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Jacob Crew

10) Who wrote Declaration of Independence? When was it adopted?

John Adams
Benjamin Franklin
Robert R. Livingston
Roger Sherman.
11) Compare and Contrast the philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John
Thomas Hobbes- thinks absolute monarchy is good, base theory off the
natural state of humans, believed that people made a social contract to
save themselves,
John Loke- thinks constitutional monarchy is better, base theory off the
natural state of humans, believed that a contract between people and
government if a monarch didnt protect people rights
12) Compare and Contrast the Heliocentric and Geocentric systems. Who
came up with each?
Both are models of the solar system and how the sun and planets are
Geocentric - everything revolves around the Earth.
Heliocentric - the planets (including Earth) revolve around the sun.
13) Describe how the philosophies of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo built
upon one another.
Copernicus- Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus proposed that the
instead revolved around the sun.
Kepler- was the chief founder of contemporary astronomy and also a
great mathematician, astrologer, and German astronomer was the first
person to explain planetary motion.
Galileo- was a scientist. He invented many things including the
telescope. He also had many theories such as the Copernicus theory (in
which he said that the Earth is a series of planets which revolve around
the Sun).
14) How did John Lockes philosophies influence American laws?
He expressed the radical view that government is morally obliged to serve
people, namely by protecting life, liberty, and property. He explained the

Jacob Crew
principle of checks and balances to limit government power. He favored
representative government and a rule of law. He denounced tyranny 1. He
insisted that when government violates individual rights, people may
legitimately rebel.
15) Describe Isaac Newtons accomplishments.
Newton defines three laws of motion; law of gravitation- says planets
continue in elliptical orbits around the sun; says that every object is
attracted to every other object by gravity; says universe works according
to natural laws said everything in the world was like a giant machine;
thought that by discovering natural laws that governed the physical
world, the intellectuals of the Enlightenment thought they could discover
the natural laws that governed human society; said everyone born with a
blank mind
16) What did Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey do? How?
Vesalius- believed there were two types of blood that ran through veins
and arteries
Harvey- dissected human bodies and examined organs; showed that the
heart was the beginning point for blood circulation; showed same blood
runs through arteries and veins and blood makes a complete circuit
through the body
17) What is the Scientific Method?
a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the
17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and
experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses
18) What was Francis Bacons philosophy?
said people should use inductive reasoning to learn about nature-said
tests would lead to correct general principles; he was concerned with
practical matters; wanted science to benefit industry, agriculture, and
trade; wanted to control and dominate nature
19) How did Montesquieus ideas influence the U.S. Constitution?
Saw Englands legislative, executive, and judicial branches, believed in
separation of powers and thought that allowed the greatest freedom and
security for the state; these ideas used in the U.S. Constitution
1 Tyranny- cruel and oppressive government or rule

Jacob Crew
20) Describe laissez-faire economics.
Laissez-faire -means to let people do what they want; philosophy that the
government should leave the economy alone

Jacob Crew
21) Describe Adam Smiths ideas about the role of government? What is
his most famous book?
Adam Smith said government should leave business alone; said the
government has three roles: protecting society from invasion (army),
defending citizens from injustice (police), and keeping up certain public
works (roads). He wrote the wealth of Nations (1776)
22) What did Rousseau say about government? What did he believe about
Said society through a social contract agrees to be governed by its
general will; others will be forced to follow; the general will represent what
is best for the community; wrote Emile wrote about the education of a
natural man, says education should foster childrens natural instincts;
believed in balance between emotions and reason
23) How did Mary Wollstonecraft justify women being treated equally to
Worked for womens rights; wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women
she had a problem with men who said it was wrong for men to be subjects
of monarchs, when women were not equal to men
24) How was John Wesleys ministry different from those before him?
What denomination did he start?
preached to the masses, appealed to lower classes and tried to lower
religion to the level of the lowest peoples capacities; stresses importance
of hard work, and encouraged spiritual contentment, which took place
with political equality; after Wesleys death, Methodism became a
separate Protestant group
25) Name at least one work created by each of the following composers:
Bach, Handel, Haydn, and Mozart
Bach- Mass in B Minor;
Haydn- works The Creation and The Seasons
MozartThe Marriage of Figaro, the Magic Flute, and Don Giovanni

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