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Emergence of the Spiritual Western Ego

During the Reformation era of the Renaissance culture, the sudden emergence of drastic
thought changes caused fundamental elements in the people that were rebellious, selfdetermination and the expansion of the individualism which lead to the impulse of both
intellectual and spiritual independence. This thought process threatened the authority of the
Roman Catholic Church which has continued until present day. An egotistically over-minded
world continues by being born into a society that has the same thought processes as the last
generation. The thought process of the modern mind tends to manifest into actions then leads to
controlling others which greatly influences the ego thereafter. In general our minds are
undergoing even more stress as we try to rationalize the thoughts of those controlling influences
that are needed to rule out and which thoughts to use as encouragement and inspiration for the
mind and spiritual development.

The mind has believed to have two states of consciousness that have been considered a
duality in the psychology and may be referred to from one angle, as the ego-consciousness and
the other, the higher universal consciousness. The state of consciousness has lead to become an
important factor in changing the cultures psychology related to the dualistic processes between
the ego-consciousness and the universal higher consciousness. This has caused even modern
societys commercialization factors affect the forming of a collective environment whose goals
are to reach a higher state spiritually. If the society we are born into has an environment which
promotes the intellectual mind over encouraged personal gain, then growth within this

environment would provide individuals with a common goal, in order to survive better then
history has showed us. It has been proved that to influence those who act in according to those
factors instated by a higher power, can play on the ego to repress the masses. By becoming
individuals who are aware of the harm that can be directed by not promoting the commonsense
in order for true thoughts, could truly influence a change similar to that of which the Church has
directed in the past. The spirit could overcome the ego minded who long for their wild dreams,
their fantasies and desires of passion that all influence those to seek his or her individual
pleasures which lead them to fight, slander, steal or even kill for. True freedom was found not in
unlimited intellectual speculation but in Christs saving grace. (Tarnas, p. 117) Our modern
society has provided us examples into those who are over egotistically minded individuals whose
greed has overcome their spirituality by clinging to his or her pleasures. This in turn leads to the
downfall of the true spirit of the individual. Another new formation of true spiritual development
would again, need to seek to free the mind from the over ego thus creating a uniquely new
revelation which it has been set by the examples such as in the past during the emerging battle
between the Renaissance, and the Roman Catholic Church. Seeking for freedom from the
influences of religious leaders will continue to form ideals which will follow the insights to the
emerging and awakening of spiritual consciousness.

Quoting Herbetst in his words, The Protestant Reformation, the withering away of the Holy
Roman Empire, and the rise of the modern European state system of territorial sovereignties and
confessional churches further accelerated this trend. Sovereignties and churches now became the
particularistic sponsors of the surviving and newly created universities. (Herbetst, p. 563)

We will be destined for another Reformation and when this happens, is surely to awaken the
repressed spiritual goodness, along with the continuing research into the early minds of the
individuals during the Renaissance era. This will enable the now modern mind to continue to
expand and rediscover the ideals and influences of past culturist writings. Overall, this will
continue to enhance the quality of life and expand the Western ego into developing equality
between the mind and spiritual development.

Jon Marshall - 2010

Tarnas, R. (1993). The passion of the western mind: understanding the ideas that have shaped our
world view. NY: Ballantine Books.
Herbetst, J (Sept. 2004). The limits of scholarship: thoughts on academic ethics and pursuit of
truth. History of Education, 33(5), 559-571.

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