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Trivedi Effect, A Miracle in Agriculture Science!

There is a huge problem in the world today, facing agriculture, as changing weather
patterns not only devastate crops in their own right but have enhanced the risk of
fungus, bacteria and pests damaging crops and yields as seasonal weather conditions
alter. To avoid this, pesticides, fungicides and insecticides are increasingly being used
to control threats to agricultural produce. However the harsh chemicals used in
pesticides are known to be damaging to human health as well as to the environment.
In response to this, scientists have found a second way of limiting the risks to crops
through genetic modification, where traits that make plants hardier and more resistant
to disease are artificially encouraged in the process of genetic engineering. Genetically
modified plants are more capable of resisting bacteria, fungi and other detrimental
environmental factors.
Whilst on the surface there are many advantages to creating genetic modified
crops that withstand the damaging environmental conditions facing agriculture today,
there is an underlying opinion that artificially manipulating the genetic makeup of
plants may create problems further down the road within the delicate ecosystems
around the plant and by eventually adversely influencing biological systems in other
plants, insects, animals and humans. There are already concerns that genetically
modified foods are creating new allergens that are affecting humans. As yet the full
effects of genetic engineering in agricultural practice are not fully known by science
and as gene pools are manipulated for other causes than improving yields, like to aid
with pollution management,( for example some plants have been modified to allow
the take up and storage of heavy metal pollutants into the root system) there is the
increased danger of not fully understanding the full effects of the new genetic mix that
has been created and the subsequent mutations within the genome that may result
further down the line.

Many farmers are turning towards organic agricultural methods, that rely on
naturally occurring biological processes and crop diversity, to create an effective
ecosystem that promotes biodiversity, utilizing plants and habitats that effectively act
as insect repellents and encourage known predators of harmful pests. Polyculture
systems, where multiple crops are grown together are frequently employed, where the
qualities of the plants grown together support each others growth. Soil fertility is
enriched using organic fertilizers created from farm manure, humus, urine, and micro
organisms. Crop rotation is also practiced to interrupt breeding patterns in colonies of
known pests. The problem with organic farming is that it can be labor intensive, tend
to have lower yields and crops produced can still be infected by bacteria or fungi. As a
result produce grown organically tends to be expensive and often has a shorter shelf
life than produce treated chemically or grown from genetically modified strains.

The problem of farming in a world with changing weather patterns, higher prevalence
of extreme weather events, a growing demand for food from increasing world
populations and people increasingly dependent on mass produced food, is that the
increasing pressures from society create the demand for quick, responsive agricultural
aids to control pests, increase soil fertility, produce healthy productive plants and
ultimately maximize yields/ profits produced from crops or harvests. The known
methods all have their inherent problems and as yet there is no clear method available
that solves the problem without detrimental side effects being created.

However , there is a phenomenon that has ; without employing huge effort , harsh
chemicals , intensive labor or complicated technology, miraculously transformed both
crops and soil environments in a way that yields and profits are maximized without
causing any damage to the natural environment or posing a threat to human health .

The method through which crops have been transformed has been through exposure
to an energy that believe it or not has been transmitted through the thoughts of an
individual. Whilst this statement may understandably cause any reader to react with
skepticism, ridicule or dismissive attitude, the data generated from the use of this
energy on crops is worth reading about and may hold possibilities for future
agricultural development going forward. After all, to the average Victorian laborer the
very idea that one day having a real time conversation with someone on the other side
of the world or seeing colored moving images of life on a screen in their home would
have been laughed at, scorned upon and the person suggesting it would probably
have been termed as crazy.

The problem many of us suffer from is tunnel vision, not allowing ourselves to be open
to radically new ways of thinking; as such we limit ourselves and as a result hinder
growth in our lives. People are afraid of stepping outside the accepted norms of
society and protocol within academic schools of thought. Many scientists are in fear of

touching the parameters of anything to do with consciousness in applied science for

fear of damaging reputations or from deep conditioning associating consciousness
with religious or mythical dogma. However, in physics and quantum mechanics the
theories of a unified field of energy that links everything and of quantum
entanglement where ones thoughts can affect or influence occurrences and outcomes
in different places is totally acceptable. The results of these experiments in agriculture
are real, observed and witnessed by well renowned scientists from reputable academic
institutions across the world. As a world community we need to learn from them and
open agricultural practice to new ideas and approaches.

The method described in the following has produced massive changes not only to
living organisms but also to non living materials, results that are real, scientifically
validated and published in international peer reviewed journals (For Example Dabhade
V etal 2009, Lenssen AW ,2013,Sances etal 2013,Trivedi MK and Tallapragada
2009,2008,Trivedi M and Patil S 2009a,2009 b Trivedi MK etal 2013 ) . Mahendra
Trivedi has the ability to transmit an energy, through his thoughts in the form of
Energy Transmissions that can alter both living organisms and non living materials.
The transformation that develops in response to the energy has been shown to be
beneficial, changes that occur seem to serve the purpose of improving function ability
and ultimately optimizing potential to serve a higher purpose. The effect of the
energy, known as the Trivedi Effect has been researched in over 4000 experiments ,
a good proportion of which are in agriculture, and the results give incredible credence
to the powerful impact this energy has in a positive way on everything it touches.

In terms of agriculture Mahendra Trivedi has conducted numerous experiments on

over 40 different plants/trees that are as diverse as mustard, chickpea , cow pea,
bottle gourd ,sponge gourd , bitter gourd, cashew nuts, mango, eggplant , okra , rice
,lettuce , tomato, maize , peanut, horse gram, chili plant ,water melon, cotton
plant ,soybean, ginseng , blueberry and patchouli . In each case experiments were
set up to compare a control batch of plants with a treated batch ( those receiving the
energy transmission) .The only differences in the conditions of the two batches would
be that the control set would be given the fertilizers , pesticides and fungicides that
were commonly used in that area to promote good yields. None of these were added
to the treated batch of plants.

Results from these experiments have astounded previously skeptical scientists, the
batch of plants receiving the energy transmissions, in each case performed better
than the control groups that had the pesticides etc added to them. Overall massive
differences have been observed. These include differences in :
success rates of germination (often greater than 85% frequently more than
99% in the energy receiving group as opposed to less than 65% for the control
speed of germination ( energy treated plants germinate earlier than the control

growth rate (often energy treated plants grow quicker , with flowering and
fruiting brought forward)
strength (stem thickness), vitality and vibrancy ( these qualities are commonly
observably strong in the treated groups)
morphology (there are instances where plant morphology has altered , leaf
shape, flower patterns and leaf /panicle thickness have been observed to be
different to control plants and a creeper plant (bottle gourd ) has even been
observed to grow erect for the 45 days .
the volume/ length of hairs ( useful to deter attack from pests or virus) on stems
and leaves have been found to have increased on the treated plants
survival rates of plants has been drastically different in energy treated plant
Uniformity (plants grow in a relatively uniform way producing similar size fruits
etc. in treated groups)
Increased numbers of female flowers ( that produce the fruits )

Immunity and resilience to pests ( plant batches treated with energy have
been disease / pest damage free despite no application of pesticides , as
opposed to control groups (treated with pesticide chemicals) that still showed
signs of disease or pest damage that resulted in reduced yields) In mango
trees , trees that previously produced fruits affected with spongy tissue
disorder produced healthy fruits after receiving energy transmissions , whilst
those left untreated by energy ( yet close to the treated trees) continued to
produce mangos with spongy tissue disorder.

Increased yields (energy treated harvests have produced significantly greater

Colour, treated plants have been commonly observed to have greener and
glossier leaves indicative of increased chlorophyll uptake. Energy treated okra
plants displayed different color flowers to the control groups)
This list of changes is not exhaustive and many individual species showed individual
transformations, however, as if these changes werent enough, further changes
brought about from the Trivedi Energy, have been identified through specific scientific
processes. Mahendra Trivedi has performed experiments where seeds , plants and
plant tissue was subjected to energy transmissions
as well as experiments that
have involved specific plots of land being the focus for the energy rather than the
seeds/plants themselves . The transformation results are the same in each type of
experiment .In fact during a number of experiments at Dapoli Agriculture University,
India (where different seeds had been treated with energy and planted in specific
plots as opposed to control batches of plants in separate but close by plots ), soil
samples from the area growing around energy treated plants was tested to see
whether changes had occurred . Incredibly despite not being treated directly with the
energy, the soil around the treated plants had also transformed; the volume of

detrimental pathogens and fungi in the soil surrounding the treated crops had
decreased. This alteration in the soil make up benefits crops as pathogens can infect
roots, whist fungi can feed off plant roots diverting nutrients from the plants to the
fungi. Tests also revealed that the nitrogen and potassium levels as well as other
minerals in the soil had increased despite no additional fertilizers either chemical or
natural being added to the ground. Electrical conductivity had also increased in the
soil. Supportive bacteria were substantially increased after the energy transmissions,
thus helping the soil with nitrogen fixing, decomposition, readily making nutrients
available and enhancing plant potential to absorb more nutrients.

Leaves from cashew trees that had been energy treated and not energy treated,
grown in Vaibhavwadi Maharastra, India, were tested to see how the chlorophyll
content differed between the two groups. Energy treated plants produced leaves that
had on average 50% more chlorophyll. Chlorophyll harnesses the energy of the sun to
use in the process of photosynthesis, utilizing the suns energy to produce chemical
energy essential for growth in the plant and for conversion within the plant of carbon
dioxide into carbon and oxygen that is released into the atmosphere. Plants contain
two sorts of chlorophyll molecules, Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b. Examination of the
ratio of chlorophyll a: chlorophyll b revealed that whilst the ratio in the control group
(untreated trees) was 1: 0.33 the ratio in the treated plants was 1:2.

Having increased volume of chlorophyll b, maximizes the amount of energy that can
be harnessed from the sun. Chlorophyll a and b absorb light with slightly different
ranges of wavelength in the red (infra red long wavelength) and blue (short
wavelength) part of the spectrum, having more Chloroplhyll b increases the spectrum
range of light that can be absorbed by the plant. Chlorophyll b captures more light in
the blue end of the spectrum whereas Chlorophyll a captures more in the red. The
energy treated plants seem to have developed mechanisms to promote increased
healthy growth and vitality altering the ratio of chlorophyll a and b in the plant
mechanism and as such creating the potential to harness increased amounts of energy
from the sun.

Increased vitality in the treated cashew plants was also tested for, in experiments
examining the bio luminescence of the nuts. Bio luminescence in plant terms is the
production and emission of light by a living organism involving enzymes and
photoproteins. Examining bioluminescence patterns produced by the plant after being
stimulated by white light can give an indication of how healthy a plant is, stresses
affecting plants can often be spotted this way before physical symptoms manifest. The
bioluminescence of cashew nuts from trees receiving energy transmissions were
compared to freshly harvested trees in the local area. The results showed that the nuts
from treated trees displayed evidence of increased vitality in the bioluminescence
patterns compared to nuts from untreated trees.

Plants and fruits produced by energy infused plants have been found to have
increased and beneficial nutritional/desirable properties. In mangos produced from
energy treated trees, chemical analysis revealed that the vitamin c levels in the
mango pulp were 44% greater than in those produced from control trees. This high
level of vitamin C indicates that there was increased immunity in the treated plants
whilst sugar levels were 26% less than fruit from control trees. Despite this fruits
retained a sweet and satisfying flavor. Usually in mangoes there is a drop in acidity
and increase in sugar as the plant ripens. This was not shown to have happened in the
treated mangos indicating changes had occurred in the ripening processes of the plant
enhancing the potential longevity of fruit .

Cashew kernels from energy treated plants were harvested and stored in an un
refrigerated environment (not vacuum packed or packed with added inhibitor gases) in
humid and hot conditions for over a year in Mumbai. Cashews are known to start
decaying once they have been shelled and do not normally last longer than 9 months
in untreated conditions and under normal circumstances would be poor quality if not
inedible after a being a year in stored hot humid conditions. The treated cashew
kernels were tested a year after harvesting, according to the UN international
recommendations for shelf life testing, and were found to be acceptable as high
quality edible cashews - See more at:

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