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Gives player all weapons

# wuss

God Mode
# dog

Removes target
# notarget

No clipping
# noclip

List of the player's inventory

# listinventory

Teleport to location
# tele x y z

Prints out current location and angles

# coord

set current health

# health

Kills the player

# kill

All Weapons
# give all objects - (the cool thing about this cheat is that when you are low on ammo just put it in again and it willmax
you out on ammo.)

All Levels

# maplist - brings up a list of all levels, click on the one you want to play

# winchester

Activate Cheats
n order to activate the cheat codes you need to create a shortcut from the MOHAA executable (.exe) icon. The default
location is C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA. Right click on the short cut and click on the Properties tab. Delete
the existing target line and replace it with the following:
"c:\program files\ea games\mohaa\mohaa.exe" +set developer 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set cheats 1 +set
ui_console 1
Start the game by clicking on the shortcut icon. Once you're in the lobby click on the Advanced options menu in the
stack of radios on your left. Turn on the Console option. Press the "~" key to bring down the console and you're ready
to go! Note: you may need to enter cmd in front of each cheat, for example:
cmd winchester

Secret Room
In Multiplayer on the level "Stalingrad" you can see two windows under the two levels up above it if you go in one of
the upper levels go out one of the windows above note : don't jump out only "slide" out if done correctly u will land on
the ledge of the "secret" room go backwards then your shall be in the room WHERE NO ONE CAN SEE YOU P.S.
(only works in version 1.00 so v1.11 people cant do this sorry!)
Submitted by Trey Solorza

Get A Third Person

When you have met Major Jack Grillo, On the first level. After you have the chargers (bombs)You run into the open
you will notice a truck and some barrels. Go up the steps next to the barrels and follow the guard then kill him and the
rest, the person who was being interrogated will get up and help you with the rest of the mission with a sniper rifle

Get A Sniper Rifle in D-Day Without Cheats

Get A Sniper Rifle in D-Day Without Cheats

Get A Sniper Rifle in D-Day Without Cheats

When under the first bunker. When the two soldiers run across the mine field go to the pit near the barbed wire (Do
this when the machine gun men are focused on the two soldiers) and at the bottom you while find a solider who died
with a sniper rifle. Pick it up and snipe out the machine gun men then get to the other side as fast as you can!

Get medal in the first level:when you with major grillo rescue the american POW and stay alive to the end of the level.
Get the medal in the second level:when you are in the submarine go on a left side and get into a last room and steal
the mainfest.
Get the medal in the third level: Just pass the assault in the Omaha beach.
Get the medal in the 4th level: destroy the two King Tiger tanks.
Get medal in the 5th level: all of the three members of the special tank crew must stay alive.
Get the medal in the 6th level: when your sniping on the train platform you must escape less than the five caustless.
Get the bronze star:Just pass the last level.

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