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BBC Learning English

Words in the News

Crustaceans may feel anxiety

13 June 2014

Crustaceans may be able to feel some emotion. That's the conclusion of French
researchers whose findings have been published in the journal Science. The research
follows a number of studies that suggest crustaceans can also feel pain. Some experts
say the seafood industry may need to reconsider how it treats these creatures. Rebecca
Morelle reports for the BBC.
It was thought that only humans and "intelligent" animals could experience anxiety
but this research suggests that crayfish may experience a form of this emotion too.

When the crustaceans were exposed to a stressful situation in this case an unpleasant
electric field they subsequently behaved far more cautiously, staying hidden in the
darker parts of their tank.

But when the stressed crayfish were given an anti-anxiety drug, they stopped being so
wary and moved into light, more exposed areas.

The fact that these animals may get anxious adds to a number of studies that suggest
crustaceans also feel pain. Scientists say it suggests the welfare should be improved for
these creatures, which are not currently classified as sentient by the food industry.

Words in the News


British Broadcasting Corporation 2014

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Vocabulary and definitions


(here) feel

electric field

area where there is a force generated by an electric charge




on guard; looking out for danger


health and happiness; well-being


designated, considered as


able to experience sensations and feelings

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Words in the News

British Broadcasting Corporation 2014

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