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The Psychic View - Show Information Sheet Page 1

Stephen Lewis

Time Lords

Show Date:

Video 1:

18 December 2014


Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMuHpb7EUv0

Guest Name:

Dr. Benjamin Dykes

Guest Phone:


Guest Skype:

Guest URL:


Press Kit URL:

Show 2-Liner:

Dr. Benjamin Dykes is a widely-praised philosopher, translator, scholar and traditional

astrologer. He joins us to discuss the Time Lords -- a hierarchy of spiritual and
angelic energies that guide and influence the many cycles we are under at any given

The Psychic View - Show Information Sheet Page 2

Paragraph 1:

Paragraph 2:

Paragraph 3:

Short Bio:

Does it ever seem as if you always end up doing the same kinds of things, befriending or
meeting the same kinds of people, loving the same kind of partners, etc.? Do you get the
impression that in some area of life you have "covered this ground before"? How much control
do we really have over life? Is something guiding us individually? What? Well -- the answer is,
multiple "somethings" do indeed guide us through life, shaping our world by sometimes
bringing us good and sometimes bad. These "somethings" are referred to by ancient sages as
Time Lords. The Hellenistic Greeks knew them as the Chronocrators. Are they angels? Spirits?
Whatever they are, they're real. And -- very interested in us.

We are all aware of the cycles that guide our lives. Every twenty-four hours we
experience the cycle of the Sun transiting across the sky and sinking into oblivion
beneath the Setting Place in the west. We organize our labors into cycles of 40 (often
more) hours per week. Our year is governed by the cycle of the seasons and the
various festival cycles of the world's religions. But did you know there are many, many
others? And each one of these spiritual cycles is controlled and guided by a Time
These Time Lords, or Chronocrators, affect every dimension of life -- health, accidents, love,
money, children, siblings, travel, everything -- and they steer the spiritual cycles which hold the
key to unlocking true bliss and accomplishment. So powerful and pervasive are these Time Lords
that a knowledgeable astrologer could write your biography from beginning to end without ever
even knowing your name, based just on these cycles and the planetary spirits that rule them -the Time Lords. Listen to this week's Psychic Viewpoint and understand how to decipher the
most mysterious facets of your existence. Learn how to divine your future in every detail, and
understand your past in a way that would have been impossible before listening to this show.

Dr. Benjamin Dykes is a leading medieval astrologer and translator who earned his PhD
in philosophy from the University of Illinois. He earned his medieval astrology
qualification from Robert Zoller and taught philosophy courses at universities in Illinois
and Minnesota.

The Psychic View - Show Information Sheet Page 3

Long Bio:

Philosopher, classical scholar, translator, traditional astrologer, magician -- Dr. Benjamin

Dykes is the quintessential Renaissance Man, and he has resurrected the most potent
and cherished intellectual monuments of the ancient world in order to make them
available to students everywhere. His efforts have helped give the field of spirituality and
esotericism a new eminence and prestige.
In 2007, he published 13th-century astrologer Guido Bonatti's complete Book of
Astronomy, and since then has translated and published numerous traditional works on
nativities, questions, and elections. In 200708 he also translated the Works of Sahl &
Mashaallah, on all branches of traditional astrology. He recently published Astrology of
the World Vols. 1-2, Traditional Astrology for Today, and The Book of the Nine Judges.
In 2015-16 he is publishing translations from Arabic and Greek.
He currently offers the popular Logos & Light college-level philosophy courses on MP3
for astrologers and occultists. He has drawn on his extensive experience as a college
instructor and ceremonial practitioner to distill many fascinating philosophies of life into
digestible portions without sacrificing important details. The Logos & Light series
introduces modern students of esoteric thought to traditional philosophy, which is
embedded in all aspects of the Western Tradition. It is ideal for people with some
knowledge of traditional thought but who want to enrich their understanding. The series
has three goals: to instruct, to provide constructive materials for a philosophy of life of
your own, and to offer critical perspectives on the assumptions we make about
ourselves and our world. You will not only study the "big questions," but practice
adopting important attitudes towards emotional balance, techniques of sacred geometry,
and much more.
Additionally, Dr. Dykes reads charts for clients worldwide.

The Psychic View - Show Information Sheet Page 4

Theme: Please keep this short yet descriptive. This has to go on the event graphic for facebook.
Video1: Complete URL with http:// to your first youtube video
Video 2: Complete URL with http:// to your second youtube video
Paragraph 1, 2, 3: Three paragraphs to entice listeners to your show. As space is limited, keep the total of
these to a reasonable length. This is shown just below the guest's picture on the index page.
Guest Name: Name of your guest. If they have a title such as Dr. include it
Guest Phone: Phone number of the guest. If outside of US/Canada, provide country dialing code.
Guest Skype: If your guest has skype, their skype ID. (Europe/Asia etc needs to have Skype)
Press Kit URL: If your guest has a webpage, they may have a press kit link, provide that link.
Show 2-Liner: Must start with guest name and be an accurate description of what your show is about and a
smidge on the guest. Must be 2 good size full sentences.
Guest Short Bio: Space is limited. No more than 1 good sized paragraph. This is shown on the index page
surrounding the guest's photo.
Guest Long Bio: As long as it needs to be. Minimum of 3 good paragraphs.
Attach photos of your guest to the email you send this in.

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