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The Reality of Human Reality (A short thought that will ripple

cosmically thought the Mega-verse)

People need to understand that mankind was given everything to heal, cure,
and replenish our bodies and minds, it is the EARTH and it provides
everything that we require without prescriptions, medicine, treatments and
other "modern medicine" that is really good at two things;
2.Causing, inflicting & creating more infections, afflictions and of course
Death's than they actually cure. Yes we live longer than our ancestors but we
use our bodies about 80% less so why wouldn't we have more "wasted" time
ti live longer and continue to just stay complacent and not crave to taste
LIFE, the life that you try so hard not to end isn't really lived at the end
compared to the an Ancient Explorer who traveled alone through dangerous
unknown lands seeing parts of this amazing creature that allows us to live on
it, and yes look it up, the earth is a living, breathing, organism that meets the
requirements of what would be considered Alive, and is probably more self
aware than anyone would think and if you think of the universe as not big
rock/gas/plasma inanimate objects that just float through space, if you think
outside the box that we are placed in at a young age and told that people
who stay outside the box too long end up in a physical box for like because
they don't think like everyone else so they need to be isolated and put with
other nonconformist, but I digress......If you look at these "planets" as instead
giant, sentient, higher forms of life that can not only communicate with with
each other but have an understanding of the mega-verse that we not only
would have the mental capacity to understand but we would have to accept
that we are far from the only source of intelligence in the INFINITE Outer and
Inner space that makes up all time that is simultaneously happening RIGHT
NOW< ALL AT ONCE but because we couldn't grasp that concept we see
"time" and measure it with our primitive "numbers" that are just another man
made way for us to divide up even more the obvious truth of everything, we
are ALL ONE BEING experiences itself subjectively and our purpose in life is to
shed the petty ideas of ownership, wealth, individuality, and to understand
that by helping the guy next to you, the guy next to him is helping you, we
don't need to trade in our hours of our lives for a hand full of dimes. Your life
and your role in this world is EPIC and we have allowed them to not only take
it away from us but to make us think that by "working hard" for a "good
company" and putting your work ahead makes you a "productive member of
society" and that is what a fulfilling life is all about........that is not what was
ever intended for you, to spend some of the best years in your human

existence getting paid 1/10th of your value, making another person rich by
doing some monotonous, menial, task that is usually mentally debilitating
and pointless in the greater scheme of human existence. No one will
remember your legacy as the GREATEST OFFICE MANGER FOR SOME "WHO
CARES Inc." that will end up getting bought out by "WE CONSUME LIFE Corp"
and you will get laid off for being really good at your job so they can hire two
or three inexperienced, collage kids and with mostly no experience and very
little understanding of what they really need to do, but don't worry because
right before you get your "we hate to have to let you go" speech, they will
have you think that you are getting a team put under you and allowed to
manage your own sub-department, they will make sure you train them and
teach them because you will be reflected upon by your new young team of go
getter young adults, and you will work hard, overtime, sacrificing more of
yourself to show them that you will be the best sub-department manager
they have ever seen, until Friday comes along and toward the end of the day
you get a message asking you to stop in at the department heads office, well
it must be a pat on the back for all the hard work you have and will do for
them in the future right? NO! It is down-turned faces, apologies, maybe even
a tear or two, there could even be cake if you been there a LOOOONG time,
but in the end the reality is you have been bamboozled, see your "team" was
your replacement, and now that you have busted your hump to provide them
with the very valuable knowledge that you have acquired on your own
working there and trying to find a way to shine, you were simply lied to,
fooled, and the punch line......replaced, fired, you see because the recent cuts
in the department budget can't feasibly justify the abundant salary that you
spent YEARS grinning and putting on your "I am a team player" face for the
powers that be to get to a higher standing in your company so that you get a
bigger desk, better parking and a bit more money and a TON more
responsibility, pay more taxes too, don't forget that, all so that you can feel
like your life's work had been rewarded and you can now go to your grave
with a feeling of accomplishment, but truthfully, you are numbers on a
spreadsheet and since you worked so hard to get all your full raises that you
rightfully earned you are now making as much or MORE than your boss and in
a meeting between your boss and the heads of the departments, they think it
would be better for the company, from a fiscal standpoint not only to let you
go and replace you with some young, fresh, inexperienced, hip looking, kids
fresh out of college and no idea how to use the knowledge they tried to cram
in there, i mean when they were not drinking till they almost have blood
poisoning, experimenting with alternative sexual adventures as they try new
chemical experiences they they didn't participate in with their friends in high
School because they wanted to keep their head clear so they could get into a
good college to allow them to take the same drugs to finally get to
experience it like all the "other kids did while I studied and made it to all my
classes so my college of choice would accepted me and allow me to drink,

have sex and do drugs between cramming for exams and taking tests that
would allow me to choose the path that my life will follow and not ever have
to go without or struggle like my parents had to when I was a child, like other
people have to who can't afford these opportunities like me because I must
obviously have a higher standing since I am more valuable to society than
they are and I am able to get more things, bigger things, nicer/finer things
and they have to buy things that are sometimes given back by the other
people who have lots of things! Hiring them and getting rid of "old"
employees will help give the company the appearance of being new, cutting
edge, "younger/cooler" appearance to the public but, because they might not
have the years, experience and vast company knowledge that you have used
precious grey matter to condition yourself to know but they made you work
hard in training them under false pretense, they know that even though you
have been an asset and made the company more money than you have seen
in all the years you have been there but, 3 kids should be able to handle your
job and look at that, your salary equals to their starting pay x3, isn't that a
coincidence? Then you go home and scramble to find another "job" at
another "good company" that you can "work your way back up" in and show
them your potential, and the vicious cycle will continue until you either retire
and the government pays you to enjoy your elderly years, not too much
though because they will only be giving you enough money to barely survive
on but because of your age you are too much of a liability to get a job like
you had back and so now all those "skills & knowledge" that you diligently
learned your entire life is WORTHLESS, but you are too old to do much else,
so either live on a fixed income or try to start a business and work
independent, but don't make too much or the government will punish you for
being too productive when you should be resting and thinking about other
issues, like what color box you want to be worm food in and what you want to
do to occupy your mind and body so that they don't deteriorate more rapidly
from atrophy?
And one you'll lay down and close your eyes for the last time and people
gather and remember you, cry, laugh, and honor your spirit that has moved
on and now they are sad because you left them, some even mad, they are
worried about how THEY FEEL, because you are no longer around to make
them happy or feel complete, you selfishly took a part of them with you when
you passed and left a hole in their heart so they are going to want something
of yours to fill that empty place in there and since you are gone and have no
"need" for all your stuff, you know, those "things" you bought with those
hours of your life you traded for artistic paper that allows you to get things
and pay bills for a house that you can fill up with those "things", until you
finally have too much stuff so you need to get rid of that place to put your
valuable and important "things" in and put them in a bigger place that people
will see and be envious and jealous that you have more than they do. As they

smile in your face but secretly resent you and count the days till you die so
that they can go get some of what they didn't have because they deserve
something for all those years that you flashed your new "things" in their face
to brag that you are a better person than they are because you have more
artistic paper than they do and therefore you have a higher value to your
human life than them since you hold all that artistic paper and have that
special place for you to hide that artistic paper so those greedy friends and
family of yours can't know exactly how much you have and want to take it
from you, only you will know how much is in hidden in there to protect
everyone from taking what you worked so hard and traded so much of your
life to get.
Now you are dead, you never got to use all that artistic paper that you paid
that place to hold for you and do all those "bucket list" life events that you
had worked so hard to get the artistic paper to use to eventually get to do all
these important life altering, epic, travels or go back to school and use that
artistic paper to purchase books and have the ones who wrote the book or
studied the info in the book more than anyone else for years, give them a
LOT of that artistic paper so that you can gain new companies knowledge and
how to make even more people more money than they would pay you, but
you can get another artistic piece of paper but your NAME is on this one, and
some letters of the alphabet are now associated with your name because you
read your books, let them read you books and test you on your ability to hold
a LOT OF INFO for a very short amount of time, well now you could go to a
bigger, better, "good company" and they get even more artistic paper that
you can pay some other people to hold it, they might spend it but when you
need they will try to have it for you, but they will take some of it away if you
didn't pay close attention to their rules for holding your artistic paper, 2+ full
pages of very small printed rules that if not followed they will decide how
much of that artistic paper they want to keep as penalty for not reading all
the very tiny printed rules, that for some strange reason are worded like they
are were written 400 years, and even thought these VERY VERY important
rules will decide how much artistic paper they will decide to keep for
themselves and not return to you to punish you for not remembering and
following to the EXACT detail those very SMALL printed, confusing rules that
for some reason couldn't just be written in plain modern speak so that there
would be much less confusion and you would understand what rules they
were actually placing on YOUR artistic paper, determining if you could have it
or not.

I am showing you that when you take MONEY, and monetary gain and reward
for the reason we get up, the reason we spend more time with strangers that
with our loved ones, the only way people can truly feel like they have "MADE

IT" and accomplished something. Once you remove that element, going
through those motions seem so ridiculous. It feels like a waste of what could
of been a life full of new experiences, social interactions, visual stimulation
and substance of LIFE and a driving force to do but not because someone is
paying you or commissioning your time, no it is for the love of what dives you
in your existence. A poet usually chooses a paupers life to give him the time
to take his input from taking in the world around him and then turning that to
a verbal rhythmic pattern that touches people emotionally by putting the
reader into the poets reality if only for a moment, the poet will usually die
penniless and unknown, and it isn't until the poet, who will sometimes NEVER
the fortune and fame, they do it because that is where they want to be, that
is the what "gets them up in the morning." It is how they evaluate the reason
for their existence, the love of their craft completes them, everyone in their
life has had a passion, a pull for something that if they were to hone that
craft, skill, knowledge, etc, for all their years without feeling like they have
reached a point that makes their learning halt and now it is just time to work
and not bother with more learning, you know enough to get by, NO,
practical or followed a predestined career path that family and friends have
pigeon holed you into and made sure that no matter what you really LOVE, no
matter what made your heart swell up and gave you an inner feeling of true
peace. You pursued something that would allow you to have a life of
monetary wealth so that life would be comfortable for you but what
EVERYONE KNOWS is that every single day you wake up and prepare for the
comfortable, safe job that allows you to not have to try hard in life, or worry
about being below the other people who have also cut that part of their heart
out and threw it away, let their true passion and dreams that came from a
part of them that they could not isolate, but it was the true reason for their
place of the singular oneness that we all belong to and what we think of as
individuality is a single consciousness that can experience itself subjectively
allowing it to eventually experience ALL THINGS FROM ALL TIMES AND IN ALL
POSSIBLE OUTCOMES, once you/i/WE are able to have all experiences that
ever will or have happened then we will be prepared to ascend from this level
of physical, consciousness, and spiritual realm that we have been told, and
conditioned that reality has to be this because it is what we can experience,
that the center of the universe is in you, because without you in your
universe existence of not only you but the entire reality that surrounds us
would just cease to exist not just here but in all times, and all of space.

If we can not break free from this prison camp that has been built around us

and the whole time we thought it was progress and our manifest destiny, or
that is what we are taught in school as children. The reality of that is far far
worst. We are the commodity now, the financial market is rapidly collapsing
ALL OVER THE WORLD, the US has not had actual tangible backing of the
"promissory note" that we use to live and fill our lives with more useless
things, they are supposed to give us a sense of special individuality and
feeling of self worth. I mean why would I buy a stereo and project music to
those who don't have it? Maybe it is rude to make others listen to you music
right? But those who can't even afford to have music by them most of their
life, do you think these individuals would shun these rhythmic, melodic,
tonalities or do you think they would be angry that you are sharing your
music with out and not being considerate to those that don't like what you
like? OF COURSE NOT, they would welcome the sounds that you are openly
sharing and in exchange they might have something they would like to share
with you, say an extra bite to eat or maybe an extra blanket on a cold night.
And whether that kindness is paid back directly to that individual with a
mutually agreed upon exchange at that moment of for whatever reason you
you are not able to reciprocate and you are offered the blanket any how
because he had an extra one, from there you can do one of two things to
keep the harmonic energies balanced either by helping them in a great time
of need selflessly or by paying the gesture forward to no less than 3 people
that you will help in some way but the virtue that you present must be
selfless and offered without the acceptance or promise of payback, with a
simple request to continue the act that was instilled on to you in a way you
can continue to follow it on to no less than 3 people who need. YES I KNOW,
famous movie with the kids who "pay it forward" well the concept is beyond
anything you could imagine and if it was truly practiced this the way people
make a point to do so many wasteful and useless things that contribute to
their increasing emptiness that eats them from inside and causes their bodies
to create disease and sickness from allowing themselves to defy their positive
energy that is flowing out of them and in a certain direction that makes that
energy they are expelling grow farther and reach farther allowing other to tap
into that energy and give them the drive and perseverance to follow their
energy that has pulled them to what fills them with they same harmonic
energy and frequencies that these technicians, craftsman, artist, entertainer,
scholar, or whatever path their heart and soul chose THEM to follow is what
they do for a living, they don't do it to live, they do it because it is LIFE! For
them this isn't a job, it isn't going to work, it is a harmony that they use to
obtain the things they need by providing the value that they have naturally
come to it, not force, or tested to find their place or had no paths in life that
gave them that harmonic flow with their true existence in this space, at this
time. Once people allowed themselves to experience what they can do and
the pride they take in it and the self worth and personal fulfillment that they
can't contain all the positive energy that their body builds up and it begins to

flow to others and soon those people who purposely kept themselves away
from their passion in life would feel that misery, darkness, the gloom of their
existence fall away and that lust for life come back in waves upon them and
drive them harder than before to go back to the reason they were put in this
place at this time, instead of getting by in life by performing a "buttonpushing" brainless job that not only has no fulfillment to it but doesn't allow
any kind of growth. In fighting the true passion inside of us it is the same as
fighting the feeling of love, it causes physical pain, mental damage, it is
equivalent to a traumatic moment in ones life except it never passes by, it is
like a voice you can try to push into the back of your mind and heart but it
will still be there, and that positive energy that it once set fourth will
transmute into negative energy that will destroy a person same as any illness
or affliction that is left untreated, and can manifest itself it many ways, such
as abnormal growths in the body, constant pain with unknown origin,
mentally destructive allowing dark thoughts to take control over someones
mind, in ancient times this was what they would refer to as possession by evil
spirits and who knows it certainly is a dark, negative, evil force that needs to
be forced out of the person by someone who can reach inside their mind and
bring the positive part of their existence out allowing the dark force to have
no room because 1 consciousness can only be allowed to be in full cognitive
control at a time, the other one or ones would go either dormant or would be
able to tap into the senses but not motor function.
But enough about negative.....
if we are to survive as a species we are going to need to find out how to live
without money, without a currency, without relying on someone to do
something for you but you don't make yourself available to anyone, the
concept of welfare has only one end outcome in the long run and that is the
sustainability of our planet is limited and the more we continue to fight the
safeguards that have been put in place for reasons beyond our basis
understanding, they are the universal checks and balances, natural selection,
if we continue to allow the uneducated, sickly, unskilled, lazy to sit back and
be protected from being killed by laws and peace officers, from starving by
welfare programs and hunger programs, to freeze from low income housing
and apartments. Since we are continuing to keep pouring resources into
making sure the weak links of the human race all not only allowed to live but
they end of breeding more because they aren't that busy with work or tasks
so and the more children they have the more they get paid, tell me how a
program like that makes ANYONE want to try, peruse, find their way by
overcoming the odds, all just keeps them fat, alive and multiplying. On the
other side of the coin intellectual minded, intelligent, above average
intelligence and clever/logical minded and individuals who did grow up in a
financial secure environment without the worry of poverty constantly

lingering over them most of their adult lives, and it is a research proven fact
that impoverish and destitute people tend to breed enough for the non
breeders, and the ones who could afford to have 7-10 kids and not be
impoverished, usually only have 2.5 kids on average, the math gets real easy
if you quantize the equation and look at the world on fast forward in a
century at the most, but i think it would start to affect the entire world
population with in 30-40 years. You would see a constant decline of the
average IQ, the majority of the population would have an IQ of intellectual
think tank groups that they would try to extend the lifespan the higher IQ and
only teaching the ones that display rapidly accelerated learning capabilities
but on a long enough timeline, as the bible stated, the meek shall inherit the
earth, but the meek will have bread with the other ones that we put in there
class, the mentally challenged, physically disabled, anyone that didn't fit a
mold of what a regular person would seem like but through interbreeding it
would degenerate, DE-evolve allowing more primitive mental function, What
would be left after a century would be like the movie "Idiocracy" (without the
humor or happy ending) we would lose science, math, and head back into
another dark ages within just a couple generations, and have to relearn
everything again, makes me wonder how many times we have started over,
and tried to get it right again without it ending in us destroying ourselves
So why all this long winded post and why have you jumped to these
completely different subjects?
All of what I said is inter-connected and i put it the way I did to show you that
we all have to look at a bigger picture, and NO YOU ARE NOT THE BIGGER
PICTURE! The multiverse contains more than just one you but each one of
those you's differ in every possible possibility that you could ever be possible,
from something simple like left handed instead of right or black hair instead
of blonde, but based on that theory that means that EVERY OTHER possibility
has to also exist. Such as you as the opposite sex, as a completely different
evolved species, such as lets say horses ended up evolving their bodies and
minds and perused high intellectual functions, well you, would still be you,
but you would be "Equestrian Sapiens" a horse-person but maybe your entire
life would have still gone the same with just that one single variable. There
was a TV show on in the 90's called Sliders, where they traversed through
infinite dimensions trying to find the REAL home, each time they travel there
is something in the dimension that isn't the same as home, and it can be
obvious like the invention of penicillin was never discovered so everyone
keeps distant in that dimension, they also have everything you purchase
wrapped in plastic, hand washing is law, sick people are viewed as criminals
and are incarcerated or worst, but sometimes they slide and think that they
are actually home, and just when you and everyone in the show thinks it is

the final slide, things unravel, it is based off the butterfly effect, the quantum
theory not the movie stating that the disturbance in the air from a butterfly
flapping his wings in China, has a domino effect and can cause a boat to sink
in the north Atlantic, that every action that happens is based off of cause and
effect, and without the cause and the effect of one minor physical principal
exercised then there can be no effect to make it happen. You can of read
more into the quantum theory of it or just rent the movie, it of course
explains the theory and gives a very quantum example of what a multiple
universe with infinite realities would look like from the outside.
So I didn't intend to take take this writing this far but I really enjoyed writing
it down and I hope you enjoyed the read as well but more than anything i
want out of this, is to get at lease 1 person to see that we are so much more
and have the ability to be more, in this lifetime and all we need to remember
is that as individuals we are only a piece of the larger ONENESS that connects
EVERYTHING & EVERYONE, nothing is isolated, it is an optical illusion and we
are a partial to the whole that we can't see because we are inside and
connected to it, you can't observe yourself from within yourself, you have to
setup out of your own reality to obtain true self objection.

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