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5 Health Benefits Of Cabbage For Your Baby

ot many people appreciate the humble cabbage. But the fact is that
cabbage is not just good for your health, but also makes a great addition to
your babys diet!
So, if you are looking to add variety to your babys diet, try cabbage!
You can give your baby cabbage as soon as she is ready for solids at six
months. But make sure to talk to your doctor before you do so. Not all
babies grow at the same pace. So, while another baby might be happy
chomping down on cabbage, your baby may still need time. Follow her
cues, and youll know when she is ready.
If you use jarred baby food, cabbage may be a difficult choice for you. Not
many companies make jarred cabbage baby food. In that case, your best
bet would be to make your own at home. But make sure to use organic
products to avoid contamination.

Benefits Of Cabbage For Your Baby:

Some people call cabbage superfood, and for a very good reason! Here
are some amazing benefits of introducing cabbage to your baby:

1. Good For Digestion:

Cabbage is known make you gassy. But that is a good thing! Sulfur rich
foods like Cabbage feed the good bacteria in the gut and make digestion
easy (1). Cabbage also contains a good amount of fiber, which eases

2. Prevents Cancer:
Brassica vegetables like cabbage contain glucosinolates, which are known
to prevent cancer (2). Cancer may be the thing farthest from your mind
right now, but it is never too early to guide your baby to a healthier life!

3. Keeps Heart Healthy:

Cabbage is famous for its cholesterol lowering capacity. Low cholesterol
equals healthy heart (3)!

4. Contains Folic Acid:

Did you know that cabbage contains a good amount of folic acid that can
help absorb iron from food better (4)? Yes, it does. So, thats another point
for the humble cabbage!

5. Detoxifies Body:
Cabbage contains detoxifying enzymes that can flush out toxins from the
body and keep it healthy (5).

These were some major benefits of including cabbage in your babys diet.
Though these benefits may not seem like things that a baby would need,
but a healthy start to life is the best gift you can give your little angel!
But there are things you need to keep in mind before you go ahead and
introduce your baby to cabbage.

Cabbage Side Effects To Watch Out For:

Here are some not-so-good points about cabbage you should know about:

1. Can Make Your Baby Gassy:

Though being gassy may indicate a healthy digestive system, it can get
uncomfortable for babies. Vegetables like cabbage are at the top of the list
of foods that can induce gas in the digestive tract (6).

2. Contains Nitrates:
Cabbage contains a high amount of nitrate. Excessive nitrate in the body
can cause Blue Baby Syndrome, where the hemoglobin in the body is
unable to carry oxygen to body tissues (7).

3. Low On Calories And Fats:

Cabbage is also called the diet vegetable because it contains very low
amount of calories. For an adult that may be a good thing. But babies need
a lot of calories to grow (8).

4. Chocking Hazard:
Cabbage is a crunchy vegetable and can prove to be a choking hazard (9).
So make sure to cook it properly before you feed your baby.

5. Can Cause Diarrhea:

Consuming cabbage can also cause diarrhea in some cases (10). But this
is a problem only if the vegetable is consumed uncooked.
So, now that you about the pros and cons of adding cabbage to your
babys menu, lets find out how you can cook it!

Easy Cabbage Recipe For Your Baby:

Here are few recipes using cabbage you can try at home. Satisfaction is

1. Carrot and Cabbage Puree:

Image : Shutterstock

Here are two super healthy vegetables sure to appeal to your baby!


Half cup chopped cabbage

Half cup chopped carrot

A pinch of pepper

A little butter

Salt (to taste)

How To Make:

Cook the cabbage and carrot and add pepper and salt to it.

Once done, add butter and blend.

Cabbage and carrot puree is now ready!

2. Apple And Cabbage Puree:

Image : Shutterstock

Apple is a favorite among babies around the world. Add some cabbage to
it, and you have super dish in your hands!

One apple, peeled and grated

1 cup shredded cabbage

1/4 cup water

Two tbsp raisins

How To Make:

Take a pan and add all the ingredients to it.

Bring it to boil.

Next, reduce the heat and simmer for another ten minutes.

Remove from pan, add to a blender and blend until you get your
desired consistency.


3. Lentil and Rice with Grated Cabbage:

Image : Shutterstock

If you are looking for a wholesome meal, here is a great recipe for you.

Two tbsp rice

Two tbsp split green gram

1/4 cup grated cabbage

1/4 tsp cumin seeds

A pinch of asafetida

1/4 tsp grated ginger

A pinch turmeric powder

1/2 tsp oil

Salt to taste

How To Make:

Cook the lentil and rice together with 1 cups of water until both
ingredients are soft. You can use a pressure cooker for this step.

Take a pan and add oil and cumin seeds.

Add the asafetida and ginger next (once the cumin seeds begin to

Now add cabbage and saut till it is soft.

Next, add the cooked lentil and rice along with turmeric powder and

Mix well.

Let it simmer for a little longer.

Serve warm.

With these easy recipes, adding cabbage to your babys diet will now be a
piece of cake! So, give it a try.
And dont forget to share your feedback with us in the comments section

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