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From my school days I was interested in Maths and Physics which led me to choose science stream for
higher secondary years. The laboratory courses in those years kindled my passion in engineering which
encouraged me to pursue a degree in the same. . With a commendable performance in entrance
examination, , I was admitted to Electronics & Communications Engineering at National Institute of
Technology Arunachal Pradesh ,a premier institute in India.
The coursework in my undergraduate study introduced me to variety of areas under electronics and
communication. I paid diligent attention to all my courses to ensure that my fundamentals are strong.
Among the coursework subjects like Signals and systems, Digital Signal Processing, Information theory
and coding and Digital Communication motivated me to gain more and more in these fields. I believe that
no learning is complete without getting your hands dirty. . I supplemented my coursework with various
lab projects and co-curricular endeavors. Few interesting ones among them were building a line follower
robot with a sensor array and designing a Electronic Voting Machine using CVAVR. Not to restrict
myself to just one field, and to satisfy my thirst of knowledge, I joined NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS
(NI) as intern during my summer break in my third year.
During my project at National Instruments implementing IEEE 802.11b standard, I asked myself - is
this I really want to do? I realized I find more meaning in designing/formulating these standards rather
than merely implementing them because I believe it is more intellectually satisfying and has a more
profound impact on the society. This moment of clarity answered many of the questions I have asked
myself and many decisions that I procrastinated in the past. It gave the final push to the aspirations I had
in pursuing research.
My time at National Instruments disproved my previous notion that Signal Processing and
Communication theory are abstract mathematics; rather I realized that these are very much physical and
intuitive in nature and mathematics is just a language used to communicate the ideas. With the power to
visualize the signals added to my strong fundamentals I was able tackle challenging problems at work
place. My work also reaffirmed my belief that I had a knack for quick learning when I was able to ramp
up quickly on advanced concepts in communication. My exposure to some of the best brains in industry
and from my own experience with various standards, I understood that there so much work left to be done
in the ever growing field of wireless communications. I come to a decision that my entire focus and
energy should be spent on tackling some of these problems and have a wider impact on the entire
community rather than by just improving a domain specific implementation.
Though academics were my priority in college, co-curricular activities never took a back seat. As the
elected class representative for two years of college .I have also held various leading positions both in
cultural and engineering societies. Through this, I have enhanced my interpersonal, communicational and
organizational skills.
With my in depth knowledge and hunger for research in Digital Communication, I feel that I am an ideal
candidate to work on cutting edge research done by your esteemed university. My goal is to make an
everlasting impact in scientific community for the days to come. I feel that University of Munched which
boasts of top class faculty and state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure, offering a graduate program
like no other is an ideal place to achieve this dream.

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