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BAD: Financiamento de Projectos do Sector Privado - Adaptao e Resilincia s

Mudanas Climticas

angelina mahundla <amahundla@gmail.com>

Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 11:32 AM
To: "Associao de Investigao Cientfica de Moambique (AICIMO)" <aicimo@gmail.com>
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---------- Forwarded message ---------From: SANTOS, SERGIO TEIXEIRA <s.santos@afdb.org>

Date: 2014-03-21 8:57 GMT+02:00
Subject: BAD: Financiamento de Projectos do Sector Privado - Adaptao e Resilincia s Mudanas
To: "SANTOS, SERGIO TEIXEIRA" <s.santos@afdb.org>
Caros Senhoras e Senhores,
Caros parceiros
(English message at the bottom of this message)
Muito agradecemos a vossa presena, e/ou interesse, na nossa sesso de informao sobre as linhas de
financiamento de projectos do sector privado que contribuem para a melhoria da resilincia s
mudanas climticas em Moambique, atravs do PPCR - Programa Pilot sobre Resilincia ao Clima
(PPCR, dos Climate Investment Funds), do qual o Banco Africano para o Desenvolvimento parceiro
de implementao.
Como prometido, envio o o documento da apresentao (5.6 MB, em PDF), atravs deste atalho:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fwydzr9q3q4v3an/PresMOZ_FINAL.pdf. Lembro que o site especfico
dos emprstimos concessionrios no mbito do PPCR, dos Climate Investment Funds, o:
www.climateinvestmentfunds.org/cif/set-aside/ppcr, embora candidaturas tenham obrigatoriamente de
ser apresentadas atravs dos Bancos de Desenvolvimento, dos quais o BAD ser a instituio
apropriada para projectos em Moambique.
Caso tenham projectos que considerem viveis (em relao ao enquadramento e critrios) e maduros
(em relao ao timing desta oportunidade), e que podero ser fortes candidatos a esta linha de crdito
concessionrio, podero entrar em contact connosco que estaremos disponveis para discutir o projecto
e fazer o devido screening. Caso tenham projectos em mos que, pelos objectivos e critrios so
elegveis, mas com dimenso do projecto e necessidades de financiamento reduzidos face aos valores
indicados neste call for proposals, muito gostaramos de estar em contacto. Conforme referi, existe
ainda a possibilidade futura de disponibilizao de financiamento de projectos de mais pequena escala,
pelo que podemos estar em contacto em relao a estas oportunidades.
Entretanto mantemo-nos ao vosso dispor para qualquer esclarecimento.

Dear Sirs,
Thanks for your participation in our information event on the competitive, concessional credit line for
private sector projects which contribute to Mozambiques climate resilience and adaptation, through
the Pilot Program on Climate Resilience, one of the principal funds of the Climate Investment Funds.
As promised, youll find access to the presentation (PDF, 5.6MB) through this link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fwydzr9q3q4v3an/PresMOZ_FINAL.pdf The principal information site
for this call is: www.climateinvestmentfunds.org/cif/set-aside/ppcr but mind that this opportunity must
be channeled through Development Banks, and for projects in Mozambique, the AfDB is the the
suitable financial institution.
This presentation is targeted for Mozambique, with relevant climate data and strategic document inputs.
Whereas the presentation is in Portuguese, the important documents are in English. Anyway, the
information relating to the conditions of the competitive, concessionary lending through the CIF are
consistent in every PPCR country, so should you prefer to read through in English, you can find the
document which was prepared for the Zambia roadshow, in English, here:
In case you are proponents of private sector projects which meet strategic objectives and criteria and
require innovative financing solutions of amounts smaller than those stipulated under this call, do
contact us. As referred in the seminar, there is a possibility that this financing opportunity may be
scaled down in future, in order to satisfy financing requirements for smaller scale projects.
Our team is available to be of support to clarify any issue relating to this or other opportunities through
the AfDB.
Kind regards,
Srgio Teixeira SANTOS | Climate Adaptation Expert
African Development Bank
Energy, Environment and Climate Change Department
s.santos@afdb.org Cel: +351 939 901 090
Skype: tsx-central


By the close of 2013, 13 projects were approved with the AfDB providing in excess of $1Bn from its own resources in addition to over $450 million of
Climate Investment Funds (CIF) funding. To read more about CIF and AfDB, see here.

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