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General information:
School: Primary school Vrapii, Mostar
Class: VII b (according to the nine-grade programme)
Teacher: etica Jasmina
Date: 16th Decembar,2014
Subject: English
Topic: UNIT 3-Times and Places
Lesson: UNIT 3 C Murder in the library
Lesson type: Presentation of new material
Lesson aims and objectives:
- to introduce new vocabulary
- to read and understand the new text
- to encourage the students to speak using the new words
- to develop specific skills; reading a factual report; making hypotheses about who didi it
- Development of motivation for language learning and satisfaction in learning
- Developing and supporting curiosity, independence and creativity
- to develop vocabulary
- to read the text, find the relevant details and based on them students raise hypotheses

Teaching methods:
Oral presentation
Text work
Teaching forms:
Frontal work
Individual work
Teaching aids:
Student's book,
Blackboard and chalk

Introductory part
I start by greeting the students and announcing that today we are going to work on the new
lesson. I write down today's lesson in the diary and ask whether there are absent students.
Then ask students whether they had homework from last time and if yes ask them to read.
After reading assignments on the board write the name of today's lesson.
(duration: 5 minutes)

Main part of the lesson

Acticity 1-Students book, page 36, exercise number 1. Reading and speaking. Read the
report and answer the question.
I introduce students to the story asking them: Who is Smart Alec? (answer; He is a detective.)
What is the title of a story? (Murder in the library). What does it mean-translate the title into
your language. Look at the picture. How many rooms can you see (four). How many people
can you see? (five). I will get interested students into story announcing: One of these people
is going to die! I explain to students that Smart Alec is at scene of a suspected murder and is
writing a report.
We continue with reading the story. All students participate in the reading part by part, and
then we translate only the words they are not familiar with. Prior to that, I explain new words,
trying to make students understand the meaning without the actual translation. Then I write
the unknown words on the blackboard. Then students translate the text into their language.
New words:
Dead /ded/-adj mrtav
Die /dai/ verb umrijeti die of cancer
Death /de/-noun-smrt
Shot /t/-noun ( shot at/somebody/something), pucanj, pucati
Fingerprint /frprnt/-noun, otisak prsta
Handle of a door /hndl/-noun-kvaka
Sink /sink/-noun-sudoper
To Peel /pil/ -verb-guliti
Cottage pie /ktd/-pita sa kuhanim mesom, veinom govedinom.
Drop something /drp/, verb-ispustiti iz ruke, baciti
If I notice that they do know some of the words listed above, I dont write them on the
blackboard, in order not to waste the students time with familiar words.
After reading, I start the comprehension check. I ask the students some questions to make sure
they understand the text.
1 Who was John Ross? The answer( a film star).
2 When did he die? The answer ( at ten past two in the afternoon)
3 Where was he when he died? The answer ( In the library)
4 Who else was at the house at the time? The answer (Wilson the butler; Mrs clare, the cook;
Adams the chauffer; Mrs Ross*s daughter, Donna.
5 What was each person doing? Answer: The answer ( Wilson was settin the table in the
dining room; Mrs Clare was peeling potatoes in the kitchen; Adam was reparing the car
outside; Donna was watching TV in the living room).

Exercise 2

2. a. Look at the picture. Label these things.

the rooms the people
I first write an example on the board:
library-John Ross
I give the instructions- Look at the example on the board and do the same for other rooms
and people.
outside the house/garden- Adamas
kitchen- Mrs Clare
living room-Donna
dining room-Wilson
2.b. The same procedure as in 2.a.
Where were these things:
the oil
the butler's fingerprints
the plate

the cup
the potatoes

Answers :
The oil was on the handle of the front door. The butler's fingerprints werw on the library
window, the cup on the desk, and the handle of the library door.
The plate was on the dining room floor
The cup was on the desk in the library. The potatoes were in the kitchen sink.
Exercise 3
First I tell the students that there are three possible explanatinos for John Ross's death:
Somebody killed him, he killed himslef, it was an accident.. Perhaps the butler killed him
because didn't like him.Stuednts will give more ideas using the expressions and giving
reasons for their suspicions.
Optional extra: Time permitting, I use the text on page 36 to develop vocabulary learning
strategies. In pairs, students discuss which are three most important unknown words in the
text, and underline them. I write the words on the table and invite students to guess the
meaning. Students write two more questions about the tect, first beginning with Who and the
second beginning with What, to ask their partners.
(Estimated time: 39 minutes)
Final part of the lesson
Before the end of the class, I assign the students with their homework.
Homework: Students workbook, page 28, exercises 1 i 2.

(Estimated time: 1 minute)



Murder in the library

16th December,2014
New words:
Dead /ded/-adj mrtav
Die /dai/ verb umrijeti die of cancer
Death /de/-noun-smrt
Shot /t/-noun- pucanj (shoot- verb, past simpe-shot, past participle-shot)
Fingerprint /frprnt/-noun- otisak prsta
Handle of a door /hndl/-noun-kvaka
Sink /sink/-noun-sudoper
To Peel /pil/ -verb-guliti,oguliti
Cottage pie /ktd/-pita sa kuhanim mesom, veinom govedinom.
Drop something /drp/, verb-ispustiti iz ruke, baciti

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