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C7: Introduction to Criminology, Law & Society

Winter Quarter 2015

Tues, Thurs 3:30-4:50pm
PSLH 100
Prof. Charis Kubrin
Office: SE II 3379
Phone: 949-824-0704
Office Hours: 4-5pm Wednesdays

Teaching Assistants
- Chris Bates: batesc@uci.edu
- Gabriela Gonzalez: gabrig4@uci.edu
- Carol Newark: cnewark@uci.edu
- Nestor Vera Tata:
- Office Hours and Locations on Course

Class website available for enrolled students at: https://eee.uci.edu/15w/52000

This course provides an introduction to and overview of the field of Criminology, Law
and Society, surveying the basic components of the U.S. criminal justice system (police,
courts, and corrections). Among other topics, we will discuss tough on crime policies,
drug treatment courts, the War on Terrorism, the politics of crime and crime control, the
punishment of sex offenders and its implications for public safety, rules of evidence,
prison riots, and the death penalty. The emphasis in the course is to critically evaluate
how we process individuals through the criminal justice system and the implications this
processing has on public safety, civil liberties, public policy, and social control. Particular
attention is paid to current challenges to the system.
To describe basic features of the American criminal justice system, legal
sanctions, and methods of social control;
To explore different philosophical perspectives on justice and formal and informal
To understand police organizations, how cases are processed through the court
system, sentencing decisions, and the various forms of criminal punishment;
To critically evaluate criminal justice policies and their consequences;
To become smart consumers of news reports, political rhetoric, and public
discussion about crime, punishment, and the law.
There is a required text available for purchase at the UCI bookstore, Introduction to
Criminal Justice: A Sociological Perspective, edited by Charis E. Kubrin and Thomas D.
Stucky (Stanford University Press). Also, you are required to purchase an iclicker,

through which your class participation will be tracked. Make sure to bring your text and
iclicker with you to class each day.
Final Exam
Class Participation 10%
Your grade for the course is based on two in-class examsa midterm and a final (see
dates in course outline)as well as class participation. Based on content, the midterm is
worth 40% of your grade and the final exam is worth 50% percent of your grade (the
final is not cumulative). Both exams consist of multiple choice, short answer, and essay
questions. The TAs and I will be keeping track of your participation through the quarter
by tracking your iclicker usage in response to questions posted in lecture. Class
participation is worth 10% of your grade.
Your TA assignment is based on your last name. Please see the TA to whom you are
assigned with questions about course materials or grades.
- Names beginning with A-Ca are assigned to Chris Bates (batesc@uci.edu)
- Names beginning with Ce-Hu are assigned to Gabriela Gonzalez
- Names beginning with Im-Qa are assigned to Carol Newark (cnewark@uci.edu)
- Names beginning with Qu-Z are assigned to Nestor Vera Tata
Academic Misconduct and Classroom Etiquette: This is a University of California class
and, as with all UC classes, students are expected to abide by the student code of conduct.
Students who are caught cheating on an exam will fail the course, with no exceptions.
Please refer to the Catalogue and Schedule of Classes for UCIs academic honesty policy:
http://www.editor.uci.edu/11-12/appx/appx.2.htm. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Students are also expected to abide by the basic rules of classroom etiquette including:
getting to class on time and coming prepared to engage; turning off all electronic devices;
not talking during lectures; and remaining respectful of diverse views when engaging in
classroom debate. All views are allowed and welcome; however, expressing them in a
respectful way is required. Reasonable people can disagree, but disagreement needs to be
expressed in ways that are conducive to the free exchange of ideas, productive dialogue,
and meaningful learning.
Use of Technology in the Classroom: Please turn off all computers, cell phones, pagers,
portable radios, televisions, MP3/CD/Disc/Mini-disc players, and any other electronic
communication and/or entertainment devices before coming to class. Students with
phones that ring during class will be asked to leave.

Missed Classes: If you miss class, you are responsible for getting notes from another
student, not from the professor or TA, and/or listening to the lecture on podcast. Missing
class more than once or twice is likely to compromise your grade. Students are
responsible for reading course emails and consulting the course website to keep up with
course updates.
Missed Exams and Disputing Grades:
Please note that exams MUST be taken on the scheduled date; there will be no make-up
exams absent proof of an emergency. You must let the instructor know before the exam if
you are unable to make it. If you wish to dispute a grade, you must do so in writing at the
TAs first office hours after you have received your graded paper or exam. Submit the
marked exam along with a brief memo explaining what you dispute and why you believe
the grade should be re-considered. The TA or the professor may lower as well as raise
your grade.
Students with Disabilities: You should notify a TA as soon as possible to discuss specific
needs. You are also responsible for contacting UCIs Disability Services Center, (949)
824-7494, so that any necessary accommodations can be made.
Although it is not required, you are encouraged to:
1. Raise your hand in class, question the professor, engage with the material via
discussion, and otherwise ignore that this is a large class!
2. Get acquainted with one another. Exchange e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
Form study groups. Engage in collaborative learning. Studies show that students
who engage in collaborative learning tend to do better in college and beyond.
3. See the professor and/or the TA as often as is necessary to do well in this course.
Do not wait until problems are irreparable or concerns are outdated to seek
assistance. Try to make it to our office hours but if that is not possible make an
appointment. If you extend the effort, we will be available and willing to help you
do well in this class.
The course outline indicates what we will be doing and when we will be doing it. Please
read the assigned texts before class. Due dates and topics are not chiseled in stone; they
are tentative and subject to change. If changes are made, they will be announced in class.
It is your responsibility to be in class. If you are absent, you are responsible for getting
the information from a classmate.




Jan 6

Introduction to Course

Jan 8

Foundational Issues of Justice

Human Behavior and Crime Control

Intro; Cullen & Gilbert;

Jan 13

Foundational Issues of Justice

Perspectives on Punishment

Garland, Packer

Jan 15

Foundational Issues of Justice

Criminal Justice Theory

Kraska & Brent

Jan 20

History of Policing

Intro; Goldstein; Williams

& Murphy

Jan 22

Police Culture and Practices


Jan 27

Policing Strategies and Impact

Black; Weisburd & Eck

Jan 29

Film on Policing

Feb 3

Police Misconduct

Feb 5


Feb 10

Courtroom Players

Intro; Spohn et al.; McIntyre

Feb 12

Plea Bargaining and Justice

Steffensmeier & Britt ;


Warren et al.; Bayley

Feb 17

Disparities in Criminal Sentencing


Feb 19

Film on Courts

Feb 24

The Jury
Specialized Courts

Butler; Gottfredson et al.

Feb 26

Goals and Forms of Punishment

Intro; MacKenzie

Mar 3


Radelet & Borg; Sample et

Death Penalty
Sex Offenders
Mar 5

Prison Life

Pogrebin & Dodge; Useem &


Mar 10

Crime Control in the 21st Century

Intro; Platt; Beckett & Sasson
Carceral State and Collateral Consequences

Mar 12

Crime Control in the 21st Century

Emerging Crime Control Strategies

Mar 17

***Final Exam***; 4:00pm-6:00pm

Wakefield & Uggen

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