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Notes to The Mefobills-Comments


The Mefobills-Comments
The Mefobills-Comments have been composed from comments in the Zerohedge-pages, which
seemed to provide me with a compact summary of economical alternative foundation.
Having identified the corrupted environment of monetary and economic systems I had been
searching for reliable sources and found Mefobills' comments, which merely needed some
additional remarks.
The name Mefobills is a user name in Scribd, which obviously represents an anonymous reference,
but also refers to a special method of hidden fund-raising and expansion of the money supply. The
Mefo bills inspired the author to mechanisms of hiding the expansion of the money supply. This
interested me and I studied his notes which were very compact and required some background to be
searched in the web while reading the manuscripts found scattered in the Scribd comments.

The Trojan Horses

In the end most monetary systems seem to have started as the hidden fund-raising systems for
armament and wars. The Mefobills had been the method to finance the German rearming efforts
leading to WW2.
Hidden actions always seemed to be needed for successfully raising large funds in bypassing legal
politics and other regulations. We have seen this in Greece's intro to the Euro-zone, which in
retrospect turned out to be a creative but legal banker's design1.
As a consequence of fraudulent methods the Money system was fraudulent then and is now. This
of course makes any economic leadership (as accomplices to political leadership) fraudulent as
well. Distrust against banking and central banking would be a standard standpoint for any sound
citizen and company. Any trust in banking and central banking must be considered as incautious and
Still distrust of banking systems is often nominated as a conspiracy theory. Well, the chances that
theories are conspiracy depend on the brainwashing's quality. Somehow brainwashing doesn't seem
to be as efficient as a few years ago. The conspiracy always has been here, but it had been hidden
like the Mefobill's Trojan horses' method.
Instead of being qualified as a Deutsche Mark the Euro is doomed to morph into the Italian Lira or
the Greek Drachme within months.
It would be common sense to try to understand these mechanisms and to find some protection if
there is any left... Of course the race to the bottom will end at zero paper values. Anyone
contradicting will be described as a fool on the hill.
Of course I felt uncomfortable in thinking of criminal backgrounds in the monetary system.
However I knew I wasn't alone and things deteriorated quickly. It might be a matter of weeks...
That's what motivated me to document my notes to Mefobill's comments. I added some headers and
yellow markers to Mefobill's texts and enriched the wordings with additional comment for typically
economic formulas and monetary expressions. References to the links for all Mefobill's comments
1 Greece 101: An Intro to the Greek Crisis: Even with relatively high debt to GDP when joining the eurozone, the
Greek government was able to claim a deficit of less than 1% of GDP. Unfortunately, those numbers were compiled
with creative accounting, and it was actually more than 3% in 2000 and every year since

have been added in footnotes and web-links.

Mefobill's most striking utterance is Money system was fraudulent then and is now. Of course
this needs to be proven. I checked his logic and found some striking parallels to other depressions.
His theses largely seem to make sense.
I like Mefobill's precise wordings such as harvesting populations, Man is a rent seeking animal,
psychopathy in Wall Street, but disliked his Kabbalistic approach to explain historical events. To
me it would be sufficient to explain how the 99% had been deceived by the 1%.

The Roman Deceit

Most of the powerful entities practiced deceit to keep the monetary system's principle a secret as
long as possible. The Roman emperors debased their currency. This process had been easy.

The French assignats

The French assignats have been issued after the confiscation of church properties in 1790 because
the government was bankrupt. Certain precautions not taken concerning their excessive reissue and
comingling with general currency in circulation caused hyperinflation.
As there was no control over the amount to be printed, the value of the assignats exceeded that of
the confiscated properties. This caused massive hyperinflation. In the beginning of 1792, they had
lost most of their nominal value. In 1796, the Directoire issued Mandats, a currency in the form of
land warrants to replace the assignats, although these too quickly failed.

Parallels between The Great Depression ('30) and Today's Depression

Deceit is used to hide the equivalent phases in Today's Depression: they simply do not exist! The
Dow Jones propaganda machine will never reveal the State's dire state. Mefobill describes this in
simple and easily understood wordings. These quotations may easily be found in the web:
Money system was fraudulent then and is now. That is the real story. No going back to
Gold, it is deflationary system used to harvest populations, and has actions similar to
banker credit system today2.
The trusting humans will also trust that their government has law that insures contracts
are equal as possible, but wont know that their governments have been usurped by this
same shadowy money power3.
All economic math methods are therefore null and void as root assumptions are
incorrect. Economists then are a priesthood who confuse with their math, and pretend
their magic is moral and rational, while taking their pay from their real masters4.
Credit is supposed to be redeemed with Gold, but that was always a lie. Con men lie,
and con is short for confidence game 5. Con men assume fiat, or faith powers, and said
faith really belongs to common law6.

Fri, 12/26/2014 - 11:30 | 5593062 ( Mefobills )

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 12:11 | 5620663 ( Mefobills )
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 12:11 | 5620663 ( Mefobills )
A con artist, or a person who uses a fraud method known as a confidence trick
Fri, 01/23/2015 - 21:40 | 5698835 ( Mefobills )

The credit is out of alignment at 10:1 7. Gold recently mined or loose in money supply
soon finds its way to "paying for former credit" during depression harvest phases8.

The Great Depression

Economic historians usually attribute the start of the Great Depression to the sudden devastating
collapse of US stock market prices on October 29, 1929, known as Black Tuesday; The stock
market turned upward in early 1930, returning to early 1929 levels by April9.
The Great Depression
Together, government and business spent more
in the first half of 1930 than in the
corresponding period of the previous year.

Equivalent phases in Today's Depression

Q3 GDP Rises 3.5% Despite Sharp Slowdown
In Consumption, Pushed Higher By Government
Spending Spree (10/30/2014)

On the other hand, consumers, many of whom

US Retail Sales Drop Most Since June 2012
had suffered severe losses in the stock market
(And Don't Blame Gas Prices) - 01/14/2015
the previous year, cut back their expenditures by
ten percent.
By mid-1930, interest rates had dropped to low
levels, but expected deflation and the continuing
reluctance of people to borrow meant that
consumer spending and investment were
depressed. By May 1930, automobile sales had
declined to below the levels of 1928.

U.S. 10 Year Treasury

Now already at low levels 1.7891 % (25th of
Jan. 2015);
Interest rate levels will have to sink 0.0%10.

Prices in general began to decline, although

Oil prices declined from $108 a barrel in June of
wages held steady in 1930; but then a
last year to an intraday low on January 13, 2015
deflationary spiral started in 1931. Conditions
of $4411.
were worse in farming areas, where commodity
prices plunged, and in mining and logging areas,
where unemployment was high and there were
few other jobs.
The decline in the US economy was the factor
that pulled down most other countries. Frantic
attempts to shore up the economies of individual
nations through protectionist policies, such as
the 1930 U.S. SmootHawley Tariff Act and
retaliatory tariffs in other countries, exacerbated
the collapse in global trade. By late 1930, a
steady decline in the world economy had set in,
which did not reach bottom until 1933.

The decline in US economy and the collapse in

global trade is obvious12. On This Day In
History, The Baltic Dry Index Has Never Been
Lower (dated 01/08/2015)
January 2015 the ECB announces an open-ended
time commitment to the 60bn per month
purchases to protect the EU against deflation.
At this time the Fed intends to announce a
raise in interest rates13.

Table 1: Comparing the Great Depression with today's depression


In fact the credit of course is now out of alignment at 100:1.

Fri, 01/23/2015 - 21:40 | 5698835 ( Mefobills )
The Great Depression
Get Ready For Negative Interest Rates In The US - 01/24/2015 - 20:30
Why Did No One Predict the Oil-Price Collapse
US Manufacturing Growth Slows To 1 Year Low As Shale Collapse Cripples New Order Spending
Did Treasury Secretary Lew Just Call Draghi A Currency Manipulator?

Appendix 1 - Tools for hidden fund-raising14

This section has been inserted from Wikipedia to memorize the Mefo and ffa bills which had
been referenced in Mefobills' user name. The word mefobills is a plural, which corresponds to the
common plural expression Mefo Bills:

Mefo bills
A Mefo bill (sometimes written as MEFO bill), named after the company
Metallurgische Forschungsgesellschaft (Metallurgical Research Corporation), was a
promissory note used for a system of deferred payment to finance the German
rearmament, devised by the German Central Bank President, Hjalmar Schacht, in 1934.
Mefo bills followed the scheme for which the ffa bills were the blueprint.
As Germany was rearming against the terms of the Treaty of Versailles they needed a
way to fund rearming without leaving a paper trail; Schacht created this system as a
temporary method to fund rearming with only one million Reichsmarks in capital.
Schacht has later said that the device "enabled the Reichsbank to lend by a subterfuge to
the Government what it normally or legally could not do".[1]

ffa bills
In 1932, ffa bills were created by the second cabinet under chancellor Heinrich
Brning after consultation with the then President of the Reichsbank, Hans Luther. The
bills were issued by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr ffentliche Arbeiten AG (English:
German Society for Public Works AG), founded 1 August 1930, and rediscounted by the
Reichsbank. With the capital thus raised, the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr ffentliche
Arbeiten AG financed public building initiatives. It was a shell company without
sufficient shareholders' equity. Nevertheless, the bills were discounted15 by the
Reichsbank. This way, the Reichsbank financed public building projects.
In the wake of the Great Depression, this hidden money creation stimulated the German
economy. The German Deutsche Gesellschaft fr ffentliche Arbeiten AG brought into
circulation ffa bills worth 1.26 billion Reichsmark. In general, the duration of a bill
was 3 months but it could be prolonged to 5 years.[3]
Economically, this meant an expansion of the money supply. As this would tend towards
increasing inflation, Hans Luther agreed to only a small volume.
Kurt von Schleicher's second cabinet decided to expand the ffa bill scheme. ffa bills
could now be issued by other (mostly public) financial institutions such as the Deutsche
Verkehrskreditbank AG which had issued ffa bills worth 1 billion Reichsmark.
When after the Machtergreifung of January 1933, Adolf Hitler wanted to extend the
scheme to the German re-armament, Hans Luther disagreed, and he was replaced on 16
March 1933 by Hjalmar Schacht. Thus, the way was open for an expansion of this form
of fundraising. With the Mefo bills, the model of ffa bill was used extensively.
14 Info from Wikipedia
15 Discounting is a financial mechanism in which a debtor obtains the right to delay payments to a creditor, for a
defined period of time, in exchange for a charge or fee.

Appendix 2 - Correcting Scrooges Economics16

Fri, 12/26/2014 - 11:30 | 5593062 (Mefobills) 17
Gold based systems
In Scrooges day, they had gold system, with gold as base and credit riding on top. Credit
would be more than 10X ratio of Gold.
Banker credit on top of Gold is always necessary because all economies are S shaped,
and must flex with seasons and uneven production. OK... All economies must have
some way of injected and pulling out money to account for this.
Usury on Credit would suck gold out of supply toward bankers. Bankers would also
demand treasuries as base currency from Government. (Gold would be transferred from
Govt or people to get out of debt to bankers. Govt would create Treasuries to Exchange
for Banker Credit Money)

M0 (Savings not earmarked for destruction)

Therefore M0 (Savings not earmarked for destruction and used for transactions) would
be provided in this mixed money supply by both Gold and Treasuries. This is what Gold
Bugs fixate on, the M0.
To fill M0, Government had to deficit spend more TBills than income in
taxes. Effectively, the TBill comes from nothing and is lent to banker at interest.
Banker Credit as money from Government then becomes Savings and Base Currency
(M0). Bankers don't care if they have gold or Treasuries in their reserve loops, they just
want it there so they can make credit on top, and earn the usury.

So, Scrooges actions, when looked at in this system, held Gold as Savings. Too many
scrooges in economy, this then deleveraged 10:1 credit riding on top of said Gold,
causing an accelerated depression.
As credit declines, banks call in loans and deny more credit, so money supply collapses
quickly into depression.
Bankers or those holding Gold, then buy up the world cheap as labor offers their goods
and services at depressed prices.
Not necessarily way to go Scrooge. It's just that humanity does not and did not have a
banking/money system that works. A good money system would allow scrooge to hold
real assets as wealth, and not jack around with the medium we need to do trade.

16 Correcting Scrooges Economics (Scribd, Submitted by Ryan McMaken via Mises Institute)
17 Fri, 12/26/2014 - 11:30 | 5593062 Mefobills

Fraudulent Money systems to harvest populations

Money system was fraudulent then and is now. That is the real story. No going back to
Gold, it is deflationary system used to harvest populations, and has actions similar to
banker credit system today.
There is no magical properties to Gold. The highest form of money is law, and has
proper civil institutions behind it, so civilization can trade equitably.
I too wish that man had a magical mechanism outside of a control system, but it just
isn't so. Money is law and force and control - that is just how it is. Markets are not
magical, they are man-made and have law and guidance built into them too.

We need civil institutions that are not rent-seeking in their inherent design. Since almost
the beginning of time, privateers have taken rents via the money mechanism and these
rents show up as higher prices, thus stealing your output.
Gold and metal money systems also have rents built into them as a natural consequence
of their inflexibility (volume inelasticity).

Fri, 12/26/2014 - 11:52 | 5593164 18

Yes, and the same crowd19 funded the Chicago school Monetarists20. Libertarianism is
closely linked to debt spreading banking as a dialectic to confuse the Goyim.
Say it isn't so. I'm sorry it is so. I'm not going to prove it here, but any honest researcher
can find the data. Both debt spreading and libertarianism spring from the same Jewish
money sources.
Libertarianism and Marx were and are into value theory.
As Silvio Gesell would say, there is no such thing as value, there is only price.
I would add to Gesell, there is price and it is discovered in markets. Good markets and
price discovery depend on a money system that works (no rent taking).
Two people doing exchange decide value on the spot - and make prices and then trade.
Read Silvio Gesell's works to understand just how wrong libertarianism is. It is a
Hegalian dialectic designed to snare the unwary--- where do tarians21 get all of their
propaganda funding? They are never short on money it seems, for a group that is
shilling as if they are honest.
Libertarianism always shill for a money system that cannot work, that is inflexible, has
usury built into it, and denies basic law structure. Why push this hypnotic suggestion
onto the population?
It is to continue to take rents on the Goyim as a form of parasitism. Those rents can
either be with private banker fiat debt spreading, or they can be with depressionary

18 Fri, 12/26/2014 - 11:52 | 5593164

19 Referencing to: 5592483 (John Wilmot ).. When the national socialists took power, Mises, Jew, was stripped of his
position at the University and forced to leave Austria. He fled through France in his car just ahead of the German
Army in 1940, to eventually arrive in America - whereupon he was shunned by socialist academia. He eventually
attracted a following in the United States (including Murray Rothbard, who was his student), which gave birth to the
Ludwig von Mises Institute - and, in large part, modern libertarianism.
20 Chicago school of economics. Milton Friedman and Monetarism Friedman argued that the Great Depression
had been caused by the Federal Reserve's policies through the 1920s, and worsened in the 1930s. Friedman argued
that laissez-faire government policy is more desirable than government intervention in the economy.
21 Libertarians (?)

Appendix 3 - A Mania Of Manias

Thu, 01/01/2015 - 23:32 | 561391622
Defining the Fraud
Tylers, maybe a little clarification is in order to not lead your readers astray. Bubbles
and all the other failures you rail about are a predictable output of current system
In our current money system, where private bank fiat (credit money) is what we use for
our circulating medium, there must be government borrowing and spending.
In the private sector, people borrow from banks through hypothecation, and that bank
money created as loans circulates in the money supply, to then return to ledger for
destruction during its accounting cycle. More is always required to return to said ledger
because of interest/usury.
In other words, the usury on our private bank credit unbalances the equation to where
more must always return. Debt instruments and their hypothecated private bank fiat
cannot get together to self-extinguish. It is impossibility, a fraud really, built into our
credit system and is central to an elaborate con and goal is rent taking and control.
Creditor is always over debtor, thus political control is actually subservient to money

The Depression Mechanism and Fiat Money

In order to cancel private debt instruments, there must be depressions, so real assets can
be transferred. Usually land is attached to debts for security, as land has title and other
legal means. Land then becomes the fungible asset backing up private debts. This is
why the land and property in New York exceeds the value of all industry in the U.S. So,
Americans want jobs and things to be properly priced, how is that possible when land
is distorted while industry is harvested to then become subservient to finance?
In order to keep people from being harvested in depressions, Government must spend
its fiat. Government gets its fiat by creating bonds (TBills) and then swapping said
bonds with private banks. Private banking corporations then create their bank money
and give it to government. Government then spends this now borrowed credit (Federal
Reserve notes) into its sector, and ultimately this money ends up in the general money
supply for everybody to use.

Destroying Federalism
Government bonds are backed up by taxation, which really is the 16th amendment,
forced on a unwitting sheeple America in 1913. Its no accident the Federal Reserve,
and 16th and 17th amendments were created as part of this progressive era banking
machinery, as banking credit system needs backstop due to its inherent instabilities.

22 Thu, 01/01/2015 - 23:32 | 5613916

The 17th is used to buy off and influence Senators and also disenfranchise States from
political power, thus destroying Federalism. I must add that this system machinery was
foisted on America as a conspiracy plot funded primarily by Ashkenazi Jews of both
Englands and Germanys (private) banking sector. This is the undeniable historical
record for any honest researcher.

The Government's role

Government in its sector is the most efficient producer. Governments sector is inelastic
markets and the commons. This is also an undeniable truth. We need government to do
its job, and it is the only force that can stop rent taking and outright usury theft of the
private economy which thus enable rent stealing as profits to bankers and finance e.g.
wall street and international bonds. Therefore, representative government is both
parasitized and then demonized by this system. Hypnotic suggestion and outright lies,
are whispered into our ear, usually by a paid off prostitute media.
In our current banker credit system, government deficit spends by going into debt to
said bankers. These are then public debts, which could be jubileed23 if we had proper
law in place. We owe public debts to ourselves supposedly, but must pay TBTF private
bankers usury for their right to make keyboard entries (to create new bank credit). Who
owns the private banks at the top of pyramid are they Americans? Are they loyal to
American foundational principles?
Private debts will always mount and grow with usury and other financial engineering
methods such as re-hypothecations, swaps, derivatives, etc. The housing bubble was
private debts pushing land as an asset class in a positive feedback loop. Even NIPA
accounting statements show this as growth thus accountants are also in on the con

Harvesting the population

The population will be harvested when finance chooses. Finance simply calls in loans or
slows down finance rate. Government going into debt, to then create new money,
forestalls this harvesting of the private economy, allowing producers some respite.
Make no mistake; Greenspan was a monetarist of the Chicago School. So, he was a
stooge and shill for private banking corporations, and he is direct ancestral lineage to
the same Ashkenazi Jews who foisted the progressive era legal machinery on America
in 1912, thus destroying our Federalism and the promise of our founding.
See Godleys sector equations for how government must go into debt for us to have any

23 jubilee Wiktionary - (Jewish history) A special year of emancipation supposed to be kept every fifty years, when
farming was abandoned and Hebrew slaves were set free. [from 14th c.]

Fri, 01/02/2015 - 00:21 | 561398224

The Brainwashing Method - everything bad
A constant drumbeat of fiat bad, government bad, everything bad, makes people
confused - this is hypnosis in action.
Think carefully on this. Our supposedly representative government is subservient to
several power groups:
1) Extraction industry - which includes oil and minerals
2) Farming sector
3) Military Industrial Complex
4) Banking and Finance.
Of these number 4 is the most powerful. Israeli lobby and Zionism is embedded in
Finance, and the money power can easily overcome and influence the rest of the
interests. These interests run America, not politics, and certainly we do not have
political capitalism. No Federalism and NO political capitalism. These ideas about
political capitalism and Federalism- the main thrust of America were usurped in 1912.

We now have financial capitalism, run by and for special interests. Our vote is not
important. We have paid for political stooges, who use propaganda and the machinery
now in place to buy our votes. Also, power is not down low in the states and
counties. Power has centralized to Washington, a direct output of the machinery.
A proper Federalist structure puts the polity into balance. For example, States no longer
recall their Senators due to the 17'th. Example: Obama care was pushed onto
Massachusets despite Romney Care being superior. When was the last time anybody has
heard of a Senator being recalled to be remanded and do the states bidding?
As soon as the 17'th was passed, Washington had stratospheric growth, as States no
longer were a restraining force.

24 Fri, 01/02/2015 - 00:21 | 5613982

Fri, 01/02/2015 - 01:36 | 561403425

Inelastic markets
Inelastic markets are things like ports, sewer systems, power lines, the military. Ports
are geographic features, and hence two side by side ports are not available for elastic
competition. Rents could be taken on ports for example, where the owner would jack
up prices to take tolls on the people. What are you going to do, sail a far distance to
avoid the extra fees?
It would not do to have competing nuclear power plants, or competing Air-Forces, etc.
as this is duplication and waste.
Therefore, inelastic markets and their regulation is a prime feature of government.
These markets and public commons are the province of government. Without
regulation of these markets and the commons, they will soon be turned over to
monopoly forces who would take rents.

Tolling formerly free roads

Tolling formerly free roads, already paid by our ancestors, is a good example of the
commons being usurped for oligarchy. Britain recently selling off its postal holdings to
private entities, and then getting kickbacks to politicians is another example of rent
takings on the commons to fund oligarchs.
When money is created through hypothecations, it is really your credit. You are being
hypothecated. You then spend this bank credit into the money supply, WHERE OTHER
PEOPLE USE IT. Therefore, money is of the commons, and is a government
prerogative. Private banking corporations do not want the sheeple to know that money
properly is of the commons they will lose their easy life of rental income and power
All of this disinformation that is spewed by the media is designed to confuse the minds
of the sheeple, and keep their eye off of the ball.
A properly constituted government is a necessary evil to prevent rent takings and keep
the commons free, and most importantly keep prices low. Without efficiency in the
market, your output cannot be priced properly, and you dont get the fruit of your labor.
Those that demean all government often are rent seekers who would love to toll the
commons and keep labor in perpetual bondage. They are already rent takers and want
to keep their position. Witness the now supercharged industrial revolution we have
entered. Production is up many times due to robotic production and high speed
communications. Yet, where is the leisure dividend? I ask again, where is it?
People are working harder than ever, to then have their output shifted away from them
into oligarchy. People know this to be true, even though they cannot articulate how it

25 Fri, 01/02/2015 - 01:36 | 5614034

Here is a good video that describes financial empire, of which are now in:

Renaissance 2.0 - Financial Empire - Full Length - Damon Vrabel 26

Debunking Money - The Way the World Really Works - Full Length - Damon Vrabel

Fri, 01/02/2015 - 11:30 | 5614887 MEFOBILLS


Man is a rent seeking animal

I notice nobody commented on link I provided above. It will take about 1 hour of your
I'm sorry that people hate government. But, anarchy doesn't work. Also, the worst
instincts of man need to be suppressed.
If a government bureaucrat issues sovereign money, by law, into the money supply - he
gains no benefit. It is not for his profit.
Somebody may try to give him a kickback, but then it wouldn't be within a legal
framework, and he can go to jail.
Sovereign debt free money is recalled with taxes. If they raise or lower taxes, then that
is also supervised by the people and available to be seen
When money is private, and when government is private, and when things are done
behind closed doors - that is when sneaky rent takings begin to happen. Psychopaths
are attracted to these sort of powers.
Limit the psychos from those sort of positions, and keep it lawful. Law done in advance
has the ability for morality to be encoded. We can also brain scan for psychopathy now.
Conservatives who think govt bad- govt bad- govt bad, better rethink their positions.
Rent taking bad- Rent taking bad- is a much better mantra.
Man is a rent seeking animal, and the worst of us will even create religions and national
movements to codify this behavior.
I just elucidated governments role, and nobody can deny that inelastic markets must
have some legal framework. If you do deny this, then your are an ideologue who
cannot think logically. the commons also make us all more efficient.
For example, having clean water makes all of labor stay healthy.

26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96c2wXcNA7A
27 Fri, 01/02/2015 - 11:30 | 5614887 MEFOBILLS

Endless loop
This link (http://sovereignmoney.eu/) leads to the following error resulting in an endless loop and a
strange error message 429 - Too Many Requests:

429 Too Many Requests


Fri, 01/02/2015 - 03:07 | 5614088 28

Kennedy as an enemy of the money powers
Actually it was recall of greenbacks with the resumption act. Silver certificates were
issued much later under President Kennedy, which in turn funded much of the Apollo
program. Actually, Kennedy allowed some reissue of Greenbacks as the law was still on
the books.
Between Kennedy forgiving third world debt, and then issuing silver certificates (thus
bypassing the FED) Kennedy was made an enemy of money powers. As soon as
Johnson came into power, the silver certificates were canceled as legal money, and also
nuclear timers were allowed to be stolen by Israel.

Some think that Johnson was a crypto Jew on his mothers side. I must also add that all
of the Kennedy family was killed in Kaballa (Jewish) numerology significance, and
when constellations were in alignment. This clearly indicates statistically, that money
power agents were behind the assassination. Kaballa is direct descendant of Zohar
mystery religion, learned in the 1000 year sojourn in Babylon, and promulgated by the

Hating Greenbacks (as debt free money)

Going back to Greenbacks. Greenbacks were Civil War treasury instruments that
circulated as money. At first they had some debt association but were never
redeemed. Lincoln just wanted some money to pay the soldiers and pay for the war
without usury and associated debts. Greenbacks then circulated debt free in the money
supply. Bankers could put them in their reserve loops and then have bank credit ride on
top in a ten to 1 ratio. Whenever Greenbacks would leave banker reserve loops, that
would unbalance their towering credit as money. Greenbacks would often leave local
banks and go to Wall Street Banks, to then be played in the stock market. Call in loans
would retrieve greenbacks especially during harvest season. This then caused credit
bankers instability as greenbacks (now as base money) would disappear. So, the bankers
hated greenbacks because they didnt have enough of them to stabilize their reserves,
and they hated them if they circulated outside of their credit system as debt free money.

28 Fri, 01/02/2015 - 03:07 | 5614088

Appendix 4 - Oil, Power, And Psychopaths

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 12:11 | 5620663 29
The psychopaths are the world government, and beneath them illuminati. It is not a
conspiracy if it is true, and there are plenty of fingerprints throughout monetary history
if one looks. This group funds themselves across the equal sign, using usury and rents.
Religious means are both a cover and a shield to then give sanction to the rent takings.
The main religion that is used for cover and shield is a non-populist blood line religion,
and some adherents at top of this power pyramid use cousin marriage to insure control
and compliance across generations.
There is an organizing philosophy, and it was learned by observing money power and
how it could usurp existing civilization. It did undermine civilization in accordance
with the desires of its money masters. Private money powers did have long running
disputes with legal money, and there was both co-option and usurpations.
The roots of this knowledge go all the way back to Apiru and the beginning of metal
money. The release of a unit that was a bearer instrument i.e. pay to the bearer upon
demand, made mankind loose the fiat of its king, meaning the fiat of its civilizational
law. Within that civilizational law, morality could be coded.
A pay to the bearer instrument is unconditional demand independent of its bearer, yet
the creation and destruction of that bearer power (money) can be hidden powers. The
Apiru noted this power as they took the exchange rate difference between silver and
gold. They then also took the exchange rate difference between intangible and
tangible. In other words, the intangible numbers on a clay ledger would grow with
usury, and physical commodity money could only grow in volume with iron implements
and slaves. Exchange difference is the operative word, and relates to the equal sign.
This power subsumed humanity and led to most of the major wars, slavery, and
conflicts from then to today.

Note that all bankers and money masters operate about the equal sign, where they do
swaps and call it even. MBS, Bonds, Derivatives, Hypothecations, Harvestings for real
assets - all of these are magical swapping of un-like things, but our weak human
minds (yes, me too) accept that they are equal because we are told so and we have trust.

The =-symbol in economics

The equal sign (=) in economics is anything but equal, and this supposed equality
especially cannot code for time, yet economists use it without shame.

29 Sun, 01/04/2015 - 12:11 | 5620663

Economic math methods are crap

All economic math methods are therefore null and void as root assumptions are
incorrect. Economists then are a priesthood who confuse with their math, and pretend
their magic is moral and rational, while taking their pay from their real masters.

Manipulated Money
Moneys main function is to divide down at the moment of transaction, to then allow the
transaction to go forth. Example: two humans engage in an exchange, but there is a
difference in perceived value. Money makes up the difference; it disassembles into
smaller numbers, and then can coalesce again later into larger numbers. Those two
humans will do the trade, but they wont know that the bearer instrument they are
holding is being manipulated, especially its volume, type, and path.

Usurped governments
The trusting humans will also trust that their government has law that insures contracts
are equal as possible, but wont know that their governments have been usurped by this
same shadowy money power. Trusting rational people have paid and are paying for
their own dispossession.

Rational humanity, the non-psychopaths need to re-gain control of both money and its
associated contracts. For morality to be encoded it has be built into money system by
design. International credit money, created by private bankers for their profit, by its very
nature will collect and encourage control with psychopaths. We already know that
psychopaths are attracted to Wall Street in high numbers.
As an aside, our latest technology can now brain scan for psychopathy.
Astle30 traces private money power back to its beginnings:

30 David Astle

Appendix 5 - Remembering Currency Wars of 1920s & 30s...


Fri, 01/23/2015 - 21:54 | 5698880 - MEFOBILLS 32

World War 2
WW2 allowed U.S government to borrow from bankers at 3/8 of 1%.
This public debt that formed new credit, was then spent by government into industry.
Industry was directed with this money to make war material. Money is a pricing and
distribution scheme, and money in this case organized labor and set prices.
This public credit spent into war channels and industry, mobilized labor and goods
production. Labor then got paid salaries, and that former public credit landed in their
From wallet, the former public credit when on to pay down private debts.

The great depression

The ratio of public debt increased, but private debts decreased. The great depression
was primarily a private debt phenomena, where people gambled in the stock market by
taking out loans.
During 20's private banking credit fueled a stock market boom, but when it went bust,
private people were left holding debts that could not be paid, as money supply did not
have enough money.
Public credit in money supply often disappeared into banker's ledger to wipe out former
debts, hence inflation was kept at bay.
WW2 and the directed geyser of public credit wiped out private debts and gave labor
jobs, thus producing wealth.

Those that made interest usury on public debts did not fight in the war.

Those that gained usury from private debts being paid down, did not fight in the war.

Those that started the war were the "international." Henry Ford identified them after
meeting with them on a Ship crossing the Atlantic.

Note that most of production of WW2 was blown up and destroyed, yet American
population emerged with low or no private debts. This then allowed them to go into a
consumption binge, especially as now modern factories went into domestic goods

31 - (And Central Banks' "Overused Bag Of Tricks")

32 Fri, 01/23/2015 - 21:54 | 5698880 - MEFOBILLS (a Student of monetary history and systems)

Fri, 01/23/2015 - 21:40 | 5698835 MEFOBILLS


Gold standard world system & fractional reserve

Reverting now to past gold standard world system:
Gold pays Credit but not vice versa. Banker Credit rides on top of Gold in a 10:1 ratio,
hence fractional reserve. Domestic banks are linked up via reserve channels, and tend to
use Treasuries instead of Gold to settle their imbalance. International trade imbalance is
consummated in Gold.
The first statement will not be discussed by money powers. Shhhhh.

During depressions real physical assets transfer pay the former credit
During depressions, in order to cancel debts, gold and other real physical assets transfer
to pay the former credit. Yet, the credit was issued from nothing upon debtors
signature. This is why credit power is so important to money powers. Shhh.

Con men lie

Credit is supposed to be redeemed with Gold, but that was always a lie. Con men lie,
and con is short for confidence game34. Con men assume fiat, or faith powers, and said
faith really belongs to common law.

Depression harvest phases

The credit is out of alignment at 10:1. Gold recently mined or loose in money supply
soon finds its way to "paying for former credit" during depression harvest phases.

How are depressions created?

How are depressions created? Usury35 on credit insures that loans created must be paid
back with more than principal36 ( The original amount invested, separate from
earnings). This "more" must be exogenous ( external) to banking system, and usually
comes through Keynesian deficit spending, thus putting public on the debt
hook. Without deficit spending, somebody has to cancel private debts e.g. go bust in
order to leave their former credit in the supply.

Mercantilism (excess exports)

Mercantilism was excess exports in order to grab other countries gold. That gold then
paid "credit" needs of private banking, which made public feel secure, because public
was trained and hypnotized to think shiny metal was money. This hypnotic suggestion
exists to today.

Fri, 01/23/2015 - 21:40 | 5698835 MEFOBILLS

A con artist, or a person who uses a fraud method known as a confidence trick
Usury is the practice of making unethical or immoral monetary loans that unfairly enrich the lender.
I corrected principle to principal

Problems with old gold system

Lots of problems with old gold systems, which also included exchange rate differences
between silver/gold. These problems cycled man into poverty, war, booms and busts.

Confidence Games
The highest form of money is a division of the law. Even the old credit riding on Gold
fractional reserve system assumed law and force; but assuming this law/force power
was part of the con.

Today's system is also a con

Today's system is also a con, just a different form of same money power game. That is,
to own oligarchical control and rents on society.

Appendix 6 - Conrad Black: The Saudis Fear Western Alliance

With Iran; Crashing Oil Is Their Retaliation37
Sun, 12/21/2014 - 23:15 | 5579987 38
There are a lot of trains on parallel tracks.

Eurasia Wolfowitz Doctrine

The U.S. policy via Wolfowitz Doctrine39 is to not allow Eurasia to form. Saudi's are
part of Washington Consensus especially after the Kissinger agreement in 73 or so,
when the petrodollar TBill economic system was formed. All petrodollars are to be
recycled into Western Markets and banks, and Saudi's get protection and guaranteed
markets. Oil is to be priced in dollars.

Greater Israel
Our Zionist friends want the land between Tigris and Euphrates as their supposed God
Given right as the chosen people. Look at their flag and Greater Israel Coins, and the
images on their Bank logos if you don't believe it.

Qatar gas
Qatar is sitting on a massive Gas Field and Iran can disturb their plans, hence Qatar is
funding much of ISIS. QATAR gas is to funnel into Europe and not Russian Gas.
Europe needs gas, and suppliers are jockeying to supply them. Russia is out and middle
east is in. Secondary supplier is U.S. via fracking gas shipped over in cryogenically
cooled ships (yes its stupid - like a floating bomb).
Turkeys leader doesn't like Assad, but since Putin is having the south stream vector
there, my guess is Turkey will back off in Syria, thus thwarting NeoCons/Israel. Also if
Turkey breaks away from Nato, that is another nail in NATO's coffin.
There was also the neocon plan to knock over a number of countries via color
revolutions, amongst them Ukraine and Syria. The color revolutions got their trigger
point with false flag 9-11.

Saudis' oil
The house of Saud is only following orders from their Washington Consensus handlers.
Saudi's cannot eat their oil, they need to trade it in markets, and they now have a
number of princling dependents and guest workers. Saudis will do what their masters
tell them to do.

37 Conrad Black: The Saudis Fear Western Alliance With Iran; Crashing Oil Is Their Retaliation
38 Sun, 12/21/2014 - 23:15 | 5579987
39 The doctrine announces the U.Ss status as the worlds only remaining superpower following the collapse of the
Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War and proclaims its main objective to be retaining that status.

Mon, 12/22/2014 - 00:16 | 5580091 MEFOBILLS 40

Before Wolfowitz is was Zbigniew Brzezinski in Grand Chessboard and New American
Century. Policies are all predicated on keeping Russia out and America in. If Eurasia
forms via rail, money and economic links, then the U.S. is out of Europe. If U.S. is out,
then Isra- hells protector is also out. Therefore, Capital markets and Western Central
Bankers - including the Saudi's who are part of this system, are in alignment. At the top
of Western Banking paradigm is Kabballha following Zionist Bankers, who have large
influence in Washington Consensus policy.

Iraq was primarily about the oil, as Saddam was trying to price oil outside of dollars.
Saudis agree to sell oil in dollars as that is the Kissinger agreement. Remember the
Saudi's came into power in a coup, and were legitimated when America recognized

In 74 as part of the Agreement, OPEC cartelization was tactitly agreed as being legal,
which is why the immediate price bump of oil happened in 74.

40 Mon, 12/22/2014 - 00:16 | 5580091 MEFOBILLS

Appendix 7 - Guest Post: 2014 - A Russian Viewpoint 41

Thu, 01/01/2015 - 14:32 | 5612560 MEFOBILLS 42
Oil Tankers
I notice TD didn't mention a strategic weakness of Western/Zionist entity. Namely, Oil
Tankers - especially supertankers. Break the oil flow and petrodollar and its associated
hedges goes into instability, possibly triggering now legalized bail ins, which then
release more instabilities inherent to system of "international credit money." Yes, by
saying the word "international" I intentionally mean Zionist bankers. If the war goes
hot, Saudi Arabia itself is also a weak point, as their physical infrastructure can be easily
interdicted. Cut off the flow of oil to the West, and its industrial and economic
machinery shut down.
By the way, being anti-zionist is usually a learned position. Nobody is born to it, so
usually anti-zionists are more self educated than average, and hence are not "reactionary
racist idiots" by definition. Any fair reading of recent history shows Zionism is indeed
a major force shaping world events, including most if not all modern wars. Those that
object to this world view have not done their homework. Also, letting go of certain
shibboleths is difficult because it un-moors a person and they become adrift. In other
words, being anti-Jooooo is simply being healthy and acknowledging certain realities.
A healthy host will always try to shake off its parasite.
There are many innocent Jewish sheeple who have no idea what their
Zionist/Kaballah/Zohar satanic leaders are up to. These innocent sheeples are not the
target of anti-jooos speak. Usury on this private credit international money is in the
Trillions per year. Also, holding debt instruments on the world is another form of
control. Go ahead and deliver yourself into slavery if you do not believe this usury
driven system is operative in Western World. Anti-Jooos object to this form of control
and soft slavery. Stealing in the form of rents is inherently anti-human (diabolical and
satanic) and prevents civilization from evolving.

China's efficiency
China has State Banks. She FORGIVES loans, and then her former credit as money has
lost its credit association. It becomes debt free money. The West can never beat this
type of money as it is inherently efficient as it circulates without a usurious cost. This
makes the Chinese economy permanently efficient. Wall Street will continue to take
wage arbitrage and hence hollow-out the west as wall street cannot let go of their rentseeking ways. Zionism and their rent seeking ways, have found their ultimate match,
and their end. When China has protected energy in the form of pipelines, and protected
inputs of raw materials, and world class industry and science, and her own sovereign
money and trading partners, then China has little in the way of weakness.
I definitely see the West losing this war, as there are way too many internal
contradictions and weak points. Western Goverments might become sane and adopt
Sovereign Money with maybe even a bancor type international exchange unit, so
41 Guest Post: 2014 - A Russian Viewpoint
42 Thu, 01/01/2015 - 14:32 | 5612560 MEFOBILLS

nations can trade evenly without currency exchange rate manipulations.

But, I doubt sanity will happen. Being able to create private international credit money
and usurious take rents is too close to GOD, and why would Zionist oligarchs give that
up? Rental mechanisms has been working for them since the Apiru (Habiru/Hebrew)
and their traveling donkey caravans starting in Neolithic period. Also, their relgion has
certain imperatives that must be met before holy-serpent messiah can leave Klippoth
space to then reside in the rebuilt temple and hence control the world. Tikkun is a very
real ancient idea infesting Zionist philosophy, and it needs money power via usurious
Let's also not forget that Russia under Jewish Zionist-funded Bolshevism suffered
terribly, with probably upwards of 20-30 million souls lost to starvation, terror,

Appendix 8 - "Government Is Waging A Perpetual War Against

Human Nature... They Can Never Win"43
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 17:12 | 5693932 MEFOBILLS 44
There is no such thing as a free market. It is B.S.45
There are three kinds of markets: 1) Elastic 2) Inelastic 3) Mixed
Elastic can have competition and thus hold down prices. Consumers have a choice on
what to buy. Even so, a rent seeking manufacturer might put melamine in baby formula
in order to make some more profits. Hence, even Elastic markets need regulation.
Inelastic markets have no ready competition, so it must be regulated or government
owned. Can we have two air-forces? How about two sewer lines to each house, and
may the lowest price win! Again rentier and monopoly forces will try to own inelastic
markets like ports or roads, and try to take perpetual rents. Do you want to live in an
Mixed markets are something like medical. One set of proponents will claim medical is
elastic, and another will claim inelastic. In the meantime, because the waters are
muddied, we get Obamacare. In Japan their medical costs are 30% of the U.S. normed
to our dollars. That means our Medical system is taking 70% rents.

Fiat Money

Also, all money is fiat. It is a function of the law. Even metal by weight as money had
force behind it, if you couldnt pay creditors; you would often die or be put into slavery.
Witness the slavery of Greece and then Solons reforms.
Rentiers, particularly those in finance, host government and pervert law to aggrandize
and move wealth toward them. Monopoly forces love to popularize the idea
government bad while simultaneously hosting it so as to bend it to their will.
Federalism should be responsible to the political will of the people, and this type of
government can thwart the will of rentiers/monopolists. Federalism is Local power, not
money and political power pyramided toward Washington. Back scratching politicos in
Washington get their money from private finance, and when they deficit spend their
bonds are monetized by private finance. OK. Government does not issue money.
The real problem is rents and rent-seekers. Government exists to improve the commons
and create a breathing space so civilization can evolve.

43 "Government Is Waging A Perpetual War Against Human Nature... They Can Never Win"
44 Thu, 01/22/2015 - 17:12 | 5693932 MEFOBILLS
45 Bullshit, phrase

Our focus should be on rent seekers wherever they are, both in private supposedly free
markets and also in government.

Once government money is issued, they have no control over it. It spins in the money
supply debt fee allowing economic freedom. It can only be recalled with taxes, and
taxes are an overt political maneuver. Banker credit can have more drain or supply depending on what they want, and through these cycles, they can induce inflation or
depression. Free market is B.S. and Banker Credit is not economic freedom, it is quite
the opposite. It is mind control slavery and propaganda to popularize the idea of free
markets and market money. There can only be low cost delivery of prices, which then
gives man freedom.

Thu, 01/22/2015 - 20:48 | 5694709 MEFOBILLS 46

Escrava, Did you see all the down votes? Even though it is obvious that markets are
of three kinds, and it is a well known fact, many don't want to hear it.
Here is another unpleasant truth:
Money should not exchange for money. Money is an abstraction, which has many
properties. Path, volume, type, velocity amongst them. But, to swap one abstraction
with another is a logical no-no. But, as you know our banker friends and money
masters insist that they own the equal sign, and they determine what should swap for

A proper money system would have something like Keynes bancor. In that system, if a
good leaves a country, then a bancor moves in the opposite direction. So, a bancor is a
mechanism that accounts for goods movement. The money itself stays within the
nations boundaries, such that it can then be under lawful guidance.
If a country became mercantile, their extra bancors would be put in a reserve fund and
then cycled back to other countries in trade deficit.
So, Ruble collapses and dollar hegemony, and the China Gambit, etc. etc. can all be
seen within the context of full spectrum war, where the players are hiding behind the
equal sign. They have no intention of doing fair and equitable trade.
Russia and China were at the IMF trying to get SDR's going, and this would be a bancor
like system. The dollar would have become one more currency of the world, that would
have been anchored by the basket. Said basket would be things like cows, wheat, and
other items that are NOT subject to whimsical manipulation. SDR bancor like currency
would then make trade more like barter. The anchor currency, based on goods, would
then expose any country doing games with their domestic money.
SDR's in their current incarnation are held in reserve channels of private banks, and they
work as dollars. So, I'm talking about a different kind of SDR, where its properties
would have been changed. The U.S. locked Russia and China out of IMF, and this yet
another reason we are in the world situation today----it could have been averted. But
then our Washington consensus government is completely parasitized by money power
special interests.
All international trade is really barter, and a system that marks the barter is what we
I'm not fully into the Ruble machinations, but I would guess the collapse is probably a
bear raid, where the action of shorting it drives it down in a positive feedback. (Yes, our
money system has all kinds of positive unwanted feedback, inherent to its design.)

46 Thu, 01/22/2015 - 20:48 | 5694709 MEFOBILLS

Thu, 01/22/2015 - 23:27 | 5695234 MEFOBILLS 47

The real problem is rents and rent-seekers?
What do you mean by that?
Rents are a term normed out of our language. Usually if we don't know something, it is
purposefully hidden from our view. It comes from rent-racking in England. This was
where landed class would charge industrial workers large "rents" to stay on their

The French Physiocrats then morphed the term to mean rentier. Rentier's are a group of
people who want to take high profits. These profits are costs above the real cost of
production. So, rents are anything were there are hidden costs, which are buried in high
America is loaded with rents, and rentiers. But, since we don't have language, we
cannot talk about it as a concept.
Example: An oil company moves crude from middle east on Panamanian flagged ships.
The input price of this crude is increased before it goes to gulf refineries. The refinery
is allowed to make only so much profit, just enough to cover their costs. Profits are
output price minus input crude price. On the ledger in Panama, the real profits are
made, because it is a flag of convenience country with no income tax. Therefore the
profits on ledger in panama are not taxed, and instead middle class American's take the
hit. The oil company makes hidden profits.
Apple takes its profits in Ireland.
People take high depreciation on buildings, yet the land value increases.
Monopoly forces by definition are rents.

Lobbyists who change law to give their industry special privilege, and thus extra profits,
are taking rents.
Usury on money itself is probably a 40% rent scheme, meaning the money itself takes
for its right to exist.

47 Thu, 01/22/2015 - 23:27 | 5695234 MEFOBILLS

Appendix 9 - Moscow... Or Geneva?48

Thu, 01/15/2015 - 14:40 | 5666145 MEFOBILLS 49
Gold by weight as money is a perversion. Mankind was held in debt bondage to this
money type for thousands of years.
The dark ages were because money was Gold conscripted at the Bascillus during
Byzantium. It was the fourth crusades that sacked "Constantinople" and released all the
stored Gold, which then allowed the renaissance.
The real problem is that modern money is not scientific and is not following law.
Money is an abstract accounting identity that has rules. There are so many rules that are
being broken it is astonishing.

One of these rules, not obeyed, is that money should not trade for money. Keynes
Bancor system would prevent this as the bancor is an accounting mechanism that keeps
track of international goods exchange. Yes, our favorite tribal friends blocked bancor
idea at Bretton Woods, setting up today's fiasco.

FX trading
All international trade is really barter, and you need someway to keep track of the
barter. FX trading is a perversion which allows private financial actors to jack with the
money medium that labor uses to trade their output.
This is life and death stuff, as most people work to then trade their labor for money.

48 Moscow... Or Geneva?
49 Thu, 01/15/2015 - 14:40 | 5666145 MEFOBILLS

Appendix 10 - The Gloves Come Off: Germany Says Grexit

"Manageable" As Tsipras Demands Greek Debt Writeoff
Sat, 01/03/2015 - 14:05 | 561871350
Post WW2 Greek political establishment is supported by Britain and the U.S. Greece is
located strategically and must not fall to Communism. Collapse of Soviet Union and
Rise of Euro, does not change leadership dynamic in Greece.
1. Greeces leaders print up sovereign bonds and exchange them for Euros, usually in
English, German, or French banks. Said PRIVATE banking corporations, create the
Euros from nothing, in exchange for the bonds. Usury, of course, is embedded in the
bond as a function.
2. Greece spends their Credit Euros into their money supply. This money is directed at
consumption and buying off political favors. (At this point, two economic laws have
been broken: Debts point outside of Greek legal system and Credit money spent on
3. Credit money spent into Greek Money supply finds its way to buy a BMW or other
imported good. Since Germany is a mercantile country, they are happy to have
surplus exports, to suck up credit Euros from the periphery. (Germany should know
better as they got screwed by Versailles' Treaty in similar mechanism Germany could
not export their way to get hard currency to pay debts. Another law is broken.
Exports and Imports should balance.)
4. Greece then prints up another bond and takes it to perhaps a German bank, where their
former Euros now reside as German Savings. This new bond re-finances the debt
from former bond. In this case the usury becomes principle in new bond. (Yet another
economic rule is now broken. Rolling over usury makes it go exponential as it is
interest on interest)
5. Greece spends Euros into its money supply on more non-production. The cycle
6. Greece has no sovereign money, so there is no exchange rate mechanism that says to
devalue your currency and hence pay off foreign debts. Even if they could become
mercantile, it is not in the Greek economy to become Germans. (Another rule broken:
No real feedback mechanism to prevent rent taking. Three entities in on the game:
Private Euro Credit Creating Banking Corporations, Greek Political Oligarchs,
German Mercantilism.) Who gets screwed? German labor and Greek Labor.
7. How to settle the debts? Finance will want Greek Lands or real assets transferred to
collapse the debt instruments. (Another rule broken: Dont ever let private finance
rule over sovereignty, otherwise you become slaves in the lands of your fathers.)
Lots of rules now broken in a giant circle jerk. Where were the economists?
50 Sat, 01/03/2015 - 14:05 | 5618713

Appendix 11-The Cost Of Obama's "Free" Community College

Plan To Taxpayers? $60 Billion 51
Fri, 01/09/2015 - 20:29 | 5644455 MEFOBILLS 52
In Canada circa 1974 education was free, medical was mostly free, business formation
was done with savings and their business was world class competitive. By using
Savings of this type, people stopped going to banks for loans, and instead neighbors
financed neighbors.
There is enough flux energy of a proper economy to afford college for anybody that
wants to go. In fact, since labor is a component of all economics, then improving the lot
of labor make for better economic outcomes. A well educated populace of high IQ, self
directed people should be a priority of government.
It all begins and ends with the money system. Money systems price things and direct
the flux energy of an economy. Money allocates by pricing and distribution, among its
many other attributes.

Money supply losses

As Margaret Kennedy53 has shown, usury and other rents on money supply drain away
about 40% of a people's energy. Siphoning away 40 percent to inefficiencies and
oligarchy is effectively welfare for the rich.
So, the idea that we cannot afford college and build out roads and improve our lot in life
is not true. History shows definitely, that humans can improve the commons and
channel productivity to their benefit. Usually this sort of beneficial system is snuffed
out by "private international bankers" who in turn follow ancient tribal doctrine such as
Kaballah and Talmud. Money is a commons, it is not a rent system for the

The end of Canada's sanity

Canada was allowed to keep her "sane" system of money until 1974, and that is when
international bankers made their move, by paying off parliamentarians and forcing BOC
into the BIS system.
Here is a quote from McKenzie King of Bank of Canada, 1935 or so. I recommend
reading links and watching YouTube-videos.
Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and
recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of the
51 The Cost Of Obama's "Free" Community College Plan To Taxpayers? $60 Billion
52 Fri, 01/09/2015 - 20:29 | 5644455 MEFOBILLS
53 Interest and Inflation Free Money: Creating an Exchange Medium That Works for Everybody and Protects the
Earth, first published in 1987 and updated repeatedly afterward, last time in 2006 (in German anyway). The English
1995 version is available online.

sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile. Once a nation parts with
the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes that nation's laws.
Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation54.

So, the idea of energy death of humans, as per Reg Morrison, I wouldn't make that call
We use up more and more energy to pay usury/debts. It is something like walking down
the middle of a cone, where what we have to do in the future is more in order to pay
what is behind us. The cone opens up faster and faster in front of us i.e. the future,
demanding more to pay the past. This causes us to rape the environment and monetize
everything. For example, convert a forest to board feet of lumber to then sell lumber
for money.
An economy that has a large percentage of gifting must also have money that works
properly, and hence the need for ever increasing inputs of energy goes way down. Also
more gifting will put humans back on the path of being the social animal they were
meant to be, and they will spend less time driving around and going crazy to monetize

Fri, 01/09/2015 - 22:53 | 5644781 55

We'll have to make an alternate money system that is run by monetary fundamentals. In
other words, we will make a system. The system will be non profit and work as a
servant to the needs of the community.
See Anthony's talent system56. It will be going for crowd funding next. I've developed
rules for my system, which is very similar. I'm waiting on him to get the software57


Chapter 24 Liberal Leader Mackenzie King Said in 1935

Fri, 01/09/2015 - 22:53 | 5644781
More On The Talent | Real Currencies
Cyclos software

Appendix 12 - 2015 Will Be All About Iran, China And Russia

Fri, 01/02/2015 - 23:17 | 5617545 MEFOBILLS 58
Moscows key mistake was to allow Russia's domestic industry to be financed
by external, dollar-denominated debt.
During the Yeltsin years, the former Soviet Union was encouraged to put their lands and
industry onto foreign debt ledgers in exchange for Dollars and Euros. The idea was that
future productivity would pay for the usurious loans. The problem: 1) Exchange Rate
2) Debts grow with usury 3) Commons and other natural resources are now attached to
a legal debt instrument.
Note that this mechanism takes former debt free lands, and attaches them through debt
instruments. These instruments are held overseas in foreign banks.


Of course, the Harvard Boys (Jews) would never will tell this truth, and they didn't
when they advised the Russians upon opening to West. The objective is to get
everything in debt and then said debt instruments establish a bondage relation. We - the
west- missed a grand opportunity to be Friends with the Russians, a civilization very
much in alignment with Christian and hence Western Ideals.

Latvia and Estonia

Later, Latvia and Estonia go on a credit fueled binge, trading their debt free lands for a
party of consumption. Here is another rule that Credit making private bankers will never


INTEREST with improved productivity.

Worse, the Latvian debts are generational. Forever putting families into bondage.



Notice that Russia continued to remain as an extraction economy, where their natural
resources were used in trade for hard currency, and that currency then should buy
western finished goods. Hence Russia doesn't make cars or much in the way of high
end goods.

58 Fri, 01/02/2015 - 23:17 | 5617545 MEFOBILLS

This entire mechanism meant that Russia had an unbalanced economy and hence their
labor could not earn improved increment of production, as there was little to no
production of finished goods.

Exchange Rate of money

Exchange Rate of money is really exchanging an abstraction for an abstraction. Money
is an abstract accounting identity that should relate to goods and services, and general
economic health. But, in the Western World, money is a division of debt instruments.

Economic warfare
It is easy for those that create dollars/Euros, meaning Bankers to make a loan to then
drive down exchange rates. Exchange rate manipulations and bear raids are a form of
economic warfare.
The recent war against Russia is only helping them, as they are now forced to diversify
their economy, and make it more balanced, thus ultimately helping their people. Using
their own credit and selling finished goods, keeps their debt instruments at home another plus, which keeps Russian debts under their legal system.

Economic truths
A question: Why is it you have to hear economic truths from an unknown like me, and
not from mainstream economists?
The West needs to stop jacking around with the life force energy of other peoples of the
word. Money is also earned with labor and life energy, and to steal it through
hypothecations and other double dealing in market manipulations, etc. will come back
to haunt us.

Fri, 01/02/2015 - 23:41 | 5617612 MEFOBILLS 59

Permacredit - Debt free money
Debt free money floats in the money supply and has no counter in a debt instrument.
Sovereign money people also call debt free money "permacredit." Debt free jumps
from transaction to transaction thus settling the exchange without usury. It is a most
efficient money type.
However, debt free money can get caught in certain channels and not want to escape. It
can only be recalled with taxes.
Interest Free Credit is issued as revolving credit (like a credit card) or can be issued
through a double entry ledger. In the case of double entry, it will some sort of collateral
Interest Free Credit will be recalled to its ledger with an accounting cycle. Therefore
with interest free credit, there will be a drain on the money supply at an accounting rate.
Note that with debt free money, there is no drain. Also another economic rule:


Debt Free Money can enter the ledger and disappear if it is abstract as in electronic
A proper money supply can have both money and credit. Both are useful if constructed
properly - and this means a MONEY SYSTEM THAT IS DESIGNED
What we have now is giant con game built up over time by Rent Seekers, and we are
stuck with it. It needs to flushed down the crapper if mankind is to move forward.
With both debt free money and interest free credit, the VOLUME of money in the
supply still needs to be managed. Bankers and Economists won't tell you that either.

59 Fri, 01/02/2015 - 23:41 | 5617612 MEFOBILLS

Sat, 01/03/2015 - 00:25 | 5617696 MEFOBILLS 60

We could reset the world system easily.

Japans economy post WW2 used "credit windows" where BOJ controlled path and
volume of credit. This made Japanese companies fight for market share instead of
profits. This was a war time economy diverted to peace time use.
In other words, Humans are so productive with their energy fueled machines, that even
a small country like Japan could make most of the worlds finished goods.
During WW2 how much did we blow up in the form of war material? Yet, we came out
with world class industry and a debt free public? Private debts were paid down during
WW2, thus a consumption binge followed. In other words, we took on public debts at
3/8 of 1%, but reduced private debts simultaneously while employing labor.
It's a crap shoot that governments might finally re-assert their money issuing
prerogative. Sovereign money theorists like Huber61 have a full grasp on what can be
done. There are a few economists out there giving good advice. The majority though
are usury funded shills of bankers and industry.
If Governments refuse to do their job, then I have a pretty good handle on a system that
I designed with other like minded people; This system uses contract law and various
money types to their advantage. Also channels are kept simple, so credit as money can
find its debt instrument. No interest, but there are some fees in the system, and the Fees
flow back out as wages, so it is non usurious.

The U.S. has all kinds of advantages. Navigable water ways, and industrious population,
high education, natural resources, access to oceans, etc. etc.
A money system redesign can be phased in, but it first takes awareness and stopping the
deluge of misinformation.

Yes, if the BRICS take off, and say Germany joins, then all of those overseas dollars
will try to flood home, thus causing hyperinflation.

60 Sat, 01/03/2015 - 00:25 | 5617696 MEFOBILLS

61 Joseph Huber 2014

Appendix 99 - Overview of Mefobills' Comments in Zerohedge

A Mania Of Manias
Rampalooza 2015 is in gear after Wednesday's late day "bear market" MEFOBills, thanks for
this MEFOBills, thanks for this series of very well strung together comments. Very
enlightening.... ... clown, Paul Krugman, and his cat?! MEFOBILLS, You make it sound
MEFOBILLS, You make it sound ...
Story - Tyler Durden - 01/01/2015 - 22:00 - 50 comments - 0 attachments
2015 Will Be All About Iran, China And Russia
written over 2500 years ago said as much. MEFOBILLS.........I like your
MEFOBILLS.........I like ...
Story - Tyler Durden - 01/02/2015 - 22:15 - 375 comments - 0 attachments
Correcting Scrooges Economics
of control. MEFOBILLS: "There is no MEFOBILLS: "There is no magical properties
to ...
Story - Tyler Durden - 12/25/2014 - 20:00 - 55 comments - 0 attachments
Guest Post: 2014 - A Russian Viewpoint
Via The Vineyard Of The Saker blog , Introduction: By any measure 2014 has been a truly
historic year which saw huge, I would say, even tectonic developments. This year ends in very
high instability, and the future looks hard to ...
Story - Tyler Durden - 12/31/2014 - 21:15 - 573 comments - 0 attachments
Russia's "Startling" Proposal To Europe: Dump The US, Join The Eurasian Economic Union
Slowly but surely Europe is figuring out that as a result of the western economic and financial
blockade of Russian, it is Europe itself that is suffering the most. And while Germany was
first to acknowledge this late in 2014 when its economy swooned and ...
Story - Tyler Durden - 01/05/2015 - 06:02 - 597 comments - 0 attachments
"Government Is Waging A Perpetual War Against Human Nature... They Can Never Win"
Gee Wally, what's on TV?



Story - Tyler Durden - 01/22/2015 - 16:34 - 99 comments - 0 attachments

The Cost Of Obama's "Free" Community College Plan To Taxpayers? $60 Billion
Yesterday, to much shock and dismay, Obama revealed his latest "noble" grand vision:
provide a free community college education to millions of folks . Apparently now, far too late,
even the community organizer-in-chief realized that with $1.2 trillion ...
Story - Tyler Durden - 01/09/2015 - 16:45 - 312 comments - 0 attachments
Oil, Power, And Psychopaths
to its beginnings: MEFOBILLS ...
Story - Tyler Durden - 01/04/2015 - 10:24 - 145 comments - 0 attachments
Wall Street Heathens: How Their Greed And Gambling Became The Axe Of Statist Policy

starting stating the facts more accurately. By MEFOBILLS : China has State Banks. She ...
Story - Tyler Durden - 01/01/2015 - 19:15 - 73 comments - 0 attachments
The Gloves Come Off: Germany Says Grexit "Manageable" As Tsipras Demands Greek Debt
With just three weeks until the Greek snap elections on January 25 in which Tsipras' Syriza is
virtually assured of victory (unless somehow G-Pap's "new and improved" political party
manages to steal enough votes to prevent this, although one wonders ...
Story - Tyler Durden - 01/03/2015 - 23:32 - 410 comments - 0 attachments
Conrad Black: The Saudis Fear Western Alliance With Iran; Crashing Oil Is Their Retaliation


MEFOBILLS Great post. Interesting take on ...

Story - Tyler Durden - 12/21/2014 - 21:45 - 132 comments - 0 attachments

Moscow... Or Geneva?
when you spout your 'official' bullshit line, MEFOBILLS. With English subtitles: With ...
Story - Tyler Durden - 01/15/2015 - 23:00 - 191 comments - 0 attachments

Contents of the Notes to the MEFOBILLS Papers

The Mefobills-Comments.....................................................................................................................1
The Trojan Horses............................................................................................................................1
The Roman Deceit......................................................................................................................2
The French assignats...................................................................................................................2
Parallels between The Great Depression ('30) and Today's Depression.....................................2
The Great Depression..................................................................................................................3
Appendix 1 - Tools for hidden fund-raising.........................................................................................4
Mefo bills ........................................................................................................................................4
ffa bills .........................................................................................................................................4
Appendix 2 - Correcting Scrooges Economics...................................................................................5
Fri, 12/26/2014 - 11:30 | 5593062 (Mefobills) ...............................................................................5
Gold based systems.....................................................................................................................5
M0 (Savings not earmarked for destruction)..............................................................................5
Fraudulent Money systems to harvest populations.....................................................................6
Fri, 12/26/2014 - 11:52 | 5593164 ..................................................................................................7
Appendix 3 - A Mania Of Manias........................................................................................................8
Thu, 01/01/2015 - 23:32 | 5613916..................................................................................................8
Defining the Fraud......................................................................................................................8
The Depression Mechanism and Fiat Money..............................................................................8
Destroying Federalism................................................................................................................8
The Government's role................................................................................................................9
Harvesting the population...........................................................................................................9
Fri, 01/02/2015 - 00:21 | 5613982.................................................................................................10
The Brainwashing Method - everything bad.............................................................................10
Fri, 01/02/2015 - 01:36 | 5614034.................................................................................................11
Inelastic markets........................................................................................................................11
Tolling formerly free roads.......................................................................................................11
Fri, 01/02/2015 - 11:30 | 5614887 MEFOBILLS .........................................................................12
Man is a rent seeking animal.....................................................................................................12
Endless loop..............................................................................................................................13
429 Too Many Requests............................................................................................................13
Fri, 01/02/2015 - 03:07 | 5614088 ................................................................................................14
Kennedy as an enemy of the money powers.............................................................................14
Hating Greenbacks (as debt free money)..................................................................................14
Appendix 4 - Oil, Power, And Psychopaths.......................................................................................15
Sun, 01/04/2015 - 12:11 | 5620663................................................................................................15
The =-symbol in economics..................................................................................................15
Economic math methods are crap.............................................................................................16
Manipulated Money..................................................................................................................16
Usurped governments...............................................................................................................16

Appendix 5 - Remembering Currency Wars of 1920s & 30s... .........................................................17

Fri, 01/23/2015 - 21:54 | 5698880 - MEFOBILLS .......................................................................17
World War 2..............................................................................................................................17
The great depression.................................................................................................................17
Fri, 01/23/2015 - 21:40 | 5698835 MEFOBILLS .........................................................................18
Gold standard world system & fractional reserve.....................................................................18
During depressions real physical assets transfer pay the former credit....................................18
Con men lie...............................................................................................................................18
Depression harvest phases.........................................................................................................18
How are depressions created?...................................................................................................18
Mercantilism (excess exports)...................................................................................................18
Problems with old gold system.................................................................................................19
Confidence Games....................................................................................................................19
Today's system is also a con......................................................................................................19
Appendix 6 - Conrad Black: The Saudis Fear Western Alliance With Iran; Crashing Oil Is Their
Sun, 12/21/2014 - 23:15 | 5579987 ...............................................................................................20
Eurasia Wolfowitz Doctrine .....................................................................................................20
Greater Israel.............................................................................................................................20
Qatar gas...................................................................................................................................20
Saudis' oil..................................................................................................................................20
Mon, 12/22/2014 - 00:16 | 5580091 MEFOBILLS ......................................................................21
Appendix 7 - Guest Post: 2014 - A Russian Viewpoint .....................................................................22
Thu, 01/01/2015 - 14:32 | 5612560 MEFOBILLS .......................................................................22
Oil Tankers...............................................................................................................................22
China's efficiency......................................................................................................................22
Appendix 8 - "Government Is Waging A Perpetual War Against Human Nature... They Can Never
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 17:12 | 5693932 MEFOBILLS .......................................................................24
Fiat Money................................................................................................................................24
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 20:48 | 5694709 MEFOBILLS .......................................................................26
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 23:27 | 5695234 MEFOBILLS .......................................................................27
Appendix 9 - Moscow... Or Geneva?.................................................................................................28
Thu, 01/15/2015 - 14:40 | 5666145 MEFOBILLS .......................................................................28
FX trading.................................................................................................................................28
Appendix 10 - The Gloves Come Off: Germany Says Grexit "Manageable" As Tsipras Demands
Greek Debt Writeoff...........................................................................................................................29
Sat, 01/03/2015 - 14:05 | 5618713 ................................................................................................29
Appendix 11-The Cost Of Obama's "Free" Community College Plan To Taxpayers? $60 Billion . .30
Fri, 01/09/2015 - 20:29 | 5644455 MEFOBILLS .........................................................................30

Money supply losses.................................................................................................................30
The end of Canada's sanity ......................................................................................................30
Fri, 01/09/2015 - 22:53 | 5644781 ................................................................................................31
Appendix 12 - 2015 Will Be All About Iran, China And Russia........................................................32
Fri, 01/02/2015 - 23:17 | 5617545 MEFOBILLS .........................................................................32
Latvia and Estonia.....................................................................................................................32
Exchange Rate of money..........................................................................................................33
Economic warfare.....................................................................................................................33
Economic truths........................................................................................................................33
Fri, 01/02/2015 - 23:41 | 5617612 MEFOBILLS .........................................................................34
Permacredit - Debt free money.................................................................................................34
Sat, 01/03/2015 - 00:25 | 5617696 MEFOBILLS .........................................................................35
Appendix 99 - Overview of Mefobills' Comments in Zerohedge......................................................36

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