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world .



I. Prologue:
New Yorks beautifully apocalyptic orange skyline assembles. We are then brought to the
East Village club scene.

1. {{New York, New York VARIATIONS, with OVERTURE}}
a. Shostakovich 8th quartet, Mahler 5th symphony styles
2. First in Bells/Pizz. Strings/Choir
3. Sudden crescendo as foreground (club) scenery appears
4. Grow to Full Orchestra

This prologue begins as an overture, with no-name drag queens introducing their names and a certain act,
culminating in the queen __________s final act of M&Ms shooting from a candy cane-shaped tube hidden up his
asshole. Audience cheers rousingly, screaming laughter and fear over the music.

5. Music becomes horribly dissonant

A beeper pierces through the sound and the orchestra dwindles to a feverish murmur.

The scenery turns and vanishes. Up through the audience a beautiful casually dressed man (JACK) enters the
streets with his beeper and moves towards a payphone. The conversation quickly reveals a lude business
transaction, culminating in Jack scolding the potential client.

The scenery turns again just as an alley door opens, revealing the inside of the club post-partying. Partially
dressed queens, musicians, and gogo boys drape the furniture.

6. Music picks up into a groove. {{STRANGER ON THE CORNER CRACKWHORE}}
a. Classical vs. Blockhead

Miss Undastood closes the song commenting on queens who have left the business. She fondly recalls a queen by
the name of Aqua. A man in the audience proclaims that he knows Aqua to be dead. Killed herself working a day

~ Curtain ~

II. Josh

An advertisement office floor is revealed. JOSH speaks on the phone, pretending to do work as higher-ups and
clients walk past. In their absence his conversation with _________ (Mom, seamstress from Atlanta?)

Joshs past and current status are revealed over the phone. He is dryly sarcastic. He is new to New York and has
just booked his first regular gig after being named Best Queen or Whatever for the 6th week in a row.

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