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ABAP Enhancement and Modifications

As part of the enhancement concept, it is possible to enhance ABAP source

code, without modifications, using source code plug-ins. You can execute
enhancements to implicit and explicit enhancement options.

Como parte do conceito do acessrio, possvel aumentar a

ABAP cdigo fonte, sem modificaes, usando o cdigo fonte
de plug-ins. Voc pode Melhoramentos execute explcitas e
implcitas de opes.
Enhancement Framework
Business Add-Ins
Business Transaction Events
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Enhancement Framework

The new enhancement concept of the ABAP Workbench (Enhancement

Framework) enables the integration of different concepts for modifying and
enhancing development objects. The enhancement concept is supported by
the Enhancement Builder tool and ABAP language elements. In the longterm, the new Enhancement Framework is to replace or incorporate the
existing enhancement and modification concepts.

O novo conceito de valorizao da ABAP Workbench (acessrio

Framework) permite a integrao de diferentes conceitos
para modificar e aperfeioar desenvolvimento objetos. O
acessrio conceito apoiado pelo acessrio ferramenta
Criador e ABAP elementos lingsticos. No longo prazo, o
quadro novo acessrio para substituir o existente ou
incorporar o aumento ea modificao conceitos.
Getting Started
Enhancement Framework - The New Way to Enhance Your ABAP Systems
(PDF 460 KB)

SAP NetWeaver Product Manager Oliver Mayer presented this content during
the ABAP Online Meetup Series.

Switch Framework Demo

This audio visual demonstration by Oliver Mayer features the Switch


Introduction to the Enhancement Framework

SAP NetWeaver Product Manager Venky Varadadesigan introduces the

concepts of the Enhancement Framework.

What the New Enhancement Framework Is For - Its Basic Structure and
Elements For Beginners

This blog from SAP NetWeaver Product Manager Thomas Weiss describes
what SAP does to bridge the gap between standard software and proprietary

More on Enhancement Framework

Source Code Enhancements - Part 5 of the Series on the New Enhancement

In this blog you learn in which cases it is useful to define an enhancement

option and to define an enhancement point, how to implement it and how to
replace an existing implementation.

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Business Add-Ins

SAP Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) are one of the most important technologies
used to adapt SAP software to specific requirements. BAdIs were introduced
with Release 4.6 and replace function module exits. This technology is not
limited to SAP applications. BAdI calls can be integrated in customer

applications. These can then be enhanced by other customer applications.

In the various SAP applications, BAdI calls are implemented at places where
enhancements are appropriate.

SAP Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) so uma das mais importantes

tecnologias utilizadas para se adaptarem s exigncias
especficas de software SAP. BAdIs foram introduzidas com o
Release 4.6 e substituir a funo mdulo sadas. Esta
tecnologia no limitada a aplicaes SAP. Badi chamadas
podem ser integrados em aplicaes cliente. Estas podem
ento ser reforado por outras aplicaes cliente. Nas
diversas aplicaes SAP, Badi chamadas so executadas em
locais onde so acessrios adequados.
Getting Started
Introducing Business Add-Ins (PDF 219 KB)

SDN Contributor Aveek Ghose introduces the original BAdi concepts.

Implementing a BAdI in an Enhancement Project (CMOD) (PDF 233 KB)

This article by SDN Contributor Glen Spalding demonstrates older BAdI


How to Define a New BAdI Within the Enhancement Framework

This blog is part three of the series on the new Enhancement Framework
and shows you how to define a new BAdI in the new Enhancement
Framework. You learn how to create a BAdI with the respective tools in the
ABAP Workbench, how to use the relevant commands in ABAP, and how to
provide a default class for a BAdI.

Este blog parte da srie de trs sobre o novo acessrio

Framework e mostra-lhe como definir um novo Badi no
acessrio Framework novo. Voc aprender a criar um Badi
com as respectivas ferramentas do ABAP Workbench, como usar
os comandos em ABAP, e de que forma a proporcionar uma
classe padro para um Badi.

More on BAdI
How to implement a BAdI And How to Use a Filter

In this blog you learn how to create a BAdI implementation, how to add a
filter to a BAdI definition, how to create a filter condition in a BAdI
implementation, and the relevant ABAP code to use a filter when calling a

Neste blog voc aprender como criar uma aplicao Badi,

como adicionar um filtro para Badi uma definio, como
criar um filtro em uma condio Badi execuo, bem como o
respectivo cdigo ABAP para usar um filtro quando chamando
um Badi.

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Business Transaction Events

Business Transaction Events (Open FI) The Open FI enhancement technique

was developed in the Financial Accounting component. Open FI is based
upon the following principles: Application developers must define their
interface in a function module, an assignment table is read in the
accompanying (generated) code, and the customer modules assigned are
called dynamically. This technique differentiates between enhancements
that are only allowed to have one implementation and enhancements that
can call multiple implementations in any sequence desired. Both industryspecific and country-specific enhancements may be defined.

Business Transaction Eventos (Open FI) O Open FI acessrio

tcnica foi desenvolvida na componente Contabilidade
Financeira. Abrir FI baseado nos seguintes princpios:
promotores Aplicativo deve definir a sua interface em uma
funo mdulo, uma cesso lido na tabela que o acompanha
(gerada) cdigo, e os clientes so chamados mdulos
atribudos dinamicamente. Esta tcnica diferencia os
aperfeioamentos que s so autorizados a ter uma aplicao
e aperfeioamentos que podemos chamar mltiplas
implementaes em qualquer seqncia desejada. Ambos so
especficos do setor especfico de cada pas e acessrios
podem ser definidos.

Getting Started
FI Enhancement Technique - How-To-Guide on the usage of Business
Transaction Events - BTE (PDF 360 KB)

This article by SDN Contributor Lakshman Tandra provides a step-by-step

guide on the use of Business Transaction Events as an Enhancement
technique in the Financial Accounting Module of the SAP R/3 system.

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