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Cyber Schools Are Much Worse Than You Think

Cyberschools arent really viable, in my opinion, because you go out and learn, very
little Ive got one source: a teacher who used to work at a cyberschool

When I first started working at a cyber school I thought they were the future of
education, and I still do. But the problem is that they are only started by for-profit
companies who try to run them like businesses. So the top priority becomes
customer satisfaction instead of student learning. The results are hard to measure,
but I fear that they are worse than anyone suspects.

The curriculum is touted as first class material, designed by experts. In truth our
school purchases whatever it can get from third party vendors. There isnt much
stuff out there. Most cyber schools get their curriculum from K12, a company
started by William Bennett, a former federal Secretary of Education. My school gets
the majority of its high school material from a mail order company called Aventa.

When Aventa creates a course it is fairly bare bones. They choose a textbook from
one of the major textbook companies, and cut it up into lessons. The lesson will
contain a few paragraphs introducing the topic, they will have the students read a
section of a chapter, they will ask the student to do a few problems from the book,
and lastly, there will be some form of graded assessment, taken from textbook
review problems. That is all.

I dont know who Aventa employs to do this cutting and pasting but judging by the
results I do not think they are subject matter specialists. Nor do I think they have
training or experience in education. The introductory paragraphs read like they are
written by someone who barely has a grasp of the material. Furthermore, the
selection of questions that are included on the tests and quizzes is unusual. The
textbook companies create test banks of hundreds and hundreds of questions
because they want to be all things to all teachers. They will rewrite the same
question ten, twenty times and include all versions in the bank because different
teachers will prefer different versions. They dont expect one teacher to create a
test and use two versions of the same question. But, unfortunately, the Aventa

people do. For example, on a quiz for one of my classes, say the chapter has five
main and ten secondary topics, the first four problems ask the same exact question
just worded a little differently. Also, the question comes from one of the secondary
topics. The next four questions are, again, the same question reworded four
different ways, and from another secondary topic. That is the entire quiz, eight
mostly multiple choice questions from two ancillary topics. This is the only
assessment from the most important chapter of the class.

So they arent subject matter experts, but there is also a reason to assume that
they dont have any education training. The textbooks have chapter review
questions and they have chapter test questions. These are two different types of
questions. Review questions tend to be open ended, they can have many different
answers. They are meant to get the student thinking, to engage them. We call them
formative questions. The test questions are used to measure a students learning.
They are called summative questions. One of the first things we learn in education
is the difference between formative and summative questions and when to use
each. But for some reason the Aventa quizzes and tests are taken from the
formative chapter review questions. And to top it off they seem to choose the most
awkwardly, or erroneously, worded ones. Sometimes I show the questions to other
teachers or friends and family and they have a hard time figuring out what the
question is asking, but even if they do their answer almost never matches the
official answer I am only supposed to give credit for.

There is one more major problem with the Aventa curriculum has that makes me
think they have no experience teaching. Like I said before, the textbook companies
like to throw everything and the kitchen sink into their books so they can please
everyone. This is also true with the chapter topics, they include chapters on every
possible topic of a subject so that the same book will cover all the standards of the
state of California, plus all the standards of the state of Texas, plus all the standards
of the state of Pennsylvania, and so on. That way they only have to publish one
book. Teachers can then pick and choose the chapters they want so that they cover
their particular state standards and still have time to go into detail in a few subjects.
Not Aventa, they include every single chapter of every single book they use. This
means that a chapter only gets about a week of time, just enough to give it the
most cursory of inspections. So the students dont really learn anything they just
memorize some superficial facts, and it on to the next topic.

You could go into any high school in the country and select a teacher at random,
have him or her pick a textbook and cut it up into lessons and you would have a
better curriculum than what we purchase from Aventa. But my company needs a

product that they can market. If the most important factor in education is the
teacher then they have no product, every school has teachers. So they treat the
Aventa curriculum as if it were the gold standard even though they know it is
substandard. And they treat their teachers as if they were chimps banging on a

Experts at the corporate office then cut-and-paste the curriculum into our learning
management system(lms), the portal from which the students download their
lessons. If there is any extra material that comes with the textbooks, such as
animations or worksheets, they will embed a few into the lessons. The people at the
top of the curriculum department are PhDs, without classroom experience, but the
rest are just data entry clerks with no education training or experience. I have had
several frustrating email conversations with them. By the time the curriculum gets
to me it has been copied and recopied and has many, many typos, misstatements,
and inaccuracies. There is no quality control. The teachers are told to review the
lessons as we cover them, but we are given no time. We are to email the data clerks
when we find errors. This creates a very adversarial relationship. The only time we
contact them is to point out their mistakes and give them more work. In turn they
are hostile and refuse to make our changes. Once a clerk refused to make a change
I suggested because the typo was also in the textbook. The error was so obvious I
found myself questioning if the clerk had even graduated high school.

It goes beyond just typos, the teachers are not allowed to change anything about
the curriculum. When teachers log into the lms we are given the ability to grade
assignments and email students and that is about it. What this means is that every
one of our students across the nation gets the exact same curriculum, no matter
what their strength or weaknesses, no matter their learning style, no matter their
level. Our curriculum department tries to create three tracks out of the Aventa
courses but all they do is cut out a couple chapters. So if the advanced class covers
all twenty chapters of a textbook, the regular class will do eighteen chapters, and
the remedial has sixteen.

Just as the Aventa curriculum is bare bones, so is the lms. A student doesnt even
have to look at a lesson, all they have to do is click on a button that says the lesson
is complete and we have to take their word for it. However, the worst part of the lms
is the tests and quizzes. The students can look at a test as many times as they want
without taking it. Some of the students print out the test, search through the
textbook or wikipedia for the answers, and then take the test at a later time. That is
the best case scenario. A lot of the students cut and paste the questions into
websites like Yahoo Answers and other users will give them the answer. Some cut

and paste the entire test. And some students cut and paste the answers into their
tests without even reading either of them. I know this because teachers will monitor
Yahoo Answers and when a students posts a test they will post answers, answers
that are obvious jokes. And some of my students will have these joke answers on
their tests. When the corporate office learned of this all they did was warn the
teachers not to post anything and that they might be guilty of copyright

When I first learned of Yahoo Answers it seemed as if about 20% of my students

cheated on that first test. But then I started to keep track and I noticed that the
20% who cheated on the second test were not the same students who cheated on
the first. Over the years some of the students have gotten better and better at
cheating and it is hard to find the websites that they use but I know they are sharing
answers somehow because I will get 40 students making the exact same three
mistakes on a problem. Add to that the fact that some bricks and mortar teachers
post the entire chapter review problems, with answers, on their websites, so that
their students can review for a test at home. The textbook companies make it easy
for them, they will supply a cd so all the teachers have to do is copy a file onto their
web server. That is another reason why we should not be using the review questions
for our tests. Some of my students have found these and I get test answers that
exactly match the textbook answers, word for word. The really bright students will
change a few words, and intentionally miss a few multiple choice questions, but I
can still tell. Now when I grade I dont even have to look things up, I know that this
student is using Yahoo Answer, that that student paraphrased wikipedia, and the
third is using some dark site which I havent found yet but Ive seen his wrong
answer a hundred times before, character for character, down to the bad
punctuation. My estimation of how many are cheating has grown, from 40% to 60%
to 80% to 100%. At 95% I told myself, Ok, the majority of your students are
cheating and there is nothing you can do about it, but you have this core group of
students who are really smart and enthusiastic about learning, and dont cheat
because they dont need to. And you know they are learning because you speak to
them every week and they understand the material. Focus on those students. But
last year I caught several of these smartest students in the school cheating. It broke
my heart. I know that they only did it because they were really busy with
extracurricular activities, they feel like they know the material well enough anyway,
and they consider the tests to be just busy work for them. But if they really knew
the material as well as they thought they did they wouldnt have needed to cheat.
My school is hurting even the very best of its students.

The corporate office has a fleet of programmers working on the lms. It would be
very easy for them to devise a way to make it impossible for the students to cheat.

But they dont want to, probably because they figure that those students will just
drop out and we wont get their tuition from the state government. It is ironic that
some of our teacher training courses are hired out to a third party where it is
impossible for us to cheat. We have to watch the videos all the way through and
answer the questions correctly, right there on the spot or we dont get credit for the
course and have to take it over again.

I first learned of Yahoo Answers and sites like it from another teacher. The school
administration and corporate office would rather just ignore the cheating. They turn
it back onto the teachers and say that we should be doing phone calls with the
students and we should be able to tell from the conversation if the student is
cheating. From time to time I point out Yahoo Answers to a new teacher and they
are completely surprised even though they usually have been working for us for
more than a year.

Several years ago the teachers put pressure on the administration to create a
procedure for reporting and keeping track of the incidents of cheating. What they
came up with was so onerous that most teachers would only report the most
egregious cases. If twenty of my students used the same answer from Yahoo
Answers I didnt think it would be fair to bust just one of them. So I would follow the
procedure for all twenty, made the calls, sent the emails, filled out the forms, and
logged everything. It would take more than a full day to do all twenty. And we were
not given time to do this, so I would fall a day behind with my work and have to
make it up on my own time. The principals were supposed to keep track of this list
and if a student showed up three times, take administrative action. I doubt if any
of the principals looked at the list once. I have never seen or heard evidence of any
action being taken against anyone on the list. However, the teachers who did the
reporting were given more and more work. We dont use the system much any
more. I doubt the new teachers even know that it exists.

There is another system in place that is supposed to verify if a student is doing the
work. The teachers are to call each of their students twice a year and give them a
pop quiz. This is the part of our jobs which takes the most time. A teacher will
usually spend more than 50% of their day making phone calls. It is also the majority
of our performance review. If we do not get two successful calls with each and every
student we get a negative review. Some days we cannot make any calls because we
are out doing other things, state testing, marketing, field trips. So on the days when
we are available to make call we need to make a minimum of ten calls. Students
can be away from home, sleeping, or just not answering. So in order to get ten
successful calls we need to make about fifty calls. But we cant just make the call,

we have to fill out paperwork for every attempt, even if no one answers. Making ten
unsuccessful calls can take an hour. Teachers also have to hold class and grade
papers, they rarely have more than four hours per day to devote to calls. The
reason I mention all of this is that when we do manage to get a student on the
phone we rarely can spend more than five minutes with them. We need to ask them
questions that they can answer immediately, without thinking about them.

If we give a student a failure for a phone quiz they go on a list, just like the cheating
list. And just like the cheating there is no evidence that anything is ever done about
it. The principals put pressure on us to not give any phone quiz failures. Just like
with cheating is seems as if those teachers who consistently give students failures
are given more and more work by the principals. Once a principal even told all of
the teachers that we were not supposed to give any student a failure. If they
couldnt answer the questions we were to log it as a tutoring phone call. This leaves
one to wonder, if we are not to fail anyone what is the purpose of the call?

I have been reading our schools charter and annual reports that are available on
the department of educations website and I have come up with a theory. It is not
hard to look at cyber schools and see the weak spot, we have no idea if the student
enrolled with us is the actual person who is doing the work. I think the department
of education would also be able to see this and they would not approve our charter.
So the schools founders put the phone quiz into the charter to ensure the approval.
And our administration makes us do as many as we can possibly do, even if it
interferes with actual education. But they dont want us to actually give any failures
because that would mean more work for them. And if we have too many, it might
show the department of education that our school doesnt work.

The facts that the teachers are given no time for the calls, nothing is done with the
failures, and we are pressured not to fail anyone, motivate the teachers to give
really, really easy quizzes. Quizzes that a fifth grader could answer. And if they still
cant answer we give them hints and prod them along.

The students have various ways to get around the phone quizzes. One or two of the
students in my class can answer my questions straight up, and sometimes they
laugh because the questions are so easy. More commonly, the students delay while
they look up the question in their textbook or on wikipedia. Sometimes I can hear
the pages flipping in the background. Sometimes they repeat the question as if they
are talking to themselves but I can hear them talking to someone else. Some

students will answer but they will answer questions that you didnt ask, or they turn
it around and ask a question of you. Like I say, the teachers are motivated to let
them pass, so instead of telling them they cant do any of the above we work with
them to get the solutions.

Another tactic is to just not do any work until the end of the semester. This may
seem counterintuitive, but if the student hasnt done any work we cant ask them
any questions. When we call them on the phone all we can do is tell them to get
started doing their work. So they wait. Some of them wait until the last week of the
semester to turn in anything. If these students actually did the work assigned this
would be impossible. All they can do is cut and paste their assessment answers
from Yahoo and mark the lessons complete. During this last week the teachers are
very busy grading. Most of the students are behind with their lessons, some only a
couple weeks, some are fifteen weeks behind. And they all have to complete their
lessons that last week. So the teachers spend every minute of the day grading as
fast as we can for twelve hours or more. There is no time to make phone calls. And
there is no time to check and see if they are cheating, or do anything about it.

However, the majority of students get around the phone quizzes by just not
answering their phones. They know our numbers and they will program their phones
to ignore our calls. I will call them twice, once with my listed number and then, if
they dont answer, with an unlisted number and they usually answer the second
time. But that only works once. Sometimes they will just hang up on us and blame it
on the phone.

As with the cheating and failure list we tell the principals when we havent been
able to reach a student after trying five times. This time the principals will take
action. They have an array of tools that are not made available to the teachers.
They can even lock the student out of the lms. That gets the students attention
really quickly. But as with the other lists, if we give them too many names they get
grumpy with us and start to assign us more busy work. Rarely, they will kick a
student out of school, but from the teachers perspective it almost seems arbitrary
who gets kicked out and who doesnt.

I find the phone calls to be very demoralizing. I can waste hours calling and calling
and not getting anyone on the phone. Then when I do get a student it is very clear
that they havent learned anything. A little while ago I was able to listen to a second
grade teacher give a few of her students a phone quiz. I was shocked to hear that

one of her questions was similar to one that I ask my students. And it sounded like
her students were doing a better job than mine. I became a teacher because I
wanted to do something good with my life, I wanted to leave this world a little
better for having me in it. But I feel I am stuck in a job where I do more harm than
good. Our students learning is less than zero. We are teaching them to
procrastinate and cheat, and that they are entitled to a diploma without doing any
of the work.

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