress has delayed it, meaning that the following years cut,
according to the formula, is more draconian, explains the Association of American
Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). The 2014 cut under SGR would be 24.4%. Since
most doctors overhead is 50% or more, a doctors actual payment might be zero
or he might have to pay to work.
Thousands of HealthCare.gov sign-ups didnt reach insurers...
south-carolina-voting-on-bill-to-end-ObamaDontCare-in-state five things the media
arent telling you about todays ObamaDontCare numbers
1. ObamaDontCare Is at Less Than 30% of Its Stated Goal:
2. ObamaDontCare Has Likely Increased the Number of Uninsured:
3. ObamaDontCare Is Only Enrolling People Who Were Already Insured
4. The Real Enrollment Number Is Probably Less Than 150,000
5. ObamaDontCare Is Hurting Millions to Help Thousands
Challenger Blasts Lamar Alexanders Refusal to Join Ted Cruz and Defund
Call Gov. Corbett and tell him NO Medicaid expansion for ObamaDontCare!
Illinois Tax Dollars and Jobs to Implement ObamaDontCare Heading Overseas
Attempts to Expand Federal Power -- Report No. 2: ObamaDontCare
About 260,000 people enrolled in ObamaDontCare exchanges in November,
according to official data released Wednesday. Thats more than double the paltry
October sign-up rate but the low number still underscores HealthCare.govs
protracted technical problems. That brings the total since enrollment started Oct. 1
to about 365,000 people in both the federal HealthCare.gov exchanges and the
state-run exchanges.
Op-ed: ObamaDontCare is a disaster - WE NEED TO REPEAL ALL OF THE
Mike Lee: Lack of Meetings Between Obama and Sebelius Inexcusable
No, ObamaDontCare Is Not a Conservative Idea
college-students-arent-signing-up for ObamaDontCare because they thought it is
ObamaDontCare-now-directing-unqualified people to Medicaid
Dem Rep. Schakowsky Praises Sebelius
Washington Post Falsely Reports 365,000 Have Purchased ObamaDontCare

Ben Carson: Doctors Risk Becoming Government Employees
states-begin-to-move-to-nullify-ObamaDontCare, which would-gut-the-program
brit-hume-crushes-ObamaDontCare-with-one-question, devastating-answer
Taxpayers Shell Out $14,000 per ObamaDontCare Enrollee
Krauthammer: January Is Going to Be a Train Wreck for Obama
Issa Accuses Obama Admin. of Criminal Obstruction
Rep. Issa accuses HHS of criminally obstructing probe into ObamaDontCare website
Jay Leno: Nobody Wants ObamaDontCare
Sebelius Claims ObamaDontCare Data Hub Has Worked Beautifully
Michigan Wont Require Abortion in Basic Insurance Policies
Exclusive: Rep. Gingrey to Ask Sebelius for Dates of Obama Meetings
Revelations about ObamaDontCare burgeon and, in the interest of time, they will
be categorized; the key action-item is to determine the degree to which damage
can be limited, perhaps via state-level action. [south-carolina-voting-on-bill-to-endObamaDontCare-in-state]. Polling shows 4 in 10 would rather pay a fine than buy
health insurance and Uninsured Americans are Souring Most on ObamaDontCare.
Exhibiting Orwellian behavior that recalled a scene in Blazing Saddles [when
Cleavon Little threatened to shoot himself unless opponents to his being a Black
sheriff relented], Sebelius has now demanded that an investigation be conducted by
the Inspector Generalinto the development of her own website!
Ted Cruz considers this an Attempt to Expand Federal Power [--Report No. 2:
Cruz Releases Report Slamming Presidents Lawless Acts in Implementation of
About 260,000 people enrolled in ObamaDontCare exchanges in November,
according to official data released Wednesday. Thats more than double the paltry
October sign-up rate but the low number still underscores HealthCare.govs
protracted technical problems. That brings the total since enrollment started Oct. 1
to about 365,000 people in both the federal HealthCare.gov exchanges and the
state-run exchanges.
Ben Carson: Doctors Risk Becoming Government Employees
House Republican leaders, eager to wrap up their legislative year Friday, want to
vote on a budget plan late this week. If the Ryan-Murray compromise is not passed
before the weekend, aides say, it would give potential opponents more time to
pressure conservative lawmakers - and unhappy Democrats - to block it.
NYT, NBC Reporter Laughs Off Reporting of Exploding ObamaDontCare Deductibles
Directors of 3 State Health Exchanges Resign

New York Times: ObamaDontCares More Expensive than Obama Claims

Ezekiel Emanuel: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More Under ObamaDontCare
ObamaDontCare Insurance Workaround Reveals Law that Remains Unfinished,
Unaccountable, and Unworkable - The latest tweak reveals how much of the health
laws basic architecture is still incomplete.
dick-cheney-ripped-obamas-health-plan-promise: it-was-a-lie-it-was-deliberate.
Patients to lose meds?
New Affordable Care US health plans will exclude top hospitals
Emanuel: Want to keep your doctor? Pay for it!
ObamaDontCare Designer: You Can Probably Keep Your Doctor...If Youre Willing to
Pay a Lot More
REPORT: Health law could force thousands of volunteer fire departments to close
Patients to lose meds?
in The Medicaid Time Bomb that 1.46 million of about 1.6 million Americans enrolled
in ObamaDontCare have actually signed up for Medicaid. If that trend continues, it
could bankrupt both federal and state governments Already Social Security,
Medicare and Medicaid account for 48% of federal spending. Within the next few
years, those three programs will eat up more than half of federal expenditures.
Journos Press W.H. on Secret Sebelius Meetings
John Harwood Laughs Off Reporting of Exploding ObamaDontCare Deductibles
Obama Blames Republicans for ObamaDontCares Rollout Woes


Emails: Officials held back on small-biz ACA delay

JUST A PR PROBLEM? ObamaDontCare architect: Need big campaign for success
1 in 4 ObamaDontCare site signups could have errors
California health exchange shares data without permission
George Will: Highly Amusing That Obama Admits Trouble Running Big Government
Ezekiel Emanuel: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More
David Gergen: Report on ObamaDontCare Prep Shows No One in Charge of White

ObamaDontCare Website Users Say Site Led Them to Phishing Page

Colin Powell: America Needs Socialized Medicine
Reids Insurance Jumps $4,500 Under ObamaDontCare
Scam Targets D.C. Health Exchange
It was never about Healthcare, it was and is about Socialism....maybe if Sebelius
only played golf????
70% of-california-doctors-wont-participate-in-ObamaDontCare
byron-york: voters-are-finished-believing-ObamaDontCare-promises
President Obama, Insurance Salesman
A quarter of uninsured ready to face ObamaDontCare fine
Insurers wary of Obama administration claims about back-end website fixes
We have also been told that the sites error rate was .077 percent, the response
time averaged under a second, and a whopping (and improbable) 93% of
consumers did come back later after they were asked to due to the site being too
As The Hill points out, though, that data is all hollow happy talk that tells us nothing
about what really matters. What the White House refuses to disclose, or claims it
doesnt yet have the data to disclose, just happens to be the information that will
tell us if ObamaDontCare is or is not working:
The Obama administration is selectively releasing data and metrics on
ObamaDontCare to bolster its case that the rollout is going better in the month of
Tidbits of information from federal health officials especially figures that show
improvements at HealthCare.gov have become a key tool in the effort to reboot
the law in the eyes of the public.
But the limited nature of the releases has created conflict with the media and put
the spotlight on outstanding areas of concern for the rollout, such as the enrollment
sites back end.
The White Houses definition for an enrollee is to blithely change the definition of
the world enrollee to someone who has not yet enrolled, but has only selected an
insurance plan and placed it into a shopping cart. Studies show that the
abandonment rate for shopping carts is 67%.
Up till now, though, the media have breathlessly reported enrollment numbers
spoon-fed to them by the White House without doing any of their own independent
reporting to find out how many have actually enrolled. Maybe those days are
coming to an end.
The Hill points out the other vital metrics the White House has thus far not released:
Since late October, federal health officials have touted traffic to the site, error rates
and page load times almost daily in an effort to illustrate positive changes.
Enrollment figures are only discussed monthly, and leaked sign-up numbers are not
confirmed. Vital information for judging the growing risk pools, such as applicants
ages, goes undiscussed.

The administration appears to have largely chosen data over anecdotes as the most
powerful way to communicate site improvements to the media.
The metrics released are difficult to independently verify, but provide easy
headlines and talking points for anxious supporters of the Affordable Care Act,
including congressional Democrats.
While we are sure to be hit with all kinds of selective data leaks before the end of
the year that are only meant to make ObamaDontCare look successful, The Hill
reports that a number that will not be released until the end of the year is a
breakdown of those who are truly enrolled -- in other words, those who have
actually paid for a premium.
The fact that the White House always has positive data that sounds good but means
nothing, but never the data that matters, has raised the suspicions of the American
people from the beginning. It is good to know now, that after two-plus months of
this Administration Hustle, the media has apparently had enough.
Media Tires of White Houses Selective Release of ObamaDontCare Data
Apparently the media is growing tired of the White House selectively releasing
ObamaDontCare data that gets to the heart of nothing but makes the program look
like it is much more popular than it likely is.
We now know that Sebelius was warned in April that Healthcare.gov was behind
schedule and would not be ready in time to be properly tested for a national rollout. We have also been told that the president was caught completely off guard by
the sites collapse, and that his first hint that there was a problem came a few days
after the site launched.
If the two met frequently, as the White House now claims, that just doesnt add up.
How is it that Sebelius met frequently with the president but never once warned or
informed him about the potential for catastrophe?
Cruz: Reid Decision To Exempt Staff From ObamaDontCare Latest Example of
Washington Disconnect
Dont Worry About the Price Tag Song Wins ObamaDontCare Video Contest
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has been working
tirelessly to sell ObamaDontCare to the young and healthy, whose participation in
the program will subsidize care for older, sicker individuals rendering this age
group indispensable to the program.
Many ObamaDontCare Enrollees May Still Be Uninsured Because of Glitches
Federal Agency Wastes Taxpayer Money on Unproven Mental Health Treatments
The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) and the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will sponsor the December 4
Alternatives 2013 conference in Austin, TX. A few organizations encourage people
with mental illnesses to stop medication and use natural remedies, which are not
proven to work.
Marylands Director Of ObamaDontCare Exchange Resigns Amid Failure,
Young Adults, Low Income Least Familiar with Healthcare Reform
Schweizer: Ignorance No Excuse for Colossal ObamaDontCare Failure
On Friday, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Government Accountability
Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer said ignorance should never be an excuse
for the ObamaDontCare rollout, which he called a colossal failure.

require the people who are to facilitate the placement of insurance in the
ObamaDontCare Exchanges to register with the PA Insurance Dept., go through a
criminal background check, and undertake minimal training in PAs privacy laws, the
Affordable Care Act and how their role differs from that of a licensed insurance
the-hidden-marriage-penalty-in-ObamaDontCare the atlantic
Wow: Team Obama Turned Down Free Offer to Build O-Care Website - Blew a $1
Billion Instead
Poll: Women, Hispanics in CA Abandoning Obama over ObamaDontCare
RNC: Obama Lied, His Millennial Support Died
Young People Rejecting ObamaDontCare
Poll: 52% of Young Adults Want Obama Recalled, 57% Oppose ObamaDontCare
Physician warns chaos for doctors
O calls on bartenders to host happy hours
Forget About Price Tag video wins grand prize
HARVARD POLL: Few uninsured say theyll sign up
Obama Wants Bartenders to Host Happy Hours for ObamaDontCare
Harry Reid: ObamaDontCare Costs Me About $4,500 More
Howard University Students Talk About ObamaDontCare
Senator Landrieu: I Would Vote For ObamaDontCare Again
The Medias Lying About ObamaDontCare Enrollment Numbers
Former Rep. Mike Kreidler (D-Wash.), the Washington state insurance commissioner,
testified on Wednesday that the administrations proposal to allow people to keep
their existing coverage wont work.
If ObamaDontCare is overturned, a Case Western law professor gets the credit
Sick of ObamaDontCare? Weve Got Something Different
New Poll: The Politics of the Millennial Generation

New York ObamaDontCare Exchange REFUSED to cover children under 2 (until the
media takes an interest)
OCare Website Hidden Source Code Says Users Have No Reasonable Expectation of
29K enrollment-wave in two days on healthcaregov
Rush Limbaugh predicted that ObamaDontCare will cause the divorce rate in the
U.S. to increase.
Fox News Sunday: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY); former Obama administration health care
advisor and the University of Pennsylvanias Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel
JW Sues Obama HHS to Obtain Early ObamaDontCare Enrollment Records
ObamaDontCare Site Sending Incomplete Data for Medicaid Enrollment
Polls Show Americans Oppose HHS Abortion Mandate
Abortion Covered in ObamaDontCare Health Plans for Congress, Staff
ObamaDontCare website for Congressional staffers crashes
Dont Worry About the Price Tag Song Wins ObamaDontCare Video Contest
Obama: Im Holding Every Cabinet Member Accountable
The Medias Lying About ObamaDontCare Enrollment Numbers
REID: You Can Keep Your Plan!
GOP Objective: Keep Focus on ObamaDontCare
State exchanges hitting data snags
Krauthammer: Obama Administration Is Running the Insurance Companies Like
Errand Boys
Krauthammer: ObamaDontCares Survival Will Require A Huge Bailout of the
Insurers Worry Last Weeks Fix Undermines the Fundamental Structure of the Law
Feds Not Required to Disclose if HealthCare.gov Is Hacked
Insurance Illiteracy Huge Among Target Demo...
...Just 14% Understand Insurance Lingo
Report: Only 5-10% of O-Care Enrollees Have Paid
Showpiece California ObamaDontCare Program Failing
Judicial Watch Asks Court to Invalidate Unconstitutional ObamaDontCare Power
Breitbart/JW Poll: Majority Skeptical ObamaDontCare Will Lower Costs
AARP should apologize for ObamaDontCare
Obama ratings fall over health care problems
Washington ObamaDontCare Taking Customers Money Earlier than Authorized
judge-jeanine-crushes-kathleen sebelius [focused on Sebelius astonishing move to
mimic Hillary Clinton by asking her own inspector general to examine the failed
rollout, focusing on those dastardly contractors who let her down. Does anyone
think that investigator will even interview Sebelius let alone find any fault with her

Gingrey to Sebelius: Prove You Met with President About ObamaDontCare

OFA Vid Shows Parents How to Talk ObamaDontCare at Christmas Dinner
Obama launches holiday-themed healthcare website
Microsoft Exec To Oversee Healthcare.gov: Photoshop This! - Yesterday we found out
that former Microsoft executive Kurt DelBene is the new man at the helm of
government Titanic Healthcare. gov. And thats just part of the picture. The
president is meeting with all kinds of tech giants, including Apple, Google, and
AT&T, trying to figure out some way, any way, to right the ship. Weve had fun with
ObamaDontCare photoshops here at RedState before, so we figured, why not have
some more fun? I mean, theyre really begging for parody at this point, arent they?
Parody video of all the things ObamaDontCare wants to give us for Christmas.
ObamaDontCare Security: If your personal info is hacked from the Healthcare.gov,
the government doesnt have to tell you.
Women Driving Newfound Opposition to ObamaDontCare
Report: ObamaDontCare Having Chilling Effect on Business

Morning Jolt
. . . with Jim Geraghty
December 23, 2013
Happy ObamaDontCare Deadline Day! The News Is Still Bad
Youve got to pick a plan by the end of today (and send in that payment!) to make
sure you have health insurance for the coming year.
Say, AP, hows that going?
As a key enrollment deadline hits today, many people without health
insurance have been sizing up policies on the new government health
care marketplace and making what seems like a logical choice: Theyre
picking the cheapest one.
Increasingly, experts in health insurance are becoming concerned that
many of these first-time buyers will be in for a shock when they get

medical care next year and discover theyre on the hook for most of
the initial cost.
The prospect of sticker shock after Jan. 1, when those who sign up for
policies now can begin getting coverage, is seen as a looming problem
for a new national system that has been plagued by trouble since the
new marketplaces went online in the states in October
Hospitals are worried that those who rack up uncovered medical bills
next year wont be able to pay them, perpetuating one of the problems
the new health care system is supposed to solve.
The Affordable Care Act doesnt actually make care affordable.
To celebrate, Senator Joe Manchins calling it a meltdown:
President Barack Obamas healthcare law could have a meltdown
and make it difficult for his Democratic Party to keep control of the U.S.
Senate next year if ongoing problems with the program are not
resolved, a Democratic senator said on Sunday.
Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who has urged delaying a
penalty for people who do not enroll for health insurance in 2014 under
the law, told CNN that a transitional year was needed for the complex
healthcare program, commonly known as ObamaDontCare, to work.
If its so much more expensive than what we anticipated and if the
coverage is not as good as what we had, youve got a complete
meltdown at that time, Manchin told CNNs State of the Union
It falls of its own weight, if basically the cost becomes more than we
can absorb, absolutely.
And look at the poll result that Obama gets to unwrap this week!
Support for the countrys new health care law has dropped to a record
low, according to a new national poll.
And a CNN/ORC International survey released Monday also indicates
that most Americans predict that the Affordable Care Act will actually
result in higher prices for their own medical care.
Only 35% of those questioned in the poll say they support the health
care law, a 5-point drop in less than a month. Sixty-two percent say
they oppose the law, up four points from November.
The uninsured remain persistently difficult to reach -- almost as if they dont care
nearly as much about obtaining insurance as they say to pollsters:
Despite White House and state efforts to promote the Affordable Care
Act, some people still dont have health insurance or any idea how to
sign up for it.
Take Corryn Young, a 32-year-old dental hygienist in Fort Collins,
Colorado. She knows she needs to get health insurance but is a little
vague on the details.
What my income would qualify me for, when I need to be signed up,
what type of deductibles they have to offer - that kind of stuff
overwhelms me, she says.
There are people available to help Young with all those questions. The
White House has set aside more than a quarter of a billion dollars
nationally to pay navigators to give people face-to-face help buying
coverage and applying for new subsidies to make it more affordable.

But all the effort had netted about 23,000 customers for private
insurance in the states marketplace as of Dec. 14 -- only about 17
percent of the way to the states goal of enrolling 136,000 people by
the end of March.
In Maryland, theyre having a blue-vs.-blue Christmas:
Maryland gubernatorial candidate Doug Gansler is incensed over the
botched rollout of Affordable Care Act. Hes aghast at chronic problems
with Marylands online enrollment platform and stunned that a state
with literally the smartest people in the country would have hired a
company from North Dakota, of all places, to help put its exchange in
place. The whole spectacle, Gansler fumes, is almost like a Saturday
Night Live skit.
The punch line: Gansler, Marylands current attorney general, is a
With his popularity dropping, Obama seems to be distancing himself from his
signature legislation.
Even the Sexiest Man Alive cant make this unpopular, unworkable law appealing.
pandering-president-channels-christie - The Presidents first yule-tide message, after
all, was a tweet of a 20-something male in onesie pajamas, asking us to drink hot
chocolate and discuss health care (see above), that garnered a biting response
from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to get out of your pajamas and get
volunteering (see below).
Nullification could be used to get rid of ObamaDontCare.
Why Obamacare is a Fantastic Success
By Wayne Allyn Root

>> There are 2 major political parties in America. Im a member of the nave,
stupid, and cowardly one. Im a Republican. How stupid is the GOP? They still dont
get it. I told them 5 years ago, 2 books ago, a national bestseller ago (The Ultimate
Obama Survival Guide), and in hundreds of articles and commentaries, that
Obamacare was never meant to help America, or heal the sick, or lower healthcare
costs, or lower the debt, or expand the economy.
The GOP needs to stop calling Obamacare a train wreck. That means its a
mistake, or accident. That means its a gigantic flop, or failure. Its NOT. This is a
brilliant, cynical, and purposeful attempt to damage the U.S. economy, kill jobs, and
bring down capitalism. Its not a failure, its Obamas grand success. Its not a train

wreck, Obamacare is a suicide attack. He wants to hurt us, to bring us to our

knees, to capitulate- so we agree under duress to accept big government.
Obamas hero and mentor was Saul Alinsky- a radical Marxist intent on destroying
capitalism. Alinkskys stated advice was to call the other guy a terrorist to hide
your own intensions. To scream that the other guy is ruining America, while you
are the one actually plotting the destruction of America. To claim again and again
in every sentence of every speechthat you are saving the middle class, while
you are busy wiping out the middle class.
The GOP is so stupid they cant see it. There are no mistakes here. This is a planned
purposeful attack. The tell-tale sign isnt the disastrous start to Obamacare. Or the
devastating effect the new taxes are having on the economy. Or the death of fulltime jobs. Or the overwhelming debt. Or the dramatic increases in health insurance
rates. Or the 70% of doctors now thinking of retiring- bringing on a healthcare crisis
of unimaginable proportions. Forget all that.
The real sign that this is a purposeful attack upon capitalism is how many Obama
administration members and Democratic Congressmen are openly calling Tea Party
Republicans and anyone who wants to stop Obamacare terrorists. Theres the
clue. Even the clueless GOP should be able to see that. They are calling the
reasonable peoplethe patriotsthe people who believe in the Constitutionthe
people who believe exactly what the Founding Fathers believedthe people who
want to take power away from corrupt politicians who have put America $17 trillion
in debtterrorists?
Thats because they are Saul Alinsky-ing the GOP. The people trying to purposely
hurt America, capitalism and the middle classare calling the patriots by a terrible
name to fool, confuse and distract the public.
Obamacare is a raving, rollicking, fantastic success. Stop calling it a failure. Here is
what it was created to do. It is succeeding on all counts.
>> #1) Obamacare was intended to bring about the Marxist dream- redistribution
of wealth. Rich people, small business owners, and the middle class are being
robbed, so that the money can be redistributed to poor people (who vote
Democrat). Think about it. If youre rich or middle class, you now have to pay for
your own healthcare costs (at much higher rates) AND 40 million other peoples
costs too (through massive tax increases). So youre stuck paying for both bills. You
are left broke. Brilliant.
>> #2) Obamacare was intended to wipe out the middle class and make them
dependent on government. Think about it. Even Obamas IRS predicts that health
insurance for a typical American family by 2016 will be $20,000 per year. But how
would middle class Americans pay that bill and have anything left for food or
housing or living? People that make $40K, or $50K, or $60K cant possibly hope to
spend $20K on health insurance without becoming homeless. Bingo. Thats how you

make middle class people dependent on government. Thats how you make
everyone addicted to government checks.
>> #3) As a bonus, Obamacare is intended to kill every decent paying job in the
economy, creating only crummy, crappy part-time jobs. Why? Just to make sure the
middle class is trapped, with no way out. Just to make sure no one has the $20,000
per year to pay for health insurance, thereby guaranteeing they become wards of
the state. Brilliant.
>> #4) Obamacare is intended to bankrupt small business, and therefore starve
donations to the GOP. Think about it. Do you know a small business owner? I know
hundreds of them. Their rates are being doubled, tripled and quadrupled by
Obamacare. Guess who writes 75% of the checks to Republican candidates and
conservative causes? Small business. Even if a small business owner manages to
survive, he or she certainly cant write a big check to the GOP anymore. Money is
the mothers milk of politics. Without donations, a political party ceases to exist.
Bingo. Thats the point of Obamacare. Obama is bankrupting his political opposition
and drying up donations to the GOP. Brilliant.
>> #5) Obamacare is intended to make the IRS all-powerful. It adds thousands of
new IRS agents. It puts the IRS in charge of overseeing 15% of the U.S. economy.
The IRS has the right because of Obamacare to snoop into every aspect of your life,
to go into your bank accounts, to fine you, to frighten you, to intimidate you. And
Obama and his socialist cabal have access to your deepest medical secrets. By law
your doctor has to ask your sexual history. That information is now in the hands of
Obama and the IRS to blackmail GOP candidates into either not running, or
supporting bigger government, or leaking the info and ruining your campaign. Or
have you forgotten the IRS harassed, intimidated and persecuted critics of Obama
and conservative groups? Now Obama hands the IRS even more power. Big Brother
rules our lives. Brilliant.
>> #6) Obamacare is intended to unionize 15 million healthcare workers. That
produces $15 billion in new union dues. That money goes to fund Democratic
candidates and socialist causes- thereby guaranteeing Obamas friends never lose
another election, and Obamas policies keep ruining capitalism and bankrupting
business owners long after hes out of office.
>> Message to the GOP: This isnt a game. This isnt tiddly-winks. This is a serious,
purposeful attempt to highjack America and destroy capitalism. This isnt a train
wreck. Its purposeful suicide. Its not failing, its working exactly according to plan.
Obama knows what hes doing. Stop apologizing and start fighting.
>> Oh and one more thingConservatives arent terrorists. We are patriots and
saviors. We represent the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. We are the heroes

and good guys. Unless you get all this through your thick skulls, America is lost

Democrats Insist Medicaid Expansion Works Wonders, Despite Evidence

This sentiment, expressed by Eugene Robinson, is increasingly commonplace on the
left: "Now that the fight over Obamacare is history, perhaps everyone can finally
focus on making the program work the way it was designed. Or, preferably, better."
Excuse me. The problems of the program aren't our fault. This thing didn't turn into
a national pain in the neck because those of us outside government aren't helping
enough. Nobody asked us to build the website. Nobody asked us to set up the
requirements of insurance plans that spurred four to five million cancellations. We
didn't make the president promise that people could keep their plans, or that they
could keep their doctor, or that their premiums would go down $2,500. We're not
the ones who insisted that requiring insurance companies to cover pre-existing
conditions wouldn't result in higher premiums for everyone. And we're not the ones
insisting people buy insurance they say they don't need on an exchange that
doesn't work or fork over one percent of their income and greater portions in the
Robinson writes as if the primary problem with health care today is the 25 states
with Republican governors that have chosen to not expand Medicaid. He must have
missed the much discussed new study revealing that "Medicaid coverage increases
emergency department use, both overall and for a broad range of types of visits,
conditions, and subpopulations, visits for conditions that may be most readily
treatable in primary care settings."
Keep in mind, the Medicaid expansion is constantly touted as saving money
because, advocates theorize, the access to preventative care will reduce those
expensive trips to the emergency room for primary care. The only problem is that
this Oregon study shows the theory doesn't work, meaning this is not the cost-saver
the administration promised. And, oh, by the way, the New England Journal of
Medicine found "Medicaid coverage generated no significant improvements in
measured physical health outcomes in the first 2 years."
So if it doesn't make people healthier and it doesn't lower health-care costs . . . why
are we doing it? And why is it some outrageous crime for a state to say, "eh, no,
we'll pass on that"?
In other Obamacare news, Senator Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., announced he's "filing suit
in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin to make Congress live
by the letter of the health-care law it imposed on the rest of America. By arranging
for me and other members of Congress and their staffs to receive benefits
intentionally ruled out by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the
administration has exceeded its legal authority."
Oh, hey, the site's still not working: "More than 100,000 Americans who applied for
insurance through HealthCare.gov and were told they are eligible for Medicaid or
the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) remain unenrolled because of
lingering software defects in the federal online marketplace, according to federal
and state health officials."
The administration now insists there's no "magic number" to get the exchanges to
work, a claim that PolitiFact rates "mostly false," pointing to past statements by

Sebelius and other officials setting the goal at 7 million paid enrollees. In the
administration's defense, there is no "magic number" because numbers aren't
sen-schumer claimed obamacare-not-#1-issue-in-2014 and that americans-do-notwant it repealed

After firing CGI, no-bid contract for Obamacare site goes to firm whose former top
researcher developed Obama campaign voter tracking
NY Womans Care Delayed and Insurance Cancelled Due to Obamacare

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