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You can submit your information to the Inquiry electronically using the form below. Alternatively,
if you prefer, you can write to us at: Iraq Inquiry, 35 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BQ


Only on 13 December 2009 did I become aware of the CHILTON INQUIRY and like to advise that
it is my intention to submit a more extensive submission if time is permitted for this.
I am a CONSTITUTIONALIST and author of books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series on
certain constitutional and other legal issues.
For the record on 19 July 2006 after a 5-year epic legal battle I defeated the Commonwealth of
Australia upon all constitutional issues I had raised, and as such have a proven record to know what
I am talking about.
While the inquiry may relate to the British involvement in regard of the Iraq war, I propose to have
this including the Australians involvement, as after all claims were made such as the aluminium
tubes that later were used by the Blair Government also.
More over, on no less then 4 occasions I lodged with the High Court of Australia a section 75(v)
application for mandamus, prohibition upon the basis that Prime Minister John Howard had no
constitutional authority to authorise the armed invasion into Iraq. On 19 March 2003, the day of the
armed invasion, the court again refused my application to be accepted for filing. Yet, during the
proceeding that completed on 19 July 2006 in the County Court of Victoria I then used this issue of
unconstitutional invasion and again the commonwealth of Australia didn’t then challenge this.
On 2 December 2007, just after being elected as Prime Minister, I requested Prime Minister Kevin
Rudd to enable a ROYAL COMMISSION into the unconstitutional invasion into Afghanistan and
Iraq. This still has not eventuated.
Constitutionally the governor0-General as representative of the Monarch can only authorise an
armed invasion by publishing in the Gazette a DECLARATION OF WAR against the country
intended to be invaded. No such DECLARATION OF WAR was published against either
Afghanistan and/or Iraq.
As a CONSTITUTIONALIST I am well aware of the numerous misconceptions that exist that a
Prime Minister aided with his cabinet can authorise war but this is not at all as such!
HANSARD 10-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the
National Australasian Convention)

Chapter 000X Page 1

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, by fax 0011-
61-3-94577209 or E-mail INSPECTOR-RIKATI@schorel-hlavka.com See also www.schorel-hlavka.com
Chapter 000X Page 2

QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-

Then, again, there is the prerogative right to declare war and peace, an adjunct of which
it is that the Queen herself, or her representative, where Her Majesty is not present,
holds that prerogative. No one would ever dream of saying that the Queen would declare
war or peace without the advice of a responsible Minister.
If therefore the Commonwealth of Australia unconstitutionally invaded Afghanistan and/or Iraq as
the then Prime Minister John Howard had no prerogative powers to authorise such armed invasion
then obviously such armed invasion was a criminal act and the conduct of the former Prime
Minister Tony Blair in relation to this also should be explored.
While Mr Tony Blair may have, under falsehood or otherwise, have been granted permission to
invade Iraq, nevertheless where Mr John Howard had no valid authorisation as no DECLARATION
OF WAR was published in the Gazette and neither had any prerogative powers to himself declare
war then the situation involving both the former Prime Minister Tony Blair and the former president
of the United Stated Mr George W Bush could be deemed as being part of this unlawful murderous
conduct irrespective that they otherwise by their own countries were authorised to invade Iraq.
In my view it is a total absurdity that the courts are dealing with pretty criminals and imprisoning
people for things like outstanding parking fines but those who have presided over mass murder of
innocent people would not be held legally accountable.
Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
I think we might, on the attempt to found this great Commonwealth, just advance one
step, not beyond the substance of the legislation, but beyond the form of the legislation,
of the different colonies, and say that there shall be embedded in the Constitution the
righteous principle that the Ministers of the Crown and their officials shall be liable for
any arbitrary act or wrong they may do, in the same way as any private person would
Much is argued that the commonwealth of Australia is purportedly independent, the truth is that on
19 July 2006 the commonwealth of Australia and for that also the Attorney-Generals of the States
didn’t even attempt to challenge my submissions that constitutionally the Commonwealth of
Australia is and remains to be under the British Crown.
Hansard 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
Mr. SYMON ( South Australia ).-
In the preamble honorable members will find that what we desire to do is to unite in one
indissoluble Federal Commonwealth -that is the political Union-"under the Crown of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , and under the Constitution hereby
established." Honorable members will therefore see that the application of the word
Commonwealth is to the political Union which is sought to be established. It is not intended
there to have any relation whatever to the name of the country or nation which we are going to
create under that Union . The second part of the preamble goes on to say that it is expedient to
make provision for the admission of other colonies into the Commonwealth. That is, for
admission into this political Union, which is not a republic, which is not to be called a

Chapter 000X Page 2

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, by fax 0011-
61-3-94577209 or E-mail INSPECTOR-RIKATI@schorel-hlavka.com See also www.schorel-hlavka.com
Chapter 000X Page 3

dominion, kingdom, or empire, but is to be a Union by the name of "Commonwealth,"

and I do not propose to interfere with that in the slightest degree.
HANSARD 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
Mr. BARTON.-I did not say that. I say that our real status is as subjects, and that we
are all alike subjects of the British Crown.
No amendment to the constitution ever was made as to change the status of the Commonwealth of
Australia from being a “POLITICAL UNION” (as like the EUROPEAN UNION) to become a
State in its own right.
It is essential to understand that the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
remains in force and as the framers of the Constitution made clear must be interpreted as to the
embedded principles as intended by them and so recorded in the Hansard of the debates.
If therefore the former Prime Minister Mr John Howard acted unlawful in authorising the armed
invasion then this obviously also is very relevant to any inquiry as to the conduct of Mr Tony Blair
in particular where Mr John Howard maintained it was not about regime change but about WMD
(Weapons of mass Destruction) where as Mr Tony Blair as I understand it being reported has made
clear he would have invaded to have the then president Saddam Hussein removed.
My issue is also that the Commonwealth of Australia was part (albeit unconstitutionally) of the so
called Coalition of the Willing, and the Commonwealth of Australia abolished the death penalty.
Yet, despite this the former president Mr Saddam Hussein was nevertheless handed over to Iraq and
executed and so denied his rights as well as his human rights. As the Dutch government proved to
do when it was faced with having to deport an American but who was facing the death penalty, the
Dutch government then had an assurance from the U.S.A. that it would not apply the death penalty
if the person was convicted upon being deported from The Netherlands. As such as much as the
Dutch government within the European Union was to provide as such to oppose cooperating with
any country where the death penalty can be imposed then I view likewise Mr Tony Blair was
obligated to prevent the former President Mr Saddam Hussein to be handed over to the Iraqi
government for execution.
It is my view that there can be no excuse as to invade a sovereign nation and murder in a grand-
scale its citizens all purportedly for regime change. It is no less a form of TERRORISM as that
which those who are suicide bombers killing innocent people.
For the record I have Jewish blood and I am not a Muslim and as such not bias by religion, as I do
not practice religion.
My issue is that while we may despise certain political leaders it should never be an excuse then to
bomb a country to the stone age and murder its people on a grand-scale all under the claim of
liberating them. Well liberating we did buy killing them off.
We as invading nations were no better then those we claim to despise because we butchered

Chapter 000X Page 3

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, by fax 0011-
61-3-94577209 or E-mail INSPECTOR-RIKATI@schorel-hlavka.com See also www.schorel-hlavka.com
Chapter 000X Page 4

Iraqi soldiers were murdered on a grand scale and all they were doing was to do what any soldier is
to do and that is to protect their homeland against invading armies. They were not the enemy, as we
as invading forces were the enemy, and not at all liberators.
I view the RULE OF LAW must prevail and those who presided over this mass murder must be
held legally accountable and nothing less.
This email is not intended and neither must be perceived to provide all relevant details.
Please do contact the writer if further and or additional information may be required or for other
reasons it may be desirable.
Please do provide me with your email address also?
With any emails it is best to forward it to schorel-hlavka@schorel-hlavka.com and in the subject
heading state “CHILCOT INQUIRY” as to avoid it ending up as spam.
(Our name is our motto)
Mr Gerrit Hendrik Schorel
107 Graham Road
Viewbank, Victoria 3084
Constitutionalist, Author and Publisher

From: submissions@iraqinquiry.org.uk <submissions@iraqinquiry.org.uk>

To: schorel-hlavka@schorel-hlavka.com

Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 02:25 am

Subject: Information submitted to the Iraq Inquiry
Attachments: Text version of this message. (438B)

Gerrit Hendrik Schorel-Hlavka,

Thank you for your submission to the Iraq Inquiry, which we have now received. The Inquiry team will consider it carefully,
along with all the other information we are given. If we need clarification of any of the points you have raised or require more
information, we will be in touch.

Yours sincerely

The Iraq Inquiry Secretariat

From: submissions@iraqinquiry.org.uk <submissions@iraqinquiry.org.uk>

[ add to contacts ]

To: schorel-hlavka@schorel-hlavka.com

Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 02:09 am

Subject: Information submitted to the Iraq Inquiry

Chapter 000X Page 4

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, by fax 0011-
61-3-94577209 or E-mail INSPECTOR-RIKATI@schorel-hlavka.com See also www.schorel-hlavka.com
Chapter 000X Page 5

Attachments: Text version of this message. (432B)

Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka,

Thank you for your submission to the Iraq Inquiry, which we have now received. The Inquiry team will consider it carefully,
along with all the other information we are given. If we need clarification of any of the points you have raised or require more
information, we will be in touch.

Yours sincerely

The Iraq Inquiry Secretariat

Chapter 000X Page 5

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, by fax 0011-
61-3-94577209 or E-mail INSPECTOR-RIKATI@schorel-hlavka.com See also www.schorel-hlavka.com

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