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Installation Document

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Installation Manual...........................................................................................................3
2.1 Prerequisites........................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Server Configuration..............................................................................................3
Update the OS...................................................................................................... 3
Install Graphite.....................................................................................................3
Configure a Database for Django.........................................................................3
Configure the Graphite Web Application.............................................................3
Sync the Database................................................................................................ 4
Configure Carbon.................................................................................................4
Install and Configure Apache...............................................................................4
2.3 Installation Procedure.............................................................................................4
Install and configure program dependencies........................................................4
Install and Configure Collectd............................................................................. 5
3. Additional Information.................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Clearing data history.............................................................................................. 5
3.2 References.............................................................................................................. 6

1. Introduction
Monitorino is used alongside Graphite and Collectd to track JVM metrics. All running
JVM processes are automatically searched and analyzed. Stats tracked are heap size,
thread statuses, and context switches.

2. Installation Manual
2.1 Prerequisites
Operating System: Linux ubuntu 14.04

2.2 Server Configuration

Only the server is required to follow all these steps. Client can skip right through
Installation Procedure.
Update the OS

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

Install Graphite

sudo apt-get install graphite-web graphite-carbon

Configure a Database for Django

sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev python-psycopg2

sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE USER graphite WITH PASSWORD 'password';
Change the username and/or password to your liking.
You can change the database name. The owner is the user previously created.

Configure the Graphite Web Application

sudo nano /etc/graphite/local_settings.py

SECRET_KEY = '[your salty string for the seed]'

This will be used to seed the secret key, change to something long.

TIME_ZONE = '[timezone]'
Change to your timezone, example: TIME_ZONE = Asia/Jakarta


Look for DATABASES and change the NAME, ENGINE, USER,

PASSWORD, and HOST keys. When you are done, it should look
something like this:

The areas in red are values you need to change. Make sure that you modify
the password to the one you selected for the graphite user in Postgres.
Sync the Database

sudo graphite-manage syncdb

Answer yes when asked to create superuser. Create a new user so that you can
sign into the interface. You can call this whatever you want. This will allow you to
save your graphs and modify the interface

Configure Carbon

sudo nano /etc/default/graphite-carbon


sudo nano /etc/carbon/carbon.conf


sudo cp /usr/share/doc/graphite-carbon/examples/storage-aggregation.conf.example
sudo service carbon-cache start

Install and Configure Apache

sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi

sudo a2dissite 000-default
sudo cp /usr/share/graphite-web/apache2-graphite.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available
sudo a2ensite apache2-graphite
sudo service apache2 reload

2.3 Installation Procedure

Install and configure program dependencies

Install openJDK

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

Add user to visudo

sudo visudo
Add a line after root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Username is your username, for example

Allow file to be executed

chmod +x monitorino.py

Install and Configure Collectd

sudo apt-get install collectd collectd-utils

sudo nano /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
Uncomment LoadPlugin logfile

Find and change the logfile plugin to something like this

Direct the path to desired log location (logging is optional).

Uncomment LoadPlugin exec
Uncomment LoadPlugin write_graphite
Find and change the exec plugin to something like this

Exec should be followed by your username and then the path to monitorino
Find and change the write_graphite plugin to something like this

Node name can be changed to anything you like. Change host to the IP address of
target server (or localhost on the server itself). Make sure to add the dot . on the
Other plugins are recommended to be disabled (commented) to minimize
warnings and errors, and so the CollectD only collect the stats we wanted.
Restart the collectD service
sudo service collectd restart

3. Additional Information
3.1 Clearing data history
Saved statistics in Graphite are saved in /var/lib/graphite/whisper. Should you need to

clear all data, go there and delete the folders you want.

3.2 References
CollectD Installation

Exec formatting


Graphite Installation

Overview Monitoring JVM using Graphite, Collectd


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